Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 11, 1904, Image 1
Harrison Press -Journal. OFFICIAL 3?AJP23I3! OF SIOTJX CoTJTSJTY. JbdUertlse etiUt. u IMS VOL. XVII. HARRISON, THURSDAY, ATJC3-. 11 10O4. NO. 7 LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK K-il Dr. hnjiien lix-st. Mrs. Jontw. muk 1 1 1 I rum Tuesday. Andrew last Z. F. Antrim was up tiom Bodirc last Tuesday. Brown Lowrys. Joho B yesterday sugar for Male at returned from Hot Springs William Oaybart rose Hood j. w aa up from Moot' Andrew Christen wns a Harrison visit or Tuesday. A good bulk coffee only 20c per pound at Lowrys. tiirtHamtto waa down Riiie yesterday. Jsoob Deos u crack this week. from Pleasant down from Indiao Chan. Hibblen's father, of South Oma ha, in visiting him thin weak. The highest cash price paid for hides at J. W. Ricedorffs. lu c'liarlee Tho.ua and wife were down from their ranch on Black Tail Tuesday. The hay em are still finding hay to cut, from the amount that in coming itto town. John Anderson' having outfit went to the upper AH to tuisel with hay than for a time. The finest line of fresh and cured meat at J. W. Rice dorffs. J. Bicerlorff went InChadron to visit hi family Inst fintutdny and returned Tuesday iiioriaing. A letter from L. C. Wright informs un that l, i focaid now nnd is at work ami likes ilia town of fturdon welt, Head" carefully what our advertisers hitvn tu xt-ll and don't forget to get their pnc- on all kinds of good for they will tr-at y.n riht. Pickles! Pickles! The beat at LowryH. Ed Mollingsworth was down from Indian cieek Monday. Michael Ruffing ami daughter were up front Boggy Tueaday. Welter Woodruff Indian creek Monday. waa down from Robert Lux and Jharlie 8uwart were up from Carey Sunday. vWni. Miller and Joho Coffee were froji Bodarc yesterday. up A. L. Ring made a pleasant call while in town yesterday. Arthur Kline was down from Raw Hide Sunday, returning Monday. An addition is beiog built tu the stock yards at this place this week. Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford dentist. LOUIS 03 REAL ESTATE In response to considerable recent inquiry, the COMMERCIAL BANK w phased to an nounce special arrangement to make long-time loans on Heal Estate. Say what you want. Mrs. Clarke and daughter went east last night. Oeorge Oerlech went to Douglas this morning. John Herman was in from Eckard, 8. 0. yesterday . J. T. Morris went to Alliance Monday night to attend the Normal. Carl Larson is moving into the Coffee house north of town this week. Eating and cooking apples at Lowrys. y Dr. Davis made a business trip to Crawford the Unit of the week. F. C. Burner and his mother left last Friday for their home at Odebolt Iowa, O. G. Wiggins wait up from the Shep herd ranch Monday and spent the night in town. Charles Peterson of Fredrick, Wyo, becomes a reader of the PtrsvJoCTtNAL with this issue. Rev. Daniels preached an interesting sermon to an attentive congregation on last Sunday night. i vMrs. J. H. Bartell nod children and Mrs. F.arnest Lyons visited Un, Chan. Smith ut Hewitt over Sunday. The Kioux county Sunday School Asso ciaUMi will be held at Harrison on sept. 17 and IS. We will give the program later on. I'r. Kindt r, ntwpHth of Chadron, will be in Harrison Saturday. Parties wish jng n tnke tifMnirnt will we him al Commervinl Hotel. NMrs. J H. v iiiierinmittrfer ao . Moritz, who hsv been visiting Mr. Valdt-z nnr: family up in Wyoming for tu i.i'l two week, returned borne Moil- (Uv evernnR, -We see from the .Noruml notes m Pioneer Hnp that Miss Anna and ;sora Neece were culled home on aocouot of serious sickness (if their mother, I S, Slnr.eckar an attorney from Omaha was s'Jtifg up our town last week and w e are glad that he has concluded to lotsite here and will be on hands in about two weeks. Francis Duel went . Pleasant Ridge yesterdiiy to put up hay for his father. He took out a mun with him by the name of Oeorge Jackson, who is from Southwest MiSHOuri. Judge Westoveri being strongly push ed as candidate for Governor and ha has pot refused to be a candidate if both ooe veotions nominate him, and if nominated he will make a streng oaadidaU. The only place to get Deer ing Twine is at Oerlacha fe eons. Binders, mowers and rakes also. Dr. Spindlo will be in Harrison again at the office of Dr. Davis for two days Aug, 12 and 13 to attend to U tooth troubles. Dick Corbet, who has been at Chad son for tbe past three weeks receiving osteo pathy treatment, came up Saturday morniog to vieU for a while. He is lm proving slowly but we hope to tee biro all right soon. tttrwyed or eHolem. One light bay hone with black maae end tail, ad weigh about IMfi pouods and is branded Br left shoe Ider I will p ly same at ray Harrison, S for the re tare of the ranch live miles east of We hud the pleasure veeterday of meeting Dr. Nnurer, osteopath of Chiul ion, ttiui tie will make regular visits here. Lie wiil u.uiic lify first Vt!"'t ;tHy , The Deinocruts met in convention last Saturday and elected Sheriff Lowry and J. U. Lucy as deleKa'es to attend tbe state ivuvenlion which met as Lincoln this week. Not-with standing the extremely dry weather for the pant month or so we noticed some healthy looking grain slacks at M A. Bannou's and H. Wicker sham's ranches. William Lacy iold his house in town Moiday to Carl Luron. Mr. Larson will take possession in about thirty days and Mr. Lacv will have another house buiil as soon as possible. The brother of John and Chas, Hanson, who has been here on a visit for some time, left for Ma Orove, lows Saturday nigbt, He ordered the Pbmi-JocmaL sent to him at that place. tome omer Kennedy has been having coo- sklerable trouble with his throat and Tuesday he came to town and had it lanced. On eaami nation Dr. Davis found 10 aboeaeM in the throat, which were removed, and Homer it getting rid of hie throat trouble now. At a meeting of the cabinet of the Epworth League, after church, on last Sunday night it wae decided to start up the Leafue agaia, and the first meeting will be held on Sunday night Augutt the SI. Don't forget the date. John Biegel waa dowo from his ranch on Indian creek Tuesday. John Manteller sold his residence in town to Theo. Sagert and we understand that his family will move to the eastern part of the state soon. We learn (just before we go to prees) that Hybolm Peterson's wife on Char coal, near Olen, has small pox and Dr. Meredith has vaccinated Peter Morten sen's family and others. From the amount of mowing machines that are being so!d by our merchants and the amount of hny that is being brought into town it shows that our country can produce the grns yet if we cat only get a little meisture. VM-k. Werst and daughter Elizabeth, mother and sister of Mrs. F. W. Clarke, who have been here visiting the latter for the past month, left for their borne in Chicago Tuesday evening. They spent lt Sunday with Mr. and Mm. J. H. Cook of Agate. Foe Sale 30 tons of hay 4 miles oorth west of town. RoaT. KtsX. Those rhipping cattle from here Tues dav were C. B. Hollingsworih 8 cars. Bourret nnd sousScnrs. Henry Wertz 1 car. Oeorge Davis 1 car, Con Parsons car. Frank H utfo. I car. Oorhin Bros, t cars and Will Hny tend John Hanson each shipped a car from Coffee's siding. , . Notice. AM psrtie knowing themwlves indebt ed to Dieckm m & Ut V will do me a fsvor bv kettlinif by b flrt of Sept. as I nm inlerest'si in the sairss and would like to hit ve the amounts settled in some wsv bv that tune. I Remain yours Truly. ACY. Vernon Hanson, who has been clerking . . . .I.!. fni. Ih. n tne arug snr p - . l . 1 part two years, oepnneo ior vyr-n.iu Monday evening. Vern won mny friends during hi tV here who hated to witness his departure, and the PhESS JOURNAL wishes him success wnever ne may locate, COTTONWOOD ITEMS. Mrs. Mary Kratz was a caller at Mrs. Fellers one day this weak. Fritz Piper and Joe Rose are busy making hay on the divide. Miss Nellie Spease is working for the family of Anton Meckem's. Hen tellers made Ins lamuy a visit on Hatcreek last Sunday. Chas. Stewart and Robert Lux mad a trii to Harrison and Mrs. Lux and child ren accompanied them home. Miss Rilla Kratz accompanied by her mamma made a trip to Crawford ooe day last week where Miss Rilla hail some den tal work dooe. Dr. Richards from Crawford has made several trips out on Cottonwood to see Mrs. Fellers who is very sick with typhoid fever. As Mr. Spease had the misfortune of breaking down his hinder he employed Chas. Slewsrt and Robert Lux to llnisl cutting Ins gram. Oram ix ripening so fast that the people are obliged to cut in the week time, Sul days and niahls besides as Ed Fellers was seen out the other night with the lantern tied to his binder till 11 o'clock. May Seed. PALACE SALOONS) eIN ANDREWS BLOCK-" The fu test line of wines, liquors and best branda-of cignrt,. THEO. SAGEBT, Proprietot. 6ERLAGH & SOU t i . C, Spease was k. Carey Items. on the sick list last Wrs. M E. Dunn, mother of R C, Dunn arrived here from Wilber, Neh. lasr Thursday morining to visit for a short time. She was here some two or three years ago and at that time wasn't much .leased with our town, but she seems ne- lighted with it now and says she wouio like to live here, and will probably come here and live next summer We wel come her in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. L C. Wright Wftlati Friday night for Oordoe where Mr. Wright will enter the employment of the Gordon Journal. A large number of friends gathered at the station to bid them food bye, aad wishing them success io their new home, L. C.'a familiar fore? will be misesd on our atreeta at be hes been ieietsUfled with tbeeewteeeer work of this place for a number of years, and can stick a bout at much types any man in the northwest. We wish him euocesa on hit new told of labor hoping be and hit family may And - welcome among the hospitable people of Qordoe, Xotlee to Taipayers. Notice is hereby given that On Septem ber 15, 1KM distress warrants will be fs sued by this office for the collection of all unpaid personal taxes for the year ltOS. The provisions of the revenue law- requiring the County Treasurer to file a list of unpaid personal taxes witn tr.e unty Clerk on October lt makes this action necessary and no exceptions can be made. Caul M. Lox. County Treasurer Having had a three months vacation we again enter Into the work of the Dev il. We will open our II and dirty our res-ree- anil C, if we can't do as well if not better tlwo we did before. We have had a very good time during our vac' i n and drifted over next to the Pacific and mutt say we saw many wonderful eigMt between here and there, bnt nothing at tracted us enourh to hold us away from "Old Sioux". There it an eld song which it always new "Home Sweet Home". Sioux County hat always been our home and no doubt It always will be. Wo will say to our sister and brother correspond ente to tend in your item as heretofore and help ua along to make the Jociwal a blessing in erery horns and we will push theqelllMtpeedllyatever. Mow TaW PalHTTK. Blaine Booth came down from Casper Saturday where he has been herding hheep this summer. Jusper Miller nnd son of Marshsltown lit., sou in law and grand sou of R. C. Tally are visiting the latter. Mrs. Theresa Feller is very sick. Dr. Richards was called to see her Sundny and he called agaia on Monday, Harvest is nuout over, O. C. Tally takes the lead as the champion harvester, having cut over 100 acres or grain last week. Mr. Button a former resident, is here yisiling old friends and neighbors. He expects to return to the Black Hills in a few weeks. The Ladies Missionary Society will meet at the Union Star church for an u 11 days meeting Thursday Aug. 18th. All the ladies are cordially invited. Anton Kratz purchased a new binder last week. He says he meant to be inde pendent und cut his grain wh"n it is ripe and not have to wait until home one else is ready to cut it for him. Two weeks ago Rev. McNab went to Harding S. D. to visit his family, np to date he has not returned, last Sunday was his regular day to preach at Union Star but he did not appear, or send any word when he would be back. Timothy. Selling More Goods Than Ever. A complete line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, I DRYGOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, and a complete line of SPRING GOODS. J I H 1 1 t H H HIH I itdde it LACY BROS. DKALRRS 1S Huilding material of all kinds. Flour, Feed, Grain, Wind mills, Pumps, Tanks, Wagons, Buggies, Faun Implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles & etc; All ordars riven prompt attention. . You Are Reading ThisJ THAriaiuax; That's what it's here for: To let yon know that we handle a fine line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store. J Give us a trial. Yours for Business, ! A. LOWRY. 4 TMt QUESTION OF SOF"ES. te Benefit of ef Opinion as Late Meet. Aa old Italian proverb hat It that "Who goea to bed eupperlett all night mm Met and totter " A Portugueee laying la. "li you would be 111. tap tad tbet go to eleep." It It plain, American Medicine een Itades, that the "potted wtsdora" of proverbs will give no decltlve rule as to digestion during eleep. Tbe ene kom of an after dinner nap It common hi tlmott all Italian aad Oriental tonntiiet. but It la contradicted by an tld Latin proverb which the Germane tad the Kagltth In turn have trana lated: "ACler dinner alt a. alle, after tapper walk a mile." At a rule, the northern, and ea pe rkily the Anglo-toaxoe, races incline io think that digestion It nM tbe beat luring eleep. At to drinking, the people'! expert tejee It that "he who gone to bed UUrety rises healthy." Aa age comet en digestion growa more difficult, ao that the 8paalth aay, "Who ttealt aa eld maa'a ttpper does Mm no wroM." Aa egg. aad be bed, driee. FACTS TO BEMBMHBB. fact i. bourret & davis carry tne lai'Kesi ami most complete stock of lienrrtl Merchandise in Sioux Coun FACT 2, All our prico r in keeping with the cjuali y of oods we seil. We do n-t keep! Cheap Johngoodsand theretore, we do not sell at Cheap John prices. We sell tint class goods at fair . prices. FACT 4, Ve have jui.t.--- oeiveo our rtpneg an I Summer! In .lice or white waiste A drs gods. India Limons. Cauuirics Percales, Oinghams. Sateenw' Shirtings H iirieiias. S- .t FACT 5, Our line of Boou 21 noes and Slippers is composed! I II ie latest styles I nun II .ost. relishl twins iFAcT 3, We endeavor to cater to tlie wants and needs or our customers and our goods ar ilected with this intent. IFACT 0. Evervtiiiuir u.ii Kept III a Oeneral Store can 11 ouno at our place. BOURRET & DAVIS. C H UNITT Manllooci Restored successor to C. H. NEWMAN DEALER IN Lumber, Doors, Sah, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies and Machinery of all Kinds. I also carry a line of Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping, Towers, Wind Mill re pairs, etc. etc. etc. A large stock of feed, both ground and ungrouud al ways on hand. mail orders given prompt attention, Give me a Call. WANTED Agents, Hustlers, Saletm Clerkt and everybody wlw wanta to en, Joy a good hearty laugh to tend 50c for "Tips to Agents." Worth $M to any person who telli goodt for a living. If not satisfactory your money back. Cir oular for tlamp. The Dr. White Blee trie Coetb Oe. Deoafrur, III. CUPIDBMB." "CCPIDEHB." J This great vegetsblevltallzer, the sre- ecnption oi a rsmous rrencn pnysietan.wtll quickly rure too of all or nervous disease of the rsnerutive orxsus such ss lest Hsu hood. Insomnia, psina In the ItseaVSetninal Kmlstlons, Nervous Mebltlty, Phnples, Vn lltnesata marry. Exhsusttng Drains, Varies cele and Conatipstlon. It stops all losses by day or tilfht. Pretustarlty, wblek If net checked, lesd to pernislorrhoea and all th Horrors rr linpetenc. CUPIDBMB cleans, the liver snd kidnsys. CUPIDBMB strength ens sad restores The reason sneerers are not rured by doctors is beraese ninety pee cent are troubled with Preetatlte. UUi't DENE la the only known retnedf to earn without sa operation.. tjw clstlmealals. A wrltun guarantee given and mosey re turned If six boxes do net effect a perasa nent cura.Lgl.M s box ; six for tee by nail send for freeclrealar and wstlmonlals. Ad drees DA.VOL MEI)lCiaECa,IUnrrsaelsee California, for isle by Btcaaav AJotaa NOTICE. All parties indebetod to Chae. Newmaa by note, or otherwise will Ond all billa, and notes at the Commercial- Bank for collection. Please call and eettle all open acoounu by noU bankable or caeh in hand aad save costs. CsUS. 5BWaV4