Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 25, 1904, Image 5

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Opinions of Great Papers on Important Subjects.
Wage-Earning by Married Women.
HE American prejudice air.iinst waue-e.iriii!c
f 1 I by married women appears In the elTort oeca
I I Isionally made to make the employment of
1 teachers la the public schools terminate with
marriage, nut uiousanus or American tn irnxl
women do earn wages, thousands more wou'd
g'.adly do so if they could, and otlif thou iitmls
lid be happier and better off If they did. The prejudice
Inst it seeing disadvantageous. American men, an a
i, prefer to supjiort their wives if they cau. Jf au
rrlcan married woman works for pay. It is either be
ne it gives her pleasure or because her husband's ln
ie is insufficient She doe not do it as a maker of
rse. How long he can keep It up depends tip-ni what
work is, and upon other circumstances. If she hris
tlren, that of course, interferes with her wage-euiuiiig
t does not stop It altogether, and general acceptance of
istoni which would restrict or discourage child bearing
lt to the public advantage. Marriage tends, and should
I, to withdraw women from wage-earning, but It need
top it per se and abruptly. To make marriage a bar
future wage-earning by a woman operates in restric
ts of marriage, and that Is at least as much against
Pt Jllc policy as restriction of child bearing. It will always
dijiid on circumstances whether a young wage-earning
VHi9 who marries had Ix-tter go on with her work, but
Dr.. Patten seems to be right in holding that it is often
beet that she should do so. and that It Is often better
nacelic should niar.-y and still earn wages than not marry.
Prejudice should not determine conduct In these matters.
ItTj'e should be a freer choice. Harper's Weekly.
Waste Lands and Criminals.
ASSACIir.SETTS la about to try a new experi
ment in the Industrial management of Its con
victs. Instead of employing them in manufac
turing goods to compete with the products of
non-criminal lalr, it Is proposed to establish
industrial camps and set the convicts to re
claiming waste and worthless laud, of which
t&illay State possess enough to keep them at work for
Stlie plan Is a tentative one, the first camp having Just
be p established near Rutland, but on the face of It the
(me appears to possess two merits. It furnishes otit
ic work for the convicts without subjecting them to the
at illation of constant public observation, as would be
ttf ease If they were employed on the afreets and ulgh-
is, and the work performed will 1x? useful work. If
re able to make two blades of grass grow where.
or none grew before there is authority for the claim
they will be transformed from malefactors into bene-rs.
he experiment will be watched with a good deal of
est for various reasons. While no aane person would
ate the maintenance of criminals In Idleness, no one
as yet found a way of employing them that is entirely
Isfaetory. The farming out of convicts which has been
rtlced in some of the Southern States has been shown
l)c subject to glaring abuses. These abuses could be
Imized if not entirely avoided if the State did the
Suing under wise and honest management. Every State
an abundance of waste lands, which would be worth
atnatioii, and which, If reclaimed, would add to tiie
ile wealth. I'hiladelphla Bulletin.
Automobile Nuisances.
til? tt'lf. itf a rHurni- rnfKrnatA In Wiv Vrtrlr
y I I lias been nearly killed by a stone thrown at her
I I I head while riding In an automobile. The Police
v-ommis;.ioiirr, uiscuiuiiug uie event, says, l ne
automobile people must be protected. This mat
ter of hatred that has been growing among the
mob gangs of the lower and upper East Side
got to stop if I have any power." Of course there Is
possible excuse for such an action as throwing a stone
lady's head, but we wonder if It has occurred to Police
himlssloner McAdmi that there are other people besides
automobile people, who need protection; that there
st be a cause for the hatred between the automobile
pie and the gangs. At the present time some of the
streets of Montreal and the suburban roads are Infested
with automobiles, in the possession of a lot of bowling
Yahoos, who tio out of tli 'ir way to be offensive to people
who do not happen to like the smell of gawline. They de
liberately try to frighten horses; to scare pedestrians, and
to splash them with in ml. It would be Interesting to know
bow some of the cads come to Is? In even temporary pos
M'ssiou of tiie machines. They certaimy do not belong ta
the class that can afford to own or to hire such luxuries.
It would be worth the while of all respectable people who
are interested in automobiling to make a combined effort to
suppress this nuisance. Anybody walking along a highway
frequented by autouiohillsts can readily understand why
hatred has grown up lwtween the East Side gang's mid the
New York uutomobllists. Montreal Star.
' lis.. J i
The Insurance of a Man Hanged.
Y the ruling of a Pennsylvania court an In
mranee company has been freed from the
necessity of paying the policy of a man hanged
for crime. The man, of course, was beyond
the possibility of having any concern In
i he matter. Ills heirs were not and
they are the ones who must suffer. In
China, not a highly civilized country, the relaiives of
an assassin are forced to share the penalty with him, or
Indeed to bear all of It in case of the criminal's escape.
The courts of Pennsylvania may understand law and
"YC 1 .1 C G .J . , . ; y to Cuu.uuiJ ji. x Bum imiiL a tuejr
are entitled for acumen, purity and fearlessness they are
heartily welcome. And doubtless ou the lofty plane which
they operate In the Interests of Justice they are above feci
Ing a iang of discomfort at the intimation that the Chinese
theory, refined and modified and made presentable by a set
ting of words, appears In this decision. It would be unfair
to hang the Innocent wife of a murderer, or send his chil
dren to prison. It Is not more dazzllngly fair to starve
them or send them to the poor house.
Nobody desires the Insurance company to be deprived of
any legitimate protection. As a rule, It does not suffer
much. Generally the rare swindler Is caught and a heavy
penalty exacted.
Policies carried for a certain time become "Incontest
able." That Is to say, the company will not contest them
unless through some circumstance, probably a technicality,
It sees ,. reasonable chance of beating the claim of the
heirs. If It has agreed to pay a certain sum upon the
death of a certain man, and the man, having fultilled his
share of the contract Is dead, nothing remains but the
payment of the sum or a dishonorable attempt at evasion.
In the Instance under consideration the man had com
muted murder. Tills was the business of the company only
as It was the concern of all law-abiding citizens. It Is a
folly to assume that he committed the murder with the
purpose of getting himself hanged, and thus securing for
his heirs a sum of money. The law prescribes the pun
ishment for murder. It stipulates, In Pennsylvania, that
the guilty shall be hanged. It does not add "and bis
heirs deprived of the Insurance upon which he may have
paid premiums." New York American.
Educated Business Men.
TUUKXTS of the history of education are fa:
miliar with the time when the object of the
collegiate foundation was amost solely to train
young men for the priesthood or the ministry.
Then the desirability of general scholastic cul
ture as a preparation for entry Into the law
was recognized, and lastly, as a preparation
for entry Into medicine. The ministry, the law and medi
cine these almnxt op to our time have been the three
learned professions. Except for the comparatively small
number attracted by the notion that an academic education
was fitting to gentility, the vast majority of academic pu
pils were destined, In the order named, for the surplice, the
robe and the chaise. From the three typical American
universities the greater number of graduates now look for
ward to business careers or to technical pursuits which are
closely related to business. The business man of the future
is plainly to be a man of scholastic education. This ten
dency Is likely to have an effect on business as It already
hss an effect on our universities. New York Globe.
The agent for the "Inexhaustible
rclopedia. In Twelve Parts," ap-
I'fH'bed Mr. Hansom with a light and
ingy step, and was greatly cheered
lieu be received nn Invitation to
Irawr up an' show your wares," und
other rocklng-chalr on the shady
Irch was pushed towards him.
You say there's everything anybody
lints to know in It," said Mr. Ransom,
finally, when the agent's flow of con
ization bad ceased for a moment and
looked hopefully at bis bot "Well,
kues J shall have to buy It Lawz.ee,
can see how easy the pay
nts'llbe. ltut now I Just want to
Mike sure o' one or two tilings before
lllllf . I .1 . ...
Ii'"' j v uuwu uie iusi money.
"Re's see, what parts have ye got
itii ye? 'Vol. One, A to Com;' that
Irlght Now you find me the place
here it tells about ant-hills, and the
st wav to riil vnur d ,orvnril of 'ein.
ve tried more'n forty different ways
ready." ,
Mr. Hansom leaned comfortably
ek In his chair and rocked with a
ud creak while the agent searched
ie pages of "Vol. One," with an unx
u s face.
"It doesn't tell alwiut them," he
animered at last "You see " Hut
tr. Hansom raised bis band In protest.
"It's too bad." be said, "but prob
'ly that slipiH-d tbelr minds. Jest turn
t to the b'a, and 11 nd 'butter.' Now
how you can make It come when
i contrary, same as It la sometimes
ien you're In a hurry to get through
AiWln he regarded the agent's red-
ning face with calm and genial
Not there!" be said, when the re-
It of tae search was reluctantly ad-
iumL "That aeoma eur'ous, don't Itf
11 Mill I'll give 'em another chance.
W yl tan asr tka e'a Mil ran
come to 'cats.' There, you've got It
Now how do they undertake to keep a
Malty cat from shedding all over vis
itors' clothes and the furniture, so the
whole family won't be picking an' eat
ing gray hairs the enduring time?"
The agent shut the book with a flam
and rose abruptly, in spite of Mr. Ran
som's benevolent smile,
"You stan' there a minute till moth
er fetches ye a glass o' lemonade; It's
n warmish day," said Mr. Ransom, cor
dially. "But as to the book you're
peddling, why, mother's got a 'Helps
to the Handy that her mother had be
fore her that you'd ought to take a
look at some time. What with that
an' the World's Atlas an' the diction
ary, I guess mother an' I'll make out to
get along without any cyclopedy,
young man."
Traffic on the MlaaiMlpiil Has Experi
enced a llecllne iu Kcceiit Year.
The best days of the Mississippi
River tralllc are long since past, und
the scenes that once endeared that
stream have apparently goue never to
The best year for steamboat busi
ness on (he Mississippi Is said to have
been the one Immediately before the
outbreak of the Civil War, says Mr.
Chltteuden In the World To-day. Dur
ing that conflict, until the North gain
ed control pt , the river, commercial
Until iig below the mouth of the Ohio
was broken up entirely. On the Mis
souri a new source of business sprang
up In the early years of the war by
the discovery of gold at the head
waters of that stream. Then began
that most remarkable episode lu the
history of river navigation, the send
ing of cargoes from Ht Iula to the
base of the Rocky Mountains, more
than 2,000 miles distant and half a
mile vertically upward.
Lone before the steamboat business
on the Mississippi and Its tributaries
bad reached Its maximum the forces
which were to accomplish Its ruin had
begun to operate. The beginning of
practical railroading followed many
years after that of steamboatlng, but
when it once got well under way its
progress and development rapidly out
stripped those of its older rivals. Here
was a steam engine that could go with
its load anywhere. It did not have
to follow water courses. It could
climb mountains if they were In its
way. It could serve the Inland town
as well as the river port Its speed
was four times or more that of the
steamboat It was not put out of
commission by the winter's Ice, but
served the public the year round.
Clearly, the steamboat stood little
show In Its struggle with a rival like
Kor many years, from one cause
and another, the boats held their own;
but Anally the railroads 'got the up
per hand, and their vast development
In the twenty -live years following the
Civil War practically drove the steam
boat business from the rivers.
The commercial Interests of the
country have always looked with re
gret upon the disappearance of the
steamboat. There Is a deep-rooted
conviction that our rivers have some
value In the commercial economy of
the country, as regulators of freight
rates If nothing more, and there has
been a strenuous effort to maintain
active navigation. There Is a hopeful
belief that the future will see the
rivers again teeming with boats, as
they do In Russia, Austria and France.
But the logic of statistics la against
TraMo on the Snrs Canal.
In splta of the reduction of trans
portation charges of 10 cents a ton,
the receipts from the traffic of the
Suet canal for the year 1903 are only
a little less than those of the previous
year, so a further considerable In
crease of traffic can be stated. The
receipts were $20,700,000, or $20,000
less than la 1902.
A color scale prepared by J. K. To
her, F. I. C, for classifying hair. lep
esents 'Si different colors of human
la ir.
To prevent train derailments a Ger
liau railroad otticinl, Hcrr Gehrieke,
las Invented au adjustble rail, to be
ittnched to the trucks of cars parallel
ivith the axles, and carried ubout au
'nch above the track rails. If the
wheels Jump the track the cross rails
iu.it described will immediately rest
Jpon the track rails and prevent the
wheels from touching .ae ground, and
the car will slide along, borne by the
koss rails. To diminish the jar the
?ross rails are supplied with springs.
ind projections beneath them are cui-
?ulated to prevent the derailed car
from swinging aside from the track.
Not all fishes are dumb, but many
ipecles emit sounds and a few give re
markable concerts. Instances of the
latter have been collected by Henri
Coupln, a French author. On the
western coast of P.orneo. Prayer one
night "heard musical sounds varying
from the resonance of an orpin to the
soft tones of an Aeolian barp; and In
the China Sea, a United States naval
officer was struck by an extraordinary
blending of the low notes of an organ,
the noise of bells and the sounds of a
great harp, the Intensity causing the
vessel to quiver. The pogonias or
tambours of the tropical western coast
of the Atlantic sometimes congregate
about vessels, producing a maddening
The destructive power of naval
funs becomes every year more terrible.
The latest type of gun Introduced in
!he Hrltish navy is remarkable for its
great length, over 37 feet, combined
with Its relatively small diameter, 30
inches at the breech and IS Inches at
'.he muzzle,' and its comparative light
ness, 28 tons. Its bore is 9.2 Indies,
Its projectile weighs 30 pounds, and
st 3,000 yards this missile can be driv
en through 11 Indies of Krupp steel.
The barrel is made up of an inner
tube, enclosed In a jncket of wound
teel wire. This gun la reckoned equal
In destructive power to the 13 Vi -Inch
bore guns that preceded it, which
have more than double its weight. The
muzzle velocity of the projectile Is 2,
Dini feet per second.
The success of the ostrich-fnnus In
California has recently led to the es
tablishment of a similar farm In Ari
zona and another In Florida. It Is said
that the feathers of these Amerlcan
aised birds are actually of better quul
ity and command higher prices than
those of South African ostriches. The
birds on the farms are larger than
those seen In traveling menageries,
their weight running from 200 to 400
pounds, and their full height with
head upraised, from 0 to 8 feet. A
blow from an ostrich's foot is dauger
ius, but It may be avoided by stooping
low, as the birds cannot deliver au
effective kick under a height of three
feet. For this reason they are easily
driven by dogs. In Florida a team of
jstriches, broken to harness, is said to
iave paced a mile In 2:30
Physical Culture aa a Means to Ward
Off Tuberculoala.
An athletic club, which fixes Its dues
it the extortionate figure of one cent a
veek, suggests an unusual departure
n the world of clubs. Moreover, for
uany other reasons, the Children's
Uhletic Club of I'hiladelphla, corn
losed entirely of the children of the
joor, organized to fight by physical
.raining the ravages of tuberculosis,
narks an important Innovation In the
harltable work of that city. Mrs.
Florence L. Williams, the founder ot
.he club, has certain definite objects
:o accomplish with the sixty little pn
lls under her charge. That she Is
ible not merely to bring muscle and
lealth In place of weakness and even
lisease through a careful system of
iliyslcal culture, but also to develop a
rick team capable of performing acro
latlc feats of no little difficulty, proves
:he cfUeacy of her methods.
For her clientele Mrs. Williams de
fends entirely upon the children of the
-rowded quarters of the city, where
loor food and unhealthy surroundings
render child life unwholesome and
uake physical development Irapossl
jie. From the children of these quar
ters of the city Mrs. Williams has or
(antzed her classes, the. membership
if which has grown from three to slx
:y. But even here the selection of
ne'mbers Is made from the weaker and
;he more anaemic; from the chlldreu
who already show signs of the luva
tlon of the "great white plague,"
whose tiny arms and hollow chests ln
llcate lack of vitality.
With such subjects It Is natural that
tt the outset the exercises of the class
es should be of the mildest sort Ave
nlnnte drills with the lightest of
lumbells, Interspersed with frequent
ests. Special breathing exercises are
prescribed for the new members, and
they are expected to continue this ex
srclse at home. One of these exercises
Kinslsts In the usual exhaling and In
haling, but the method of accomplish
ng It Is novel. The children are ranged
n rows, with their hands on their
tips, and each child puts a quill tooth
pick In Its mouth. Then, at a word of
command, they Inhale deeply through
lie nostrils and then exhale - slowly
li rough the toothpick, this device
nnklng the exhalation slow and avoid
ng all chance of strain.
Toe Ore drill Is another Important
exercise In the development of lung
jiower. As the little arms and legs get
hard and the beets are developed the
more advanced pupils are taught to
take the weaker oues across their
shoulders and carry them out of the
reach of the fancied flames. But the
ideal, of all the children who belong to
these classes is to develop strengih and
skiil enough to Join the trick team, for
when the danger of disease has been
banished and the puny little figures
with narrow chests and round should
ers have been developed into erect,
sturdy bodies, then the gymnastic
feats of the more pretentions athletes
are attempted and achieved before ad
miring public audiences.
The development of muscle is at
tended with a eijiiiiar UmuiHliou of
the moral side of the child, and It is
to accomplish the latter Uiat the penny
weekly fee is charged, giving the chil
dren a sense of membership and right
ful claim to the advantages of the
club, which is lacking in the mere
charitable work, which does not per
mit even the slight contribution of the
children themselves. The results of
this physical training are striking.
Children who, when they Joined the
club, were too weak to endure even the
least tiring of the exercises, under this
regimen develop strong, healthy and
even athletic frames. Moreover, the
tendency to consumption is checked,
and with the Increase of physical
strength there Is a corresponding men
tal and moral development Finally,
the lessons of the gymnasium, the
knowledge of the proper method of
breathing and of walking, are remem
bered long after the actual class work
has eudud, and serve to keep the
health the exercise has won. New
Y'oik Tribune.
Adopted Four Mice Instead of Making:
a Dinner of Tliem.
Busy Body, a big Maltese cat who
makes her home at the Indianapolis
Union Railway Bhops, and Is the pet
of every one from the president down
to the humble employe of the road,
after establishing a record of killing
more than 10,000 rats and mice, has,
with charming feline inconsistency,
adopted four tiny mice.
The case Is one of the most remark
able on record and It Is doubtful If
scientists or menageries can point to
a like one.
Three weeks ago Busy Body gave
birth to four kittens and with them
seemed in an element of happiness.
But the little fellows required such
a large amount of nourishment that
she began to look emaciated and a
good rat or mouse diet was suggested
for her.
Thursday afternoon workmen about
the shops discovered a nest of six
mice In a sawdust pile, and, thinking
of the faithful "tabby," caught them
for her. They were alive and thrown
Into her box and the men expected to
see an immediate slaughter.
Imagine their surprise when Busy
Body merely looked up rather sleepi
ly, took a look at the mice, carefully
licked them over and then as they
nestled beneath her, went back to
sleep. Since then she has looked after
them tenderly, as much as she has her
kittens, and the kittens and mice take
their nourishment side by side.
One of the mice died and another
lost Its life through an experiment.
The men thought that if a cat would
act so remarkably with a mouse that
a dog would surely do likewise. One
of them was carried to Fanny, a dog
who is nursing a litter of pups, for
her Inspection. The Inspection was a
brief one, and before the men could
prevent her Fanny had swallowed the
mouse whole.
It has not been decided what will
be done with the mice, should they
grow up, nor are the men about the
Bhops sure that Busy Body will not
regain her old appetite for rodents
and eat her adopted babies.
Busy Body belongs to Master Me
chanic O. II. Jackson and is C years
old. She was taken to the Union rail
way shops three years ago after she
had lost an eye which disfigured her
countenance. The shops were former
ly overrun with rats and mice, but
she has gaiued a remarkable record
for killing them and it Is asserted that
no lees than 10,000 is the number of
ber victims. Indianapolis Star.
A Beautiful Custom.
In the mountains of Tyrol, it is the
custom of the women and chlldreu to
come out when it is bedtime, and slug.
Their husbands, fathers, and brothers
answer them from the hills ou their
return home. On the shores of the
Adriatic such a custom prevails. There,
the wives of the fishermen come down
about sunset and sing a melody. Af
ter singing the first stanza, they listen
awhile for nn answering melody from
off the water, and continue to sing and
listen till the well known voices come
borne on the waters, telling that the
loved one Is almost home. How sweet
to the weary fishermen, as the shad
ows gather around him, must be the
songs of the loved ones at home that
sing to cheer him, and how they must
strengthen and tighten the links that
bind together these dwellers by the
It Was Himself He Saw,
"Honest, now, Jones, did you see a
burglar in your room when you called
the police?"
"No; my wife had shifted the mir
ror In my room and I didn't know It"
Detroit Free Tress.'
The Main Consideration.
"Young man, have you stopped to
think where you will go when you
"Gad, no I haven't even thought
where to go on my summer vacation."
Erromango Is one of the larger Is
lands of the New Hebridea, from
wlii-b were formerly brought large
quantities of sandalwood. The t-are-lessiier-s
of tiie natives In proiexting
the forests reduced the product, until
now Ciere Is v.ry little valuab'e w o
ou the isiaud. Rev. II. A. Robertson,
in "Frroinango, the Martyr Isle." gives
a brief history of the sandalwood
The ICrrouiaiiguiw for grnerationi
used the sandalwood as they would
any other, for fuel, and had ho idea
of its vaiue until totelgut-ra tame and
asked for it The o:i!y price that vai
at lirst given was a small bit of hoop
iron, from three to four inches in
length, and this for a great boat load
of wood. The ravages were greatlf
takeu with the Iron, for by sharpening
it on a stone aiid fastening it to a
piece of wood tl.ey made themselves
rough, light hatchets. Before that they
had nothing but their ancient imple
ments of stone with which to work.
Netai, the great chief Netai, of
Cook's Ray, used to delight to tell mo
of tiie olden times on Erromango, and
how slw were the methods of cutting
trees for their houses and canoes.
Every tree had to be burned at the
base, and when that was done there
still remained the slow work of hack
ing with stone axes to sever It from the
slump. Such was the early Erroman
gan method of hewing wood, and tho
sandalwood had to be cut in this way.
The ships carried great lengths of
hoop-iron bound toijeiher. Amid the
babble of voices from swarms of
naked, painted savages clamoring for
their pay, and the confusion and shout
ings that arose as the huge logs were
swung into place, there could be heard
the click of the hammer as It struck
the anvil; the Iron was being cut into
the coveted lengths.
After the logs were burned and cut
down, they were carried to tho bay
on men's shoulders. The biggest lugs
had to be dragged down the rocky
mountain tracks.
At the present time the sandalwood
tree, once so plentiful, is fast disap
pearing, and there is little to remind
one that sandalwood once grew ou
every hill and clustered In every val
ley of Erromango.
In appearance the bark, which is
rough and of a light-brown color, Is
somewhat like that of the cherry tTee.
The narrow leaves, which are of a
rich green tint and smooth, shiny sur
face, are not more than three inches
in length. There Is no odor until the
tree Is cut and the young limbs have
none at all. It Is said that unless the
bark Is removed the wood loses tho
sweet scent and becomes valueless. It
Is almost Impossible now to secure a
fairly good specimen. Intertribal wars,
as well as the traders, have helped to
destroy the tree, and the habit that
natives have of setting fire to every
thing and anything has nearly complet
ed the ruin.
It Makea Tbem More Independent and
The higher education of women
marks the greatest social advance
that this country has made during the
last half century. During that time
we have come to make a general ap
plication of the Delphic Inscription:
"Know thyself." We are giving both
sexes the benefit of It It Is not the
least but one of the greatest advan
tages of this higher education that the
woman of to-day does know herself
much better than did her mother or
grandmother, and with that self
knowledge comes a better under
standing of her relations to the world
about her.
The college girl of to-day Is health
ier, stronger, saner, more Independent,
more resolute and more useful than
were the social butterflies or the
household drudges of her grandmoth
er's time. In the experimental stages
of this new development there may
have been danger, but the education
of the body as well as of the mind, Is
now well looked after In all our girls'
colleges, Indeed, much better than In
colleges for the other sex. Their ex
ercise Is regular and not carried to
excess, and the percentage of Illness
In these Institutions is generally
much less than It Is among the same
number of girls of equal condition out
side of them.
We don't know whether as large a
proportion of college girls marry as
of those who' finish their education
earlier. Perhaps not They don't
have to. That very Independence of
which we have spoken gives them
more latitude. Moreover, as a rule, It
takes more of a man to marry the
educated than the uneducated girl,
but when the right one applies there
Is no danger that she will be afraid
of him, while, other things being
equal, he is especially fortunate In his
choice. If there Is any one thing that
has come to stay and broaden In Its
application, It is the higher education
of women.
Sent the Ijetter Anyway.
James 11. Hyde, of New York, treas
ures a letter that was recently re
ceived by the Insurance company with
which he is connected. This letter
runs as follows:
"Gentlemen I am sorry to Inform
you that I have lost my insurance pol
icy. Will you be kind enough to send
nie a duplicate policy at once? Yon
will And a stamp Inclosed.
"P. 8. Since writing the above I
have found my policy. The duplicate,
therefore, need not be sent. Pray do
not trouble to return the stamps
Washington Post
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