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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1904)
i s " 4 i:'; II f I l.ifc i; Mi fl it 1 ''' u 1 , The Hirri on Press-Joarnil CC kl'RkK. I' ;riir... suracts of the suicide, they who wert ! right along coder trlml Just at great i a tbe of the weakling who kill bin-srlf, and wbow payments must bt-:p make up the untimely demand tor the amount of h;s policies, are tLe real liTerer. Tiiev continue to live, work and contribute their premiums In order All women an? Uru reformers ana trm ms ntirs mine. "u ""J" sxiine of his debt be paia alter he nai 1 snuffed out hi cowardly life. To coia- mend biin. directly or Indirectly, by j HAkKWJN, NEB P. A SKA. they want to lin on some man. Men who go to law are sure to get itiafaction if they are lawyer. A woman' favorite writer U a hus band who la capable of wrung cheeka. A man may be as honest as the day la loi& aDd snll have a bad record at oight An Irishman says that being an an cient must have been a healthful occu pation. All married women are good listen- hen their husbands talk In their sleep. " Henry YVa:trn"s duel against the "pert paragraph" threatens to result In a draw. The lay of the average io?t would fee more valuable if be could exchange It for the lay of a hen. John Kendrlck Bangs humorist, has been made editor and general manage. of Puck, and that's n Joke at all. , Aunt Hetty (Jreen denies that she has given away the sum of $o00,000. The denial is perfectly superfluous. In a recent decision the I'nited State Supreme Court splits two Infini tives; but this will make no fplit in the ranks of the purls! g. Russell Kage's life seems to have been one long vacation, from the view point of the man who has never been able to make Ixith ends meet. However, it is doubtful If Rockefel ler could hold a crowd on a street cor ner If he had no money and depended solely on his ability a an orator. According to the progressive Health Club, 'If a man loves his wife he will eat her cooking." But he will do the tame thing if be is afraid of her. Now that" we know what Rev. George W. Brownback thinks of his new wife. It might be highly 'entertain ing to be told after a time what she thinks of him. Ants that are fierce enemies of the boll weevil are being brought to this country from Foutb America. Tn a few years there will be wild appeals for somebody to discover how we may get rid of the ants. "The great sphere of woman is the home," nays the ft. Louis Globe-Democrat The great sphere of woman Is "he big round world, and she is going to have Just as much of it to move around in as she wants. Don't try to fence in woman and her activities, un less you're hunting trouble. London and Manchester are still dis puting as to which is the greater Eu ropean cenrer ot poptimuuu. avi ple would suppose that London owns the title beyond peradventure. Even If one draws a circle with a radius of thirty miles about Charing Cross sta tion one gets a population of more than 6,000,0u0, as against 5,500,000 within a similar distance from the Manchester exchange. But protract ing a circle w-ith a forty-mile radius one gets a greater Manchester that bows a population of more than 6,000,000, as against a greater London of only about 7,000,000. ord. thought or lir. plication, ia dan-! gerous and anything bu,t moral. There Is nothing meritorious in suicide even If the perjietrator does add the robbery of an Insurance company to the crime of self murder. John Kennedy was starving. Hs ruck New York hoping to get work on the subway, and found that men were being discharged by the hun dreds as that great project netrvea completion, 80 he walked the strv-ets and slept in the park aud thought about suicide and was a derera!e man. Finally be stole a package out of an express wagon, and the law im mediately took notice, and John ocn found himself behind the bars. So fur this t-eems very commonplace. Miles, away In Philadelphia a loving wife read of her husband's arrest. Tbero were two babies la the Kennedy h ine, and no money. Mr. Kenn.dy trted lor New York on foot carry!; g a baby on each arm. he didn't know what the could do in that great city. She simply realized that the father of ler hliuren was In trouble, and was sur-i that bli wife should be at his side. So she trudgen! along the railroad track. Sometime she sat under a tree and hushed Jhe cries of n child. Most of the time she was walking. Hhe found kind people along the route who gave her food and wished her god.-peed on her mission. Once she had a ride of several miles, and finally, footsore but undismayed, she found the court Where her husband was on trial and entered the room, still carrying ber babies. She told her story to the Judge and pleaded for her husband. "He was starving and Just couldn't help," she said. "I r-antrd to save him, so I took the babies and walked." "Garver, said the Judge to the court constable, " the hat" and the trial ended with a tine contribution to Mrs. John Kennedy. That was a mis carriage of Justice, if the law Is to be administered Impartially there should have been a conviction, for John Kennedy was thief. But let's le thankful that there Is a hnmaniry and a sense of appreciation even great er than mere statutes; that men 1 hearts are so molded that love and de votion and self sacrifice touch the ten der spot In their breasts and make them kind. wide as the world and as deep as the ocean. Portable Hoti for H " A stockman who has tried them, ays of utovabie hoghouses: "1 have ised portable bughouse one year, and ike them first-rate, because they are ally cleaned - when you wish to lean them Just move your pen; aliw, hey are cheap. They are healthy, be ause you can keep them free from dis ease by frequent moving. They are a rreat saver of bedding only a small iniutiry being required, providing, of tturw. th:it your j-ri is upou dry ground, that is. ground where water ; that gathered by the little worker from the flower and b!oom. The 1 money pouted by the beekeeper ha lieen up for uiuutbti, ari-1 ha been so ! published, but up to thi time no one bm ap-ared to claim it I'o'ii-eruing adulterated honey, the efnmltt sijs In its rejmrt that It is I well known that strained honey bus Ix-en adulterated with glucose, but that the producers of pure honey, aid ed by the work of the Illinois pure food officers, have well-nigh broken up the practice. Dfip AMI MOVABLE 1IOO BOt'BE. Ptorl. liot stand excepting in a very wet ime. As to mode of construction, mine are milt as follows: They are 7 feet long, 1 feet wide. 40 inches high In front. IV nches high In rear. Weathcrboarded A-ltb hard pine boards. 10 Inches wide; night to be tongued and grooved, al- hough mine are not. The roof Is of 10-inch hard pine boards. 7 feet long. cCach pen has a door 30 Inches blgh by i feet wide, with hinges ami hasp latch; these hinges and hasp latch are S inches; use wrought nails to put them n. The roof of my pen. where there The love of a woman Is as ! ire cracks. Is battened with half-round poplar pieces, or It can have Hie cracks overed with shingles. I can fasten loor open or shut, ns I desire. The frame Is made of beech 2x4'. First make three posts for the front 3S Inches high, then throe for rear. .'S ucbes high, then 2 for sides. 33 Inches high; then four pieces 7 feet long Hiree of these to support the roof and ne to put along the front of the pen it the bottom to strengthen the frame Huns the liac Harrow. The disc a a form of soil cultivatoi is becoming constantly more popular; but it must be used right to be ef fective. An expert with the dic har row says: I want to say an eniouraging word for the disc harrow. Not all oils are adapted for Its use exceedingly stony la Ml Is ill fitted for Its ue, nor perhaps the heavy, sticky clays. Hut upon loamy soils that are loos and upon which nod quickly forms after seeding there is no tool to compare to the heavy disc. It seems a waste of money to buy the small light machines. Farm ers often say. "My team I light, I can not draw those big -ti!ch discs. weighted.'' Ail right then you won't di much business. Tb small teams always mean ifoor cultivation upon these heavy soils there must be giver tile draft of three or four horses of good weight not less than poiinibt. I'pou the machine besides the driver may be added an extra load of stone to put the discs down at least five Inches, and If the sod Is not torn up go diiper. The field may look un even when finished, but. a spring tootll or smoothing harrow will do the level ing and the will will have been thor oughly mixed and the cultivation If prolonged for two weeks will approxi mate the old fashioned summer fallow. And If carried along periodically for four to six weeks It will redm-e the stubborn quack grass. Cheap disc shariM'iiers are upon the market costing not more than to f.'l that will do the work effectually. These sharp discs will do more work with less weight .md somewhat reduced draft. A WONDER WORKER of C. P. Hteinmetz. a Great Electrical Worker. In the World's Work Arthur Good rich tells some Interesting stories about Charles P. SteiumeU, one of the great est electrical Inventors. Ktelumets "Leprosy Is as curable as typhoid or yellow fever," says Dr. Isadore Dyer, the physician in charge of the lexers' borne in Louisiana, and one of the moat distinguished leprosy experts In the world. Before the last Berlin con ference on leprosy, which Dr. Dyer attended, a few cases of the disease were known to have been cored. That there were no more is due, In the "opinion Of the Louisiana expert, to the. lack . of proper treatment whicb consists in taking the case early and following it persistently and unremit ting for years. During the last two years every case In the Louisiana home, except those In the last stages, bas been improved, and three patients will soon be discharged as cured. A more or less careful scrutiny of has fl mtf)iemfitlcAl brntn I In a r.f htt ablest assistants spent a numlx-r of j Sow, take boards previously sawcuine days of hard work in solving an lntrl- N" lpKfh ftn(J tw0 cate mathematical problem. When he llk'n are opposite to each other, then had finished it he asked Stelnmelz to "fuet remaining aidesthen puton work It out The inventor grasped the': " e-t"r :-r nroblem at once, counted on his fitter ' (wards, and small spikes to put frame An Anti-Choker, The accompanying diagram explains itself and shows a simple method of relieving the plow of any kind of a choke. It can be constructed out of AMI CltOKCU DEVICE. a few times and gave the correct an swer without touching pencil or paper. Yet he remarked recently: "Mathema tics is valuable only to obtain results. Mathematics for mathematics' sake is,3 earn' foolishness." Some years ago Steinmetz went into the Adirondacks with a bunting party 01 ineuas. roi caring 10 uuni, un 1 was often left alone at a little lodge that was made the party's headquart ers. One night before the camp-fire a mathematical question came into his head. To settle It, he needed a table of logarithms, which could Dot hav been found within miles of the camp. He remembered a few figures, and In a short time had worked out an en tire table of logarithms for himself, and from It solved the problem. Thii mathematical sense, which was origi nally trained by hard study at Breslau, together. These pens cannot be !eaten for Manliness, health fulness, saving of bed ling, and cheapness. Thry cost about Rtrawberry Culture. The method of strawlK-rry culture hown in the illustration has been suc ressful and profitable. Tight iron- bound barrels are used with oil but four of the hoops removed. Holes are bored through the staves at proper distances as shown, plants are set In these holes and the barrels Qlled with soil to STBAWBEBBr the top. The aver ting rlold of berries Is over one-half makes it possible for him to answer-. ... . . Tb eleatl.M advant ages claimed for this method sre that Ir. mnih nr eiiltivHtlon Is necessary. The laboratory workers come to him;.. . . ,,. clMn and constantly for advice and direction. fng nm Band and are far nwre rea(1. quickly the rapid fire of questions his aids burl at him dally, Eighteen thousand employes stand ready to work out his ideas. With; lly picked than when grown In the the references to the Insolvent Georgia ' eood natured- 1 wiv A tile Is Dlaced In the the men, be is always genial and demo-1 pnter of fhe ,)arre a u lg flllcd wl(D cratic When any business matters ti,i. nermits an even distribution needs settling he does It in determined If watpr from top t0 an atnln. iasmon. tie ia as inuepenuem as ""iflflnce of which should be supplied at banker who shot himself a while ago In order that bis life Insurance money might be used to pay his debts, show . that the general trend of the comment Is that bis ending waa rather praise worthy than otherwise. He ia shown to have carried something over $1,000, 000 insurance and the idea that the companies were not undeservedly "stock", seems to prevail. There la . nothing yet to show that bis heirs have 1 any notion of using the windfall to make good bia defalcations and It may well be asked why their standard of honor should be any higher than hla wn. It la claimed he killed himself, wltt aeon ef probable years yet to Ure and pay premiums. In order that Um money of bia (allow members in tba insurance organisations might be Md to aqaare hla liabilities. Why aaaM his bain be expected to glre r tta aalittOBL tfcrt stooped Into thetr "''lL,A af aay part t It, (or that pur ' TOa wbele Idea that a man IT7 aaaka way with klmaelf with lm fry If aa aaOy haa a law Kne of Ufa trwsM to mesa? to be flawed with 1 to When the heads ot the works made a rule against smok ing In the factory Mr. Stelnmetz said he would smoke or leave. He did not leave. "He can accomplish more In an hour," said one of bis assistanta. "than I can do In a week til times. Forcing a Recoud Crop of Herri aa. A Vermont farmer reports success In producing a second crop of straw jrr1es last year by cutting off nil the If some! Waves aud stems close to the ground difficult problem needs solution at the after fruiting the first crop and p works it ia nearly aiwaya taken to plying a dressing of nitrate of soda. 8telnmetz. They b.osomed again In September Not long ago there was an explosion jam! produced a crop smaller In amount In a manhole in New York city, which than the first one. but very profitable, made great trouble for an electrical 1 The plan, however, could not be ex- wood or Iron and adjusted to any kind of a plow. If a reversible or hillside plow Is used you must have one on Mfh !! of the beam. One bolt to go through ltcam Is reauy all that Is re quired, as the rest can be found in any barnyard, or it can lie made of poles cut in the woods. In plowing under strawy manure or any other kind of humus food, this is the most surcess ful arrangements we have ever seen. Exchange. 1 y,'' 1 I 1 u IV I Wnmpn who work, whether in the house, store, office or factory, very rarely have the ability to stand the strain. The case of Miss Frankie Orser, of Boston, Mass., is interesting to all women, and adds further proof that woman's great friend in need is Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "Deah Mrs. I'inkiiam : I suffered misery for several y ars. My back ached and I had Waring down pitins, and frequent headaches. I would often wake from a restful sleep in such pain and miwry that it would U hours before I could clows my eves again. I dreiided the ionjr eights an-1 weary davs. I could do no wort. 1 consulted different physicians hopinir t K't re 'f f. but, 6nding that their medicines did not cure me, I tried Lj'dia 1 Inkn.-tiu Veeetaltle Compouni, as it was highly recomended U me. I am glad tlist I did so. for I soon found that it was the medicine for mv case cry soon l was ri-J ot e-ry and Paia Dl1 restored to perfect henith. I feel splendid, have a nne appetite and have gained in weight a lot" Miss Kbaskib On", 14 Warrentoa St, Boston, Mass. Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, sick and discouraged, and exhausted with each day's work. Some derangement of the feminine organs is reponsible for this exhaustion, following any kind of work or effort, Lydia C I'inkham's Vejret able Compound will help you just a it baa thousands of other women. The case of firs. Lennox, which follows, proves this. "Dkab Mrs. PnanAM : Last winter I broke down suddenly and had to seek the advice of a doctor. 1 felt Mire all over, with a pounding in my head, and a dizziness which I had never experienced before. I had a miserable appetite, nothing tasted good, and gradually my health broke down completely. The doctor said I had female weakness, but, although I took his medicine faithfully, I fouDfl no relief. " After two months I decided to try what a change would do for me, and as Lydia I'm Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was strongly recommended to me I decided to try it. Within three days I felt better, my appetite returned, and I could sleep. In another week I was able to sit up part of the day, and in ten days more I was well. My strength had returned, I gained fourteeo "X pounds, and tell m-iier ana wronger iun T hA frw wirs. I eratefullv acknowledge its merit. Very sincerely yours, Mks. Bert'E. Lessox, 120 Kast 4th t.. Uiion, in." FORFEIT " esnoot forthwith produce th or!irlnl IntUfri nd ilgntnri of ftbov UUuiooll. wlllca will pro? .Uoltlt giiiulnn railroad. Many local engineers tried to And the. cause of the trouble and gave various unsatisfactory explana tions. The matter was brought t Mr. Steinmetz's attention. In a few monaata b asked bow certain adja cent wiraa in the manhole were cover ed. Hera, indeed, waa the trouble. It waa almple, but no one elae had thencht of it Ha takes the abort cut I to, the eeeanfla! thing. It ia character latlc of all hla wen. A man ian't Deceaaarlly unhappy Jtui becasae a women marries him to re form him. Che Bay fall. tjetleu he'eat araca M pocted to work well except In cool, wet teasoos. - : No False Honeycomb. 1 There's no such thin as false honey mmb. That Is the emphatic and un qualified statement of a comaiittee of the Chicago Beekeepers Association, made In a report following thorough investigation and a prlxe offer of II. 000. Two members of the association have posted fl.OOO and offer to pay It ovef to any man who will show where bouey or substitute for honey la- sold In a manufactured comb. The commit tee states that there ia no comb In ex istence other than that made by the bees, and the sweets that nil the comb K-ience and Corn hilk. Corn silk has received eontiiderabh attention from our corn scientists. It is a somewhat unusual manifestation ot nature, the cavity to be fertilized by the pollen sending out this long, silky mesaenger to guide the pollen grain to Its goal. The growth and develop ment of the silk hears an Important re lationship to the crop of corn that U to be harvested. The silk at the butt of the ear appears first and is the long est, as It must grow the whole length of the cob to get to the light at all. Yet it does this and Is waving In the air catching the pollen before the tip silks have appeared. The butt cavities or ovaries are therefore the first to be fertilized. It is generally believed that the shorter tbe ear the more likery it is to be covered with kernels, as the longer the ear the later will the tip silks be in getting out to the light where they can be of service. For thi reason the tips of long ears are fre nopntiv found with no kernels , on them. The silks did not get out till after the stalks had ceased shedding pollen. If an ear of corn that Is send lug out silk be covered with a long paper funnel, the silk will aontluue to grow in length till It has attained a length of 20 Inches or more. At th lowa station an ear of corn treated in this way seemed to despair of getting pollen and sent out two new ears neai Its base; and these two new ears de velopcd a good mass of silk. The fall Ing of the pollen on the silk Is followed by the grn being conveyed to th ovaries, after the completion of whlct work the silk dies . $5000 Lrdl k. rtiikh&m Mod. Co., Lyon, 1m Women are bo optimistic and imaginative that they can be bappy with a mighty poor excuse for a lai.-ihaDd AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE The "Why aid you losa thai b-ittk:-" Gen Z liticoff "The Japanese at tacked us in our rear" "1 was Informed that tbey at tacked you In front' "Y-e-s, but that was our rear wbeu they got there" To wnlten skin that is naturally dry do not apply acids such as h nnn juice or toilet viDptfais: such tklns needs nouiishlns xrcan.s that have khltenlng qualities COFr'KE MOUSSE COffee mousse is made by whip ping sweetened cream, strottflj flavored with black coffee, until It 11 perfectly stiff; then parking In a mould and burying in Ice and salt for at least fi.ur hours before It is needed For bruises and sprains take the white of an egg and mix to a paste wltb common silt Apply liberally to the affected part flgll tCSta Smfa qvr. BMOM. iq,fii4 For premature gray bait massage Should be giveo; such a condition Shows lack of vitality and nourish, went of tbe scalp A KIN Of BRAtrrV 15 A JOY POPPVPB. D k. t. rr.ux cocrai D' omr.NTAi I'KEAB.UB MAGICAL, UF.Al'TiriKBi moth Tin, Plmjilt.Frt J a mm Bi my w Cows Are Poor Wtker. The cow Is naturally a pour walker. Generally she walks only when slit must She never walks or runs for ex erclse. Sometime she frolics, but only for a few moments. Tbe dairy cow'i business la eating, dosing and chewlni ber cud. Any cow that Is compelled to travel over tbe parched ana" short cropped pasture dsy and night la search of. tbe atraggllng, crisp a 04 browned blades ef grass cannot be ex pected to return even a small profit js $f hsVuiTV! So A gf UVe It to k iitrt t .1 -I tlnllil S&nw. !r. L. A SjiTfe mi4 u t Mr of IU Inat lioo (ft ptno At fou Iftfl I Will SH mo M th lrxt hamfd ef sn th cls BrcMrwioM.' tot Ml If til rmmfirti m rwmef Coot Lkji In th V. H., C&nftilu. A'l ) nrcvp. ruu. t. mmi, hr, 1; Krwt jm k, r. i run 14 Iri th. m, I innin i an? from Free to Twenty-Five Udics. lbe Defiance Starch Co. will gl 25 ladies a round trip ticket to tb Sc. Louis Exposition, to five ladies In each of the following states: Illlnlos, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas Missouri who will seod lu toe large number of trade marks cut a ten cent, 10 ounce package 3f De fiance cold water laundry starch. This means from your own home, anywhere In tbe above named states. These trade marks must be mailed to and received by the Defiance Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr., before September 1st, lttoi. October and November will be the best months to visit the Exposition. Remember that Defiance is tbe only starch put up 16 oz. fa lull Dound) to the pack age. You get onc tbird more starch for the same moncv than of any other kind, aud Defiance never sticks to the Iron. .The ticket to the Exposition will be sent by registered mall September 6th. Starch or sale by all dealers. , . Sale 10,000,000 Boxes a Year. FAaiLrt MV0MTI MCMMH Jk BEST FOR THE BOWELS -9- .-. 'm- j.' iiK,,'f..i?t' 1 "fl. iV1 v'.-. 3-