Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 10, 1904, Image 1

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    -r4, . IS
Harrison Press -Journal.
1 18
villi 11
r i
ISTOVMO, 1904.
Publication of content notices 7 50.
Doo't forget that we handle atationari.
Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford
Birt Joboaon quit the W rneke ranch
j Soow oo the ground and it is still snow
ing um,
Wh said Charlie Coffee wouldn't carry
Sioux county?
Our merchants got in a car load of fine
apples thin week.
t ,
) Mist Anna Moravek went to E lgemorit
Tuesday evening.
Clau Chrmtensen was in from M i.t
rose precinct yesterday.
I. 8. Mclnt"h may feel proud f hm
vole in Bowen precinct.
A k Carl Larson i I he know- where I he
old town well used to be.
Mr. and Mm. John Plunkett were up
from Warboimet Monday.
County limps for sale at this office.
Both on paper and card board.
Aaron SLewart made a busmen trip to
Crawford tlie last of lust week.
llenrr Kreem.in brought iu Ihe re
turns from While Kiver precinct.
lrven Zimmerman and Mill-ird Thayer
re driving new wanumi the; da,.
Andre Christian and son Len were
down from Pleasant Ridge Moiiday.
Samuel Teeo- is, fruii Denver. Colo,
l here visittn Iriends and relatives.
Coma in and see our new ln.e of h rs.
blank. is; They ure line. LaCV Hlius.
The highest ciish price paid
for hidtsatJ. V. RicedoiiTs.
Ores of the most quiet elections that
lias ever been held pasl( off last lues
day. H. H. Russell and J D. Proctor were
doisg bunion, in town Hie lirst of th
The finest line of fresh and
cured meats at J. W. Uice
dorffH. Lenis lxrson returned home last week.
He has tafia working in Montana during
the paat, summer.
Dr. Spindlo, dentist.
Crown and Bridge work a
V learn that Mow Mtnta fipease is
teaching a very suocessf ul term of school
in Dist. No. 33-
Contestinp seems to be the order of the
lay. Hioux county's real rstale has be
coroe lb real tiling.
James Wilson sf.d his buirrh of cattle
(oC. VV. Ford. Mr. Wilson is now a
gentleman of leisure.
Mrs. Pierce and daughter Marion i-ame
op from Marsland Saturday to vtsil Mr.
od Mrs. Hibblen for a while.
Mike Jordan shipped a car of horses to
Illinois yesterday. Mike went witti tlmm
but look out (u wrecks Mike.
Harrison ha an interesticg Epworth
League which is doing a (reat good, are
u a mnibei? if not, Hiy not?
Miss Minnie Button went Out with Mrs.
John Anderson last week She will teach
the Children during the wtiilei.
When in need of a Range
or Heater come in and wee
what we have. Lacy Bros.
The Pro JOCKWAL family were t.M
recipients last week i f a idee lot of dried
fruit, sent Irum California by Moot
Quite a chilly wave swept oer the
northwest Tue-day and Wi-dn-sday to
mak it more miserable f r the poor de
feaUst candidate.
Carl Kstlvr was in from Highland Mon
day and had his card removed from the
ptpar. Ha says h will quit the carpan
tor baiiaaw for a wttil.
Charlie Lewis was in from his ranch
last Saturday. ll reports rerj IhtnR
Hnm firm down his vat. only the fine
weather does not pump walr for the
urand bill.
Will given at Ihe Andrews hall on
SrttU'd-tV evening, Nnvemher 12 1104.
FH'inmnK :t 7:80 and cloinif at 12:00.
Everybody invited. B. C. Dl'NN.
Tom Hines anJ the boys in town had
an old time democratic rally last week
i harlie Coffee being the object of honor,
o:1 the boys did surely yell for him with
a vengeance, after which Tom set up the
peanuts and candy.
Dr. Spindlo the Crawford
Dentist, will be in Harrison
again on the 15 and 16 th of
November. He will be glad
to fee all those patients he
was unable, through lack of
time, to attend to laft time.
"he Board of C'lmt.V I'liran'iwmi rs
Si iiiX county are hereby call -si to m 'et
in special session, HI 'he oltice of the
f'miritv Clerk at Harri-on Nebraska on
Thursday Novemls-r 17tti 1.K)4 for the
purpose of acting 11 (x f i E. eel ion and Road
t lainis. also and other business that may
regularity come Is-fore ttie Hoard
E. F. PoNTU'8.
t ounty lerk.
On a visit to Hod.trc last .Sunday we
found everv thuiK K'ni alons nul v.
Toe SabbaUi school under the sn()eriu!eii-
encv of Mrs. Minnie Miller tfoiia; aloiiK
mctU and wiihtissl interest. A lure
numls-rol people were present and. he j
.mKm.' was ex. elle,,.. A e found fa, hers
and motht rs with their whole families
there Hiid such tx imples ami influences
r , ,
is Uiund to count in the making up i-f
the multilud'S of ire.. pie that inhibit our
1 ' .
land Mav the ;n. d work " on aid
your i hildien will ri-e up some du) and
i all ou Ulensf d
ll'e see from the Mitcl.tll Index that
Ihe principal of the school at that place
has b en arrested f r puni-ninu a chil.t j
milh Ihu r,,i HoinelimeS It the od or
some kmd of moral iiersuasion was used
i ii ,
m .re to the home Ihe teachers would not
. . ..i. ... ..... . .
have to rewrt to sui It measures K on i
i i I rt ,, j
trol the.r pup ls. Soleuion sairt spare I
Ihe rml and ssiil the chilil; and the world
has never known a wiser man than him.
Hot for all this the roil is spared too
ofte l, and it is either use it in the school
rootn at times or turn the child out and
let him or her K" wtth iutau education.
We received a request from some one
in Omabi last Friday, to use some of
our valuable spme to notily the voter
thai in voting a straight ticket they
must make their X in the square oppos
ite thel onstituttonul Amendment, either
for or against, or il would not be count
ed. The poor fellow must have made
some mistake, or else had his gall, for
we don't care a snap whether it cairies
or not. We were passed by when the
contract was let for the publication of
this seemingly important amendment,
and why not let the ones that got the
rake olT furnish the free space, or fully
enlighten ihe voter as to what his duty
We have been busy
this week
with the ballots, which are the most out Mrs u11SSkU went over to Agate ISun
rageous shape of anything we have seen. ()aV) w(,re she was the guest ol Mrs.
If parties continue t.i multiply, it will iit ,krMi Mrs. Graham until Monday.
not long before the ballots w.ll he 3
yardslong. The present ballot law ought
to tre amended to permit oi a more nanny
sheet going into the hands or the voters.
Rushville Recorder.
We av so too Bro. Coop.r and while
'hey are changing it just cut out the
straight party ticket at ttie top, Any
man that can't make an X oppsite the
name of the candid ite that he wants to
vote for is not intelligentenoiigh o vote
Th Australian Ballot KStci!) I"! all
Its superiority when ihm political scheme
was tacked on at the head of it.
We liava looked with dis-Msi for some
time on the privies of our town school
.iinl we think il isnbut time that sune
thing decent . wer- b -ing limit, and piv
KiinelsMly to look alter tb"in and see
that, they are kept, clean and decent
Children should bn taught that wa'er
o .set should be treated with the same
care f ir the porpe they were buil for
as the school room, or even the parlor in
their homes. Such filthy places have a
tendency to pull down the morals of our
c ildren, and the writing on the walls
would bring a blush to the face of snv
one that has any shame or reaped about
them; S. i we say as a patron and tax
piner, let us have decent buildings, not
a little cigar b .x hmldins. but the sains
as vou would erect for jmir own family
and let very parent ericouui)fe their
eaddren w hav rwpct fnr tb Mm.
In response to considerable recent inquiry,
the COMMERCIAL BANK is phased to an
nounce special arrangetnents to make long-time
loans on Ileal Estate.
Say what you want.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tal leu. AH
druggists ref una the money If 11 alls to
cure. K. V . Grove's tlyniiture is on every
box, 2.'..
Remember that we publish contest
nntii, ar.d if you desire us to have your
work m ke it known to ihe one that
maker! out your papers.
Grand Masque
Thai.ksglviiiK Eve-nintf Not- 24,-04.
fJnind Much promptly at 8:45
Pnzes awarded for the best makeup.
Good music arid Iwst of order guaran
teed. Tickets f 1 00:-On sale at Jones' drug
store Everybody cordially invited.
Co ne out t the first Masque lnce
of the season and spend an evening rif
solid (no. Supper at the Commercial
Hotel. R C, iJCN-f
iti)(.n(fi4nd l(Hta cer,in nlrfn
.... u
unhooked his leant and lied them to his
., ,
wacon, and not only left th m there nu
. . . ,. ,,.' ,j
tmr the whole day wt'ti tut loou infl
.... , ,h . o
water but thev were left there all ntjrtit.
Are we living tit a civilised country, or
are e Iwyond the pale of civilna ion?
When men lecnms so iire-dv, or sf
heart U fs to dumb tini. tils, we think it
time for the public to take it into t.ieir
own hands and organize for the protect
ion of t hem . We would mitftfesl 1lmt
evervotie m ike it his business lo report
,lrr""e 1
all such cases Ui the Ci'y marhall, and
J . ,,
let him see that all stitk must and will
he tteil for on our streets. S lence, is
all ngh, but when sou ething is suffer
ing'lml .can't help its If then silence
ceases to he a virt ue This town has a
good livery burn and there is no need of
such inhuman treatment, and we may
nol refrain Irom giving names of such
heartless men in th- future.
Hunter Happeaings.
Today 'S election day "hurrah for the
best man.
Ezra Tucker was on our streetH Thurs
day. Mr Mcintosh visited bin family here
the last of Ihe week.
Mrs. Bassetl came home Friday,
-ij. H. Cook and E. S. Hamill came over
from Agate Saturday and went down the
road, expecting to get back in time to
vote today.
J S. Rice is assisting Mr. Christensen
on thfc section at present,
Frank Lewis was on our streets with
cabbage one day the last of the week.
r l wants, tha new coal heaver, is
k()( iHg hu(Mi jn UlB VitW0 lleHl Rt
' , . ,
day turned the si hool house over to the
men folks,
J. U. Hunter cane home Friday to
Visit Ins folks for a fev days.
HnU rt Lew is i jine up from Crawford
Friday. He and Loran took a bmmli ol
cattle lor winter.
Kfhere was a parly and dance down the
road at Mr. LemdowV Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes und Mr. and Mis.
Laugw'orthy attended.
Short Hull, an Imban, came over from
Agate Monday.
Another new house is peeping up over
a hill Imiween here and Agate.
Ezra Tucker sold tickets on a watc h
unit Fia k Hugjisun was the lucky one
to gel u fine watch lor a few cents.
Mr. E. Catlin, a friend of Miss Warner,
' Hot Springs, came up on the morning
pas-enger Thursday i He visited Ihe
sc-.ool, and hts visit w.,sa pre tat. d very
much by the pupil", (K) say nothing ol
the le .cb. r.) He sp.t k veiy highly of
tie pupils study in ; he said h tevei
visi'nl a tusier school -Good for And
rewH school, We h be will coin
again warn, Pupils work good where
tby lov ihetr teacher.
V. No.
Physician Surgeon.
OFFICE: Andkkws Buxk.
Old Line, Assessment and Accident
Policies written
( 'orrespondence solicited
Addresb; Harrison, Neb.
I, C. DAVIS, M. D.
Oll'nein Fiartell Building.
Residence lsl door norlh of Commercial
Have received my electrical apparatus
and am now prepaied to give special
attention lo all chronic diseases and
ihs uses of woman. Rheumatism and
kidney diseases of ev ry form.
, Additional Locals.
Apples at bed tock prices at Bottrret &
Jens Crawford received one vote for
county A'torney on the prohibition tick
et. We understand soldiers voed in And
rews precinct The law says they have
no vote.
Alhina Jordan was sinking hands with
his manv friends in Harrison yesterday
and today
T will hold services at Pleasant Ridge
n xt Sunday morning at 11 o'clock A. M.
AD are cordially invited to attend.
J. B Bl'RKB.
We learn that the following persons
united with the League at its hstCahinet
meeting. Mr, A. Htewart. J. L Hall,
Oeo Wickersham, Olin Wickersham,
Miss Amy Christian, Faith Wickersham,
Mrs Alex Lowry and Mrs, Goodson Lacv,
O O. Wigcins assaulted Clem fueling
on the road to his home last Saturday.
Mr I.eeling swore out, a warrant for his
srrest and placed it in the hands of the
Sheriff for bis arrest, hut, when Sheriff
Lowrv went after him he had gone over
into Wyoming, so he hud to come back
without him.
South Omaha, Nebr. Nov 9. 1904.
Receipts of cattle have been verv licht
so far this week partly owing no doubt to
election-, Prices are strong and fully 10
cents higer on all kinds, Th demand is
(.specially gool on best quality stockers
of both sexes. We look for fair receipts
the balance of the month.
We quote:
Choice steers 5 25 to 6 00
Fair to good 4 00 to 5 00
Cows and hfrs. 3 00 to 00
Choice killer
Choice feeders
Good feeders
Choice yearlings
Heavy stockers
8 50 to
8 50 to
8 10 to
8 50 to
2 75 to
4 25
4 00
8 40
4 00
3 50
8 25
2 50
3 00
5 0
Good cows nnd hfrs. S? 75 to
Canners 00 to
Bulls 175 to
Veal 3 00 to
Hoic market bus been comparitively
steady this week, with prices ranging
from 4 80 to 5 00.
Sheep receipts are still light with the
mark-t ron(. Prospects good on every
Don't Agree In Politics.
They Do Agree To Sell More
For The Same Money Than Any Other House In
The North West.
That we carry a full line of
Dry Goods and Notions,
Boots and Shoes, Groceries
Flour and Feed.
Everything Cxrriei In A General Store. : ;
Will sell you the best "HOT
BLAST HEATER" on earth.
There you can buy a first class Buit of clothen.
In Gents furnishing goods they keep the best
Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes
And such other gooi.s as are kept in a general store.
They sell at bottom prices.
Tie finest line of wines, liquors and best brands of cigars.
THEO. SAG Ell T, Proprietor.
I YoLi Are Reading
That's what it's here for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give us a trial. Yours for Business,
successor to C FT. NEWMAN
Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime,
Coal, Wagons, Buggies and
Machinery of all Kinds.
I also carry a line of Wind
Mills, Pumps, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc. etc. etc.
A large stock of feed, both
ground and ungrouud al
ways on hand.
mail orders givea prcm.pt
Give me a Call.
Political Equality.
Who makes the drunkard? The Ra
loon. Who makes the saloon? The law.
Who makes the law? The legislature.
Who makes the legislature? The
r The saloon keeper is as good as his
business; his business is as good as the
I iw that sand ions it; the law is as good
as the legislature thU pisses it; and the
legislature is as good as the voter who
made it.
Our country never sinks helosr its
homes and never rises alsive Ihutlt.
-Sc. .us Bluff Uorald.
Goods In The Next 30 Day!
Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors,
Lime, Cement; Flour, Feed
and Grain; Buggies, Farm
Implements, Wagons:
Hardware, Wind
mills, Pumpa
& etc.
A Specialty
At this office.
Done filth rri tness anil db parch.
rU and get pur prlcei o
Letter Heads, DHL Heads, tttataaMUt
Eavlli, irU, rot , M
.3 '
7 A
1 u.
. tOT 1" tip" .'as ..';,'...'-.