Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 11, 1904, Image 3

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ARMY IN DANGER DEAD MAN IS mourned spread rumors of fall' fTTEs
i i
fiaaalaaa R,lat bnrtnolr, Bat r
au!e la iUd.t aaparlar
Fut -Uehua of Port
Ar bar Takrn.
TOKIO. -General Kurokl has ad
tniolstered a severe defeat to the
Russian force which defended the
Russian east flank at Llao Yang,
winning separate actions at Yushu
iikzu and Y.Dgsa pass. These two
places are tweuty-six milts apart,
but the two atclons were fought at
the same time. Tb Russians held
itrong positions. The thermometer
registered over HOdigrees Fahren
beit and the soldiers suffered cruelly
from heal eihaustlon.
At Ymhilikzu tb Russians had
two divisions of Infantry aud some
artillery and U.ey resisted the Jap
anese assaults vigorously.
Both attacks were begun at dawn
on Sunday, July 31. At Yushiiikxu
the Japanese carried the Russian
left wings, but on account of the
strength of the Russian position th-y
were unable to pros the attack
The two armies rested .Sunday night
facing each other.
Stock Yards Goasip.
OMAHA Neb. -The strike at the
packing houses Of Chicago, Karsas
City, South Omaha and other points
shows no sen of a discontinuance.
However, tha packers claim that
they ate In better shapu than tlx y
were a week ago and that they are
now able Vi luridly without serious
delay the moderate amount of sloe
which Is arriving
The packing houses are not In a
position to prepare all the stock
which normal receipts would bring
to them, but each day a few more
men are adJed to the number of
employed and they are gradually
getting back to their normal capa
city. While the strike has extended to
the skilled trades employed at the
packing houses, enough experienced
butcher are arriving from country
points to take the places of the
strikers, so that it will be but a
short time before the olants at South
Omaha, at least, can be run at nor
mal capacity.
Fill Their Places.
CHICAGO. With Increased forces
of skilled workers and their operat
ing department more thoroughly
equipped than at any time since the
beginning' of the strike, the em
ployers took a tlrm grip on the ma
chinery of their affairs, and as a re
sult the stock yards took on the old
hum of activity to a great extent.
Over 78,000 head of live stock was
received hce. This Is an mcreasi
of .19,00". head oer the receipts on
a corresponding day last week. Such
normal conditions have had a de
pressing effect on the market, and
when the train loads of animals
began to pour into the yards stock
men and traders feared a panlo
but It did not occur.
Bad as Toe Slocum.
NEW YORK. -An Inspector who
made a partial examination of the
excursion steawur Grand Republic
told the federal commission which
Is Investigating the General Slocum
disaster that the life-saving and lire
fighting apparatus on the Grand Re
public Is practically worthless. This
steimerlsa sister ship to the Gen
eral Slocum, which was burned in
East river several weeks ago at a w
of nearly a thcusand lives. She is
Off tied by the Knickerbocker Steam
ship company, which also owned
the Slocorn.
Divorced Man a Suicide.
M'COOK. Nchr. -Sheriff Crabtrce,
County Attorney Eldred and Coro
ner Harlan of this city were sum
moned to Danbury, this county, by
a telegram annonunclog the death
be suicide of Henry Snyder, a
butcher who was divorced from his
wife at the last term tf district
court In this county. Snvder blew
the top of bis head off with a shot
gun and was found dead In his bed
in a room in the rear of Is meat
Speculators Expelled.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. Five cattle
speculators at the Kansas City stock
yards were expelled '.from the Kansas
City traders' exchange at a meeting
of that organization. They wete
chanted with "unbusinesslike con
duct," In conspliing with three for
mer welghmaslcrs of the stock yards
company for the purpose of defraud
ing country live stock buyers and
commission men.
Band II a Have Escaped
PORTAGE, Pa. The aearch fot
tbe highwayman who held up and
probably fatally shot Paymaster
Campbell and killed bis drlver.IIayea,
a ems to he almost hopeless at far aa
this plac la concerned. All night
nd day a posse of men between 600
tod 600, surrounded Cedar swamp,
where the fugitives are iuppoaed to
be. However, many of the guard
have returned and say the belief Ir
that the Italians have escaped.
uu'uam Btio
ttlmaHioMu Admn Ordarad hj tian
eral Karokl Koiilim Dumb
founded at Ntnnglh shown
by Kuanij.
LON DON. A dispatch to a news
agency from Tokio says 'here is rea
son tu believe that after two days'
lighting the Japanese occupied
Slmoucheng, thus cutting off Gen
eral Stackenuerg from General Kuro
patklo. ST. PETERSBURG. At last the
decisive battle of tbe campaign
seems to be In progress. Having
completed his enveloping movement
of thn Russian position, General
Kurokl has ordered slmultineously
an advauce from all points against
Hal Cheng and Llao Yang. Fight
ing is raging on both fronts, and
still continues. The latest reports
contain nothing yet confirmatory of
the rumors t hat General Kuropat-
kio lias been defeated. According to
Kur.-.p;tkin's official dispatch to tbe
emperor, the battle began fir the
possession of the Important position
at Slouchong, whirl) is located at
the juncture of the Feng Wang
Cheng and Siuyen road. Two sep
arate armies were launched from
the east, above the two roads, while
a third under General Oku, moved
up east cf the railroad from Ta Tche
Klao to try to cutoff the Russian
force there from Hal Cheng.
If the latter move Is successful
this force will be crushBL por
tion of General kuroio's army at
the s'inie time advanced against
General Count Keller's position at
Dkhavuen, cast of Llao Yang, try
ing the lavorlte Japanese plan of
outft inking him on the light Still
further north, on the Salmayszu
Llao Yang road, the Japanese moved
forward against H.iutsiatse, twenty
8vo ml'cs from Llao Yang. At ill
points the Japanese employed ar
tillery to tbe best advantage.
General Kuropatkln's situation
will bo desperate 1n the evtnt of I Is
defeat. The keenest anxiety Is felt
at the war ofllee for news of the pro
gress of the battle.
The general staff seems utterly
dumbfounded at the number of men
the Japanese possess, and conse
quently Kuropalkltis' statement
that they are landing another heavy
f rce at tbe port of New Chwarg
adds to the solicitude.
Defies lhe Crowd.
From tli RlntP. Journal.
town was thrown Into the wlldist
excitement over the report that
Jack Cjrr, a carpenter, bad shot
and killed Chris Hartland, a hostler
at tbe Atlantic house. It seems
that Hartman was drawing water
when Carr came up and shot blm
four times without any provocation
or even giving blm warning. Carr
boarded at the hotel, but tbe men
had never bad any trcuble.
After shooting Hartman Carr
went up to bis room in tbe hotel
and locked the door. The police
came and went upstairs and as soon
at they tried the door Carr began
shooting. He shot Chief of Police
Schoonover In the right band and
the officer had to retire Tor help,
but Officer John Ingram stayed and
when the murderer showed bis head
out of the do ir Ingram began shoot
ing at him. While the murderer
was using a shot gun the ofllcor
had nothing but bis pistol.
Carr was taken to the sheriff's
ofllee where he lies, It Is thought,
mortally wounded. His victim,
Hartman, died In less than twenty
minutes after he was shot. It Is
not thought that Carr can live.
Carr Is said to be a user of cocane,
and has beco acting strangely for
sometime. Ills victim is a German,
tlfly five years of age and Inoffensive.
There are threats of lynching if Carr
should survive.
Bandita Cornered in a Swamp
PORTAGE, Fa.-Pursucd by 600
oien, the three men who murdered
Charles Hayes, driver, and perhaps
fatally wounded Patrick F. Camp
bell, paymaster for the Puritan Coal
comoanr. about a mile south of this
glade, are In biding in Cedar swamp.
Small Tornado in Kansas
KANSAS C1TY.-A small tornsdo
and heavy rains prevailed in portions
of Kansas and Oklahoma. Ten miles
north of Norton, Kas., a totnado
wrecked several farm buildings nesr
tbe Nebrssta line, and killed a
oumber of head of live stock. No
person was hurt. Near Sallna, and
Wellington. Kas., and Alva, Okla.,
t heavy rsm amounting to nearly
(wo Inches fell and probably will
benefit train. .
routes or general kibopat
Tract jror by t bin Nerchaat Pro
neuoi'M Port Art our Marljr
tfurriudwd tf lh
( rneuded.
public attention has been distracted
from tbe events of tbe war during tbe
past week, first, because Of the fear
of international compllcatlcns and
second, because of the assassination
of Minister of the Interior von
Plehve, the situation at the front Is
regarded as critical.
The inoveloping movement of the
Japanese armies of Kuropl and Oku
around Genearl Kuropatkln's posi
tion appears to be almost complete
and tbe extended line of the Japan
ese seem to be the only drawback to
concerted action. It Is realized
here that the Rossi in General must
now either tight or withdraw the
whole army northward. lie is being
closely pressed at Hal Cheng. At
the piesent General Kurokl's north
ern column makes it extremely dan
gerous to emaiu there, because while
holding the position to give battle
against the Japanese whose advance
Is notoriously slow and careful, Gen
eral Kurokl might push through and
cut his.
LONDON. The correspondent of
the Dally Miil at New Chwang in a
dispatch dated July 31 says that
there has been heavy lighting for
two days In the marshes south of
Hal Cheng during the gradual re
treit from Ta Tcho Kla-of 5,0(0
Russians forming the rear guard and
that tbe peril of this force Increases
CUE FOO. A Japanese merchant
has received word from a Chi ruse
whom he trust to the elTect that
Japanese have occupied every posi
tion surrounding the be-leged for
tress of Port Arthur with the ex
ception of Golden Hill. The Chinese
stated that both sides suffered tre
mendous loss in the operations neces
sary to bring about this slate of
affairs. The members of trie Hus
slao Intelligence bureau here, wblle
denying the report that Port Arthur
has been captured, are Inclined to
believe the reports true to the ex
tent that the Japanese have made
great progress in their approaches
toward the besieged fortress. The
hotly of Russian refugees expected
here today have not as yet arrived.
Fatal Affray at St. Louis.
FAST ST. LOUIS. 111. While
Deputy SberlfT Louis litiurke was
making an arrest William Langhlin,
who Is said to be a strike sym
pathizer, thinking that Knurke was
arresting a striker Interfered, and
liourke drew a revolver and shot
McLaughlin, killing him instantly.
A short time later, two unidenti
fied negroes, said to be employed by
the packing lnuses to take the place
of strikers, became Involved In a
quarrel with Otto Swartz and Bud
McCandless, striking employes of
Swift k Co. One of the negroes
tired several shots and the white
men were badly wounded In the
legs. A pnsse of deputy sheriffs
Is searching for the negroes
'lucre is no change inlheslrlke
situation cither In this city or East
Sr. Louis. The packers still say they
are killing with added numbers of
strikers returning to worn, while
the men who are out declare their
number has not been repleted by
Martial Law at Bonesteel.
HUN ESTEEL, S. D. Troops have
been requested by Sheriff Taylor aud
Governor Herreld hai agreed to send
them. "From August 8 until Sep
tember 10 the filing period, this town
will be under martial law. The
militia will arrive next week aud he
on hand when the tiling begins.
The guards are considered necessary
to protect 1300,000 which will be
brought to town each day. Sheriff
Taylor formally takes charge here.
It has been planned to meet every
tr iln during tbe filing period with
soldiers. Every passenger will be
stopped at the town gates and made
to prove tbat his business is legiti
mate. To Stop the Deportations.
DENVER, Col. -Attorneys II. N.
Hawkins and John II. Murphcy,
counsel for the western federation of
miners, are dlvislng ways and means
to enable the deported Cripple Creek
miners to return to their homes.
Papers are being drawn and applica
tion will be made to some court, for
an injunction restraining tbe cltl
sen's alliance and mine-owners from
Interfering with any deportees who
return to tbe Cripple Creek district.
la Removed From flotuital
Mmb Cell Appointment of
Mi-er This Wrck
Plehve, toe minister of the Interior
assassinated Thursday morLlng
July 2H, was burled tbe 31st and io
every city of this vast empire church
bells were tolled and masses and
prayers said for tbe repose of the
s iul of tbe murdered minister.
The services here, which were ac
cording to the rites of the orthodox
church, were of an impressive and
I posing character. At 11 o'clotk
high mass was said in the statelv
chapel adjoining the ministry of the
Interior. Emperor Nicholas and tbe
dowager empress stood with the
broken hearted widow aud tbe child
ren of the minister at the foot of a
great mound of flowers on which
rested the casket. To the right, on
gold embroidered cushions, before a
mass of wreaths banked to the cell
ing were ranged the decorations
which had been won by the states
man during his notable career. To
the left were the metropolitan of St.
Petersburg and the officiating bish
ops and priests In tbeir gold-em-blazonej
vestmenls. A screen of
dowers concealed the famous Imper
ial boys' choir.
Henvy Floods In the West
KINGMAN, All?.. Heavy rains In
the mountains east of Troxton sent
down a wall of water thirty feet
ilgh thioiii.'li the canyon, washing
out the Santa Fe railroad tracks,
embankments, bridges, telegraph
po.es and ever) thing movable for a
distance of twelve miles. Great
steel bridges were taken from their
foundations and piled up against the
walls of the canyon. Massive stine
abutments were crumbled and car
ried away.
RENO, Ncv. A wave of water
averaging live feet In depth swept
over Douglas and Slvler Peak, near
Snodaviile, Nevada, due to a clood
burst. On account of Interrupted
communication it can not be learned
whether any lives were lost In the
(lood, though it Is known that a
school house, three or four residences
and a number of barns and smaller
buildings fcave been swept away.
The people of Sodavllle are now pre
paring to flee to higher ground,
having been warned that the Im
mense body of water Is beaded to
ward tbat towD.
Held Up on the Highway.
PORTAGE, Pa. -Charles Hayes, a
driver employed by the Puritan
Coal company, was shot and killed
and 1'atncK tjampneii, tne enmpanys'
paymaster, was fatally wounded by
three men, who escaped after tak
ing a satchel containing 13,000 with
which It was intended to pay the
coal company's employes at Puritan.
The two men were passing In a
buggy when the robbers, armed with
shotguns, emerged from the woods
near the road and fired at them.
Armed posses are seeking the robbers
and threatening to lynch them if
Campbell said he thought their
assailants were Italians. Tbey began
to use their shotguns, he said, be
fore he and Hayes, who were both
armed could get out their revolvers.
Paves Way to Violations.
WASHINGTON. --The comptroilei
of the treasury is disposed to put a
stop to open market purchases by
government officials, except when
they clearly come within the letter
of tbe law. Io disposing of the ac
counts of Pay Director Thomspoo,
in charge of the Portsmouth, N H.,
pay office for the fiscal year 1903, In
which open market purchases
amounting to several hundred thous
and dollars are shown, the comp
troller says:
"The purpose of advertising is to
Invite competition by notifying
those who have the desired articles
for sale on tbe terms and conditions
upon which the government will
purchase. Experience has taught us
that purchases should be made in
no other time and circumstances
admit of this method, but when
this precaution Is generally neglect
ed by a department fraud and
scandle almost always follow as a
matter of course."
Collision Causes Death.
NEW IIAVKN, Conn. -The White
Mountain express from New York
bound nortb over the New
York, New Haven Si Hartford,
ran Into a freight train at Cedar
Hill station. Engineer Mclotosb
Sellolowref of the express wai
killed. The fireman was very badly
hurt, and the baggagemaster on
tbe train was slightly Injured.
No passenger, It la said, waa in-lured.
I JAt-Ajt:E
Biothing at Iondon Up to Midnight to
frora It Trua Hear? Fighting
Known, However, tif I .and
nd On lb Seo.
6HANGHAI.-A telegram re
ceived here from Wei Hal Wei con
firms other telegrams received here
from Cbe Foo to tbe effect that
Port Arthur bas been captured.
Tbe Wei Hal Wei telegram says also
tbat the Brilisb fleet, which bas
been cruising, will return there to
morrow. At Wei Hal Wei there is a British
wireless telegraph station, and the
British warships are equipped with
this means of communication. It
is possible tbat Wei Hal Wei has
been in wireless communication
with tbe fleet and that the infor
mation of the fall of Port Arthur
was received In this manner.
LONDON. A dispatch to Reuter's
telegram company from Wei Hal Wei
dated Friday says:
"It Is supposed here that Port
Arthur has been recaptured, as the
British fleet is returning here Sat
urday." Presumably this report is from
the same source as the dispatch
from Shanghai, reporting a Wei
Ilai Wei rumor that Port Arthur
bas fallen. Ihe only basis for the
repoit known here is that when
liussia no longer occupies Port Ar
thur, iiie British ty the treatv, will
evacuate Wei Ilai Wei to remove the
stores, etc. from that place.
The British China sea squadron
left Wei Ilai Wei July 8 bo as not to
be too near the scene of hostilities,
owing f the fear that its presence
n ar the gulf of Chili might be in
terpreted as giving moral support to
the Japanese. On July 18 the fleet
was cruising In Yurg Cheng bay,
sixty-three miles southeast of Che
Foo. Yung Cheng bay is about
thirty miles southwest of Wei Hal
Helps Them to Get Away.
EL PASO. Texas. Three Mexican
prisioners charged with murdering
ana robbing American prospectors In
j Senora have escaped at Agua Prelta,
a border town In Senora oppnsite
Douglas, Arizona. It is said a
woman liberated them after giving
tbe guards liquor with which they
became Intoxicated.
Van Shaick is Indicted
NEW YORK.-Captain Van
Schaick and Federal Steamboat In
spector Fleming and Former In
spector Lundberg were indicted by
the federal grand Jury in connection
with the disaster to the General
Slocum on June 15 last when nearly
one thousand lives were lest. Van
Schaick was tbe commander of tbe
General S'ocum.
United States District Attorney
Burnett said tbat Indictments also
were reported against President
Barcbay, Secretary Atkinson and
Treasurer Dexter of the Knicker
bocker Steamboat company and Capt.
John Pease the com mod ire of the
company's fleet.
Deported a Second Time
McCarvel, one Of the men wbc were
deported over the Kansas line by
I the military early io June, returned
I to Victor, where he owns property,
,, i ,i j , i
mciuoing a sinaii nan Him a uusmesn
block valued at 125,000. When Mc
Car.vel stepped from the train he
was taken In charge by Maj. II. A.
Naylor, acting city marshal.
McCarvel was allowed to attend to
some business affairs, when be was
placed on board the first outgoing
train, with a warning tbat in future
police protection would not be
afforded him should be again return.
Sheriff Power In Control
OMAHA, Neb.-Sherlff Power
swore In fifty-two deputies and went
to South Omaha, where he took
charge cf the strike situation, re
lieving tbe South Omaba police of
that duty. The sheriff, however, is
working In connection with tbe
police officials, and the deputies
' were assigned to different parts of
the stock yards by Chief Briggs,
i who placed them at adraotaglous
j The first action of Sheriff Power
I was to cause the arrest of thirty-two
j men brought here from Colorado to
j act as special officers. They were
as vagrants and Mie authorities say
they will be forced to return to Colo
rado. Riot at Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -A riot oc
curred In front of the Fowler pack-
I Ing plant when a mob of five hundred
strikers attacked a gang of non
J union men wbo wcte leaving the
plant. Stones were thrown and two
I of tbe atrlkebreakcrs were Injured.
John Richardson, was moss severely
I hurt, sustaining a acalp wound and
bruises. He was carried Inside and
attended by a surgeon. A negro waa
truck by a atone and severely Injured.
Owing to tbe continuous rains the
Salem Cbatauqua bas been called off.
It was to have been held from Jul
23 to 31 inclusive.
Edward J. Ryan, wbo bad been
teiegrapb operator at tbe B. & M.
round house for a long time, Died at
tbe city hospital in Lincoln after aa
illness of only twelve hours.
G. R. Strotle was examined by tbt
commissioners of insanity at Fair
bury and sent to the hospital lor
tbe insane at Lincoln. His unfortu
nate condition is said to be at
tributed to worry.
Tbe southbound Union Pacific
train due at Beatrice at 0:10 p. m.
was delayed several hours one day
last week by tbe engine tender
leaving tbe tracks between Cortland
and Pickerell.
Tb3 3-year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Zeel of Papllllon
bad her hand badly burned and
biuised and all tbe flesh torn from
the middle finger by catching hold
of a moving rope which was attached
to a bay loader.
During a bard storm tbe barn of
George L. Coon, three miles west ol
Falls CHy was struck by lightning.
One horse was killed and consider
able damage was done to tbe build
ing. Mr Coon was near the barn
at the time and received a shock,
but no permanent Injury.
The will of the late Alexander
Mclntyre of Palmyra was admitted
to probate in tbe county court at
Nebraska City. The estate is valued
at over $20,000 He bequeaths to
Bellevieu college, Bellevieu, Neb.,
!2,0(0. Tbe remainder of the estate
is left to his wife, brother and sis
ters. Joseph W. Scott Is named In
the will as executor.
A well attended temperance meet
ing was held at the Brethren church
at Falls City. Those ptesent wire
highly entertained and instructed by
talks by W. H. Maddox, who has
)ust returned from the national con
vention at Indianapolis; Rev. Sel
Ingh and Mrs. Sargent. Tbe tem
perance cause is growing in this
city and considerable good work li
being done.
Saturday, Ausust 8, will be a gals
day at Firth. Tbe M. W. A. camp
No. 39(56 is to hold a big log rolling
anrl nlpnip. f?nnri fine;iipra a.111 ha
on band. Tbe Panama band will
furnish music for the occasion and
Prof. Seidell's orchestra the muslo
for the dance both afternoon and
evening. Prof. Sexton will give a
balloon ascension and parachute
leaj). There will be games, sports
and amusements of all kinds.
Otto Mutz, son of A. C. Mutz. a
nurseryman, of Auburn had a nar
row escape from being run over by
the cars at the Missouri Pacific
depot. Young Mutz drove in be
tween two tracks to unload some
peaches and while there bis team
became frightened at an engine that
was switching on tbe other track.
Mutz tried to control them but
could not so be started to drive
across the track, but before he got
across tbe train struck bis wagon
and completely demolished it. Muts
escaped by Jumping. Tbe team was
not hurt.
Tbe Bartling Grain company's
elevator at Paul, seven miles south
of Nebraska City, burned to the
ground. The origin of tbe tire is
unknown, but is supposed to have
started in tbe boiler room. Tbe
interior of the elevator was a mass
cf flames when tbe fire was discover
ed, and as the village bas no fire
apparatus tbe building burned to the
ground in a short time. The build
ing and its contents are a total loss,
which will amount to about li,000,
and is fully covered by insurance.
President Bartling of the grain com
pany says the elevator will be rebuilt
as soon as possible and tbe work of
clearing away tbe debris will begin
at once.
Henry Keller, living a few miles
Aaof n r Wa hrtrt mat tsn.r.li n ill ra a
vunv v T u i J JJ ill lb " 1 biJ wa
serious accident wblle be was haul
ing sand from tbe pit to his farm.
He had hauled one load and had
returned for another, and while
shoveling In a pit tbe bank caved In,
covering blm with about two and a
half feet of sand. Mr. J. S. Ault,
owner of the sand pit, saw the acci
dent and went to bis assistance.
It took blm Bome time to dig hlaa
out hut when he was taken on
be was found to be to a criti
cal condition. He was taken to a
doctor and It wap found tbat two
ribs had been btoken and tbat ha
bad very neatly suffocated. It if
thought tbat be will recover.
Tbe fair for Seward county tbli
year w'll be beld daring the last
week in September A large barn li
to be built on tbe grounds and
otber Improvements are on tbe pro
gram. Tbe association la out of
debt and bal about 11,000 in tba
treasury. Tbe farmers this ye
are taking more Interest In the en
terprise than heretofore. Tbe busi
ness men of tba town bave alto
placed their shoulders to tbe wheel
to make tbe meetlur a hummer.