ST"? The Riser's By HON RE CHAPTER VII. M. Grandet entered the room, gave b (harp glance at the table an4 an other at Charles. He saw bow it waa at ence. "Aha! fon hare been making a fete for your nephew. Good, very good, oh! very good, indeed: le aid. without stammer ing. "When the cat ia i) the mice sua; play. "Fete?" thought Chr'r, alio bad uot the rvmoteu conception of affsira in the Grande household. Gran.ltt dr.w from hia waistcoat pock et a lange clasp-knife with a stag's horn handle, out a slice of bread, buttered it lowly and sparingly, and began to eat f he stood. Just then Charles put tome sugar into hia coffee; this called Gran det'a attention to the pi-ea of augar ou the table: b looked bard at hia wife. ho turned pale and came a step or two Inward him; he bent down and said in the poor woman's ear: "Where did all that sugar come from? "Nanon went out to Kessarl's for Some; there waa none in the house. V It is impossible to dscri! the j ain- ful interest that this dumb -how 1 (eased for the three women; Nsuou Tad, tft her kitchen, uu 1 w as looking into j ie dining room to see how thiu-s went : there, Charles meanwhile t.'.ste.l hia cof fee, found it rather strong, aud looked j round for another piece of sugar, but Grandet had already pounced upon it and . taken it away. "What do you want, nephew ?" the j Id innn inquired. "The sugar." j "Tour in nice npre milk if your cof ; lee is too strong." answered the master , If the house. I Eugenie took up the saucer, of which Grandet had previously taken po-seii-lion, and set it on tie looking quietly at. her father the while. Charles ad not the remotest conception of what f cousin endured f..r Ui:n. or of tlie porrible dismay that filled her heurt as he met her father's angry eye.; he Smild never even know of her sacrifice. "You are eating nothing, wife?" Tlie poor bond-slave went to the table, rut a piece of bread in fear and tiein bling, and took a pear. Eugenie, grown tackles, offered the grapes to her fath er, saying as she did so: "Just try aome of my fruit, papa'. You will tnfce some, will you ivt. cousin? I brought those pretty grapes down ou i purpose for you'" "Oh! if they could have their way, they would turn Sauuiur upside dow a for Loo, nephew! As mn as jou have fiu ihed we wiil take a turn iu the girden together; I have some things to tell you thnt would take a deal of sugar to sweet en them.' t Eugenie and ber mother Imth gave Charles a look, which the young man could not mistake. "What do you moan by that, uncle? Piuce my mother died there la no mis fortune possible for me." "Who can know what afflictions heav en may send to make trial of us, nephew?" aaid hia aunt, "Tut, tut, tut," muttered Grandet. "here you are beginning with your folly already! I am sorry to see that you art Buch white hands, nephew." Ha displayed the fists, like shoulders f mutton, with which nature had termi nated bis own arms. "That ia the sort of band to rake the crowns together! You put the kind of leather on your feat that we used to make pocketbooks of to keep bills in. That i the way you have been brought p. That'a bad! that's bad!" "What do you mean, nncle? I'll be hanged if I understand one word of thla." - "Come along," aaid Grandet, and the miser shut bis knife with a snap and opened the door. "Oh! keef up your courage, cousin!" Something in the girl 'a voice sent a ndden chill through Charles; he follow ed hia formidable relative with dread ful misgivings. Eugenie and her moth er and Nanon went into the kitchen; au uncontrollable anxiety led thrm t9 watch the two actors IU the scene which was" about to take place in the damp little garden. Uncle and nephew walked together iu silence at firtt. Grandet felt the situa tion to be a somewhat awkward one; not tbat he shrank at all from telling Charles of bis father'a death, but be felt a kind of pity for a young man left in this way without a penny In the world, and he cast about for phrases that should break the cruel news aa gently as might be. "You lave loet your father!" he could say that; there waa nothing In that; fathers usual ly prodeeease their children. But, "You have not a penny!" All the woea of the world were summed op In those words, so for the third time the worthy man walked the whole length of the path in the center of the garden, crunching the gravel beneath bis heavy boots, and no word waa aaid. "It 1 very fine; very warm," said Grandet, drawing in a deep breath of air. "Well, my boy, "I have some bad news for you. Your father la very ill " "What am I doing here?" cried Charles. "Nanon!" be ahotited, "order poet horses! I shall be sure to find a carriage of aome sort In the place, I snp pose," he added, turning to his uncle, who had not stirred from where he stood. "Horses and a carriage are of no nee," Grandet answered, looking at Charles, who Immediately stared straight before him In ailence. "Yea, my poor boy, yon guess what has happened; he Is dead. Bat that ia nothing; there la something worse; be baa shot himself through the head " "My father?" "Yes. but that la nothing, either. The newspapers are discussing It, aa if it were any hnslnese of theirs. There, read tor yourself." Grandet had borrowed Crnchot'v pa ter, and now he laid the fatal paragraph before Charles. The poor young fellow he waa only a lad as yet made no attempt to hide his emotion, and burst bete tears. "Cease, that la batter," aakl Grandet t himself. "Tbat look In bis eyes fright ened me. Ha la crying; ha will pull tVreagh. Never mind, my poor nephew," .. Crtftdat resMal stood, not knowing MM Charles beard bun or ne, "tbat totctizj, n wo w i. " 0) Daughter DE BALZAC "Never! never! My lather! my fath er!" "He baa ruined you; you are penni le.' "What is that to me? Where it my father?" The sound of bis sobbing filled the little garden, reverberated in ghast ly echoes from the walls. Tears are as infectious as laughter; the three women wept with pity for him. Charles broke from his uncle without waiting to hear more, and sprang into the yard, found the staircase, and tied to hia own room, where he flung himself across the bed and buried his face in the bedclothes, that be might give way to bia grief. "Let him alone till the first shower Is over," said Grandet. roing back to the parlor. Eugenie and her mother bad hastily returned to their places, had dried their eyes, and were sewing with cold, trembling fingers. "But that fellow is good for nothing," went on Grandet; "he is so taken up with dead folk that be doesn't even think about the money." Eugenie shuddered to hear the most sacred of sorrows spoken f in u h a 1 way; from that moment she beau to j cnti-ifce her father, t'harles' wilis, snioth- ered though they were, r ing through 'hat Lotine or echo; the sound seeuieo to come from under the earth, a heartrend ing wail that grew fainter toward the end of the day, and only ceased as night drew on. "1'ixir boy!" said Mme. Grandet. It was an unfortunate remark. Good man Grandet looked at his wife, then at Eugenie, then at the sugar basin, he rec.lle. ted the sumptuous breakfast pre pared that morning for their unhappy in, and planted himself in the mid dle of the room. "I.ook hen-, you two," he exclaimed, "there is to 1 no nonsense, mind! I am going to Cruchot's and have a talk with him about all this." CHAPTER VIII. Grandet went out. As soon as the d'r closed iion Grandet, Eugenie and ! Iier mother breathed more freely. The g;rl had never felt constraint iu her father's presence until that morning; but a few hours had wrought rapid changes in her feelings. ".Mhuiiuh. how many louis is a Logs bead of wine worth?" "Vmir father gets something between a hundred and a hundred and fifty francs for his; sometimes two hundred, I be lieve, from what I have heard him fray." "And would there be fourteen hundred hogsheads in a vintage?" "I don't know how many there are, child, upon my word; your father never talks about business to me.' "Hut. anyhow, pupa must be rich." "May be. P.ut M. Cruchot to'd me that your father bought Froid.'oud two year ago. That would be a heavy pull on him." "He did not even so much as see me. the poor dear!" said Nanon, entering the room, "lie is lying there ou his bed like a calf, crying, you never saw the like! I'ortr young man; what can be the mat ter with him?" "I-t us go up at once and comfort him, mamma; if we bear a knock, we will come downntairs." There was something in the muKical tones of her daughter's voice which Mme. Grandet could not resist Eugenie waa sublime; she was a girl no longer, she was a woman. With beating hearts they climbed the stairs and went together to Charles' room. The door was open. The young man saw nothing and heard noth ing; he was absorbed in hia grief. "How he loves his father!" said Eu genie In a low voice, and in her tone there was an unmistakable accent and hopes of which she was unaware. Mme. Grandet, with the quick Instinct of a mother'a love, apoks in her ear. "Toke care," she said, "or you may love him." "Love him!" aaid Eugenie. "Ah! if you only knew what my father aaid." Charlea moved aligljily as he lay, and saw his aT4nt ffBu ffOltfjjJ .."1 have lost my father," he cried; "my poor father! If be had only trusted me ant) told me about his losses, we might have worked together to rFpair them. My kind father! I was so sure that I should see him again, and I said good by so carelessly." "We will surely pray for him," said Mme. Grandet. "Submit yourself to the will of heaven!" "Take courage, cousin." said Eugenie gently; "nothing can give your father back to you; you must now think how to save your honor." A woman always baa her wits about her, even in -her capacity of comforter, and with instinctive tact Eugenie sought to divert her cousin's mind from his sorrow by leading him to tiling about himaelf. "My honor?" cried the young man, hastily poshing back the hair from his eyes. He sat upright upon the bed, and folded his anna. "Ah! true. My uncle said that my father had failed. Leave me! leave me! Cousin Eugenie," he en treated. "Oh! heaven forgive my fath er, for he must have been terribly un happy!" There waa something In the sight of this young sorrow that was ferribly en gaging. It waa a sorrow that shrank from the gaze of others, and Charlea' gesture of entreaty was understood by Eugenie and her mother. They went ai lently downstaira again, and sewed on for nearly an hoar without a word to each other. About 4 o'clock a sharp knock at the door sent a sudden thrill of terror through Mme. Grandet. "What can have brought your father back?" ahe said to ber daughter. "I hare hooked tbem, wife," aaid the vine grower, In high good humor. "I have tbem safe. Our wine is sold. The Belgians were setting out this morning; I hung about In the market place in front of their inn, looking as simple as I could. A man came up to me. AH the best' growers are hanging off and holding their vintages; they wanted to wait, and ao they can, I have not hindered them. Oar Belgian waa at bis wit's end, I saw tbat do the bargain waa struck; he is taking the whole of our vintage sat two hun dred franca the hogshead, half of It paid down at one In caM, and I have prom- tor the ran. There are six Leiis for you. Iu three miflis time prices wfll go dow n." The last words came out quietly enough, but there was something ao sar donic in the tone That if the little knots of growers, then standing in the twilight in the market place of Kaumur, in die may at the news of Grandet'a sale, had heard him speak, they would have shud dered; there would have been a panic on the market winea would have fallen fifty per cent. "You have a thousand bobsheads this year, father, have you not?" asked Eu genie. "That will mean two hundred thousand francs?" "Yes, Msdemoiselle Grandet" "Well, then, father, yen can easily belp Charles." The surprise, the wrath and bewilder ment with which Belshauar beheld Men Mene Tekel I'pharsin written upon hia palace wall were aa nothing compared with Grandet'a cold fury; he bad forgot ten ait about Charles, and now he found that all hia daughter's inmost thoughts were of hia nephew, and that this arith metic of hers referred to him. It waa exasperating. "Ixxik here!" he thundered; "ever since that scapegrace set foot in my house ev erything has gone askew. You take it upon yourselves to buy sugar plums, and make a great set-out for him. I will not have these doings. I should think, at my age, I ought to know what ia right and proper to do. At any rate, I have no need to take lessons from my daughter, nor from any oue elxe. I shall do for my nephew whatever it is right and proper for me to do; you need not meddle in it. And now, Eugenie. If you say an other word about it, 1 will send you and Nanon off to the Abbey at Noyers. fee if I don't. Where is that boy? Has ba come downstairs yet?" "No. He is crying for hie father," Eugenie said. Grandet looked at bis daughter, and found nothiog to any. There was soma touch of the father even iu him. He took one or two turns op and down, and then went straight to bis strong room to think over possible Invest ments. He had thoughts of buying consols. Those two thousand acres of woodland had brought him in six hun dred thousand francs; then there waa the money from the sale of the poplars, there was laat year's income from vari ous sources, and this yesr'a savings, to say nothing of the bargain which he had jut concluded; so that, leaving those two hundred thousand francs out of the question, he possessed a lump sum of nine hundred thousand livres. That twenty per cent, to be made iu so short a time upon his outlay, tempted bim. Consols stood at seventy. He Jotted down his calculations on the margin of the paper that had brought the news of hi brother's death; the moans of hli nephew sounded in his ears the while, but he went on with his work till Nnnon thumped vigorously on the thick wall to summon her master to dinner. On the last step of the staircne beneath the archway Grandet paused and thought "There is the interest beside the 8 per cent I will do it. Fifteen hundred thou sand francs in two years' time, in gold from 1'iris, too, full weight. Well, what h?. become of my nephew?" "lie said he did not want anything," replied Nanon. "He ought to eat or he will fall ill." "It is so much saved." was her mas ter's comment "He will not keep on crying forever. Hunger drives tlie wolf from the wood." IMnner was a strangely silent meal. When the cloth had been removed Mme, Grandet spoke to ber husband. "We ought to go into mourning, dear." "Iieally, Mme. Grandet you must be hard up for ways of getting nd of money. Mourning is in the heart; it la not put on with clothea." "P.ut for a brother mourning la Indis pensable." "Then buy mourning out of yoor six louis; a baud of crape will do for me yon can get me a baud of crape." (To be continued.) FOR THE VEASURELV PA8T. Plea for Old-Time Leisure and Blaa plicity Ie Heard A gala. Mrs. Frederic Harrison's pleSj Jfl tjja Cornhill for old-tlmj IfcliUJj. jirid sim plicity la In a well-Uiniiumed key. The theme la a stQPSue for essayists find vt-r-ejnteft. How- many, Indeed, tender melancholy, over the decay of the diary, the loss of the art of letter writing, the passing of the time when life's unruffled stream serenely flowed between velvet meadows of quietude. Truly, ao recurrent Is this familiar aentlmentallsrn concerning the pist that It Is strange Campbell did not niake bis lines read: Remembrance spring eternal In tha breast, Man never Is but always has been blest. It Is a favorite preoccupation of each succeeding generation to regard Itself as time-worn and Jaded the power of agreeable sensation exhaust ed; the store of primitive simplicity spent The tfory of Solomon's court was disturbed by the voice of the preacher saying all things had become vanity; on Dante's page fell the morn ing beams of the renaissance, yet bis spirit Is that life In Lis day bad lost Its savor and was an ordeal to ba en dured rather than a privilege to ba enjoyed; Sbakspeare wrote in tha Jocund way of the great Elizabeth, yai when his soul speaks through Hamlet It la to complain that the thnea are out of Joint. An age is seldom almp!a and leisurely to Itself. It is ungracious to break In upon self-solscing mus ings, reflections which do no barm even though born of fancy rather than of fact Nevertheless, the modern his torical spirit Is stern and insists that the truth Is always Its own Justifica tion. If the latter is a correct prin ciple, than witness must be borne tbat the data collectors have fairly estab lished that to-day la the age of leisure rather than fifty or one hundred or any other known number of years ago. New York Globe. However lady-like a girl may really be, ahe can't abow It when chewing gum. You're not in on aome of the jokes the men laugh at; they're oa you. LACK OK FILIAL, OBKDIEMCE. sTer. ST. r. memmrrr. "A wise son ruaketh a glad father, but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother." I'rov. ., 1. God has brought the human race togvther iu families. The relations of the members of the family are most Intimate. Parents and children are much together by day and by night; In grief and in Joy; in sickness and in health. The family is rendered happy by each member flllltig his own place, and doing his duty to every other meiulM-r. Such a family is a type of heaven. It may become a wretched family If the members are not consid erate of other member, and if duty to each other is not discharged. All good parent desire for their children that they lie wise, useful and successful. No i-acrinVe is too great for parents to make if this end Is to be attained, and children should have high appreciation of the sacrilices made. We take off our hats to the boy whose widowed mother had Ktic riiiced ever comfort of life that he might linish bis college course and come to graduation; who, having placed in his band the medal of honor, left the platform from which he had delivered his oration, walked down the Blsle and placed tlie nieilal upon his mother' a neck. '1 be whole world look ed tijioii mill appreciated the laudable pride of Garlield's mother when she witnessed the inauguration of her sou. And the public was not less Mined , :.. ;i the mother of President McKin l y sti-id before thousands ami haw Lit wm taking the oath of otlbe as l'lisideiit of the l ulled States The Bible is not Nllent on the sub ject of lilial obligation. God consul. t (l it of sullleient Importance to make it one of the Ten CiuiiiiiiiiidaienSs Honor thy father anil thy mother that thy days may be lung upon the land which the Ind thy God givelh thee." You will note the position of iliis coinuiaiiiliiM'iit. It is the tirst In the second table of the law, n ml indi cates wry clearly that the family is the basis of all isoclety. God would have us understand tbat the proper training of the youth i at the foun dation of all virtue, and that children who do not honor their parents will, when the occasion offers, likewise dis honor all other authority. Oliedlence to parental authority Is a thing that should be Insisted upon. The ability and willingness to obey Is fundamental in character. We are taught obedience by nature and by the civil law, as well as by the Scrip tures. As a rule, it should be un questioning; and the only exception to the general law of filial obedience is where the conscience Is Involved The Instruction Is. "Children, oln')- your purents Iu the Lord" that Is, as far as the commands of parents are ac cording to the will and word of God. No child Is called upon to obey that parent giving unreasonable and un acriptural commands. The laclc of filial obedience Is every where looked upon with disfavor. It la said that the place of Absalom's pillar Is known, and that It la com mon for travelers to throw stones on the heap with thJ words "pursed be the memory of wicked Absalos and cursc-d forever be all wicker! children that rise tip In rebellion against their parents." Iu addition to obedience, we owe out1 parents reverence. They gave us our life and sustained that life until we became strong enough to be Independ ent of their help. Their tender watch fulness over our Infancy provided for our wants, and in their wisdom di rected our education. They are su perior to us In age and experience and In wisdom. Our attitude toward them should be the attitude of court eous speech and respectful demeanor. We should took up to them. It Is no uncommon thing for the children, be cause of the advantages which had been given them by the parents, to lie come more learned, more wealthy, aud to occupy a higher poxltlon In the so cial and business world than did their parents. The child looking down upon the parent from this position ought to be enough to call down upon that child universal contempt. The par ents may have Infirmities, or may com mit deeds that bring them under con demnation; still It Is our business to hold them In honor, notwithstanding our grief for them. Tlie picture pre sented when Garfield kissed his vener able mother after taking the Presiden tial oath was a fit subject for a paint ing or a poem. Our parents who live three score years and ten come back very near the point where they started at the beginning, and this second childhood Is like the tlrst childhood In Its weakness and helplessness, aud needs protec tion. Age changes the position. In the first place, the parents In their atrengtb sustain their children, and now the children have grown strong Hid must take up the duly of caring for the parents. They taught us to walk and supported as when we were too weak to stand. It Is now onr duty Ind privilege to permit tbem tb lean upon us. No sacrifice waa too great for them to make, no labor w o hard for them to do, If by doing so they might give us comfort aud plen ty. It is the smallest thing we can do to assist them ou the Journey down the western slope of life. The reverence, olwdience and sup port Khould be given to our parents not merely as a duty required by self re-sps-t, atrd by human and divine laws, but should be prompted by the high est principle that can control the heart of man, and this highest principle Is love. Who can measure the depth of the love of a father or a mother? From the moment of birth this love has en folded us. While we slept, with the mother sleepless herself, she watched over us and guarded us. In our sick ness she bent over us and wept and prayed for our recovery. In our health and triumphs she has had delight, aud In the defeats that have come to us none have shown w warm a sympathy as thiwe who loved us tlrst. Our pros perity made theni glad, and the mis fortune which had the effect of driv ing many away from tis only drew thern closer. Even disgrace has not been sufficient to alienate this love, and the son has leen followed to the gallows and prison and the criminal's grave, and thnt grave has been moist ened with tears and decked with flow ers. Such love as this should call forth our best affection and our warm est gratitude. VACATIONS A NECKNKITY. By RIhot Smmurl FmUo These days of school and college commencements bring forcibly before us the truth that human life is a school. For intel lect u a I, social, moral, business and spiritual ends this school exists. Nothing In Its teacliers. Instruc tions or methods can lie valueless or p u r p O selcss. A V' power Hlxive our- (.elves has placed bishop rAixuws, us lii school even as we send our children to school by a power be yond themselves. That power very largely determines for us the agencies and instruments of Instruction as we determine thoe of our children. Where and how we were born and what the uutiire of our environment In which our life was Hist tinfoiiied was not ours to set lie. l!ut we were at school. The very air we breathed, the changes of the atmosphere and a thousand other things connected with nature and man have been shaping our lives. Both organism and environment have thus Im-cii potent factors. Environment may lie credited with nine-tenths of our education and heredity with a scant one tenth. A change In environ ment has changed a carnivorous bird Into a garnlvorous one and the latter Into the former. As In school there must be mo ments of piny, to must there be In the school of life. Vacations are need ed lu the one, so are they also In the other, Russell Sage to the contrary notwithstanding. One Sage la enough to a million of ordinary men. Too many of us older children do not know the meaning of relaxation In our rest less weariness anj unrelenting. j:;7'it-Souess of otir consuming, stren uous American life. A wise physician of our city placed his daughter in one of our best pub lic schools and solemnly forbade the teachers from Imposing; any lessons which should require moje than one hour's simiy at And now jn' ull bloom and beauty ami heai'tbfui vigor she Is able to assume the duties of responsible womanhood. Every' teacher should be placed under lionds to do likewise. The school life is crowded with hard lessons. Trials, sorrows, disap-j pointments lierenveuient come. Rut the divine Providence which has per milted them will help us solve them. The great Teacher, with his heart tilled with sympathy and love, never gets out of patience with us. If fao cannot give us the meaning of them here he will make good his promise to each of us, "What thou knowest not now thou aha It know hereafter." Short Meter Sermons, Deeds demonstrate doctrine. Working religion Is uot religious work. It takes a great man to do little things well. Wings of love do not need a track of law. Gold fetters are not more clastic than Iron; A difficulty is at the door of every delight Respectability is no substitute for repentance. Love is alwaya looking on God's sldo of people, A yellow youth does not make a green old age. A square man does not need to be all corners. Heavenly manna does not make a man mealy mouthed. Great souls can neither be starved by poverty nor choked by riches. You know what a man Uvea for when you know what he look a) when alone. HCJW JAPAN WAS FOUNUtO w, Tate .... - ,urJ:z ,.,.r (il.-s,oi. f.,rai.Sf.Me.M.. .. r ,!.. t!.. ot-bll-bnient ' " i, . .aid that th- first who -.tW on the ne.irh .-rtMg ,U:l more than two o-n.u.. rhrMIati era- , S.m-ikwo, the legend ru.--. Le tbn...e of n,U.a in the yesr I C ami at one enteral on a career ,f cruelty and tyranny. wthrle. m-t anxious '" .rlvilcgc of bla iroHlti. ' , period as l r. W? .f endeavoring to obtain some sitfic ;i:(.ut bv which the duration of bumau fe c.,'ld I- prolong..!, be dUpatcbed ;st1 messengers and explurers O ,; the countries with which be held ,y communication, or of the lw ilMrtits of which he could obwln any knowledge. Taking advantage -f the clrcutn- tauva. one of his m-dlca! attendant! iivbor In hourly dread f sudden sentence to d.-alh told the em- ,.ror that he lad b-annsl that sue!. llll agent exisnsi ill j I.Iant which giew .-nl In the Islam), which now f.s in the .b."i'-e empire, 'he iila nt in iiiiestion was alo T'rt d to be one ..f delicate structure -nd v,.isltlve nature that if Mucked with pure tenuis M-"'1''1 ir,si,,i!i It would lose all its my lei-i.nis virtue before arriving within he limits of the fhlnc-e empire. It uiis segg-t.-l th-it ' yo'H'4 nell Hlld the Milne lillllilicr of girls -ill of spotbs physical health and moral purity -slculd ! selected to ,ro-e.s to Japan for the purise of ii uritig a siillr lent supply f the pn--ioil- plant. The suggcMlim win promptly acted on. The medical ad-d-er alx patriotically volunteered to "mliict the expedition hlm-elf, and the offer was accepn-1. The eXMilition embarked as ssedi!y (s possible for the .lapalii-se Islands, but not one of Its nieinU rs was ever (.en within the hounds of the Chln.-n ' inpire again. The previously umx u ii x parts of Japan were rapidly mi; dated with a race more fresh and vig irmis In Isxly and mind than the aver Bge inhabitants of the laud "f the " 'e. !e-t;,-ils" Itself: The tins',;. - chief of 'he expedition, of course, created him Mlf king of the country, and tuii Imd 1 magnificent palace erected f..r h's lesidciice, which he iiilled Kanjokil 'i. e., 'grande liniisoii, semblable, ant -leiix"). We are further fold thnt the Jap snese mention the historic fact In their immN: that they point out to vliton mi which th" iii's! cnl fonnh r if their empire landed, and also shot th" rules of n temple which was erect. d In his honor. Wlvea as Woge-I'trners. The American prejudice ngrilns. Mige-eariilng by married women a p. ,vars Iu the effort occasionally nimbi to make the employment of teachers In (he public schools terminate with mar riage. Hut thousands of American married women do earn wages, thniis. inds more would gladly do ho if they could, and other thousand would bu happier Rlld better off If they did. Tlnl rejudlce against It seen, a disadvan tageous. American men. as a rule, pre fer to support their wives If they can. If an American married woman works for pay, It Is either liecHuX? tt gives her pleasure or because. r uu" band's Income is Insult" 'mnt 1oe not do It a9 a of '(,ourii), How hjwr i can keTp ft up depend, "Jon what the work Is, and upon oth' -r circumstances. If he has children, that, of course. Interferes with be wage-earning, If It does not stop lltogether, and general acceptance of cuNtuiu vvlilch would restrict or dis Vitimge chUdTieaiing is not to the pule il" advantage. Marriage tends, and should (fit ill to withdraw women from ,,..,..,,.;,.,. 'jt t It need not stop it per se and aC ipiiy. 10 make marriage a bar to future wage-earning by fl woman I'tcs In restriction of mrr ope. and l!i;.t is at least us much against j,bj ,n:cy as restriction of child bearing Harper s Weekly. He Hail Hern Them Ug Many a city child who 1ms grown ID firm In the faith tl,.,t codiish are wrn salt and that tomatoes grow In runs has hud his Idea of the Imlld'ti ' )f the world rudely shattered by I fllt to the country.,y Ju back from a fresh-nlr excursion, say Hie New York Tribune, w a,opp',, one day by Henry W. (liver the pit! .rg phllan.hrc.plst. who wished to test tils Intelligence. "How were those stones tIm1 'n? he asked, pointing to a pile of llietn. "They wasn't made. Th. y growed ' rvas the ready answer. "How do yon mean?" "Why, Jes' de same as perfnties X wen 'em dug In de same field out 'n 1 tountry." ' Mr. Oliver shook his head. yn ,v.y." he said, "stones cannot Kr,',w' If ton were to come back to these 'five rears from now Ihey would be Just the tame alia." . l "Yes," said the newslioy with a earned sneer, "and so would pertatles y ve been tooken out of de ground" .nd (1.1 : ends It. Dey can't grTw nore. Hut you can't fool me on stones cause I've seen m dug," ' By the time a man thorough!, Uml4,r. ttands the ways of a woman he i. Id that he doesn't care .ov.i tbem- ' "owu Hucceaaful men Iuum . . tempt fallora. w r