Harrison 4 i OURNAL. 1 : 1 I . : I . .1 ltS. w HI Is ' f. ' 'i I Ut-t ;.h u k-i v. s. OFFICIAL PAPBB OF SI' 'UIK CoTjrNI T. VOL. XVII. HABRIS02ST, 1TBBBASKA. TIIlj"ISIDA.r, JTJ."Li" 1904. 1S3 O. 3 IL local news of the vei:k Huj .llg ill sll COtlinieUCSS. Lr. T. II . Spiudlo the Ciaw ford dentist Kiiiford Hill was in tbacity Tuesday. Vernon H.n h:i rt Sunday at Craw ford, John H.egel won hi the city on business Monday. Claus ChrisU-usen was attending court Monday. Mi of Sioux county at 10c each at On office. Seviral frn Alliance is in attendance at c urt here. Kx-i'ounty clerk 11a uni has been in the citv Una week. Miss (if rtm Hourret went to Alliance Hutur luv mlil. Jolm Jlurkeis working barn at present. at tlio liverv A ugusl Ring was am.in; the visitors to tins ity Tuesda) . Kd Holhngsworth wan doing Iiihidhs in tin citv Moi.il.tv. John Plunkett and .vife ai up from t heir ram h Sat urd.iy. Tii" finest line of fresh and cured meats at J, W. l'.lrU! H.Kir's. 'A. W. Himakt-r ! in Harrison on b u tiness last ri'uliiv. Iih.i, O'i '..tin. :r is working Ward III III" h.iv ll.dd. for O-oar I.tuie Andreamri, of ( 'raw ford, mm ir. this vicinity on business fore pari ol t J week. Tin I- f!.. dwo Sett llTS i'.t Alllll'Ce I Oil" (if till' ill this citv first thi -nan iu '1 !. !, S. .).. !. I Jiil-r were .low n !. Thoitdav iiml . -ti r i tt i and Ins mother were up :!ros on linsitn.-s Monday and 'd-i Severnl from lltr.!o'i nt'ended the funeral of I. tile Hiilh Hall at, H.id.trc X e-liiia v. -Pitt f.icv, Jr., went, to Andrews H"V dav night wl.cie hi! will work at the Hunter ran.-ti. V.'ilks Finest and fatnily, of Sett's Ifiiilf, were vi.itirg with friemlsin liar rison this week. Mro, fbiis, Hihh-ln'h sisters who have been staving hero for some tone past, departed for their home last Friday night. Pete Allison whs 111 the citv Monday. JiewasB phasatt caller nt this office ntnl romcmliereJ tis with a few years suit Kcnptioti. Mrs. Henry Warneke, accnnipainel bv her sister, arrived lier from Colorado Monday morning and will remain hi;r until fall. At the democrat 10 convf-nfinn held nt Ht. Louis, Alton P.rooks Parker of New York was nominated for president and Henry (. Davis, of West Virginia, for Vice president. A heavy thunder ami w ind storm visit ed thin section on Tuesday evening, at Highland it wrecked Henry Covy's wind null and sheds but no other damage to itpea!: of was done. Hurry Miner, ft nephew of Len Dout, arrived here from Philadelphia last Thursday morning for a Visit and to look over the country. I his i Mr. Dhner's lht trip west nnd he expresses himself well pleased with both the coun try and thd people. NOTICE. Hids Willi) received by the under signed until July .3. to repair school house in dist. 1 Hi.uu county, Neb., uHoot A notes southwest nf Ft. Uohinson n White rive.". Ucpnirs to I as fol lows; About SiOO ft. Kidding, one coat of while fiimt on outside, alrtliasUne on in Hide, foundation repaired and a few loads of gravel hauled. For further Informa tion inquire of director. Hids will I open od at school house July , at 1 ;a Roard reserves th right, to reject, D. m. ',nv and till bids JiHS W. FKY, Hirector. ' ti Crawford d. ot.st i IT.T.H .Sj.io llo Judge t 'Hies of 'had run wan attending court here Monday. Remember the JoCKXAL ben you have vour contest liuhlislKd. T!e highest rali (irae oaid for hitleH at J. W. lfii EiKjurK's. I rai.k Hussel ai.d two MU rs were ii from Glen on Tuesday. John Meckem ( i .'arey, wuh amort! the couit visitors this week. Peter Murtenen was; up from Glen on business last Thursday. lin k Uichards, the Crawford dru't'ist, was in this city last Thursday. Andrew Christum was down I'leas.Uit Hidfje last .Saturday. from ' Ktvid Anderson was down from Ard more on Tuesilay of tins wesk. Hob Porter came down from his South Dakota ranch Sunday evening. John Kay and Mr Iyeelinn were tip from Marsland th- first, of the week. The. amount of extra trains looks lis if stock sliippuij,' had ( "ILIIM in vl. (ie. , Siiahl was in from the Seaman rancb over i:u;ht las'. Frui ty nilit. L. K lli'iid -r oi arey, Is'comes a sul m rihi r to tie) Jot liNAI. with this isiiie. string ol fun grant wagons passed , , , , , ,, , through here Moialav headed lor Idaho. Howard Murke is assisting V. F. Pontius 111 the county clerk's i fli. u at present. Mr. nod Mrs. 1 1 . am nierian were from the valley oh M'-mlav "1 tlnst up Several of Harrison's Citizens ...peril Sunday i-lung along Hat creel; and liunningwaii r. We learn that Jo thri e Ie 11 I of (-a1 lh k. Week h f' 're las'.. St nrdi va'it l.ad 1 1 by lilili'incg , . . 1 , Kersham A'ts up Irooi Ills l i'trii in I took a new M.i 'oinui li liiiid w't'ihini. II ' Uoti.! i r h in " ! 1. ei t'a' ion. Mr S: . art retunied Salur- Mrs. R. A. Pigi low's mother i.rriv-ed ,i,iy u,.,j Jfr. 1 ;r ngS.am w ei.t to M.iilioo here f roin I 'ie ea .1 last l'rulav 111, d wilil, ii ni.iiii hen- for a visit. .... . . FoR SM" One good wl'ile-f,i vertr-oil iniM. Call rr address Moi'ieit-sai, (ilen, Neti. d Pet' r : ! route lor yoniing. Joe S'lirdiyard and Zed (h.odwin werej A'l'-r ithuit liir.e weeks sojourn here up from the south part of the county on 1 Mrs. E I, Kn eieU Moii'lav to do mis hiisiness the latter part of last week, Isionary work in other parls of the state. 11. H, Russell, of (ilen, was tn-.n'Mi-ting business in this citv last Thursday. He was a pleasant cb Her at this ollli e, ""Mrs. Ernest Plunney and hahv went t i Fort Uohinson Saturday evening where thev will visit with relatives for a week. John Urown arid wife who have lieen visiting in the east for several wiek, rv turiifd to their home in tins county last Thursday. Thos. Ilines' brother. M. H. Hines. left for his home at Hn elnke, Wis., last, week Mr. limes is well pleased with what he saw of this country. Mrs. C.H. Unitt. nnd children, who have lieen visiting nt Seward, Neb., for the past live weeks, returned to their home in this city last Friday, Frank Wright, who has Ih?pii working at the livery barn for some time past, has resigned that position anil accept" d one as foreman of the Marsleller ranch southwest of town. Allen (i. Fisher, of Chaiiron, ami v II. Fanning of Crawford was in itltend ance at court Tuesday. They return, d to their homes that night having' finished their legal work here. We notice hy the Chadrm .Toiirna that Father McNamara, who has be-n located tit Cbiiilron for the ppt live years, has been transferred to Omaha where ho will liava complete charge of St, James Orphiiiiuire. Ila ts succeeded by Father JWne.t, of Norfolk. hy t'ather Vjohn He John IWiano, nged fiO years, died of heart failure, at his home near Montrose on last Saturday morning a 10 o'clock A. M. Mr. 1'aheno has been a resident of this coiintity for scvtral years past nnd his death is ft sad blow to the community in which he lives. The remains were buried in the Catholic cemetery nt Mont rose at 8 o'clock Monday morning. A wife and large family nrs left to mourn the loss and they have the sincere ttytn- . Mis Anna Moravek. of F. I.'einont. S, i p., is visiting with lriend and rt-I tlive in tin, city. j I Ruth, the 7 months old child nf Mr. 1 and Mis M ttl I tall, died at the home of I Mrs. Strait Jor..au in Harrison at T j o'clock Monday morning. Lltt Ie Ruth ; .,ken sick abut threw Wdekiapaml ' si. tiered unt,.!'l aony until relieved- bv death, (i.-i.tle hands cared for this little one aid did tverjthintr ti ivserve life but It was (Jod's will that she was called In 'ine to dwell where sorrow and sadness is ui known. bile It Is sad to part wild our loved ones, but we know when they are taken from ussu tcutw that a bright home awaits then). The funeral services we conducted at Ihxlarc yesterday morning bv U'-v. lianielsand the remains were buried in the Hodarc ceiiietrv. The he caved relative ha e the heartfelt s mpatliy of all. Canl T Tiianks. To the peoj le ol Harrison and P...darc who mi kindly assist d us in our threat lierea vemeiit we oiler our heart felt thanks. Mit. AM) Mi:s. F. M. II.U I. District Court. District i '. nrt convened Tu.iilay w i'h jilde W, II. Westover on the h'iich, an. I S.'ott as rejKirter. Tiasd.ty was taken up In disposing of c i-es lliat tt.'as of little importai.i e. AI..1II 15 o'cloivk iij the afier noiiti coi.rt adj Hirnid tmtil yesterday morning w hen they commenced to s Iei t jurors lor the Connolly trial, (Jotiuty attorney OVimi.ell, ,f this place and .'i.tt.'inev Mitchell of Alliance, on the pru-ei ti t ion ai d I ('. Ki'ie'natiof Alliance .. .1 IV. .1 IV la ,.f i ' 1 1,,, il ,,f i.iihu j " 'c, I of t In-r.iie. It was iieivs. irv to soiiion about li irt y eM ra j oors in order to get a jury lor tl," trial. As we went to press lale last evening a jury had not yet ll "I'll :tcut''d. OUR CORRESPONDENTS- Carey items. J. 15. IVurke was pi asaut caller in thi -e parts last Friday, K"V. rd' Na'.h ni..t his iipj ointment at ( lien Suiiil.iy returning home Moi.lay. lie will bold -11 vices at Union Star next 1 Sin 'la v ' li' 1 T' li Ins!., j fist tveek Chns. Sl.-wurt and Jos. ph I'i oii'I,.'!"! took a trin to lb- Pose Hud I Is inc IVn'iir.ier, 1 old time r.-idenl , Ins frien.U and He Was ai I 'lio- ; C I Oi tO suit llei rhl-i.rs i til ' V Ti: 1 pained by his I inoiy ;::!! they wire 1:1- While she was here 11 meeling was held nt U'ibt. llariifons at which lime th" l,"n on Star so. i"ty w as re-orgariized ai d one of t he ph aant teat ores of 1 his meet ing for the I lilies was the visit to the home of Mr. arid Mrs, Harrison and the s eing d t lees lioieii with friiit.and later tei)ai'oMi"r enjoyable meeting w as held at the home of Mr. and Mis. Amos Price, wh"ii the Willow Dale society decided to take a new start. On Sunday she trave an interesting nddres after Sunday school and tin? people showed their Appre ciation and regard for her ell'orts by the 'arge attendance, there being about 100 present. ' Thtmothv. hodarc Gleanings. "freer. Zimmerman and wifo have ben spending a week at old Woman looking after their interests" there. Rev. McNab of Carey, will hold servic es at Bodare. every third Sunday, his next appointment being July IMth. Mr. and Mis. John Drown who have been visiting their former home in Scott landS. I), the past month returned last Tl.iirs.lnt. lKMiss lilancbe CofTee neenmpanipd 1 y her cousin's Hurry and lh-x Coffea nnd Mrs. Alva Snyder came over from Kunning water Monday. C-n tee cream party wais given at, the I I om of Albert Rind Monday evening, in I h.ei! r of their gu-sls. Miss Pheob- Dean I nnd Miss IJ-lli Freeman of Criwford. A pleasant nvening is r. ,,orted. iicconnt, nfthe duil weather last noibiiiL' much could be done in the bay Held, but this week the Minnd of the mower is heard from morning till n ht, and business ru-hing nnd the slacks of buy are going up rapidly. Mr. KminaL Rice kept her appoint riient with us June 25 we were glad to welcome her back nnd sorry that her stay- wit h us was so brief but we dare to hope that the wornans Missionary society will need looking after again sometime in I bo future and slw may timk us another anil a longer visit. The l .riou Fun-th pissed o IT very ip uctly in liit Ya-liey as nearly everyone j wviit to II trrison t i celebrate, only 'Jy attended the picnic f .r the stay at homes, U'lt thev all a.gf.-t-d they had a iiood tin e Jand enjttyej the day, eiesially the child i reo wli h t il "in ''ii. and s'.eakiiv aad I (n J to o!iler!a.lu tin) older folks M A. C. COTTONWOOD ITEMS. Mr. Fnlz Piper went to Aidmore the n;h. J din Howard went to Alliance the 11th on business. Mr Lutheran he!il their ntissfmary fes tival the lUtb at Crawford. Me. and Mr, t'has. Nortness received a visit from their daughter Sun. Mr. I liini s from Ardrnore was in this I icality looking for several stray steers, Palmer is sole proprietor of the saw mill on Soldier deck having bought out bis pat ! u er. Uolti-rt Lux is through working for Mr. Speiis- and is engaged in painting his fathers f irm ho-ise. The hoys on the cri'el; are e xpei t it,e to have a ball game on Sunday 1 !,. 1 Tt h III lhe lieigo'in. liood of ( -orge Sliaws. Jos'ph nuigham went to the Hose Hud reservation last. Tut -day to look t Vi r lands i. iid up to date has not retuna-d, Some of tho e w no made trip to ( 1 iw lord from the Joe il lK-nrv 1 rickee a t u-ii.t ss hviile w ere and J i . 1 1 ! Toe h o s" pia was strayed or stol.-n from Me. l.o;, d ti I in- 4' li til July w'a lout,.: on ll.e reservalion wnh out the hiirti.ss N'-l-- 1 ''t"i'ori on bad T !, niisl ,r 1 one an 111. J he'iig r.,ile Nor! I to I... l.y In sti.l.li, r i rc I; -e .a horse, t he lor. d man on the hank slip, I'etersoii was and broke Ins l-g so Mr. litd to lull him.. Km est Carlson and Macom Worthing Ion :ne huil'hi.g a f: nine boil'-" 011 ihe divid,- we s ipp. .se it I on .1 r.iO n-re bomesiei'!, antun" svunto g inn. th.rg done in lb it inn; would do Weil by s,.eing lii.lii. HaySei:,.. Huotor Ha; li.tss. it ret n -i i d h in 1 'nrsdnv :ll t! refre. 'l-V .1.1 v. wers visit us en sunn, v.siied ii'ii'iiu. near Harrison the last ol i be w e. k. Messrs lain, !Ut-:oti anil Fi!7gerald of slab tow n were east Andrews v rewsv,sorsj ,:s;i ,,.0..tnr .Sunday. Clurn (Jbrist.ensen and K made Perla Jones a pleasant call Satur day afternoon. Messers Jones and II. igermaii, Floyd ,'iid I'ansy visited at Joe Varlcy ' sou lii of lla.-ri.son Sunday. Miss Anna Hanson of Crawford visiKd Mr. and Mrs. Hughes since the 4i h r-tin ti ll) her home Monday evening. Mrs. Ilagerman and baby of saw dost and Mrs. Jones of east Andrews ivy re visitors at Proclorville Sunday, Frank I'wis moved to their claim nearer Harrison lat FrVay, Lorau is keeping bachelors hall. We are sorry they have moved so far away. Mr. . bristensen branded his calves the other day. Miss Clara, is the proud owner of a new saddle nnd pony, Clara. I'erla and Tlxuras are the Andrews Mini g cowboy's tins summer. A. L. Hageriiuin and family came over from saw dust Saturday to visit, friends and get some wagon work done, lh and Mr. Jones, .lone a (hie joh when it comes to work of that kind they are bard to beat. Mr. Proctors brother Charlie returned to his home last week he had n very pleasant visit with his brother and family, viewed our charniimng hilla paid a visit, to saw (last, and hunted for jack rabbits and after an exciting time beard tbatJ. H. killed four coyotes we are sorry he could not have stayed lon.'er a( there are a few more coyotes which we would have liked to have him help catch. Mabehowi como again uft.-.rl tl.em w e hope so. Mrs. Hagenian nnd Mrs. Junes are carrying the mail to Agate this week. Agatu is the lovliest place we remem ber of ever seeing (lowers, tret sand grass lovely garden and buildings and Oh! niy the lame currents of which we haven't seen for many years, the bushes are loaded. We were m ide welcome and entertained with true hospitality. We were almost sorry the time came tj start homo so quickly, hut Uncle Sam ilont cure for such things, his work must bo dona on lime. U No. THE E a u 'SALOON The fintd line of witex, lltuorx and bent brand's of cijars. TUEO. SAGERT, Proprietor. mm son Selling More A complete line oi' GRUCERJKS, irAKDWAI'iK, IU VfHX I)S, JJOOTS&SI1UKS, and a complete line of Si'lUXG GOODS. ' "',' V ,-WV LACY BROS. -DKALKRS IN I'uildiiiLr iiiaterinl of .-ill kinds. Flour, Feed, Grain, Wind-mil).--, Pumps, Tanks, vVaons, ! iiiies, Faun Impleiiieiit;-;, Hardware, llaineso, Saddles & etc. You Are 1 ii,. i Tliit'is whot it'is liere for: To let you know that we handle a line line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned floods, and Fvery tliina: to he found in a. first class Grocery Store. Cive a trial. i-jv-i -M-i'M ''W-:,H' P'PO r iiu l v3 TO ISInISIVIBS-E. fact i. hourret& oavis carry the laigest. and niosc .-omi.lete stock of (ieneilll Mi'l'iliaiKlis.' in Sioux Conn FAC I' 2, All our prices are mi keeping with lhe ijuali'y id j goods we sell. We do ll'.t keep; j-. 'heap John goods and t here! ore, ; w," do not sell nt. ( 'heap John; prices. We sell lirst class goods ;at fair prices. j ' I' We endeavor to caler, !to the wants and needs of our! customers and our goods arej jseh etc.! w ith tins intent. j C. H. UNITT j successor to 0. Jf.NEWMAN p j-rTp5 j SJ IjUiiUifr. Joorx, j r, 7 t Coal. Wagon, Jhigahs and Machinery of all Kunh. I also carry a, line of Wind Milh, Pxtmpx, Piiiing, Towers, Wind Mill re jxirf), etc. etc. etc. A large, utock of feed, both ground ami vngrouud al ways on hand. mail, cr; giv zn pro ft, tv 1 r etbnt Giva nis a Call. W ANTE ) Agents, Hustlers, Salesm ('lerks and everybody who wants to en, joy a pood hparty laugh to send fiOu for 'Ti(is to Agents." Worth "i0 to any ierson who sells goods for a living, If not satisfactory your money back, Cir cular for slump. The Dr. White Elee trio Comb Co. Decittitr, III. T Goods Than Ever. f ft A. 5 '.'V V- JtM-vt-H"'?' AI! ord li s lvea )n-oni!i Mtt''Ul :on, e a cl i n r This,! THAT'S Ulb'UT; Yours for Kissiness, A. LOWRY. -i-;..j....l.,j..j..i.j..I.f.i.jl. FACT 4, We have just ceived o'.irSprn-g and Si'innnS Invoice of white waists si et goods. India I. inioiis, ( .'ani ons ' Percales, ( i inghaiiis, Sat - ' i jShirtiiigs Henriettas, &c. ESf J .'FAcT'S.-Our liu-ol Hoots& ;Shoes and Slippers is composed i ol Hi'.-" latest styles from the ' jniost reliable bouse FACT 0, Ever thing usually ikept- in a (b-neral Store can he ifonnd at our place. BOURRET & DAY IS. ! Manhood Restored "CUI'IDENE.' "CCPIDKNR." Tins crest veget'.hlc vltaltser, the prr- hi-ri p. ion oi a itunous r reneii iii sif;inii, will (inieklv cure von of all or nervous dlHeitseA of the penei'.itive oiirioiH sn.'li ns lost Man ho.sl, insoniiiln, pious in tint r.nck, Si'ininul 1-iiuisnioiis, Nervous lielillity, IMinjiles, Vn lltneit to anirry, Kliaiisiing Driiliis, yurleo ecle anil Constiput ion. !t Mtops nil kisses by ilsy or nlglit. I'reiuntiu-ity, wlildi if not checked, loud to sjternmlorrlioe!. and all the horror or IniiinteiH-y. CCIMDENK cleituseV I he liveramt k dnevs. Vl'lDKN K s'rciigth eiisnad reti)res. '1 lie reusi in niitfereri, are not cured by doctors is Is'riiuse ninety per cent lira troubled with Prnstiitlts. Ct'l'l UV.NK Islheonly known remedy to cure without nn opcrution. S,1K)( list linontiils. A written giiiirnatee nivcu qnd money re turned If six boves do not effect n perma nent, cunt, gl im ii box ; six for flvo by mail scud lor free circular .old teitlinonlals. Ad dress IiAVUI, M hlUCIN li CO., San Km arisen Cnlilornla. For side by HnaiAiili a.Iosks NOTICE. All parties indnheted to Chas. Newmah by note, or olherwisa will find all bills', and notes nt the Commercial Hank for collection. Please call and RUle alt open accounts by note bankable or cash in baud and save costs. Char. Nkwh f . f r X t Crawlord.NVb. pat.iyoi8veryo.ie.