PASTIME OF AMERICANS. la ImII, the Which la Our Trur Notional tpjt-t C'.ii.iiiS il iv. ii tn tup test i f a n.H'on il h"it. Ij"' iiiinj' Af:ier;earn cannot i ll ou t'. differem p U'tvtern a home run" and a ! I,it;" h-t .ven in "o;tt!:it" and a "hot liner to iti'irt?" Nl "I' iu a i a conservative bet Iuiln-fi. this geiicra J.m of youth knows baseball by iu itiiiit. it In-come a heritage by Iglit of American tthfli. JI.iw Ue n j iu explain the indisputable f't that I i; yeitv !! lxy know the pane no 31 IK ri Iwt r than t In lemons he In hc riiininir to have poked into him In the schoolroom? The first game In thin ouutry 1-wa liif-n traced back Til year. ul the first chili of that misty era to I'liiiuilfipliia. Pnrtie of a or autre used to gather of 1111 afternoon nice a ,ik on the field adjoining the 3jier part of Market street, near alien- the Eplsmpal rhurch now HhikK to piny Hie old name, and oth r again would go over to flip t'ain Jen hVItU to enjoy the sport. An oh csldclit of Camden used to Hiiy that the player were laughed at In thoe lays for playing hall, the prejudice tgnlnst wasting time In t bat way being rery prevalent in the Quaker City of Hint period." The microbe did not cprend until ISj itl. iind then It went through the ?ountry. sweeping nil before It. 'ihe rir-e of profef-Kionitl baseball Is ,m oft loiil nlory, !ut buck of its hKlory la Ihe most IntcreMlllg epoch of It. evo lution, when the 'primitive giuno of rounders" ' hammered into wmie thing HWe Itn present form, a game which had room for (-kill and scientific ievelopineiit. There were four lima. luMend of three, ami the bao runner khi put out by throwing the hull nt him. In these day he would. Indeed, lie "don 11 and out" If such a practice were permltled, and one icngiie iMine would tally an many called ambulance it h "railed bulls." Kvcii as Irile an the 'in is these rules were In vogue: "The batsman could he put out on in) fair hit or foul hall thai vm caught on the first bound. 1 here no ruie to iuni-h wild pitching, ami the rule governing called Mrikoa wa such a t Allow the .ntimili alnio-t eiillre freedom from otit on ntriken." (Hie batsman ill n game between ihe Mutual mid Atlautle i-liilix alinweil more than 50 li.-lilst to paM hllu before lie utrui k at a Kiniile ball, no lielnx railed evet then. "The pitcher could only ceiid the ball in by n inure pilch or toon, and not by any kitid of h throw," Now, t-carcely n ytr Ins pa.-cd ulnce the crude ami incomplete coe of Ihe early that distinct imruve mcnls have not been made iii the .mmi'- of batiebail aionjt the linen of in-i-reaiiil ilem;iTids f'r U1II ami acihly Imtli for the butter and Ih-ider. Tlili It one of the reasons why the ke essentially Anietlcan. and hy It li. Iiih i.imIIi).' fliole popuhtr ever) imr The linenlhe talent, the uie.:ii'' Itch to do thlliKN in n Ix-tter an.) n,i,ie n iciinr.c and eeonoinh-ai way, Is f ' 1 : : I In every depart ;mi!t of Aiiieriemi m cliiKtrial and eoinmerf life l!li;i traied Sporting New. To) nun h zen! I Mnnetime more to he feared than too litt.'e old Mrx l:ion wan an energetic phiianil ro Pt, Imt th. re en. times when it H-eiind an If her energy wat mi dlre.-t. el. 'i he Weil inefinlllfr o'd holv lio.ed (hat thre waa no ailment th a diHtor oj would not cure, no pnr:hui . f the human frame that It would not n.,.i. n. . - r ... - a iili-iMiM! n M'l '-! 1,1111- II)' crew chary of nientloniiiir ii"he "ml pulri. for they knew the jemil I)'. hut Mat hla, thi lwedi-b rook, had tint learned iliwrelloli, ln day the iiniiil uave a pmpble clr ription i f 'he troiih) her brother waa linvini? with rlieuinrtimn In hla right elbow, "lie noffer o lots ally's can't do no Vork." ahl Matilda. "I.rititf him to mi','' responded lirown, her eye fired will) the hirht of Ixittie. "I'll j-ive tt ! in norne inedl line that'll make lila anil well in no time. It'll our auytblnt;." That evening Mr, ltrown heard voice in tho kltdien. "It that your Irother, Matilda'?" ahc anked, callint,' I lie maid to tin? dour. "Ve, nweHl-t," replied Matilda. Mrs. Brown, armed will) liotile and Ioon, appeared a moment later in the klt'-hen. "!eu your mouth,' ebe an Id. pan Inc In front of the seated visitor, anil IDurliiK out a ireiiorouN upoonful. "Oh, meetlH:" l..j,'an Matilda. "Not 0 word from either of you:' foiuiiia ruled Mr, lirown, eiiii(f Hie "touched Sw wle'a (nnibiirned tiod - be. Iween thumb and foreiinuer with the n of Ioiik pnicti. e. "Take this rl,lit !wn without a word." Naturally the tnnn a obhijcd to "hen Ida mouth In order to breathe. Ah It ifld no. In went the. oil. "There;" excl.dtiied Mr. Brown, In tone of deep at.f.iclion, "you won't liave any further trouble with that ! '"Jw! Now, Matilda, what weie yon Kolng to myt You may t-ny It now." "Veil, nieeaia," ald Matildn, with Tmiil amlle, -j tBil vor jmoty lte, -t vor mine odder binder vat l"-vc tb trick on life olltow." Vmnh'a (mpariloD. Ooenalonallf a man get m-kle and tella hla wife the truth, and then 1 Audi out what a brut alio ha mar rlt Moat pmple gvt the aprlng out ot tMr walk during June, July and Au-twrt. 'K. .- FIBROID TUMORS CURED. Mrs. Have' First Tetter Appeal icsf to Mrs. I'lnkliaiii for Heipj " Dear Mrs. Bixkham : I hare been nnder Boston doctor' treatment for ft lon time without any relief. They tell me 1 have a fibroid tumor. I can not ait down without great pain, and the soreness extends up my epine. I have bearinjj-down pains both back nd front My abdomen la awollen, nd I hare flowinf spells for three years. My appetite is not good. Ican not walk or be on my feet for any length of time. ' The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor rWen in your little book accurately describe my case, ko I write to you for adTlce." (Signed) Mrs. E. F. Uajes, tl! Dudley St (Roxburj-), Iloston, Moaa. Mrs; Hayes Second Letter: "Dear Mas. Pineo : Sometime ao I wrote to you describin my symp toms and asked your advice. Vou re plied, and I followed all your direc tions carefully, and to-day 1 am a well woman. "The use of Lydia E. Plnkhnm's CKe Com pound entirely ex- R.II.J II... . . , . S r'w nic muiur tuu btreug liesueu my whole isvtiteui. I can walk mile now. "Lydla II Plnklmm's Vege table Compound is worth Ave dol lars a drop. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any klud to give '.I a faithful trial." (Signed) E. F. Hates, IH'!!iT St itloshurv). Boston, Mas. - .W00 for frit If irlgtnst ,f at l$ttvtrrwlnl Hnmrwntu tannot b9 jrducA MtAWINi; TIIK LINE Typer (angrily) "I'l Just like to now what you tall that butter you "etit to my house?" Uro-er "Tint's print butter" Typer-"It Is, eh? Well, I'm a f Inter myself, and I suppose 1 iillit stand butter that suggests a composing room, nut I'll be hanged if I'll eat bitter that tustes like a ircsstriom'' A full-grown elephant can carry liree tons on Its back Sale Ten Million rZ2l THE FAMILY'S) FAVORITE MEOteiNE :1 ik Ha V W vr a CANDY CATHARTIC lie 50c. aMl'!&Vs BEST FOR THE BOWELS j ailii at i i rr i The process of making Liquid Koal requires three days. The process of reduction requires 350 degrees of heat. It is a compound embracing every germicide, antiseptic, and desinfoctant found in coal, treated chemically with an alkaline base until evcrv objectionable feature in eliminated, being non-poinonotin and harmless. LIOL'ID KOAL is a combination of Creasol, Guiacol, and Kalium. LIQUID KOAL is a black cily liquid. cI!h for eixty cents a pint, one dollar a quart, three dollars per gallon. 'You may have a pint free without any expense to vou whatever if you will cut out thu coupon in this adver tisement and mail II to the National Medical C'.mpiiny at Sibeldon, Iowa. LIQt'll) KOAL cures and prevents hctf flu letd, chicken cholera, pink ere, black ! r, ar.d all the germ dis niscH of animals, because It Is a germ killer and (iocs into tho stomach, Into the b wi Is, and Into the blood, and wherever the blood goes. It per meates the entire system of an iini ii, al through the medium of circula tion, and denudes" the system of every disease kmm. Wo af liivlng three hundred thou sand dollais orthofit for adver- i. .1.... r.irmnn: mirt to nrovc to farni- eis and slock ralnms what it will do. I iQlill) KOAL has been tested f"r the past live years In the largest lahota . . . .1.1 numiiiv uriri ternianv. tones in urn t , and Iii many of the expetlmentsl station. We have proved beyond a question (,f douht Ik fore the ttreatcst experts . .i. i,u ihi.i it (test tfiis uerms of dlseas's common to all domestic BiiltniiH, "(' uif"y ui vu,.v Worms. Intestinal and skin parasites, .. . .. i. . u ami vnrrnln Slick tlCKi lice. in." '-i. the life bio d and sap the vitality of lomestlo aniniaisHiiu i .wm wum v.... i ti farmers Hnd stock jllllimi 1'ni" ; - raisers reach enormous footing. The furnicr and stock raiser who would locrciise his bank account, mist of necessity wage a contlouons warfars ;ialnst these robber worms, parasite, vermin, and Insects. The most effective and Inexpensive remedy for all these is Liquid Koal. Liquid Kosl ncutralliM the acia IIAKDSHII'H OF GENU'S nomer wug n beggar. ..;'.?.:.. spencer tiled in want. Crante8 died io Hunger. ' y Pryden lived in poverty ana dis tress. Terraoce, tha draaatlst, was a slave. .Sir Walter Raliegb died on the scaffold liutler lived a life of penury and died poor. I'ldutus, -the Roman comic poet, turned a mill. I'aul Gorghcsb tad 14 trades yet starved at all. Tasso, the Italian poet, was often distressed for a dollar. Otway, the English dramatist, died premaulrely. through hunger. liacon lived a life of meanness and distress Steele, the humorist, lived a life of perfect warfare with bailiffs lientivolgllo was refused admissiou to a hospital he bud erected The death of Collin was through neglect, first causing mental derang ment Chaaerton, the child of genius, and misfortune, destroyed himself at 18 Savage died in prison at Bristol, where be was confined for a debt of 10. Fielding lies In the burying ground of the English factory at Lisben, without a stone to mark the spot. Milton sold the copyright interest In Paradise Lost for 172 In three payments and finished bis lire In obscurity. For Your Perfect Comfort At th St. I,niil Kxpiwltlfin, which la very evirf npn tbefiH't.rpineinher t tuke along I tim or two cif AI.I.KN S FOOT KASU. a powilfr for Hot, Tlr-il, Aching, Swollen, Sweating Frrt. Sn.nno tesi linonln la. Sold hr nil linitrilHtu, iV. IMiN'T Al'CEI'T A HI HKTITl'ft;. Trlnl packiiKr KKF.K. Ad drew Allen 8. Oliudi'il, I.e Itoy, N. X. A home without children Is about as Interesting as a hotel lobby. A RISKY JOURNEY Indian Chief (to prisoner) " You say you are a foreign tourist?" Frlsoner " Yes'' "And you have a title?" "Yes" "And you are unmarried?' "Yes" "Well, I will let you go; but you will have to run tne gantlet of American heiresses all the way from Denver to New York Bozes aYear. RITE MEOteiNE Jk MM AD DroffKlfiU ONE PINT LIQUID 1(0 A L Makes One-half Barrel of Medicine or Lice Killer ialf Aiillion of Pint Cans Given Away. condition of the system which is a condition favorable for the produc tion of worms causing such diseases as hotf cholera, anthrax, chicken cholera, etc. ' Liquid Koal is In general use by physicitns and veterinary surgeons throughout Europe and America em bracing a wider range of uses than any prepareMon on the market. If you need Liquid Koal and have never used it please send us the cou pon below. We will then send you an order on your dealer for a sixty cent cao and will pay your dealer ourselves for it. It will cost you nothing. It will cost your dealer nothing. You are not otllgated to ns In any way If you accept this offer, we will not ask you to buy any after you have given it a trial. All we want !s a chance to prove to you what It will do. If you want to know the result from giving Liquid Koal to a sick matter what thecauseof the sickness Is, send us the coupon toduy. If you want special expert advice regarding your stock tnat is sick send us full description of the symp toms and also ten cents In postage. You will also be entitled to the thirty-two page book on the germ dis eases of animals. Liquid Koal Is the Best and Cheapest Worm Killer Known to Science A list of tho diseases that Liquid koal cures Hrf Cholera folio l.mif Worm OlaniUrn iwlnc riagua lltmpr latattlnal Warms Pink Rye ('w Chol-ra Intliiauia Tiibaroolmla Pout tot Ambrai Tap Worm Mark lf I on Pvr ( orii.Ulk DUaa InSammaUon of tha Aboriioa Id Uowi Bowala The Woman and the U.b Adam gave his rib i lo make a woman's shape; (Thus the sHry's w:it, There Is 00 esoape !) Many an a'ctic whale, Witless of Hip bUme, Also gives his rib For to make the same 1 sorrow not for man, He gets his riblet back: Hut for the poor old whale, Alack, my friends, alack! N O Times-Democrat Voice from Arkansas. Cleveland, Ark., Au. 15. (Special.) Nearly every ne Kpajier tellii of some wonderful cure of ime form of Kid ney Disease by the Great American Remedy, Dodd's Kidney Fills, and this part of ArkHnxsq Is not without itn share of evidence that no cane In too deeply rooted for Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure. Mr. A. K. Oarlile, well known and highly reHpectMd here, tella of his cure after nearly a quarter of a century's suffering. Mr. Carlile nays: "I want to let the public know what I think of DikIiJ's Kidney Fills. I think tbey are the' bet remedy for sick kid neys ever mnde. "1 had Kidney Trouble for 23 years and never found anything that did me so much good as Dodd's Kidney I'illa. I recommend them to all sufferers." There Is no uncertain aound about Mr. Carllle's Ktatemint. lie knows that Dodd's Kidney Tills rescued hlni from a life of suffering and he wants tLe public to know it. Dodd's Kidney Fills cure all Kidney ills from Hack ache te Urlght's Disease. WISE ANCIENTS Traveler "The houses In some of tho ancient cities bad walls ten feet thick" Mr Urlckrow (enviously)1'! pre sume some of the neighbors w musical" An Illusion "He married money, didn't he?" "No, he thought he was marrying money, but he merely married some thing elsa that talks" Philadelphia Press After Midnight Wife I'm sorry to see you come home In such a state as this, Charles" Husband "I know you'd he sorrv, Carrie, and that's why I told you not to sit up" Iloston Transcript A piously Inclined schoolboy In Liverpool wrote a religio -s essiy, In which appeared this striking pas sage: "So he scd unto Mosses Come for'h; but he came rJftb and lost the Jobb Morral, Get up urly, and avoid the rush" A StCFN OP BRAtrrV tS A .TOY. FOgFW?. R. T. FFIJX OOVRAUD'fl OKIKNTAI I CKCAU, OB MAGICAL liFA I FJ Vil jiirtji rauctie. lUtilt, am 4 dlMftMg, and trcrf btoailsl on Duautr, eu-i )1el1f(tdatctlli. Jf a I'ooil Lit Ull if 06 f-ar5, mnd li 10 harinlptg t iU- it to t Kurl Arc. pt noroiain (fit of i ji; Ual name. Dr. L. A. RtiTti UaiJ to t j ot Us hvl too ( iJAiietit) 'An yu tadiei will nsfl thvirt. J icomnini 'Gouraud's Cream the leant harmful of ail tha Gkln prAoarfttioni.1 For tale by il I)ni(lt and Kaocy Qooit Ifoaltrl Kt the U. 8., Catnmleu. and tirop. rtP.D. T. HOPKlNb, Prap'r, 37 Grait Jontt St, N. I Texa Frrar . Caiarra Foil Kvil 1 arcy Cul ken Cholera Manga Koup Hota Thrunh Koourl lxrk-Jw Nal Uleet Blind Biagrra berati hpf Liquid Koal Acts as an Appetizer and Vitallzer No disease germ can escape It, that Is the reason It cures for when the germ Is destroyed the disease Is gone. Two Things to Remember Use Liquid Koal to destroy the par asites on the Inside. Use Liquid Koal to destroy the par asites on the outside. Parasites exist and thrive only at the expense ot live animal tissue. One thousand Dollars Deposited In tha Union Bank at Sheldon, Iowa, to be (liven to Anyone Who Finds Any of These Tes timonials Not Uen uine. Smith Ont.r, Run., Julj (, 11)05. National MJli-al Co., York, Nehr (entlrmru : Ihivn unerj your Liquid Koal tors cure ol i-hiilfra In hogs and I have not found in r-uiial. 1 bid fifty lifad nt tirtjra and ft out of filly 1 wai lure would die. hut hy the use of your L'oul hmuplil ttiem out O. K. and have not ixn iKithemt wllh oliolera or any other iwlue pl:iiu iuce. Tberefore enn ay lo ttin wlne breenVri of 8mlih County and alio poultry rainen that It ho so equal. Yon can pnrchae llili yaluahle medt oli.e of Walker Nin, of Smllli tlenter, who can not mUrt-preaeut this valuable meillntna to you. Youri Fraternally, JulIN PYLE. P S. Thar at the prenent time seventy-nil head of hogs and plf that are dolni One Anil I lielleve If It had not been for Ihe u of ihe Ijlquid K'ml I would have lost onchalf or probably all of lliem. j, p. KKAUiNKY COCXTY NURSERY, G. A . Hiraiul, Prop. Grower of Cholo Nursery 8tcok Mlndea, Nelir Deo. S, 1WJ National Medical Do., York, Nebr. About two weeks ao many of the farmers twunrt here lost very haavUy by he eholora. I do aot wish to write you a lonf tattering state neut auoat year medietas but will say thai I boagkl auartoaaaf Uqakt Koal iaj Wla, T p"9 ACHED IN EVERY BONE. Cfcicaa-o KooVty Woman Who Wti So Pick Hne Could Mot Pleep or Eat, Cured by Koan'n Hldnrr fill. Marlon Knight, of S3 N. A s li I a n d ave.. Chicago. Orator of tlie West Side W e d n e sday Club, Bays: "This winter when I started to use Doan's Kidney Pilis I ached in every bone and bad intense pains in the kidneys and pelvic or gans. The urine was thick and cloudy and I c-uuid barely eat enough food to live. I felt a change for the better within a week. The second week I began eating heart ily. I began to improve generally and before seven weeks had passed I was well. I had spent hundreds of dollars for medicine that did not help me, but $0 worth of Doan's Kidney Pills re stored me to perfect health." A Fit EE TUI A Ij Address Fofder Milburn Co., Uuflaio, N. Y. For sale by all dealers: price 50 cents. The desire to know the number of people on earth Is an old one KlccolH, an expert Italian statisti cian, estimated in 1672 the world's total population at 1,O0),OOO,OOO sauls THE LITTLE WONDKR W1H.SOR8 SHARP PKNKK. luventor K'likou'ii intent achievement. A jiert ct little iff in !m eiy houm-hold. K11 f-cial.y 'Uteil for DregfcmakerR. Milliners and Tailors. ',: wlli orinit one. Adrlreo, fAHIoiA.N BLACK WA1VT CO., a7 ouin Ave , New Vork A 6haft sunk at Ossncclc near Maitland, in New South Wales, re cently, penetrated, at a depth of 200 feet, a stratum of coal twenty-ssven feet in thickness We are never without a bottle of Plso'i Cure for Coniuinptino In our house. Mrs. R. M. Swsyxe, Wakita, Okla., April 17, 1001. In Colombia not one-quarter ot the land is settled ur owned by In dividual The vices will gro and bear fruit without enny hoeing, but the vir4 tews hav to be kultivatcd, and even) then are too apt to hav a big pod,j and a dredphull small beam Modern, literature seems to bo mere hash out ov the kold pieces ov other diiys. The annual loss from the burning of buildings In the United States Is about $135,000. OX), not including cost of insutance and the appliances Mrs. Wln.lows KOOTII1NO SYRUP tor chil dicn ti-ethlni;, aoftenii the gHmn.roiiucM infla matimi. allay pain curet C'.Ho. Price irc buttle. Of the 391 different kinds of Urlt lsh birds only 104 are resident all ' the year BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh ot the toraach. N. N. U. m - U YOLiK NEU W aj-- fi "n aciciuid k WML prove ment was so markoii thai I bought a fruiinn can and used It with the result that my hoes all reiwvered and 1 did not lose en. My herd of over 800 arei flue condition end you may put me down as o ustanl user of Liquid Koal. O. A. Strand. Dec, 1003. We the underside d stock raisers and farmers Sladly b-stlfy to the merits of Liquid Koal man factuivd by the Katlo nal Medical Co., of 8heU don, Iowa and York, iNnhraskA. We have used thih product with grat fylnn suooess and advise all to elTe it a trial. It should been every farm la Nebraska. Kufus Keary, Uee, Neb. 0. Mills, Hee, Neb. ( hris Schall, Siaplehurst, Neb. Geo. Hinpberiier, Sewaru, Neb, , J. II. Keary, Bee, Neb. W. Plughaupt, Stuplehurnt, Neb. F. C. Meyei, Htupleliurst Neb. J. Kingeberirer, Sr, Oormantown, Neb, llloomtleld. Neb., Iieo. IS, I have sold Liquid Koal for a year now and nt-w.r have found an article, that gives such uni versal satisfaction as Liquid Koal does. I oaa SHtoly say that I hsve not one dissatisfied cus tomer. I honestly think that If every farmer would use It there would be very little hog cholera in the country. tt O. Mundeloh. Wausa, Neb., Deo, 13, 1902 I have been using L. K . a and insect destroyer and find It all you claim for It. Would recotn in' ml It to all. 1 will keep It on the plane all the tiino. Yours, bain Gross. It Is a positive preventative of coatag lous diseases. Cut Out This Coupon For It may not appear ajreln Fill ont the blanks and mall to the Nutlonal Medical (Jo,, bheldon, Iowa My Have Kind nt mock. Disease. 1 have never tried Liquid Kosl but If yon will supply me with a siity cent can free I will give it a trial. Give full name and address and write plainly Nend this coupon today, If yon dnNlre a thirty-two page book on the germ diseases of anliiinls and special eipert advice regarding Ihe diseases that effect your own Itock send ten cents in postat with this eoupon to cover cost of stalling aud penee to m. The oaa ot liquid Koal Is to he furnished yu wUaoat ei press or freight charge to yoa iO Boot fAjtitfii tynip. Tustes (J'm0. TJae fj ft TLe "Linip Lave twii-e rarnfj Jios ow, (i e in 1.37, aiid iifiiiiu in VJ'.YZ. I'ope I'jus X. ha artoptt-d a lnt ikivp. bi'-h vr;.a oue oi 1lie jx-ts f liU jjrulH-e-ist.r. Twelve eiira ago there wi-re 2ioO Jiijanene ill tLe I't.iti-U St;iti-s. Tte diiy tiii-re tiro 2-1 .;!). tJirls lirissiil in ra-.iJ)- r'tl, b!ark ard white uiiiforuiB tr w-llni butter atid ctifsc in the istn-ets of Lerliii fur a new coiujiaiiy. Norway's coast line 1.7kt tiii;e In n strHjfrlit I'ihi-k 1',. mils It followed round trip fjord. In thBe fjortlx are over ItfO.otO Islands. The cofft e troe roaf-Iipti ita uiaiiniuin of production in about twelve years, and tdiould contiiiue in full bearing for fifty yeans, tlioiifrh some trees are known to te as old fcs eigbty-two ycrs. A yard of rain to be precis" 36.D2 incbea i tbe recorded downfall of he lat year in London, it haa beea tin exceptionally v et year even for the ltritisb IkIcs. Tbe reconl is live inches above tbe higbest previous total, that of 1S7. When we read of the ruen who in habited the caves of Europe at a time when mauuiiothH dwelt on that conti nent, we M-em to have gone back io a period so immeasurably remote that we can hardly picturn in, the mind's eye the appearance which the repro-. setitatives of our race then presented. Vet, according to Prof, K. H. Tylor, tha natives of Tasmania "remained with in the present century representatives of the Immensely fiticient Paleolithic period." Kecent nt.idies of the relics of the Tasmaniaim, who iM'canie ex tinct when brought into touch with modern c'viiisted man. nhov that the workiiiuntihip of their rude implements was lielow that exhibited by the "drift find cave men" of Paleolithic times. The (Chinese doctor sets up a terri ble racket when called to treat tho sick. This is supposed to drive evil spirits away, and it unqtieeiiloiiably acts well in a preut many cases. Civ ilization demands rest and quiet; all nolw is barred Trem the sick room. An American physician tells of a pa tient who had sunk into a coma pre ceding death. ' Koine one in the next house struck up tho 'Anvil Chorus' from 'II Trovatore.' 1 was very much annoyed and distressed, and tiled to stop it. Suddenly the puhoilion at tho wrist Is-gan Ufjain, the patient gradu ally oiM-ned his eyes, and motioned to bis sister. She bent low, and he whis pered In her ear: "IV dn in te dea, that is my favorite tune, said he. lie re-'.-nperated and entirely recovered." CHILE'S MINERAL WEALTH. Sreat Kesotirces of This South Amerl can Country. The famous coal mines of I.ota and Corout'l have an annual yield of l.'k)), iXJO tons and employ some ft.f'OO labor ers, according to the Knginc; ring Mag azine. Tills not only supplies Chile's needs, but also coals nearly all Ihe Eu ropean steamers touching the borders. The cofil is what is termed "soft," but it Is ol good quality. The country Im ports some hard coal. The most itn portiint mineral industry is, of course, the nitrate of soda. Chile at present has over H nitrate works. The erudo material (called caliche) Is found un der a conglomerate, in beds varying from a few inches to twelve feet in thickness. The process of extraction Is one of leaching and refining by crys tallization. About ,4K,000 metric tons of 2,2XM pounds each are annual ly reduced, estimated to be worth S54, WK),X)0 in Europe. About four-fifths Df all the nitrate exported goes to Eng land and the continent, Creat Britain alone,, taking one-third and CJermnny a little less. A large a mount f Irt ish capita Is invested in Ihe. nitrate Holds, sixteen of the largest companies alone representing n capitalization of more than $40,000,000. The Chilean government exacts a duty of $11.52 a ton on all nitrate exported. In metal mining copper comes first, both as to present output and further opportunity. The country needs mod ern metallurgical processes nnd knowl edge of successful methods of handling low-grade ores. The present produc tion is about 30,000 tons of copper an nually. Manganese Is also an Impor tant Industry. Silver, once very high ly profitable, has declined; 74,009 kilo grams of silver were exported in 1900. Promising gold deposits exist, especial ly in Southern Chile; $,'iO,(XX) iu gold, gold ores and matte have been export ed In the last ten yours. Korea tho Pathway of Nations. Nothing encourages the study of ge ography like war. It was in 1871 that Americans began to look up Korea on the map, for at that time we were at war with her;, but there was only one battle, nnd In that battle only one hian was killed on our side. So the geographies were soon put back on Iho shelf. In 1894 Koreu again came to the front, but the Chinese fled so precipitately before the Japanese that before the geographies were fairly open the tide of war swept serosa the Valu and left Korea again the "Land of Morning Calm." And now again In Ibis year of grace she is to be made, though much against ber will, the chessboard for another game. Id 1228 she was swept from north to touth hy tbe Mongols In their effort to (et at the Japanese. In 1502 sbe was iwept from south to north by th Japanese. She has been verily tha pathway of nations, trodden of ever foot. Century.