Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 18, 1904, Image 6
CHAPTER XV. (Continued In every situation a woman is bound to suffer in many ways that a man doe not, iuI to feel her troubles more acutely than be ran, for a man' vigor auJ en erg! i constantly brought into pla j-; lie think and acta, comes and goes, busies himself in the pre-nt, and looks to the future fur consolation. This wt what Charle mi doing. But a woman can not help herself hera it a pasaive part; she ia left fare to face with ber trouble and haa nothing to divert her mind from It; the auuuda the depths of lite abyss of aorrow, and ita dark places are lled with her prayers and tear. So it waa with Eugenie. She waa beginning to un derstand that the web of a woman' life will always be woven of love and aorrow wd hope and fear and self-sacrifice: hera waa to be a woman'a lot in all thing without a woniaa'a consolatiooa. and her momenta of happiness were to be like the scattered naila driven into the wall, when all collected together they scarcely filled the hollow of the hand. Trouble seldom keep u waiting for them, and for Eugenie they were gathering thick and fast. On New Tear'a morniug, when Gran det entered the dining room. Mint. Gran det and Eugenie wished him a prosper ou New Year, each in her own way. Mme. Grandet wag grave and ceremoni oaa, but his daughter put ber arina round his neck and kissed him. "Aha! child," he said, "I am thinking and working for you, you seel I waut you to be hTnV( and if ynii mrm tn he happy, you must have money, for you won"t get any thing without it. Look! here Is a grand new napoleon, I sent to Paris on purpohe for it. There i not a speck of gold in the house, except yours, you are the one who has the goij. Let m see your gold, little girL" "It ia too cold, let na have breakfast," Eugenic answered. "Well, then, after breakfast we w!!l have a look at it, eh? It will be good for our digestions. That great des Grassins sent us this, all the same," he went on, "to get your breakfast, children, for it costs us nothing. Ies Gram-ins la going on nicely; 1 am pleased with him: the old fish is doing Charles a ser rlc, and all free gratis. Really, he is managing poor Graudet'i affairs very cleverly." By 11 o'clock they had finished break fast. "Clear everything away," Grandet told Nanon. "but leave us the table. We can look over your little treasure more comfortably so." he said, with his eyes on Eugenie. "Little, said I? 'Tis not so mall, though, upon my word. Your coins altogether are actually worth 5,1)45 francs, then with forty more this morn ing, that makes G.OoO francs all but one. Well, I will give you another franc to wake up the eum. Listen. Eugenie, you mtiKt let me have your gold. You will not refuse to let your papa have it? Eh, little daughter?" Neither of the women spoke. "I myself have no gold left. I had some once, but I have none now. I will give yon 6,000 francs in silver for it, and yon shall invest It; I will show you how. There is really no need to think of a dowry. When you are married I will find a husband for you who will give yon the handsomest dowry that has ever been heard of hereabouts. There is a splendid opportunity just now; you can Invest your (1,000 francs in government stock, and every six months when divt- francs coming in, 'l clear of taxes. You don't like to part with your gold, eh? Is that It, little girl? Never mind, let me nare it sll th same. I will look out tor gold coins for you, ducats from Hol land, and genovines and Portuguese moi dores and rupees, the Mogul's rupees; and what with the coins I shall give you OB your birthday and so forth, you will star half your little hoard again in three groan time, besides the six thousand francs in the funds. What do you say, little girl? Look up, child! There! There! bring it here, my pet. You owe me a good kiss for telling you business aocreti and the mysteries of the life and death of five-franc pieces. Yes, indeed, the coins live and gad about just like men do; they go and come and sweat and multiply." CHAPTER XVI. agente rose and made a few steps toward the door; then she turned ab ruptly, looked her father full in the face, and said: "All my gold la gone; I have cone loft" "All your fold Is gone!" echoed Gran dot, starting op, as a horse might rear when the cannon thunders not ten paces from him. "Grandet! yon will kill m with your angry 6ts," said the poor wife. "Tut, tut, tut; none of your fsmljy ' over die. Now, Eugenie! what have you done with your money?" be burst out as ' ho turned upon her. The girl waa on her knees beside Mme. Grandet. . "Look, sir," she said, "ray mother la -very ill do not kill her." Grandet waa alarmed; his wife's dnrk, allow complexion had grown so white. "Nanon, come and help me np to bed," he said In a feeble voice, "This Is killing me " Nanon gave an arm to her mistress, ad Eugenie supported her on the other Ido; bnt it was only with the greatest diUcnlty that they reached her room, for tfce poor mother's strength completely failed her. Grandet waa left alone In the parlor. After a while, however, be tir-T part of the way apetalre, and All ad out: "Bagnio, come down again aa toon as yoor nother la In bod." Ia no kmc tiaao she returned to him, ' eomfortiiig her atother aa beat she "Row. my daughter, Grandet address i bar, J will toll ate whet year "If I us aat perfectly freo to do as 1 d wHfc yer pre ate, father, please ,"- the ktek caia' aaJ4 Kagenie r Cka weat to the ealmaey piece far It to her it, aad stiaaai tit By MORE OE BALZAC S I know." he said, biting his thumb at her. "Yon look down on your father, do you? You have no confidence in him? I you know what a father ia? If he U not everything to you. he ia nothing. Now, where i your gold?" "I do respect you and love yon, fath er, in spite of your anger; but I would very humbly point out to you that I am twenty-two years old. Yoa have told me that I am of age often enough for me to know it. I have done aa I liked with my money, and rest assured that it ia in good hands." "Whose?" "That ia an inviolable secret," she said. "It must be something very unsatis factory. Mile. Grandet, If you cannot tell your own father about it" "It ia perfectly satisfactory, and I cannot tell my father about it" "Tell iue, at any rate, when you parted with your gold. You atill had it on your birthday, hadn't you? Eb?" But if greed had made her father craf ty, love had taught Eugenie to be wary; she shook her head again. "Iid any one ever hear of such obsti nacy, or of such a bobbery?" cried Gran det, iu a voice which gradually rose till it rang through the house. "What! here in my house, in my own house, some one has taKen your guld! And I am uot to know who it was? Gold is a precious thing. The best of girls go wrong and throw themselves sway one way or an other; that happens among great folk, and even among decent citizens; but thinlr rtt lliBnwin .1 warf Vnm tnn give it to somebody, I suppose, eh If you have parted with your money, you must have a receipt for it " "Was I free to do a I wished with It yes or no? Was it mine?" At first Grandet was struck dumb by his daughter daring to argue with him, and in this way! lie turned pule, bump ed, and finding words at last he shouted: "Miserable girl! Oh! you know well that I love you, and you take advantage of it! Y'ou ungrateful child! She would rob nnd murder her own father! You would have thrown all we have at the feet of that vaga!xud with the morocco boots. By my father's pruning hook, I cauuot disinherit you, but I can cui you; you and your cousin and your chil dren. Nothing good can come out of this; do you hear? If it was to Charles that But, no, that is impossi ble. What if that miserable puppy should have robbed me?" lie glared at his daughter, who was Mill silent and unmoved. "She does not stir! She does not flinch! She is more of a Grandet than I am. Y'ou did uot give your gold away for nothing, anyhow. Come, now, tell me about It" Eugenie looked np at her father; her satirical glance exasperated him. "Eugenie, this is my house; so long as you are under your father's roof you must do aa your father bids you. You are wounding all my tenderest feelings," he went on. "Get out of my sight until you are ready to obey me. Go to your room and stay there until I give you leave to come out of It Nanon will bring you bread and water. Do you hear what I say? Go!" CHAPTER XVII. Eugenie burst into tears, and fled away to her mother. Grandet took sev eral turns in his garden .without heed ing the snow or ths cold; then, sus pecting that his daughter wouid be in his wife's room, and delighted with the idea of catching them in flagrant disobe dience to orders, he climbed the stair as stealthily as a cat, and suddenly appear ed in Mme. Grandet's room. He was right; she was stroking Eugenie's hair, and the girl lay with her face hidden in her mother's breast. "Poor child! Never mind, yonr father will lelent" "She has no longer a father!" said the cooper. "Is it really possible, Mme. Grandet, that we have brought such a disobedient daughter into the world! A pretty bringing up; and pious, too, above all things! Well! how is it you are not iu your roof? Come, off to prison with you; to prison, mies!" "Do yoa mean to take my daughter away from me, sir?" said Mme. Gran det as she raised a flushed face and bright, feverish eyes. "If you want to keep her, take her along with you, and the bouse will be rid of you both at once! Where is the go'd? What has become of the gold?" Eugenie rose to her feet, looked proud ly at her father, and went inte her room; the goodman turned the key in the door. "Nanon!" he shouted, "you can rake out the fire in the parlor;" then he came back and sat down in sn easy chair, say ing as he did so, "Of course she gave her gold to that miserable fellow Charles, who only cared for our money." Mme. Grandet's love for her daugh ter gave her courage in the face of this danger: to all appearance she was deaf, dumb and blind to all that was Implied by this speech. 8he turned on ber bed so as to avoid the angry glitter of her husband's eyes. "I know nothing about all this," she said. "Your anger makes me so ill that If my forebodings come true I sbsll only leave this room when they carat' me out feet foremost. I think yoa might hare spared me this scene, sir. I, at all events, have never caused yoa any vexa tion. Your daughter loves yau, and am sure she is as innocent as a new-born babe; so do not make her miserable, and take hack your word. This cold is ter ribly sharp; it might make her seriously ill." "I shall neither see her nor apeak to her. She ahall atop In her room on bread and water until aha haa done as her father bida her. She had the only rupees that there are la France, for Kugat 1 know; tnen there were geno me besides, and Dutch ducats " "Ea genie la our oaly child, and even if ahe bad Banff them lata the.water " "lata the water!" shoated the worthy cooper. "Mme. Grandet, yoa are rav ing! When I say a thing I am It, aa yoa know. If yoa want to hare peace la the beaae, ret her to confess to yon this secret. Woaaoa anderstaad each other, aad are cleverer at this aact of tkhaf tfcaa va are. Whatever afca aay km tea, I sartalaiy aha" art aat bar. Is she afraid of me? If she had covered t her cousin with gold from head to foot be is safe on the high seas by this time We cannot run after him " "Really, sir, have I any more authnr ity over her than yoo have? Phe haj never said a word about it to me. Shi takes after you." "Goodness! your tongue is hung in th the middle this morning! Tut, tut tut yon sre going to fly in my face, I sup pose? Perhaps you and she are boti in it." "Really, M. Grandet, if you want tc kill me. you have only to keep on as yot are doing. I tell you. sir. and If It vert to cost me my life, I would say it agaic you sre too bard on your daughter; shi ia a great deal more seusible than yoc are. The money belonged to her: h cotsld only have made a gnni dm of it Sir, I implore yon take Eugenie back into favor. It will lessen the effect ol the shock your anger gave me, and per haps will save my life. My daughter, air: give me back my daughterr "I am off," he said. "It ia unbearable here in my house, when a mother and daughter talk and-argue. Ton have giv en me bitter New Tear'a gifts, Eugenie!" he called. "Yes, yes, cry awayl Yoo shall repent it do you hear? You will find out what he la, that Charles ol yours, with bis morocco boots and hit stand-off airs. He can have no heart and no conscience, either, when be dares to carry off a poor girl's money without tbt consent of her parents." A soon as the street door wss shut Eugenie stole out of her room and came to her mother'a bedside. "You were very brave for your daugh ter's sake," she said. "Oh! mother. I will pray to God to let all the punish ment fall on me." "Is it true?" asked Nanon, comlni upstairs in dismay, "that mademoiselli here is to be put ou bread and water foi tho ret of her lifer "What does It matter, Nanon T' asked Eugenie calmly. "Why, before I would eat 'kitchen' while the daughter of the house is eat lng dry bread 1 would no, no it won't do." "I)on't say a word about It, Nanon," Eugenie warned her. Grandet dined alone, for the first tim in twenty-four year. "So you are a widower, sir." said Na non. "It a very dismal thing to be widower when you have a wife and daughter in the houe." "1 did not speak to you, did I? Keep a still tongue in your head, or yon will have to go. There will be some peop'i here this evening; light the fire." "There will be some people here tliii evening; light the fire." The Cruchots and their friends, lime, des CrasMtis and her son, all came in about 8 o'clock, and to their amazement saw neither Mme, Grandet nor het daughter. "My wife ia not very well to day, and Eugenie is upstairs with her," re plied the old cooper, without a trace ol perturbation on his face. After an hour spent in more or le trivial talk Mme. des Grassing, who had gone upstairs to see Mme. Ornudet, came down again to the dining room, and was met w ith a general inquiry of "How is Mme. GraBdet?" "She Is very far from well," the lady said gravely. "Her health seems to be in a very precarious state. At her time of life you ought to take great cave of her. Papa Grandet" "We shall see," said the vine grower abstractedly, and the whole party took leave of him. As soon as the Crnrhots were out In the street and the door was shut behind them, Mme. des Grassln turned to them aud said, "Something has happened among the Grandels. The mother is very ill, and the girl's eye are red, as if she had been crying for a long while. Are they wanting to marry het against her will?" That night when the cooper had gone to bed, Nanon, iu list slippers, stole up to Eugenie's room and displayed a raised pie, which she had managed to bake in a saucepan. "Here, mademoiselle," said the kind soul, ' Cornoiller brought a hare for me. You eat so little that the pie will last you for quite a week, and there is no fear of its spoiling in this frost You shall not live on dry bread, at any rate; it Is not st all good for you." "Poor Nanou!" said Eugenie, aa ahe pressed the girl's hand. "I have made It very dainty and nice, and he never found out about it I paid for the lard and the bay leaves out of my six francs; I can surely do as I like with my own money," and the old servant fled, thinking that she beard Grandet stirring. (To be continued.) Crippled Ao or; Empty House. E. V. Riley, who la associated with the management of the Studebakcr Theater, wag several years, ago the manager of a traveling dramatic com pany In the far West. On one occa sion bis company bad been engaged to open a new theater at Nanalmo, a coal mining town near Victoria, on Van couver's Island. The theater bad been built by a butcher who had made more money than he knew what to do with, ao he put aome of It into this place that be called an opera house of course. The owner of the "opera house" waa not up in dramatic literature, but be had got it into li Is head thut he wanted his bouse opened with something from Shakespeare. Riley's company could play anything, not excepting draw po ker, and "Richard III." waa the bill for tbe first night Tbe bouse waa fill ed to tbe sidewalks. Next nlgbt the box office receipts would not have paid tbe gaa bill. "What's the matt err Riley aaked the butcher-manager. "Matter enough," was tbe decidedly ungracious reply. ''How do yM folks expect to do business comln' 'round here Btarrln' a crippler The play went on that night and It was "Tha Lady of Lyons." Word want out that tha chief actor bad got over his lameness, and business waa fairly good tor tha remainder of tha waek Chicago Record-Herald. Ono trouble with tha oldest lnhabi taat If that ha remembers too many bv ddeata of aia boyhood daya that aerar hapfttnad. Dlatisaeslj "haa paaaad tha a asaa cfeaats at aaUtaira. DELICACY IS THE AIM. LIGHT AND PERISHABLE COS TUMES ARE POPULAR. Giving Oat K-fure lraw I Over, Thev Have to lie Keplm-ed aad Reaction Now fcetliutf in Will I'ndoabtedlv l-'avur simpler Good aud Trimming;, Sew lork forvespondeDoe : Til.lSH women have b-en inviied, even urged, to take up aim pie fashions, sud have refused to do so. Now they are paying the penalty, and its nature is such s to make It seem likely thst a pe riod of less elab orate dressing may not be far sway. It comes about through the fact that our styl hfh dresser thi summer must uot only get herself up elaborately, hut she should have a lii er.il supply of fine costumes. A drey gown or two no longer will MiftW, and the coiiMiieiit bills are enough even to MODELS SET FOR THE make a fashionable womau pause and think, and that is saying mint. The fancy for harmony in color throughout the entire costume ouly tends to make tho wardrobe all the more costly, since it make almost impossible putting parts and accessories to double use. a trick ex tremely helpful to economise, and (whisper) to many women who are mighty careful to conceal the mediums of their saving. Current usage in this mut ter of matching shades, or of fetching them into harmony. Is so exacting that sklmpers' tricks are practically taboo in all this field of dress. Then when standards were such that a dressy after noon get-up rivalled evening finery for the extent and delicacy of its embellish ments, the preparing of a wardrobe meant an outlay that would overwhelm most women. Turning to the very dresses prepared to replace the short lived summer finery, it will be found that the change is not to be effected suddenly. At first glance these new dresses seem a highly wrought as were those of early Bummer. On con sideration of many of them, however, it appeal's that a larger proportion of the embellish incut consists of self-trimming used laviwhly in many cases, it Is true, but even so, by no means so costly nr so HEApOEAR FOR fanciful of appearance as was much of tha earlier ornamentation. Yet on the whole these gown are hardly simple, bat have shnfBed off so much of the airy fairy sammer fancies aa might not with entire s arc ess bear display ia early fall. Fee even stylish folk hare that petfofY ia miad aetaewfcat ia planning now, aad If 11 they u i, bow anniHi more should nd, uary 1,1k. Taffeta seems tu be a nim U lAei oir.f'.utn for thus exatrivtBg U have f ill sul cummer styles blend. This slik li had great fsvor all summer, but It keeius likely that it will bud even more t"llirter and use iu fall attire. It i to be bad in all t)lih colors, and i le iii at made in all mil fr.u t'ip unpirt olurt waist suit to the uioM drnasy of line feathers. It ha a bl sul tuter not possessed by other soft silk, and Ktauds out mt favorably when compar ed airh tbe crisp taffetas of a few years ago, in that it "ill rar much longer without cracking. The artist baa put here model go os of which talleta was the chief material. They were planned for late summer ear. yet doubtleis the wearers were unite a a are of their entire suitability fur fall, aud mwt women mill bud their chief iulerest to be the foreshadowing of fall tj leu which they make. The dress of the initial picture waa light gray, aud its trimmings Included guipure lace and black velvet bow. Id the group, see for the first gowu, brown taffeta, with brown velvet and fancy passementerie for trimmings; for the second, blue taf feta, cord and stitching, and for the seat ed figure, dotted apple green silk trim med wirh Irish point lace snd passemen terie. The taffeta model gown sre very numerous, seeming now to take prece dence even over tnose of the light weight woollens ao much liked all summer. Rut the latter eaves die voiles, cauvsses and kindred good are Iu the field, and are sure of fall Indorsement. Ho much of the foregoing as treat of the perUhubiiity of the drcie of early summer applic with considerable force USKRS OV TAFFETA. to the season's millinery. It had, as ap pearing in the advance showings, the look of extreme frailness that somehow seemed to be almost the most desirable characteristic of the season thia from the standpoint of stylishness only. And much of it proved to he as nenshshle ss it looked. Shoppers disregarded the likeli hood of its proving so, and countless women who meant to put in dog days at the seashore or lakeside carried away bent hats all trimmed with chiffon, tulle, ostrich plumes and teel glint. Twenty four hours of fog brought ruin, and the trade In hats has been, in coequeuce, better than usual all summer. In th headwear now finding purchasers ia less of the abort lived trimmings, but some Is there, and hints of what is to rule In millinery duriug fall and winter are few indeed. Sample hats appear here. In the top row of the picture are a dark green straw trimmed round the brim with green and white straw and pierced with two black quills; a black chip covered except st the top with pink roses and leaves, and a tnn panuma straw trimmed with fancy stiff straw and topped by a bunch of graphs. Such headgasr would Indicate that the lesnon of the perish able decorations had been learned, but the remaining two hnts. of sorts plenti- LATE HUMMER. ful ia the current showings, give tbe op posite Indication. They were a draped hat of white chiffon and lace and aaother of green silk with crown of raffla lace and long end of green silk ribbon. Fruit ornament are likely to multiply as aa tuma approaches, and a run of grtatlr varied rib boa embellishments is indicated. i fV, ll ilii I j On kolla. A little time ;e!it in making rolls or breakfast or dinner always gains peat appreciation from tbe household, fbis U -ul!y done if a good recipe a at hand and the oven beets rapidly, tometlmes. too. tbe roll will b-' re eating and ! as good as when fresh y made. This recipe la simple and tx.-ellent. Take two pounds of flour, j little salt, two ouiKf s of siful auger, our ounces of lard or clarified tf 'ripping and two eggs beaten into two nlileoonful of yeast and a pint of i-arm milk. Knead the dough tbor mgbly and set It to ris" near tbe Ore. ;i,uii divide into twelve or fourteen ,lls, place on bum-red baking md act twfure the lire io rise to a iroper size. Then Luke In a steady veil for half an hour and place on a ii ve till cooled. Banana -hort Cake. Ma'; a rich tin -bi-u-uit crut. bake ii Jelly-cuke tins in not to thick lay rs. U'licti done, split open with forkl mil butter while hot. three layers -IIU enough for one cake. The t0 Mitioni layers mid one lop make tl' .-t slmpe. Take iilioiit three g.xl li.ed. thoroughly ripe banana ai'l ilie,.,( linely with a fork. Spread a iij.T of flic fruit on (lie crust, ad.iii.g lie least bit of salt, mid sprinkle '; villi Midcred snyar. Add tbe next ayer in the same way. ti the la-t me fpniiil fruit very thickly well mix Mi with sugar, so as to form sort of cine Serve with soft cuitard flavor 1 with vanilla. Kerf Koll. Two pounds round steak, chopped 'no; two well beal-n rii,', ;io Is. if eactipful rolled crai ki is. on- liaif cup mrm butter, one-half cup sweet milk, no small onion and a little siixe; ea ion with salt and pepper, mix all to ether with n stiff hhiii. Tut in a li-ep. siUre bread tin and bake one lour In a hot oven. Ila-te .jiute often ifter 11 begins to liIoH ii. The onion r sage can be untitled it not lih'-d. ind liny kind of other llavorlug for iients added. This vitry ii)c hot fot l.niier or sliced cold for lunch. Lemon Snaps, tine pound of flour, half ii pound of itittir. one dessertspoonful of allspice, ;wo of pound ginger, the gmti-d peei 5f half nnd the julec of a large lemon. Mix nil well together, mid a cup of molasses, bent It well, pour it on but-V-riMl sheet tins anil sprnnl It thinly ver tlicni. Hakp in n rather slow oven. lYlien done, cut it Into square, iiiul oil encu square round the finger ai 1 Is raised from th tin. These nr iilte as delicious as the best brandy tnaiis sold by confectioners. lemon Candy. Cook together over a slow fire on pound of lonf sugar and half a pint of water. At the end of half an hour cteai it Wtiu a ittuK itoi Vnicani. . 114 icuni must lie removed as It rises. Test Uip syrup by raising a spoon, nnd when the shreds of sugar snap llk Ihs the candy will be ready for fl.iv ring; add lemon essence to taste, and, anon nicely flavored, pour Into a but tered tin. When the taffy Is nearly cold mark It Into sijuares with a knife, ' Mutton Pie. Cut some cold mutton into neat, quare pieces, and place them In a leep pie dish, with a liberal seasoning f pepper, salt and pounded allspice, Scatter plenty of flour over, and add a tencupful of stock. Cover the dish with pastry, and bake tinlekly til! tin pastry Is cooked, then cook slowly, fot the meat to stew, for tlmtc-ijuurti-rs ol an hour. Hhort rtuKtfestiona. The woman who keeps lioiisn with I cellar should pay It a dally visit nnd see that It U aired, even if she hm (1) negloct ber parlor. Enough geriin may lurk In the wilting leaves of cab bage or a handful of decaying potatoes to cause Inexplicable Illness in her family. Cooking-school expert say thut calx bnge, onions and strong smelling vege tables should be cooked uncovered. There Is an odor, of course, but tha arafts quickly disperse It, whereas If the saucepan is covered a very strong xlor Is diffused every time the lid is listurbed, which permeates the house. After sweeping the carpet rub It ver with a cloth wrung out In vim-ess and water and If possible do not let It tie walked upon until It Is dry. The quantity of vinegar Is a tencupful to 1 pall of worm water and this treat ment often has a wonderfully K(XKj fleet In reviving the faded color of (11 old carpet The possibilities of common ginger ars as flour vases and plant holders ire well known. They are made twice i Attractive by woven covers as raffia lltber In the uncolored or the tinted rsrifUJcs. When tbe jnr shows splashes if blue, green or red at the top of the glaze It la well k - - -iii ill ione 11 the raffla. In Irnnlna' Mi l...-.f . ... I ..utiuims snouia ba Instructed to banc unon on. i,i . th clothf shore only such articles as ran oe put away Immediately aftet Iring. Ry tens ratine tilniu k..k aed a stitch or button the work of eewrcoing inrougD th clothes basket Od tba tumbllnsr of tha rio . m, - a, avafaau jag limM twi Placaa are aroldad.