this mm Knows WHAT ONE Or THE TLX niCCDVLEIE 10 IILj. CSEAT J j'. Mri fe I Kln'W IHal the initearrf iHihla 'au. ui 1. I-I4U)I (li Ulutril 1 hxtuif h tU PIwkI. Mr. T.. M I- Ii(r, f N i. lfW V..t P.r.dway, C'Miuoi 1.1'jTTn, l ,w, f . uiiJ larwif suddenly attaj ked ly ibu'i. liaiu in tb winter of IH90. Sue gm the dm tr a chaw to help her, which befall, d ti Improve, aud th-u iha did i.u thnkin? aud eite nineMins: if her own. fc-ue H SO .1" Crasf 1.1 that kh) iems it he r duty t t-Il the story of her rcupe frma suffering : My brother-in-law," she hti'dii enthusiastic on th mhjw t of Dr. W'l lisnis I'-nk Pil'.s as a purifier of the tilny-d.atil when W in suffering iitre-m j iii in ilia j"iu' t.f my snUis, knee, hips, wi iMs and tlbovva, pi, 1 s Ik, d t ,r wasgivii ; i" l" relief, 1 Lr'Mii tore fiWt that rlit-nn iiii-m i d.-ease, f tb bl'fl aid l'i .t,!f I r. Williams' Pink Fill ara t ' -i I f tits ll'.-d, th-y ui"t be g "t f lie utnauatu ami w nth a tr "I vi" in 1m"! ha'f the ti:n, a-if -rimr with pain that ran nut bi di'lib d I OU who lia liv-r Im i the r5; vM. i won !'i concent rat s .ne-timea in n:i s t of join's. When it w . in inrf t, I enold U"t walk, ii it in mv f. bows and wrests I -. il l not ii davv lime it, y b'slv. I , .1 ,,f. (, rnl iii this way f t w ka ,'.,! I t, -gnu using lr. Williams" I'm I'.iU. Two weeks afti-r I b. k;' with tic m 1 txperic m il relief anil alter I hi. 1 ii b"le I m entirely v. II. T i nial.ei lara I continued to Df t!iem all-, ut iw i weeks longer aid t.'e'i fct-;..i eilo- gellier. FiT fceVrllll ye.i.-H 1 Iiiim- liml i., mt m t'l B- tlietn f-r lnv-If, but I bjive r'iniinpti'le'l them to otlier a im ex'-fUfi.t rome.iy." Ir. WiHui'iu' 1'ink i'il'ii furiiiU t!n MumI Vilh I tlin el -tiiriit Hint m lieeil t ) b'l.l I U lieni: iiy tlne, stroiiff rniit- ! f'l'I li"i v , r "I'- l.;.) of b. rfini thn Hni:u that lui'tiie otcii tbem They really ) nl.u lie' b! hkI on. I rnr all (l'.M-s"s m iMntf fro 11 ( i .r l 1 n if t!n 1.1'chI nerve, nieli j.t v. mi i, n, n, unl jriu, jutil i:ii;i!vxis, i.''Min(,hn iuhmii. F(. Vltll'-' ll.nee, iie,Y"iil I t . t : .! f l . . 1 1 . aiiftiii-i anl I'll f hi., ef wenii- in ait In-r Inn! e.r 1 imile, '1 hi-y ure k ;il by (1 n-'i-t 1 tier : H , t -Hi ii li I 1 h tonney Inv-iier) in s i i itin 1 e rabies. fiao'a C'lr for ('iOHiiniitInn rnrp.1 tut Of a lll"li i"H n'l n-ritelit enull. W'm II. lLinneu. 2'J7 W. 1-Ut iree N Vurk, .Ur. h 2:,. J'.xtl. 'ltirttui. M inn u uioie true t Ii ; t tbe tils lylnu. ".i p"in:y suvi d i a aoith - e.iini'il" a '! Ibiip i noiliiin! iijnr-r )lii:ku!l for inos pi- pie to uii'letsi iinfl. MICXJCAX Mustang Liniment cures Siruin ami Struini. In toe ItntiMi .nun i. in k hi rcrUsetiietit ff 4 reard foi :i rnna w.i? l4vp. "I nn is rill''ti : pip jiih hii'1 N .'i.iiini years cl I. ll wilt rxtniiiit'il lio.ii the iniiis (it Tllfllt It Is said tint t!l r!T cl f InK'Xi ciltbjf drltiksi i mm ike; Frtochmun w int lo danre, a (ii una: tn I it u , a h tin (i Mr J to iiiiiiie, ai Krt(:Utjiii4n to f;il, an Itail.ui 1' bo;!i', ho lriihiniii If) iiiiiit ami at A ui' r.i.ati to make a spcic i. Ttif otant.e stick N the only nai1 Cleaner titei -nary. Toe stick ptopet ly poinu-d will not injiiie tin: cnaini i or ti e cuticle uroiind the nail. Ait'alKht tuim prwoMit'Hi ,nnn '"'" ? in . m rt' li iiiu ti.Hf- t:n' ieii ; l U'elie) ; K vf rt'lne'K i tniuwn Alt', I'eie Tr, I ololft'lu Bargains in H3r'an C?. Lands. Ke;il Estate H alw iys a safrt fllM'S IllCllt. It ntllher turns nor bhws away t'an t'hj adird t't ftit when you can own a ((ii. titer sect I jii f r "o i. l or iiiiilier tii form ill 'ii wi lie Schumacher James, Orleans, Nt b. A. C. Ov;, A. M., I I Si,, rrrn , Omalin. I'Hor. A. J I.dtriiir, I'rinc. K' i ,r ' , , v,4fl S k, lt HI. 1 tf iu. h I..,;!!. f '9.000 in RoJJl'.:. !'': Hank Flrfir? and 1 i '1 ? ; a r; :ei4. s 'im' a e m W'trk ti.r li'iiml. -r f,r lr'e nt(jii.!;1 b-nir.l in Hlri:- i!or I i cr pni,i,. t.. i Iv a IIihIw oileu i:. i.t il. nf ?) t!i u! ifuil ilif N. 11. C. Iit.-ic.I ' (too df coff'.-e ilils year eqnaU lifie n-s! v tt)t lis of the world's C0:isumpl()0. Mr. Mlnklnwi MioniING BY KUP for ehil lin Irvihlng, M.ltciic iii (iinip.rr lui n inlln n.atinu mlHj-tf tin euren nolle, Prlw ? Ixittln. The (Dtrentor of the safty hev le Seorue Slieiold din In bo hnuluh pO! house. BHGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CLkS caurrb ol tbe atomacb. built ..US Dhtiit AU fi 4 Uiii- LA urta rr.ip. T.i Ueoa, Dm ri a c-uui In lina H"iil ttf drni 9 i i YORK Mill A ti i , ,, ut u.f i, I the tri :U llietit tf (oik j !,;!. it.-, I, (i iriued in ( II. . '. u - ... ' ' i ' i ieiil 1 1 i i I (J!s-;i,e u Hi.J(J:r i:j k U vnl Ii:l a f' ,.itiit.i-ium whete lie ikt;t nr.ul iie rciven or dies i In the m ,itj time bU f.i-ni'y received j a weekiy paiibia fr hu a fund tuj Inch t lie patient himself contii-j buted wh.-ti he wj in ao-ji) ind tli. Iiy this means the risk of j.pre.i'ilnjj tbe die.ise i avoi led. It Is Waiiii'ii fit enorn Maria Vieto, cf Milriil, that she is toe oldest in the tH. She has lived in time reoiurie. havinn heeu hoto tn i;s. she is. there fore, one hundred ar,d twenty-throe year of an. Tice l.a shebeen married and lia hat nineteen child ren, all ( f wrtoa she survies. Toolh-piill t g it a ery simple and paiiilft precept in China. The den ttNt rubt a S'cr-t pi d r on the mini i v-r t)i' aiteeied to'dh, and after ah-iiit five minutes, the patient it t'i'l to sneeze. '1 he tooth then fails out. Many atten pts have been mad.- by h! iun dentltls to ascertain tl.e tiature i f tl it powder, hut none have t-vei SUic-eded it) iWliy SO. At an auction in (union, ireently, a tirst edill5n of Hum's poemt wai S' 1 1 for 11,1'K). It Iz the leakages t'jat tell; thare ar a hundred men tuined at thf splyot, to one at the outiif. 'r" to Hiajr t iired. Wapello, Iowa. vt. in. peinl ) (Hie of the in'ini renmrkuble cure ever rce.irili-d in Ij,iiU:i (Viinity In licit of Mm. Minnie Hurt of Mil plaev. Mr. Hurt wan in bed for eij;iit montlm Hint W lien rihe was Illlle to sit up idie w.-i f no nrawn up on one side ami eoui.i 0"t walk ihto-s the ritn. I Kidney I'jlln eiinil her. Speaking of Iht cure. Mrs, Hurt snvs: "li, li.elil's Kiilnev 1'IIIh cured me iif'er I :i iii lied for eilit inonihx and I kii"W Hie erne w an complete for that win tin..- y.-mi uo and I liavej llol lieell down k.liee. Ill f'llir Week" from Hie lime I started Inklni; thein t wilt iible In m.-ike my jfardeii. Nobody en n know bow lliniikfiil I am to la elireil or tmvv in lu ll I feel I owe In Dol'l Kidney rills." This case iialn polntt out how much the general health depend "t; tin- Ki'liievs. Cure the Kidneys with io.ld Kidney I'ilis Hud nine -lent li of (he MifTcriuij the Iniiintn family if heir lo will ilisiiiieiir. Rain has hever been known to fall In lQiibue, I' tij. I'itch In yumj man I and recknlckt this i lie world don't owe you bul one thlnj,', and that Is, a decent funeral. The turtles are s!o, but they haft on moie racs than the fi xet ever i'reiiuerit visits ate paid by the I'arls p...ce to he l.iccs when iiiUors nre sold, that the beveiauis o a I ihotatoiv, and If they are found 0 he aduiletaied, the stock Is s. ind used to dret en tin! sewers. Thar Is no man so poor as the nan who dreads poverty the most, i.tve. Indla-f uhhpr trees which are tap icd every oilier daycotiiinue to yield ip fir mute than twenty years, and 1 is a curious fact that the oldest nd tm st freueotl:y tapped trees unduee the rienest sip. I he hrtsile. of the tooth brush lion I1 not he too slilT; one in which irlslles are far apatt Is last, as such a iy he thcrou.'hly cleaned 2 Miss Nellie Blackmorc, Alia ncapolis, lclls how any youm? woman may be pcrmanentiy cured of monthly pains by tak ing Lydia E. I'inkhaai's Vege table Compound. Vnwn Wouix : -1 hnd freauent headibes of a aerero nature, dark I epots before my eyes, and at my men Mrual period.i I Buffered untold agony, A memlT of the lodye advised mo to try Lvdhv V.. I'inkbam's Vege table Compound, but I only scorned pood advice unr! felt that my case was hopeless, dui ; n urui, i um uum bought bottla and atarted Ukinir it. I soon had the bcit reason In the world to change ray opinion of the medicine, as each day my health Im proved, and finally I waa entirely with out pain at my menatruatlon periods, I am most ffratcfuL" NlTTlB liLAcm Momt, 28 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Jnlr.n. 5000 forfeit If erlglmU tf afcKW IttUI proving gtnulninaii cannot 6 prottuct. If there Is nnvfblng about yon case about which you wonl like apeclul advloo, write freel 1 H Plntrliam. tslirvvvlll linli Ml I'll!" M ..... , your letter In Mrlet coniilein'ej Khe can aurely help you, for nd person In America run apeiik from a wider experience in treat liiflr female HI. Khe bit helped hundred of thotiHiinda of women back to health. Her adrfre H larnn. Maa. s ber adyloe la fr, U M "Eli lilt rl f i'Url i , j t ! l.iktlj I.. MAr Mrnil Wrc.k .f I eiii.jni. ( 'l.ll.e lny n,iie i. od tl"Ii I try lv j ...lil'-il ,i j.ei" (li." .;. a eli kuoti J .',.- . IH !!1 lie' NeW llr!e;ile 'J'jllirS I .i.l ot'leutiiiii-k in .!!'!! ' I !' inn J jie let-s f.dh.u lia e f.Hiiiii an!i's. 1 ';.!. in'! ln-Her m,j. i. -.-I this fail on ...ii hi lelaiiii il mory wl.-aii ;.is e iNt a .hloW over my w Imle hf" i"i i;i hae n reason lo doiil.t nie .' .aai I tell you ibat my only nister i 0 day a wreck teiaue of my .oiiihful .iopen-iiy lor liiivlng fun at iie ceiise of others. To u- a baek lejisl rxpresshni. 1 u trill bf ally nay I r.blened her out of tier wnses. That (as thirty years iij;o, anil memory nines the u ifortuuMte im ideiit as viv 'liy iK'fote my mind thin evening f it happened only n:i hour hko. I euiemi'er only too well the day I re iinied lioiue wilt) nil the pride of one ti ho bad just been v'nidilatisl in imsll nie. I Mil ium; a emu ersa linn a)n.i;.t Hie family circle a rreat deal of what 1 bad seen as a .roiis t ive j'l'.idin t" in medicine was spoken of. The talk hilled on nbiuit ilead pisiple and tliCU il'oiil gliosis, all in u playful way. "My sister. mIio was a yotiujr woin in. lull of roliraue. I. milled at I lit- idea f sjMHiks, and san nhe noilid ha e to si" i.lii' mid speak to it before she would ever believe in visitations from the other world. I was lull of Inn Mien innl would no out of my way for a l.iu'li at the expense of another. 1 de lei'iiihieil tn try her rimniji' eoiiceniim; spirits, and uhat should come to my mind luil the idea of riL'cinj; up a ki leimi and pulling it in the way that hsl lo her room. Oblivious to every tlioucb't bul that of i-o n si lit; a p( . Soke, 1 improvised a lleslihs fright and lived it where she would have to meet il. She did meet it. loo. an 1 Hie sitlll of il has llever left her. W e h".ird her five one loud seie.i"! an' thai was all. Hushing lo the h i!i,v.i;.. v.e fmind her slaliiii; at the skeleton with il riii on her face. She . mild Hot move, and was taken away. The lies; alleiitioo money could five le r fade I to ben,. til her. That same si. ire atM Hint Maine trill Willi which she met my piece of fool. liness has never led la r nut lo day kIic is in a retreat a home less menial wreck. That is why I say the column!) expression 'he was Irihl cued out of his wils' has truthful oritrin." SOUTH AFRICAN SNAKESTONE. NiiHvck Persist in thf Jlelief that II AtiHiirli Poison. South Africans. ut u rule, trouble ihemselves bill little alsiul sllaki-s, ai Ihoiiv'h It Is very well known that a few varieties are pa rt h-nla i-! v deadly. Ainotit; i he natives Hi" prnpeil ies ol the "siinkes-tonc" have for many ireu erations formed a center of half super sutiniis credulity, and. even by peo ple who miirht I ie expected to know better, have been supiioseii to effect the most surprising cures of snakehile. An Investiiratlon of Its properties by the government bnoterloinisis ol .Natal, who submitted an Indian snakestone to the text of aipliny! il to aniniuls infected w ild snake venom, has shown ismeliHlvely that lis prop erlii-s are mythical nmt that it 1 does nolliiiitf Hint is claimed for II. Acinrdiliif lo tradition the siuike slone. which has absorbeni ipialilies a ti which there Is some reason lo be lieve I.s freipienlly artitieially pre pared. Is placed on the wound inflict nil by a s'nake. There it is believed tn suck out Hie poison, and it has been said that if iiflerwurd placed in a bowl of milk the venom will exude anil the milk will turn blue. Ill cerlain experiments narrated in the Hritixh Medical Journal all iln-se directions were lo, lowed. To the Ivvn rabbits injected, respeel ively, with the venom of u black inaniha. a very dead ly South African coiilluine, and vvilh pull' adder venom, Ihe snakesione was at once applied. The stone, by virtue of Its absorbent nature, ailhensl to the wound, but here Its adherence to tra dition ended. Until rabbits died, and, what whs more disappointing. Ivvo oth er rabbit, used as a "control experi ment," which were Injected with the same amount of venom, recovered. Nor when the atone whs placed In milk did the milk chaiiKo color, though n slight quantity of It was Hbsorbed. The amount of absorption that the slnne enuld possibly effect would be no more In hours than nrdlnnry fni' tioti by the lips could achieve in a few minutes, and its only possible useful ness lnlht lie that of Improving the lisja hical, coudilion of the patient by impressing tiiin with the belief that il valuiible remedy was being applied, South Africa. Cut It Down lo a Stick. ('oiiKressinaii Stephenson told Ihh one; Willie Slinsuii, while isliior of a pa lter at Ashland, Wit., fell In love with Ihe pretty stepdaughter (if the publish er. The old mail tried In vain to ye! rid of Sliiison. and Dually discharged him. Slinson went lo .Milwaukee and worked there for about three months The, younn woman explained to all friends that the etiKiKimnt was ill. solved. Finally Stinson went hack to Ash land by a country road on horseback He drove to Uie CoiircKaUoniil church, where the pretty stepdaughter inei him. She was surrounded by iiuinet on Kirl friend. Stinson had been tec ounl.ed by several people as lie roth to Ihe church, iind he was In hurry to have the ceremony performed. "I)o you want the complete service?' Inquired the minister. "("tit It down to a slick." repllei" Slinson, in printers' English. TI). preacher w iimmed; lull he undue 'nod, and soon ,111? knt was tied. - VI ' 1 ist kurtjv. r it.e .ml- bar as (f ! iITj.o, the o-:iy of ttil tJ""l at l re in t", t as I.' f ii sl.iir, l y a p1 t-tiLiiter, despite ths '''.ivy peualiy dxtd by the le:is iitur.'. 'the tanJ has l-eeu tiiiden in I. st i'ark, l'ark county, for ev eril yerfr. Vorkthiie. F.i.ijland, has a farm on which moths and hutteiflies are reared for ol-. It 1 planted nitb trjes and sliruhs for tbe purpose. Forty tli.; u catirpillars ire al ways on hand and orders can be tilled at any time of tne year. rw'a '1 Ills : W oVr (mi 11-ai.irB.i Isilltrt Ri-ward lot tuy - of a'airn llit eanuot be rured by IUir ( atarrh ' in. V J ( lil.KY & f(i . PrM..lalslo. O. W' 111 un.WMgawl have knii K. J tifii for th lut la vi-nrs. aivt blievn liiui (rh-t! li'' .0 ait leuiuesk iran-a.'iinie. aal Hiiau i,ni a'.ie Ut eaiivuiil ail ' o'il.iiAiluB niaittf tijr n.HT II -in. ri & i ki il. Whelralr InneKlU.To'.e'lo.O. ilii.MN'1. Kis'tvs & .Miicii.v. Wiiule-aic Oruinuil. ToUvio (i. Hrtil't (aUirrii I nr t taken InleriitHv. a-tiiie aos r!r ia.u Hi. Iilnol n l h i- t .--'.(.' lUts i,y.if:u. Pi i.-e s-,- b.,;u. iid oy ail r. w if 1 l T-t!ii"..i 4I. frev Hall Koii,; j l'i i .b arr llir bent. a mt.9 cwrw!s TV bet rtiai ifa! mortunnv aM a'y yvri rm tuxrmt Kir miiit fcnaD tt wrM w Tvy t iriul'iiv or jt :ilcwwr All Ki(yb S tn ifIC FIjH ofari'i-.rt'.ofl'veist iv'v.tii All refellf .Jr&,-r5 if if yirv. AJTOSacOMXtfUoiBJA. j&rj mem. a"! A spin op bpaitv i a .toy roprvi'p. vr. r. frtix ;.n iiAi u s hbu ntu CltlCAM.Olt M.O.U AI, iiEAt l'jrit H llfnoTi. 'C,ri. r:,iiiVn.Fr. V'n W K-"''. "C i I". I 'HI Iwaiil.-. J i'-(l-,,'-rt!in. li il. (.' ni l !!.(. 1r4 t U y arn. t.'J II lo liar in c ,s II i it, It Ut ht mill ll lnT'tl-TlyrnHls .t iio.-'iunc r r-it r tim i ii Iiaint. Iir. I.. A S.'Ta nai 1 to i la !)' ut l! ha lt i..n ta i.t;t-iii. 'A r .u i a a i fi irul 11.4 Lhm. I IKOlBlli 'Cojfaad'6 C'tant M th Usn brmfnl of all tti rtln rriMVraL'on F.T h't y all I'lniiv'ili ana Kuoy Ixai-ri I, lt' r. I' md Kiirojik. ftill. T. HOfKllu, Prcji'r, 37 Graat Joru 8L, N. 1 The tirst sutp In physical bn'atu Intf. W hisky i. one ov the urate trlumps o cl vilizashun. Appendicitis is unknown amotiy po.ile who never (at meat. rully twitlve month's, (lapse be fore the youtikt condors can fly. The condor keeps Its voting In the nest longer than any other bird. Tlio Canadian authorities sa y that the best Immigrants that come to the country are N'oreiIans and Swedes. If there Is any one thing that the lien louse despises, It Is kerosene oil; the smell of It makes them valk lively. While it is not necessary to keep chickens fat while growing, it is veiy Important to keep them tin if ly. TEACH SNOW Wipe and remove skin from one peach. Force pulp thiough a sieve ind if there is much Juice, drain, i'.eat the white of one egg until stiff, i si tin a silver fork. Add poach pulp gradually, w hile continuing the beat ing. Sweeten with powdered sugar, pile on glass dish and serve with steamed custard or cream. Russia Is two and one-half times as large a.s the United States ana Alaska. CKOCU,E.S When making out your order tor bulbs do not furget the crocus. The flowers are not lasting, but are very bright, pretty and showy while tliev do last. A few will nut make much of a display, but they are vers cheap, and when planted tn larne 'liianttUes and In the different crlots few other flowers are more apprecia ted Coming, as tbry do, at the lawn of the new S"Hion, and often wh"u the snow still lingers on tin i Jlsides, they cheer us and give us i hint of the brightness and h .iuty I fiat Is soon to come it. The yellows ire the bhowiest of all, and more lnwers are produced from ot;e bulb if the mammoth yellow than from iny other sort. Then there are the pure white, with Iliac stripes, and he dark purpb, nil of which ate 'Xtremely pretty. Ltist year for the first time a lady tried sending a few blossoms to the crocus blossoms to t friend, who told me they lasted hree days, and were beautiful as 'ong as they lasted. Along window inx with several Of these will bright n up a rot m wonderfully. To he frown successfully In the house, lowcver, they must ho given a room vlth a temperature never exceeding in degreis othetwlse the buds will last . Crocuses may he planted hlekly over tho tu'lp bed. The lowers appear almost before the mow Is gone In the spring, and fade lef'ire the tul! os develope. PUTNAM AisSrValisssI I at uT. S scaur e mis uas saal SMS M ISc a sseaaaa. KallS AUCI3TB ji r v lo . 3J . -..V j?l?l . -r.'l i JTS i'UJU.; i;l Li j When d' 1 p t bijl :.s.' Anytiuej from August until Nt Yeats. 1j I alwavs use fl-mei pots? N.i indeed! Old cups tols tumbler? even teapot may be utilized a!ays provided a hole is punched tn the bottom far as aceomtnodatiiiK as bulbs are they never like wet feet. Io I always succeed:? Yes invariably for it seems to break their hearts not to seed up the flower bud packed so securely in the eeoler. To show you how determined they are to flower : I put awaay a dozen tulips In a daik S'ldim-used closet, tine was Over-I' oked an1 happening to open the closet one Sunday murnnig 1 spied a bit of red in the corner rather pale to be sure but that bulb had sent up its blossom stalk in complete dai kuess. One of the best Investments for home happiness and cheerfulness is a sum laid down in buhs. "I'lease tell me just how you pot them." 1 have the nice soil ready in the shed taken fiom under the tutf. Then i put a piece of crock over the hold In the bot tom of pot or oish put in the tartn and a teetspoonful of hone dust mixed with the sun si that the roots will soo'i get at it then set in the bulb and moie earth around tbe sides, with tbe neck if the bulb just above the surface. Then with my tinge:s I lirm the earth so as to make it slanting from the nock to the sides so that the water won't stand around Ihe bulb. The mis take is o'ten made of ke ping them t''0 wet. In the dark tiny wont need watt ring again for a mouth piihaps or until the earth feels dust-ary. The best place to keep them is a hatiitli.g shelf In a frost proof cellar away fr in mice, but there again they will take up with almost any daik place, bureau draw ers aw old stove, or even in a basket under the bet. Another mistake Is made in keeping them In tto warm a place when they 3ie coming Into bloom. A room next to where the lire Is they like belter. And now, "Wh t do yi u no with them after flowtrltg'"' If th'-re Is room, tuck them aay in comers in die garden, or thiow them on the refuse and buy new ones for the bouse ( very season. Ameilcans imported f 2."4 1 27T6 wnith ( f precious sto ies last year. Western Canada's MAGKlFiCEKT CROPS FOR I3C4 Western Canada's Wheat Crop This Year Will Be 60,0GC,CC0 BUSHELS AND WHEAT AT PRFSINT 18 WORTH $1 BUEHfl Tin' oHt aud burtj crop will aiao yield abnnitHiii !,v. Kilenillii prlei-D for all klniln nf piil'i. ct tl i iii ol her furni prn.lui-p fur I lie niv tag ef wtilcli ! lie i-limitte j m unsiirp;iiseil Aiu.iii !.".. nnn A iii'-t ten us hiive st-itled In WVnieru ('amid dining the past tUree yen i's. 'J iHitisnnits of frpp boinrstndii of 1 (to acres each still available u the best aiirlcuititrHl districts. It tins been Hld Hint the Tailed Suites will he forced to Import wtieiit within a very few years. Secure a furin In CniiHila ami become one of those bo wdll pro duce It. ftr InfMni.liin tn P,iMrln'ei,'1nl nf In-is'i'illon, HI4.W,. I nuh 1.. I" lutliirl.-l C.rm,l, II, 'l.,v.rt,.i, I W. V TiaanMI, K I Vni Vmk l.i'k n:4f .Omaha. Kes. I jrXelirotltn I It CORN FRITTERS To every cupful of grated coin allow one egg, a table spoonful of milk and a little stlt and bitter; stir well together and thiiKen with a little Hour. Fry either in lint lira or cook on the griddle the same as batter cakes. Haifa lemon dipped la salt is an excellent substitute for oxalic acid in cleaning copper hollers, brass teakettles and other copper or brass utensils. union $3. BO m tho iTimli itl easy A T'Hi to 1 y CRtAT5T iHCE MAKER MM F .... wrss Trwl V -' ,)!) f ' - P v.MW . i r N Sale Ten Million Bozes a Year. 1 S(CANDY CATHARTIC .nfsif Li BEST FOR THE BOWELS FADELESS DYES t!2Z f'tJ'L, t&J&&!lm "Vl " " to rsislts. tMts far fns Ssotkt- Boa ti Bra, Mmi ssS Mi Uteri. HOMtoC et(Vfe to.. CalaavMta. Aftaavarl ALL tHOKEN DOWN. so H p No Appetite -Juat a Coattu- anl Km kti he. Jo-eph MWauley, of Ut Shoiio stieet, Chici-ipi. Sachem of Teeuuiseh I-otJ I wo yenrs ago my rna!'t' wag complete ly In. Len down. My hack aetieil and waa ao lame tbst at thn I was hardly able to dress iny Ke'f. I lost my ap petita and wag un able to ileep. Then leeuied to be no re lief until I took I loan's Kidney I'illg. but four boxes of this remedy effected a complete and permanent cure. If aufferinf humani ty knew the value of Doan's Kidney Tills, they would use nothing else, as It is the only positive cure I know." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster Milburn Co, Buffalo. x. y. "N .se cort ts" are In demand In Paris. The ladies wear tnem 'at night, of curse It is stated that by their use a snub nose can be so changed in three months as to appear a graceful aquiline. THE UNITED STATES WILL SOON KNOCK AT THE LOORS OF CAN ADA FOH WHEAT. A Crop of 00,000,000 Bushel ot Wheat Will lie tlie Kecord of 1904. The results of the threshing In West ern C'nudu are not yet completed, hut from luforuiutiou at hand. It is safe to say that the average per acre will bo reasonably high, aud a fair estiuaats will place the lotal yield of wheat st bushels. At present prices this v. ill add In the w ealll) of the farm e'rs marly ip i,o00.000. Then think of the Immense j eld of oats and barley Hnd the large Imrds of cattle, for all of w hich gisxl prices w ill be paid. The following official telegram was sent by Honorable Clifford Bifloii, Minister of the interior, to Lord Strut hcuua, lil.-h Commissioner for Canada: "Am now able to Mate definitely that under conditions of unusual diUicuitr hi Northwest a fair average crop Ot wheat of Hood quality has been reaped and Is now secure from substantial damage. The reports of Injury by frost ind rust were grossly exaggerated. The wheat of Manitoba and Northwest Ter ritories will segregate from ISfty-Bvs lo sixty million bushels. The quality la good and the price is ranging around one dollar per bushel." Frank II. Spearman, in ths Saturday Evening Post, says: "When our first transcontinental railroad was built, learned men at tempted by isothermal) demonstration to prove that wheat could not profit ably be grown north of where the line was projected; but the real granary of the world lies up to 300 mile north of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, and the day Is not definitely distant when the I'nlted States vrlll knock nt the doors of Canada for Its bread. Kallroad men see such a day; It may be hoped that statesmen also will see It, and arrangs their reciprocities while they may do to gracefully. Americans already have swarmed Into that far country, and to a degree have taken the Americas wheat field with them. Despite tha fact that for years a little Dakota sta tion on the St. Paul Road Eureka held the distinction of being the larg est primary grain market In the world, the Dakotas and Minnesota will one dHy yield their palm to Snskatche- A disobliging husband dwells In Lawrence, Knsas. lie wis sick, and his wife bought enough goods to furnish a boirditg bouse, promising to pay for them when ber husband died, and she received his life in surance money. The disobliging husband refus"d to die, and regained his health. The wire thinks it waa real mean to biro to disappoint bei creditors. In all Persia there are scant 54 miles of railroad. W.L. DOUGLAS co rzt ounce MADE. n MKN. W. L. Oouglmm mrnkcm mnd mmiim mof mmn' mhoom than any m4hw manufmcturm world. 1 he re&3u.i W. U Douylaj S.txi thon ar th si-:i.-r-. tn tlii vmi! ' 1 U lMcii(et nf t.hsvlr ceUiiit ml ntiuitf ami hiitx-rlor Wfjinng qimlitiw. If I oiud ti (he ilHTeroti" Mwwn t lie slto s rtmli in hit factory m4 nw or iit mnkfit aiitl the hiKn-ffniiir iathcm uiwd, y ulit iiti liMviand wliT tV. DohitIh., S'l.Mt uliof-n eol nirt iimk, wliy i.iiy li'H.i (heir ftlmpc, m ln-rter. wrsr Ion Mr B-Wi Ait ot tff(;iHT imiitiSKi yatu tittiii mi y uiiht no on the nnvrki'i tti-tlAv, ahti why lUe (Mttes lot tin yttu iidun July 1, liwi, wens $G,2G3,G4Q.G0. W. f,. fon? (niftrtitrei Itmir by i'aniplnr Mt nnw mt't Ki um Hit tuM'om. look for it take uo mitHittii S'miI l.y n't-ttt dniiU'i't cverywlicrc Jutt tutor lyatU wo iiriMfffv. huperlor In Ftt, Comfort rt ar. " I hornrorn W.LPmiOlns ,f W shorn for 'V Jt ftrrhtyear vt'i. atnfutrii'if,fat fto'i. ")' ' 'r tufitycuntfor a"i wear to other f'tl'mj j 'f V'-M f" I -i,f)" IS. Mrf't :, Jtrpf, f'.t 7.. Int. ptimih, Rirhmond,Ym W. I,. Ootufla is Corona In U3.M . ttmna oH cou ceded to l the liiiy i'mi'nt I.chI lur matlo. bSD t'OE CATAT OfiHH amSfl FtJI.t IWITROCTIOIII HOW TO nupF-I BT MAIL. &