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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1904)
i r V P ress -J o 1 1 r n a I rVCMI4. Ao.-wal II. if. T. l Burkw, ProfJ. sTKttCU I THK rTorTSC AT HK U -- Aa3r!U Li MATT fcR OKFtCIAL PAPER OK SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Ycr. nrt DTNIVr. HATKS- V-t ,.ch,eu,r.ecou.:n. V n..U. Vrf column. v 7 ,.,feoi cwd.pvir. -e .00 per 1,M4" Denioerctlr Ow " deltaTa conwuUon of tw e cratic party of oouatv. Nebraeks. M csJtod to meet at "urt " Harris on Auut . WO- o1" ... u for the Jur,x.-e o( ee40e: t. to attend U tt convention .-bjditMoioat Lincoln en Augurt 10, ju 4, aort such oliier buaioeas a may iorlY coon before It. Th, .m incts are entitled to Ue fol- luwinjr rt-pre-eotatioot 1 1 3 3 3 1 I 1 love t llU.nO0l Hi? iwk Montrose tUwH-p creek Moat creek WsrbntiMrt WhwtUt creek Wbtte rivT Sucar loaf J K Makstuxee, i linrniun. J B. Lacy Secretary nOS AND THISTLES. Adversity is God calling up our perversity. A true saint never needs to eek nersecution. Sectarian strength may be spiritual weakness. A stolen sermon U bound to please the devil. Many things are good until they become gods. tiodnerer reveals what man can discover. Mcst beys need liking, and all need loving. Going ahead depends on more than head power. - The passion ot Christ is the power of Christianity. A man i never too poor to wnd'n prayer despatch. The great Coirmission is more than a permission. One Father of all must nean one family for all. ,.Um eldora seek to dissect religion until it is dead. Xb mly way to Insure iiapjjijpess w to deserye it. fvr?eid jaethod is good 4nough Sot taopera needs, I U d at talTation La the pucnetti the world' sadness. ttaeds Win must b judg 4 by their thmvea of Borrow. A 04 thinker knows bet tr tiiXB to worsbSp hU tools. God iathj refn8 of His faiftU, btjtnotof their sina Your altitada with men de pecdica jour attitude with Tt fcssaa ' noe la not Tu Won J Herald uf the St h i(vwld a trtm beta;; waatied away hy a 8veJ in t'lTali near Puel.lo in wIihti ure were '24 a eater drowned. R Simier ( Hm oltl tin tnn ld hi atrwt on IndiMn crk atwit ou moatd ato and want fun tw Mt Mnallv iOf(io? in Waafo. ini(m. Il nt fcarfc that ha i ith rotiatry, and ay h would not com back her for anything. I Hk rrt tt)t after h rmsacd th ttuckie-i t ianwvd the brearai tiul lie was n ua to har arid aks if wr atill IwV" tlieni yat. Wt pradiet Ihst h will long- forona of thaaa braaito break U lu motwny of hm Waolitngtrm Itoroa. WnoM.-a in tlia laat iiwuvof thaCraat fortl Bull'tio tKt tlta prit-a that far from tiiit lima forth will ba f I M par vmr. W iv A aaao' Bn). LuidaaMO mod wikIi Ind tha backbuoa to do the am. for tlM-ra ia nolhinK muctt but tba glory in running a nawspapar for ona dollar pr yar al the proaaot prkw tliat i hava to pay for paper and ate. but atlll aornc Mm to ttiuik r ara fUin(t rich. W'a k uw uf a treat nasr f-miliao that rirriw thfir reading at even the low flours., b'lt as i tha old aarinj; ona half of Uia world haa to kaap the othar b Jf, and why d4 furoinh them tha wrakly paper m well aa other oacaaaariea of It fa. A WONDERFUL INVENTION. It ta intaravting to note that frrtunea are frequently niada by the invention ol article". i'f n;!t!- Importance, Many of tlia tuowt popular davicea are thna (le iioed to benefit the pwopU and ueet popular condittooii, and one of tlie moat inlarwxtifiK' of theae that haa aver been invented ie the I. White Electric Comh, patented Jan. 1, 09. Theae wouderful Combs poaitively cure dan1ruff, hair falling out, kick and oervows lieadaclw, and when uaed with Dr. White Electric Bruh fre iilivly )riarantrd to make straight hair curly in 23 day' time Thouinds of these electric onil have been Bold in various ci tie of the Union and the detuaod ia conhtantly increaxiu. Our amenta are rapidly Ijc-oiti i(.tr rich m-IIjb tliee coiuba. They pofitioly mII on Klt;lit. Send for kiu pie. Mru'j mk Vk, ladiek' OOu.-half price while are nilroiluuns them.) The ir. Wlnte r o Coiub Co.. Decatur, 111. AN UNEVENTFUL FORENOON IN SOUTH 0MAHiVS STRIKE. This was an uneventful forenoon at South Omaha, with the packers all busy and the strikers all quiet, determ ined and hopeful. No new men came into the plants during the forenoon to speak of, although a few stragglers come down now and then by car. The strikers claim, too that a number of men are de tertingthe packers all the time, and that others would come out if they were allowed to do so. There were 4,000 hogs at 1he stock yards, and 2,6 0 cattle and 2, 100 sheep. The speeches of Thomas I. Kidd Sunday fnrnished a topic for general conversation among the strikers. It was declared at the union head quarters that the men are more determined today than ever. The police court room was a busy place this morning, a number of assault and dis turbing the peace cases being up for disposition. A complaint has been issued for the an eat of Gorsev Min nia, colored, for the slugging ofW, L. Buckley Saturday night, Mr. Buckley signed the complaint Ilenry Drey is the roan charged with assaulting Mr. Malalie, an old man, near Thirtieth and Q streets Sun day morning. The case against Drey is filed by the county attorney 'c office and charges assault with in tent to do great bodily harm. The government inspector's figures at the bureau of animal industry give the killing record at the packing booses Saturday as 1.&30, attb, 1,170, boss and l,CZi THE PIONEER Drus, Wall Paper Druggist's Sundries, I-aints. Oils, Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY. The finest Line of pipes and Best cigars in the city. FLOYD JONES, Successor, J. E. Phinney. 2 Fooeoooooooo"coooo J. H. WILHEDDOflFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. HarnesH made to order. Saddles re-covered. hi don't Forget That We Do For we are here vet And can do as good work as ever and that is first class. OOeO Call in and get our prices on Business Cards, Note Head, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc., any way A. C. OM. A. at. LL. B., Pre., KDdoraed by ltnt Natl J ' Baak and tinalnaaa maa. KL0M ia Roll Top Deaka. Baak fixture a4 0 Trpewrlvara Stuoaata eaa work for board. Send for free eatelone. bound la alligator, II neat ever pablUbed by a Beataaaa Coliaca. Bead It. aad yoa will auaad the N. B. 0. BREEZES FROM CESTRAL C11Y The Pbbh reader will be aurpriM-d to ae a letter from Clio ao aooit oain, but i nee Howard la at tha helm aicain we, tike to giv him a lift and at the eme lime wish him aucceaa and prosperity. What if we don't like Colo, and have to tnkethi back i rack attain. At tha (rirla went to buy their tickets Monday after noon preparatory to fotng on tha evening train they brought back tle new that Mrs. R.ce wa to be io C. C. over Sunday. The next day I ree'd card afflrmiog tha ulatameol, and I bad tha pleasure of meetinf her at the depot Friday noon and atM reniaiaed with ua fill Sunday fnoro tng. Sba had a parlor nieetin (tit tha ladiaa of to Preabytarian church Sunday fUrgooo aod ia the evening we had tha pleasure of hearing ber apeak ! their church, what a treat it was, aod bow much w enjoyed having bar with as aod talking over old tines, if any of your ears burned it was not becauaa wo were talk ing about yon. We rejoice that M. A. C, is so faithfully etaoding at the post supported by other faithful ones, aod your earnest tfforia will be oweed and blesaod of the tutor. Ood blast the icilated placaja aod the pioneers is to? prarsr. If the girl, like it at Paonia ws wish to meet Mrs. Rioo again a Hotchkies is only too mi lea from tbere. Yea M. A. C, Clio is also ourprisod that she could ooatoot ui tar. log the homo circle broken, but it mm ad the right thing to do, and "duty before pleasure", was a precept I learned early ia lifo. Ttvreebing is retarded aowM by boavT dswt aod rain, but tho corn is get- i."t,l """T1 are boteg sMrfcoted at $1 JO per ou oook- log apples ai a dollar. It thowgb the tomato srop will bo almost a failoea. Tlof littio lioa aal Um viaotao i s A 44i aa m w tw7 Woveraf dia, PHARMACY. i JOB WORK A. R K-nnedy' came in n Tuesday ' -a nnnd atntoul to In ranch north et of town. Tlie Warbonnrt Sumfsy ichnol i going aloni nicely although there could baa Urger attendance of adults and therely helo tfumu faithful few (hat are otinilinn by what in right. Father and mothers ( do you realize the great reponibility that reu upon you in the bringing up of . your childret.r if not thiak it over . a e fully for Oid wih ak you some day what -u have done fur them. Hunter Happenings. Tts weather at pressnt remind one of the fall of the year, Mr. Jooes iind children branded their calves tha ot Iter day Richard Hunter it carrying the mail while Mr. Jonea makes hay. T. O. Williams and family visited Mrs. Kiceand family last Suoday Cecil Johoson called oa his east And rows friends while over from Agate ene evening the last of the week Mr. Tucker was a paaeaoger oo the moraiof paaasnger she will viail ber daughter at Oleo Rock Wyo. rroffeeeer faUreoe. getting much better, came back from tha Fort Friday aod resumed his work at Agate, Mrs. Jonea accompanied a shipment of eggs to tho county seat Monday; after disposing of thorn she visited frteod un til freight tioie . and Mrs. J. H. Cook went to Fort Robineoo Thursday to attend a rocepiUoa givooby the ofBcere, they came home Moodsv moroina:. lMr. Slonecker ooe of RwharJ Huater's frionds from the eaet, has beoo visiting him aod doing bustoses in Harriaoa for several days, returned homo Mooday svooioa:. K Miss Alte Warosr oamo up from CW rootM last of too wwek to esaabont obtairilag tin aonool at tkis olaos for tho oowiiog term, M toMmsrs is dicaiod on at proas t. Mm waa tho goewt of Mrs. trkteoa-., oalied oa r. M mJ Mrs. C E. 1 ESTLER. Gcr.lrider if 3uildr. Pint Work a Spreiuity. Job Taken Rlttier by '."ootrart or flay. HARRISOV, . NEBRASKA. CHAS. H. SMITH. 1SSURAS E AO EST. Old Line, Aaeskment aad Accident policie written I orrponderH-e enlicilMl Addrrrs; Harrison. Nb. I E. PHINHEY, Physician Surgeon. omit: Anmirw Block L C. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office in Bartell Building. Residence lat door north of Commercutl Hotel. . HARRISON, NEBRASKA COMMERCIAL HOTEL. OPPOSITE DEPOT. JLVO IX TREATED WITH COfRTBiT. Hoard Uy Day or Wrrk. W. R WRIGHT P. QlfQ ONLY R.Uroad Between Mljur7Kr and Chieaaa Direct line ta St. Paul Mlnneapell. Direct Lint to Black 1' Ilia. Apply to neareal argent for ratee. map avnd time cerde- TIME TABLE Went BoiiihI, bint Itiiiitd. Morning, Evening. No. 13, Due 9:11 No. 14, Due 75 No. R3, lo. frt. :r.3 No. 84 loc. frt. 5:4fl Both train mrrv nwMfngrra. STOCK BRANDS. rut JOLBRAt. will iibMKb yuur brand, llku lie following, for fl :Q0, prr Vrar. Kacli nd llur al brand 7S cent. tverv tanner ot ranchmen In Slum and artlnlng couutlo boutd odvorttiw tl,elr branit in 1 a Joi n um It clrcuhite all over tha ulate. It ny l the mean of aavhig inonev lor you John JoIiiiihiii. 1 , twine tiranaeo ahown In cut RIC on Inlt aide, Range at Hew Itt, Kebraika. Addre.; Hewitt, Kebraakn. $500 REWARD. For the arreat and coavic-tlon of any party 7T parttaa ateallaf or rilaf Igurtng any brand. o atock belonging to the nnderalgned par le: ttBOKOK SWAXNOR Cattle branded fun left aid loraee branded L. on left ibon der, range on Seldler (.'nsek. Any alork branded a above being ealrav id from my range, dlncovered by any body an giving me Informatlen will be rewarded Addreaa, rt. Koblnaon, Nebraaka f RANK St'TTO. Cattle branded on the left aide sad aama on der it horaea. left thoul- Alan anme of thai Himm and fit tie are branded on aide stioalder aoine ae dtwr lib above baaad. and the I ed lor the Addreaa, Harrison. Bebreaka. AMUCLKMOKI. Cattle branded any wagre oo left aide of tbe animal Bangs on rra. tf rte Uog and Mon 3 roe Creek. Addreaa, Harriaoa. Bebraofea BOB1BT f. BSBCS . OatUt Branded : ir on left Side Raags PS AleoeatUe braeded iboaMer or suo. on loft hip l-attle bread- Jj "" riiiiaatwat tft2 J a. eltfter I lHj .eft blp or V """"'iul leftslioaldrr. mmmm Horare br"l-d with any of brand aldre.. J. A. iiro. llirl". rtraa. MMl KKtT 4 Vja. Cattle brand. d aauitt aa Ibut on rnl on nth tr aide of ani mal And tot low I n son left tide ef calllr. and thl i left tut of the aeea. And this on Iff. aide aad kip. Range on Knuiilng Watr. I'oatUfflre Addrriu, llBrriton, braa I J. R. HfWTEB. cattle brand I a nhown cot, on right tide, blp, or bonldrr. Alao it on lft aide. Rlght'ea. cllpiwj SIOO RCWAR.D will tw p.lil for evidence ronvlrtlng hiiv one for rvnnliig off or la any wy tamrrli'g with mork baring any of the abovo brttnd or liranttt. Kanclitt Andrew,, Nrbr, Addrraa, Hrrlon gebr. J 11. DEXSLOW. rtl hraildrd on -Igni aide t a -lie a cnt A'.d D ea ght hip. Iloraea bran icywwal on right Uoa'rtc orljit. Ritur on .lite Hlver, on tbe old Oava -oliil- rr.ncb. P.O. Adrtraaa; Un, Nanr, JOHN A. HANSON !hf follow- nd iiii,-tih- mf iniuru . r: lw HQ on rit tlo and It.. . i,ltleoo Ivftln ior. ou liift iHiulur. Uannemi hllver ?prlnui Hr.J ut of i ,10 line :'o.liimce lUrrlwjn Ne. HKW AHt. will vi y f'i.0Orew;inl for e.tch hei.l f Ui ye ' 'o I v 1 1 1 e V horaen biunded meiioerjaw or iihk" lurried tttr n Tolin Bieser on RunmnJ eater. alwi 100 00 for proof to .onvict any iwrwin unlawfully haitoimg inv of said hornet. W. J. A. RAl . OEKl'l RKK J.I V E STOCK Co ' Rranded en left hip ef I'attte and en left eheek ot Horaea Range en Deep Creek. Addreaa. Keep Creek Live teck Co.. J. If. llALSKIT, rorrinan, 'len. tabraatw. tXSTAVE IIARKI5). cattle branded M tkown oej left tide with. over bit en left ear. Kange on Res. nlng Water. P. O. Addreaa. Maraland. 5ehr. BEtL JURUAS. Horaea and cat. l branded oa either aldf. at on eat. ana vaitie branded f f '")! on leff Ide, sad Herat on Mil V I law. vv Addreaa. Bodsrr. Ksbtasa. HEXRT WAKHERE. Cattle brand ed on left aide. Bangs on Running Water Oreeak. T f. O. Address llsrrlseo. Bebraaka. A. B, KKHIEOV, Cattle Hraaded rTl on Right Hla nioelder . rm 1 i W-l I S w zr-s-z t 1 eT-t x-x J TirflI ' ' 4freOkria, 9 9, KUtm, urfr4, , t'.. 1" " jilt- CO