gU.CK RESULTS. J Mill of (;,. V Justice f lie Oiiiv, y: "! u' kidney Pills proved a f rj ii-nt remedy in my I u i e (1 thcra for elisor ileied kidney and backache, frum wlin li liiiil experienced a great of trouble and pain. Tli kill ney Ki-n-! innii v i1-: -Jr.- cre very irregular, dark colored and full of sediment. The Pill clearml it II n;i tnl I have imt hnl au ache in my back ninie liking the last dose. Ily health generally in improved a treat de-il." KOSTKH MIUU'KN Cil. IhifTalo. N Y. For sale by all dealers, price Tfi cut per box. (i rman ln-rs" butchers will ooen res'aur;r.t in lietllti t cd .irate the ypper class In t lie use of hosc flesh. Na'lonal bmk nous are one-sixth erf the money in circulation. At an afternoon r cption It is not necessity to stsv during therotite time betwee n the bonis mentioned for remiig, neither should the call be t'.o sliort it made; wiib marked baste; one to threc aj u;i rt crs f an hour Is the time asual y spent at th- call. Id K r p 1 , . 1 j H'h'wls three hours a week are given lo ncellewoik; la New York bCtinols hut one. s, v.' v fj IMiss Gannon, Scc'y Art Association, tells r L T. i corn. Iwri s .'if."K.-; Vt -v do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles. " Dear Mtm. PrvirnASf: I enr rnn'HrntioiislyrwmTnt'nd LydlftEL PJnklmrn's Y ciretahle Conipourul to thowtof my sisiors siiil'riiig Vfitb female weakness awl the troubles which so ofU'ti liefall womt-n. I puf-ftTi-ti for inontln with ironural wtjakm-sa, and f.-lt so w:iry tliut I had hard work to ki-. p "p. 1 had IkkiLui paina, and wan utterly mi.rablo. In my distress I wuh advL d to u.-io Lydia l' l'inkli.iiii's Vrirotable Compound, and it was a red loiter day to me when I took tho iirst dosn, for at that limo my restoration began. In nix weeks I was a changed woman, jierfcctly well in every resjteet I felt so elated and happy that I wantall women who fmlTt-r to get well I did." Miss Guila Gaunon, tub Joue3 Detroit, Mich, Secretary Vniateur Art Association. It In olenrly shown In th's yonrg lady's letter thai Lydia B. Plnkljam'B Vegetable Compound viil ceUlnly cures the sufferings f women; and when one considers that Miss Gannon's Wtr Is only one of the countless hundreds which we aro continually publishing In th newapnpera of this country, the (rreat virtue of Mm. Plnlc bam'i medicine mnst be admitted by all i and for the absolute cure of all kioda f female ilia no aubatitute can pokBibty take lta place. Women ahould bear tliia Important fact in mind when they o into a drujr store, and 1m Riire not o accept anvthincr that in claimd to be "just aa pood " as Lydia K. lMnk hnhi'a Vrit:tAbl Compound, for so other medicine for female ills has ao Uiay actual curea. How Another Sufferer Was Cured. Peak Mhs. Piskii am : I cannot prnl-w your wonderful remedfes tmmiHi, for tbey have dono me more gKi than all the doctors I have had. For Ibn bust eight years and more I suffered wi;li female troubles, wa-i very weak, couid not do my hoasework, also had nervous pros itralion. Some days I would remain unconscious for a v. bole day and night. My ri"ighbors thought I could never recover, hut, thanks to four ntAdhriiw, I now feel like a diuerent woman. "I feel very grateful to you and will recommend Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetablo Compound to alL It has now been four years hince I had th last sjiell of nervous prostration. I only weighed nir.ety ight lounds at that time ; now I weigh one hundred and twenty-three. "I consider your Vegetable Compound the finest remedy made. Thanking you many I imes for the lienelit I received from your medicine, I remain. Yours truly, il us. J. II. Faiimkh, 2801) Elliott Ave, St. Loiuh, Mo." Itemernher Mrs. IMnklmrn's advice Is free and all siek women re fooliKli if they do not ask for it. (She speak froiu th widest xperiente, and hut helped multitudes of wumeii. gkm ft FORFEIT " ranti'it fnrlbwlth rrlai-a lh orlsrlnal eHrrt and Irnataraaat Vkllflll iMluuuutMlI, wlilcU Will V'V Ui'tr ntwnlnl snlilri-n-, ArHllJll -vt K. rinkll-m M..I. Co.. L.llll, MM Sale Ten Million 6 TUB VABILV'S FAVORITI MIDIOINE Vw CANDY CATHARr,f! nHST FOR THE BOWELS ' M Mi fci.u , . W"if--"If it is so n c4tf that w; snou.u ec mm tni.e, iiy don't J u shave yourself, instead or piylng a tiarlier to d ) it.'" Husband 'That siinwi all you woiu-ii know abodt prt-ti t aud loss aroints. Why, a little piece of plaster, nn bigger than the Hid of my chin, est ten cents. II ADD TIMES THEATRICALS. Manufacturer "I want wins ad vertisieg spare hi your drop curtaiu for tonight." Theater M .rnger "Sorry, but every s juaie foot is taken." Manufacturer 'Tj bad. How ever, it will do a well if you'll, just ehauge Hamlet's To be or not li be', into 'To wash or ti t to wash', and nave him ri in something aiO'jt my soap ' We r ar whhmit a bottle of Fieo'a Cr for C"!naiiiyt!"a ia our bun-. Mm. K. M. bwj, W'tkiia, Jia., April 17, 19oL The Oimati ponuNilon if the world in about w.ixjO.OiW, and of this number lo.Wyiou are io the United States. A cross section of a popular tree 80J yeati old is exhibited Id the North Carolina section of the Paluca of Fore,stiy, Fish and (lame it the World's Fair Ju fliameter when lOluuibus discovered America as lab'iut S inchis. It Is now umre than that many feet. The growth was I traced by rings, oue fot ea h year. .a" ...... v Detroit Amateur young women what to Boxes a Year. ', 1 1 All 1 II Lit Ilr.AL. Siinip irse ou ay ou are nut in live aritn any me eUe, but vm are io love with an Ideal. Perhar-g I cn in time approjcU that ideal." Mis li au I (regretfully) "I'm afiaid not. lie is a cbaiacter in the 'Atabian Nikihts. Kvtrytbirn he touched turned to gold." tu-nt iaiTfiavVitrld. Cream, Ark.. Nov. 7. (Special ) Af ter eubtt-en iiiontbV anffiTliig fr-m Kpriepsy, Ka.-kache and Kidney Com p.aint, Mr. W. II. Smith of ttua plan is a well niau naiu and those wb have wati-hed bin return to health uu .besltarliiKly give a:i the credit to li-Mld' Kidney PilU. In an interview regarding big cure. Mr. .:uitb miyn: "I bad bt-en low for eiK'jtecn month with my hark and kldnev and also Kpilepay. I had taken ererythinz I knew of and nothing neemed to do ui nv k haI till a friend of mine got m to aend for I),fld's Kidney HI!!. I fliid that they are the (created medicine In the world, for now I am able to work and inn in fa,-t m atom aud atron a bi-fore I took aii k." lo.ld'a Kidney pills cure the Kid m y. Cured Kidney cleanse the blood of all Impiiritiea. Pure blooU megiv goou ncaitli. Fifty varleticof auiicultura.' ro ducts are shown in the Texas exhib it in the Palace (1 Agriculture at the World's Fair. This is exclusive of the various vfgetab'es, winch aie only couoted as one variety. The display Includes the semi-tropical products of rice, sugar, tobacco and cotton, as well as ad products tuat grow In northern cllmatts. J be greatest heroes the world haz ever produced bav been thoze who bav dorje the most good in it. Tamarisk tliub: r 4 OHIO years clu has bi i.t) found lo icrhctly soui d condition in ancient Kuyptian tem ples. THK EVILS OF FOVERTY. The lissom taught thr tJf;b want ate i--t alas tnnoblit-g, and tbi re l a 1 in It to pOer;y hi yonrl which is dismay and well nlh uittrdei pair. iJi. kens, ecn aft :r jtais aol years of prosper itr, could never bear to reodl the fiiuhiful piivations he ei d'irt'd in liohoorl, and shrank as If inortaby hurt when any allusion was made to certain remit lscet & of the past, of widen txtieme poverty was the central figure. There were anniversaries and scenes which be could never recall wlihout a shudder and some passes in his life wnleh to his dying day brought, a sad pain ed hok lo Ins face. Constant de privations makes of anv lire a curse, and It forces many h uuan beings to live mere automaton existences. They would, if they could, all of them, perhnp-1, escape the evil, but the w 'ljjht Is upon them, the tnlll srene is about their necks, and th ro 1 nothing left tbern hut stole In dlffcrinre. Ttie blessings o' savory food, sunnv homes, books, pictures, the opportunities or dolrg g od an I of iinikitig i,lhers happy, are not to be lightly estimated., and cruel isthecausi; that sluts all cr them out. Life was not di signed to rils appolr t every aspiration, but t en able it t" expand, and any condition which sue th. rs nspiralh n or tiligou the possibilities of one's nature, Is a terribb misfortune, should he ac cepted as nothing less aod should he nianlutly combated. TILL NOON. Tlie Simple Di.h that Keep One VIor ouh and Well 1-cd. When the I.ctor takea bis own medicine and the grocer euts the food he recommends some coiiildeute comet lo the observer. A.tJrocer of Usshin. Ind., bad a prac tical experience with food worth any one's attention. He says: "Six years ago I became so weak from stomach and bowel trou ble that I was finally compelled to give up all work in uiy store, and in fact all aorta of work, for about four years. The laat year I was confined to the bed nearly all of tin time, and much of the time unable to retain food of Dy aort on my stomach. My bow el were budly constipated continual ly and I lout io weight from 10,". pound! down to hS pounds. "H'hea at the bottom of the ladder I changed treatment entirely and start ed in on Grape-Nuts and cream for nourishment. I used absolutely noth ing hut thi for about three uiontliR. 1 slowly Improved until I got out of bed and begun to move about "I have been improving regularly and now ln the past two yeara have been working about fifteen hour a day in the store and never felt better In my life. "During tbee two years I bav never missed a brnkfat of Grape Xttta and cream, and often have It two meal a day. but the entire breakfast is always made of Grupe-Nuts aud cream alone. Since commencing the use of Grspe Nnts I have never ued anything to itiinuhite the action of the bowels, a thing I had to do for rears, but this food kM-p me regular and In fine -Imp, and lam growing stronger nni heavier every day. "My customer, naturally, have been interested shd I ant compelled to an mer n great many questions about t J rape-Nut. "Some people wonld think that simple dlh of Grape-Nuts and cream .vould not carry one through to tlis noonday nienl, bnt It will and In Ui aiost vigorous fashion." Nnme given by Postun Co., Bat til Creek, Mlcb. 1,00k In each pkf. far tbt famous iltUt not. .'.tXU Bm4 to WaUTlUtk" 03SIHVAM PCtLY. The parrot, for many ymrs stome irLat out of favor as a wt, han of hi e jcea Hlt sdi'y rcsainin popularity. He s certainly a bird of brains and hciiu !'. 'f his disposition it-su can In' Ktid :li eouiineridatliHi; his fjvak;lif voii-e. bowever startiiiigly human, is never lieliltliious; and his laiiKli U there my sound in --uteiiipruous. Irritat I g. malevolent, even lieuili-h. than i In liarsh, shrieking l.-ui'hti r of a par fot I There I also another fault, always to 1 mentioned with, due charity tince it is not ttrijflnally his own; hi leiiliirable t.-ndeiu y to the use of pro fane laUK'me. Iiidetsl. the swearing narrot, with his iniKs t-ntly profane i:i trusioiis uihiu si'iious or sentimental f-onvcr-ation, lias liecome a stock per romige in tomic unei-dote ainl litera ture. Poor Polly! Kven when lie ilm-s not tcquire bad lani;uii;e during his lirsl Voyage away from his native wilds, he U:ay learu ither things iijuaily unde liiahle. An old lady who had returned indig riantly to the bird dealers one tine par tof whose manner of speech was that nf Jack at sea in a stonn. rei-eived in exchange a beautiful green creaturi with a wise eye, recommended as of impeccable conversation. "You'll tin ! him everything lie ought lo be, ma'am," they assured her. ' We'll warrant him polite, relined and Innocent. You see, he wan brought er in the ladies' cabin." In a few days she returned, her hon twinkling with wrath, brhiginif l'olly with her. , "You need i'I tell me that rmrroi twore. liia'i.m!" began the denier. Ulicn he saw her. "ile loiihln't sweur, lie den t I.:;r.-.v how; he never ln'iird an oath In his life." i "Swear!" said the Irate old lady. ''.'o, he didn't swear; I'd almost rath ir he would swear. 1 bung up h!s '.''g hi the (lining room, and for a few '.i.i.s ue ocin i niter a sound, lio n e day, when I had i-aiiers. he began i.i.iking the most awful soti,.ds-per-i 'cily dreadful sounds and kept it no iio.'. mg and choking tied gapping us If lie never meant to stop; and then it the very cud he sang out I'eehly. Vleward bucket!' Take him hack i tnl give me a good, plain, evi r.v-d.iy, ltny-at-lniiii canary-bird. I'm don.-i-lili parto;s." I'oor, poor Polly! Truly, hi- initnl- ration and education are beset Willi i.ilheuities,. In the forecastle tin- sail ' rs are not sick, but they swear; in t!i" ahm. the ladies do not swear, biii !hey are sick. LOMETHI.SJ AbOUT TUTUIUA. South Kea Colony Itaa an Ideal Jlarlior lis 1 oriuut ion. Far iii the south eas lies Tnluila. four thousand miles to the sou I hwest f the goiden gate of California, "the i.ei-oad place to the left as you leave Sjin Francisco," to borrow Steve. iso r.a Jroll deihiiliou, Ilotiolulii lying niid tvny there you vvhl lind Hi gr.s'.i islands of Saaion, says Iiavd Starr lonlau In the Atlantic. Voicmioe niake Ihe moiinta ns tind g res ami v-lid land of those islands; inches f rain a yar and an anient 'ripie nn make lis worn! rful for-st i.nd I'.sh and grateful palms; the "con! I i-e t" makes it-t white f horeline nud i rut I reels, wld.e coprn makes its en iliiring smell, and Its shifting eivllizi lion. And about it nil Is the iiliiilln ltescnee of the ocean. Fro n every V. 'tillage point one s. e Die blue Hiii'-r i':eet the blue sky; ever in one's curs Is the low (.r.wl of li e rcpul id wn t rs breaking i n the gun d ng ie-f; In 'very dlreeiton Is it ocean u id" a way In the world! Ttituila is primarily n liue v il-anle ir.iter, which has built up tin? island i ith the lava it has e e rtod. j iis niter of Pago Pago is fringed about tvitb steep wa'is from 1 . X M I lo 2..MI0 leef high, almost ve tifal on the Inner "dge after the fash ou of era ter, slop lug away on the outside a the lava now, two points hi its rim, the moun tains of Mntafao and Peoa much high er than the rest, and with a break t.ulf a mile wide ou the south, lifting In the sea. The harbor of Pago Pago, tints formed within the crater of iv n, Is nearly two miles deep and a mile v. Ide. This size Is however, mil h reduced by the barrier reef which oc cupies half the strait at the entra'iie, red which forms nn unbroken rim (bout the shore within. Put with nil liiis there Is room enough, not for all !he navies of ihe world, but for all th3 llilps ever likely to put In to Samoa, the winding entrance flints out nil mrf from tle south and the trreat walls on every oilier side make the . arbor securely Inndloeki d, whatever Mie hurricane without. It Is, in brief, Ihe one good harbor In all the South fens, and for that renson It is of hinh value to a great nation with expin tive commercial aspirations. In any ?ase It is now ours and la likely to remnlri so, a mere dock and coaling nation in the eyes of our American Jdinlnhtrators, but to Its people the olonyof Tuluila, of the Unit d S atw f America, a position In their eyes far nobler than to be nu independent xlngdom. lioo Knur Ihe OfT'ti'linir Snot. Pnrnea Tormer (as Hamlet) There I something rotten In the state of Den. mirk. Voice (from the gallery) You're It, Id man, Smart Set 1 in hern p. ! About Sfi.flfK) tons of tin scrsp are rented electrolytic-ally every year lu lennany, yielding 2 to 25 per cent taout 600 tons) mtrcbanubla tin. UNCLE SAM "A Zmsdy That Such End netnents Should Be In Every Home." Jljt ' ' i'f i j Ji " . hill af':' '.-J jfi -J2? Election Returns That Interest All Parties. The fashion of writing the letter in the b'rst ptge, skipping to the ;hird ur fourth page aud then back ;o the second, etc, Is not to be recommended, as it o'ten leads to ;onfus:oo unless the pages are ouni Dete 1. I ins have been found among the Fgjptlao niumm'es and in the pre fiistoric raves of Switzerland. Th1 most txpetisive chair in the woild belongs to Ihe Pope. It Is of solid silver, ano cost sW.OOO. A SAb CASE. Hostess "My dear c i int, you must ja'coti roe, but I bae such a very ' joor tintnoty of names, it's a re I HU ctlon. I have forgotten yours." i The Count " You slioulr, gonzult i-p eia it on mendal dlseis.s, mv ' tiar madan, you really sh iult. My j'jone is Kaskowowskischnirtltig- oski." MF.XICAN M'jsfcf.g LsrJmcnt cures Sprains and Straina. Wall pipers mad;! of immitatlon sbk and satin am t lie fads lust now jwi'b people who are able to p.y for tliem. TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hilioiisness. Mrlch init, it Mtress atlc-r Katmi?, Liver Complaint, lit', t-ti-b'.'. Kidney trenbk-s, lead to Consump tion and itn Untmitrv d';i?h, Leiirn fret., how lo cure tnese distrt'ssin complaints. Ad-iress THE PEPSALOIDS COMPANY, Jackson Park Station, i: Chicago, lit j MOW TO MANAGE HENS. Mis. Suburb"! don't see what's tie n after wlih our hens. Trn-yj don't i iy at al ." Farmer Meadow "You don't feed 'im fight, mum. Just you give 'em about two dol'a s' worth of corn every week, and the'll liy you a d liar's worth of eggs every seven days SUlUTtlSFD AT HER KNOWL KDOH. 1 tamr "I use, mum, I'm a fi- riancier, and ' li i.s kevDer "Huh I Ynu look Ike It." Tramp "You surprise me, niua I'd hardly have suspected that a; lady In Ibis out of thc-way place would he si familiar with Wall Street as to know a man on the ; wrong side of tbe market when she' sees biro." I Tbe Colonel's Kear A Kentucky colonel, who in every other way snowid enjoymeot of his buirbon. olways shut his eyes as he lifted his ghs to his lips. As this Is the way ' children aie usually advise! lo take unsavory medicine, his friends won dernd that the colonel shoul 1 show stii-h aversion to looking at the bever age thit all the rest of Kentucky likes lo gaze on only less than to ta te. Some one asked h m at lust why he alvs shut his evis. He replied: "Ah'mafrsld ir Ah bn k-d at It until mouth would whihIi and dilute m th 1 quah." N. Y. Tdhuoe L. Douolmm mnkam mnd mclltt men tncn'n I "N i fjM any oihaf ti:anulac:ure !n til tarld. ' .ioo The reawin VV. L. Iionsl f vr.i .imp, Brn the irri lent mi lo, p-,y rttnita and inii'Miu-. If I ruilrl hnT y..t. ih. diir.Ti-iirs l.pii.p. n the Iiiipa mml In my In. ti.ry ai d tle-n of iiihi-r ii':i.pii nri't the l.hil -i.; i'e ! i';i-raup"d jo w. ion iiihI.t. plinrt Iit VV. 1.. Iimmln. .-hop. runt more hi n-nlip, liv tin v h, 1 ..-p r .Ict.p, :o:pr, vi-p-.f ImiTPr, and are of irr- ilpr liilrheli- viilue thtiti wny otlu-r i.i .ho vaSl Uirkl Ui-d-iv 4inl why .j,a ealpa Tor the year pmlliia July 1, . itp IN '.Oct, W. L. hoiiiim auiir.nima thplr value hy eianii.ttij Lie and prlea oa tbebort..m. Iok for II kka no sutniUuia. bjld by alio aealera averyhore SUPERIOR IN FIT, COMFORT AKD i "I krrrr axira W. I., ftmpliu ta HO lWi for thr (rrl Iwm yrari vnth 9tfl"Jitrtjn, Iflntt ffcp'.i liipTwt in !(, r-imfiTl mitt wrtir In oihrtM ri'Mtlno Jfon ttuoi to 17.."- 'I. e. Ucl'l K, &VI. roll.. V, a. int. Jtmnur, KinummJ, ia. JT. I- THnaliia naea Cnrnna Onlt.klii In hi. plow. Cnrena 'n!t la MM1erl ke tSa Aal Pavtewl Laalliar mail, f a.i Ci.Tor I ji-lel. utmt i.1n.lly. W. L. OOUrLAS. OearaWrfawi. Mmmmmohmmtf. Urns . V , i- -. - :--.ri' ,V V - h 1 Our habits are what we bare learned, noihin more or less; heDesty and cheh;g tobacco are both of them habits, and if we suekceed io either we hav got to lesrn how. Grate talkers never hav intimates; everybody iz afraid ov them. What the world wants iz go id listeners. Ibare ain't no thlury haC so de likate. If a msn ij polite and honest ha Iz well b'ed. I con't kare whether be h id enny ancestors or nut. Western Canada's R:As::iFiCEHr crops for isq4 W, item Cansila'a Wheat Crop This vca, Mill Be msnzis AND WliUT AT PKiothT IS WORTH (i A BUSHEl The out mill tmrli-y crop will alto yield ala iii'ii io It. Spti-nilet irleg for all klrels nf prnln, rat tle a. el I'thi-r fsrm iiriKln.-e fer llie Ki'uvvlag of wtic li ihf clliiinte U tinioirpj8!i'U. Alient l.Vl.'NKi Ainnti Him have n-ltl.-d la WVstfrti e'toada during tbe pust three yt-ii i . ThetiKJimtft of free hone-dtiiflii of IflOarrea Mil. still available lu Ihe best acr'iiitural dlKi ri'-i . It turn hren laid that tbe fnlt-fl State will lie fon-fd to lniiort wheat wliUln a very few yeara. Seciirn a farm In (':tiinda ami teroiiie one of thoae who wll! pre- Jncf It. Apply fm- IrImI in liif riUan, Olt.W.. W fcl AllthorlMrl I nllXt. ! I i,Vri!lfl.lll inn): W. V Bntt, 801 Haw Tork EId.. 0li. Hn. tr-Nbraln LU Bargi-nsh Hr ai L u l . (.11,1 Estate is always a safe inves mem. It neither turns nor blows away Can you afT 'rd to rent wheD yon can own a quarter section for For further irifortnatinn wilte Schummlier v James. Orli-aus Neb. When the lord mayor of London is arnyed In bis robes of nflicD, l wears a badge which is orn io ei ted with diinionris valued at tOtJO 000. 1ET WEATHER COfilFOKT "I havs used your FISH BRAND Stickerforfiva yoart and can truth fully say that I nevr-r have h?d anything give me so much com fort and satisfaction. Enclosed find my order lor another ore." (HAMS AMO AOOfttSS ON APPLICATION) You can dify the hardest storm ulih Tower's Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats OUR GUARANTEE IS HACK OF THIS j SIGN OF THE FISH I A.J. TOWER CO. stfpiEil'S 1 Boston, U. 8. A. . a , 70Wtn CANADIAN CO. i'i&0tl TOaONTO, CANADA A Swis watch on exh billon by Parisian Jewtler has alit'le th no g'apti attached and Is tlius enahletl to ainouice toe bom. It shouts I'.u i i iiough to he beard at a dis tance of ttniy fe-1 EECGS CHER-Y GuuGH SYRUP cures coufihs ana colds. ku uam itiW witst U trSi i AilS. . L b I Beat Oiiush eymr.. Taeu-a O. r l In tlm. yeH tiv Uniirrl?'. tr. ,l,.,t. . , s. r .. . - yrr. f Mm - nioat ppiIpih In thu world ia l-panof thpirriPel- ' a mmm V N I! sJO J V.i, I. Nli'D i i 1 i I, i 4 f 4 J J. . Y e' f j. - k "fV -v ''"5JUX'jEi