Willi u Harrison Press Journal ; AW- OFFICIAL PAPER .'OF SIIK pQTTT TY. SA.ISQ3Sr, NEBRASKA TBETJRSIDA IOr.L Xi:VS OF Tin: vi;i;k fU'r".ir for tali1 at M'OWli v ,.".. . ,it'te,i Has id the o.tv from I su- I, ,,,,, ! x Ui lax levy tUlls f,,r ,,. jij, ' J in, M, ':.,i,ri and wile were u(, from v.,lli.v ,,n Monday. A koo1 bulk coffee only Jl)e I' !' i-ound at Lowrys. Vr a, ;r.. , Wright went to ' " last Thursday and rct-rnul Sat- Oliiiuary. Highland ton Rule die! of pneumonia at the home f his pireuts m !l;irri.i, n lal Fri.lay afterf,.x)0. Mr. I ft M ) TCTATr Rule wa W.rn mlWe County, low.on! LUAflO Ufl lltAL CO I A I t -'IMII i,t twini "-J -A-XJG- ST 3 1903:. N O.le THE V The,., S., ... rt nml J, V. liiredorlT had ' load .,f siii, ) (rollJ jraw. IWd tins, w e, k. ',,r' Emery Keelev fromlte.. Moines I i is looking ,,ur country over w ith a to locating. Tlu finest I i r i - of fresh ami ''K"dm,ats at J. W. Ilice-i l ) !Fs. vears. 4 ui..iitii.iKj 12 dav old. hwI lu-.d only l-cn a resident of tin county for oue week 11. has hrivr been Very strong and hasl-en troubled Mlh heart disease fur a numts-r of years, so when this dreadful llse.s took hold ,.( .,, ,,.,,! victim. H hard for one o young to be cut off, but th grim reaper of death is no rt-t-r, i,,r of jwrsons. Tim f'lrjenl service were held at the M E. Church RV- Illinois officatuu: h- delivennir an impressive ermoii from Ercles 12 chapter lir.t verse to a large congregation who had ga'herfd io share i'l the Midneu of Kit- Ur.M v.-d fmiiilv in the loss of their son. The h-Hiv was laid away to rest in the Harrison cemetery. The I'KKKS Jut'HXaL extends heart frit aviutiatliiv to the tsrreaved family. fa rcuponxe to considerable recent inquiry, ttie COMMERCIAL BANK u pleaml to an nounce special arrangeinentH to make long-time loam on Real Estate. Say what you want PALACE CARD Or THANKS We wild, t i thniik the kind people of Harrison m ho W(?re ko lind to u during our recfiit lirreavt-iiienl and for the as,stnn. tht-v jjave u during the Kknt-Ks and deuih of our beloved aon, Highland. Mu. and Mi;s. M. Rile and children. t' HI f'o. ir i.'i U' ..rn..l arrived here l.ivt. Thorvlav inorii'iit' ' i "ill M.Hil it,:, r- n. . i.-.K-r of the so,,, Iti r .r , .;., ... ,,,, ruf)t., r'' " i;,i.-v Orean. hm.l-.-ase. t'.' a i.ii.I o.,-r li h-ld Koods. re at ,.f (ir ,.-,! (Jijthr,. Notice. All parties knowing tliemwilves to lie indekted to the undersigned ill lind the accounts with the Sheriff, A. Lorv and we would be (.leased to have them MttleaaitooQ an possible. L C. WhIUHT. Asa. Xotlce to Taxpayer. Nolice 18 hereby niven that on Septem lr 15, lOOldmresa warrants wi! I i HUed hy this olll.e for the collection of all unpaid personal taxes for the year IWM Die provisions of the levenue law r. qii.rintf the County Treasurer to lile a M of unpaid personal taxes with tl SALOON' 1X ANDREWS ULOCK."5: The Jintvt line of wines, liquor and Let brandxof cigais. T1IE0. SAG Eli T, Proprietor. Bodarc Gleanings. Hiss E'hel Hurke is visiting with Mrs F. M. Hall this week. ' 'ounty Clerk ou O. tolwr 1st makes this ' a C!ll:r,l . ". Tv injr Ihn v T 'I I l.-irns'Vi's fiiiens I ' I m f,,r, n last 1- I .trl II ,. ,w .s ,,. I !at. that th.-v h.ul m-ile of e-inn fore on t'i. S"..rth t.-rn resiijiiiii in, ,m t!' - i.iiin-i1i.il.- taken hv I l.m. Moil frn ill f "ii er. Mrs. VV. C. IWd, died Wednesday even nit;. .Inly 2". a tred one vear one month 'iie.liv. For the lust half of the chil.ls li'e he h id i-.i inruiahlv sick and death hud le-n .-xp ct.-d lora loiik'time. Funer al .niii'n were held at I he residence H li i I. iv iiioriuiiK C'.ndu. led bv Uev. Walk er, and i he form ,,f the lit II auffeier ..is interred in t he Scot Isbluff cemelerv. Tl:e par. nis lUVe the K, minlliv of all in Ih.-ir la-ivavt'ineiit -Mitchell Index. Tit - only place to get Deer in- Twine is at (Jerlachs ,fc rons. J3iiir.li.TS, mowers and riwvVs also. action iiecei.ary and no exceptions can "'"- Caul M. Lix. I'ounty In-asurer Htrayofl or (,,.,, One liy.ht hay horse with hliu k mane and tail, and weighs about 1QH pounds and is branded OS mil -in left shtmlder at Low rvs. The IxHt W, TT I ii v v i ...s iH.n l, w.t t e Gi-'int i I'l.r... ,. -I , .( w! n-.-v.. ml,, le I'll- ,'! .1 111", f 1'!. Uv he V a ' f..w . li- i" '. j a'.'d l,v . Mr ffi.tlirie will '-v whuli will . I.. C. Wri-ht. Itev A V (i.i.e, I). I). Held secre- Ilarv c. lhSiitidav Kcliml Uttlun of the M. tli i.i ,t Tj-isropat rtiur, Ti.rieriro."fiite an inlei-. siin nieetui,; l,,sl Saturday af ternoon, Mr. Ceorte (.aid n i;reat nmnv -oikI tl.iivs .1,(1 those Hial were absent . were tlw .iser. H-iUf very interesiinir I will pay f5 for the return of the xainuatiuy runch live miles enst of Harrison. KitNltsT Ik'NOB. We understand the ollicials of the Al lianco laud olhYe hold thai those ho re linquished their homesteads since April, 2Mih, Mu4 are not iiialilled eiitrymen under Die homestead law ttn'til they hnve thur rights restored. o if ylm Hre ,.n. templatiii to rehiiiioish i vour neich Isircan file, you had better ' sdow, as Von m tv mil k..t. ....... I ... . . ." . . r.. in iiuviii VOIIr' . . . ....r..i i .. . .. J I ii vent ed is the . ir ci.iiioeu mat the homestead law has not been amendil ex- (Jrandina Uiivis, wbh has been visiting the past two week in the vallev. rt.,e. ned to lla-rison last, Tuesday. Nearly all the younir feooln of ltadarc attended the surprise party .Saturday evening at the borne of Leu Duut. A food rain is much need in 'Jus loo.il ity and uiilens it comes ve v noon the coru crop will be a failure. John Ebersiecher lost a line mare ..Ht week. She was so badly cut by wire that he was obliged to kill her. The hail storm winch visited this vici nity tl e evening of the 12th July injured the alfalfa so badly that tl.e stcoud crop is very hfjlit In reading Clio's letter to thepHEss-' Joi:ilNAL we were suriirised to learn I hut her daughters' woull start forCorol.ido i wiinniit tier, tint e take it. for (jrarh d that she, and Mr. Knott wiil si on follow to n Und where the wind takes a rest someliui.s We learned some t line n'o that they thuu-bt of making Colorado lii.'ir future home. We wish them nil success. M A. U. h t t I GERLACH El I -A.t?6JbJ , 1. $eHng IV7ore Gocrjs Than Ever.' ' A c omplete line of (JROCKKIlS. JIARDW'AKT DliV(iO()I)S, HOOTS A- SHOES, and a rcmphte linnof SPR1X(; GOODS. -5- "'f' 2 :-'-i'-i--:.'M"?--f",,j.; 'i''?.C'-W- ...s.r.,.. i,i nas not. neen ameiaVi C rs wer-r.ad hv Mrs. Andrew Chris-1 . ... , V, ,, ,.. . (-'Idas to number of cr s, s.i that Kalii: am! ool.inq apple: at I.ov. l-Vfi. tl," ..t,,t II," (-ll li-- .in W tr-..'i- I V a ' f .' 1. 1 ;. ti i four r,.,l.,r i ' "f ' li'- Ii on.. ;il i i. 1 itlom ,f si. .re ad . . is.-n.eiit in this i .J hi-'s -v.it cur r.-.i.lv lo d-i'.- h, intri.is and they will I f.niiv at Mil tunes, ii'.ii, iiss II iitie CJ'i onimr. Miss Nt 1 'hris.ian ae I Mrs W.II. Davis Sunday s. ho d orl "is sh. old never miss such opportunities l,.r we nevi-r learn t.io ii.in h ah.. "it methods and the manner of iMrM.iiii.ir ii.,.- t,t nitnd Iho many Sunday S. hools throughout our land. h file, Ihe Ci aw ford Whil- in Alliance Inst Friday wn ll the pleasure id visiiiny the Junior Nor j mal and found i-V-rythini: nioviri; alon j n r.-l v iir.dei the ue i vs o ) of Supt. B'iri t I of Alfi iiK-e, Our Sioux comity leichers j lb it nr at'.-i.din m eined well salisfled , and wrre domi,' food work. School ljt'lllll. Iio.inis slionlil r.-ticuih-r these when they are makinc contra. -ts for this ynr' t. I C.. ... II . I ' . . 4 ,...-,-, . , , ....... hi: ..hi iv uie llilllinn MK.e tl es- lll-. llie Misses ,IZ7. H l'.u-sons Tv .1. ink-Hie t ruversity at l.nioln ll.e i.asi siv .... n- I arsons. ll.-sie 1'omei-ov. Com T . ni"idlis. returned f.. ll,.rrisnn Him week ' u . s- s- , . ... , ,i , , , , ' Suvn-rs. Anna N.-.-.-e, Nora Neece, Mabe We l-ini lb it be made I he Ir n throin.l.L. . ... i " ' : Mll'i.Iotv An.v I 1 1 .'tl ... .- r.., Vi.- : l,n I. III. -Vile lbs IhlilH Irivn.L I ....I,' ' ' Jl" ".'""IIIIK asid t If von were in possession of a homestead at J the time the law was amended and rehn quislied the .aitie s nce that time, a sworn statement Corrolwraled bv two witness will be required us formerly where a r"!on reloiQiiisVd one tract nnd wished to make entry for another. Cniwfotd Bulletin. Dr. Si ii!i-t. l pi Ibsmanv friends here Willi I. arn of his return. . Special liisr.nch to the World-Herald. Itu'lu c... i. ..i.,. u II A... 1 . ... i n ii-, : .i ,.,i r .. . I I- . "H.Mir, n, i . n. ii ii. i. .,a tie- I, . WriL-ht. win for the past, fnnr i r.i , , . . 1 I men I ti I he. Hack Hi ,n, ookm.r (,,, n-i iillis has l ad i lmre of the Pltf-vf. ' ..MUM I,.. n I ... . ....... ,r. ... tl. ... . I ' . .. JiM kN-AL here, will rem,.,, hi. posit,,.,, , . , ' . , . lCKinK j inuiv sir'se. i ne niippini' season for a nC. 1.1 vnu .... .1... I ' OUR CORRESPONDENTS Hunter Happcaingrs. Mrs. Christensen a a Harrison -visi- ! tor Monday. Mr, Rice and family were pleasant callers' at i'oet Hill Sunday evening. Panzy Jones was quite sick several days this week. A WONDERFUL INVENTION. It is inten siiii' to note that Irrtunes are frujiienl'v made by the invention ol articles nf ii, ii)oe importance. Many of the most popular devices ttr those d. - signed to t'.is (It - the rfpl and nitet popular conditions, and one of the most interesting of these that has ever been White Electric Comb. patent. I Jan. 1, '1)9. These wonderful Combs positively cure Uandmir, hair lulling out. sick and nervous headai lies, and when used with Jr. White's Electric Hair Brush Hre positively tun ran teed to make slraighi hair curly in days' t ime Thousands of Ihese electric combs have been sold in v.irious cities of the Union and the demand is constantly increasinc CJur axenls are rapidly Woniin rich selling these combs. They positively sell on sight. Send for sample. Men's size 3.)C. ladle' fiOe.- (half price while weare introiiucine; mem ; The Or. White Elei nc Comb Co. .Decatur, 111. has claus. to fat.:e. LACY BROS. -HK.M.KKS l JJuiMins ' material of all kinds j- I mr. F. cd. drain Wind-mills, Puniits., Tanks, vV;wms f nicr-, h n,, Implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles A etc U ord.n s ifivrn jnou: pt ,11 tent .011, -.:.-l.A...S..S.,;..i... . - w -a- -v. w ( I Vl X I 11 s ' ? VU7 THAT'S nifiUT: Tliat'sWhat it's here for: To let you know that we handle a line line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every thi:iK' to be found in a first class Grocery Store. Give us a trial. Yours for R I5S1 lHs! ! A. J.OWRY. FACTS TO SEMEM-BEK,. We were sorry to hear Mrs. llajreman was very sick Sunday. We trust she is well by this time. fvdli this issue urd acc. pt one on the Jmiri nl at (i irdon. Neb. His lar-e here will Im promptly (dud bv H. C. Burke. The highest cash price paid for hidef-at.T, V. RictdoifTs. ."b;. Maul and family nrrivd here from Casper. W; n,, on Mon,l..y eveninc sil l Mr. Maul at once took l.arye of ,j ! diCns on the C, & N. W, section lu re Tie writer b..s- known Mr, Maul for several years past and w e can say Ibal the citizens of II irrison will lind, him O. K in ev.-rv risiu rt. Black II, lis rnrues is now on Lot .,11 1 principal catlleowners have heen inforn Sheriff L"vrv left hist Thur.lav noild to t-ike J.-inies ' onnoMv to the ni-mten tiarv at Lincoln nnd be returned on Mon- day niornimf. .Sine that time Connolly h ls-n yraid.-d a '11 '-iieusiun of -ntinre on error nnd th 1 h'inf es m i. ai be will be in Harrison r.rrrii in u shoit lime. There IS no question but what th re- riuired bond will ! ;irn..-:.i (I dur.ni; the pending of Ibis iwlion. V)r. Snind!f will he in Harrison a train ;( theolficeof Dr. Davis for two dnyf. An?. 12 and 13 to alt u-1 to all tooth truublec. ed by eastern bners to bold shipments until fulhel- nolice, Harris Franklin of Di-ac'w(i,d, nlso Henry Krawley of the same place, have carloads of f it cattle ready lo ship and it means a loss of many Ihoiisands of dollars to thm and to th hundreds of other Miippers to holdup their shq rnetits. The rnnKe hiis been un usually lino llus enrfor early .shipments I'L' demand locally for fat leves has been heavy, nii.sl nil of the meat eaten in the hdls bnvm come from the loo-1 meat men. Story of the Man Who Discovered the First Beefsteak. SoeMoak, like most other good thintt.', e,,;; dlscovrrod entirely by accident, aayg a writer In Ihtt Ch!cap;o Tribune. It appt.rs tbat Luc;uji Pla Clin, a Roan of tank, was ordered by the Kmperor Trajan for some offense to act .ts one of the menial sacrlflcers T I. .... A eentleman came nr. on iho r,o.,.,. . .. . ' 06 w" , ' " ",e. , icnptn arajited to the altar. There Monday and went to Cook's r.neh to Ihe fragments of the victim were laid work' allr,n the Ore and the unft rtunate sen- Bert Archard brought Mr. Jones ami!?"; 9 y C0-V to turn rdie home .Sunday. . I ' ln..the r"cos of roasting one 01 tne e ces roll off tv.o mil. iti:rnn:vn i on Connolly, hii-Iionsifin cif sonic-lice Clrntttcl it hiotix County M urdernr.' Jiidif.. Ke li;.vii k o' the supreme court i is vjranled a siispef sion f sentence lo J uiies I '.inn. .11 of Sinttx county, sen lei c-i"! to ciahi. ye-irs in 11,.; ieiiilentiury foi loiil'slaij 'hter. Connolly wasfonvirl.- ed of the killing fd Henry Miller, in RiouK c. ihi'.v. m March, lSXllin admnnle Birdie home Sundav Mrs. Ri?6 is proud of her new kitchen. It is a nice room and adds to the amiear- auce as well as comfort ol the residence. isses Elsie and Edna Rohwer rame from Harrison Thursday to go t,o the big show with their uncles and cousins, of this place others we know that went were IJelliert Riu and Mr. Procter and family. M'ss Addie Harris came down from' Harrison last Thursday evening on the' freight and with her sister Ldlie left on J the p'msener for Lincnln lo see their hroiher who was (foing to Washington, U. 0, Prof Peterson, who lias been rullet.t inn sieci,n..nts for some lime was taken suk and bronnht to Andrews Monday where he took the tram to Fort Robinson w-h'-re he will be laken to the hospital. It is thoiiRbt that he bus typhoid fever. Mr. Cool: and two other gentlemen went hi tit, nnd It Mr. Christonsen has mure help on the section this week overasleer. Tht shoot inr o'-enred nt i 'oniioll v's ranch. The stay is cranledle. , ... . . , ' r Anorewe is hoomins- a I" ii-... . - ii-- .'. i ,.n i oij cjnn.i io l ne s" rme ceiu t on erroe, th attorneys fr.r Connolly hll'-jni that Ibe sentence 1h excessive and not liiHtiClahle kv th v' 'tort, Lincoln Star. new miniD liouiie is (roinjf tip rspldly. Several pump n.en were) in town Monday morn ing. The material and carpenters were on hind to rust the torlt. , 0 No. was caught by Plncus in 1,'s fall burned his fingers and he Instinctively mrtist tbem Into his mouth. In that moment ho had made the grand dls covery that the taste of a slice, thus : ca.-i'onadocri, was Infinitely beyon-l 1J the sodden cookery of Homo. A oew expedient to save his dignity was suffcested tit the saroo time, and h? t tince evinced his obedience to the Empror by ueernlng to go through the sacrinees with due regularity and his scorn of the employment by turn ing the wholo ceremony Into n mat'.er of appetite. He swallowed every dice, deluded Trijan, defrauded Jupiter and Invented the bPeNtoak! A diRcovery of this mfignitude cnuld not leng be tvtncealen; the Kacriilco begin to dl? appear with a rapidity and sailsfnc Hon to the parties too extraordinary to ba noVced. The priests of Juplt. r anoptea tne practice with rWio-ht nn.i ' '.he kinR of Olympus must Ls'e ben oon starved if he depended on anj sharo ol "he food thing of Rom. Pcefa Pet Goose. Lord Byron at ono time was deep ly attached to a pet goose. He had bought the bird to fatten tip for his New Year's ('Inner. In the metotlme the poet nrd lite bird became nn mu tually attached th.n hn It, Instead, ho bought another for bla dinner and had the pot gooso swung In cage under hla car: luge When ho traveled. 'l-'ACI' 1. -1JOURRE I' & UA Vlisi jc.irrv the largest and tnostj omplele stock of G'l'IICI'Hlt Weri'liaiidist- in Stuux Coun i il-ACl 2. All our uncus are u i keeoim; with Ihe ouali y ol 'goods we sell. We do n.t keei i 'heap John eoodsaud Iherelon i Wr. do not sell nt l l.eiio .bilmt (irices. We sell Unit cla.ss goods1 at. lair prices. i ,' F AC I' We ii , ,,. ',",,, ' i.-eived our Spring and Sum Ii jliiv.iice of white waists & .-e-:-ro.,ds. India l,i,,ion-., ,;,,,,, .... jC'MCil-s, Omgham.s, Site's jS-nrtif-ifs Henriettas, &t .t r A..T 5. Our line of Boots & 'Siioes and Slippers is coniposc-u t"f the latest styles from the Imost, reliable house. FA' T II. We endeavor lo to t he wants a nd needs of our customers and our noods selert-ed with this intent. alei- iil-e :FACI 0,-EveriTT.inir i,m,iiv kept, in ii General Store can be lo'ind at our dai-e. F30URRET & DAVIS. c h UNrrTManliood Restre successor to C. tf. NEWMAN -DEALER IN - Lumber, Dour, Sat. Lime, Coal, Wagon, Buggies and Machinery of all Kinds. I oho carry a line of Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping, Tou. 'crs, Wind Mill re-' pairs, etc. etc etc. , A large stock of feed, loth ground and ungrouud 'al ways on. hand. "C'ePlPKNE.1 "I'CriDKNE." mail crasirG oivca prcm.pl Give me a Call. WANTED A gen Is, Hustlers, Salesm Clerks and everybody who wants to en, jo", a good hearty laugh to send 50u for "Tip to Agents." Worth fliO to .ny person wlio sells goods for a living. If not satisfactory your money back. Cir cular for stamp. Tbel'r. White Elce trie Comb Co. Pecatur, 111. I This great vpget--e-vualt::er, the pj-e. j "'r'l'",m "r a '" French phvstoliui, will quickly cure vrm of all or nervous illscse. ol the eenerative organs such us lost ,f.-uj' hood. Insomnia, puins n th.. tlnckcnnnat Kmlssions, Nei'v oih l'ehllit, Pimples, t.'li tllnes' lo marry, Khiui.lln .. Iiu.his, VkHc'i cel und ( OHstipntlon. It stops nil losses by day or night. I'leinutBiliy, whirl, If not checked, lead to sperniHlori liniv mid al) th horrors or linpoleiicy, ( L'riDKNK ceMns the llvcriind k due vs. CCPIIKNE s'.iength ens slid n stores 'Ihe reus n siitr.-i-.-i - not cured hy dortors is ln cHiise ninety pe-r cent, ure ironhlud with I'liistatits. I'CpI D.'. NK Is the onlv kmnvn lemeily to cure without an operstiiiii. r:,iO( tittnionl:.ls. Awrllt4MiguarHiiieegivi.il nn,l money re turned ir six hoxc do not ..ir,.t a prrma lient u re, l nc s box ; six for flvo by mull .-run i or i roe r M t ,i i ar anil 'i .l i mon hii,. ,, dress DA Vol. MKIHi'lNK ( ., !-ni-rnr-ict l-alilornla. For sr.li, by IticiiAtit, Joi rs NOTICE. All pnrties indebeled to Chns. Newmsn by note, or otherwise will (bid nil bills, and notps nl tiie Commercial Bank for collerhon. Please t nil and settle all open accounts by note bankable or rash in hand and save costs. v Imk Nh.hu A f r t i . J ' V, m -