Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 18, 1904, Image 1

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    Press -J ourn al.
with u
Masa ua held in Harrison last Saturday.
The commissioners are io ntssMon thi
Buy Rook Candy Drip at
Andrew Koori returned from Omaha
last Friday.
John Johnson Mined over night in
town Monday night.
Oem Letting delivered Kinie beef at
tlie butcher shop Monday.
Claua f'hrjMensen was up from Mont
rose the first of the wfek.
Nick rV-haefer shipped two car loads of
Cattle to Omaha Tuesday.
Try Champion Syrup at
John Burke, who is working for Neil
Jordan, sjient Sunday al home.
Fou Sale 30 tons of hay 4 miles north
went of town. Rout. Kkki,.
There was a party at Bod arc Monday
evening in honor of Miss Mabel Z-rbe.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christian were
down from Pleasant Itidge last Saturday.
The highest cash price paid
for hidenat.T. vV. Ricedorffs.
Miss Anna IVITebach. from Kiwarflsh,
is visiting Mrs H..I1 and Jvsse at the de
pot. Will Hough orrtveil here from Piere,
Nehr, Saturday morning to visit for a
Brown, the photographer, will te at
Andrews. Hull in Harrison, September
The finest lino of f rob and
cured meals at J. W. Kice
dorHs. William Lary i having a house built
on th" lot just soulli of the flecre tier
laf i pi. ton.
Earnest Lvons is movin; in to Mrs
futr-tli J-Td.ins lions, who li ht has rent
d for the wmier
Mr. and Mr. J II. Wiiliermdorfer and
on spent. Sund.iv al llin Imuit) of Mr. and
Mrs F. M. Lmgworthv.
r- w .i....fM wwm flown from
Edgenmnt. 8. I), the first of the week and
ordered the Prf.ss .lot UN Al, wnt to him.
Siif.t IWkey cam up from Alliance
last Saturday mormni: returning in the
evening. Th week w il, end the Norma!
fur this ear
The only place to pot Deer
jng Twine is at Gerlachw A:
pons, Binder?, mowers and
rakes alno.
J. A. Hanson made, a pleasant call at
our office this week and had his subscrip
lion set two notches ahead. He also
added two rames to our mailing list.
C B. Hollingsworth, Conras Parson,
Milo Corbin, Frank Nutto, and John
Hanson returned from Omaha Saturday
morning where they had been marketing
Dr. Snyder, Osteopative
physician, will bo in Harrison
Tuesday and Saturday of
each week, at Commercial
The Curtis Co. played here the first
three nights of this week to a packed
bouse. We recommend the Curtis no.
as the best of its kind in this section of
the country. The Daily Call.
The Lincoln Daily Star'a great cam
paign offer will enable you to gel thnt
paper until Nov. 15th for only 50 cents.
TIm Star is the best evening daily in Neb
raska, fiend In your order to The Daily
Star, Lincoln, Neb.
Those shipping cattle from here Mon
day are; F. E. Jandt Scars. Chas. Lwi8
cars, 8. B. CfTee (Est ) 2 cars. J. E Mar
tMer 8 cars Parsons & sons 3 cars, ( ?has.
Nemo 3 cars, John Christan 1 car, and
Chris Cbtistan shipped two from Coffee's
Tbe change of tlie et bound pasen(rer
train took effect here Monday. Il arrives
here at 7:00 and teavei. the same time it
hss heretofore, lakinfl aupper at the
(mmer'ial Hotel.
On time and Yeatd Foam at
A couple of vetrunarians tdopped here
over Buiiduy.
('has. Orewell was 10 from his rant-hat
Hewitt this week.
O. H. Turner was vibiting in town the
first of the week.
John Botirret returned from Omaha
Monday morning.
Sam Thomas was down from bin ranch
in Wyoming Saturday,
Huy one of those five it
cheese at Lowrys.
Kolomen liorky, from Adelia, was do
ing business in our town.
firant (Juthrie movi into the house
vacated by L. C. Wright.
Frai.k Plummy was down from South
hikota after a load of provisions.
Misses Erne Vv'rint oiid Nome Lindsey
Heiit Sunday nt the tatter's home.
Lightning was quite heavy here last
Thursday, but no damage was c'one.
John Coffee went to Chadron last
Saturday evening to visit for a while.
N.P. and Teter Hanson become rend
ers of the Phrss JolKS.U. with this issue.
J. A. Hanson and family spent Sunday
and Monday with ('has. Hanson and fain
llv. W. H. Davis is moving into his hous ,
which I m purchased from Grant Outline
some time ago.
A. Iow rv returned from Lincoln Sat
urday morning bringing convict Connolly
hack with hull.
ih-nry Wtrtz returned from Omaha
Tuesday iiiorning, where he marketed
catlW last week.
Mrs. C. 1$. Holhugsworth and daughter
Ijiiisv left f-.r iJougla Monday uiornuig
wle-re tiiev will Visit.
Mr. mill Mrs. Stewart Sides stayed over
night in Harrison Kiturd.iy night with
Mr. and Mrs. ( 'buries Hanson.
Mrs. E F. Pol. tins left fur Thernioioli
pruiL's W o. Monday morning. where
she will vis,',, fur a couple of weeks.
Arthur lH.nn and his sisler, Miss
Olhvette. lift for llenver last night
where they expect to spend the winter.
Miss Li la La r teen went, to ('liadron
last Saturday evening where she will
work in a boarding car for some time.
Mrs. Cart M. Lux returned home last
week, having .X'tit several days with her
mother, Mm. Fellers, who was quite ill.
The Harrison Epvnrth League will
startup again next Sunday evening so
don't forget to tome. It Ix-gins at : 0
' Fori Sale ok Thade.
One half interest in livery business.
For futhcr particulars inquire of
P. Lacy.
Miss Mattel Zerlie and tier grandpa,
Mr. Hixby, left for Nevada, Iowa last
night, Mr. Bixbv lias been visiting here
for the past month and Mabel goes with
him to attend school in Iowu this winter.
Will l) given at the Andrews Hall
Friday evening, Aujj 26, 1004. Com
mencing at 7 30 and will close at 12:00.
Everybody Invited.
R. C. Dunn.
rorsx Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dippert
of fort Robinson on the 11th day of Aug
ust 1904, a boy baby. Weight ii'mut 1
pounds. Mother and child doing well Dr.
P. Fields of Ft. Robinson in atteud-
Mrs. F. VV. Clark, of Harrison, accom
panied by her mother, sister and daugh
ter, arrived in the city Wednesday eve
ning for a few days visit at the home of
Col. and Mrs. C, F. Coffee. Mrs. Clark
is the wife of I lie cashier of tlie Commer
cial Dank. Chadron Journal.
Billy McCusic, who has been working
for Nets Englebret, got bit quite bad in
the face last Sunday by one of Net's
mules. He was brought to town by
Will Phillips and is staying at the Hard
soo House. Ir. Phinney has been dress
ing the wound and he baa got so he can
In reyxme to consiJerable recent inquiry,
the COMMERCIAL BANK U pleated io an
nounce fpecial arratujementa to make lowj-time
loan on Real Ext ate.
Say what you want
Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford
Cominu -Curtis Dramatic Co. Harrison
Aug. 2'J 'i'i 24, with a strong company of
ten people and a reparation of standard
plays. Tlie Curtis Co. are far above tlie
avsrae, as they have lien plaviug all
the larger plays. Admission 25 and i'lOc.
Seals now on sale.
All parties knowing themselves indebt
ed to Dieckman &. Lacy will do mo a
favor by settling by tbe first of Sept. as
I am interested in the same and would
like to have the amounts settled in some
way by that time. I Remain yours
Truly. P. Lacy.
Notice to Taximycrs.
Notice is hereby given that onSeptem
lierl'i, 1001 distress warrants will lie m
sued hv this olli. e for the. collection of
all unpaid personal taxes for the year
l'J0:i The provisions of the it-venue law
requiring thw County Treasurer to Die a
list of unpaid personal taxes with the
County Clerk on October lt makes this
action necessary and no exceptions can
ie.mad. ("Altt. M. Lt X.
County treasurer
Oils feature that has made ji Lincoln
I silly Slar'deserveiliy popular is the great
Saturday Star, prepire.il especially for
Sunday reading It contains from 12 to
81 pkgws. T'i great campaign serial
sloiA . " Hie Oral 'eiR," has j '1st commenc
ed. Y ill can line Tlie liailv S'ar sent
yu until Nov. 1 i. w hich includes llie big
Sit inlay paper, for only -10 cents. Send
in vour order tod.iv.
Lincoln Neb.
Nebraska's Favorite Evenina Daily
Through thw Campaign tor
Only 50 Cents.
The great, presidential campaign is now
w ell under way, anil everyone is interest
ed in tlie events which will occur during
the next three months. Now is llie time
to suscribe for a daily paper. The
Lincoln Daily Star will he sent until Oct.
11 for only Tit) cents. The Daily S'ar is
easily the greatest and liesl evening pa
erm Nebraska. It is thoroughly interest
ing in every department. The Star pub
lishes all the news all the tune four ed
itions dally. Stud us your name and .1(1
cent! and "Do tl now."
LiiicoIh, Neb.
Mrs. Feller who hat been sick for sev
eral weeks is slowly improving.
Mrs. C. P. Lyons is visiting her friends
in toe yullev us she expects to go away
pretty soon.
As news are scarce and we are busy
putting up fruit we w ill haye to Ring off
for this time, Good By.
Everybody are be&ining to stack gfrim
and we presume the the threshing mach
ine will soon be humming.
Chits. (Jrove passed through our streets
Sunday enroute for the divide where he
was luintun; a well driller to clean out
Ins well.
Anybody having any items for the
Cotton w ood news please address them 10
Hay Seed Carey Nebr. and they will be
Ben Fellers made a trip to Hat creek
.Sunday and Ins family accompanied him
on his return to make u lew days visit
Grandma Fellers.
M. D. Worlhington and Frank Carlson
were seen on the Cotton wood, Frank
returning to Crawford Saturday evening
an.i Malcom stayed over Sunday.
We understand there is a keg of beer
deposited in a cool spring on Cotton wood
and as Ed Fellers Is seen g" 1 "' rro
with a Jug we presume that irtthe place
he visit.
Mat Seed.
Physician Surgeon.
Csrurir.cr if 3u.ildcr.
Vine Work i Sji'vinity.
Jobs Taken K.ther by Contract or Day.
jysci: acext.
Old Line, Assessment and Accident
policies written
I 'orrespontlence solicited
Address; ll.irnson. Neb.
I, C. DAVIS, M. I).
OlhVein Kartell Building.
Residence 1st door nnrih of Commtrc al
I hive just added to mv office f-ipiipt-ment
tl la'est and most.' scientilic up
pa rat us for the successful treatment of
rheumatism, kidney diseases, diseases of
llie j nuts, and all acute or chronic in
flamatioiiH. Only curable cases taken.
Have also ordered a large electric appar
atus which will lie tn my olllce iu a few
tin vs.
To whom It oi it V concern:
The commissioner appointed to Irwnfe a
certiii'i road petit ioccl f'r hv t r ink Si:t to
mi. I nlliers coniiiieiiClnK at Hie S K corner of
tlie K it ol eoellon Is rmui'tig outliwt-sl
nliout of mule to where old read lends
cK toward ;K corner or NK U ot M-rtlon Is
in towii-liip: niiiui'M, he laid oat and he
i-stahlMieit as ii pulilU' roinl ninl that port
ion ol old road l oinaieiirinw at K corner of
N K H of Hpetlou is ruiiiiiiilf -until on set-lion
line letwceii sections 17 ninl IS to hnir sec.
line rnnniiii! e"t and wivt at sK corner of
NK H wetion H, the ee ruuiihiK noriliwi-Mt
loheni In roa I where new rod strikes
aid bi'iir in old road, to Is? vacated
All objections thereto or claims for
iliiiit.tt'i must be filed m ttieCounty Clerk's
tile- ion or before OetolsT Mill, V.m r such
ro.id will lie allowed without further refer
ence thereto.
County Clerk.
Sriii'iiisic Paiity.
There was u surprise parly at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanson last Sat
urday evening in honor of Misses Anna
and Minnie llanson(niecesof Mr and Mrs.
Hanson) who have been visiting here and
in Wyoming for the past month. A num
ber of young people gathered it the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gerlachs and
marched over to Mr., Hansons and walked
into the parlor, surprising the two Misses
(orat leist thiy suit and looked as if
Iheyweregreat.ly surprised,) and after
being seated they began to think what
games would lie suitable tor the occasion
and they were soon adopted, and an en
joyable lime was had until 12:00 when
they were ushered into the dining ruotn
where theM were cakes, ice cream and j
etc. waiting to be devoured. Alter we,
had all the good ice cream & etc we could
hold we again returned to the parlor
where ft few more games were plaved and
then all departed for their homes wish
ing the time to speedily come w hen they
can anticipate tn surprising tlie Misses
Hansons again.
They each tiled on a section of Sioux
County land while here and Monday
evening they departed for Hot Springs,
South Dakota where they will visit for a
while and then return to their home in
The finest line of wines, liquor and bezt brandsof ciar.
TIIEO. SAGERT, Proprietor.
Selling More Goods Than Ever.
A complete line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE,
Jiuildintr matori.il of all kinds . J-lour, Feed, Grain,
Wind-mills, Pumj, Tankis, vvagons, Biiggies, Faint
Inipleinents, Hardware, Harney, Saddles & etc.
I You Are Reading
That's what it's liere for:
To let. you know that we handle a fine line of Con
ft'i'tkmary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
tiling to be found inaliit class Grocery Store.
Give us a trial. Yours for Bubiness,
1? AfVPS
i I1V7 i vy
loarry the largest, and most
.-iiinplettj stock of (it'llelf.l
.Hen Iiiliiiiisi! in Sioux Cuun-
FACT , All our prices lire in
keeping Willi the quail V of
gotals we sen. We do u.t keep
'heap John joodsand theretore
we do not sell at. Cheap Jnhn
prices. We sell lirst class goods
al. fair pri'-e. I
FA 1' :t, We endeavor lo i atcrj
to the wants and needs of ourj
customers and our roods art I
selectvil w il h this intent.
Hucceor to C. U.NEWMAN
Lumber, Doors, Sank Lime,
Coal, Wagons, Jhtaffies and
Machinen of all Kinds.
I also carry a line of Wind
Mills, Pumps, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc. etc. etc.
A large stock of feed, both
ground and ungrouud al
ways on hand.
mail orders given prompt
Give me a Call.
WANTED Agents, Hustlers, Salesm
Clerks and everybody who wants to en,
joy a good hearty laugh to send SOu for
"Tips to Agentn." Worth 50 to any
person who nelln goods for a living. If
not satisfactory your money back. Cir
cular for stamp. The Dr. White Elec
tric Comb Co. Decatur, 111 .
SHOES, and a complete
All ord.tr K'ven prompt attention,
i nis,t
!FvCl 4, vVu liave just, re-j
jceived our Spring and 8omnier
llnv.iice of while waists; -.y di-essj
goods, India Limons, (uniricsj
lVrc:ils, Oinghams, Sateens)
Smrliiiijs Henriettas, &'.-. &c.
1 : '
b A :i 5, Our hue ol Hoots Al
ISIeies and Slippers is composed1
jof Llie latest styles irom-thi'
liosl reli'.thle hoilsP
jFACI' (, tivery ll.iug usim.is
ikept, in a Oeiieral Store can lit
jf'umd at, mr place.
anll00d Restored
This ifreiit vegetable 'vltallr.er, the pr-
.icrlptlon of n lainoim French phTKlclan, will
quickly cure von of all or nervous Olseiific
I of tlir gmier.itive organs such us lost Man
hood, insoniula, pains m tlui Ruck, Souiiniti
KmlsstoiiH, Nervous Dnhlllty, Pimples, Un
it tncsi lo marry, K.xlianstln Drains, Vaiico
crle. and ('oimtipatlon. It slops nil lose by
day or iilirht. I're.ninturlt.y, which If not
cheeked, lead to spe.rniutori lioeo nut! al th
horrors of Impoteiicy. ('UI'll)KNK clrai ..
tlie liverund kuliiuvs. ("I'I'IPKSK tront'B
ens and restores The reiisou sufferers are
not cured by doctors is because ninety per
cent mo troubled with I'rostntlU. OLM'I
DKNB In (he only known remedy to cr
without nil operation. f,,(KK tlntllnonlitti.
A written guarantee given and inonoy r
turned If alx boxes do not effect a peruia
nent cum. tl.ao n ImjX ; nix for Ave by uiall
send for frnnclrcHlsr nnd 'i-.ttlliionlitln. Ad
dress I) A VOL M KDICItiK ( O., Hanrranclmw
Californln. Fornlby HictiAin a Jons
All parties indebeled to Cbaa. Newman
by note, or otherwise will And all bill,
anil notes at the Commercial Bank for
collection. Please call and eettle all
open account by note bankable or Otutl
in hand and save coetl.