1 . -IMA ( o. i TWP ooc oo ococoo oe-o 00 oo ocx oo oooeoe o f r e si -Journal In'ew yokk wori.p Till I'lONKFK IMIAKMAH Trrwte. ut 15. 1HH C C. Bar. Prj' TUB! E -VltXK RHTIO Wa'i Par,? 1 Books finfi Station A' ' MTtire TH fWTnt1C AT lit j Brad where er tr E"bri Lnua).'e let la akal iHITll i'I.AM It iTTrK ken. OFFICIAL PAPKR OK SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Yar. ADVERTISING RATKS- r- W, em Ihphu.m, pT lU.JUlh Kroiuuiit, p-r i.th f 6 (Hi pnaVwwiaiai tani fw-r ar, owe ioci. 5 0" 1 4-aU f" ho eat-ti tu .to d per cent off erty contract. j EMO RATIO N ATION AL TICKET t-1 PrKrjt ALTONB. PARKER of New York For Vk PiwWtil HENRY C. DAVIS j of Wnt Virginia DEMOCBATH' ONGBES.S.ON A L TH KET. For Ctnnrwi, tS'Xid t wtr-. WALTER B. MvNEILL of Lh-ci In con"' v t EM:BATI(" T TE TICK E T. FfW OovrrrOT, OEORHE W. BERGE of Iiw;ittrr counl Tor Lnri'.-r.iuil Governor, DR. A TOWNSEND of Fra.ikliu coi.uIy for Autiilur. t a rvAr)v of Kriy cntjr j For Traorr, J0N OSBOBN -f I'awoea couotv For Laaal CamntiMUooer, A. A. WorsliV of B.iyd county For Suparintcnttant o Public Iniructiin a. son LEY of Ptrkirm county For Attoroy Ganarnl. EuWAR' WHALES of Holt county For Haeratary of fttat. R. E. WATZKE of Rj-l)ardMB t-oui tv. Sanatoria! Canvanttan. Nntica m herrbv eiv d to tl elfctorn 1 Mm People Imk-enoVnt party of tii 14th arnaUtruil diatnct of Nrbrnsk, thai a .lalK' Convention will I hr-M in Kuithvitla, 8hariin county, Nljr:ikii, n TuvariaV. tha 20'h day of H-iit-ii.lrt 1004, at o'clock p ni. for th purpiM f placiof in nomination a ein.lulaio fur aoator of aaid diatricc, ami to tramuict aucb otiwr buMfMma may properly oim tiafora tha coovantion. Tin rapr aotation of tha arventl ronnlim of Ilia alielrict will ba aa follow: Bo Butta 5. Brown 4, 'lurry 8. ) ft, Kcya Paha 4. Bock S. Sliaridan S, and (SlOUK 3. Bl orrtar of Sinntniial Committee, c, L. Mates, Gko. W. Milks, Hacratary. Clriinnan Pamaaraktto SenavtertaJ Convanrtan, 14th Senavtorievl Eiatrtct A dele(ate ronventujo of ilia LVmn Ttic pailv of tlia 14th neuaUirial Uin t net of Nebraska, M hereby called to iit in Ruiivi)ie, ohrridan county, N-'ranki, on Tui-xdny the 20 h dv o feptembar. 1004, at 2 o'clock p. rn fori the PurfMa- of placing in nomm ition one third structure bears the in nd tba trnactu,n of Uci. runi vtnig legend, "The Moral Limine ua may properly come brfnre ( Gambling House." with the lb. convention. The veral countiea of attractive addition, "Every llie dUtrict will be antilled to the follow-1 . , .. . , reputation; pot opened with prayer. Ad- Bmwn 4. Bon Butt s, cherry , D-! join ng it we have the "'Moral ,KeyPb4, B.a;k 4, Siierulan 5, Pawn SllOp" With a clerical- Hi.ru I 3. By order of the Democratic Senatorial ('ommittM. ; J. U. SOOTT. KOBKKT UOOO, Secretary- CliaimiRn. tX)NTEST NOTICE. Departmeat of tha Interior, Cuiied State Land OAre. AUianer, We r ika nirilat If, HOI a nuTf,.-i-nt rontetm.iv;t H.iv.n t ewi f .ert in till oSee bjr W 1 1 lam SIhUmv, , . . . . , . eo.iui.uat. nKa iiouiti ,iry so, which banner bears the m n.ideiiay.iii.i.forSHw!trve.i.;t,truction "Moral Dance a jre)t ao. i, i. ,h. n njr nenrj r owler ton tee lee. in wnlcb it ia alirxed that al4 Henry Fowler ha entirely a waadoned Mtd laxxT. that the aald Henry fowiar h failed to nana oa vrenaoiBea niereeineuee on eaio i landaareqnlred by Ut. tb-t ld defa.UU , -Mt j Ml aor aere not eunaed by eerviea at a d mtn'iT ""TT' "r mr,n'i fi1af at tha 17. . La ad liaalea to Ad Ian ar itkinrwy other ar la whien which the policeare ushering -j t.-r. ...... t... k ,r..r .r . ; - ';,('; JyrjJJOU&r U'"'"'U V I (keValMd Beat may have a. en ng.aed. I ... ' K !4 ol aecilon I runu tig .uuliiwimI ,'P ' ' P"". ' t MffiMZfrtWj&ijgf (,,..,, V W I HaM lavlt at aaraby notiled to app 1 a Victim of the Potter Saloo 1 "tout X "' " ' " ner" tM ' ,bU t '"' ' fcM " "' ,,,! ,! "ir ''' ' j ytvffXW ' 5A i Ilaa1 d offer evtdenee Uwchtng aald ! , aK to ard .-K e n rof a.. 01 ectio.. W : - in -li'VM'iv. wa'nut. or a c. ". Efk1td boall2af - " ' lataJillM t Vri.ka.ai, on October 17. The lOCklip is insmbjd, "The iniow.(abiplr...i)e... !, .a., urn a, d be T W()rl(). . ftooOO In RIITor DwaktBaak ftitorea aad 'h ' " Mat antaaaaa aTla.aaa A tK--a. Uaklla -a 1 a .1 . i.l i.H.eal la HI l L T ..J .,1 I K i . rWlfl. ? I Ix . ... 4a. tS.Zj 71 - - "T t 3 1 I w--.-.--.--.-.,. r-w.,.,. M , a r M I i Dili...., fo. 438. 4-500 .;,., f .r ri.V?::f:. lor.board. 'A, ptltMaW, nviawid aontaataat karlaa;, in YtXim aaMeWtt, Stoa Jaa let ttN, art fbvtb V Cwaa. wwW Utal af tarda dlluaawae f g .--awlaa jafflwa tM MUM MMIt rall-a awtalad will dirfd Haat r, CX9W WltCOZ. 1 ' i. Trie et atrv tw mfle up and tla nwa-r talnp)(t: Pivi t-i,iul cmraii. ihtL'wtwl Kt.t- i kiKi n j ie oratu. 1 11 m i-tu..l iuiM lam, t t. j Vt hu h w ili it W, P ,k-r a d . v a i.f k --vr4t a 1.1 'at l,a ? y,'a k o-a. lit t..n J HE TtiK i E Er K t WORLi will tell u I. 'IImI irutLfu.ly vr MVfrm.n' f 4 li..i jad itirilluijT -rtiu.l it 1t.e r-l - -pi.pre w Hinlh f rl - r ill r (Imu awi it lua a wk len If it 11. THE ThB C'E-A-tt El K WOl L to J I 1- llllli llutt iuto ll Jlil IV rail bpt - rwd. "lima . tun ju g- Jr J.-ur -if Rial fH-wi your .pmiiu. Et, tk-r TUB VtOBLJ bs & hr.ll lant Maff f rivjmiiil'iii in llw tit-M, j iiu itiir n-MrtM ar fiiuiM) r-i!;rlv in tjw -.um TJiE rtlfili E A-WEEK Vf)HLn. THE TH.Ki' E A LrK WOKL r-i;iitar utMTi.!i.pi ir- . !;, (1 00 r jvr, ;inil 'h u '" 1"6 fmfr. W ff-r Hi 1 tin- i 'ir 1 1 .. -i.ivr Hml PHES -)OU. NAt ! ( tlir oil. yr for 1 &". Tiw rr;iil r'ilcriiiii'' pric tf Um! Iu p-ifo-is 1 .00. The Moral Saloon. About as good a criticism as we Lave eeen of llie Bishop Porter mortal saloon is a series of cartoons in the Chic- iapo Tribune, August 12th. The first represents the Sub way Traven room. Its tables are surrounded by drinkers otthe ordinary type, inter spersed with devout clerical gentlemen, presumably ( f the Bbhop Potter pattern. The walls are decorated with mot toes such as the following: "Every bottle opened with prayer," "Sing a hymn with each drink," "Our drinks are endorsed by Bishop Pot ter," "Try our moral cocktail" "The latest moral drink in town," "The Subway Tavern endorsed by thn pulpit," etc. The cartoon is connected with the following inquiry: "Now that they have started a mod el and highly moral saloon, endorsed by Bishop Potter, may we not soon expect to see the reform moment carried into other directions?" Then comes the second car- toon suggesting direjtons for the applactions of the 1'otUr idea. First comprs a building bearing a huge sign on the front: "The Moral Poker Clu b- Moral Cards M oral Chips." Next c meB "The Moral Opium limporiuin. " A I looking gentlemj.u in front with his hands in the attitude of benedicton, while immedi-! ately in front of him, in the street, a toper staggers along saying, "Mine is a moral jag, endorsed by the pulpit." Still f uther on the street a banner floats over a hugh structure. Hall." The "first story of this building is the "Moral Pool Room." the second story is set mm , , .4T1 , 11 1 1, H lilt! rilglUHllC rarior; ' while at the end of the row of buildings is a lockup, into pointed in it exposure of the absurdity of attempting to render moral that which is essentially immoral that no farther application of sermon is csedsd American lane. Tlie finest j FLOYD JOM WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done King? made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. And That We Do For we are here yet And can do as good work as ever and that is first class. OwOOwO Call in aud get our prices oil Business Cards, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc., any way L hi of Pf 'it .hir r ii a vii f. r lii S-)' .' "'"' 26- iwiTem.,.nba wi onri of Sioux iiuuh NtbnmUn 1- T. S, Dre le. 2- M.k. Rnffl-K. 3- J. A. Hue. 4- TV. H D .vi 5 - vv J. Licy. 6 W. H. Niclioiwm. 7 Wtll.am M. OavLart. 8 J.ihn niiiinburir, 9 William Schleyer. 10 Aiidr.w Wawwrliurer. 11 P F Crmblt. 12 John Bourret. 13 P L Hatwn. J4- VdStbiWt. 15- J. A Plnpi. IS Frank I. Me)er. 17- Fred UP. per. 18- J. L Kiy. 19- R. L. Kel. 20- Octave Hur'ia. 21- W. B.B .urret. 23 George Wickeraham. 23 J. U. Proctor. 24- Jowph L Ahton Jr. KOAI) KOI1CK. T whom It mar rone rn : 1b-ciiinmUlon ir mp,i iiinr.l to lOMtr ll ie running eaat and weat .if ili cor.iar of MK it eeelioa U, thai.oa ra.iniug norlbwaal lu aena la roaH abera new 10 d atrika aald bra In old road, to ba vo..led AMI obj rllou Uiertto or claim for datttarm uiaet a Had ia tita i oo.ity i lerk'e ate on or before iK-tober Uib, 1st er em a road will iw allowed wltbo it lurtber refer. MMtMroio. s. r. roxrw. CMatf utarfe. 1 -on -i 1 r ii v r , . 11 a .iki.i , ... eion -.4. .t. ...... iia .1 v 1 .ae a w7. i nmmmm mwmm. o me of pipt--1 S. s carce 1 fi r r , v JOB W "cticc 1o Tax pn toi-s No' 'it Inifliv usvrn tluil on S pti in li 15. 1904 fi-,t m mi i v. i ) 1 if x d i'V llii nfiVe fur the ci.ll 'I lull III ;illii'Bid franiml lux- fur tli yt ltttJ-i Tlie iriiviiMO,in of tin- n-vi-iiu- In a r.(jiiiriinr the Coanty TrviiMior in file lint of tlll.:lll) p- r i III I IliXi-K m it Ii ilr oiinty It-rk on IVIoher 1-t mk tli.i. HCllirti li-CeB!iiry Hiid tin tXipln'ia rn I iniide. Cakl M. Lt X, ( 'ouiily 'ruiurfr , A PENITENTIARY CANDIDATE. If joe w..nt to r.nw your b 'V for li e iH'iiiteuuiirr, Hie r-tM. i v. rv Kin.ile. When h.' donn't want to ;o to ci lin.il Inm loaf; w'trn lie nt into Mmir mii In. I aid your nirhlairr rejuirt to you, curi the nichKir In the prwm'v of tlm Un ; m-ii lie Kr-t la if nud urloiim anie Ih nic of htile y.ilur ik) juu HhI i' omi. iuuiih at him and let 1,1 m when It aje'a into iin. tliin; th il cull him into Hk jiitii e'a c mrt aud i founu jfiuHi aud tlneil, pay h a tit, curae IIih cmrt. tlm jury ami every one connected with llie matter, pity the boy and yon will oon have a aplendid citmlidt for Iho penitentiary. Ex, ORE T PIANO SALE, f'loninjr out li- Sioux Citv bankrupt pi.m 1 in'k a i-itv i t-low mtnuf:i:tur era' ci U d ui'Htfh' (iinnoH, E' l'i-h nuke $. Ila'e fH8, H ill A. Hns f92, LtnneY Ualv $101, K nihH $110. Aiii n US, ' hu kerini; 14 ', E'iit. $108. Over 20 'ior to im-L cI from 800 new uprtiflil pi;t'm.. Iatitl i-U h- in n, nHt'U ailimik a. in, fill, I4?. flJ , $n, 8'einwa , Knaho, liickeiiptr. flatlet & Uitvia, Bmdior.1, V.w, atr., $34. 16, $48 80 Ued onrana u iranled in (wrfecl order 8 00, $1 ,f 8 00, 00 lo $M 00 Allmahefc. Trm toauit. Bring- thia advert iamot with you nr wrile lor bar gain li. S ;HM0LLER MUELLER, till IwfMMlkrMt, Omm Kbr, don t Forget Or pi. I Bator Tea Purchu Aw Oflwr Writ T.I li Wl If Will HASmil CM-MIT Huif Sewte Mchins r imdcte w!l rtcr lei ot sua. :y, bJl e - U " U nad la wear. Our -jaranty Berer runs out Wi maki Srw Ktchinet to tuit all eoniSSiofH roa iali mr JO D3N .it CO.. GO UN. COMMERCIAL HOTEL OPPOSITE DEPOT. ' 'laJhl AND I L TUETID WITtl OH RTUiV. Board tly Bay or Wii k. W. 1 WRIGI T I'""?- ONI.V Rellroad between MUaouri River and Chlcao. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis Direct Line to Black Mill.. Apply to nearest tvgent for rate, meat a. net time c&rds TIME TABLE. Weal Bound, Ei.( nutwl. M.irmntr. Evening, o 13, Due 0.11 v'o. B3, lo. frt. 9:3") No. 14, I'ue 7:M No 81 Jn. frt. P.,iii tmincnrrv pn"eng-er. STOCK BRANDS. Ph J. tai will nnbltah yunr brand, llc he foHo !iur, for fZ )r var. Kach art iti, il io TS 'nt. r.vi'rv ritrniir 01 ranrlimen In Hloux and ailjoluliiK coiuillii. 1111U.1, lulrtfitim. Iirlr brnntln in ThkJoUic ulu it clrruintm all over thn Htute. It iihv b tlm mrftimof Hiivln inoiifcV lor von Jutin J.ilitiinn. Onttlr bnindel flualioirn In cut on lei t aide. Rung-ut lew- hK Itt, Kcbratka. Adihti; IIvm iu, .Nctir.i. k 1. $500 REWARD. for the HiTci.1 and rouvirlioti ot any Mr'S" r phi tie- n'l-ulliiK or illnf if urine; any Ih hihI 11 atouk lielitiittlnK to tlie nuilenilaiiel par l nltle Lrilllil-! urw branded 111 left aide 011 left aliou itrr. ramfe on -eliil-r I mk, Anyt(K'k bramli-d abovi l-lnif etray. I from my ra'uf", dleeFVerel by any laxly m ginn me liiforiniitlen will be rewarHml. Addiem, H. Kotilnann, Nebmaka rrtAKK xrrro. '.'a'tle lir1et aide rand Mine 011 on the left ii-ft honl- der f lioraea. ler i noraea. fF Alao eouie of the llnrwa IlllafJ and fat. tie am branded 011 aide and the lionidi r aoinu ua duarrlb- vd i,,r tbi- above baiuid. 1 Addrea, llffrrta,,n, Nftirnka. A- C OM, A. M., LL. BL, Pres., OatafeaV FwOf.A.J.LwmT.Iriae. KOI1KRT f. VKKCK. Oaitle Brandad na oa If" (j M toft Mda Ra Aleoeatti brimlad II I thotilderur aid. fM M loft hip aaaae m toMJwWotoff. r.o. Addraat c . 3 ! SSaaaSS A m n . . ,,. i-r.-.- i-ie-li f1 11 wr And loMoalna-on ' f ' lt lie if mnl-. aVsJ a Viid 111! on XI aide of aha awek. Anil till. on I'ft atde and hip. Hanson ItiuiiiinaT Watr. ro iiflli-e Ad.lrea., Ilnrriaon, aebraaka. J. K. IH NTK8. , tt . ..,.d iryjSB . -luiaii in ! j'7.ns 0 lile. hip, or . . w l i'l biiiiblfr. tlo a on if t aide. Itiglit n. ellpped 5-00 REWARD a HI la- pittl forerid.Hee onvU'llng ..i.y no,, lor iui.i li n ft" or in iiiy a ay ltii x r Ii K w lib atoi'k bat ing any .t tl, Hi.tj-.v I.i.iii.i or lirnda. kani-a nt Aiiitlcw. Si br, -idri aa. Il.-irrlaon Mebr. J If. I EVSLOW. t'attlj branded on ,-lgni aid an ne aa rat A'.d alao IJ on bt hip. Ilorsra b' ' 1 r1 JLLm r,h' '""',l 11 J iw. It align 011 W.il tn Klver, on the old lave lolvillu rrjicU. P.O. Addreaa; Ulsa, Kabr. JOHN A. HANSON in ihi. riiiiuw. it .thro nd urtt'l.ti lio HQ on e'tt- tft Hlt'l liinM-'- mtirun iftside iurv- ou l'ft Knnge on Silver Hprlnga anJ eaal of maa hie foatitltl'-e ilarr!oii Neli. nr.HAito. will -ny .00 reward for e.11 h hed if tra ve 1 Vilville'a linrw brand .hi "?S""I neillit-rjaw or iliitfli t urnwiljajjl :vpr - Jiihn Ktar on Riinnim Wrcj eater. lo 00 for proof toaX I -onvu-t nny p raon unlawfully lianuiinf mr of iiicl lioraea. W. J. A. Racm. HKKI-CKKK" I.IVEHTUCK Co hrnnili!d en left blp ot I'ntll I mid on left rhei-V ot Uorae liiingnnn Depp Crec. Atdieaa, liwp l.'rvek Live Stock Co,. J. II. Ilii.nnitT, Knremai., Ulen, S-hrak, (KTAVE IIAHHIS, Cattle branded aa a,oa on 1 lfl Tt.. I left aide with 0 er bit en left nf on Rnnr nine; Water, Y. O. Addreaa, Maraland. Npbr. NF.ll, JortlA!. lioraea and tat tle branded aa either aid, aaat aioa eat. PUP And Cattle branded Ma5I lle, avd lioraea on lelll Vy I J- Addreaa, Modarr, Nebraaka. IIKMtV WAKNEKK. r I'. O. Addreaa HairUon, Nebraaka. A. R.KKHliCOr. a Cattle Branded en Rltlit Htm P.O. AMitii, Oravf, v, I W-l I TMaaSa 1 vr 1 1 ' flrTaW . I n a.,w.i t-