Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 08, 1904, Image 3

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    mpsnew the attack push THEM BACK
lilm at M. rnmbici Ml at Tm
Da-'e Fighting Wllh-oet
DmM Keeilt-enlal
of peaoe aAaveiueat
ST. PETERSBURG. After foui
weeks' Interval tbe Japanese bate
resumed their advance against Gen
eral Karopatkin't" positions. Tbe
opposing armlet are la contact east
and south of Llao Yang and fight
iDg baa been Id progress since Wed
nesday. Tbe advicee at band are
too meagre to enable toe officials to
form a correct opinion as to whether
it will result Id a general engage
ment, but the extent and character
of tbe Japanese movement leads to
that conclusion. Since tbe rains
ceased a week ago there have been
continued Intimations that General
Kuropatktri, was about to assume
tbe offensive, but instead of that It
was the Japanese who attacked tbe
Russian" commander's eastern and
southern positions. A Japanese
column 30,000 strong was reported
on Tuesday to be marching up the
right bank of the Liao river, wl.ich
would seem to Indicate that thre?
Japanese armies are cooperating In
enveloping tbree sides of Llao Yang.
Fiotu the meagre accounts received
it appears that General Kurokl se
lected Tantziapudzy as the point for
his attempt to drive the wedge Into
Kuropatkln's outer defenses at An
plng and Llandlanslan. which are
situated, respectively, ten miles
northwest and southwest of Taut
zlapudzy, the latter being on the
Llanne river, eight miles above the
confluence of the , Taltse river,
whence a mountain ridge runs west
ward. Tbe Buss declares It Is In a posi
tion to state authorltlvely that there
is not tr.e slightest foundation f'jr
the report that Italy has suggested
to France an offer of her good oftlces
on behalf of Russia.
An Inspection of the cruiser Askold
proves, according to the Kuss that
tbe drainage Is irreparable and sbt
Is forced to disarm, thus closing
one phase of tbe Incident. Pro
tection of tbe cruiser now devolve!
upon China and Incidentally upon
the neutral powers having warshlpi
at Sbangbal. Tbe papers add tbt
'This protection must be effective,
as another breach of neutrality on
tbe part of Japanese will force Rus
sla to regard China as a belligerent
and thus change tbe whole aspect
of affairs in tbe far east."
Fire Raging in Oil Field.
CROWSLEY, La. -Tbe biggest
fire In tbe history of tbe mammoth
oil field Is raging. Morse well No,
8 came In, a boiling gusher, pouring
out a volume of oil at tbe rate of
ten thousand barrels a day. The Are
caught from a spark emanating
from friction and rapidly spread to
other wells. Four oil tanks, each
of a capacity of 1,200 barrels, caught
and burned.' Four standard rigs,
the property of the Morse ornpany,
were also dlstroyed. During the
afternoon the fire u confined U
tbe Morse wells No. 7 and No. 8.
'Large lakes of oil, which bad formed
when the Moso No. 8 came in,
'caught fire. Eight lines of steam
pipes have been laid to the burning
wells and more are being prepared.
The loss la now placed at more tbau
Jump From Eada Bridge.
ST. LOUIS A man supposed
from papers found In a coat left
lying en tbe bridge to be Frank
McCormlck, of Wlnterbaven, Fla.,
committed suicide by leaping from
tbe Eada bridge Into the Mississippi
river. A watchman saw the man
climb to tbe railing, but not in
time to prevent him Jumping.
Strikers are Reatrainded.
LOS ANGELES. Judge Wellborn
of the United States circuit court,
has made permanent the temporary
Injunction Issued several weeks ago
restraining the striking hollermakers
of the Atchison, Topcka & Santa Fe
railway at The Needles and Bakers-,
field from Interfering with the oper
ations of the company's shops at
those points. A number of strikers
of San Bernardino who were sum
moned before the court to answer to
a charge of contempt of court were
' Accuaed of Many Crimea.
CRIPPLE CREEK, Col.- Capiases
were placed In the bands of Sheriff
liell for twenty-eight prominent clti
lens of Cripple Creek district,
"gainst whom Informations have
been died In tbe district oourt by
Deputy Attorney O. hutlcr. The
charges are conspiracy and assault to
, kill, conspiracy and false Imprison
ment and eonaplracy, malicious mis
chief and larceny In connection with
the deportation.
Lna Wllhm About
r Coveted Fort-
lono Adwaavloa;
Willi Kauldlt
LONDON. According to a dis
patch to toe Central News from
Llao Yang an artillery battle has
been In progress beginning at 8
o'clock In the morning near Llao
Yaug. The Russian main position
tbe dispatch siys Is what was for
merly tbe outpost line of the Liao
Yang gari Isnn.
LIAO YANG. Tbe Russians re
tired from Anshansbao after a right
which commenced no tiie morning
of August 28 and continued in a
desultory manner all day and oigbt.
Arrangements for a battle bad
been completed by night time when
the order to retire was given on
account of the situation to tbe east.
The order was received with dls
appointment by the troops. The
retirement was wade in an orderly
The plal, between Anshansnan
and 'lal Chang was covered with
Japanese troops who burned bridges
and shelled the railway station after
the Russian retirement.
Tbe Russian losses amounted to
The Japanese are advancing with
great rapidity.
(Delayed In transmission.)
The rapid advance of the Japanese
has forced their lighting line to
within about ten miles of Llao Yang
east and south arid guns are now
heard north and east on tbe Tiltse
Investigation shows that the fore
going dispatch though bearing tiling
date of August 25 was not transmit
ted from Liao Yang until August 2i.
While this dispatch which may have
been held by the cesor Indicate that
ADsbansbao was evacuated August
25 a latei dispatch (already sent out)
dated August 28 states that tne Rus
sians retired from that position on
August 27.
The discrepancy cannot now be
Crushed By Lumber In Car.
Whlle stealing a ride In a car of lum
ber on the Chicago Great Western, a
.man supposed to be Charles MiUer
'was crushed to death and bis cai
panlon, John Lynch, had both ft:et
broken. The men entered the car
at Waterloo aod crawled to the end
of the lumber. MI1W had an iden
tification card in h!s pocket bearing
the name supposed to be his, Issued
by local uuion No. 134, International
Association of Machinists, Chicago.
The lody removed to the morgue
and local machinists are endeavoring
to locate friends, and if not success
ful w!!! bury the remains.
Lynch sas be is a photographer
from New York He Is about 25
year? old, and his Injuries consist of
broken ankles. Ho was taken to tbe
St. Thomas hospital. No Inquest
will be held on tbe remains of Miller.
" Former Mayor Sue for Fees.
O N A W A , la. A gentle reminder
0 tbe late "reform" administration
of Onawa was brought up when the
p t Hon of W. D. Brown, late mayor
of Onawa, was filed Ic tbe Monona
eoun'y district court, asking 1576.85
fiom the Incorporated town of
Onawa. The case is for office rent
fuel, fees, etc.
Bad Waahouta In Nevada.
TONOPAH. Nev.-The worst
washouts the Tonopah Railroad com
nanv has ever experienced occurred
this week aod the company has an
nouoced tbat It will be several days
before either passenger or freight
traffic can be resumed. Tbe wash
outs were at the Rhodes end of the
road and extend for a distance of ten
or twelve miles,
Passengers who left Tonopah were
caught betweth two washouts and
were compelled to walk to Sedavllle,
Reports have also been received
here of heavy washouts on the Car
son & Colorado railroad between
Hawthorne and Sedavllle.
Poisoned by Veal Pie.
IOWA CITY. Nine people were
poisoned by eating veal pie from
canned veal at Camp Llndcr, on the
Iowa river. Tbey are: Mrs. II. II.
Abrams and Lnuvae Abrams, wife
and daughter of Rev. n. II. Abrams
t noted Iowa temperance agitator;
Mrs. A. Schurmley, Nellie Schurra
ley, Edna Cilzne, Albert Lee. Roy
Lee, Thomas Llchty and Elizabeth
Hershlre. All were very 111, but
will recover.
ST. Vol 1.
Hl( M.rhlao Ran Awr Mr lain um
Maa, Killing; Mini Inelantly,
ad Fatally lujuroo
ST. LOUIS.-Blinded by tbe dust
thrown by tbe swiftly moving ma
chine of A. C. Webb of Toledo, O.,
liaroey Oldtield of Cleveland, O.,
lost control of bis machine lo a
false bUit cf tbe fifth event of the
world's fair automobile speed con
test, and crashing through tbe outer
fence of tbe course instantly killed
John Scott, a watchman eroployd at
tbe park, and Inflicted Injuries upon
Nathan Montgomery, a negro, from
which be died a few hours later.
Oldtield was paiofully Injured, and
bis machine completely demolished.
Tbe accident occurred after a false
start. Tbe flagman vainly attemp
ted to signal Oldtield and Webb,
whe were leading, tbat tbe start
was not allowed, but tbey did not
see bis flag and continued around
tbe course at a high rate of speed.
Shortly after passing tbe first turn
of the mile track, Webb secured
tbe lead by a narrow margin and
the men were lo relatively the same
position when passing the three
quarters pole. Jn making tbe turn,
Webb's machioe skidded and raised
a blinding cloud of dust that com
pletely blinded Oldtield and half
smothered him. Not being able to
see that he had completed the turn,
Oldlield continued his course and
crashed through the fence.
When Oldlield failed to appear
after Webb bad emerged from the
dust cloud there was considerable
exclteuient, but as it was announced
that he was not seriously injured,
and shortly afterward lie wasdilven
to tbe club house in an automobile
It was not generally known that
the accident had resulted fatally.
The race, after a short delay was
run, Doing won uy eoo oy a largo
margin. It was the most Important
event of the day, the prize being the
Louisiana purchase exposition
trophy valued at 1500.
Women Spill Liquor.
CODA Kan. Four joints or Illicit
saloons were wrecked by women here
aod'much liquor destroyed. Mrs. E.
C. Fltes aod Mrs. William McDon
ald wives of prominent, business men
arm 2d with hatchets first entered
ltbout warning the place run by
Ren Hull. Without ceremony tbey
began to smash everything in sight
and soon tbey bad demolished bar
aod fixtures and broken every bottle
and opened every keg to be found
Later they were Joined by twenty-
five other women and the entire
party raided the other four Joints
lo Cuba. The stocks and fixtures at
each place were destroyed in prompt
order. Finally two men spilled into
tbe street a great quantity of keg
beer tbat had been confiscated aod
stored at the city Jail.
Would Have Government Control.
VANCOUVER, B. C.-Tlie Cana
!!an Med!! association has passed
a resolution asking me government
to control tbe sale of patent medi
cines, as most of them contain alco
hol, aod their pernicious use Is be
coming a menace to the country.
The government was also asked to ap
point a federal health board for the
ensuing year. Dr. J. Stewart of Hal
ifax was elected president and Dr.
Elliott of Toronto general secretary.
New York Plumbers End Strike
NEW YORK. -An agreement
which will end the lockout and
strike of 1,200 plumbers In Brooklyn
has Just been reached .and the men
will return to work.
Tbe master plumbers consented to
increase wages from 14.50 to $4.75 a
day, teglnnlnp January 1, the agree
ment to run for two "ears. Ibe men
bad demanded an immediate In
crease to 4 75 and 15 a day after
May 1 next.
Fatal Fight With Negro.
CHARLOTTE, N. 0.-Chlef of
Police C. E. Hamrick Is In a dying
condition and a young negro named
Clark who inflicted bis Injuries, Is
'atally wounded as the result of a
fight In jail at Shelby.
Smother tbe Oil Fire.
CROWLEY, La.-Two of the four
burning oil wells have been smother
ed by steam and water, and the two
remaining wells will prohably be
controlled soon. The damage is es
timated at 1100,000.
Government Cannot Stand.
BUENOS A YERS. There is a
total paralysis of action on the part
of the government at Asuncion, the
capital of Paraguay, the authorities
simply taking feeble ' measures for
defense and awaiting dcvelopemcnts.
Little doubt Is felt now that If pact
no solution Is not reached In a few
days the first determined move by
the revolutionists will result In tbe
surrender or downfall of tbe govern-
OLoour KepoRr.
Daalb or General Routko-aar lu Maa
rhurlan Battle Confirmed In a
Olepalrb Reaching St.
ported from a reliable source tbat
Lieutenant General Stoeesse), com
mander of tbe Russian military
forces at Port Arthur, has tele
graphed to tbe emperor tbanklsg
bim for tbe recent message of eu-
couragement sent to tbe garrison of
Port Arthur, saying tbat tbe de
fenders of tbe fortress are ready ana
willing to lay down tnelr lives, but
adding tbat tbe garrison bas already
suffered severely and intimating tbat
t Is hardly possible to bold out for
more than a month or six weeks.
Four more regiments will be raised
In tbe Caucasus. An official an
nouncement to this effect is expected
The first contingent of the First
army corps bas arrived at Harbin.
This corps was destined for Vladi
vostok, but upon the urgent request
of General Kuropatklo it will be di
verted to Mukden.
From an excellent source It Is
stated that the Ill-starred Russian
battleship Orel, wbich already has
suffered two accidents, will not be
able to Join the Baltic squadron.
According to reports when her en
gine trials began It was discovered
that the engines had been prccti
cally wrecked by workmen introduc
ing iron filings into the valves and
cylinders. It probably will require
many months to repair the damage
This Is the secret of tbe failure of
tbe Orel to go out on a trial trip
with the other ships last week.
An oillclal dispatch from Llao
Yang, to tbe general staJ, reporting
the continued Japanese advance on
Sunday, confirms the report tbat
General Routkovsky was killed dur
lug the rear guard engagements and
adds that Colonel von Raaben was
also killed. Tbe total of the Rus
slan losses on Sunday is not known,
but 400 wounded have passed
through tbe first aid stations. The
losses of tbe Japanese were con
Lieutenant General Routkovosky
for a number of years had been
attached to tbe staff of tbe governor
general of tbe Caucasus as chief of
tbe engineer coips. He belonged to
a prominent family of the Novgorod
Cobnel von Raaben was a well
known character in St. Petersburg.
He was a man of great wealth aod
was very popular socially.
The department of telegraphs in
forms the Associated press that the
lives are working direct to Laic-
Yang, thus refutleg definitely tbe
renort tbat General Kurokl had cut
the railroad.
The anxiety of the Russian gov
ernment to prevent another Smol
ensk incident is shown In tbe fact
that not content with the arrange
ment entered Into with Great l-IL-
tan to send a warship from Cape
Colony lo search of the cruiser
It bas asked Fiance and Portugal in
case tbe ship should put Into an Af
rican Dort belonging to eitbei
country to deliver the orders recall
lng her from operations on tbe btgb
Strike Cause of Murder.
CHICAGO. The stock yards strike
was the Indirect cause of a murder.
Tbe victim, a man named Osborne
(colored), and a white man, name
unknown, were arguing about the
stilke when tbe white man called
tbe negro a strike "breaker." A
fight started and Thomas Dillon,
another white man, attempted to
act as peacemaker. Osborne attacked
him with a knife, wounding him so
badly in the back of tbe neck that
he died within ten
borne was arrested.
minutes. O
Idle Plants Resume Work.
JOLIET, 111. Tbls plant of
Great Wcstero Cereal company,
since last February, resumed with a
full force. The new rates governing
Iron and steel products are starting
every mill here.
Strike Leader Sent to Jail.
laoan, president of the Albuquerque
central labor union, bas been given
a sentence of seventy days In Jail and
four other striking Atchison & Santa
Fe machinists have oeen sentenced
to slxtv days each for assault upon a
ti Ike-breaker, lo violation of an in-
lunction Issued by tbe local court
recently, restraining the strikers
ttom interfering with the new men
I The caae willjben pealed.
Want aaerrMor Ousted and Dam
age AiMMka4-feay He Re.
-Ingned Only W ben Lfa
I aa Threateoed
Jrst of the promise actions h offl-
ers of Teller county who were de
prived of their Offices wag hied in
be district court. Henry M. Rober
tjn, former sheriff, petitions tbe
ourt to oust Edwird Bell from tbe
jflice of sheriff and assesses 15,000
Jamages against him for usurping
be office. In the complaint Rober-
itoo recites tbe events tbat occur-
ed in June 6 last, wben be was com
pelled to resign. Soon after the In
dependence explosion, be declares,
tie was induced to enter Armory
ball, where a large number of mine
owners were congregated. Tbe doors
were Immediately locked aod a guard
placed at them. Then be was in
formed tbat unless be resigned as
iberlff be would be killed. He de
murred, and a rone wltb a nooss was
shown biui and be was informed
that unless be resigned quickly the
doors of tbe hall would ba opened
an the mob permitted to enter aod
lyncb him. He resigned in order to
save his life.
Informations were tiled before Dis
trict Judge Lewis charging Rev. T.
Leland, L. E. Jenks and Arthur
Parker with a conspiracy to murder
Sheriff Underwood. These cases
were based on the shootinir from
Mr. Lclarid's house when Sheriff
Hell demanded admittance. Ball
as fixed at 8:2,500 and tbe accused
are still in Jail.
K. S. Holden former secretary of
engineers' union No. 75 has been
brutally beaten by four masked men
while on his was to Vindicator mine,
wtiere be works. He was opposed to
the strike In tills district and be
came identified with tbe non-union
men, taking a mine-owner's card
ast December.
Mob Kills Negro.
LARRM1E, Wyo.-Joe Martin,
colored, was lynched by a mob of 300
men in front of Judge Carpenter's
house. Martin was a trusty in the
county Jail. He attacked a white
girl, Delia Krause, in the jail kitchen
and slashed her face and arms with
a knife. One man was Injured by
Martin wben entering tbe lail to
drag out tbe prisoner.
After assaulting Miss Krause with
a razor Martin was placed in a cell
in tbe county jail. At night a mob
of several hundred formed outside
tbe jail. Tbe first Intimation Sheriff
Cook bad of the contemplated lynch
ing was wben two masked men ap
peared In tbe kitchen of the jail
house and with guns leveled at bis
head told him tbat there were 200
men waiting outside for the negro
and that be bad better not attempt
to make any trouble for them. In
the meantime another masked man
had entered, and while the first two
held the sheriff the third man took
the keys cf the Jail from the shr!I's
pocket and then the three started
for the negro's cell.
On the way they encountered
Myer, who bad been summoned lo
dress the wounds of Martin, self-inflicted,
with tbe same razor with
blch he bad assaulted the girl, and
Turnkey Jones. He was compelled
to stand against tbe cage of tbe cells
with his face turned away from the
mob. The negro was then taken
from bis cell and hurriedly marched
through the court bouse Into tbe
street. Arriving at tbe lamp post
a short distance from the ball tbe
negro was quickly strung up to the
post. During tbe entire proceedings
be did not speak nor attempt to re
sist the mob. Tbe lynching occur
red at about 8 o'clock and within
an hour tbe streets were deserted.
Seige of the Fort. '
CHE FOO.-The last Issue received
here of tbe Novikral, tbe official
organ at Fort Arthur, contains an
artlciC warmly praising tbe conduct
of Captain Losedieff, commanding
the marines at Zaredoutm, who
stood on top of a wall, bis revolver
in one hand and his sword in tbe
other, and killed or wounded twenty
odd Japanese, who, mounting on tbe
shoulders of their comrades, at
tempted to scale tbe wall. Wben tbe
Japanese were repulsed Captain
Loscudieff sat down aod wiping the
peispiration from bis face wben a
sharpncl shell tore his body to pieces.
Women are not Arretted,
CUBA, Kans. There have been no
arrests In connection with the smash
ing of saloon fixtures and destruction
of liquors by women at this place.
A committee of women called on
Judge Brown and asked blm what
be Intended doing with them. The
Judge said it would be highly Im
proper to express an opinion before
a complaint had been filed, but they
mlgbt rest aiaured tbat he would dr
hit duty.
Tbe old settler's picnic at Untoa
was well attended.
A flour parade will be
one of tbe
features of tbe
fraternal picnic as
Falls City.
Du Bois was visited by a heavy
rain, fbe shower was needed, ana
;orn was greatly benefitted. Small
jralo is giving a good yield.
Iss Mary Staick, tbe girl who
was burned ao seriously at Syracuse
by tbe epxlosioo of a coal oil can,
died aod ber funeral was held at
Robert Parsley, a lad of 13 was
brown from bis horse near Cbadroo
i.od his jaw was broken. He Is also
sustained serious Injuries to bi
Now that the thirty days have ex-
plred for parties to have the prefer
ence right to adjoining land, fillings
under tbe Klnkald biU are rushing
The crop conditions at Wlsner arw
quite favorable. Small grain, with
tbe exception of wheat, is making a
good yield. Corn Is doing well, but
ill need four weeks of good weather
to make a matured crop.
Phil Garvey's fine barn near Rusb
rille was burned totbe ground aod
two horses and a buggy were con
lumed. The loss is about 14,000
wltb no insurance.
Mrs. J. L. Pinkerton died at tbe
residence of ber son, George A.
Pinkerton, at Cbadroo, after an
jpe'atlon. Her husband bad re
turned to his ranch at Mullen, after
the operation and was not present
when death came. I
The Otoe County leaohers' lnstl-
tute at Nebraska City closed lart;
week. One hundred and twenty-five(
teachers were in attendance during
the session, and It has been the
most successful institute ever held
in tbat conntry.
Tbe complaints ripe over the ftite
as to tbe firing of corn are not cor
rooorated In Cuming county. Con
siderable rain bas fallen during the
last tbree days and corn is looking
well; never better. Farmer
.hrougnout tbe country are ell
pleased wltb .tbe prospect.
Tbe mercury went down to 48 de
frees at Lin wood Monday night.
IV heat la not turning out as veal aa
was eipected. Oats are good. Rye
is fair. Potatoes are tbe best ever
raised. Haying will be about alt
:ompleted this week, except tbe
third cutting f alfalfa, which Is
rood. j
George Gunem, a prominent real
lent of Julian claims to have been
robbed la Nebraska City. He says be
went to sleep In tbe Missouri Paclfo
passenger station while waiting for a
'rain to take him home. Wben he
wakened be discovered be bad been
.oucbed for a five-dollar bill and a
few dollars In silver. He bad to
Borrow money to return home.
Wiu. Armstrong was thrown from
a buggy In a runaway and tbe horae
fell on top of blm, breaking bis leg.
Mr. Armstrong Is a mall clerk on
the B. and M. running from Omaha
to Denver, and whs home at Green
wood for a few days. He is in a
serious condition and tbe leg may
have to be amputated.
Miss Mary Kamm, of Nebraska
Ulty aged forty-six years, who un
derwent a surgical operation at tba
hospital died two days after tba
operation. She was a most estima
ble lady and held in high esteem by
all. She was the oldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kan.ro,
pioneer settlers of tbls country.
In the usttce court at Seward
John I. Groeggers was bound over
to tbe November term of tbe dis
trict court in the sum of 1500,
charged with impersonating a
officer. Defendant la tbe young maa
wbo tried to gain aoceas to funds of
the Tamora bank, by claiming to be
a bank examiner. Hla purpose la
tupposed to have been robbery. At
tbe time he entered tbe bank ba
wore false whiskers.
Drs. Houston aod Wiser have leased
tbe entire Lindell botel building
which baa recently been thoroughly
overhauled and remodeled through
3ut, and have established what will
be knowu aa Mercy hospital. Any
physician can have access to tbt
hospital for his patients. The sani
tary conditions aod equipment will
be tbe very best. It Is at com
mendable enterprise and one Falls
City bas long needed.
A fire from spontaneous combus
tion occurred at Edgar Tuesday
night a little after S o'clock. A box
car containing 1,500 bushels of wbeat
was observed to be on Are. The
tire company soon extinguished tbe
tire but tbe car was badly damaged
and the wbeat rendered unfit for
market. Tbe car caught from a pi la
of line coal tbat lay by tbe sidtog
close to tbe car and Is supposed to
hare taken Ore by spoDtsnesous coaa-hustloo.