Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 25, 1904, Image 1

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    rrison Press -j ournal.
OWETLOJJlTj fapbb of siqttc qotjtty.
I It lev
-A.TJGK 26 1604. .NC.c-
Ohi. Lbwis returned from Omaha
Bay Rock Candy Drips at
J. T. Motrin returned froas Alliance
Monday morning.
Try Champion Syrup, at
League started without sdilBcully last
Sunday evening.
A George Orrlach returoed bom from
IXmglaa ktooday
Oeorge Hill was ia towa for a fa days
laM and this week.
J. W. Rivadorff pore hand a beef from
J. W. Reed Monday.
Dirk Lover waa up froaa Chadroo for a
fa days Una week.
Buy ont of those fivelb
cheese at Lowrya.
Ei. H!hne;wnrih wasdown from bia
ranch on Indian thia week,
k 0o. Turner shipped two car loada of
cattle to Omaha Satuiday.
On time and Yeast Foam at
Lowry's. '
Oonty Assessor Blory waa doiog
business in town tin week. ,
Mis Anna LVffetkU'h returned to bar
home aear 8parflh Monday evening?
The highest cash price paid
for hi dee at J. V. Ricedorffs.
Z. (t. Duel-was il.'injf businesi in town
Tuesday and took lit Hie show in the ee
Bro n, I he plmlomapher, will 1 at
Aiidrawa Uull in lltfiri.-on, SvpUiuber
V. E. Jardtcame "up from Cr.iwford
feti unlay morning aad want out to hia
The finest line of fresh and
cured meats at J. W. I Bice
dorils. Misses f n and Lik'T Mnravak came
down from EdfcUMiut Monday 'o visit for
a liila- ',
Dt Kpindlo. dentist
Crown and Bridge
Jeff Hewitt am down from Edgeion,
S. f. Ian M. and had hia paper chang
ed to Provo. ' , V
Thorns Him, who ban been visiting
over on Running water, returned to hia
borne in tbs vniiev' MoftlaV.
Dr. Snyder, osteopath, will
be in Harrison Tuesday, and
Saturday, of each week.
Mr. Chaa. Hanaoa and youraxrat
daughter went up to Wyo. yastarday
morning to nUy with Mr. Hanaoo oo (ba
jsra. M. E. Duna, mother of R. C.
Dunn, who had b -en visitiog bara for two
waaka, left for bar housa at Wilbar, Kabr.
last Thursday avaainf.
. RmSauwTkaik.
One half iateraat lo llvarv hoaii
Tor f uttoar particulars inquire of
r. user.
. A. Bannan waata thia week from
bit ranch east of town, aad said thresh
er waa, 10 full blast. Ha aaid thay
threshed MOO buehsls of amall gram tor
Will Phillips a would boat hia place
ext. Mr. Baanaa ia one of Sioux
County's oMaat cttiasM and baa by' hard
work sod stick toitivioess got himself a
nice lot of laad logatbar which will make
him a aloe home la bia oM dart.
ftuadavv ieri I Watts A
Tha Stale workers Prof. H. . tid
lav A Id Secretary ami Mm Mamia
Hainea Suptaf primary will bs
the following plsoaet Gordon, aUfaoon
and evening oo Sept. IS. BuahnlM after
' aoon ami rerilng- Sept. II. Chadrno
afternoon rWpt. 14 and all ay fth,
Crawford all day ttb, Herrianw all day
MttaaudWih.' , i. B. Br
Trutea for lbs 1Mb Wat.
Dr. Hpindlo, the Crawford
Mum a Liuie and Kstia Parsons. Amy
Cbriaiiaa aid Mabla Bgekw returned
frND AIImiw SalunUy where thy l-ar
awa attrading I ha Normal tin Mimiuvr.
All will teach school this wioUr."
The only place to get Deer
ing Twine if at Gerlachs &
sons. Binders, mowers and
rakes also.
Maury Mora veil returned from Cedar
Bapida. Iowa yeaterday morning after a
four months stay. He aye Iowa ia tot
coipar4 wilb Nbraaka.
N. J. Schaa'ar returned from Omalw
Saturday, where ba marketed twucar
loads of cattle, lie dropped ia and had
a friendly chat with editor for a while
and bad his subscription shoved up a
Will be givt at the Andrews Hall
Prnlay evvning, Aug 80, 1S04. O.m
meucingat7A0 aod will close at 12:00.
Everj bmly iuvited.
R. C. DciW.
Dr. Splndlo, the dentiot,
will be at the office of Dr.
Davis on the 13 and 14.
One feature thnt has made the Lincoln
ttiily Star Jenervedly popular is tlMPijrwit
Sutunlny Star, fnvar!ci epeciully for
Mmiduy resiling. It wnlains from 13 to
34 piK'' The great campaign aerial
story, -'TheOmf terft," iMutjuxt commenc
ed.. You n liaveTlw Uiily 8tr sent
you until Nov. 13, which include the big
Sat u tin v paper, lor only 50 cenu. Scud
in your order tudav.
Lincoln Neb.
Dr. Spindloi the Crawford
dentist, will be in Jlarrison
again on Tuesday and Wed
nesday, Sept. 13 and 14.
Bodarc Glan;ngi.
John Coffee went to' Cn.uiron Friday
Ln Una: and family were over from
Jim creek Sunday.
Mim Failli Wickerahau who has bean
quit Mik lor tint past week is some
Iwtttr. , , .
Rvv. McNah waa expected tit Boc'ari:
Sunday but lie failed to putiu an prar
ance. t
Aftr Sunday School laxt Ruadny all
ihw voiiiiic folks and quite a number of
the oltl-r pi-opla ivpiinwl to the h .nie of
Mr. and Mm. Irven Z niuirman wlieiv
they enjoyed an excellent dinner and U
of ice cream.
Mim Lillian Zimmerman went to Old
Woman Monday to vrait hrr brother Eli
in his house keeping duties, Mi Winnie
Brown accompanied her; they expect to
remain a few .lays to enjoy the beautiful
scenery and chaae tha festive j ck rabbit
over tlie plains.
M. A. C.
A Wrick.
Last Saturday evening the eat bound
paasenger train (No. 8) struck twn of
Frank Deleter's cows three and one hair
mile east of town and found them to
pieces throwing the engine and coal car
from tha track; tha mail car waa also
terked from the rails, hut no daman was
done to it. Two rails war broken in
pieces from S to 6 feet ling. Luc k i ly no
one waa hurt and even the engineer and
fireman esc pad without an Injury. Tha
track waa built around tha wreck and the
train moved on to Chadron pulled hy an
other angino leaving tha wracked engine
aad coal car lying on their side. The
wrack engine came up Sunday morning
with a lanre outtlt or men ana ny inree
o'clock ia tha afternoon they l ad the
cpal ear on the track tgin and ihn th
men came to town and ate their dinner
(which were appreciated) and then went
back lo wt tha engine on. The engtn
wa set apright without difficult, hut
when thee come to pull it on the track
they first broke a larga chain and next
the cable. It being lata in tha evnling
they decided to let it go until Mmdav
moraiaeT. Monday morning they went
to work at it again and about1 t o'clock
in tha afternoon they had I ton the track
Tha engine waa wrecked awnewhat. but
not to any great extent and. without
much work it will ba running and pull
ing the train as usual. It plowed a hole
in tlw groud about 4 ft and an ri.
long whera it I. ft the rail. A g-od
many af rmr Harrison psopto want doM
U witaaaa tha
la rexpon&s to considerable recent inquiry,
the COMMERCIAL BANK is pleased to an
nounce special arrangement to make long-time
loans on Heal Estate.
Say what you want
County ''ommissioner Jordan relumed
on Wednesday's train from WiK-oonn
where he went some five we-ka ago hh
a car ld of dorma. Mr. Jordan asys he
received a fair price for Ihem but it wa
a pretty huay time withthe farmers or let
woulJ ha va got tart ter price. Uaa looks
hale and hearty so they must, have taken
good care of him while titers.
The Curts Dramatic 'V. have showed
here for the ptst three niglHs and their
lilavs gave mtixfaction. Tliey had good
crowds at tlieir plays, and no doubt if
tliev come this way apiiu they will re
ceive the same. The only troub.e here
ik Urn is not large m,miu!i for very
lag plays. We recomiiietd the Curts
Mimetic Co. t the public as a Ural
class how ia every respect.
RsaoLVKO-r-Tht we the studeals af
Hie Allii.ncv Ju'iior ftormnl express to
tha instructors, the county 8uerinte.id
ent, and peoplu of Alliance, ourhenrtfelt
thanks and icratrrul appreciation of their
untiring effcris iu our bluilf. and be it
KKSfjtvrj) That we tender special
thanks lo Mr. li.irtz, and to Ins able iia
iMtaii's: Mr. Urindley, Mr. SniMigr.isH,
Mr. Datiforth, and Mr. Pliilpoil, and
assure them lb t we have never known
putl-nee, -al. ami peievernn-e equal
lo th.it 't lie y have exercised.
Be LV D-Thrtl we,' taking courage
iVimii nl experience do humbly p.tition
our kmd srale fiueriiitentent, Mr.
F..wrr, ai'd our county HiiiKliilendenls,
to pill fort ii thir ut 'in st eff irt '"a
urn to ut a i';ittu.i:ati'ft ' I i.hi-ee jrivi
lcgi-s llir nia-li the riisuipg .years. '
RxsotViJ) Tbiit tiw memory of te
kiiliien and h mpiUi lily of Ih ieople of
Alliance anil of Ihe friviuls we have made
will go with in anl lie an iuspiration to
us in ttie work iiefore us.
t Mrs. EIIh L. Hsl.a.
Com. ' ira L. Mernman.
f Ida U. Feraald.
Hunter Happenings.
Still we are putting up cherries.
V.Vlti.- S'.-t ' airryimt the mail at
Robert Leu is visited his brothers foiks
last we. k.
. D. J. Clark came up on Sal nnlay's
inwwiiger and,wol out with Lran
Bicharu Hunter left for a few davs
visit at Omaha Friday evening.
W. T. Jones was a Harrison visitor
Mr. Chrittensenand Del bar t Bice assist.
m.1 in .-laaniiur ilia wreck of Saturday
oigm, it waa a lucky wreck. .
Lwillard Mills of Lincoln came up
Friday morning and went over to Agate
with the mail carrier, where lie will visit
his f land U irold Cuok.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Arc herd and children
visltaJ at east Andrews over night San-
day going noma via Hurrieoo MotuLiy.
Mr Proctor want to Crawford Monday
Mr and Mrs. Hughes wera callers at
east Andrews; they ware going after
Mrs. Proctor and Eva were gathering
cherries Monday.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Lewis wars down
tlie road alter cherries one day last week.
There are lota of tha little fruit all down
thwiver. ,
Vw.T.Jonea while removing a tickle
for grinding, cut hia thumb nearly off,
He put the end tr plaos agma and bound
it ud so wa tbiuk it will grow on again.
LMisa Alia Warner will be our teacher
fo - Uia ooming 4 months of scteeil. Uaiy
two weeks of play time, iiiiw loisa
make good uaa ut It for Sept. th the
merry school hell will send Us ootosoTer
tha laod calling you all to yeur hooka,
make this year count for something,
learn all you can for while you are
vimngistbe lima lo learn. kve your
Umummt aad ywu wiM Uara last.
Fhysician Surgeon.
Cop.tractor If Builder.
Fine. Work a Speeiaitp.
Jobs Tsken Either by Contract or Day.
.O'd Line, Assrssnient and Accident
policies written
Correspondence solicited
Addnss; Harrison, Neb.
I, C. DAVIS, M. n.
Office in Bart el I Building.
Residence 1st door north of Commercial
Hotel. '
" J Tmi e Just added to mv offlce ecqulpt.
mart the latest ami most ocientiBc sp
pa mt us for ih suoraasfal treatment of
rhrumalixm. kidney diseases, diseases of
the j tints, and all acuta or chronic io-
flnmntioos. Only curable cases taken.
Have also ordered a large electric appar
at us which will be iu my offlce iu a few
To whom tt miiv rose'Tii:
Theeiminl-tonr npioln'et to 1o"te a
eert il ' roiirt pelttlo-i'd f r hv r r nk Natto
unJ nttiers ew:niiM.M. tlsS ernr of
tlie K i ot Miction IS rniin'ng Mintbwest
shout X of - m:le lo wh-re old r .hI lendf
SR townnl E cni-ni'r of NK H or feet Ion Is
in townships rnxe& I stil oil si-d be
establlhet ss s public rJ and tht pnrt-
tou o , M ronrt commencing st K corner of
RE U of section 18 ranntiig oath on section
line We-ns-ctloii 17 sad IS to hslf See.
line running east and wet 'it K corner of
KK X section IS, the re runMlng north .rest
to Win. In tM here new rod strikes
rsld ben' In o.U losd, to be vsWd
All objection thereto or claims for
dsmsres must be Sled In the County Clerk's
office on or before October Uth, ItM sr such
road will he allowed wlthoit further refer
enee thereto.
County (lark, ,
Notice to Taxpayen.
Notice is hereby civen that on Septem
ber 18, 1904 distress warrants will be ia-
sued by this office for the collection of
nil unpaid personal taxes for tha year
1908. Tha provisions of the tevenue law
requiring the County Treasurer to Bia a
list of unpaid personal taxes with the
iViuntv Clerk oo October lt makes this
act ion necessary and no except inns can
be made. CaKX M. LCI.
County Treasurer
PsciAt, oma.
NearsxSkav'a Favorite Events, Padr
' Truwugb tfc Caiwaeigji Ut '; '
Owly t Cants. .
Tha great presidvatial campaign is now
well under way, and everyone is interest
ed in ilia events which will occur during
tlie m-xt three months. Now is tha time
In susrribs for a daily paper. The
Lincoln Daily Star will ha sent until Oct.
IS for only 50 cents. Tha Daily Star is
easily the greatest anil hast evening pa
er .n Nebraska. It is thoroughly interest,
ing in everr bepari ment. Tlie Star pub
lishe all tha hews all tlie time four til.
iUoas daily, bend us your naioa and fth
Do It now." i
Liacoia, Kab.
The finest line of wines, liquors and beet brands of cigars.
THRO. 8A0ERT, Proprietor.
QEBLABii & sen
Selling Cere
A complete line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE,
ntfATVDC l
1'r.ni.r.na a
Boildinj? material of all kinds . Flour, Feed, Grain. I
X Wind-mflls, Pumps, Tanks, Wagons, Buggies, Faun
I Implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles & etc. i
994tTiM94M9t999a4 9 99Ht
lYou Are Reading
That's what it's here for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of O Z
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and 'Evuj.
thing to be found in a firt cla-ss' Grocery Store.
Give us a trial. ' Yours' for . BasincEi;. "
' ; A, low r
currv the largest and most
."sribaudMrt in bioux iouo
FAi.'!' II, All uur prices are in
keeDinic with tha quali y of!
good we ssi I. Wa do n-t keep
betpJolin goods and tliereiore
we do not sell at 'heap John
prii-es. We sell Drat -class goods
at fair prices.
FA' 1' I, Wa endeavor to calefj
I to tha wants and needs of purl
(customers arid our goods avM
lealaatssi with this intent. I
successor to
Lumber, Doors, SatX Lime,
Coal, Wagons, Buggies and
Mackmeres of all Kinds,
I also carry a tins of Wind
Mills, Pumps, Piping,
Towers, Wind . Mill re
pairs, etc etc. etc.
A large f&tt df feed, both
ground 'and iatgrouud al-
ways ori ' hand. .
mail srisri givta prompt
Gta tr.3 a Cell
WANT! O Agents, Hustlara, lalaaaa
Oerks aad sverybxlr who wanU to aa,
Joy a good hearty laugh to send Mc for
! "Tips to Agents." Worth V to any
person who sells goods for a living. If
not satis actor your money hack. Cir
rasvfarstasae. Tha Dr. WtHa
rtcOseB0 r itm, tn.
Eootte Tton Ever.
SHOES, and a ccmplt t
tt 191 IIIWI fr-H"H
IF ACl' 4. We Have iuX'Urt
caived our Hprisg and Summert
llnviosof white watauaV dtJ
goods, iodm Limona, Ciii"re-J
reroalaa. oirurnaina. sm,m,..
Stiirtlags Henriettas. sVc. e.
FA TS. Our tine of Boots Al
SlKiesand Slippers is composed
i m latsai styles from tin'
nost. reliable hansa.
IFACT f,--ven-tl.iiur usu.u'.
kapt in a Oaaaral Store oaa h
: lianhood Bestorcd
"trOf lOMg." '
This great vegstnbls Vltal1ssr, ine tsre
sertptlan or a famous French phrsteian, wilt
qaleblr ears vox of altar Barrens dlssbssa
ol the generative organs sock ss lost faTaa
haad.tnasaiala,patnsln the SacBstmiMi
Kmtieloas, Xarvsas lMbillty, rhnplsa. Cn
f tnes to marry, Cibsaswac Cratas, Tartee
eels sad CenvtipaUeu. It stops all lasses ey
day or night. Prstaatarltj. whirs ir nea
rueebed, lead te sasraiassTi baas aad all tb
ttorrori of liuaeteney. CUPIOKXS etesaa.
the liver sad kklaevs. CCrtPEirg strength
not sareil by dussuis is saeaaes alasty Bar-'
oeat are traaNea via Piaatsilta. ttCH
OCHg Is theeaty bnawa rsewsty tcre ,
vlthoat ss operstlos. lsV UsthBeaUls. .
A written guarantee given aad ssenay as
tamed if sis bene do asw- esTert a Persia
sent ears. $1M s boX six far are by atatl
Sead for fnastrsaUr and isltaealsls 4 .
drsss PAVOL HWICIVSUsejirfaswISM
Caitrarsla. reraaletsy aUcasaa
All partlss IslsbstisUl
by aota, or atbsi mm aSII 4M4r btlla,
ami notas at tba OmasWatel Vahk far
collaotMM. ltaasa call and attth; all
open acinunts by note baaksbM or casa
ia baad aad sava casta.
is. KaWsUS