il if ili if J J 1 ! id i !M n k 4 Press-Journn 1 iMht-IAY. .litfln.1 l. W4 C C liurkf, lrii. uNrKKKlj iS 1 II K fie-1 Ultll AT ua MsOX SJCBtt. A HMS.KH t'LAM M VT'rtt OFFICIAL, PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. advkr'i isim; rati-s. f-r .Scti, SitijTie Oilucill, per .couth '.' rer column, per nwiu. tat Prutessioniil urnls per enr, oue iuci. 5 60 ,Ju, a.rll, , ,,,.,iiy be,o.i,u, rich Locals per line ew; .03 ' wint Uwk cot.!'. They j i-iuvriy sri! I 60 per nt off on yrary MiiU Sei.J lor wm,le. Mru i taJien 50o. - (liail price lu!e The following c!iipi!i.i from ; ...-.rouuo tun., , t:. ur. vi.,ie tire-! the State Journal has caus. d r'c 4 t. hi. i ii ripple of amas.-int'iit ami ; a letteii FKOii jats e. l hi Ej provoked irrt-ioii anionjr: , r , ,, . 11 oro.oid tlw txlit-ir oi i i.f 1 hume of the church j'i'p!e JfcNL tiai l wkuiiJ iriins r. .....i-. , II in : iitiuui uiv j iui ' v ii.i;-. tut I iere: i , . ; . . . ' i u.iu tiOL ht-J'L Ili (.l.'IO.Mf Judge W. II. Westover. of:vtO' it not nt ,, , ... , . , , i line coijstdi.U v on tl.e ui.J iheie ui Kushville, va. heiUK .'ooined late in tli(? day as the jxpu!ifit j i'itur- juh luiiaod in. nm who is the ino.-t available. , " , . I x iice. uaimily tiol iinrd Hi. m mii 1 imxl 4'IIe is a pOplliist." haid OJIC ,'ltt il"""lt"'!' Missionary Satiny or I In- of the leaders, -and at the : lil)k t() , au 1I)lirillill ttaJ utiuul Kime time is a member of tietin.i: w.-si tu suii p.-k:. u; 'Vino'-ratie Jacksonian clubof Omaha. He is a Methodist, lefeated Mickey for delegate to the national con ference at San Francisco, and has the endorsement of Mike Harrington. What further variety of qualifications could any one ask him to have." In fact his qualifications were being urgently pushed and the democrats appeared to accept him as a friend ly Indian. "One of the leaders" and the Journal reporter better get their brains washed before they again rtart in to discuss Judge Westovers church qualifications for a guberna torial nomination on the pop ticket. The Hon. Judge might acknowledge the soft impeachment of being a friendly Indian, but we doubt j .if he would own un to run-1 ning a race with the Governor for lay delegate to the Meth odist national conference. As a matter of fact Judge West over was elected a lay deleg ate from the Northwestern Nebraska Conference to the Methodist General Confer ence "which . met at Los Ange les, Cal. ; and not San Francis co. Govoner Mickey was Verted a delegate from the Nebraska Conference, and was not defeated, but repre sented another conference. There was no National Con feience held this year, it was a Geneial Conference embrac ing the Methodists of the world. Kushville Recorder. G000 FOINTCR FOR GAMBLERS. Hw to Ma'xa Money Out of Easy Going Strangers. "I thottght I waa pretty wise to all aorti of samea," laid a eamblcr, "but I've Just been beaten out of a five pot aa easily at though I came from Cohoea. A friend and I had been landing In the doorway Of h hotel fretting OH the odd or even numbers of Euebret anaiu, a horse fell with him ' ru wlfe of one of our ex trensimrs, die Beit ear to pass, and I waa loser. 1 hurtl,)K lliirj some hls urtlwl. oeor(,B who now resides in New York. Every TMB to other feliow anggested that I hui , u... ...... : thimr isdrvimr uodoan the littl a.n... try to call a coin, bead or tall, for $6, ' M a chance to get my money 'back. I . aareed. He slapped a quarter on th. MCk t tU band ard I said 'headi.' It I tail and I was a fire out. "The aptrlrce was worth J j Cwsgli, for ha told me the gam after ? I01 I JiltT Z Z Frani Law,. Monday . " i "" W . Z7 i isL1.1L. Jj . o ' I ftro aaevwubnm was mud and water, cla'otaawasTci hJ ' W ',Ur Uam our now 11 a,i du-t 1 find t,w w,,"Uj tTtiZ tk gaib worked nine Umes yUn8 fri,,od Kll'"r,n fro' Alliaoce ng Ur aprt and wb-n I do strike any rt f t3m, Sd h dldnt really ana : di0,f Un' W Pred,ct H1""1 thinK like a settlement live re are so many I ' 1 s TT"f. fcacaaaa lM was pra U00M for hr- ov district io Deed of a different kind of beheis that it is hard to r y saa that I W0ld say aood UU-11 teacher will not be disa- ' do anythinir towards organism a Suoday 7 i J I 31 too IL I Ilka apotnted if thev hire her, alie is rintf ' Khol for the adults usually Hunk tlie 1 tj n sj or il n . . ID' TiON. -5 ' It I Interest a.; to t t tuat are Ireq lei t!v in hi llie tnvetii . articles, of lu.lio- importance, lire uiosi u!,ir jrvirrj are thuse de signed Ik twtieiit the w-Opl aiiO meet .sipitiar eoniiili.,ns, and otte of must interest :ti; of tliese that has ever been ; invented i toe i r. V lute Electric Lou, I . aLeii',rJ Jail. I, tty Tljese wooderlul I'ouiii i iiiely cure tlsu'iult, 1 falling out, mi k .md nervoti lieadai lies, i aiai h-ii used willilir. U'liiU-'s 1 ic inc i 11.1. r Brusli are -sisttively :u.lailWej to J iimw t raifihl cnny 111 das" um i llijusainis of Hk-v electric mii U have tA.- M v.l ifi Ai Oii lil.Jii of t. L'ii.OW ld llU! rUlill.j ls ,.uM.,... .. lan w oiuea umi youi. .la are oled wl lor, wlicra tli-r is no ixjtii-ty 1 i r to , rilDU's jrpipare tlie a lur iuiu.t in auizalioti. 1 L.uiir iiun the Nortliw tern to the eaMtrn Ixiriier ol the state ul Pom a, and visited Mr. K.ue's sis'.er ili. Marriott al Wokelield-had a pleasant, trip Ironi there out to WiuneUif-'o Aiiiw.y ttliere I lie els a ouil Society, coll. posed of llie wives of Hie g jverr.iu' iil tilipl ieis uud a few In '.i.ios that Involved a Z'l mile drive fruiu llie rail Another Jpleasatit thing in Wokelield a viit wnhalnjy v. ho had laKen Hit trip lo Jerusalem, with the Sunday .Stliool rXLuisiotis Sue. had a .if pretty tilings she trought Ijoik mill hei , and such an interesting story lo leil. I helieve you are to ha ve some one with you at the Sioux o. b. 8. i onventioo Kim fali, lio look that Ir.p He t.ure to Is? there everU.dv and henr nlsiut It. If it is as intel'eslii.' as Mrs. HosseU's slorv )ou don't aot. to tniss u. Fraiiii Wokefiei.i 1 came ilow a thronuh Norfolk, Madison, Cotumbut, uud south. Last haluiday 1 spent, at entrai it vuth Mrs. Knott, hut not with the prls. for lliey were in lJaoiiia! Think how pieasaiit It will be for me il the Knoll family seUle ten miles from my t oloiado home! I also calltd on the Hob' ts and Jiu.ksiu families , v. ho were my ueinbor at Adatui in bheri;an l. Many of the i arey peiple will reiueuiher Mr. H.dieils as he was with us at at a Bible In-mute Tlns part of Nebraska seems prosperous, thi-y have rattier nmr i rain ih in heeiued quite needed for to or three ears, t ut j , n tiie w hole crops are ood this ear, j the steaintbrashers me i.usy every ulieie, Aurora and Hast it cs are building a ""d ! many new bouses and improving the oid ones, and there is a general air ol pr. s?f it . I eXcl to continue my travels until the lirst week in 8ept. and tbeu return to Colorado. Emm a L. H ce. Hunter Happenings. Putting uji cherries is the prorau.1 in the homes, of this part of the country. Mrs. J. 1). Proctor and Eva were east Andrews visHots Sunday aUeruoou. Mrs. J. 8. Tucker came borne Saturday t.viiiti(, she had a very uieuxaiit visit with her daughter aud lafOilv at Glen ICock Wj'o. Mrs. Werdeman and Anna Schleyer V.roujbt their cattle to the river lor water and were pleasant cullers ut Pail Unl. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Tlwnias ant? Birdia A W"OX;fclil UL INVENTION viitel at Mra. Tuckers buuday after- to Alliance ami other points in the past noon. j week. Leaving home the morning of the Mr. JJenslow and family were visitors 1 9'" Went nort" r!l1 -" lf at. Mr. Russia Sunday. 1 pin OVer n,"hl w,lh lh t""Pl,l ' U- ) Ornve and family. I saw some line grass lion. M. P. Kmkuid came up on the t in crossing J. E. O. Hunters, Kobert ps-ssenger WedLesday iiiorniii and went Harrison, and Geo. Ciolden's ranches, 1 over to Mr. Cooks with the mail carrier, I had a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Moa coming back the same day, took supper . vy anrl ,ev Kve me aonie interest ui at Mr. Riue'a lefi for boiue llie ame ' new of our people in A ikierla that left aveniojj. t I Sioux t 'ounly some years ajjo. They al- Walter Martin is at his work for Mr. ! t. ,. i w a" r,ht Ed Hchwaru heiptd Mr. Schleierflx'T , T, i.,. , , t,'er,, "re "e cr.P'nninK to (he Laat bis pump the otber day Frank Zeros waa on our streets Mon- day B. F. John ,., th h Botowg in uttiog bar self for the good work site has chosen. We ktu ska will wort aha has erwaan. Wa bepe sHe will ; lasjcna a good aahpol. . THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Wall Paper LjriJKit' Sundries,, 1-amts, Oils, Varn ilieS. LiOOkS arid STATIONARY. The finest Line of pipes and Hest cigars in the city. FLOYD JOXKS. Successor, J. E. Phinncy. . f 0aO0Cococc''cOVCC J.H i WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done Kings made to order. All work iruaranteed. HARNESS ADDLES, and Harness made to onbT. Saddles re-covered. That We Oo 'For we are here yet i y And can do as good work as ever and that is first class. Call in and get our prices on lJiisint-ss Cards, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc., any way i Ir. and Mrs. Weir uvi children erj ived a posl rest at Mrs, Ii.i.-setts place the last of the week. A t'liod ram fell Moin!ay refreii ItiK the garden and I rees set I ling I be dust arid cooling oil" t1 e st'iiospbere makiui it lore pleasMiit after Ho much heit. We ale lilad to w elcome our old Editor b:i(;k iit;ain, he lias Inid a lont: vacation in wbiibt.ime Mr. Wntht kept the pajier t'lini; alright, We will do the best we cat: to help you Hoard, hut some times we I have to hustle a little bit. We w jnh Mr, Wrif;ht success in bis new home. j Jlr, J. W. Hut tier came up Friday j rimrrnnt! and went to Mr. Cooks w,lb the "w1' carrier. I U No. HETiE AND THERE. As a great many of the Pees JrCRJ5AI. readers have asked time and afain w hy I never Mild but lit tie alciut my trips over the different counties I will now pvea brief write up of my ttip from Harrison ""owed me a letter from Mrs, Wood a. mMumi rnm ,.,, , you reach the table south of Oawfnrd but as I drifted south eVerUbinx Was burning up in, III 1 jol with, n ten miles of Allium and the crops were then ttood ' t"""fsh "ut " lt Sunda) School is too small an affair for them aad that wt ually lesyss tlie ctiildien tim uxl thiiwnuiii I at home or roaming over the prairie get- 1 ill Forget JO tinir into mischief. The olivet day I slop ped at a bouse and the father and mother were rtlisent and 1 was talking with one of their Uin atwtit 13 years of ai;e about a Sunday KchiMd mnl be seemed verv mucli interested mid I asked him if his parents were prutestants or Cathulu s and he said theV Wre iJiiict, SO I left hiii ad ample snpplv if lesson leaves and went my way rejon intf and lauc.hir;-; on r acb itif Alliance I found school inarms us thick as beea and uhout as busy, for ex animation was roini on mid if there is any one time in (he jeartlnt the teacher feels nervous it is then. There will lie a frrt-ftt many youn; t-acbers '.bis year as oid ones are xettmp rnnrried and taking up other visa lions so 1 presume it. is the vtiiing ones or none. I found our Sioux County leachers busy Bnd thev feel that w hile this bag been a hard 10 weeks for tbem, they have been a niply repaid. I held two services on Sunday about 10 niilea apart and I found it pretty warm but pood and appreciative congregations J. C. McBrien candidate for state Supt. was attending the Normal Monday arid wave many words of encouragement to t ht tea hers. Mr. McBrien !.- ore of the most deyoted Educational men of th slate and if elected our public schools will receive an iniietus that few otber men could ive until they had the exp r ience that McUrien has bad. J. B. BciiKE. The Vslley of Mexico. The Valley of Mexico Is aevsnty mlieo In lnngtb nnd forty.geven miles In width. Lake Texcoco, a larjte body of water lying Immediately to the east of the City of Mexico, Is only six fepi lower than the level of the street pavements. In 1G29 this lake rout and Inundated the city, drowning thousands of the inhabitants. Tlx wt,, nf th Ial", ,vnred the site ol tn city to a aeptn oi tnree reel, and remained so for over four years. TU Usurer Is now obviated by a graal ftalnage canal Fraud of His Untagt. Representative Wiley of New Jer sey, said to be the only civil engineer la congress, Is proud of a lineage extending back to the first postmaster aeneral of the UnltM Ktnt Ham....i Osgood, who was a citizen of Haeaa- ebuaetts. ! lis Czar Restricti Finlander. The czar fcaa isud an order by oicn ire fw;scai (rovpruor oi i d 2i iana re etrp-jv. erea fio; on.r to r- i S I committal of "T 'l-'if ail" ur.- 0 ' eoim.!" rers .r.s. tut to a K-int in IJr:r ? flacp otters of the s'ri.iJr'i ca i section. V. 2) Lady Desaera.j p's Fn. Sc-cty of New Sou'h V.'a'"-! j C i I av 8.nt a fan to l ady Fi.-S!j i.a; ji i a i . . . - i me Ian is mace of vhue o.'.- :i i f'a'hcrs from the tlx-ycar-cM i'air 5 J i-Icufh CFtrich larni a- S'jti!!i ii-a 1 Q I Tbe 'orti i?"-1;;! fii:.s are i r..a- q i men ted with a rj.tnojrnni io Ai I Iian rlJvcr, t':e ha-'f pivot rad : raytiDtit.S3 are f Aus'raliaa jroid. " A. C. Osa, A. M-. B., Pre , Omib. Paor. A. J. Lowar, Prino. yt X Endorsed by First Nktl " iiiaiik and bunioeN oiea. IW.OOOlo Koll Top iHki, Hank Fixture nd : hu iyprHr, SiinHiUCin work (or i Nf-nd for tn- fftUilric. bound in ftll'utor, J flnit ever fubiibd by HuirHss CoUett. ite4 It, una juu mm atueiia ib . u. c. CUMMKRCIAL IIOTIIL OJM'OSITi: DKI'O'I'. ; . -(. ..'i 3 r,l 4el fcikfifV-'Sl tvfc "S... e ,v,, . -, AN!) I I. T1!F.TKD WITH Cot HI'l-.sV. Hoard l!,v lav ur M'eel,. W. B- WRIGHT I'". ONLY (LaiHrnead fcotwooi ;4, unhurt Jviver (k3 Dlract lln tn St. Pml Minneapolis Direct tin to Ulack H.lts. Apply to noarit ageiit for rat, maps and t'mA rfcrrf. II.MK"TAltLK Went H-Mititl, K.iH It'Miml. No iie O il No. 14, lilt- 7 In. in. to:?,! Ka. HI Un trt. fj:4 STOCK BRANDS. Til x Joe km ai. III B'llilKti y. ,1 mil al oraml ,:,ceiiis. kvtv iiirtni-r ,r riuii'liiio'it in si.,,n tout a,l luliilnii um ill,-.. should S'trertiae their lirntnls in THkJock kai. as It elrciilntK all over the stat. It inny lie the menu of suvtntt inoin-v tor von John Johnson. Out! If brsin'ir'l art pthou ii In cm t on !f?;t pi'lr, Kitiiff at Mcvr RK I It. 3bruku. Adle; llewiit, .ei, $500 REWARD. ror the arrest nnd rnnni tioii ot any pnrly tt parties stpuHmr or dUfliriirlna u) hrands 0 stock belonging to tiie uudi-rsinned pur les: GKOIttiK SWANWIS Cattle branded lorscs briinde't mi left side on Jntt sliotl ler, rnnire on l-ldler ( reek. AnystiK k hnoiileil Hssbuvn twhi)r estrsy d from my ru'iae, tl, verel by uy o,y in Klvinir me lnforin.ittwi III k rewsnlisl. Aildiess, H. liobiiison, Ni-brssks KRAN K NCTTO. fsttle brnmled side salt hmik on in the left lelt shoul der 'f horses. Also some of tlio Horses tie lire brniidi'il on slioiil.ler soti.e KH deserlb slsjve Immul, Address, irnirlxin, Nebruska. HAMCKb KMOKI. C'attle brsnded any wnero on left side of the aulniitl Riie on Prsl- rle doff mil Mnn 3 ro Creeks. Address, HurTlson. Nebrssks KlMIKKT r. NKRCB. Csttle Branded as on left sldn Kangs os AImmmI. 1...- I.a S3 lio ilrteror aids. on left hip tanae eu - , -ua&fl I S) sTsotJB Mnl the nara ei tor tiie Rannlng Water. T. o. Address Agate, ssbraska. i r r .TtvirBn . ". erth-r ' ,p or ,trft.i, r. MM i..r- i.riKiM 3 1 ii i.y t i i,nniit. Al ir.-., J. . .oh', i ult le hn.i.d ; TryT7,JI '"T'- siliiW II nt. on rlirhl ! ' ' 4 lr'i nonHcr. : ' " ' - -lira V I - -a oil ,i ft !. Illllhl Us. rllpl 5100 REWARD hi I iwlil forevirtence -oiivii-tini; hi,v one fur iiinnii a off or In uy m ur i,iin, rn s ith stock hsvlng ssy nf lac tmvi. I,r ill'l or hrainls. Iluiu'h st Audit-s -i. N t,r, Vi'lr s. Ilnrrlso'i Nnbr, J M. I KNSI.OW. t at'l i hrnitrl on .'.'KM alrts "s ue n en I A. d kIso 1j os till hip. lira a led J B SJ mi rlulit lK)Ui1r 'ji'piw. Ilioiije on w .lite Itlver, on the old Ohvo tolvilh. rt ni h. 1'. O Add re,; (j,en, Htr. JOHN A. HANSON - 'h r,s tlii- fol'nw-r'.-'.r ,,,, ,,,,,.in- w-i Mso HG '.ii r ,t- i le io! life's,-- - y -it i ,,n 1, rt, . . t, s ll left Vj I'.str.-e on xilver s-irliur ami east hie, t'osloltif,. Ittirrisull Nell. if t fi It KW AI. i". Oil r..u ..r.l r... , ,11 o' In vet 'ol vi He's burses brand-, in either jaw or !hi;h turne, vr ''i 7ohu liieseron liuniiim A-ater. also 4-100 (Ml for proof ti convict any person unlawfully handling inv ol said horses. W. J. A. RaI M KhfclM'KKK" M K STOCK l o Branded en left hip uf I'sttle and oil loft clieeV ot Hones l!,ii,i. mi deep ( reek. A ilK'ss, Inept i,.,.e i.ivu stock Co,. J. If. lUi.ncnr, torrinan. . lili"- Sebrv tKTAVF. IIAItltlS. Cntllo brinlsd on uith I'fl Sh ou r l,a u,f i nr. llniiKi on Rus 1'. O. Adilress, MursUn l, .N(,r, NKII. Ji;tlb. Horses i, f,v PUP orniiiieQ tin either ld, Mms ss on eot. And Csttle tirnnded side, and Horses on loll Address, Itodarp, NobrssSs. IIKNKY WAUNKKK. Csttle brsnd ed on left slrle. ItHiiife on Kminlng Wnter Creeek. "P. 0. Addrcsi llsrrlSfin, Nebraska. A. R. KRNNICDV. m Csttls Brsnded 9CrA on Rlht Hla j Mionlder I'. 0. Address, Crawford, Kabrsaaa. tii LzU I ! 3 tattle Lrsi.d ' Li..,,...- it.nt fTJ I i ... i fA" I ' - Yy, And tollosll.K o H41 'jVl It tide of csttl-. tTlii tLiiA LcicJ , VtKl this ITlfpf 'III ft ft" '' '"" '!-" i M I Ami till. jjy . - i'S U!; (snifcnn It li II 1 ..: 't..t. r. l-o,i ntn. i- d lr--. I, i . '. '. fcr m -&yM il i i f-J on left il..o,,jjfa4it'iiiiti ft. ' ... .; ,i . ,i , j - - , iiWi ii r ' i swe", i l