COULDN'T LIFT TEN POUNDS. I Poan'a Kidney Pilla Hroogbt Mrrngta! nd Health to Ike Kuffrrer, Making! Him Feel TcdI-6t Tear Voaucr. J. It. 1'orton, farmer and liiui iHTuiau. of lep p. N. ", Kays: 1 suffered for' year with my Dai's;, it Was ao bad tbat 1 could not walk any distance nor I' A' . ,'(' ?vn ril in easy V' ' tuinn. I A,. ..... I if,,- A 4 1, .'' i. B. COKT05. TUB FATE OF TANTALUS Mrs. Scribbler (loiprtssively) "Whatever you do, dvtr marry a newspaper man." School Chum" Why oot?" "I married one, td I know. Every Digbt my busbaod brings lioiue a big bundle of newspapers fiocu all over tbe country, aod tbey most drive rue rrazy. "The newspapers?" 'Indeed they du. Tbey are lust crammed with the most astonishing baigains. Id stores a thousand utiles buggy. believe 1 ,uld away. have raised ten j IfJ ar e manufacturing estatlisb pound of , weight from hr njet,ts buttons on shoes and on gar- ground, tiie pain was so severe. This j merits ate uo lunger sewed OD by a my niijitiou when I began using; baud. Tbe work is dune by a ma a Kidney Pills. Titey ();.iiy Lhlne rapjbe of sev,irig 5 :to0 buttons nhovetl in.' null now I arn n-v-r Iron v . . , . , W,i a I was. My b.i-k I- strong and ' 00 PsrQjer't fine iKUrs. This is I can walk or ride a long distance and ; fo.1,a' to the wotk Of about eight feel Just a strong as I d:d twenty lis years ago. I think so much of l,,,in's Kidney PiiU tliut I have given a suit ply of 1!:e rem-ily lo some of mj i i i.: Ij -bor end they have also found go-al results. If you can sift anything fmm this rambling note tliut will he of any ervice to you. or to any one wurr.-riiig from kidney trouble, you are at liberty to do. so " A KKKH Tit I L. Address Fostor Miiburn 'o.. P.niT.ilo. N. Y. For sale ex pelt sewers. A run the machine. boy or girl can Itavlfl Rinklnof Toklo Mo. raises more com ou bis faim than is raised In the Slates t.f Nevada, W)omiog. Montana. Idaho, Arizona, Washing ton, Utah. Oregon and Hhode Island coinhinul. He fetdsall of It to bis p cattle and has to buy large quanti fies from bis neighbors. W. L. DOUGLAS S3.50 & S3 SHOES III 00 and $4.00 Custom Bench Work in all the High urade Leathers. $2.50 Pottcc, Thrte Soleb. $2.50 and .OU WOKKINGMCN S, BEST IN THE WORLD. $2.50, 52.00 and $1.75 Boys, for Dhess and School Wear. W.I,. Iou(.;htH niHkti and m-IIh nior nifn'i M.ninl !.MI fthnt' tii an liny c1 hr inHiiti f; ttirtr In ih uorhl. J lin rra-on Ihcy mi i'lrtati'tst rilr 1, they are iuhiIm of th tn-t U it In?, 1 1hl tit Im tf er, -ar longer. li;iv mftr lut' tl:an my itttwr h". W. I I hniBiiui u u:ir;i,iiiii I h'ir h stftnijv jiiy tn hat). iiitti prti'won tin Jott-.m. Inok f- r it tiikri no 1 1 ? 1 1 1 1 r o . So It) hy h" i aii-n "AS COOD AS $7.00 SHOES." Hmrvtnform 1 have been weartnjf $7.00 net. I purrhaied a pair of LU. L. liouot n SO mHoo, which i have tvorn every day for four months. They nre mo satisfactory do not intend to return to the mnre expensive shoes." WM, LRJiY KNOLULES, J?st, City Solicitor, PhUa. Brockton Lead thm Men' a ro F aul lnnm of the World. W, !,, Itnnrl.11 ? 1 arm olukin in I 8eml for Catalog girtne full in bit. f,i ,( hM-. t nrum ( ojt U rnnmlefl Mtwtmni how to nt drr 6ty malt, to tuv Unri l rnt Lfaili.-r tna I-. I W. L, Uouglaa, Lrockton, UatsV - ' V-' IN74 . I WHY HE KKl'T SILENT American Host ' 'It seems to me a rather singular fart that In all your conversatlor s you Imve never mentioned Goethe. " German Guest "Veil, you see bow Id is. If I bronounce bis name as you Americans pronounce id, my fcberman frlendts vlll laugh at rue; und if I bronounce Id goirectly, tny American filendts vlll nod know who I am dalklng aboud." L A T T E '.-DAY IUJ M A N C E He "I bava no wei'ltb. (Jurs will have to he a case of love In a flat." She "That will he delightful ! I so love romance. You can be my own true hero, and protect rue from the Janitor.'" The quality of food given to the paupers In WUchlngen, Switzerland, did not come up to tbelr expecta tion, and tbey set fire to the alms bouse burning It to tba ground FLOKAL 'OTEs, Wbere seeds of Sweet William, bollrboxk, larkspurs, ana similar plants are ripe, sow them io at once, to give young plants for neit years flowering. Seeds sown in tbe spring will cot give plants tbat will flower the same easoo. Ix not delay longer Id regard to geranium cuttings lor winter. They ought to bave been taken before this If ooe wants fluwers before Christmas. I'ut taken now will make Cut) young plants for blooming later io the winter. Tbe maiden hair fern, common in many parts of the countrj In sbady wotds, bears tiansplanting well. It Is a lovely fern, and for use In bouquets and other flower work, is Indispensable. Transplant th;m lo the fall, but bc-rore tbe fol iage decays. August Is an excellent time In which to sow seeds In the Open ground fir next spiings plants. The soil should rich and light and pul verised with great care, because the seeds are so tiny and the young shoots not verr strong. Tbey a:e not apt to work their way out from under pebbles or hard clods as other plants can. A shadow clock has been invented hy Prof. Hertli of Lynn, Mass. Iiy meaus of an ingeniously constructed lamp, an optical representation of a small clock is thrown on the cell ing, and tbe shadow keeps perfect time. I'n fesslonal divers, before sub merging themselves, take deep in spirations fr about ten minutes. rIbe object Is to stoie up oxygen, not in the lung cells, but in the blood corpuscles. This renders a tempor ary suspension of ti)e breathing possible by supplying the corpusclse witti an extra quantity ofoxigen. It is hard work for the avemge citizen to ketch a pound trout, and guess within 8 ounces ov his aHual weight. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MCOIOIRK 9afet THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDIAIM a I BEST FOR THE BOWELS , Lake Morat In Switzerland has the curious property of turning red every ten years, owing to the pre sence of certlao aquatic plants, which are not known In any other lake !n Ibe world. You can't tell by a woman's Eas ter bonnet tbe size of her husbands salary Gum cbewlng In public Is bad form It interferes with the talking Gud made woman superior to man superior In her SDhore only. ao a garaeu p'irty fresh fntlts, strawbenles, cherries, etc., should be served with cakes Ices, sand wltces and salads. Hot and cold tea with iced lemonade and a delicious fruit punch make the most dcllubt ful drinks to serve, The refreshment ma? be served from the veranda or under an avnlng on the lawn. Men make five dollars a day In the forests of Western Washington, peel Ing cascara bark. It sells for eight cents a pound and Is used clnally. One pound of dry bark makes enough liquid extract to sell 1 for two dollars at wholes tie. W here the H' ss Made 4 Mistake A senior of one of our large, manu facturing concerns csme through tbe store recently and noticed a boy sit ting ou a counter, swinging bis legs and whistling merrily Tbe senior eyed him severely as be confronted birn and inquired "Is tbat all you bave to do? "Yis. sir" "Very well: report to tbe casbier and tell him to pay jou off We don't need beys ilke y jii around here" "Hut. sir," said the astonished boy, "I don't work for you I have Just bought some goods and am waiting fjr tbe bill' Louisville Courier-Journal Krniui ky Mao' Duty. Jnmlmree, Ky., Aug. '9. (Speclu!.? After siiCferin for years with aln In the back Mr. J. M. "olemau, a well known citizen of this pluc, lias found a complete cure in loild's Kidney Pills. Knowing how general this disease is all over the country. Mr. Coleman fwls it is liis duty to make his experi ence public for the benefit of other KUrtVrers. '"I want to reeoinmeud Dodd's Kid ney Pills to everybody who has pain in the back," Mr. Coleman says. "I sjiTered for yinrs with my back. I used liodd'K Kidney Pills and I have not felt a pain sisrp. My little girl, too. complained of bar back and she used 11 bout luiif it box of Dodd's Kid ney Pills and she is sound nnd well." I'.iekuelie is Kidney Ache. Dodd's Kidney Pills are a sure cure for all Kidney Aches. Including Kheuuiutism. Itice isan Important food In Cuba. All lts!-es rich and poor eat it. Atnorg the country people who sel dom eat wheat bread rice is vertiably the "staff of life." It Is eaten at every meil and no one knows better than the Cubin housewife its varied nnd ace. pt 1 hi'- uses. A C. Osii. A. M., LL. 11.. Pres., Omaha. IRoi A. J. Lowur, Prino. mor. A. J. Lownr, I'nno. Kn.l ir-ed hy First Nat'l Junk uod businusH ujun. $10,000 in Moll Top Desks. Dank Fixtures anij U) 'J yimwriiers. Student ran work for board. Send tor fe'e eafiiloue. bound In animator, finest ev-r piit.iisln-d ti v a Business CoUega. Kuad it, and jou will attend the N. IS. 0. It Is soinetltij's found inconvenient to carry a Mask. This will hereafter be unnecessary thanks to a Parisan chemist, who has discovered a pro cess for solidifying liquors such as branny, whisky, etc., and converting them Into tablets. You can thus eat your sltmuliots or dissolve them at pleasure. Poetry and dlspcpsy hiz what's the matter with the poetikal part ov the literary world just now A SKIN OP BEAUTY H A ,IOV FOPPVFtf. DR. T. FELIX OOPRArD'S OKIKNTAK lRlAM,OKM(,ltAL HEAUTiriEH BcmoTM Tn. rimple.Frrkl ' lucnei, nun, and "k'i OlMana, and erery bnaihl tw.uiT, an. leflft tl.lfiCLlon. jj pf"l te yi-nn, ami U v au lift r in I M.a w. lasuj it to be iur lti.nrorirlvm&(lA Accftjitno counter flt of Imllai name. Ijr. L. Ju Sjyre wild to laily of the h.vit ton (it jifttiniit; 'A you 1 ad I el will ui them. I recommend 'Gouraud'i Cream u the li-nt harmful of all the rtln prparatlona." ror tale bj all Iirnugun and Fancy Oooda Iealenl the I'. 8., Catmilaj. and Europe. FERO. T. HOPKINS, Prop r, 37 Graat Jonti St, N. 1 413 3 r5 Z jCmrk 1 A 6& I IQUIO 1 ttXCAT ONE PINT LIQUID KOAL Makes One-half Barrel of Medicine or Lice Killer. One-half Million of Pint Cans Given Away. vuk .INSECT I, IQUID 1 fITTt ) L3ZZT2 OAL MULT (tlNDS of AN T ;heap r- r. travei abroad. advantage Oained lijr Takinte Limited Tickets 1 brouli 8 itxerland. Consul WasbiiiKiou. writing from Seneva, Switzerland, makes publie be following facts interesting to trad ers: Iteferem-e lias tx-eu UiHile in the ail mal coiumerciaj reports from this con ular district to the very' inexpensive Sckets that permit tbe holder to trav- il tliroufrliout Switz'rhiiid upon most if its railways and lake steamers at ' till for periods from fifteen to thirty j lays. This information was i-ubmit-ihU for the benefit of our exporters de .irous of introduehig their goods lirougbout the country. It heems, however, that the infor nation would be if value to the thou utls of citizens of tile L'nitcd States lio yearly travel exteiiKively through ills country and who could, by avail ng tliemselves of the opportunity thus tffeied, effet a considerable saving, r, peihapR, see much more of Switzer and at a cost ejual or less than tbat f the more restricted lour previously )la uucd. These tickets are obtainable at all arge railway and bout stations in rwitzci 'lii nd. Tbey may be ordered hioii'li any station, however. A de ny of from one to two days is usual, mil a photograph. Rize known as 'carte de visite," is required. The tickets penult continuous nnd milliliter! travel at will during the )eriod of their validity upon most of lie railways and lakes in Switzer and: nnd upon some fifteen of the tinall roads not embraced In the ticket ;rivllcge (usually funicular roads) a eiluciion of from 'Jii to "si per cent lpon usual fa "e.s Is extended. Tin' riMi-s of fare are: First Second Tliin! I.ilcil clnss. class. c!as. For til't.M-n di'.vs. .$1 I.. "id SIO.IM 7.7'J i"or thirty il.r, s. . . UJ. I! lo.-H ll.i'H I'p'iii Ibese rales HCi.o cents Is re iiiIjuisiiI at the end of the period. Longer periods of travel throe, six i nd twelve mouths are also provided for. No luggage Is transported free on :he Swis railroads. It Is n useful point of information for travelers that trunks tuny be sent hy post throughout the country and Ilnis may be delivered nt hotels lo nalt 1 ho arrival of owners. This is iradical pjan for medium-sized and small trunks nnd valises. The trunks :nust he sent to the postofrtce, but are Jelivered on their arrival. BACKACHE AND DIZZINESS. M ot of the Ailment Pt-culiar to tb Female Sex are Iae to Catarrh of Pelvic OrgiiBs, MRS. M. BRICKMR 99 Eleventh Street, I Milwaukee, Wis. ) "A short time ago I found my tort' dltlon very serious, I had headaches, pains In the back, and frequent dlizy spells which grew worse every month. I tried two remedies before Peruna, end was discouraged when I took the first dose, but my courage soon returned. In less than two months my health was restored."- Mrs. AU lirlckner. The reason of so mirny failures to cure rases fcimibtr to the above ib the tact mat disease peculiar to the luxnaie nex are u o t commonly caused by catarrh, jrgaii is exactly the any other organ. I EMA C 1RUUBIE Not Ki enewzeu AS C4TAKIirl The process of making Liquid Koal requires three days. The process of reduction requires 350 degrees of heat , 'r , '" evurJ gnicio, antweptic, and Ucmnioctant found in coal, treated chemically with an alkaline base uujLiiiuuauii; huluic is fi i rii i naioti, being non-poisonous and Iiarmless. LIQUID KOAL is a combiuation of Creasol, Guiacol, and Kalium. LIQUID KOAL is a black oily liquid. Sells for Bixty contfl a pint, one dollar a quart, three dollars per gallon. You may have a pint free without, condition of the system which Is Any expense to you whatever If you win rut out the coupon in this adver tisement and mall It to the National Medical Company at Sheldon, Jnwa. LIQUID KOAL cures and prevents hog cbi lorn, chicken cholera, pink eye, (Jack leg, and all the germ dis eases of unlrnals, because It Is a germ killer anil goes Into tliu stomach, into the hi wtls, and Into the blood, and wherever the blood goes. It per meates the entire system of an ani mal through the medium of circula tion, and denudes tbe system of every disease genri. We nre giving three hundred thou sand dollars worth of It for adver tising purposes and to prove to farm ers and slock ralseis what it will do. LIQUID KOAL lias been tested f r tbe past five years In the largest la hoi a toiles of this country, and (Jenuany. find In iiiiriy of the cpoi luient ii stull'ins. We have proven Vyond a question of doubt before the greatest experts of the count ry, that It dest roys germs of diseases common to all domest ic animals, and theiohy i ures diseases. Worms Intestinal nnd skin pnrasltes, ticks lice, insects, and vermin suck j tbe life blood and sap the vitality of domestic animals and f wis until tbe annual lofscs lo fanners and stock raisers reach enormous footing. Tbe farmer aod stock raiser who would Increase bia bank account, must, ot necessity wage a continuous warfare against tbeae robber worms, parasite, Terrain, and Insects. Tbe most effective and Inexpensive teoedy for all tbeae la Liquid Koal. ! Usjuld Koal ceutralltea tbe acid condition favorable for the produc Hon of worms causing such diseases as hog cholera, anthrax, chicken cholera, etc. Liquid koal Is In gencrul use by ptiysicians Hnd vereiinary surgeons throughout hiiropo and Auieiica, em bracing a wider range of uses than any preparation on the market. If you need Liquid Koal and have never used it please send us the cou pon below. We will then scud you an Older on your dealer for a sixty cent can and will pav your dealer ourselves for It. It will cost you nothing. It will cost your dealer nothing. You are not oUlgated to us In anv way If you accept this offer, we will not ask you to buy any after you have given it a trial. All We want Is a chance to prove to you w hat It will do. If you want to know the result from giving Liquid Koal to a sick mutter what thecauseof the sickness Is, send us the coupon today. If you want special expert advice regarding your stock fuit Is sick send us full description of the symp toms una also ten cents In postage. You ill also be entitled to the thlr-ty-two page book on the genu dis eases of animals. Liquid Kosl lathe Beat and Cheapest Worm Killer Knuwn to Science A list of the diseases that Liquid Koal cures rio rhnlers I. n UK Worm Texa. Fever I'oll Kvll rhirkeu Cholera ftotip Tnriuh Ioclt-Jatr blind otaKgcra Bwlne Plains Inte.tliial wormi Cum hob r Tulwrciloels AfiibrSI Hlack Lew Cnrnetalk Dtsaeea A tertian la Cows Colin Glanders IMatemper Pint Kve In linens Foot Sot Tape Worst Len rTr IaftansisUoo of Ihe awel Catarrn. farcy M angre Hota sr-.otirs Nal Cileet baratrhus Liquid Koal Acts as an Appetizer and Vitalizer No disease germ can escape It, that Is the reason It cures for when the genu Is destroyed the disease Isgoue. Two Things to Remember Use Liquid Koal to dostrov thn nnr. asltes on the Inside. I'Sfl Liquid Koal to destrov the nnr. asltes on the outside. rarasues exist and thr vo rwilir m the expense of live animal tissue. One 'thousand Dollsr.s Donnaiiorf in Ihe Union Hank at Stuldon, lows, to be (liven to Anyone Who l-'inds Any of These Tes timonials Not Uen uine. fimtlh Onlor Kun Tnl.K ,MW National Mi'rilr.Hl Co., York. Nnhr (li'iiil'in"ii: lluve iitrd voiir l.iciuM iri r. . cure i,f rholi-ra In hor and I have not round (ta final. I hid fifty lii'ari of hoir ami IU- , f tv I waa aure would illn Imi i.v n.. nun ..r ....... Coal brought them out . K. anil hum not Un botheri-d wilh choli'ra or anv oihor .ui,.. ni allien. TlM'mfore ran y m (he awliie brci'dora of noiiin tiouiny aim aun poultry rn Iters that Jt haa Dottijiial You can iir:hae thla vahiahle uiedi cli.e of U n Ik it A So,,, of Smith !pnter, who can out mlarenretent this valuable medicine to jou Youn fraternally. JOHNPYLK. P. S head leneyn ir 11 had not been for the uae of the Liquid Konl I Would have loat one. half n. M of (hem. j u KKAKNEYOOUVTY NOrtfiKHY. O. A. Strand, Prop. Orower of Choice Nurery Strok Mlnden, NchT., Deo. K lorn National Medical Co., York, Nebr. About two weekt airo many nt the h.m... round here loat .rv ha. .11. h. ho. nhi... t 4o not with to write you s lone lUtferlna state. pent aoout vour manioine tat win t.y thai I soufst atatnoMaf LKaM Koa, sad Um Lsf provemeiit wn to markwl that I bought a irallon can and iited It with the rimilt thai mv houa H ri'i'overd and I did not loan one. ,viy herd of over 2(10 arei line rendition and vou may pat niedown at ouataut user of blijiiiil Konl. U. A. Strand. 1 1 902 We the tinderalirne d t(H-k raisern and' farmers irladly U-Htify to the ni'TitH of l.hiuld Koai man-ufaclurr-d by the Niitlu al Mi.,IU-ti) Co . of Shel don. Iowa and York. iV'hrusku. We have lined i ho product with grat fyiog suivcua and adviat o oi Kie ii a trial, it aliinilil txi ou m eura.Ka. every lartn ,ry. Hen, Neb. . lice, Neh. Htifut Kear' Geo. Mills. i hria schall. Ktunlehiirtt. Neh. (.eo. liif..,,.rireT, Seward, iS'eb. .1. II. r'ciiry, liee. Neb. W. I'liitrliHiijit. SiiinlehurKt. Neb. V. V. Meyer. Maplehurat Neb. J. Uingelieriri'r. hr, tierinnuiown, Neh. 11 Itomlleta V,.l. Ii in ,.,i.. I have told Liquid Koal for a vear now and never have found an article that vives tue.h uni veraal anllifurtloii , I,),,,,,,) k,,,,, ,,m., , run talel.v any I have not one lial Itfled cut turner. I hnnestlv think that If every farmer .... i, ,,. mere would he verv 1 1 1 tic hoeeh ... oietouiitry. 0i Mu,l(.h , " ana, Neb., Den. U, iiaij I nave been ualntr L. K. a and liwot neatrover and l d It all you claim for It, Would reeoin tie mi It to all. I w.ll keep It on the place all the """' Youra, .Sam Grott. II is s positive preventative of contagious diseases. ".My Mu, She Knows." My pa. he scolds me jes becuz He says I'm gctliu' "tough:" fie says my face is never clean. My hands are always rough; I'm not behavin' like I should, An' goin' wrong, I s'pose, But inn, she takes an' pats my hand An' smiles, been, she knows. My pa hain't got no use for boys, He wants 'em always men; f wonder if he's clean forgot The hoy he must a' been; Per mi, she says they're nil alike. 'Hout face, an' hands an' clothes. An' says I'll loam to bp a man: An' ma, I guess she knows! My pa, he says I ain't no good At doin' anything; I'd rather fool away the time An' whistle, play, an' sing; But nin, she smiles an' savs I'm rounir. An' then she up nn' goes An' kisses mo an' shows me hnw: Kor ilia, you bet, .she knows! My pa, he says I'll never bp A business man like him. Becuz I hain't got anv "drive." Vn' "get up," "nhiek" and "vim:" I'ut ma, she says, so solemn like, A man's a boy that grows. An' boys must have their playin' spoil; An' urn's a trump, an' knows! My pa, he shakes his head an' sighs An' says he rioesn't see Where 1 got all my careless ways That seems jes'boru in me; An' ma. she laughs, an' laughs, i laughs, Till pa's face crimson grows, An' then she says, " 'Tis very queer;" But somehow, ma, she knows! My ma, she knows 'most everything 'Hout boys and what they like. She's never scolilln' 'bout the muss I make with kites and bike; (she says she wants me to be good An' conquer all my foes, An' you jes bet I'm goin' to be, 'f'uz my sweet mn, she knows! lA'troit Journal, recognized as bciii, Catarrh of one or RHine as catarrh of What will cure catarrh of the head wiU also cure catarrh of Ihe pelvic organs, Peruua cures these cases simply because it cures the catarrh. If you have catarrh write at once to Dr. Hartmau, giving a full statement of your case, and be will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, jf.-esident of The Hartman Sanitarium, ffolumbus, O. WET WEATHER. WISDOM! THE ORIGINAL I XI I vi 1 I TO iN" SUCKED BLACK OR jYELLOW ILL KEEP W DRY NOTHING EL5EW1LL TAKE NO JUWUJVTE1 caraxooucs race MOWINQrULL LINI OF OAR Mt NTS AND MATS. A. J. TOWER CO., Boston, Mass., U.S. A. TOWCS CSHAOiaW CO., LTD., TOSONTO. caajaoA. Seameu on native river craft in China get $3 a month; on seagolnu Chinese vessels, $88. Tbey furnisn tbelr own food. In Great Iiritain In 1901 there were 3,000 deaths directly due to alcohol while the deaths from tuberculosos numbered 58,000. Tbe Aichal Clock Compapy la Japan employes 300 workmen wbo make timepieces wblcb are botb handsome and cheap. A German Innkeeper on tbe Swiss border has undertaken as a result of a wager to roll a barrel full of wine across Switzerland and Italy to Hcoie. joiib rtLK. 8. I hare at the present time seventy-tin J,n(1 f1"" lhl "r" ,l"l"it line and I ve If It had not been for the use of the Mould Cut Out This Coupon Tor It. may not appear again Kill out tbe blankj and mall to tbe National Medloal Co., Sheldon, luwa My Have Kind of Stork. Illaean. I have never tried Liquid Koal but If yon w'!i!.iv.ty.TA.L,lh ""'-"i a. t .ki " " M"r" n" rlte platnl . wi. urn. touar. 11 vnn nn aounon tialav thirty -two pae book on I hi If Tou desire n ..m n i - mniaia in speoiai espert advice reaardln the diseases that effect your owe stock bod ten cent, i po,u with this sous en to oove eost of nslllsi and espens to as' K'OOT The can mt llqatd Koal It to be furnished yea wltho.t ei areas or freight ehs r to yoi Hie Korean Kmperor's Tooth. An Hnmsiiig story on the prevalent Mute of maimers and morals In Korea Is furnished by n little incident re corded In a Iiondon paper. It ap pears that during the great feast which he gave a short time ago to pelebrate tlie anniversary of Korean Independence, the Kmporor of Korea had the misfortune to break a tooth, The luiniedlnle result of the accident was that the chief ee;,!; llnd an i,jo slants were thrown Into prison to ?walt trial for lese-ina jesle. Hut there lera luippciied to be a dentist ul Seoul who tvits traveling to see the conn try. find lo managed to slop ; the resulting .oolluiche without inaUintr use of anv tool Instruments, which would have frightened the Kmporor mid hava liiade him refuse to su'.iinlt to the op prallon. The dentist received ,(HHJ I' en, or about $.V)(), for his fee, r. nd llien attention was tinned to tlie iec Hint cooks. The underlings were tlis liilNNcd Willi n enutlon but the chief rook was sentenced to work for Hired months without any pay nnd the Km jieror nt once ordered mini her great feast to celebrate his recovery from lootncht;. Happily for the cook, as vell ns for the sovereign, no more lm perlnl teeth were broken. There are many "outrages," and at many people hold newspapera respon Uble for them. The natave women of the flymal aya Mountains bave a singular way of putting tbelr children to sleep in tbe middle of tne day. Tbe child la put near a stream ot water, and by means of a palm leaf or a tin acoop the water Is deflected so as to run gently over the back of the child's head. Tbe water pouring on tbe child's head apparently sends it to sleep and keeps it so, while the mother proceeeds with her work in tbe fields. I find Plso's Cure for Consumption the 5st medicine for croupy children. Mra. F. Callahan, 111 Hall street. Parkera fcurg, W. Vs., April 16, 1901. Of every 100 alcoholics attacked by pneumonia 70 die, wbile of every 100 non-alcobolics so attacked only 23 die. Mrs. Wlnalows SOOTHING SYRUP for chll dien teething, softens the gtima.reduces Infla mation.allayt pain cures oollo Price 4ro bottle. In England ninety-nine towns own their own gas works, the average net Income being 11,947,125 per annum. When stopping to talk for a mo ment with a woman on the street it Is nut necessary for a man to cmove his hat and stand with head uncov ered; tbe hat should be raised, slowly replaced and again lifted aa the conversation la ended and be withdraws. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURBS catarrh of tbe stomach. wrsrirsss QuftTWrTtl Couea Bvrao. In time. Sold by s