Prtm-Journnl Twi-rjir. 5 . C. C Birk. a. xi s Pri. nmEUHtll'nTmi KIT HkH rMMM. A SUt'S ! CUM MATTM! OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY.i On Dollar Per Year. ESto sunc national ticket fW Praiai ALTON & PARKER ' oT Sew York For Vice Prcsudanl HENRY C. DAVIS of West Virgioia DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL TICKET. For Coturra., Sixth Lnatrict, WALTER B. McNEILL of Lincoln county , DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. For Governor, GEORGE W. BEROE of Lancaster county tW Lieutenant Governor, DR. A. TOWNSEND of Franklin county lar Auditor, J. 8. J'ANADAY 1 of Kearney county For Treasurer, JOHN OSBORN f I'awnee county FtK Land Commissioner, A. A. WorsUy of Boyd county For Superintendent o Public Iut ruction A. 80FTLEY of Perkios county For Attorney General. EUWARn WH ALEN of Holt county For Secretary of State, R. E. WATZKE of Richardson county. DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL TI KET. For Seoator 14th bisricf CHARLES F. COFFEE ol 1h county DFMOt-RATIU REPRESENTATIVE ' TICKET For Representative 53-H district ROBERT GRAHAM of Box Bulte county DEMO "RATIO COUNTY TIv KET For County Commissioner (Sid District) I. 8. MCINTOSH A rot for Charles F. Coffee means a ole for United Stales senator; so voiei don't let jour prejudices over come youi better judgment. No doubt many of Mr CoflWs political enemies will mod nut statements with out any foundation u trap the voter that will hits at huc i; bul we hope Stoui county hasn't any w;cl. men. If you haven't time to look up an. tatement that is detrimental to Mr t oftee dor-'t vote against hiro for tie people of Sioux county kuw him ai il what was dona while he was represent ative -as net done in a corner. Mak yaur X opps.u Ins nam. Misinterpret the .Ordar Pat had enlisted. Like I be colonel of regiment he ,ft im village with tli whole community of seveoten soiil biddinif liin be brave and wiliig him food luck. He mused to himself: "BeKorry, lis tbe foine, Itead av si' ar r mee Old make, so it is." Three davs later tliere came thi new- ofternflc carnage at the front. That' fdjrhtPat was seen smoking peaceluli uafore bis coltaice. - And what are y ez doio herr asked a mysiiHed Oeijrtibor. Pat sat forward in his chair and ax plaio d: Ye ase, 'twas this way. The minn com duon the road to blow us inlo 20t A. U. Titan sea tbe captain, srx br: 'Nov. fcyas, strike fr yer counthry an.1 yei aHn.' , And brorry, I wus tbe onh nton in h hull rwvKiint brave enotif to stria fur doom. "Brooklyn Ti.nea anew Hit (tatiM. NnW. -kilU. m..iA - . I , ! , - v,"r Owroanlown school not long suk-b, "let ' . M mm what you tmi remamber about lha W iogdoiiiaod the 4 'tnestic animals ISM balontr to it Ton have oamad all tissaooMMtic animals but ooe; who can s4 1 um what that ooa ur Ko answered. ; , "U Ism bristh Itair, like th dart and. safes AT ireMing into tba Mud." bieled O tiywar, bstpf ally. -Omt row think. Tommrr aha asked. renilXl) tt m assail kojr. wmSmkt Tsmaty, rvfecbrely.- t4i ftrrgvt I cif tour H Mi ! h I .ufaasM and . te. in 1. . wv ttr a mq i I i a lis interest ,.( the itumif i lsr'. 1 vl wll aakt 4MHr thai til till f-. I j -rHxJ of. Ikm t forget iHt',a aa X ' "l-f"-tt nam. ' A Word With Democrats. Ever? man M rvttpocisible for his. ir.flu eaaf, be it mail or treat. Evw uVn o crat bo vote- for Parker vots to drlct RtoeeVelt. Every alas does not Tote for Parker conlnliulr toward it electnm f RuHfvcK On every 'ue-4K upon hKh Judge Parker pos it ion l open to criticism. President Roosevelt's position M worse; where llwt differ, us they do on many important qu-stinns, barker is right and RootwVell i wron Roo-wvrlt favors a hie1- tariff; Parker favor, tariff reform. Roosevelt lavors a standing army of 60,000 at lite mini mum: Parker favors a reduction of the army. RtKMevelt has brought the race issue into naliooal politics; Parker would re move Ibe race issue from politic. R Kevelt stand for a colonial po'ic : Parker favors Independence for the Fili pino and would make tlie promise now Roosevelt taok into the white house a spirit of war; Jwigr P.nker would sub "tilK' r it a t-pirit of pence four years more of KooM-velt would Jiake economic od industrial reforms more dflb ult; Judge Parker's elxtioi would clear the way for economic issue. Let no democrat, by voting agHinst Parkt-r or by rr fusing Ut vo'e, tak Ux. hun-elf re-ponnilMlii for four year more if Rousevellism. Coinnioner. CHARLES r COFFEE. Mr. Cff m ti native l .Mi-souri wlw t iw was Match 22, 1847. lu lr61 l nii(rated with li s (ailier to TrXio-uhvi t e DhswiI Int. y .uiuf ii.anlii oil In :, ueine- loi d . f adventure scd to the lre hie lil by the i-uwi.) in Uhmv exciting dats, he bf):aii traiimif collie to Wyinnnt,Hnil two srs la'-' h- locntn, a ranch aiidstaru din ti e lock btisintss oil bis own accoui.i. in i.,.,rrn Mmi Jennie Tonf y of Cm.d n, Ark uin . and in the taine er oned anot'it-r r inch in Sioux coning , .e .iak; bi.i for the rtrason tliat ihe U'Uiitry was wi . and the Indians troiiblesome he did noi nnj his family here .tort side unti alut 188T. He lived in Sioux county ti to the tune be was nmuiniiUrd in 1900 ft n representatiVH, wbrn he tvniovtd 10 .'hwlron to oblaia for bis children li e benefit of our excellent schools. lu bis caudid.icv tor 1 lie lower lioue of ure in 1900 be ws suci-m I airtt Allen (i r'i.-.h-r and rect-ivl 11 e dittering majority of 3S5 voles as P (estlmoinal of 11 remarkable cimlldxtu e which tlie pe. p e rep .mJ in bim. Jfi,. witlihUiMln.y this lare iimj .rity, lr. r'isber contested bis election, but win, out success. Mr. Coffee reniHinrd in L-i.oln durini; the session of tbe eKislal ure which lasted three months, tlhr members s-tting iy f.ironly sixty days, nd bef attended stricty to the duties which uavolved upon bim, s iirking noil -trig, dodging nothing but working laitli fully all the time for his constituent lie was well enough thought of by In parly associates to receive ut tbeirh.uids two compiinieulMry voUs for Umiru States senator. There are three classes of mm win nake up Irjcihlulive Uslies. Tiiose iiiokI loticeo are the forensic meuilt-rs. Tlio- isually tlsu most effective are the si lei I tnit quiet workers h bibor adroitly with imliv.duabi and influence their acl ton. This aeuund cDsa ilchievu ila-ir succers m a la rife dtgrve by making converts in the third class which is K'"sJ for nothing except to be guided by llinr - . i i mii'uqi hihi ucLive iriiu H, Il Is to this second c ass, aiw s noted lor its business iimlinct, thai Mr. C-ffee bel mgs. Work on itte sine privately among It-j iswti w.s wnara ne niaue nuuseii leu 10 carry 1 ni: important points. Mr. Uiffea is persoaally indeniifltd with all lheint-retsof all the people ii. mi gmini. no ims uvea ill 1111s section of country from a very early dale, encountering and overcoming the Irn'd shipg and dangers of tlw remote frontie for many years, and base rvd out no booorali a suco-ss arsl foitum. Alt Has property Im owns in the world is right bar paying laxet. he is one of tie , . , large raura raisers 01 the state, and Dot one of them knows better than he what is best adated to tha stock imVrestsof western Mebrska; nor can ne of them accomplish more lor the extension ami safeguarding of this all-iinpwriant ii dus try. Let no man in this district he daosteed into casting his vote for an abstracter of real estate titles as against a man lift Mr. Coffee who lias arrived through experience to an unequalled knowledge of all the important require- ats of trw sssaV-orial district. This is what ttw Chadroo Tiatasraysof Mr. CosTta, ! .'t .wtf.V Vo Qzk) a Cc!d b Ono 3 1 II K PIONEER PHARMACY. Di-Ulcm, Wall Paper ' o DruKKist'j Sundries, S hauitrs. Oils. Varnishes, Books and Stationary.- ? Ttie finerst Line of pipeRand t Best cigars in tlie city. FLOYD JONES. Success, J. E. Phmney. 2 J. II. IVILIIEnOBFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done Kings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. pur Mall Order Dep IS TOUCtllNO THE NIGH WATER NARK The greatest month's businoss dur ing .ti existence lover 20 years) was done In October, tit iiiii Oul-of town customers appreciate the fact that we giVe them a better garment than the prices indicate. Commencing row tci continuing tor l! days we are going to flood this western country with the best Ovcrco.t valus in txisttnee. The price of this Men's Overcoat is. .... But it's value is $15 compared with what your home merchant is selling 'em at. Samples of cloth sent free tbe same t . , day your request in received. ... 15th and Farnam Sts., 0:?AMA, PiEBR. t Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an ortlar of s ilo lci... liy tho t'lcrlc of Hie I'Utrlct Court of 8 nx county, Nrljrslts, and to in' tirtt( xipxi a dfcrfe rvnlrsl by M court in f ircir of J;uin-s K. I. Ilmitxr jililiitin" anil aitatust Kraut K. Meyrr, B. f. I'ifmui, Emms IMteinn his wile and Isaac Lincoln ilr-fendHiits. T)lt I will 011 tin-iMh ilny of Kovemrr, iroi at 011 o'clock In the ftT-iiooH of sl1 day st tb- east front door of the conn house of Maid county. In the vllUje of llttrrlson : I will sell ut puhlic suction to th hlRltmtl bidder lor eah In hand, tlm tollos lnir de crlid real rntate In said htoux county 'e-br-nka to-irit: The HW 5, of th SW 14 ,c wt hiilf of Stt HandsEUol .V.V ee. 14, Tosrnsliip S3, lUngu ii, sitntt d In Slout o-jaiitv. I Bihnka to satisfy s dd oriler of rI In the 1 sum of ninety two dolUrs and eight rents.' srM), mtret, cost, and accralnj; e-st. rirst publication tietottcr L7-1104. AI.EX LOWKY, Sheriff of s,tlii county. ONLY eVallraad batwesm Mlaaourt KJver and Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis Dtreet Una to Black Hill. Apply to nearest avent for rstea, maps Vne time csvrds- TIME TABLE Waat Bound, Bound. Morning. Evening. No. 1, Due 9:11 I No. H, Due 7:85 No. 88. lo. frt. 9M No. M lot, frt :4fl Both trains carrv passengers. Bay ; 1 TWetsayi. every fcC2.2fe ONTEHT now e DepurliiH'iit or thi! Int- ior. Cliiled KUI.tiIjjimI Ofticn. Alliance, &uraka, Octols-r Ulli, lM, A.uiiiuniii'ui'irai niimavii naviiir ieen B l in this oltice by Al:n-rt aamls eonU-st- nt, HKiiinsl Huinexlead entry No. Sis;, limile August till, I0M, for S. M. W, it M-cllim 4 ud a. t H. . '4 a ction, Section ft. Township :Cin, Ksnge U w, by Mnixuieit tei I'oiitesR-e, In which It Is blleged thai said MaiKr.-it A. Myer (us no Improve, menu on thnHsid Uit'd, that sue hw uoi rcsldtd ilicn-on, a.-d has unandonea the sa d land for 'vcr six niou h ir,or to the dale of this eon est and that .) l alleifed ubciice from ihc.auid isnd Has not d lie to her i-iii)) o- nient In the army, nsvy or nurinB corps ol the ITiilU-d Mstes as a private M)idl. , oltloef scain.iii r nihiine tluih.g ihe wU with fpxln or dntlnir snv oilier war In which the I ii!l-1 Mates in be engaged. Said parues Hie hereby noilfb-d to appear, respond and offer ovhieiiee t aching said aliif.itlon at 10 o'clock a. in. 011 Novemfoei 2lh, ItOs ra-ioro lh 1 l.gj,t- r and lleceivet at the I'lilted Slatt-. Land oitlcc lu Alliance, Nebraska. , The saldeoii!etant having, In H proper umdavit. Hied OcUilier itlb, lt'04, set lorili facts Inch show fb-r dun diligence perso.iul service tf this noilcn run not le made, it t hereby oidercd and directed t But such notice be given by due and propc publication. , iiy- BHCCK WIUJOX, lieaister. t ONI EST NOTI E Drpartun nt of the Interior, United States Ijind Dfflcs. Alliance, scbra-ka. October luth ,1M. a aumcieni eoniest smj vil hsv ig been niedln tula office by A I Is-r I l;snds, contest aiitaga list iloine-teud entry So, ISK!, inmtr Jniyss'D, tsw, for lots, sa M KW ui HW , -ection 4, Township St 11, Ksiikr M i by Uenjainln B. Smith 1 oatestea, n which II Is alleged that said Benjamin B. Smith b.s eoaudoitea tne sal I lend and has not i.l.iwl thereon for over sit monlb. nr.or to tea- date ot nil. contest and Hint said aliased absence 110111 the said land wss not dne to ni employment In the Anij , Wsvy or Mar ineciirisioi me Lniled state, as a private soiaier, omo r, seninan or marine daring thewsrwHh pain or during any other war 11 wincn me L-nited nUteSmar m eisjaged raid p..rtie are hereby iiotlBed to i.pponr re-oniiil and offer evidence uiu;.iiw said allegation si 10 o'ulwk a. m. ou Noveuiber th IK -4 U 'ore the lief Ister srd lufelver bt thet rnlted Mates laind Offlce t Alliance, cbr ska. The s. id eon tests m 1. proper uffld tvit, fl led OcUna-r 1 th, w4. et fonb lacU whl b -how tb it after du. diligence personal s rvlee of this notice can it.l la m.nle. it is hereby o en d and direct ed lh t snch notleu be given by due and proper pub: icatiou. py- isi'tic wiuox, Wsgtetsr. Li . 1 f 5 P m B-'ere Ye-JT' 1 - 1 ; WrS. miUZZ'.'.r. ".'::t.lCl?aI or. -.r . .u. Ksijr Sesrhj Sftc'ic.n a- ?'.i:'ef : v'! itcatl cf (iii i.eJI 5 ?" 1 ;jc" is macio Ijwesr. Cur i .r..-7 t-af - r.-.i! cjt. Wa m- lr-' ij ib;!-! t3 ft!! cc-tvT.'ins e( t-..t zi. T o "Nrw i'oaic- ur.stil . head o 1 1 f Iti:U-. r.:'e ;. Xj fc : ria!...res Hold 07 ua:h.rli;e3 dralam only. ron talc ov HAOMArtC CO., COROC N. COMMERCIAL HOTEL OPPOSITE DEPOT. tj c- t . . . -j . . ... AND l.L TIlElTt.D WlTtf CiN'itTESY. Itoard lly Hay or WvvV. W. B- WRIGHT I. ADVERTISING RATKS- Per inch, single co;ui:in, er month 'IV Per column, j-r mont h $'1 ,MI IVofesti inal curds jh-.- year, ontj men 5 00 Local er line ein-ll isn .05 Vljierient nfVon rariy contra.'ts. STOCK BRANDS. I'm Joi ioau will publish yuur brand, tike lie toilos tng, for t Venr. Kach ad Htu 1 uriiiid 75 cents. r.verv turim-r or am hmen In Monx und adloliilng eon n tlm hould adverlUH- their brands m Tiu.Joi a Ln it eiri-ulntr oil over tlie slate. It nay be the means of saving inonev lor von John Johnson. Out tie branded 11 shown In cut on left side, liang nt 'lew It t, Nebraska. $500 REWARD. Cor Hie arrest and conviction ot any party r paitieiealliigor dlsf Igurlnnanj brand' n stock belonging to the undersigned par e. GEOKfJK tV AtMS Cattle branded lorses branded Ide Hon left .hi hou !dr. range on Seldiert ra-k. Any slock branded as abovn la-lng estrnv- id from my range, discovered by any body giving m liilfirinatleii will Im rewardml. Add less, n. Itobliisou, Nebrsska ritAVK Kt'TTO. Cattle I. ran dei I ikle anil same on der il horses. Also some of the llnraea In are branded on aide llOHlder some aa lleaerlli- almve Imiuid . Addnxs, ttsrr so 1, Nebraska PARENTS win find by inquiry that in ttie achoola their children .attend, 7cbstcr's is the Dictionary ty which they crc trained, and ihrt .i.wiuwaa conxonn to inu vane tsuthonty. Is it not best to the same Diction ary in tho homo? The constantly increasing eale of tik . . .. """i -iirnaiionci Uictionary Uv. inz tho above euertion. Saw. Iu IhluM n .. , . n, 77 : inior or The 1:-- u'lijwnoi'i. ami 1 nave KorbKSSrS. ."5ter r sllesiice to The New and Enlarged Edition has 97Qrl iuS. .i ... Hrw I'acs Vll.l ljuu lllustra tiona. It rm p- rr.i ... 1 ..v,,, riiua uiai phrases, tLo a Casnttwr f the World end a nrn r--r.t : 1 it- 1 HIC- Monary, all prepared under tha j penriiiicn cf V. T. Harris, Fh.D., LL.D., U, S. Commissioner of Edu cation. Its armerativ v',t ,'nM.. . ri ...v.. -.w 01 KIOraDhv. Ccotrrr.nli t. is a picked storehouse cf valuable aauniwuuu, ATLtiT .1CBW0Y0U r" I J5,t, ln r4wwUUea which affords a i ! ; 1 1 t-.,rnct.u t-.rniojr's enter. iul.iiuont f ;r I! o vtiola I louMrstedpaatpkioteisofrsss 6 C. MBRRIAM CO.. Fa..., the left elt shoul- 4 Mj and fat. ikasltsi and the paa"J ed lor the .iitii m that i eft hip or on 1 U-if l-taiider. Horse brawled with any of sbove tsranas. Address, J. A. Asusasov, llsrrlson. Jtebraafea. WH KKKT SUMS. Cattle brand wt same as that an cut ou eith ar side of ani mal And following on leftside of esttlf. tud this on Ml side of saa stack. A-vJ Uits 011 left side and hip. Range on Untitling Water. Post Oniee Address, Harrison, Nebraska. J. R. HUNTEK. catt le bra lid shown In "I, on d. hip, Jlollliler, -lm a on leftside. Right e. rllppaa i.OO REWARD ear 1 1 be paid foreridenae ui ntlMg any one lor runtiliig cB or la iiy ay tamperi. g with ilwk taarlng say ol the- utaive brand or brand... Kanch at Andiews, Sebr, A'ldrest, Harrison "ebr, J.H. LEMSLt)W. DL Cattle brssiteg on fiii aid sine si etil AmI also ew kt hip. Horses bran-led a" A Q' right shoaider orjiw. Ilnuge on VI .1110 Hlvnr, os las oM .ave t'olvilla ranch. r. O. Addr.M; Uien, N.k. ' JOHN A. HANSON ilwrns Ihe follow, nicbrnnd mi etin r; Also HQ cn rat lie and lt.--ei-utile on lert'tde hor-M-a on left slionlder. Kunge on Silver Springs and easl ef.tsl due ?iUifflRe llarriotm el. 1IKWAUH. will ny 45.00 reward for ..wh b ( ls.i vu 1 'ol vi I leV horses bntndt tc n either law or thisrh tomxi, ymr ."olm Bieser on Uniinini I Aier, also 1100.00 for proof tJ convict any rvrson unlawfully any ol said horses. W. J, A. Rai-m. UKKIM HKK l.VKSTtx:KCo Rranded en lef t hip of Uallie and 011 left cheek 01 Hortee Kitngeon lieepcreeg. Ai.dress, ln.p Creek Live Stock Co.. J. II. It aihkrt, Korrinan, ;irn. Nebrassa, OCTAVE HARRIS. Cattle braadea a. .hows ea Inft side wits over bit aa (aft er. Rang, en l.a nlug Water, P. O. Addrtw., Maraland. 5esr. sp.11. junoAs. Ilorsss and eat tie braadad tat PUP either ld. saaic as on eat. 1 rt : And Cattle hrnnita rtde, svd Horses on Irltl IIK.MHY W ARMF.KK. Cattle brand- A On li ft aloe. Kange on tunning Water Uretwk. ff. O, Address Bsrrison. Htw A. K. KBNVRDV, saaas aa f I fjassp- handJiar A -TV (0 !tI lie Mrandnrt K551 Ll '" 0 AtMreas. Ops.ssm, a. oartagriala, Mass.