Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 01, 1904, Image 1

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    Harrison Press - J ournal,
with IM
1. 190-&. 1S3 0.3
Public-sttoa of contMt notice fT.SO.
Daa't forget that ws handle stationary
CfM berries 10 cU. a quart at Lo wry a.
Apples at W rock price at Bourret &
Da via
J. E. O. Hunter was in from Adelia
Dr, Spindlo, the Crawford
Dan Davit is totaling with a bad cold
this weak.
F. Stradal was down from North view.
Wyo. thia week.
Birt Hamlin was down from Pleasant
Ridga yesterday.
Oscar W. Story waa up from hit ranch
at 8try Tuaaday.
E. F. Pontius returned from Hill City,
8. D. laat Friday morning.
Walter Raad wan in from thaaoutb
mrlof the county this week.
WTH-. Two or three tons of good
tiny. Inquire at thia oflica.
County mapa for sale at this office.
Uolh on paper ami card board.
Mr. Z.O. Neuel and wire, from near
Kirtley, were io town thia week.
J. A. Phipps WM in aod lked ov,r our
stationary while in town Monday.
J. E. Porter waa tip from Crawford ou
official bunioess the drat of the week.
Come in and aee our new line of horse
"blankets; They are fine. Lacy Bros.
Una's forget the big show Friday and
BaUirday, explained in another column,
The highest cash price paid
far hides at J. 'vV. Ricedorffs.
Jama Wilson accompanied M. J,
CConnell'a cattle to Omaha thia week.
Th kitchen at the Commercial Hotel
wss decorated with a new renge'Monday.
The finest line of fresh and
cored meat at J. W. Rice
dorffs. Mika Jordan returned from the east
Tuesday morning, where he waa market
ing horses.
Dr. Spindlo, dentist.
Crown and Bridge work
A car of bom waa shipped from here
yesterday made up by Will Phillip and
Wr. Schaefer.
A. P. Boaenburg and wife came up
from Adelia and spent last night with
Dm editori.faraily.
Bob Miller left for Hherian lat nieht
after apending a faw day visiting friend
and relative lie re and at Bedarc.
When in need of a Range
or Heater come in and see
what we have. Lacy Bros.
The lady loeing a black ailk glove, tit
"7, between here and the courthouse, may
have the Barn by calling and proving
Mr. Click, wh ) has been working for
Heary Waroeke on Kunning water during
Uie past ais moo the, left for Long Pine
, night
Thoea shipping cattle from here Mon
day are: H. Wickersham J3 cart, Cor bin
Lewis i cars. Tom.Doy le 1 car and M. J.
O'Coonell 1 car.
Thanksgiving has passed aod we are
glad. What for? Because ws lived to
see it pass Also because we faal that
we'll eee another.
Miae Minnie Hanson, who oame bars
from Iowa last weak to look after Inter
ests here, returned home Tuesday even
ing. She had a siege of sore throat while
here, which made bar visit rather unpleas
ant. Baa Kirkuatrlck, a brother of Mrs, John
, FiDlef, arrived here Thanksgiving morn
ing aad visited bis sister aod family until
Monday evening wbea he departed for his
(tome oear Lincoln. He works for the
The M. W, A. lorga will meet Saturday
Dec. 10-04 for the election of officers.
Let all members be present.
Dr Spindlo wi'l be in Harrison three
days, next time, Dec. 13-14-15. HI! I all
those having work left over from last
time please come early.
Frank Deister is moving to Provo 8. D.
this week where he will winter his stock.
He had his subscription moved up two
notches before leaving.
Miss Amy Christian, teacher of the
jrimary room here, made a business trip
to Lusk Tuesday. Miss Faith Wicker
sham took cliarge of her room during tier
Two two year-old steers branded
(or knee pants) on left side.
Anyone presenting infor
mation concerning their wbere-a-bouts
will be rewarded, Eooekt Bohwek,
Harrison, Nebr.
Will be given Friday evening Dec. 9th
by Helping Hand Society,
Recitations, Songs, Dialogues and Tab
leaux. The Ladies Aid Society Album quilt
be said at auction. Commence at 7:00.
Quilts, Comforutrs, Hugs, Pictures,
Opera Shawls, Pillow Sliums, Hlioe
Pockets, Dresser Scurfs, A pron Splashers,
Lamp Mats, Bead Chains, Sofa Pillows,
elc, etc. ."
Gentlemen come and buy your wife or
sweet-heart a Christmas present.
Baskkt Suwkr. '
Lttdies are requested to bring box con
taining supper for two which will besold
at 25c each.
RcMolutloiiH of Sympathy.
Adopted by Silver Leaf Camp 1381,
Of Harrison, Nebraska.
Where, an Allwise providence has
sentllisangel inlo the home of ourNeigh
bors, Mrs. Antona Vuldez and Anna Mo
r.tvek, and taken therefrom a loved sister;
There fort, lie it
RESOLVED! That we, as a cunip, extend
to our Neig hoor and their relatives, our
heartfelt sympathy; and be rt further
RESOLVEO: That a copy of these resolu
tions be spr.itd on the camp records, a
copy b sent to each of ' the bereaved
Neighbors, snd a copy sent to the local
presi for publication.
Mrs. Wanda Davis.
Mm. Elizabrth Bioioow.
Mr. MjiodiE Piuddv.
Lewis A foore's big, scenic production
of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" a grand
revival of the great temperance drama
the world has ever known.
An elaborately constructed production
proving every where a sensation unpar
railed in the history of the drama.
Carrying a superb band and grand aug
mented orchesti-ii of 10 people, all special
scenery and a Hrst-class acting company
of Indies nd gentlemen. It is evident
thnt nothing has" been left undone to
make this the greatest triumph of all
modern dramas. Free band concert at
noon each day, displaying more wealth
and grandeur than ever before attempted
at any other opera house show.
Opera House one night, Dec. 2 and 3,
Bodarc Gleanings.
Dan Jordan was busy working on the
No. 0 road Monday.
John Coffee returned from Raw Hide
Bob Miller came down from Sheridan
Saturday for a few days visit to his old
H. Wicket-sham went east Monday
evening with a shipment of cattle. He
expects to spend a month or more visit
ing in South Dakota, and other points.
Sanford Hill and J. L. Anderson are
busy preparing to build a house on Mr.
Hill's homestead joining the Wickersham
Sev. McNab and family came up from
arey Saturday. Mr, McNab preached
Snaday to a fairly good attendance.
Arthur Miller aod Bob Jordan drove a
refractory steer to town Monday for ship
ment with the Wickersham bunch.
Eti Zimmerman pulled out for bis
claiai Tuesday with a load of building
Millard Thayer and wife returned to
their claim on Antelope with a load after
spending Sunday at home.
H. A. C.
In response to considerable recent inquiry,
the COMMERCIAL BANK is pleased to an
nounce special arrangements to make long-time
loans on Heal Estate.
Say what you want.
DEC. 2, -3
. Big, Scenic Production of
A mipcrt) revival of T. S.
'Arthur's Famous Temperance tiem
Prof. Jess Zinc's
Prof. Hoag's
Augmented Orchestra
Each day. Don't miss it
Conic and see tills great moral
temperance drama.
PRICES :-31, 3r,-& 50 cts.
There was a surprise party at the hull
last niht consisting of the Royal Neigh
bors. The party was arranged by Mrs.
Chas. Unitt Put Orical and Mrs. vVjmda
Davis Vice Orical. ".
Tin surpise was on the Orical Mrs. J.
II. Willierinwlorfer. After everything
wan Arranged at the hall the Orical was
brought up by Mrs. Pnddy, the Recorder,
uud it was a g' eat surprise to her, at least
you would have thought so if you would
have seen her when she entered. Games
were j.layed anil refreshments served and
nil had a jolly good time until time to
Hunter Happenings.
Nice weather again this morning.
J. H. Cook, of Agate, left for eariern
place Saturday evening.
J. A. Rice visited at home 8unday.
A lady and two children, friendi of
Mrs. Mcintosh, came up Saturday morn
ing for a visit.
Mrs. Smoke and son Will came up from
Chadron Saturday, going back Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis visited at J.
A. Rice's Sucday.
T. O. Williums and family took dinner
with his sister, Mrs. J, A. Rice and fam
ily, Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Weir, Dr. Weir's mother, and her
sister, Mrs. Tuylor, of the east, came up
from Chadroa Saturday aod are visiting
Mrs. Bassett.
Messers Christensen. Proctor and Jones
were at Harrison Monday.
While playing with some other boy
around the platform at, Andrews Monday
evening, Delbert Rice fell over a pile of
scrap iron and nearly broke one of his
We had a great day Monday, we enjoy
ed wind, sand, rain, snow, sunshine, and
the excitement of a run away. Luckily
very little damage was done, everything
was soon repaired by Mr. Jack Cook and
Mr. Butler, so we got home oo time. A
playful puppy was the cause.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clare passed through
the valley eoroute for James Walpoles
for Thanksgiving.
Nels Peterson and Luther James are
dipping cattle this week.
The Lutherans will have preaching
Dec. full at the home of Carl Haymeires
and again Chrmtnu eve, also are going
to have a Christmas tree.
Mr. and Mrs. James Walpole made their
boms a visit on Sunday the 13th.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kratz were pleas
ant visitors at the home of Charles
Nortnass Sunday Nov. 20th.
; Cards.
Physician Surgeon.
OFFICE: Andrews Block.
Old Line, Assessment and Accident
Policies written
Correspondence solicited
Address; Harrison, Neb.
Malcom Worthington and Frank Carl
son have Btaried in batching again fur
this winter in John Meokem's canyon.
We presume they wish that Churley
Huwe was with-them again to play dish
James Young di i not move to Louie
Allison as Former reported; he is still
down on lower Cotton wood.
Joe Rose is building an addition to his
house. We don't know what that means
hut hoe we won't loose him as a bache
lor. Peter Nortnass and Dexter Fiundt are
helping Chas. Nortnass get out lu.iiber.
Mn. Conley, who has been quite sick,
is able to be around again,
Luther James has moved on his former
place again.
Anton Meckem and family were visit
ing over in the Hat creek valley last
Hay Seed.
J. C. Madsen had the misfortune to
receive a sprained arm and shoulder by
falling from the roof of his store to the
ground last Tuesday.
Thanksgiving day has passed roosters
as well as turkeys made up the bill of
fare in this immediate vicinity, and those
who were entertained are Mr, and Mrs.
L. M. Petarson, Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Web
er, Mr. and Mrs. Mortensen, Mr. and Mrs.
Blomberg, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wikett,
and Miss Jensen.
Miss Clara Morlensen was home for
The dance at Mr. Bioniberg's place on
the evening of Nov. 24 was well attended
there being quite a delegation from
Soldier creek. All reported a good
Country boomers, boomers, boomers.
Very seldom do we look out of our win
dows and doors without seeing loads of
lumber and furniture on the way tosome
'Garden of Eden" spot.
Last week the wolves and coyotes kill
ed three DL bar calves at the KC ranch.
Very little trouble of this nature has
occurred as yet this early io the season
Captain Johnson brought some calves
up to his Glen ranch Saturday and was
also looking after his stock interests.
Mrs. J. Jensen gave a party Saturday
afternoon to the school friends of Arthur
and Mvrtle, in honor of their llih and
8th birthd.iys Respectfully delicious
refreshments were served, and a pleasant
time spent.
Preparations for a Christmas tree are
being made at the Glen church. We
hope everybody will turn out and make
this one of the mose pleasant times of
the season for the children. '
Miss Clara Mortensen returned to her
school duties Monday night.
, Yot RS asB 4.
IsiBwaaat sTews h ISst?.
Princess Iolanaa of Italy at the age
of 7 months la beginning to tajk. She
says "papa" and rfmamna" aod bar
Kngllsh and Italian nam are quar
reling as to vfctfMr sa la speaking
Ultra t So!!.
Don't Agree In Politics.
They Do Agree To Sell More Goods In The Next 30 Day!
For The Same Money Than Any Other House In
The North West,
That we carry a full line of
Dry Goods and Notions,
Boots and Shoes, Groceries
Flour and Feed.
: : Everything Carried In A General Store. : :
Will sell you the best "HOT
BLAST HEATER" on earth.
There you can buy a first class suit of clothes.
, In Gents furnishing goods they keep the best
Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes
And such other goods as are kept in a general store,
They sell at bottom prices.
The finest line of wines, liquors and best brands of cigars.
THEO. SAGERT, Proprietor.
I You Are Reading
That's what it's here for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give us a trial. Yours for Business,
successor to. a H.NEWMAN
Lurnber, Doors, Sash, Lime,
Coal, Wagons, Buggies and
Machinery of all Kinds.
I also carry a line of Wind
Mills, Pumps, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc. etc. etc.
A large stock of feed, both
ground and ungrouud al
ways on hand.
mail orders givea prompt
Give me a Call.
There was a large attendance at the
Teachers' Association held in Crawford
the 25th and 28th and everybody was in
terested and willing to do their share to
make the meeting a success. A motion
was made to have the meeting place of
the association changed from Crawford
to Alliance, but was over-ruled by a large
majority. Those attending Irom here
were Misses Amy Christian, and Esther
Parsons and Messers C'onnrd Persons,
George Williams and Ye scribe.
Lumber, Lath,CSash, Doora,
Lime, Cement; Flour, Feed
and Grain; Buggies, Farm
Implements, Wagons;
Hardware, Wind
mills, Pumps
& etc.
A Specialty
At this office.
Done with catsjem anal sllraatolte
Call and get our prices. o
Letter Heads, Bill Hea4s, StatesMeCk,
Envelopes, Cfti-sto, rsn nwt