Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 24, 1904, Image 2

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    Tb Eirrtsca Pnss-Joirnil
It tou i.s II t..-ir wt-re due to
sat Lis crown nice! Japanned,
If sour milk will keep a nan tweet
I only proves once more that thia a
saatrary old world.
The A mating Marriage," by Georgv
tMNdltb, la understood now to mean
marriage en the 10 year plan.
There la almost aa much formality in
we coronation of a Servian monarch
ta la tbe aaaassinatlon of one.
BUence sometimes serves a a a aub
atttute for wisdom. Juu aa stupid self.
asthtfaction does duty for dignity.
Sow the bead of tbe house bewal'.a
me fact that the 30-yard bk.rt aud tbe
fT-a-barrel flour mine into fasblon tbe
line season.
"Undoubtedly tbe Lord hates a liar.
ays the Boston Herald. Isn't this
pen to argument? He may bate tue
an, but kTe the sinner.
King Peter succeeded in getting him
Mi crowned without tbe firing of
mot. If he la wise, however, he will
seep right on compelling the cook to
ate bl virtual first
Men who attach themselves to a po
tties I party with the Intention of hav
V everything their own way make
mistake. They should begin with
foatrjr or a church choir.
Thia aew language, Esperanto, Judg
atg from samples that bars appeared
print. Is full of hyphenated words.
Chat settles iu fate in this country. It
rill never get tbe hyphens past the
There ought to be no room in thin
Wintry for the "Black Hand" and tbe
Vefore Day" organizations. Tbe pur
toses of both are too dark, aa Indl-
ted by their names, to be permitted
survive among an enlightened peo
A New Haven man has been sen
need to serve Ave years in tbe pen!
ttntiary for embezzling 175.000. Tbe
twderful thing about his case is that
tie pessimists are not caning atten
an to tbe fact that he was a Sunday
school superintendent
Liverpool cable dispatch In a trade
annul reads, "The world Is hongry
asr cstton &nd cotton gwus." Ivuit
atliag an Important truth, this sen
sce suggests how often 'hunger" la
ajuratlvely used to Imply sharply felt
aants of all kinds. One never says
mat the world Is "thirsty" for cotton
foods, for work, or for vacations.
The average reader will give but a
slanclng notice to tbe statement of a
lew Tork costume creator that "so
sety girls" cannot dress on less than
ftO.OOO a year. The same reader will
ok upou any girt, man or woman
irho spends $10,000 a year for dreas as
laving more money than sense. It U
lie good, hard-working girl to whom
fce majority of Americans look with
srlde one who can get along with
00, $50 or even $25 a year for cloth
C not the pampered ones who spend
torn $1,000 to $10,000 a year for dress
sad have set their traps to snare a
reign duke or count
Tbe test of tbe habitual criminal Is
. fie lack of response to reformative ln
llieuces. The beginner in crime, what-
Cer his temperament or his apparent
rdness of heart, is entitled to at
ast one opportunity to show whether
s ta thus amenable to reformatory In
lances or not If not and he persists
criminal action, the Interest of so-
ttjr would seem to demand the lnde
minate sentence and he must be
Bade to understand that having for
MtBd his chance to shape his own ca
aW. he belongs to tbe State, and that
whether his imprisonment lasts for a
Aerter or longer period depends upon
Skilled labor Is generally able to
flange Its base when the desire awak
sm, but few craftsmen can see so
of tbe country as expert fruit-
do. Tbey begin their year In
leorgla, for Instance, where the peach
sssBB comes In June. From tbe south
p tbe 8tate they go to tbe north; then
b Arkansas and Missouri; later to
kicblgan and to the mountain districts
af western Maryland; finally to Cali
txrala and Florida, and thence round
M Georgia again. Metaphorically,
"berries are ripe" at every season
fisMwhere In thia fortunate land, and
It should be a happy man vrho, even
m t war Of business, can keep per
KaJIy ta tcvcll with tbe beauty and
of harvest
A law years ago the scientific
a was ttqold air. aa recently tt baa
mtSmm. Liquid air was to turn
"car wbosh, boot our bouses to wln-
tzX OMl laosa to swaner liquid
I ra la destroy our garbage, anes
t3 ow pata and aabsr in a new
tt waa soberly argued by bod
rola ejaiai to adentlfle kaowl
C2t t53U air esold bo aaod to
v:r;rasaora to asake awe llqnkl
Jtla, wttb a tblmbteful at tbe
t3 oeoJd bo created strong
-tJ pjr tao oartb from lta orbit
At Oa Cwt that JfrffBtoat
' t twsspaa? owaiat
fled. IJqtild air it .' rful It
ever was. but wonderf ulnesa is not
usefulness. Science also ha iu toys
Goorg Bernard Shaw's new roi
I ty,;v .firt Ev.-i,n s 'Lou Huai
: Evron d;d bts test to prev nt this.
; He rhymed Ju'aa with "new one'1
j and with "true one." Rut be bss
shared the fate of the other English
poets, who for year and years, and
almost for centuries, rhymed Cadiz
with "ladies." Thy had annexed
Cadis and bad Anglicized it. Their
descendants have hauled down the
Bag. Cadi aga:n be;u;.'s to tbe for
eigner. It Is called "Cahd etb." W e
say "Don Kebote" Aud we shall
probably go on wiring that a projev
is "kehotJc" Which leads to th a o
eral rule for ;ture: 'Take all for
eijrn words that have been Angicited
ami translate theui back into their
original langtiag-s." Versatile, for
Instance, tx-rame so couiie?ely Artjili
cized that In the mouth of tbe uwt
fastidious ErgKsh scholar it rliy:iiel
with pails. To acquire culture, make
It rhyme with pie. Then, some iy.
Ibo exuuislte!y cul'ur d m.m will
come who will r-ait'iab'T tbsf York
Is Ri:ii;,ly au Anglicized ct mixtion "t
tbe name which the Roman save the
town, and who will, therefore, talk oi
taking tbe train for New Eboracum.
Prof. Mation, of tbe Smithsonian In
stitution, has been studying the bioudt
leoplea and now feels warranted In an
nouncinjr that In six hundred yean
the blondes will have disappeared frnrt
tbe face of the earth. We arc not go
lng to quarrel with Prof. Mason. Al
an attache of tbe Smithsoulati limtlru
tion be ought to know all about blondes
In tbe a Infract of tnurne but per
haps he has permitted the evidence
of bis eyes to weigh against the testi
mony of centuries. He has probably
observed in bis journeying to and from
the Smithsonian Institution tbat tb
locks of niauy of the women he meets
are becoming darker. Boiug a man of
sdence and not an Idler In Ixjmloirs
Prof. Mason has ascribed this chant;
to the processes of natural evolution
Instead of to its rightful cause, tin
fashion. With due submlttsfon to tbe
professor we will hold to the belief
tbat the blonde will continue as an In
stitution. Tbe passing of the peroxide
person !s admitted. It Is proper that
she should be on ber way. Hhe re-J
mained over long. Her successor, th
bronzed blonde. Is but an ephemeral
creature and will disappear in much'
less than six hundred years. I?ut tbe
tow-headed races who have been mak
ing history since tbe morning of time,
they flve no evidence of vanishing.
The brunette long head has been kept
busy for twenty ceuturiea tryinK to
bold his own with the Iilonne flat pefi'l
A LI- . : . u . l. i i i . .1 i i
and the might of tbe Teutons doml-
nates a great part of the civilized
world to-day. We will not worry a bout
the flitting of tbe biomie in spite of tha
dismal prophecy of Prof. Mason. Ha
Is an image breaker who sees with un-1
seelng eyes and who dispassionately
makes an announcement that would
destroy the anthology of rouiauce and
passion and spoil the scenery. Hit
study of the races might be of mora
avail if it were carried on in th
mounds of tbe Middle West ratbei
than on the blondiue crowded atreeti
of the nation's capital.
Henry James, in
raphy of William
gives a delightful
his recent blog
Wetmore ft"ry,
gllmpss of tha
uinu:neiits of the rmnn it Arnerira t
. .. , ... ', J
and English children In Ito.i.e of
whom Just fifty years ago little Edith
erory, me sculptors uauguter, ruad.i,
one. She was, too, tbe most favor d
one, foT she was just recovering from
a dangerous liliies, and was there
fore the special pet of ber father's fa
mous friends.
Hans Andersen was one of them,
and, says Mr. James. "Tbe small peo
pie with whom be played enjoyed,
der his spell, tbe luxury of boliering
that he kept srvd treaanre4 in evJry
case, and as a nil! the old tin sol
diers and broken toys received by him,
In acknowledgment of favors, from
Impulsive infant bands.
"Beautiful the queer Image of tbe
great benefactor moving about Bnrope
with his accumulatpins of these pre
cious relics! Wonderful, too, a cer
tain occasion, that of a children's
party, when, after he bad read
throngh The Ugly Duckling.' Brown
ing struck up with the 'Pled Pip r,'
which led to the formation of a grand
marcii through the spacious Parterlui
apartment, with Story doing his best
ou a flute in default of bngp pes.
"But tbe tenderest recollection 1st
of Thackeray reading Th Rose and
the King,' as yet unpublished, to tbe
little convalescent girl who was al
ways so happily to remember that In !
the old Roman days, between daylight .
and dark, the great anther had sat on
tbe edge of ber bed and read the Im
mortal work to ber, chapter by chap
ter." Happy litis convalescent. Indeed!
And think bow proud when, later, In
tbe first Toiarae of tbe first edition
pnbOsbed. she found a drawing of an ry wori- Bnb ""Mf lowered the lao
oboeqalona little fltinky presenting a -U0! 'C "1 tb" cBdl, ,nd both
little rose and a little rlag on a sal
rer, with his "most reopectfnl com
pUmenta to Ml as Kdith Store."
"Didn't 70a aa 70a bad all tbe cob
forts of homer' asked tbe Indignant
"Wafl." answered Fanner Corn too
v. i l
mmww wwm iiaii wwi w vmmm wsrs .
Tsr', e In ' f-ikt ur thtt i a ke A
la' up !.
Srrf lr tbat -.'f i . k. r
Thr . a r!r ft'H ' laaak mat's u:
is' ef if Hank.
Aiitf' a lie;tt!u' all ! fnaiitry ro&4
t'a-' a a ? a f . a,
Aa' ia tjuklii' 11
fur thai attri-14
d j attfT 1 1 ml I
Au' thrrr lota friit
Coot! fur l,a yrr o.. ajr oti'.f
a a'
a a -gntnt I aiai dla ilay aurt ut up aa
For a ctUt ihinV pmwlM ir d
J'P I'll Mtt o -t n:r (Uo 'tirr 4f tCAt
taik U roua'.
Aa'll uud'-rtitr tu tlrw mr HirW - (-aa
Hrr'i 61 riiriiibatla'; I 1 fr i(' a M-a
!' fa re..
for I'm h; ;.r h It laa't la tj f.MtfT;
U it krt fa. d It from Ar iuu lu dr a-a
V a of d r.Afi;
Aa' I a'pr ' io lit Land oi nt a
I.' ruuti'.
Ilirr dla fcuM -t In my ktw; twan't by aa
But l! itr.d
turn d alnbla I aod to
An' I tut in thit affair,
in d f-ad
a air- ijr ihcm.
Fcr i m raisin' ail my cLU tfis cw
My ten 'tt!!'rr ! r,pr fd ofTprtt;f
Uut ilfflr .rruiila' tricLa wou't let mr
All d tuul'ry I rtwo-alM, Is drir artlojia la
as' dat a w Bar ir I.atd baa gnt a jnkr
I y-r riicmlra I n Rot na bt atmyM
'! aa tint,
Tf I only m:iit 4 vlitl manLlo' aa
Aa' d arala an' Jala dy jlh undrmrath
d liwr rib.
Ia rttaatlaia' dat if !-(! Almijfcty '
Warn dcre rr.ma a melnn-fambw, an' if
rines la all aatiammtn'.
If' Inrrndil I wld aratltm! alioiild think
Of d . n furd'r back, aru dre waaa't
any la. It
ui oat oetttxti ly rrwt contalntu rood aa
An' d dnllara I don aa dat didn't r
oall I'ti tii,
Ao de lfa nr jfrratr lird rtea dat
I I.t
All d t ln,a djt I'm hnft, makra mr
tbankfi.l fi:r whKt's left;
Aa' I trunh ta taul au' Iwdy all d.y
rf .
Aa' a Jul llo.'i Joja dar are, from ir daisy
la i- ft or.
Pat la worth de tliaa af coiiiitln' 'r
Hud or:
Rut of all lhai k tltnlr Jrt, ll'a tbe tbiagi
I Oiin t -et,
Ttjt J thluk 1 tarr ta br d- Ituiiikful. t
Will t arletno Is "lonja of Twa Cea-
j X
"Oh. Bfb, juut lo k at tbe two pump
kin! Aivu't tliey lanstera? TUi-y arc
ke. tin,. 1 II bet tuejr re tn iti.
I lit
.- r Z . . J
, w,' j,.. if we h..
tor Is n terns. We'll sk moiiier."
"Motlier!" called Bib and K'iy friro
tb" back yard, "can we have tno two
pnmptias for lanier mr'
"u"- wa:,t 1 ir'e 0li'-- Y"- ? .T'J
j oiay usve tm::n. i ney are t o n;,r r ir
pia," atwered Mr. Phillips from t'te
, doorway.
Hi bys rnutiiiaed t'jeir work of jrsth-
tniij putupkins, ami o;ily one fountl
U OMtcb "the tin" in size.
"Wt'll make a lantern to-night out of
thJs oue, It-ib, stxl unre the tivins til!
Tbiakiriving v. Then we'll hare sonie
fuu." ssiil Koy.
"I iar. ICiiy. let's gr, jnd wnre tluwe
rcoi'la dfrtva in the h'HIotv. Hold it up
t tb ri4 ami then run. Tiir- b.j
who lives there hit me witli a suowbill
and naurly kninkeil out my front t'h,
and Pre never bad a chance to pnj him
"All right. P,ob, w'll do it."
Kar'y in tbe evening tlis my worke-I
Indastriously at their Isutem, cuttirs
... . . .'" o.iir iiie
OI t-anaie were placed ln, Kn jt waJI
truly a hideous-looking thitiu Mr
Phillips who was busy preparimf the
in-inKiivnig i .unties for that ifhd dsy.
did not notiee the boys stealthily leave
toe nonce. ,ne despised a mem action,
and Bob and Itoy knew he would not
approve of their unkind sport. They
quickly erosv 1 the fields and walked
down a hill into a lonely, d.imp hollow.
Pujrht before them stood smil!, tumble
down houe with a feeble licht shinimr
un-!from neOny window. The boys crept
i una muo ana crouched beneath it
JMrt as Pwb was shout to raise tbe lan-
F.LLIAU I11K t'1'MI'Kl.xS.
tern after lie bad lighted tbe candies
eh"d s voice asked anxiously:
'Mother, aren't we going to have am
pirtnpkin pies or turkey or anytuing nice
en Thanksgiving 7 We bad each lovely
dinner last time. Is it because we aren't
thankful tbat we can't have any Thanks
giving dinner?"
There was a Dsns of class broken nnt
ef tbe window, snd tbe boys could hear
"Ne, darling, tbe reason is that we
aren't any money te bay audi things.
Since father died, deary, it baa been very
bard for Mother to even buy bread for
Then a boyish voice with a brave note
hi it spoke:
"Never atad. asotaer. . Wei get alsag.
: don't tike pumpkin alas very well, aay
serf, because they're so spicy. Bat I'm
fsing to bay
a bag of sugar eookles
bm 1 oatwast Woat
ita. . -..
a 111
- J
W'hn tbr citiiena
Kit pli-bej rt'b and they both crept
up the hill an4 into the pumpkin fieid.
!eeing tbe t w in numpkitiS aieamine iu
tSie ticwuliiit, x.rh sat J.iwn on ihrm.
"I e,v, Itoy," said Bh. "that's pret
ty hard not to hara any Th.ink'iivins
dinner, sod that boy's a briik. Did you
! hoar him comforting; bit mother? I like
biiii even if be did nearly knoi-k out my
frm.t tx4h. I.et a tell mother all about
it. It makes mt squirm, though, to
think what she'll say sbont u scarinj
people. I'm gt4 w didn't do it, bt-
Hit liny did not answer. He waa
thinkin;. Suddenly be jumped two feet
in the air and sd:
"Hurrah, Itob, hurrah! I hart it
"Whrt hire jnn, Rot? Tell me
The boy reeimied his eat an the ntimp
kin and imfoMed his plan.
"We'll tell mother all about it," be
Wan, "and sk her to sell na a lot of
pie, cakea, Jlly, tsrls snd a turkey,
and we C4U py for them with otir chieje
en money. Then we'll soop nnt all th"
Inaidea of thene twin pntnpkiaa and fill
tn with the nice thhis. sol tbe nlht
helore Th.iukfjiving we'll carry them
down to thnt nil hou and kick the
d'KT snd rna. Won't that be r.in? A
hundred times better than mskinc a Ian
teru." t
H b besrliiy ssreed ft the plan, and
boili ltoys hurried home.
"Mother! mother! ne're cot somKhlng
. H .... i r i. i . i m
w . ,u. rtn.j i.i, urtr.itwn SkV.
Mm. Pliillipa a.it down and b..:jed
while the boys ehaineface lly to'd alKint !
their inteotloti of warinir the neonle hi1
the k:;!!", et wUicb -ho iokwl rerr
Then ther excit-ily told ber their
"T.ike all onr chicken mo:.ej-, mother,
and give na piles of good things," said
"And if there isn't enough money you
can have some of our chickeua to pay for
the stuff." sdded Bob.
Mrs. Phillips et tered gladly into the
srbeme and promised to have everything
ready by Tunnkiving ere. She allow
ed tbe hoys to pay for p.-irt of the fet,
as she thought H would lie a uood leon
for them.
The liors were mneh excited and e.irly
on the appointed night brought In the
twin pumpkins, ni ely cleaned inside, and
eHeh with s small cap cut off at the top.
It was a very important part of the plan
that the pumpkins should look as if jut
carried from the field, Mrs. Phillip
carefully fiiled them with tarts, jellies,
cakes, celery and delicious mince piea, a
great pst of fresh butter shaped like a
pumpkin, two loaves of currant bread
and a pair of chicken. The boys added
a big bng of orsnces and a box of candy
especially for Bessie. Then the pump
kins were so full that not another thing
could be crammed Into them. Mr. Phil
lips now appeared to assist with hearty
good will and brought a great basket of
potatoes, turnips, apples, and, last but
not lesirt, a huje tnrkey, all ready for
masting. These things, together with
the pumpkins, wera earned with much
smothered Isoghter to the door of the
bale old tumble-down hu- T- r !
bails filled with goodies held the nlace
of honor and were stationed directly be
fore the door, lit boys bad the pleas
ure of kicking on tbs door and then dived
into the darkness.
The door flew open and a young voice
called. "Mother, oh, com and see these
, immriuf ywutfiiJUTi; Ana on, mere s a
i turkey and s big bssket of things."
The surprised bttle woman hurried to
! tbe door and, after gnsing at tbe gifts
la astonishment, said, "Iet's carry tbem
! in. I wonder who has been so kind to
1 ur
They dragged tbe basket snd pumpkins
into the house, and suddenly tbe boy
cried out, "Oh! oh! these big pompkins
sre full of lovely things. Don't cry,
mother, dear. I know wno left these
things. It was those Phillips boys, Bob
aud Roy. I'm sure it wss, because I
heard tbem ask their mother If they
could hive those big pmnpklns. Twins,
they called 'em. To-morrow I'll go and
ask Bol Phillips' forgiveness for hitting
mm ami tell Mm I didn't mean to."
Bob and Boy walked alowty home,
Idsstd tbelr parents good night and went
to bed. The last thing Bob said was,
"The boy's a brick. Us needn't beg my
forgiveness. And we'll be friends after
Then be sank into s sound and happy
sleep. Detroit Free Press.
"Are you going to bars Aunt Peerisb
for Thanksgiving, msmmsT" asked little
Both, who wsa isboriously Jotting down
the things for which she thought she
should be thankful,
"Not this year, dear," snd tha young
bnpefnl Joyfully mode another entry.
"Hare yea ntarb to be thankful for
this yosr, Grumpy 7"
"Well, something, rai thankfol that
V AfsT "rl,' ? . ;W BSSSJ af V I TV F ' Si
--XKmsT 1 ,Bsm rm m V 7 1 J$" .M
bey can't
sitaa abof
it aay tmigasr for me
as last twotro
IS w
i!l he iiilopniJcat of market prices. fbir Daily
To ihaksg;visgs.
And now.
How Wamhinittori'a Proclamation Dif
fered from Thoac of Later iJoya.
Nowadays, the Thanksgiving prolsma
ti'm of the Slate and national executive
are brief compared to what they were In
trie early diys of our republic, says
writer in the Boston Herald, la tbe awe
of the bitter he doean't foreshadow his
furUicontiiig annual message as was
liiiftoa's time. This is seen in the T!i;tnk
giving proclnwtkna issued by our great
snd gAM first President in the early, part
! the i'sar
i ' eb. V.i as
"a day of public thanksgiv
ing and prayer." The "Father of ilia
Country' was then years of ae and
was serving his siith year as President
it was a lung document and covered
quite a number of points. Of these,
will advert very brieliy to oniy three or
wur which are peculiarly sjg.ifjcaiit.
la the preamble be mentions, as the
Cm subject, "demanding the public at
Rutioii on this solemn occasion, our ex
emption from a foreign war" and net
pnp,se, ss "an object of gratitude."
the "increasing prospect of the cotiliuu
anca of our exemptions from a foreig.i
war." Which propositions evidently re
lute to the settlement, through special
envoy, John Jay. of our, serious trou
bles with Great Hntiin, growing out of
the continued occupation by tha British
of the western forts on Lake Brie, con
trary to the treaty of 1783; and the seiz
ure of American veiwels bound for
French ports by British ships and the
imprisonment of American seamen.
Another csuse for thanksgiving, ac
cording to the same high authority, Is
"the great degree of internal tranquillity
we b.iv enjoyed." To which is sdded
"onr cause for thankfubiess for the re-
cant confirmation of thst tranoaillitv bv
the suppression of sn Insurrection which
so wantonly threatened it."
And in another place the President re
pents this Idea, asking his people "to
render a tribute of praise and irratitoda
it , 'P0" of " events, fo
nsWe control which has been
to the Great Disposer of all events, fo
... vim uimwiicr ia rue sup
pression of the iats insurrectiou." What
ine rresMetn had In nuud In thia allu
sion was the "great whisky Insurrection"
la Pensylvanla m 17M, rstised by tba
passage by Congress of acta Imposing
duties upon spirits distilled and upon
stills. It was finally snpprewd by Gov.
I.ee of Msryland, with 1B.000 troops,
acting under orders of tbe President.
Tnrkey Oolibli r lime.
A soug Is borne soon the Imu
1 hat dotb mine car dellgMt,
When nnls sre ripening ou tbe tress
And thistle pods are white.
Ko radeuce elear of rloglog bells,
Ko music set la rhyme.
But lust s symphony that tells
Tfs torkey-gebbler time.
What vlataa epes ta my vlewl
Vi bat f lorlmia dreams arise I
A inu of elder, sweet snd saw,
A row nf pumpkin pies.
The rl1 Tbsuksglvlag's goldea stats
This resr Is st Ms prime.
Hurrah! barrab! bsrrab oars SMrsi
'TIs turkey-gobbler time.
. -H. I. Drum.
"Going te observe Tbsskamvluc as
your house, Johnnie I"
21 vj
Mrs. O. 1
wife ef 0.
raoka. ef Sallshorf. M
. Fas. Sbrriff of Wlco
niico uosiory,
says: "1 su
fered with kid
ney rvsupuilul
for eight
yeara. it cams
oa iue gradual
ly. 1 felt tired
and weak, was
short asT breath
snd was trou
b I e d with
bloating a ft re
eatiiis.sBMl ay
limbs vers
badly swolles. One dn-tor told ane It
would finally tura to Bright a dtaessM
I was Isid op st one time for three
seeks. 1 bad not taken 1 loan's KIsV
rey Pilla more than thre dajs when
the distressing acting across my buck
f hispprared, isd I was aouo esittrely
For sale tiy all dealers Price 94
eeuts. Foster U ilburt! Co , Buffs lo,
S. T.
F'Otball pJayers rateiy have rrava
to dr al tbelr college criminations.
It la Inferred that the pr fes n ar
'Dclmed io be ! rj I"ut with thorn
An officer In the Gcrm in Arriivh!
evented an actl)lcne csrLhlg'Ul
srbUh can b carried by one roan,
tn-1 whicliwiil Ilium In i te every thl 04
1th In a distance of ons hundred
IWt 0 VTKW3 WW A3V r9 rUl
A. . ITT. r.a CO.. K-a-n. af.m., U S A.
rwr. i ca-M A was c , 'icv.ato, c n.
A popular bOMtdlig rmise for
pi Inters exists In Mudlson Btrcet of
certain cl y. Tbe njansner It
rery shrewd and amp'oyes only stoat
wrrant girls, home of tbe typos
tcc-isloimlly staifer b me under ao
icealve qoantMy of beer, snd the
itout girls are found very useful to
lelplog tba tight gentlemen ep
Uirt. SlOO ilmrti, aioe.
Tba resulen m t.n otr will ha nliMaakl ta
.nam lliai u.ere t at nn.t .ine ilrm.!i hna
lial fccieora tub. Iwwui alii u ttrm it. .ii 1
laiim. ai)i mai ( suutii. llall'i t alarrti l'ur
ine oolr miVllve cure kbotnu in mwii-al
raiernltv. (aurrta l-in a eon.tlliilloil ill
-e. re.i!lre a coimtifiltoiii treatu enL Hall's
auurii ( ure U.ft luietiialiv. S"tins dire. Ill
m lim hlazi tit.! t;..' L i. . .
leieby )R-,i,1fm fuun.lallini at llie
raw. anil f tin- ino i.nlleni -iren-.!h hv bulMliia
p Iue ' ou liiutlou ami aoisloiii uxlure In noma
i-ifK. U.h tjjolM ietor hti iiiich lallh IA
U niratle poer llml Kiev odor One 1 1 uo. I red
li,nr t,r un -n-f ti.nt 11 laiU la u: Bessl
lor l.-l tt Ua.tllfinTliit!.
A.l. re I j, IIKN'kT & CO, Totsde, O.
tvio by rrnt;t', V..
JlU I 3I1U.J I'lli are th- het
Farmer' Insurance companies hsre
wakrncd to the fact, that lately the
llnny of cittle bv l gmnloK s iaige-
y du to wire fet.oa, which attract
lie electric Quid.
It Is asserted that the glare ol
rlecttlc llahu 00 war vesteh Is si
tiU-nsclv brilliant that the sail irs
rvqumtlv suffer fiom weiitncss of
be ey. In a few cases total
ollndnts has resultud.
We hear a uood deal scd about tba
lenity ov iotelleckt, the force of
feaion and the dlcsnmlnatlon o
ulrment; but man It more re
in irkabie for hi wblms Hian ermr
bng else I kno of The physical
itreoKtb or m it men be. Ins tu de
cay after their ality-thlrd year.
A Marel of Rolief
St Jacobs Oil
Sale snd sure Iw
ssd eitecta a unmet cur.
Thomas Uulno. of ha ait .,k
Jtreet, PblUdeipiila, haiaoat which
fldnilr is anigous to peipetuate
ler r.ce. 8be recently gave birth to
1m.ty.0M kittens, each about tba
U of a A- Id mouse.
ure oough and cold..
"Ton bet! Mamma gars tao sash gs
at Basso aW as.
0. O . 41 TOIUL VCM