Rear Admiral Hichborn i (licommends Pe-ru-n? K7 w n v 1 A m. it Philip Hlebbora, Rr Admlr! Uni4 i!t? Sttf, writn Uouk Waii!nflo. I). C., foilowa: a A ihm mi itt Prruna tar m mhort n,rl,I. I can now chfrtutty rtcom I mend your vlushlt rtmtdy to any or, who 1 In nrf of an lavlgoratlu? tonic" -Philip Hichborn. f. ruitnij r l dii. htt r Cf;el iurb ontiiite culogT fr'Kil n injf rn(i-iitil atateioieu nu l unl.drj u,i-a IVrnni. 0'iT nii urn tiTj r th mtur pntaMl'iti of our cauntrj. J'ariint it .roii-t!n of lh armji and iiry m ridanitu ! of clliut iu! Vi If. If you iUi.iirt dri prompt f turj' rxu'li from lha u of tVrmn, rue at onra to Dr. 11 srtmnn, ririg fill wsi'tiiaiit or ftu cat, ami na wi.. t i-l-mf to (!ti you hia vtluabla ad n -tr-itU. A'l'lr4 Jr. IIrlttin, 'r'aMant of T!i Ilartmin Sinllariuiu, Coliimbiu, riik. FLiJRAL NOTKS Petunias v ill do will In the bouse If riolrd fiom itiooii cut t lns uia'ie dow. Ohrysiintbctnutn wblct) hae btu bcdtit-rJout may be potted and ui rn in occasional dose of liquid niaourc Tbe bnllybick Is a statfly beauty tod sfds ijwo tbli ni'ictb or will Diike pUolf wblcb will blutsow next &uiunjet A comical collection of abbleg ai lately &eeo at a lair lo San Fr aiflo. Tbej were all Cblnese In fants, and im malei bad their hearts haveo, and tbe femalrs bad their hair ornamented with frlngts of heads and paper fl iwm. The dr ill tifiresslona oo tbe faces of tbe slmoudt'yed cberubs would make ;teo a tick msn Uugb. Wheu the fuwls get too fat an eluMe feed of oata will tenuce tllClll. SIM 100. Ttia TMuim it UU piT will tlwl u Ixi.'D dial Uiof M at lirl 'HIP rtru1eit iti-" clmira tiu n abla to euro In all .t !;'. ami tit I aiarrti. Hull atarrt 'in I lh only pm'.ttTe ir kwnn In lua miiw hainrtiHy. tuurih tMlna a moUtu'lmi-l ! e.n. rnulrw a ronntitulioti! ttnatniMt. 'trrlt lira tfi lotetnally. artmt olW'-J on lit hlWMt anil ni!Kou nirta- f tii ftyt" Xmrtby ilw'rvm Iho tcMia.latkm "t Mia aa. anil !rUia loa (Mttpnl tnM.ih by iilWi'if up UwuutUunun nt hIUi Oilur linl'i.fti ti .ir. Tits piupt itor lae no much lut'i l ltiira(le irai U,at lliej of!nf One ItuaCiM lmliar tor aur i-a- luat ti (J1 to "Ha. fauD (W tut M laklllnriaiaiv f- V. .), t HKNEY m CO THrto, C Seta by IirtiMliu, Tac, HU Family I'ttt' th twt The atinual report of tbe Westfic Union Telegraph Co. shows h-,(k1.. 00, ttieasagea transmitted, 2a,t0. JO earned; net refenue, 9, 000,00 . and an surplus of n.Ono.OOO. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment rare Cat-, Hums, Ernieea. In tumia altogether tnere are about a.yooo elementary scho'ils, to: total cost it their maintenance lug WodOM) rubles, or about 2T, ...... .. ... dn-ti imii.. i .mum ike iiwa.rwt.i ' oi.u.,,...,.,-,,, r,tx.s JllgUiy fu eou d soaps a.e often In i1 -th, scent is added to con l.l ill I I ilf. ' f .' -- ' Vimit Cur. for CVi..mjH' p InimiltMi rrlit a nil throft A glass of warm oi hot milk taken ... . ... . j,....i ..d. jus', befonj or Jmmrdlatclr after ariolnj will pmve a ' fleah i.rndueer !'.:(,, iu Tsi-m'm iw ih ityij. pia m-airin. ffff Hnwla. A l.umlrwl m, !i, ni fl Ui m U. ntt ia tl 1)mH"'I ia lior jrr. Onii'0c a. ..i. ... ,b Kfiuttu'S-. av-r'.. i-r lllfi"annfiit lrm aul-iMT uri.. . ,u m..,! ,., ,....,1 i,t kiMM TiiMia. w . i , ...M hNw . mi 9-H. tail'B, uinw' mi Ont iir i-iiarai.y am ml. f wiihi-i tniKio. " Tk. St-. i-tuv la amiuak tru uJinanr ivt' Mi il avr ''- i Agntultiire ia compaiai Ivi ly easy r ' - wotg In China. "J be soil Is so rich .i. .. . - i. i. i.i. m H a (jui(c Dine ii n -i"""", )f a .t piKtlna a population Of ' : . .. 1 . ... a' USES f Q OLD PAPE.H. WM I Made Our l !i:,, ,. ,he luMcrrnl 1rln, i r o.-l i.i.p.r are i :rd- ami ,j j,BM j Jigtii ..i) itirti f imini," , lUisfc ) ai'-r ,1! i lit- U .t-iiii -j: U -' much ! i" Jiixli away uoHdtiat. ant hj.m u. lj.h!er tli- grea! ane.ii.i iiin; j .J.,, y uuiu:i!m- ,t -.-. (.-uii..,,!,,, 1 he new iiiiicr ai re-iil(( ufj u,i, lll.nfltv I.,.....- .. .. . . l loved r u- a. jji.h- r a i-u.'er f th city after i .'taj paper and JUmiir I H lapping xt to the tIX! ti j 11 II !1 W.MV lep itUii-t ould have ti oiir.mize a -1 - iwiw if liii D jilt In :.. t tiew jimI tiiirn tln ui. "Mom of (lii- iif'iiMiii ale (lath (red uji ttii-i nHV,-tt.-.l ii, i,. uj.iikftaiiif paper e.iin ami son,,, ku in wnli the rile ragi in m.ike uriou Uind uf !miuT 'i.i! ih.ii.m .!; but i: iW of these Iwn ;!ii- .if i miu-i r v the miner i Made illto illIf'Ti'Ul Ue Ui HMl'll'S t af u wonderful n.iiure. Tin' cr are ui,.-le of Uie pni (iiiiji. .iml j Lij a uikik iriMix4 tlit-y .an ln r.' ouvortf.l iiit'i :n.i.irr m!i ii.iiu. i ii h in lilt- nrt lli llllH let 1'illlnl a TtiiS lilllll i Hot lii-i!l!i-i' iiinl tii !o iiinkp it .iili!i. !o uf l! mi-r ag illi fur ! ii ij r wrk. Howew-r, It in -ln'wtil aii.l Htumi'il ii; mill iiHii-1 fur in r i iv iiIIkt ur;Hi. s. V.xl IU'.JI III'Vi'ltil'M, Ii-Jij li-.'i llilMiT, . , t n-r WfltfitlH anil :ili rf v. r iir iiiiiiuifai'Uiriil frin thin n-.ii" i:i jn-r. "Of I'liursi-. tln ii- rt- ; m ri- U'1"!! workfm In a-:c hit ami -iiiii- uf Uicsn arc workinu on pro'iVim wlm-ii apiMfir vitv c.iy of f-niiM'iii, hut wlilch In rtNiliiy art' inoit ililll 'iilt. I'm- lUMtflliei', wllllt i'l'IIH l'.liT lllilll 10 tie tin- papiT over a.i'n for jiimiIiii .' Wliv iio Imll in:-! Menu y.uir v.iti paper ami mil It tlinuiKli in.u'liiiii'ry Into new H. -.-t for Mi" il.iily iirt-c? Vo'JliliJ iippi-ar til mullt iaii'i". tint tlii-n- i lin'.liliic m-chh to jjlvr IihU to llio papiT tin' !lfi wlii. li the pri'-'ii of jirmtinc taUi'H from It. It la di'Hil papi-r. H Ilk' vitality, atreneth. rltiMi. ami l! Is in'mil vi,li Ink ami i-lu'tuli'iiN. If ny mfin i-iiii rejuvi-ii tin tln pnpfr nml ninki" It tit for tin- pr'-n'W ovt-r ami over aK'iln li" will ninki' h fnriuni' nnd tfvoliuion Uo tin- Jiriiitiiuj Iiiislni-'i. Wlial a boon It would In" to rlif iii'w-ipiipfr to run lt wiiiii- papiT link nifaln and buy In old roplft of tin- early edition for u-f In tJio Sunday iillnon! Yet I firmly believe that some day we will come to thai. Then the pri-e nf new paper will fP down. Nk pajier WJiil Jiany i-iili I'oiiiroi Hie iiiarket of sprucf trees thin to foree up the priee of elieiip j;niilc paper. It will be u benefit to the j)utilllier and the reading puh He a well, i'o day papers are print e.I ami sold at a penny a eopy (simply lMriue pHpernmklns h eheiipeniHl the irix'en to wxii a wonderful ex tent, but we have not yel reaehol the limits. There are more Improvement nhead whieh the preeit Reiieri-ion haa far from anthipaliHl." EVANGELIST WHIPPED BULLY Tbcn Had lUrn on the Front Hench at the McetiiiK tliatMnlit, A Metlimlisl minister of this cit) tells the following story about the late Sam llozel, the gr.-at Virginia evange list, who In his day was one of tut heat-known pulpit orators in the South "Sum Howl was a very big man n,l hud a wide reputation for physl cal strength, in bis college days hf camo off tbe Held of combat, usually a circuit! ami secluded area of the campus, wearing the laurel of vic tory on umny oeca!ons, and after be hecame a preacher atories of his phyai c-ul prowess were spread far aud near "One day he went to a village tn hold a protracted meeting. The vil lage blacksmith, who was a very mh man. and who was recognized, espe cially among tbe tavern habitues, as a pugilistic wonder, heard about tbe com log of Kozel. aud the villagers da! not fall to tell blm all they bad heard about the size of the parson's arm and Uie leagto of his legs, and tbe con vlnelng way be bad of closing his ar gumcnts with his lists. "All this nettled the smith consul erably. so w hen Uozel rescin d tb town he sought blm out aw. aeu m.i '"."itrf, of course, wild he did no tvant to flght; but the smith kept oi . ...i flM-.,tlv itozel bisame an j ' , HKfHH to gratify the fellow , J ... .i iii,,fil!v win They fougnt. no- - eil up be ground wmi u.t- "" ""- ' ii,a,i lmllv was gnsnln(! ni l. . i n J noJ, pl(,U(ld ulin aml threw blm over a fence. rf , "X mi..'? ."? 41., he rolled over on the other side of the tunn however, he canea oui. klndlv throw my i-aj, i'-n i - ' too: I'm fining away "lillt HO?. l" ,lnmP am1 had him sitting on a fcml . . i.- ..w.dnir that same night, ltut Itozel followed me m i bench St the meeimn iinglng louder than anyone cse. ftnltlmore Hun. . f ....... iiniiimiinil'lon, 'You recommend this mucilage, do "",.!. You trv it once , i.,.M nhvars Stick to it" Cleve anu you ii bj .i a m-riiitiiiy - -- - . and Plain Dealer. . iii.iiiriiinl Incident. .,..nii1,.i had just fallen from bh 1 I Lll n ...linut . . v i..i itiv tourlns car here, "i wwu ' - - . . , muttered. "I'm alek of U.ese trunt ini.-lerlnd Plain Dealer. ; r i - its. n Ki? rrMi n p i , I AcectabkPreparaltonrarAs- siuuwiuit! ncrottuanaHcguia- Promotes DicstionCfafrrur- anrl Res! I'nnl.iiim neillur Ojmint.Morplune nor Mineral. iOT AAJtCOTIC. w w- kukMU Ul, Am .Wvrf humnvH -ill (ultima Smta m-i rtmtw Xnrferl IliinpHr rnrrrinclina j Uon, Sour SlonuM-h, Diarrhoea orins.taonvui;,K)n3,reviprisn ncss find Lss OF SLEEP. FacSi-nilc Signnlure of XEW YORK. IF lip', i CXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. Russia is represented at tbe Vorl l's Fair by a kossak In tbe 'alaee of Transportation, where tea s srrted to vlaltors. It was built iear Moscow. A sluimlDir uluve made of rubber, las hem Invented by a German, instead of keeping the fingers closed hen giving tbe stroke away from ;he bead, the swimmer will spread .heni out, and the Intervening weo ill aid blm In making a more jowerful stroke. a. i . u.i... A. M , LL u.. l'r-n , Omaba. r A. J I.owaT. Prlnc. J t f.nJ -if I t-T Plrnt Kali Bu anil hu.n-s min. 1 uiW) in Rnll Tip lskH. Bark Tliliirpn and ijy-wrHern. S'i.iil!a raa work Inr hoard. A f--r true el;,...;- a hu.ind ii alliffator -t tr'.r p'i!iin-il y a llulr,os (tollega , . .... ,,.na fv,w v h ii, A bully I, a fellow who allwuss meazures bi? courage bl tbe otber phellow'g timidity. Around the World ' I bava ut4 yawr Flh IWana Wlckan lar ytara , ta taa HawaUaa Mn4t n4 Hmai ttfm tka aaty trtUt that MIU4. I m aw I thlt caantry (a Mm) a4 tklnk a fraat laal m yaar caata." (ha ai mjeArMH) Tka warlaWMa rtimta IIm a Tawar a Witar- araal 0(14 Cl.thlaf ( tna pHlllo www m - ail rv ScartBI hamtWtO tata at Ska rTaa. A. J. TOWER CO. Barto, U. B. A. T0W1X CANADIAN CO., UMITBO Taranta, Casaala noNTEST CLOSES OCTOBER 15th .- -aw aw i. - tasWaaaaw tn r4 kptil mt , mi tll ,TM M l, r mm Mf Mal, rW S8B.5QD IN GOLD atakf f pmpmt W wui fj mmtMmm . FIRST mil $25,000)0 HCOND PHUt 9iuluw.uu ininu rni 9,uuu.uu ' .aa...aa aaaa.aa .tr (wnm IB itj 00 " a'.--- , r. aa.aiaa.lra1 kaaMt MlDM i . ' VstiiMi TolK tMtm mW aMttt4... FUtlf awrt MHanaW T Ui-ii Moraart aaa m ... ... U m ami 16 mmtjm mVtmmt, w-.-. J AO 1 'iff if) . ,Tl fltl fttajj , mmn lit TOl at ETIVTE AT ?fCat. F 4, OWWlMM t 1"U UHI UI MIMI.HIM, J rrH..M will ...., Icmlom l ltH.iVC.atx 'H w. ) n.tI.M. iii 10O.'..lM will JIW t.-l..l. wll.l m rvuvm mUlIu f. U u tMmitt. Tl ... rt.wU M ntut T' wllk. . u v.-tiK itii ivrrn T.l H Rl MITTA 'CHS. Ii '-" ' J- , " ' EilSSOOni TE'JST COKPAKYi CtrtTii as.asB.0Ba. a. Lo.u. w, Um . xva .1.1. a.. .,ii.. win, i. na l5a,ooA.oo io rold, im IM HimX .r.r. tb. Li.i.wio4 r.l tka all luali u k.M la ,-,, by tkll S. p. Hi by a k. i"'l hk r I rMte.M.aU h. goiw .11 (TOHFH tTM Ml amaaawi I a. awaaijavUik tavai4 HE WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST CO., -r., a. a a aav-fll I AflT 1V. Dn I tha4 BEST FOR AATlMtnn-tjii y Taautruai V latlMnariTrMlCn. L : si. ii.h. (Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year, f I) V CANDY CATHARTIC ! For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years TM C CfWTHUR eOMMIIT. NEW VORN OITT. WI1KP.E SHE ISN'T . ; Mrs. 01dstyle-"Is Mrs. Senate at home?" Servant "Mrs. Newagels an man- tnatod woman. ma'aCQ. She is never at home. When a couple of women go to a restaurant together they always see how much rt Is going to cost, ne fore they ordes anything; but when they go with a aaan they fon t, ap psar to notice that the prices are on the bill of fare. TI1K DOCTOll PIlE.SCRIbF:S Jlmaon "l)i ctorl am getting too stout for comfort, and I want your advice." Doctor "Nothing reduces flesh like worry. Spend two hours a day tlilnkinn of tbe unpaid till you ot me." WANTED NO EXTBKMES Daugbter-"'Papa, 1 wish you wouldn't look so fierce when young men call to see me. It frightens them." Father "How shall I look meek?" Daughter "Um not to meek; that might s are them off, too. Ao unfortunate husband In Ohio, whoso wife ooeasshmally forgets womanly dignity, and gets fuddled sent the following advertisement t' other paper of his town: "I hereby olve BOtlce to my friends, and uol my friends, tbat mj wife ran away anrl atnl mnniil from the hOllSO lul Thursday. If she don't return ii twenty-four hours I call us parted." aaaMat auavraast to wkt Intel t-aid H4tniM UM 9rmi H Uoll I IZ,WAVst ataat M MJ-aan 4A waa -ka I T tC tf fA Tn Mil w mraHwrMM, paj aaaa ,,,,,, .!.' iw Tath lutH HMrtMMMaM ttf 3 Aft 0 t,a ...... uL..aa anAel. .!)(( Task Hauft naiiMlMiiaalM, IW-ih'.. J,0W t Tt)BUaft' hMralatlBiM, M-uh..,.M !.-') To th natl,ttU HtarMMHtMtta, $1 Mot., ,.,.. l.'I'i.' HuBBlMtauWrv .vrtM. W.vO) (X' ,...a...........t... .......a. a...- Ml Mta111 tmuHr4 that ! fcH--J In nr c.auo.oo ' ' i iZ ' tin v ,55a TO . M rwlY w. wUl lKl.tol , .iil u.. tut Utw . , w. w.. U -L. art II put 4.ilii to W gri.'fB'ii ituMrf tha DUr fair ThW l.,l,..i. . . t..a ...... h.4,aiv. In axel at an 1.1 i n wt ti.t. wr wilt that 1fc Wti pUl aV-(i-1e a I t,iea W"! (a t fair wm 1 1 40 HI, at tn rf.rl'a la fftt.u-n IW,,w.M, sal tlUiOwhK,Uo 1,1'(.0 KOtiEY KQW DEPOSITED Wa mm trnt (tiiti thta ir(t fm. It U hld bf im Mlawewrf Tiu.l V f'r no 4W p pun i)aa t p tJie erixM itat. and I lv1a f pmnlntnl boalti- ban wli Bf rad awitil tharii, m-m Tvsar M.lmaiwa avra ff4 mn am Ms i a samm'tlaaa harfnr th fmiM aJuML Ifcasu iMkK a-taaoltiw (ar- jftMa latrtii sm lliwaraara y fiSTllll ltjrl; I. A K T BAT, Jt ft pfny will m awapM or m Atm,1m asrt arW tliat lata, i ft UK. tXin'l mKtfwt yrlf m lif-lu rairat la faJHni W nt i'i raa' mrm4 Us "r ttMatmr ii' aM mmf mm . an iHdapM-l-! lrrav ka jtmrt. Wrl t, immUI umt rag "' thm immA pmuntxi nhmk. . imu km , ST. LOUIS, MO. ra Ihm annaaait bfr kt 4ti nr mi all THE BOWELS MHl'l'S HAS THi-.Oi;Y M.'S. lJumi ps 'Ttie p4, er oajs tt, finale meuju-rs of tbe Odorado Legialaiute are to sit wltb tbeii la' 5 tff. I wotder wtjy tbat- Mr. Duuipps "I pre-. ume it is be- causuibeie is nothing loalegisa- ture for those bebiud to see. VtP.Y HOMELIKE Mrs. Q jiveiful "Was that place wbeie jou braided during iu? ab aence at all In'Uielike?' Mr. 0.'"Veiy. Tbe children o.ade to much toise I couldn't beat mtself tbiok. Sire Curs at Liiab Moiirleella. Mi.. Oct 3. -(Special.) Lawrence County la almost daily in rweipt uf freah evidence that a aura cure for all Kidney Trouble baa at In Ft been fouud. and tbat cure is liodd'a Kiduey Pills, Anions those who hava reaaon to bleaa the (Jreat American Kidney t;mt la Mm L, K ('.ML'S-'ett of tUli piace. ilra. Hag.-ett had Dropay. iJodd'a Kidney Pills cured her. "I waa trout, el wltn my mum' . Mr. Bagjeit says in re-ommeii'iing lkidd'a Kldnev fills to her friends. in v urine would hardly pass. jue doilora said I had liroptiy. I bave taken Dodd a Kidney tills as airecieu and am now n well woman. Ttorlit'a Kldnev Pills cure the kid rn Cured Kidneys strain all the im pu'rltiea out of the blood. Tbat means (Hire blood and a aonnd. enerp-Oc body. ixxld's Kidney tills are uie greaieai tonic the wwrld nas ever snoAvu. A wan Iz a klr.d ov secknnd rate diollerlst, who drals in kastotf Jokes; be iz on the level ov the clown, and only one remove abuv tbe loafer. A dogmatist Iz one who bcleaves too mutcb, while a skeplct iz one who don't bekave eni.ff. Ibare Iz nothing that we lutv to talk so mutch about az ourselfs, and nothing tbat others luv io little tc listen to. CDCUMPKR STICKS Pare some chilled cut umbers and cut them their full length into sticks about as thick as a pencil. Serve tbem on a dish of chipped Ice. Tbe cucumber slicks are to be eaten witb salt as ctlery is. The afternoon nap ia beneficial to those who would gain fiesh. In Italv. thirty persons out of ten thousand die by tbe assassin's knife. About four-Bftbs of toe male popu lation carry stillettoes. There arc 227 lead pencils factor ies In Germany, which employ 2,813 persons and export each year 1,014 ions of pencils, worth 12,000,000. An elaht inch oil pipe line from the Bakersfitld region to San Fran cisco has to be heated atiuteivalj so that tbe oil will flow. Last year the British mercantile marine sustained, 183 casualties, of blch 348 were complete wrecks. The loss of life was 6,318. A unique exhibit at the World's Fair la a locomotive 15 feet Ions made entirely of glass tube of differ ent sizes. It la a ten wheeler and is perfect In every detail. It Is the bight of wisdom to dis cover tbatg we are fools, and it ia the satisfaction ov wisdom to dls kover that trare are sum woo are bigger fools than we are. Yu kao inherit property and dls aze from yure ansesstors, yung man, hut yu kant' inherit either branes or vlrtew. Everv boddv thinks that be Is ov vital lmnoitanse In this world, and this lz a happy thought for him, for iMilindy else thinks so. A brilliant blunder Is often worth more to a man ttau a merely te sporting hit. .Miu r 7i For Cupboard Corner j St Jacobs Oil f houMhoid rtmady for 1 Rhenmatlsrc " l NeuralfJU Sprains J .'I Lumbtnio Bruiiea i A BacHaicH Ooreneea Sciatica StifTnesa f Prloa. t5e. al 30m. I tftftfa4Sgtltfi Toe Japanesij wire shans the councils of her husbanl an! Innu ences his carreer to a greater extent than do the wives of tbe Western land BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of f ha stomach. 75 ...... .It TutM Good, till In tliiin Soul ftr lniwrl.t it rrraiitTTarp aw i i I V. N. U. Hi 41 YOUK KKE MHRCPOUUM meihods. X Mr.CaUrr !wd spent a week "n it v. and lie eauie bonie with uiu-h ood for thought. For a long time forward be bad per! mis of wedita- kin from vvlib-h he would ruUM b'ia !f to eiilighteo Mrs. Cutter. b bad tot idnin-d bis visit. "(ine of the most curious Uiin!- is ibout the way Uie is:orekeeirs duwn lelow uuike Uieir money on spei-ia.- jea, ' he Kiid one day. alter a long pe- iotl of Kileiice. "Now they poke fun it a country store that has everything u it, but teil me, bow do they manage hingsr Mrs Cutter knew better than to at- empt an answer where none was de Jred, so she smiled and looked iutelll- ;ent. "Vell."ni tell ye,'' said tbe returned raveler. "A man keeps a plcture-sbop. iouuds well and ioks we!!, hut !t s iahle to dull seasons: so be gets his vife's sister-in-law or an orphan cousin ir some such to hit a few o these larnir strips for the neck, and string i number o colored heads Into chains, ind be puts 'em in one coiner o" the nindow with a card saying orders nust be plve six weeks in advance, did then bis business begins to look ap. "If be keeps a cutlery shop be sells i few bats from Manily tbat eonio h rough a friend, and are biiih, as they tre xkurse. If his business is station ;ry lie has a eounler o' hand-sewed leckties and piiniuishins; If bis trade s Fiippnxed to he selllns embroidered jillows and tablecloths, he baa a onnter o' flennan (silver giM)ds; if hia fign aays 'jewelry and crockery," you will find a little plana case that'll have niluted boxes o' chocolate and peanut htkIv In It: and If he irlves out that veiHnir driiL'n. you'll find the draw ing card in his establishment Is bed dippers and bead-purses. Iion't talk 0 me "bout specialties! I ve seen em nd I know!" Youth's Companion. Voice Straniro to Owoer. That a man does not hear his owt oice as all the rest of the world bean t is shown by an Interesting expert nent described by Dr. h. I.aloy in U S'ature, of Paris. Buys this writer: "If a person records on a phono-ji-Hiih n few sentences pronounced bj together with others by his friends, aud causes the machine to re produce these at the end of a brlol period, it generally happens that bt asi)y recognises his friends voices, but not his own. On the other hand, Uie friends recognize bis voice perfect ly. This singular fact proves tbat ev eryone bears his own voice differently from others. a is remarked by Prof. Exner, the ain-erenrA must lie in the Quality of the tone. It must be remembered that one hears his own voice not only througO -the niv. as do bis auditors, but across tbe solid parts situated between the or gans of speech and those of hearing, The sound thus produced has a differ ent, timbre from thai eonoucieu to ear by the air alone. we mav show this as follows: last tbe end of a wooden rod between tb teeth and pronounce a vowel contlnu onsly. Let the otber end be alter- nntelv taken between the teetn am released by another person, who at th Bame time stops his ears, ine tanei nrin find that every time he seize the rod In his teeth the sound becomes stronger than when it reaches bis eat through air alone, and has a airterent qpuility. The experiment may o varied by applying a wooden roa ui tbe larynx of the person observed and touching it from time to time to tu observer's own larynx. As In the pre- reding case, It wuT be found that us jassage through a solid body augments he Intensity of the sound and modi les its quality." Literary Digest. As a Deolorlier. "The perfumery business never was etter," said tbe perfume dealer the Mher day. "I sell more perfume than ( ever did before, and I think my heavy soles are due In a large part to tbe automobile craze. "Y'ou know the odor emanating from those gasoline autos are not pleasant. Lovely woman docs her best to over come it by using lota of perfume. -Tust t;ike notice the next time an auto whizzes by you and see if you .don't get a good, strong whiff of perfume with the gasoline If there is a smaruy attired woman in the machine. "Women may be going in for ath letics more than ever, but they ate going in for perfumes, too, and the most expensive kind. "it would surprise yon, tnongii, to now lww many men have the per- ?uiuery habit as well. I tninit ine iew fnnev slllc handkerchiefs may have something to do with that Frcnoll liirilt. The people of France, both young md old. have always been noted for rheir canaclty to make n little go a good way, whether in the matter ol food, or raiment, or their equivalent nionev. Indeed, it has been claimed, without dispute, that a French family could readily live upon what toe aver age. American family throws away. in the matter of sa vines. M'encn ehrdren lire early Instructed. They are taught the economic necessity ot laying up money for the almost in evitnhlo "rainy day" of the future. The teachers In the public schools are made the transient depositaries or the pupils' funds from a sou upward, and the savings bunks agents gather in the aggregates monthly for permanent cure. The total of these small savings jf the children make an Imposing Hi are yearly. l f r2 Tpsflas tya warn w,isap