Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 01, 1904, Image 1

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ir IT
llh ua
kl J.LX Vvj. l -1
vol.'xvti. hab7;j:so:5T, iNrnj3.iv3?c a., tiiup.sday, sept, i 1904.
In! O IO
the vi-;i:iv
M Hotter ' ill town Tuesday.
! ' tn :
j roup
k . . .- a
Hiy cooking apples at Iw-
- i k
vile s4jent Sundav in
; of iK.r- S I
S.L l.ld. .
a ti from W'yomuh
Mm Anna Mor.vek returned to YA
mom last nihl.
. Mrs, P. Lacy left fur Denver I'olor :!
Tuesday evening.
l'. H. Cirewell and llturv liose were up
from Hewitt Monday.
t August Kuiii shipp-d
horses east Wednesday.
car load of
J. J. Henry made us a pleasant cull
while id town Saturday.
I hin Jordan lelt witli amrof burses
Monday niglit for xVi-eiinnn.
Oiunty maps (or s,il at this
Both on ar und l aid Imard.
I 'cars, jM'aclii's aii'l grajirs,
at Lowry'y in any amount.
Mrs. E Y. J'oiiiiun returned from
Tlierniojiolis Siinni Tuesday evening.
The liight A cah price paid
for liidt'Kat J. V. Kicedorirs.
Oirwii; Lew ih and family wt.r vrn'm
ami Jointf bimine. in our lair iait Sat
urday. The finest line of J're.-li and
cu:od meats at J. W. Uice
doi ffy.
A. L. I.pithoT made in a pleas ml rail
tliit wci k, and reiuiiiitijred ui in a li. un
cial way.
.MU-rt Rinds sl'ipied a tar of rattle
yeMerdaV tsvonin. Henry VVeriz at
Coiiipanied llieui.
Dr. Spindlo, dentist.
Clown and Jlridge work a
pjiecin.lt y.
M m E irnesl L on
visiicd Mr. ar.il Mis.
He Itt last week.
a. i rml Harlelij
( has. Smilh ;it I
" learn that, John Asbton died le' tr
Ardmore on last. Tuesday I roui the cram jis
and wu buried on rinirs.i.iy.
Dr. Snyrler, oslcopath, will
1" in Harrison 'J'uestjay and
fSatnrd'jy of each week.
Ti.- f i jf-.t at I'ort Robins', n was ii...
Mioii"! i'V !. oil last Siimlay e '-'enliu; ,
toe Mine lielt.j; atruck tiy llhteiilii'.
!: tiertrude ,'onverse and mot be r
cilia d r.va Ir i ii L n I'usliv evening
und will visit here for a rouplH of weeks.
Dr. Spindlo, Hit; Crawford
dentist, will be in Harrison
again on Tuesday and Wed
nenday, Sept. 13 and 11.
For Sale oit Thape.
One half interest in livery business.
Tor father particular inquire of
I'. Lacy.
sj H. M. Warneke was in town Tues lay
He aid they Und no rain down Ins way
Kundiy avuinn;, but thnv hil plvitv of
water in tin river and it washed a-.vay
about 30 loads of hay for bun.
Tlia itib'ic schools of Hiirrison will
corninenfM next. Monday Sept. fith.
Everyone sbnild Iss r ady to start al
tlm U-Km""t!' Ibe tuition for non
resident pupils for the eniiim,' yeir is as
follow : 50 cts per month for prui.ai y
room. 75 cl for ihleriiis-diitlMu.d 1 0
.... .......il. tor ih loeher room. Tenth I
grad to furnili their own books. F'.nd
in advance to J. 1. Davis, Treasurer.
Sunday School Workort Attnntlon.
Th Slate workers Prof II M Sieitl
ley field Becrelitry and Miss Mamie
Unities Bupt. of primary work will lie nl
the fidlowiliH places: Ootdon, afternoon
Mid everutie; on Sept. 12. Rushville after-1
ttoon nnd cvenil'K 8. pt. 13. ( hnilron
fiflernoon Sept. H, und nil day lath, I
Crawford fill day lull), Harrison nil day
17th R(i Ifl.h. J. IV- Hi'KKE.
Trm.U for the llth Uist.
MisMiy IJti and si-ter w ere nn from
I "raw'ord V1-H111,' f'lHtuk mrl riUii.es
f..r f. w ! 1 s last week, rt-1 uriiii'fc' Sat-
to :a ni: Id.
1'r. Spiiidlo. tie dentist,
will l.e at tie' ot!ire of Dr.
Davis on tit" !' and 14.
H -miti l"-r v.- pwS'h i-onte' notiie.
iiil if y'lii lie-- re us I iv- your work
make it kon to the one tli it mail s
out your papers.
W. H. I ( and wife, w ho liave l'i n
isitirc wi'li l'eier li iuiret for some
tune, left for I heir home a! 1'i.rieNe'ir
last Ir d iv ni'tit.
Drown, the phot opr;) pli'T.
will he at Andrews I Jail in
Harrison, September ,';rd.
Mis. K.'irni'st l'lminey, acri nipiiuied i
hv Alis-; J .' I'M t":iinnjv, vv'iit ii i n
to Kl. KoliiiHon last .Saturday evenm,:
to visit her folks.
The only place to jet Deer
in,' Twine is at (ierlachs ,lc
sons. Dinders, mowers and
rakes also.
Will I." rivi ti hi tl e At.i'n s l!;i!l
Krul.n ei'Mii'W, Sept. 9 h lil'ii ' 'om
n,. !,(, u' at 7 :5) und w ill clo.se al M;()
Kver I .titl v liivr.i.d.
II i '. 1 '111111.
Yesterday mnrnint; the lir-' pisvi.','r
tr on pass."l on wesi t i ; 'asp'r sin.-.' I ist.
Saturdiy. Kv'erv thiuji: h"iria; 1 1 auslereil
at lie hri lv liet'Veerl II irri-on and V.i'i
ta-sel, !ry streams iin: ij'ot.i Uastrucli ve
at I lilies.
Wo ii-arn that Tom Henri and a party,
if yoii'ie- Iriclillsi iv l.ii were Visn,.' with
Mr. at , I Mrs Ilat ck J.t,t. Sundav on Hie r
I'eluro I o ( 'r.i e. loid j:ot one ol theln-isi's
they w, r! ilrivmir serioo-ly rut in l.lie
wire fence, ul, 'I del not ;i't to (!l.fo!,l
until .Monday.
T- ken tp.
On ' roan cow with n d neck branded
V O on !.;! h.Ic it'id .f t oi, ;,.t hip. Hi!
cei'ii al. uiv place H inilcs ti -rth ol' 'o'aii
f-ir tWil lleeifls. 'l!l"plll oe 1, 11' sail.
cow n,a Icix-eihi sa-io '', pa for
t'is notice and p,,s!un b :l.
(itXTAVK Ni'tiKi Cit
On fe: tore that has n,adn Hi- Lincoln
I tally S:ar I, servi d, popular is the i;reat
Saturday Star, preptrcl (sjeiiai;;, lor
Sniid.iN rnul.iii: li coiiiaics Iro n li I"
24 p ies. Th" ti".it t'iiiii.i';il serial
story. 'Tlie (1. a fid s," has j iM miimi cic
ed. You can have Toe Ii.ulv Star i'i.t
V . 11 until N' V. la, v, hu ll llielllili s I lie I. a;
8.::i-.!a-. p.:;.---!'. ' "idy f0 c uts. Sen. I
11. i tu oiucr tod, iv.
Lincoln Nell.
I'rof. C. Jones of thu ' Uiadron Academy
wit in Harrison a fe,v h iiirs I tst Situr
dav. Mr Jones is looking up sludent
for thu Acad-iiiv, and wu kienv of no ed
tie ition tl insUt.in 01 in thu Northwest
ill it . v a ' t-r ad vaniayi-s thin this
Ac 1 ioiiv
I'hev have a cmci 'r;i ( f t' l' le rs
and are well i ij npped in i-very w n in
HiVB the liesi I'.-siiil aa I ie-m:; a chris
tian institution pa rents teed hive no
fear for the wellaru of their t lillilien
that km placed there; we are pi r-nnally
nc(iiainled with the I'rlicipal L M
0 i- rkolteraiid know him to he a per
1'eCt (s'i'lil leinau which bis many students
ran venfv; if you Invif a h u oi' i.irl thai
has pa , sell our common sell 'id, und voti
want t eml litem it v tv we Iimw i t no
lietter place than the t badron Acaileiny,
and it is near home.
School lipsfins in Harrison next Monday
wi Ii E. Str.tnshnre; as prici'ipiil, Mi-s
Lizla l'ltsons interuiedcite t"ac,lier, and
Miss Aniv i hrisiiaii as printarv tmroer
" I"' our chil Iran wi i .". ir ,, v.; tr
"(ilk will d ni".. 1 I irelv up ei lie pa'
rons T"iii h rsareouU' hiiui ni le ines,
thiTi fi re they need the assistance mal
cooperalion of every fa'lar .nil ninth -r
in Hi" ibslrict, and if thev j;et this wt
don't feat for the Mice, ss of (Ulr whool.
if lb -re are nv "rn v fires aL miv Hum
iiliase, reinemlier wt have ti school honrd
and we are sure the leacli. is will be
pleased at any time to talk over matters
of interest to the school w ith Use palrons;
so patrons let us start in Hih ve ir wiin
the one old -cl in view, I hat is to have
n (food s- liool, und we will have it, what
Miy Jn?
tht CfJ.U:,fu'CAL JJAXK U yo.sv to nn
nomae xjif-riul arrahijanent to male lung-tune
lou a at 11 ul L ' t.i'c.
Say ult.it ijori u-aJ
L ll.fs Aid ill ll.e.-t at ' hi"' i ' 1 qui t
ontte? Al'iuiu ipolL, l.l-Xi. di.isiii
.ifUriiOOII Sept. Till.
Vlts. W. II. PAVts, Sery.
i)an Sla'ti-ry was taken with iriunps
on 1 '-' Suiid.n anil lias had s-vvral at
larks ilui iii' the ' k, lint is now
otipi -ovui,; si i iy . I 'a ii lias h.e! . pr-l !
t i is- rah air! h ol -.nil- r ii, 1. n-i-;i hul
We iO.e III! Mil p'lll ,1 ollll'l all I lit .
Willi tli" issue o i ii i -4 iv, k 1 1 in i 'r.i w
I'lfil I' ii I le I in. all ' r an i x 1st ei ire of Si Veil
and one hall e;trs, vvill sll-p'-i,d p ii !li 1
tloli. ov. II. i lo t in- lac! Ih.it tllllhir II
, .1 ts to ke p t lie pap,-r i i-iinini.' are mil
warrauleii In t le-im ..fj. r support t'-nder-
d a s'-coi.d pilper ir ' rawl id. His r
tiremeiit lioiu the iieAspapir lie.d will
in, ike Mr. Llliileiuan the it ,-teentl) niau
w ho has iU ti'. opted .i in I liualh toven up
ill- tasii ol uiak iu the sec nil news
i pei
a snot ss in a coin 'iiun: I v w here 1 le-iv Is
h i re I v so llic. nt iiat roiia- tor one lo I ve.
In t his ciim-ct I-hi t he I'l'dmi" d -sires loj
h-ar t'-stimi,ii to tin- tii it licit of all
i sin. ii, r"Pi e; iiors in lies j lii , on j
I, op!, loan has I n (lie d ilU the forest j
and !he loos' I clti '!' , ' i - , ail'l it Wishes!
Iiun a siicciissl ul fill nn-.
I i nn fold Tribma
Mi'. J. K M.irsirher, a raii' hieim of
i l.irns'u, Nehr. Mopped
j He luloluieil us that he
'IV here Tin so. iv. j
dispose of j
his iut'T -s's at 1 1 in i -on and will embark j
in th' It, i r,l vai e htisnii'S jit ; ne X. h,
li'ivoi;.' purchased a stoi;a theru (b ird- J
oi, J on ua I.
W e a -i' sorry I h it I h" e h , ve is oil. v too
ti ,i". Mr. Mai'st -. l-r :s on-of our 1'ion -
'or . and has ln"Ti one ol I lai t;m s ii ii is t
iii-cess ul lnis'ii-., men, .'in:! ins by his j j ,i,ve j .st mld' d to me cffl '" e"ipi' pt
holiest ile, lines and ii'-i'oils hea r' i d IM(.rM ,M , t,.t :, ml niost scieiililic nfi
e a s
on to him a
ol Ira n -
who wd! hat.- to m
him K", but wo fi It
'less her" one t ill
idi' u b" sold his b'ii
ai: .1 it w as In - ;rst in
tli- can lb- In a
ve tow ard Ic'iviiio;
riunli ni'ir to.n
r!i ,11 e of Frank
a I 1. h h e. 1 I'
Wnjl.t unul h
ValiOlo- ami ho
ua - . n ,.1 n 1 i t
s,.,iii as i issiha
lirsl of h"X' v.,
I 1
of it lo ad-
o . !..ip i"' I i bus.
li- 01 a v eei a ay ,,s
in !i w id !, a a u' I h-i
flue cf tl. worst st'oms of the veur
. 1 pi din', ti on llarf'stai lat Sunday
-v-iiini; 11, .11 I 01111 c I to pour
do n rain w it h small h ul lor a ho tit. one
hour. The storm was t he le ava st to the
1101 1 li w st hi lici; up ; he di maws and
o, , k;: .:.".!!:": rie-i s out ol I hem w n s 1 1-
111 out li'hC. s al'd eVel I II IU' tilt! COlle
tn its rend. Several cu;v rts ;o.d one
hlldett W;S Wa.sl'd Ollt 111 Ol" ?'"Mil
Western tnck west of i.irri-n. Liph'
nine; struck J.I nies Ii inriel's house l ot.
did no (.'I'oat daiuai" o'her iliau lo knock
four holes in thu Imildiii.,' Luckily the
family wereii-vay from hone- i.i tlietiine
or we tmbt hive a dill' rent story to
write; Sevtinl la Jos Vine uii'l t out
in Hi siono htr we ,,r; i;l.nl to say no
o-e a . luiri , more I Man a ir- f .sound
oicnchin', oiinty lr:oiirn' L ix and
1, 1110I w as coining lu I roui hi raiicu on
ladtoiiwoo l w l, n ill" storm s 1 uck linn
abut in,- (die ea-t ol t.wna'.d li- man
aned to net his team unli'tcie d and d.d
lha h-slhrt coull to pi'otert, hiniself
and failill.V by llm Sidrf of tlie waoii
Hot ll the s' oritl iibated whin lie Ui'oVe
hv, r lo J W . R i d-, w here he fout.d ready
Hands lo li' ip nun and fauiilv to net hy.
T. ti- ri .ch nod (b'orife i,,n.icti and f. nu
ll i" w 1 1 e out ill 1 lie si or in, fieoi't"-' say s '
It be.il, i.ny M, mi he wasi ver III. J. It. i
lliir.oi and wile and p irt ol ilm e.!i ldieu!
acie also niliubiMid .lulling the Unlucky
ones hill Ih Ioi; in a iov.'1'd rij,' suir. r d
hilt hill" 111 ioiiv. ni.-iicM other iliac to j
-at and watt lor What in fill c un'il1
R. v. o.iiin is siiii'd tie in alli'iit tune tiik-!
ii.H shell, r bv I In- sale ol 1 he 1 'hurcli and j well under way, and every one is interest
s 1,11 coi.Vei ed Hi" In ll- OH' s lo Ins house, j ,.,) u I lie even's w llli ll w ill occur lit, fine;
Aai.r was ruin hi.' in evert d ivt-lmii and I he r.-xt three nioidhs. Now is Ihe lime
some Hi d ha I ', 'km to Hi. ir Mia u caves lo mv nbe for a daily paper, 'the
had to wad, mil mid t a Ua their chanC'S ol
Ihe stoi'iti Hi 01 b-hij' Ir.iw.i. d in a c iV , ,
, , , ,'
A noli t t he saildt s toiic tin III pp'. lied
,v 1 11
was lb.- poor Kitor o.slne his ,,orkers Hv .
Iwin too near Sin fl mil. we pal banked a
reat deal on these porkers mid was
Iliout ready U.dely 1 1... si rikers and pack-
' !
ers both, hut have lo cut, !
pork out of our bill-of-fartf unless- Borne
umiqufiil couies vo u i.jiiuj ti(
J. L PiilSSEY.
Physician Surgeon.
I Ft in' W'mk ti Sjitriaity.
j Jobs Taken Ki'leT by o,itracl or l ay.
I! !:I!!KO', - - - . NKIiR A.HKA.
ixsrj:.:x k ackxt.
O'd Line. Assassiiient and Accident
p iiicies v. ri' t"'t
i "om spom
I1CP solicited
I, ( DAVIS. M. n.
Ollii in Bartell Huild nir.
nee 1st door north of Commercial
) ,
" HI! SOX,
ire t ns f ,r the siici
sful treatment
rhi-uuin t writ . ktdaev diseases, diseases of
t Ii" j nuts, and a II in'ote or chronic in
I lattia' ions Only curable cases taken,
nave also ordered ;t btre electric appar
ii I us which will be in niy ollire in a few
da vs.
HdVii vo'ICK,
T i ivleni It hi, iv cose rn :
l h'-i'"innd dorn-r itppo'n'e l t'l lo'de n
cer t on ni.nl i-! it.o-n.d fur hv t rank S".l t i
,11.1 ntliers co-nlliinada r lit the N' oil' lief of
the V. '. ot -eel Ion ! limn m? southwest
ilioiit V ol 1 md- to where eld rani lends
-K ton il d - E eie ii"f of SK 1 1 ot section Is
111 tO'A'ndllp :i r-l'ie ', he nil oil Mint li
i stah!l-ln"t ns n puhlic roi l und Hull port
ion ol Id road eieii.neiodi u at ' K coi ner of
M: 1 ! of s, ctloa s r 11 111 iaif -nut ll oil seel loll
;i, '.!:.. s-ei'o-is 17 and is to half 'i i'.
Ihc 1-11 iidiii; cast onl a-'-t it K coi ner of
M! i, ,, tin H. 1 he en n ml.,;' iini'l Ii e.si
toietl. Ill unit 1 ll"li' nn.v 10 il slriUei
sidi! la II ll o , load. III lie v..e teil
All oh! -ei ions tlnu In or C dins for
I'atll o ' s a 11 si we ihed oi tl 1 1 O'l'.tV 1 li t ,i 's
1 till"-01 or he-o e He to' it- ' i 11, !: Oi iri:eh
ro id will he ul loiva I iv it ho i l . uron r r f, r
ence theielo.
ounty Clerk.
Notice 1 Txp:i.T'fM.
Not ice is h, iibv mv-n that on Septem
ber la, lllfll ! t s, 1 i f ss v iit tatds w ill be is
sm d "V I his ollice for I he collection of
nil 10 pun personal taxes Tor the year
I'.ld.'l The provisions of I he levenue law
r, (purine; the ('ounty Treasurer to lll a
list of nniiaid rsonal luxes W illi ti e
1 'ounty 1 'lerk on Octoher 1st, makes this
action necessary and tin exceptions ran
lie miide. ("Alt!, M. Lex.
1 'mint)' Treasurer
Nebl-,ki.' Favsrlt Evonms Dally
Tiirovthtlie C.nnpa IJn for
Only 51' Cunt,.
The nival presidential caimiaiyn is now
I. ncmii iiaiu Miar will lU'scni unci 01 1.
1") lor 01 l 50 cenls. Tin Pailv S tir is
1 . , .1 1 .. 1 .....wi, i,,i.
!! . i ,e (- I -ll I est mill t I I'O', "i' pa-
, , , , 11 , ,
erui N-otask 1. ll is I hor oujldy mier.-sl-
iiil; ill eVerv depart nienl 'I U Star pub-
itsbe al! I he new s n 11 I he I inn four ed-
inon.sd.ulv. Send ns your mm, and f.l
. ' ;,
cunU and "Ho ll now.
i)o il now.
Lincoln, Neb.
J 0 ( "K 1 ("
i. ANDREWS liLd 'K. .
The jincst line of irinez, liquor ami led brand tf cbjars.
T1IK0. SAGERT, Proprietor.
Selling More
A (ompl.-te line of (JUOCEIMKS, JIAMDWAKK,
J)KV(i(XiI)S, I500TS&
line of SJ'KIXO GOODS.
Huildini? malcrial of all kinds. Flour, Feed, Or. in,
Wind-mills, Dumps, Tanks, Wagons, Dngies, hum
Implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles it etc.
lYou Are
l: .''tf.i.54titk.
n,. 1 , ,'1.
iii;,'!1. -
Tlii'it'ts wliat it's liere for:
To h)i you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
(Jive us a trial. Yours for Business,
successor to 7. U.NEWMAN
Lumlicr. ffoorxi iSVsA, Lime,
Ctial, Wagon, Baggies and
Machinery of all Kind.
I alo carry a line of Wind
Mills, 7'i;iw, Pijing,
Wind Mill re
etc. etc. etc.
1 large stock of feed, both
g,'T,i'il ami ungronud al
lca.'tf on hand.
: tic
1 I Wj- b
Give ma a Call.
W ANTE') Aden's, Hustlers, Palesm
Clerks nun everyhodv who wants to en,
jnv a cood hciirtv lanuli to send iuu for
"Tips to Auetils." Worth SS-oO to any
'person who sells piods for iv living. f
not sat i-f n t ory your tnoney back, ("ir
1 rular for Ktnmp. Thellr. Wide Elec
i trie ( duib Co. I" 'iitur, 111 .
All parties iixlebeted to Clms. Newman
hv not,', or otherwise will find nil bills,
and notes nl tup 1 'onintercial Bank for
collection. I'lease cull und settle all
open accounts by note bankable or ensh
in band and save t'nw'S.
Notice Is hereby given to dl persons hsv
!n;r liilins niirl Iieinanils iifridnst Johu l)e-
hioio, lute of -loux e( init.y, (li
ceased : Tlntt.
t lie lime tlx' d for nlhuf olimiis iiR'ilnst Id
estate is six month fr .tu Ilia I'ith day of
Aumist, ,f()l. All siudi norions am reonestoit
. ... , .
to lf' -cut Hieir claims wltti tlvi voucher to
, (.minlv j,,,,, , N,ll c()11,y t his olllee
tli.rfin on or ticf'iro llm Intli dav of Fi'htn-
,o j-, IPtij .mil 10I ("lupin so tiled will be heard
before the said .Indireon the tti.it MondaV of
eneh inontli (InrtiiK 111" Hum allowed for
nnisentstlon of Claim at 1 o'clock I'. I.
J. II. Wii.itKRMHi)oi:ir, R,
4.1'i Jud.
Goods Than Ev
SHOES, and u ccii-i'.tte $
;; 4"i'gv";s'.JiJe
All orrlars iflven pa-n ,t t-tt.-ut on, a.
j s .
1 tf''-rI-f-s5...
Program of the twelfth annual con
vention of the Sioux Count v Sundav
School Associatin to be held i-i tht
Methodist church in Harrison, Nehrnsiot
September 17 and 18, 1904
Saturday, Septeml r )7.
10:3f)a.vi., Devotional S.-rvtcs.
12:00 LUSOH
l:liO p. m., "The Aim find Coin (It of
This Convention."
Rev. Muni -Is.
2:00 p. 111 "A Primary S .1. nb.nl "
Miss Mamie Haines, State r mary
worker. .
8:35 p in. "Mem riztne; Set- pture
Texts." Mrs. f Lit tic Clove.
3c 0 p. in. "Sunday School Manure
ment."..Prof. H. M. Stealby, Klala
field secret 11 rv. .
4:30 p. in. Report, of Schools anil
Election of Ofiicers
7:30 p. m. Sour Service.
8:00 p m. Address "Echoes From
Jerusalem Cruise,"
Miss Matiiis) 1 bum s.
Sunday, September 13.
9:00 a. ni. Hevottoiial Service
9:30 a. m. "How to Have the Lesson
Remembered.".... W. U. D.ivis.
!0:30a. ni. Sunday Sckool L'sori,
tinij;lit, by Miss Haines
11:00 Address
1 -.00 DINNER
1 :SW p. m. TenchinR Problem
Prof . 11. M. Steidlev.
2:30 p. in. "The Country Sun, lay
School," J. H. Harle.il.
7h'0 p. m. Son Service
8.00 p.m. Lecture. "The Bov Wo.l
Made.".... Prof. II. M. Steidlev.
NOTICE: A full representation nf tho
Sunday Schools of the county is desired.
All deletion will be entertained. Brin
your best tbounhls und experiences and
exchnnge them at the convention.
J. H. RunRB, President,
tiKS. HA.TIB U. tiRoTB, Seoy,
br4 .
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