Wic of Time. Tt epericm--I hljfhw nyn.mi wai lkmz almt liia appreniU-e "1 i'iir will b-arti fi ll,, ailV 'Joii.' growled. -Hm ,i,u n;. people 1 1 i:t t ain't seen a pent v f,,r Uf " pi.) he IkiM uj a Irf-giMr?"' a;..V ;lie friend. "Worse than (lint. He held n a l.iili ruining home from summer vin-u iioti." Jo.l Itiiixi. 'Y"ll young ramp." cm luiiii.-l t!,i (rate iiMTrlmiil, "w hat il you mean , Iraning hack in injr chair, plachi,; you feet on Ihe desk a smoking a cigar tte:" "Why, It' fer your own good, tis,' rirlaimed tin- office Ixiy. 'When, join rredllors mine around ami cat'-h I glimpse of tin ileyll think you ri out". Her Tr.mMc First Hoarding Mistress - I've s.s-i If figured nut that people can live on 1; rent a day. Second Hoarding Misir-ss h; I'.n ji.il can't gi-t tlu-ni to do it. ISrooklw ore W inner. Hrowii -UriH'ii (! t a dollar to i man who advert i4i a method f,,r ,-at tug th slot machine. CO.lt - I 11. 1 I... .... I....-. .1... " - m- ' tin-. i iifiti'rn Itrnvvii -Yes. He recked a .an) oi hlrli a prlntisl 'Kif'i! jour inoiiet in your Mwk-!." t aur ami l.lTt-ct. "What dcprlviM yon ,f your lib erty, my man?" asked the per ami wlio was doing i little missionary work l-liitn) the har. "Takln' tit tuurli Iil-r1 jr." atisw-erts (lie prisoner, whoso specialty was p k rt li king. I'omltllr llptallHtion. "It in niiIiI." remarked the remarker "that llllrllii-til.ll Women seldom milkl pntx mot hers. I w onder hj ';" 'Thill' easy," repli.-d tin- home Itrown philosopher. "They don't oftei get II chance," lirrr L fM-rience Cmiul. Tlinklu - I niidorsiaiid Jour f r i . iu Kg rliiTt has left tin' stage. Hmkiii -Ye, lie iiiit the stage ti t -ccpt a job hh truck walker w I i hi, m. railway company out Wet. The IHuanosin. IiM tor - So yoti think )uii have In (Olllllill ? Sjsiiled Ilarlltig - Sure of It. doi lor 1 rim't hlri-p aflrr iiIiip o 'cIm k In lb Bmrtiliii: lirtrolt rn-r I'rrn. Nuturatl j. t'ora - What f y.mr f.ivor;!- ! It the Htihnal world 'r I'ora - M.hi. HIm Ksliiiiuliori. "In iW' of tin insitniMihiin wi bi-iir." :ild the Mitriot, "thcrr iin1 ni"t who li'iivc rmt.lj.- i!!!v' lis poor ii h wlu i liny i-ntiT.il It." "V. nn-wi-fd Si'initor Sor'linm "now iidiiys ii titmiK liT him ot to he i p'.lilK'ijin. l.nt it ilo.'xii'l follow that I poliiu-liin in n fhi.-iiK'irr." -WiiHhincl") r'liir. Tlie lot 111 iirnnive. "I mippo-ii' y.nl h:ivr apt-lit a Kf- dfiil of iiioiiiy fur plrtiin-H." "lli-iipt of It." HiiHWi-ii-d Mr. I'iiiii rox. "Wlmt Ih tin' most cxp'-nlv' pii tun In your rolh'rtiiiii"" , "l"hoto(jr.iili of a llth-d xori In la to put in tin- family iilliiini." - Waalt IiikIoii Star. "The Ilrtter the Ktr. Tln lirv. Mr. ioodnia n - I inrt "ill tld frlriid KwnSrr on Stimlny. Mm. f.'o'Mlmaii S ill ni f.,nd an pni tif qtloSill liphoi iB Ut I MIPP'WC. TI..- ii,-i. Mr. (!i..:;ii;i:: t(!:, SiX; R'-'llliK norsi'j hi' .ilihi i vl ,!' Ihf. '". Hi- IjihI n aClOitf ( fh v- '"' 1 caw lilm. and when I re -roin licd liiir for lishllic oil tin' Nuhlwtli hf nild 'Tli!- Ii. thr d the l. the d."- rh'.li drlptil.l I'I'Mt. Where I lie t'onlliit (iiii(. "Von wen-n't iilwnyn fin h mi rntlj rlni r." "No," annwrrfd Mi. HIIk-'Iih. "Hh cut whir" I live now yoii'vi- :"t 1 f t up fflrly to wake otl,. r pcoph ltli Hip lawn mow r tit - 1 of lifim diaturhfd yoiipIf'-W W1l:l:itar How True I "ll'n afrniiK'',' n-mai k.'d tii( Im-ak fast ryiih', "hut Urn joiiiik man 'il.' hf wikcnt Iudkh oan of ton blow 1. Hie tiioiit timiiry." Quickly Coiii'i-iitcd. "My lxiy," aaid Ihe bfiifvoleiit put ho n, "I linfir )yii do iii't ti!'l' your I'B1' Biidi-r a lti!irl'r" "MkIiI?" (fhofd tin) who wa fc-arnlnjr to amoko in tin.- barn. "WJiJ Miien I liear dad roinliiif I liiiln Whole fl(tar undi-r tt burhel. The tianul Hecrct. Nell fibe Intend to be mrrie ery quietly; In fact, It's a nvcrt. Belle How do you know? Nell All (lie girls are Ulklnj a bo i. I'hlltdelpiila IXlfc-er. , CURE rOUH KIDNEYS. ... A aen the Ka, k Ache. aod BiadJer Troul.lr. K In.liet at lheCau.e. I'-n't n. ;ike the mixtake of beKrr ine hs. k, he and hl niurr ill to l.- U. rul ailMi.cr, (.t at taUH)1 Bn j rnre the kldnryu. I u. I I,. ,,, . K i.l. V -"i -I'ilU. whi.-ll ured thoU- V.V Ipartincnt. and ,- y ' r,.iii,lii. mt "7 i it "' ' S' w Wylie avenue, V " any: "It a thr.-- years a-.j tliat I used I'onu'a Kidnry i-iii for an attack f kldnry troiihl that wan mostly back ache and they fixed me up flue. There is no mist aUnii that, and If 1 ho.iM ewr I- trotihled a:ln. I would en them lirst thing, as I know what they lire" I "f nle by all dealer. Trice ."ill cents I oter Milhnrn I'oinimnv. ISiif tHi... V. V. 1'jrliik' the ht t.x iii'inihs Ir Unii s nt t i lin-at llrltaln 1 4 1 1 mure i-jttl". I.j-h lH more sliecp. acd onU .i! fewer liotses linn were rrcelved from the rrst of tie world. ni r r r urn bLUUU JVJLL lELL 4 THEORY SCPP0E7ED BY TEESfl, CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE Rrrnt Inatanre PruTeaThala Woman' llnpllnr l I argrlr I lepnilrn I on III Nlalo of ll-r Hlooil. ln-ii tin) Mood is (liwirdered every r'anof tluilvxlr innfTei-ted unfavorably jnl (nil t' (liHihaigo it functinu proju-riy. In tlm cii--e, ,f every woiimu nalnrw lm iiiadn Kxi-ial proviaion for a jierimlii-ul mriticatioii of tlm Mh1 and mi lonr im this occur her health and H'liiiH un.'ailinly reveal tho bcii'-fl. ial rs-Miln. So slight a causo uh a cold or a tiervuns kIi.k k may produco a anpprea Moo of llns vital fiiiiction and until it i reitor.-d Kim in il,iiiied t misery. Tlia rcmcily that ban proved most prompt and effective in all I'iionh'rs poi-uliur tJ thnfemaln le x, ii that which broiifrbt nich Krc.t relief to Misn Mai li ( iriifK, nf No. bit Indiana i-treet, Iiwrenc.e, Kaniai, coiice ruuiir which ilio n) uk aa follow : "Iu th winter of 1002, from aonie nnkiiowii catiM', there van a t-eaaiitiiiii of fuii' iioii H-cuIinr to my aex for a pv riod of four iiionih. I becamo Very weak and could not K't op stairs willi out help. I luul niiuw a and pain and a constant hendacho. I m under the care of a phyaician for three L-ioutha, hut ha did not aucci-i-d in curing mo. Then a lady friend told me aliout the merit of I r. Williams' I'iuk Pills wbii-h she had uned in her family and slio in duced nm to try them. It was in May when I lirst l Kan to use them and in June I had fully recovered my health, ant have since ruiiiaiiied pwrfectly Well." Ill ail rase of delayed development of voting (.'ill ; in amriuiaor wenkiieB due to iiiinei i.ihi'd blood and Hhowing lt aelf in pallor, lack of ainbilioii, (ItiHpond !' y and iinrvou.snf i ; bImi iu the great "oiislitutioiial (iiniuibancp attending the period known it thu i-hange of lifii, llr. WUIiiiuii' I'ink I'iIIk uro in vnliianlrt i .r women, uIiomi hcalih i always , l , y depi'nilent oil the atato of the bl'HxI. They am Hold by all dni( ,fiMs. A booklet of valual.ln infotnia 'i in, relating to the care of a woman's health al all niiKiitaii jx-i ioils, and , n tnled " i 'bull TalliK (o Women," will he -nt free in a ai-aled envclo to any one H no cIioom-h to write for 11 to the Dr. William M-jdiciiio (Company, boln.'Uuo ladv.N. V. MliXICAN Mus;.any Liniment in a jiokii I ti cure for I'ilc-M. 'I'm.' hana ia and p itnto iir-j almost lilcni ical In cheiiilcal cumposillon. Mm who had sedentary lives o'ten com pl.t in that they "tt no exercise, but ask Ihern to split the Lindllt.K and fetch the family coal and I bey tij it coniplalnlnif. I believe that women hlmuld be allowed to vote if they want to, but don't bi'lieve that they would cx( rclsc any tine power in the world than they do .low. There Is r:oO,HHi,HX) worth of Ehk 1 1 sit money invested In submarine rabies. When St. Jacobs Oil Tha old monk cure, strong, straight, sure, tackles Hurts, Sprains, Bruises The muscles flex, the the soreness dies out. rfSaleTen Million Boxes aYear. b i XV CANDY CATHTir - JT jj, BEST FOR THE BOWELS SAIHE ROIMNSON. ui 'iiif r.if.i.r. om,d (jui'k lUmf Hi u t'rw lhi'ji. 4 r " i niaH-r.-V..-J ' 14 T'1 NERVOUSNESS AND WEAKNESS CURED BY PE-RU-NA. Mini Sadie Ilobiiisoii, 4 Kami street. I M.iMen. Mn.. writes: I "l'eriiu wi recommended to me sl'iiut a year suo a an excellent reined.,' for the triHibles piiuliar to our sex. and s 1 found tint sll that w:i said "f lliiS; medicine was true, 1 Mill pleased to i ( dorse it. " began to use It about seven months ago tor weakness and nervousness, is'iscd from overwork and sleepless ness, and found that In a few days I began to grow strong, my appetite In creased and I began to sleep better. consequently my nervousnca "-'" IHJAiIUIHCHCIIlHr ' organs soon disappeared and I have been well and strong ever slnee. " Address Iir. S. it. 1 1 art man, i'l esideni of The lUrtinan Sanitn riilin, I 'ol'iiulnis ()., for free medical advice. Ail npun'lence strictly eo'ilidenlial. fi ihe Trait "I followed the tr'l from Tvvas n f et t Slicker, twed for Pommel OUCket n overcoat when 1 '' co 14, wind cot whn windy. rain coat when It ra.ned. and for a covar at night if we fot to bed. and I will any that T have fottr-n mora comfort out of your altc,wr t.u any othar Otic artid that 1 evtr owned." i Ti Mm kttd MdrM of iaa wrtkr of ut ttao.t.-Hl lt Wr ts-vf b Ihavd ob ftppUctvtlaa.) Wet Weather Oarmenti lor Riding. Waikirig', Worlung, or bportuig Tlwll4aftlinaa A J. TOWER CO. raMTn usToa, TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited TOSORTO, CAHADA tin One In every as Londoner it re ceivinK rauper rli f. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. .he Kind You Have Always Boughl Bears the fcignature of C-t A. C. Oso, A. M.. LI. 1! Tres , Omah. PaoF. A. J Lowav, l'rlnr. ft Knit )rse,t hy First N'iit'1 llalik uial liusn,,.s in tin. ,l0.000ln ItollTop Iiesks. Hank Fixture nnf ;i '1 is'wrllers. StUflenta can work fortM,aril cn. f'ir free culalofne. boiinri In alMjaioc i:-ier ever pahhsh'-a ly a Huslness Colhga Hei,lli unit vo il lll stlemt the N 11 C. Good f'Kid. administered thrice daily, and accompanied with cliecr ful smiles, Is about tne best cure fm Hie liquor hihlt ever rievifed. Jn Finhnd, reinrleer are woith only $7.50 a lieatl. ()ui of these ani mals recently covered 130 miles In t day. I never yet knew an atheist wh was not K 'ld that the woman hi loved was a Christian. Turkish women tut rose I nvti with butter to sijure plumpness;. kinks untwist, Price 25c. and 50o. l'jr ",t "iCs7i ' - t 4- I OA J f i ATI -I Cootfnut I.oaf C'ke. Cream hail a rui'ioi of iiuilei ilh two t-llpfula of podrr"d suitar. and when very li:ht add the well-l-ateu yolk of ix ,;. tii:J a rup of milk, (iradiially atir in Iwo cup of flour with which have la-eu sifted two tea sjKKnfu! of tuikiii Kiwder and a iiuaru-r of a tearii'ooiifill of salt. Flavor the butu-r with the Juice and ;ratrd nnd of a lemon, and beat in two oup ftiis of erstel to -on nut. last f ail, fold in iuii kly and iibCy the tiffen Hi whii'i if Ms Hake in tw loaf tin - in steady oven until a s raw run through the ihlke-t part of the fulif" (oiiiir out clean. Wh.n the rake iin- io d cover them with an lcinjr Havered with a few drop of e felire of l,;t'er nine nd. Wli le icin is damp, t.cw th.ck'y with jxrateil cocoanut. Milk or Whin- Ilrrud. Into a bowl kilt two ouaits of white dour with a teiispiHinful of Kiijiar and it half one of suit. Into a Kcant pint of scalding milk stir a teiiKMiriful of but ter and add a pint of Ixiilini; water. When this is lukewarm xtir in a Kill of lukewarm water iu which a half cake of compressed yeimt lias lieeu thor oughly dissolved. Make a hole In the (lour and imr In thia Ibpild, work to a Hon iloiiKh and turn out upon a pastry bread. Knead for ten minute and set to rise In a bread pan for six hours, or until litfht. Make Into loaves, knead each of these for at least live minutes and set to rise In a (.-reused pan. Throw a cloth over them and aland for an hour, then hake. Sweet Apple I'ickU-N. Select smooth apple below medium size mid have them uniform. I'ecl c.ire- fullv and leave the stems on. Allow two quarts of vinegar, four pounds of Ii(;h' brown suar, one ounce each of ground cinnamon and cloves. Tie the spice in little rhif secloth bans and some sticks of white ciuntiituin. When scalding hot put in enough apples to rook well. When they can be lasilv pierced with a broom straw skim out In a stone Jar and cook the other ap ples. I'our Ihe hot viiicKar over the pickles, turn an Inverted plate or saucer over the jar and tie up securely with white muslin. Home-Made Yenst. Three la rue nitaloes boiled soft; a small half-cup of suar, (iiarter-cup of salt. I'our the bollinn water from the potatoes on the stiar and salt, mash the potatoes soft ami mix all together. When lukewarm add a yeast cake dis solved in n Kill of warm water. Cover and let It stand ever nlcht. In Hie morning; beat It hard, take a lare cup ful out, cover and put It In a cool place to use Instead of a yeast cake In the next raising. Then add a quart and a pint of water and milk to the remain 1 11 K yeast, but no more salt or sugar. This will make Ihe large loaves of bread. Ilill Tickle. Make n brine so strong that an egg Hunts upon it, then add to the brine half its quantity of fresh water. Wash the cucumbers and put a layer of them Inlo a crock, cover this layer with grape leaves, then with u layer of dill. Using leaves find stems. Continue in this way until the crock Is full. Kill the Jar with tin- brine, tie cloth over the Jar. then place on this n plate and lay u weight on this. Kvery fortnight take olT the cloth, wash it and replace. Rice -.ith Tomntoe. riacp a cupful of rice well washed hi a double boiler, with two ciipluls of boiling water, adding a level tea spoonful of salt and a salt spoonful of pepper. When the ihe is done pour In a want pint of hot, cooked and strained tomatoes, that have In en w II seasoned with salt, pepper, butter and a little sugar. Stir the rice and toma toes well together, arrange as a gar nish around roast beef or pork. llnrley Soup. Only beef stock Is required In mak ing a first-rate barley soup, if the grain Is allowed to steep in it for some time before cooking. One-ipinrler the quan tity of cold water should then bp add ed, with n few kernels of allspice, and the Kimmcring process conducted al most iniMTceptib)y. I Heed raw pota toes are thrown In about half an hour before serving, the rooking being then hastened to a gentle boil. Various Custards. Viol; a with a little experience can produce a variety of custards by vary ing the flavor used, leaving the body of tho custard the same. Oranges cut fine (often being peeled and seeded) can be used, simply adding them .to a good custard; so can canned or fresh fruit, chopped almonds, gratis! cocoa nuts, chocolate nnd macaroons. Hliort HuiiucHl ions. Soak gelatin in Rulllclent cold water to cover before adding it to Jellies or creams. To remove any ordinary stains from Ivory knife handles rub wltli emery jiowder. Yacht mops are great conveniences lor dusting the bare floor to univi-r-sally used now. Hefore bolllnj? milk always rinse out the saucepan with cold water to pre vent the milk from burning. When making mayonnaise sauce sa ted a very cool place for the purpose, (f made In a hot kitchen It is apt to separate in the proca. Fibroid Tumors Cured. fcj a ss-rsvraM uilivit VMS w-va s s A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor, which baffled the skill of Boston doctors. Airs. Hayes, of Boston, Mass., in the following letter tells how she was cured, after everything else failed, by Lydia E. Pinkhamfs Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Hayes first Letter Appealing: to Sirs. Piukbain for Help I " Ieak Mns. Pixktiam: I have been ltnder Boston doctors' treat ment for a ! time without any reliet They tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I car... it sit down without great pain, and the soreness extends up my s;i;:,e. I have bearing-down yins both back and front 3Iy ab domen is swollen, and I have had iiowinfj sjiells for three years. My ap TH'tite is not good. I cannot walk or be on my feet for any lei jth of time. "The symptom: of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book ac-cur-'U'ly descril my case, so I write to you for advice." (Signed) Mra. E. F. Hayes, a."i2 Dud! y 1st, (Iloxbury) IJoston, Mass. Note the result of Mrs. Pinkham's advice al though she advised Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, to take her medicine which she knew would help her her letter contained a mass of additional instruc tions as to treatment, all of which helped to bring about the happy result. "Dear Mrs. Finr-tiam: Sometime ago I wrote to you describ inr; my symptoms and asked your advice. You replied, and I followed all your directions carefully, and to-day I am a well woman. "The me of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound entirely ernelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system. I can walk miles now. "Lydia K. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound is worth five dol lars a drop. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial." (Signed) Mrh. E. F. Hates, 252 Dudley St., (Roxbury) lioston, Mass. Mountains of gold could not purchase such testimony or take the place of the benltli and happiness which Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound brought to JVJrs. Hayes. Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence that Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distressing ills of women; all ovarian troubles; tumors; inflammations; ulceration, falling and dis placements of the womb; backache; irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation. Surely tho volume and character of the testimonial let ters we are daily printing in tho newspapers can leave no room for doubt. ,Mrs. Hayes at her ubovo address will gladly answer any letters which sick women mav write for fuller information about her illness. Her gratitude to .Mrs. Finkham and Lydia Ii. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is so genuine and heartfelt that she thinks no trouble is too great for her to take in return for her health and happiness. Truly is it said that it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound that is curing so many women, and no other medicine ; don't for. get this when some druggist wants to sell you something else. S5098 P T fi P fl FORFFIT If weennnot forthwith nrodnce the original lttrt tod stgnitarss ftf sbora lutUuouuj, wUick will t,rif lf iU IllN'T-i ON K I'lMClO iTE Can's of cotido nice sin ul i he left pers uiall?. TI ev mav he sent by a is' r iic'ssctiger to triends living it a distal (. "brevity is Hie soul of wit;" th;s ipplb s ,'i'so ti let ter writing. Lone; dr-iwn itit sot'iircs and verbosity should tie avoided. I tliink Mo-es' reputitlon for .,iierknfss was par.ly due tj the f ict that his wife's full's fulbiAed him an nnd a good deal. V. l. urc i .Mil t iictoncs that Talk on Advertisinirby C.W.I'ost to Pub lihersat ilaiiquet ut flat I le Creek. Ill his address to Publishers at the 1'altl" Creek Imn'piet Mr, Post likened ''i" growth of a modern coimiii'ieial i i,terpi-ie to llie growth of an npple ' c" (oi al seed, plenty of work and -iiter an needed, but the tre will not bear applis wl:!tout sunshine. Th sunshine to the commercial plant is publicity secured by advertis ing. It is Impossible even with the hcnvl est advertising to make a success un less the article has merit of a high order. Merit is the good tree and sun hine makes the apples grow. A ajood Ugainsin Har an Cr. Lands. Heal Kstate is tilways a safe Investment. It neither turns nor blows away Can ynu sff ird ti rent when you can own a quarter sec.'.on f r 0 For lurlhiT Inforknal'on wrPa Schumacher & James, Orleans, Nelv .t Sa. U " i mu 1 I J) ihftr l,nlute rmniinniuis ii. i'i ilk lima Medicine Co L.TU, Han, A startling caption in a medlca journal sta es that "Death lurks ii the kiss!" Oh, well, we've all bo to die some time, you know, ant why not pleasantly? An eminent statistician says tha tha itrltish Enpire produces one third of the world's coal, one-nintt of its copper, one-eighth of its iron one-tJlth of Its lead, i ne-nintb of it silver and one-half of Its gold. Cutting the eyebrows and eye lishea results In stiff stubby hairs si. ;0't trW- .'Sj: v W make I ostuni and Orape-Nuts. nilesuinn who knows how to talk with his pen can present th loji'c, argu ment 'and salesman ahiliy to thou sands of customers flt cue tima thioiigli the eniumita of the newspa per, n strong contrast to the old fash ioned way of talking to one customer at n time. lie spoke of the esteem of the ad ertiser, for a publisher that takef espeilal Interest in making the adve Using announcements attractive. Ad vei-tiseiiieiits should contain truthful Information of i. terest nnd value to readers. The X'ovt'tm methods, have made l'.at!le Creel; la iious all over tin world and about doubled the popula tion. BEGGS' BI.OUD PURIFIES CURBS catarrh of tho tomach. k ,,iJ' fs--.-,..,'t.ti BM ;uunh Syrup. Ii OissL ' I... .s n MLhE All ilc I mil In lime, Hold Tif o)r',, 3 YC.'KIl MUM 1