Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 21, 1904, Image 1

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Harrison Press -Journal.
with u
lTU.TLY 21. 1904. 2S3 O. -4
H iving has commenced io full blank
I'r. T.H.Spindlo the Crawford dentist
M.t.t of Sioux county at 10c each at
this nlBc.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H, liieser was in Harn
"ii yesterday.
Sm Ladling as in this city a few
in yeaterday.
Howard Burke is at present working
tr Oscar Ward.
ito. Gilmore was in the city on busi
ngs lant Saturday.
The lines t line of fresh and cured meats
t J. W. RirKlxjKm,
L, C. Lewiof Crawford, was in this
cily lat Saturday afternoon.
J. A. Anderson was down the road on
business a few days this week.
Sam Sromnn and wife were down from
Vi'yo , on Monday of this week.
Cha. Nortnass, of Cottonwood precinct
a in thincity on business Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bourret were up
from their ranch on Running water Tues
day. A. R. Kennedy was up from Crawford
to look after hi itiler-MH in this vicinity
We have had some nice weather the
past week hut a little rain would he up
predated. We are pleased to state that Mrs. Will
Lacy ih rapidly recovering from her ser
ious illness.
Mrs. ( Hrwin Lewis mid two hoys and
her hrot 'ier, Sam Thomas, were in this
city on Tuesday.
Most of the witnesses from Alliance in
the (,'ounolly Inal went heme on last
Saturday evening.
"W. E. Boutins had chat geof the North
Western .tation tins week during the ab
Seine o. Jess Hull.
Chan (irewell whs up from the south
part of the county on business the fore
pari of the week.
John Hanson's brother arrived from
Iowa yesterday morning aud will remain
here for a lew ilavs.
Dr. Hhindlo, the Crawford dentist, was
in tins city rt-vi-nil days lant week anil
did a fjood business.
The only place to get lleering twine
is at fierluch and Sens. Hinder, mow
ers and rakes also.
Brown the Photographer will le at the
Andrew's Hull in Harrison on July tfU.
Kenieruber Die dates.
J. W. Ricerdurff, the butcher, went to
( hadfon last Friday night am! returned
tii; following morning.
Uv, Henry Loecker, of the Holy
Trinity Church, will hold services in
llurrison on July 23rd.
For SaLB One good white-faced 3-yer-old
bull. Call or address Peter
lurlensen, Ulen. Neb.
Fred Langworthy's mother arrived here
from Seward this state, last Saturday for
a visit with relatives here.
lira. Tucker, of Qlen, was in Harrison
last Saturday tansacting some business
in regard to his father's estate
Station Agent J. L. Hall was down the
road on business a few days this week.
( returned yesterday morning.
BoR! To Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jordan
on Saturday July 10th tn Harrison, a boy.
All parties concerned doing well.
Presiding Elder Clarke, of Chadron con
ducted Quarterly meeting at the Method
ill church in Harrison last Sunday.
We learn that a little) trouble originat
ed uorth-west town this week that will
probably have to ba settled la the courts.
JlJeo. lyidwin was up from the Hat
creek Tuesday. Mr. Baldwin has rented
his saw mill t" Messrs. Crawford and
Harvey, who will run It until September.
8-Year Sentence.
Verdict of Jury In Manslaughter
The jury in the Conaollv Case was
llll.d at about 8 o'clock on last Thursday
Those on this jury were; Martin Car
roll, Frank Scott, lieo. Umphenour, J.
H. Dunlap, (ieo. A. Cullers, Andrew
Knori, Sam Knori, Frank Nutto, Robert
Jordan, James Mi'Cann, J, C. Shiplev,
Fred Lh tig worthy.
The stale commenced to take evidence
ss soon as the jury had bei;n arranged.
There was a larg number of witnesses
on both sides of the case there lieing 17
for the state and 13 for the defense, but
the testimony of each was short and
the work of examination progressed rap
idly. The state completed its evidence
about 3 o'clock Thursday aflernwon and
the work of the defense began. By b
o'clock Friday morning the testimony
was all taken and the attorneys began
their talk to the jury. There being two
attorney's on each side, the pleas were
not llnished until nearly noon. After
the instructions of the judge the jury
went to the jury room to decide the
inocente or guilt of the defendant. It was
noon when the j'ry was snt to the jury
room ami at a Unit 10 o'clock that oighl
they informed the huliff that they had
agreed upon a verdict. The judge was
notified and in a few moments he with
attorneys and the clerk of the court were
in the court room and the jury filed from
the jury room to the jury box. The ver
d.ct of the jury was "manslaughter" the
penalty of which is from one to ten years
in state prison. The attorneys for the
defense at once filed motion for a new
trial which was over ruled by Judge
Westover and on Saturday a'ternoon the
deferdant was sentenced to a term of
eiht years in states prison. The motion
for the new trial was carried to the Su
preme court
The readers of the Jot'KXAL will re
member that on the loth of March 1004
that one llnry II. Miller, of Alliance,
was shot, and killed on the Connolly
ranch in the southern part of this county ,
and thai James Connolly was arrested
ard charged with the crime, Mr. Con
nolly did no! deny thai he did the shoot
in; out i lii'ined that he did it in self
delensw. It, appeared that the men had
had some trouble over the ownership of
a steer, liuediatelv after the shooting
Vlr. Connolly gave himself up to the au
thorities and has since been in the jail
here. He u 40 ears of age and has a
The Crawford dentist is Jr. T.H.Spindlo
The highest cash price paid for hides
at J. W. Ru.-KDornr's.
Marcus Valdez moved his fa.nily to
Ins ranch at Northview, Wyo , last week
whtre they will remain uulill school
starts fi'ain.
Miss Lillian Harris and her sister came
down liom Wyo. , latter part of last
wek and visited a lew days with friends
in this vicinity.
A. J. Leelinp, who has been visiting
friends and relatives in this vicinity for
the past few weeks, left lasl evening for
his home in Iowa.
Mrs. Earnest Bhinney, who visited last
week with her parents near Fort Robin
son, returned to her horue here last
Saturday morning.
4 Miss Maggie Bertleson, of Fort Robin
son, accompnmeu iy oer sister, mis.
Ernest Phinoey came to this city last
Saturday morning for a visit.
.... . . II II
t lias, jacone, an acipmiiiiaiico ui u .
Bieser. arrived here from Iowa yesterday
morning to look over the country and
enjoy a visit at the san e time.
If yeu are in need of a wagon, buggy,
binder, mower or binding twine or any
thing in the line or fanning machinery,
come and see us. Lacy Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilks Earnest and family
who have been visiting with friends in
this city for several days, returned to
their home at Scott Bluff last Saturday
Mrs. Rev. Daniels and children, who
have been at the former's parents in the
eastern iart of the state, returned to
their home in this city last Saturday
Dr. Richards, of Crawford, was In this
cilv last Saturday to consult with Dr.
Phinney of this place io regard to Mrs.
Will Lacy, who has been ve.y sick for
son; time past.
Sandy Stewart, of Whitney was in this
city lust Saturday. Mr. Stewart informs
us that he is now a resident of this-sounty
having taken a homestead near the Cook
ranch on Runningwater.
Mrs Fjrnt Phinnev. who has been
I in Harrison for the past few months.
went out to the ranch with her husband
last Sunday. She was accompanied by
her sister. Miss berllesoc.
Mis Marion Lewis returnl Saturday
from Peru, where she. Iris attended Nor
mal School the past six weeks. She will
teach the 5th and 6lh grades in Crawford
public school the coming year. Craw
ford Bulletin.
Some of Harrison's citizens went fish
ing in the valley last Sunday and were
not only unfortunate as far as catching
fish was concerned but was unfortunate
enough to have their team break loose
which resulted in considerable damage to
the fisherman. One of the horses came
to town that day but the other one was
not found until yesterday.
Carey Items.
Mrs. CP. Lyon spent Sunday in Craw
Frank Sides was io the valley last
Mercury registered W in the shade a
couple of days last week.
Harrison Beans spent a few days last
week wiih J. E. Arner and family.
Lower Collouwood is dry and some of
the residents are kept busy hauling
After a few days stay here, Isaac Pro
cooler's resumed their juuney lo Cam
bria, Wyo., Monday.,
Uwing lo the excisive beat and the in
terest in the ball game there was a small
ulleudance at church last Sunday.
Mr. C. C Jones, of Chadron Academy,
will give an address on "Christian Elu
cation" ul ilia church June 1. Allure
cordially invited,
During the storm last Tuesday evening
lightening struck Alv.i S.ixton's barn,
burning the buiifiug and contents wlncli
consisted of uoout leu lolls of hay.
H Harvest is in full swing. , The hurley,
fail wheal ami rye crops promises u good
tuld, Oil I sii i..g w heal is injured by the
pi eseul UrouUi. lorn and millet have
i ul nutKreU inalei uiily as yel,
Hunter Happenings.
News is scurcu this wuek.
Mrs. Chntleiineii visited at Hamsun
TuesUaj ,
Ezra lucker was a Harrison Visitor
Mis. Bassett went down the roud Mon
day evening.
Pal Lacy, Jr. ishelping Mr. Rice this
week UuliU liien' hew ruoiu.
Vailer Marliu is looking utter Mr. Eu
.ebrcLs sou Ui pla.e Hub
Mr. uud Mis. Either Hughes Visited
frieuua uuvu the ruuu buuiiay,
Elsie, Edua and Eddie Uohwer visituu
Iriends and retail Vea lie re humUy,
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Cook visited friends
iu these parts Thursday aud Friday.
Earnest Bunge was hunting a horse
that strayed. away Iruiu home Una week.
Joe Var'.ey went up home Tuesday to
Tuewlav to help Mr, inid.-y .stack leed.
L. C. Lew is and family came up from
Crawlord feuluruay to visit their clnldreu
Mrs. Iiageman nd baby and Pearla
Jones visited al Mr. Uinsleuseu's Friuay
Joe Varley and family came down to
East Audrewe buuday. Joe will carry
the uiail Ihifc week.
Mrs. Tom Jones and Panzy went to saw
dust Wednesday. Mrs. Varley will help
Pearla and Birdie ruu the ranch while
she is gone.
The hot wind Friday was the worst we
have felt this year. It was preltv bad
near the Runuingwater and made the
mail carrier sick,
Mr. liegeman came after his folks Fri
day night. Mrs. Hageman's brother,
Will and wife having come lo see her,
o she and the children got up out of beu
and went home in the night.
Bet! UtoM pm4aft eieni. W
SntCVttlrrtiir u.n... tui eiMtr '-
UmMm ! Book it. n t
It is interesting t note that fcrtunes
are frequently made by the invention ol
articles of minor importance. Many of
the most popular devices are those de
signed to bene lit the people and meet
popular conditions, and one of the most
interesting of these that has ever been
invented is the Dr. White Electric Comb,
patented Jan 1, 'J'J. These wonderful
. 1... , . I .'. .. i ir I....-
IXIIII'ra UMiiinj Clirta UrtH'OUU, uilirj
falling out, sick and i:ervous heitdaches,
and when usd with Dr. White'sJEIectric
Hair Brush are positively guaranteed to
make straight hairciirly in 2-i days' lime
Thousidids of thse elex-trit: combs have
been sold in various cities of the Unioa
and the demand is constantly increasing.
Our agents are rapidly becoming rich
selling these combs. They positively sell
on sight. Kend for sample. Men's sue
35c. ladies' 50c - (half price while weure
lutrodui-ing liieiu ) The llr While Elec
ric Comb Co.,i-citur, 111.
Ksllrosd between M juri H.iver. io
Direct line to St, Paul Mlnnespolls.
Direct Line to DUck Hills.
Apply to nearest &ent for rates, maps
and time csrdt.
'1 i.Mi: TAHI.F.
West, Bound. East Bound.
Morning, Evening.
No. 13, Due 9:11
No. 14, Due 7:25
No. S4 loc. frt. 5:45
No. 83. lo. fit. 0:3.r
Both trains carry passengers.
How to Make Money Out of Easy
Going Strangers.
"I thought I was pretty wise to ah
sorts of tames," said a gambler, "but
I've Just been beaten out of a five
spot as easily as though I came from
Cohoes. A friend and I had boon
standing In tlio doorway of a hotel
betting cn the odd or even numberj of
the next car to pasn, and I was loser.
Then th5 other fehow suggested that I
try to call a coin, bead or tall, for $3,
as a chance to get tr.y money back. I
eprced. He slaprH a quarter on the
oack of Lis band ;,T J I cabl heads.' It
was a tall, and I was a five out.
"Tlie fcxpericrre was worth It,
thonph, for ho told me the rme after
joshing me for a good thing. It la
Instinct, be sa'd, for almost every
one In calling a coin to say head, so
he always placed the coin '.alls up
when the other man was to call It. He
said that the game worked nine times
out of ten, and be didn't really con
sider It unfair, because be was prao
tlcally bc.tlng me that I would say
'beads,' though 1 dMn't know It. I like
the gnme, and I'm going to try It on
tome of tie wlso ones t fcaow. I'll bet
It woiks, tou"
t. Anthony and ri't.
St. Anthony Is th- pntron and pro
tector of pigs, and Stow, In his "Sur
vt-y," mentions a curious custom pi'.v
aletit in bis time In the Lonuoa uy.:t
kcts, which has left Its mark in a
proverb. The officers of the market?
slit the ears of starved pls and thns'.
unwholesome for food; around tin
necks of these tbe proctors of St. An
thony's hospital tied bells, nnd set
tbem loose upon the refuse heaps. It
became the habit of people to feed
thoe pigs, and tb anKuals, acouhlni
a knowledge of their benc.'actuis
rould follow tbetri like a dog, whining
for food. Uence the saying, "Ho f ol
lows me about like an Anthony pig'
or "Ha t a Tantony pig," applied ti
t whining beggar or mere hanger-on.
Mohammedans In India.
It U estimated that while tbero are
bO,000,00O of Mohammedans In India
ml about 7.000,000 Buddhists, also a
small number of Parsees, there are
three fottrthn of the total population
fho adhere to tho Hindoo faith.
From Herbert 8pencer.
The power of self-government, like
11 other powera, can be de-.opeJ on
ly by exercise. Whoso Is rule over
hl passions In maturity must bo prac
ticed In ruling over Ms passion dur
ing youth. Social StMict.
Absence of Mind.
A devout and worthy man Is the
clergyman of a parish not twenty
miles south of Chicago. His congre
gation was somewhat amused at the
singularity of one of his announce
ments ono evening recently, which was
as follows; "Remember our Com
munion service next Sunday forenoon;
the Lord win be with us during the
morning services, and tbe Bishop In
the evening."
The fimut line of 'wines, liquor a and best brands of cigars.
TH EG. SAGE It T, Proprietor.
Selling More Goods Than Ever.
A complete line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE,
DRVGOODS, IJOOTS& SHOES, and a complete
line of SPRINT, GOODS.
JJuildinf? material of all kinds . Flour, Feed, Gram,
Wind-mills, Pumps, Tanks, Wagond, Buggies laim
Implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles & etc.
x r . . TD s- ,A 1 -- r v t.
Tliat' what it's here for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give us a trial. Yours for Business,
FACTS """ :
FA(;T l.- ltOURRE r& davis
iiMiry the largest
.oionU-te stock of ticiieiaii
in Sioux (Jotiu
ll' Al 1 2, All our prices are mi
keeping with the quali y of
.'iiudx we sell. We do n-t keep
rheap John oodsand therefore
'. do not sell lit, t'heup John
prices. Wh sell lirst class froocls
iat, fn ir prices. ,
FA' 1' 15, We endeavor to cater.
jto the wants and neeils ol our
customers and our tfoods are
selected Willi this intent.
to an. NEWMAN,
Lumber, Moors, saw, jAme,
Coal, Wagons, Buggies and
Machinery of all Kinds.
I also carry a line of Wind
Mills, Pumps, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc etc. etc.
A large stock of feed, both
ground and ungrouud al
ways on hand.
mail orders given, prcm.pt
Give me a Call.
WANTED Agents, Hustlers, Palesui
Clerks and everybody who wants to en,
joy a good hearty laugh to send 50c for
"Tips to Acents." Worth $50 to any
person who sell good for a living. If
not, satisfactory your money back. Cir
cular fer stamp. The Dr. White Elee
tricCombOo. Decatur, 111.
All onl.irs given prompt utteution,
All onl.irs given prompt utteution, A
jKAUlr4, We have "ju"l. 5
ceived our Spring uud hunm ii
invoice or while waists St "'
if oods, India. Limons, CJ.tnio isr "
I'.iMBiles, Ginjrhiini. s-it)si''
Shirtinirw Henrietta. &C
(FAi.T 5, Our line of Boots &
Slioes nnd Slippers is composed
of the latest style from I In
most, reliable house.
iFACT 6, Everything usually
kept in a General Store can Iw
! foil ml at our place.
Manhood Restored
This great vogetnhlrfvttRllzer, the jre- 1
HoripMon of h tiunoim French physician, will
quickly cure vou of all or nervous 1Isoi.bo
of the gnnerative organs sunh as lost Man
hood. Insomnia, pains in tho niick'fcnunal '
Kinlssloiu, Nervous Debility, Pimples, Un
tltnpssto marry, Kihanstiiisj Drains, Vaiico
eel tii-. COHHtipntlon. It ntops nil losses by
day or nlftht. I'remiitnrlly, which if not
checked, lead to sperituitorrhoon and all the
horrors of Impotoncy. Cl'I'IDKSE i'h'Hinr '
the llTornnd kalnevs. Ct.'1'll'ENE strength
ens and restores The reason sufferer sr
not cured by doctor is because ninety per
cent sr irouhled with l'rostatit. Ct'l'I
DV.NE Is Hie only known remedy to euro:
without nn operation. S.ikW lUtlmoniiil.
A written guarantee given and money re
turned If six lioxos do not effect a perm-"
nent euro.l.ei.flO box; six for five by mill 1
send fur freenlrciilar suit 'tinthnonlsl. Ad
lres KAVOl. MEUICIKE 1,0.. SnKrsiicle' '
California. For alo by Kichahh JOM
All parties indebeted tn Chas. Newman''
by note, or otherwise will find nil billet,' -nnd
notes at the Commercial Bank for
collection. Please cell and settle altf'
open accounts by nole bankable or cash'
in hand and save conts.
(HAS. Nrwlfj