Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 25, 1904, Image 2

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The Harrison Press-Journal
C. C. BCKKE, I'soritJST..
It i un.'ui-ky to lose J 13 on Friday.
Many a man retain liis friend by
refusing them loans.
Matrimony la the destroyer of many
pleasant engagements.
Kven if a woman is self-niade she
wants people to think she is tailor
Many a man who prides himself oa
his rem city thinks it no harm to lie
to a Jury.
toe man who stops you on the
street to ask after your health doesn't
necessarily care.
A ) ft answer turneth away wrath.
But It doesn't have the slightest effect
on a book agent.
A conceited woman dubs a man a
woman hater just because he doesn't
happen to admire her.
A new counterfeit $100 gold certifi
cate has appeared. Be careful to ex
amine your $100 bills as they come In.
It Isn't a difficult matter for a doc
tor to ascertain what ails a patient
All be has to do is to perform the au
topsy. When that $2,5j,0o0,0O0 ore trust Is
formed It will be something more than
an airy Joke to aay that Mr. Rockefel
ler owns the earth.
are so stbt'e aa actually to pass for tIjv
tutu. There la the titan who has tht
reputation of being aggressive and
forceful to a degree, but who has no
e.'ercent of courtesy or consideration
for his fellow men. He knows that
If he allows other men to get close
enough to him they will see that be
hind his bluster is a dearth of Ideaai
and ability. He knows, too. that if he'
permits those who are associated with)
him and under his control to manifest'
their ow n individual worth the com
parison which the worid will Institute
between their genuine abilities and hli
pretended i;ii.ortance will be not only
unflarteriug to him but destructive to
his ambition. The poller of such a
man la to browbeat wherever he can
and to systematically disparage others
at every opportunity.
, It is well enough to know that i
Pennsylvania court has deeded tha
Ufa . . .. .
uiouiaut-e cannot ue collected on
a man that Is hanged.
Will the girls of the present eener
atkin who would be content with the
education of their grandmothers kind
ly hold up their hands
t A girl may be wise, but if she wants
to marry she is foolish to appear more
Intelligent than the man she is trying
, u induce to pay her board for life.
It is feared that some people get
una Air. Itockefeller's Bible class who
wouki rather have a tip on the market
than information on how to be good.
"Jig dancing, " says a terpsicborean
professor, "should be taught in the
schools." But this is distinctly a con
cession to the uneducated taste. The
Jig; ia the rag time of dancing.
Secretary Hay says that if the press
of the world should resolve that war
should be no more, there would soon
be universal peace. But war news
makes such attractive reading:
A New York man wants a divorce
because his wife bought nineteen bats
in twelve weeks. If the judge is umj
ried it will not be hard to guess how
this case is going to be decided.
We may find that it is much easier
to deal with the mob that lynches or
the mob that slugs than with the fem
inine mob that has on two or three re
cent occasions turned a weddimr Intn
An observing physician of New York
who has recently traveled about the
country a good deal says he finds the
farmers are standing and walking
siraignter now than they were twenty-
nre or thirty years ago. Ue attributes
this to the use of modern apparatus
on the farms. "The Man with the
Ho is getting the stoop out of his
shoulders by reason of the fact that
he doesn't use a hoe any mere, but
cultivator, on the top of which he
rides under an umbrella.
Advice, it is said, is cheap. But t
sometimes is dear when accepted In
cases of sickness. This does not refer
to the advice of physicians, which, of
course, is dear, but to the advice of
well-meaning and sincerely sympa
thetic friends, which often is far dear
er still. All know how proue people
are to advise one who is ill and to tell
what they did and how they obtained
relief under what they think were ex
actly similar circumstances. It stands
to reason that these good people under
stand neither the ills with which they
were afflicted nor the influences that
brought about their cures. But the
sick do not reason. In their pain and
anilety they are like young robins that
sit with open mouths and swallow
whatever Is dropped In, whether it be
worms or shingle nails. And after a
long experience with the pills and po
tions of sympathetic friends, death, if
it is not certain, is at least welcome.
It seems a itt relief to sleep under
Trie I i .... , it - - .
.- ,Q mviuuviui, UllB
human habit held good many centu
ries ago. He quotes the following as
one of the wisest of Babylonian insti
tutions: "They have no physicians,
but when a, man is ill they lay him in
the public square, and the passersby
come up to him, and if they have ever
had his disease themselves or have
known any one who has suffered from
It they give him advice, recommend
ing him to do whatever they found
good in their own case or in the case
known to them. And no one is allow
ed to pass the sick man in silence
without asking bim what his ailment
is." Excepting for our present thin
veneer of civiHzation and abundant?
supp:y of physicians, human nature
seems to have been about the same
In ail ages. But what is the use pro
testing? The habit continues, in spite
of the graveyards it has filled. For
we like sympathy when we are sick.
And. maybe, after all, sympathy is
oener man nostrums in most of our
little ailments. Atvyway, the neighbor
who drops her own household cares
and comes in with sympathy and de
votion seems to have almost divine
neaiuig In her loving touch. She mar
know nothing of pathology or thera
peutics, but she knows what the sore
heart hungers for and supplies it as no
other can. She may help us to die In
many a case, but if on the other hand,
we get well, she has taught us there
are things worth living for. If we es
cape going to Join the angels above,
we at least hava learned that there
are angels on earth.
Something scarcely endurable in the
way of a mosquito plague is needed to
make the average man understand that
tnnch patient study, investigation and
experiihentaQoh have established the
fact that the raosjuTto tuay 15T corT
ironed and ulUmately exterminated ;
that he Is born and brad very near
the scene of bis sanguinary activities;
that his presence in a neighborhood it
ridenc of local negligence and indif
ference; that he is the most efficient
and perhaps the sole ajent of so-called
malaria inoculation, and that the cost
of eliminating him la as nothing to
the ralne of the benefits it would con
fer upon suffering humanity and de
pressed real estate.
, Perhaps, under some halcyon dUpen
setion say, the millennium, of which
we have heard so much there may be
aa arrangement whereby nniversa
health, happiness and prosperity will
follow on the heal of universal edaca
tleo, apathy, and. Indolence. But, tak
ing humanity sa.lt Is, and measuring
prospects by the MtosTl material at our
preeeM disposal, la it wise to deooou
htte the fields, the factories and the
mlaee byprsha the multitude Into
f aaatsef soorn for simple toil? What
are all these mUilo&a to do when they
kail have bean exalted above the
the pitamfork and the ax? A
of millionaires, bar
el tss eases, orators and
weald set be able to do,
13 fcf far ua great length of
Chi earagw and the ao-
Carelewi HablU, If Not Criminal, of
airmucra or tU hri.
It was the lunch hour. A well
dressed woman at a table near a side
door In the department store restau
rant quietjy arose and sauntered down
the corridor toward the elevator. Just
as the waitress who had that table
In charge emerged from the serving
room. With a guiek look about her
the waitress set down her tray and
uiaue arter ma vanishing figure. In
less time than it takes to tell it she
returned with the departing guest in
tow looking stern but. triumphant
Madam murmured aomethlnit about
having forgotten to pay for her lunch,
but the severity of the waitress' face
did not relax a whit at her explana
tion. Sshe did not even pretend to be
lieve it
That's a rerular game." she ex-
Sow to Ue a buct ekoful trini: her.
Few women ho let-oiiie the . '.: d
wife of a man with a fauiiiv raW;e
he great responsibility wbl b tin y are
aking upon themselves; and i! Is inain
y ou tills account that so nuiny ! !
mothers fail in their duty to fill the
?lace of the one uliuw position tlit'V
Jike in the tmuselioid. There are great
lifhYuities in the way of fuifilliiip the
xwition of Mnund wife to a riian and
lecond mother to his children, whh-h .
"CQUlre more than an ordinaray !
imount of iHimiuon wune, tact and pa
aence to overcome, and any la-k f
these virtues Is liable to catiw much
iisKeiifcion in a lome.
The position of a stepmother is by
3o means an enviable one. One of
:be grewtest tsks which she must set
herself to accomplish is to wiu the
iove and respect of another woman's
rhildren, and iu many cases this is an
xtremely difficult matter. But, unless
Ihe does this, a stepmother is Ixmud
to be unKpular iu a home, and prob-
bly be the rause of much unhappl
oesa. It Is not sufficient that a step
Bother sltuuld rely Ujon her hnsbaiid
to secure that respect from his tirst
wife's children which Is due to her.
She must show them that she has
their best interests at heart -and in
lesirous of winning their love if they
will allow her to do so. There is al
ways a certain feeling of resentment
an the part of children against the one
siio comes to take their mother's psi- j
J"n. lo a certain eiteut It is only
natural that there should be, and It Is
l stepmother's duty to try and remove
.hat resentment by proving how much
she wishes to become a second mother
o them in every sense of the term.
No action can be more mean on the
part of a stepmother than to lavish
ill her love and care on her own Ut
ile ones while treating her stepchildren
tvith a cold Indifference which creates
l dislike toward her and makes their i
lives miserable. Children are partic
ularly sensitive regarding such a mat
ter, and stepmothers would be fur
more popular if they would only try
to treat the children of their husband's
first wife as they would their own.
It Is, of course, almost impossible
for a woman to love the children of
another woman In the same way that
he would love her own. But the st en-
mother who values the happiness of
her home will conceal, as far as pos
sible, ail difference In her feelings to
ward the children of her husband, and
endeavor to make tbem feel that she
is a real mother to them ail.
By so doing she will also win Mill ;
greater love from her husband, tfany
widowers do not marry a second time
for love, but simply for the sake of
their children, who need a woman's
care. It Is, more often than not, a
marr1ag of convenience, the man
choosing the woman whom he con
siders will best till the place of mother
to his children. Ofter be is grievously
disappointed. But when be discovers
that his second wife Is anxious to do
all in her power to win the love and
respect of her stepchildren, and make
their lives as happy as possible, his
that tliey li;ive a mw of humor. Is'ti
lliiiiU it U pr.iivmr;hv to sliv that
yii are of a K'-my di.s.il-.n. When
d'4'uurngfd by djihVuXes. don't jmil
iiij fare and shut j.mrelf up alone
'Jet with the cheerful minded, the peo
ple wh d jnt iih.;ie, aiwl you
won catch a glimpse of a silver lining
to your dark cloud. We have oiitsrjwn
many old notion, but there is tnifh
in the old saying, "early to ld and
early to rise, makes a man betthy
wealthy and wise." Oean Swift ssid
he never knew a man who rose to rai
inence that lay late in bed in the morn
itig. Selected.
last tmf
New York News.
According to a feminine writer, the
work of thq woman's club is threefold
to educ.ite iu members mentally and
morally; to create public opinion; to
secure hotter conditions of life. Its
worth, personal and social, is in pro
portion to its fe.-tivcne.s4i In Re tiring
these ends.
The Dowager Km press of China,
that lady of most uncertain temper, ia
magmnccnl In her taste ami hstes all
poor specimens of Bowers. She is sal
to constantly scold her gardeners be
cause the colossal chrysanthemum
they raise do not appear to her to I
i.irjce rnougu ana ne nas alo ex
prvn ner displeasure that all trees
could not be made to pivnluce flowers
and fruit simultaneously, as do or
anges and lemons.
Hower name have always been In
favor for girls, but at present the
names of precious stones run them
good second. Lord Ed wan I Church
ill's daughters are Iluby and Beryl
there is Miss Pearl Finch, daughter of
.Mr. t.eorge Klnch, of Burley-ou the-
Hill; Miss Frances Wolseley, only
eiuia and heiress of Lord WoiseJev
has also the name of Garnet, and the
new Jjd.v Ilardinge, whose btmband
has recently been appointed ambassa
dor at St. Tetcrsburg, owns a beautl
ful baby called Diamond.
How the dainty, almond-eyed Jap
nnese maiden manages to keep" her sat
in skin ami youthful contour on the
ki.Ki of food she eats must be a mys
tery to the beefsteak ami potato, bread
and butter eating girl of the Occident
A cup of ta, accompanied by two lit
tle green plums, pickled in vinegar,
then rolled in wurar. Is the traditional'
Japanese brpnkfast Dinner Is pref.
nccfi ny a iiumbir of (jm-cr appetisers
In the form of muffed prawn, seaweed
wilh sauce, hashed (sparrow anl salt
sweetmeats. Dinner Itself consisu of
plain boiled rice mljed with a little
fish sauce. But what a lot of rice the
sweet Japanese girl can consume!
f -
cere love.-
W hat Is Is Htt.
i ao noi sen tnat lire should be
I A bed of eas;
I am not like the child, who wants
Each toy be sees.
And yet 'tis hard, I think, sometimes
To see and know.
When life seems full of bitter things.
The way 'tis so.
Tis hard to watch the one we love
Grow sirjc and die.
To lay thera in the grave and make
No moan or cry.
Yet those he loves God ehasteneiji,
So we are told;
And each In some way doth believe
The story old
Thst in this world what is is best;
Aithongli we see
A thousand ways in which we think
Twonid better be
To hsve what we have longed for, bnt
plained, when madam had paid and p..,
eaamjOei hi tea taallav
reeatre i
ens a ta aatara te
r a it to BSassur
ecu wtUk
departed. "Only last week a woman
and child came In here and took (he
regular 20-cent lunch. After they had
finished it the woman suddenly de
cided that she would like a piece of
pie, and I went out to get It When
I came back she and bar child were
gone, and I had 68 cents to pay for
what they ate." .
'Well, what do you think of that!"
ejaculated one of her listeners. Then
she Indulged In an amused giggle.
Tiey manage so differently at a
Y. W. a A, bote! that I know of," she
began. In response to her friend's in
quiring look. "The place is patronized
by women only, and from its name you
kind ef expect sweetness and light,
faith, trust and all that There are
two doors to the dining room, and at
each is stationed an attendant with a
small bowl, it la easy enough to pass i
ner going n, but If yon want to get
out you hare to drop a ticket into that
"The point," she went on, demoreiy,
-ie tnat you can't gat a ticket untfl
yon ve paid your check. The cashier
hands It to ran with your change,"
!Td loach there Just abont oncer said
her companion, warmly, "uu idea of
being treated like a malefactorend
at a I. W. a A. place, too r New
Tark Press,
ni tbmnjfti care and
half of tha
erer eeasee trrlag at
Oa ether beat Uvea,
Sorrow and pain,
that iod some trials sends to eaeh
That one and a it
May come to Him for sympathy;
iJsy heed his call,
"Come all ye weary ones to me,
For here. is rest"
And so we all would fain believe
What is is liest
Thus, though like others, I should like
At peaee to be,
I only ask that he. In time,
Will give to me
A faith so snre, a love so great
So strong sod true.
Tbst I may took to him for help
In all I do;
Content to know, at last for me ,
Will come sweet rest;
When life's hard lemon bat been learned,
What M is best
Boston Globe.
Don't Mope.
Lwn t yiera to the "blues." Shake
off the attack Iu a hearty Iaugb. which
is good ror body and mind. One way
to disperse our own clouds Is by get
ting from under them in the effort to
disperse other people's. Try it Wueu
the brain Is fuddled with too much
care and work, drive out such cobwebs
with jokes and stories; it will pay.
Olumness Is not piety; nor are sour
looks a passport to heaven; the best
should not only be, but appear to be.
the happiest When depressed seek
the ceaspantonafalp ef the man with a
cheerful heart aad sunny face, we
all need the sunshine of life; let as
bask la it when we may. Some people
arraia ie Mag, or to coafess
How to Clean Wnintsu
Odd bodices of net and lace are so
much worn of late and are usually such
delicate and elaborate affairs that the
woman who intrusts them to cleaner
or maid Is extravagant or reckless.
The simplest and safest way to have
them cleaned is to do it one's self,
a feat not at ail difficult to accomplish
If one but knows the right way. A
woman who bus done four net and lace
shirtwaists In this way declares that
they come out as fresh as ever: Tour
. . .... .v MoiiuiH waier over a
musiin bng, which has been previously
wua oran.
Let the waier stand until warm, and
well squeeze the bag In ft before tak
ing it out Now take half the bran
water and make a lather together with
some soap jelly. Put your bodice Into
it. Knead well, but do not rub. When
perfectly washed, put It in the clean
bran water and (shake until all soap
Is removed. Fold In a warm, dry cloth
and put through a wringer. Take a
moderate iron and iron until dry. The
bran acts as starch. Before folding
to put away hang the garment on the
back a shalr, so that no trace of
momnre should pmaln.
Sptl4i correspond! E
The ol- liiusu lined to y that Gul
was divided' into Hhree p". ' t-1
CsnadisB Norf bwet, UttnVw di!wmn
ere pulital; rti.je of the West era
Canada's prairies are crested by the un
erring hau'l of nat'ire.
Chiefly beeause of the elevation of th-
country, the absence of Inrsre lakes and
rivers, and the operations of tbe "(lii
Dixik'' or I'afiKc "e.iD winds, whifb
readily crom the Rocky Mountain ia
Southern Alberta through (tape and
pes, the south western pnrtioo of the
Canadian provinces ia retarded ta some
what and, and !- fertile than other por
tions of the country. Alshouirh tlm ha
been a prevailine ides in the past, it baa
been left for Amerfran settlers, who hare
iiv.ided this district within the past two
or thre yenra to prole that splendid
crops of grain run be frrown on the laud.
which had hitherto been the fc-dii!g
ffrmiDd for the herds r.f catt.'e ami bands
of hornes (hat ranged there.
lust ranching Is ca-rleij on mot uc-
rifu!ly in other portion of the prairies
West. Just agriculture Is to a limited
extent conduct) succeinrullr withiu thin
boim.inry j fuiy est.ihlU.hel. but tken
1 a whole it mo-tUtules a territory above
11 others mint admirably adapted to this
particular induttry.
The buffalo, bunch and other rrae
that prow in profnuiun iu this diatrii-t
and retain their nutritive .npertliM the
jear round, and tha moderate climate of
midwinter rendered audi by the Chinook
wind prerentina; any considerable depth
of mow st any time, epec;i!lr fit the
diMrict for the peculiar method of the
rtnebers n.mi hi herb the year
round In the open country.
While there are no hr-ie hike or riv
ers iu tiiia who? country, there are
Ssmer-jus fat r-iuniti atreama fed the
year round by inciting anew in the moun
tains, furnishin an akumlm,-, t.t ti..
coolest and purest water, the best for
beatt as well as man. The country haa
at oocb an abutulaitce of the bext of
fooi and drink the year round, n clear
ky, but little wet or stormv weathar and
a favorable climate the
Thin Di4ikc Rout
pecially the moat favorable ranch
ing country in the known r)A
lid the enterprise is mskins moot nnore.
cedent ed hehdway. Hancbera, however,
nt well as othera, learn thnt it pay beat
to raise thoroughbred atwk an I accord-
nsly a, wud herd of cnib horses .nrl
rattle are fast fifing way tt better ani
mals thwurh the importation of time.
oughhred males. 3u. how- msny ranch
era, ranche and horse, rattle and aheep
els of spring wheat off K37.(4 acre, aa
aversge of 11HI buhel per acre; off
4-W.0t acre of oat there were grown
14 17;T' ttushe!, an average of 8Z1T
buhe! per acre: fl!l fifiT screw produced
I.74I.iy buh; of barley, 24 G5 to thf
acre, and 3J.S41 sere pr.doced Ztri.fOS
bushel of fiaisetxf. Il.tO to the acre. Aa
but l..'iS3.434 acres, or a lilt! better than
tine pe rest of ftie entire wheat growing
ares of the territories, waa nnder crop.
little figuring show 13 per cent ef t
utire country utiiler west will rsiaa the
2siissi(Mi ihat I. rest Britain insually
require from outside countrie. It is a
fkirly safe sts lenient ft make that In 12
or year the Canadian prairie wiil be
aupphing t!ie entire demands of the
mother roiiutry.
In this part of the country wheat Is
king, and fcere It is raised in the greatest
poubl perfection by a combination of
ami and rlirunfe in it favor, and the ten
deacy baa been to nejlect the more laWir
irrti branche of hnsbarelry for which the
country i equally weil a hpted.
Frew Homestead Land.
There i yet a large quantity of gov
ernment land for liometeaiing In thl
' ' " r'. ' jj(
Tll'ICAL WIStta.. i.lKUk TfW.
country and aa in everrthiug else, "the
early binl catches the worm." Those
who come Brat are Brat served. When it
ia preferred to purchase riilway or other
company laud they ran be got st from
" per acre tip. This aeetlou cannot be
better closed than Ly showing practically
what ia made by wheat growing in thia
d:trW. The average from the fi rt of
operation is 20 bushe! per acre. Break
ing rhe prnine. a first plowing is calls'),
i. ef course, an exceptional expenditure,
as when it is once done it ia done for all
time This cot about IM..VJ per acre.
After the breaking, plowing an.) seed
ing, harvesting threshing and marketing
all expense combined amount to Vut
f5.2fi per acre, that Is, if a man like
everything done it will cost him j 25
per acre. If he doe the work himself
, ' ' ,1' i. , .' .
' , , , t
l SB sj Vm-U.WrZm:n 11
"... E
New Use for Old HtockinKs.
The tops of old woolen stockinirs
make good "every -dav' mittens for
children. The child'a band may be
used for a pattern.
Knee protectors for the small bo
can alao be made from the tops. They
ciing ciose to toe stocking, and can
easily be held In place with a couple
of small safety pins at the top, where
uiey win not show.
Legplngs to protect the children's
limbs from the cold and their stock
lnga from mud can be made from the
lex a of old stocklnjpi.
ii um! iewi oi oia stockings are nnt
on in piace or the shoes, the children
nmy have a romp in the evening with
out disturbing the rest of the family.
The upper part of women's stock
ings make good sleeve protectors, ns
they require no pinning or elastic to
hohi them up,
Tiif legs of children's heavy ribbed
stockings, if worn too much for any
other nee, make excellent cloths for
washing the cook store, kettles, etc.
Woman's Borne Companion.
The Chicago fttandard.
Cobwlgger How do ou rate aad
rank your society women In Chicago I
Lakealde By the amount of alimony
they are receiving.
there are in thia district nf mimir i
the present time. It is hard to
there are no positive statistic available.
It 1 known, however, that the mumr
is settling up fait
Eng!lehmin and Americana - In the
Western t t-v; - i -i .
, ormgiug in tueir
ueraa aa rast aa they can aud teasing
or purchasing land in lots from 1,000 to
-.0,000 acre from the Dominion Govern
ment. An idea nf the growth of the in
duatry will, however, be gathered from
IW-l th,t ln 1839 tip, but
41.41 head of cattle shipped and o)d
M.129 in 1900. and to m.OOO in 1903
averaging $40 per head for the owrW
But it takes a great many ranchers and
a large number of cattle to cover an area
of MWOOO acre., the are. a,",
for ran- :,g jB th Canadian North west
It I not st all necessary that large
Investments should be made at the out
set Many men commenced with .mall
capital and smstt herd, and have worked
themselves into l.rg, herd and great
wealth. There 1, ,tli n theTonTrT
Tha Hecond Part,
The econd part of the Canadian prai
ries embrace the gre.t wheat grow In.
belt o, u,. country, which U t,Z "J
ba flargar than .ny oU,.r ta WwLi
It lacludae .boat 150,000.000 ""J
t la aomparativaly free 0f brokexri.
sere, of h can be brotifkt nader th.
Plow. Plscln, . un-f tl . h.ie
section fittO merm) .VLhf
locat. 800,000 tJLS, "
sn sgriealtor.1 eommanity. A auJl
' 1 wsBRi rswaaai lanaus
be I earning wae while pr!ucing at
that figure, now as the average yield ia
Z. uA ,h ""age Price rX
tweeu the result and cost, f8.T3, la tha
pmnt of grain growing yewr in and year
out in the great wheat belt of the Cana
dian prairie country. If . m,n bl, ,
half section of land and puu half of It,
100 acres, under wheat, which is a very
common occurrence, he make il.080 on
wheat alone, and should make, If t. u
capable farmer enongt, out of other
cropa. sa, 0f caltie. dairy and ether pro
ducui, to keep himself and family tha
year round besides.
The Third Division.
The third division of this great coun
try lie to the north of the wtett belt,
between it and what ia known .. the fo
.! country A. wbaat growlag i,
the raising of ,j cereals, that , PrX
bJ'b a ,h 'try, the rl.ln.
luf nd the raiamg nf farm stock It
muat not be suppose.1 that dividing the
prairies in this way I. ,.,ln '
ter Mil than another, for such (a oat .1.
rsse-all dlatricU are equ.il, f" !
the topography .nd cllm.tlc Infll'l
c differ, .. w.il .. th s co od ttinat Tor
production Ksachln, and KT VZ
are c.rrll on afe snerafVJ
northern son.; but it i. fo,md Zn orTfit
able te rorobln. ail rh. tt L ,1.
Indu.try. fm .ccoont of L
more broken .h.e ( ' Ut"1 "f
.i.. . t .. " -oiirnern d strlc
u-ongn me .oil i. equally fertli. ih.et.
re not tb. ssme oi,norto!(. J ' ""
j. ' " i r at f
v. oper.tloo; .nd while c.ttle r.l.ln
li profitable here as elsewhere JJ '
t method, h.v. to be J dlteH;,, lZ
protecUon, ssperlally is thf . :! " ,h'"lr
son. -....er ea-
An authority on tb. ,abjet h.
,h" frieoltar. In an, eo0D"r I'llZl
re.cbea tha minimum of develool.
til the farmers TloPm"f oo-
';iir h. r
to whlrh aay featur of the lndu.fr.
u.t yzr1? , h -lS 52
k Stf1"! K-elWlltie. !
.7 fI". of t, P'-'n. eouatrr be es-
Z J " '"UW,lt' flrat
,"ow"a. mott k'atleri moat t
koowledga thay are naMr,. , af)r
tree d.lryto, .., b. suceeaarali, rmU
ea la aay earner of the tarrttortal
this soae has everything tTrVrnS.1
't"A Wesl saot raaehS
ii - iiair. ' - '"i
.fc MW .-.I.' -tJ J.. 1,1 mi ,- 'j.i't.'-' '
.... &