Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 07, 1904, Image 1

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Harrison Press - Journal.
1 i :i 1 id f
Willi u
JTJXjY 7. 1904. Isl O. 2
4..V J .
Or. T.li.Spindlo tbt Crawford dentist
ItMirt next nrrli,
Aiwi'c...' ,.i rin Ut Friday.
Mr1- V ' ;-i is still on the mi-Ic list
Toe i . if -ti i-, n v over, auii now comes
Tii.- I ,;i,. -,i c tsh prim paid for hide
.it J. V. lU i:i)HKP'S.
John fc, jerspecher wa in the city yes
terday. Mr. V. T. Jones was up from Andrews
Miss Steele was in Ldsk on business
last Saturday.
Hive jour teeth attended to on t lie 1;
or 11.
It-v. MoNab, of Cottonwood, i in
this city last Saturday.
Kcmemlier the Jot UN'AL. when you have
Jour contest published.
Mrs. James Connolly was at Alliance a
few ila the pant week.
Clarence Hollirigworth shiped some
cuttle Tuesday evening.
Miss Dolly Priddy came down from
Norlhview las', Saturday .
Home seekers r.till arrive. Heveral
came in veslenl.iv morning.
Tiie llnest line of fresh and cured meats
Mrs. Mult Hail is slaving in Harrison
W illi her sick child at present.
Ezra Tucker ami Ins mother of (Hen
were 111 Harrison several (lavs thin week.
The little child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Matt
Hall lias hewn very sick for the past
We learn that John f'hristain had
three horses kldt-d by ln!litenin last
. week.
lnv nnd Charlie Thomas wer down
from Nortliview, Wyo., on business last
S it unlay.
I ii . Siii.llo, tie- I'r.i.vfonl il-mtist, 111
l r, lAiVin olli-e, J'llv 13 mill It.
VV t M in id Wheeler was up from the
wiulii pai I of tli county on business ..
vMr. J. H. Villnrin'lorfer, hl his
been quite ill for some time past, is slow
ly recovering.
Mis-, and Mrs. ttVr-t, sister and mother
of Mr F. W. Clarke, are here from
t '(! r ,,i' on ft vint,
H-'rrson wan rather a (iliet day Sal
uniav a- nn.t everyone waited to come
:t:,i' celebram tla- Fourth.
'.Vs.' ak our readem to notice the inl
!ii..H 1 1. Smith hns ) aced in our co
uinin solicit .mj; insurance.
('has. llibblen's father visited ft few
days in this city bint week and went
liome with his son ller.tian.
Milton Hollinjfsworth, who has been
attending Mtliool in (California, arrived at
bis home in this county last week.
Ii Wilson's sister, who has been visit
in here for ft few weeks past,- returned
to her home in Iow a Tuesday evening.
Miss Lucy Hill, after a few day visit
with fricndsand relatives in this vicinity,
returned to Kdtfemont last Friday muht.
On the 13 and 14 of this month Dr.
fipimllo, of Crawford, will bein Ir. Dayis'
office to attend to all kinds of dental
We learn that John Herman was struck
by lightening !ftt week but not seriously
hurt nnd bis whole family was slightly
Frank "lodfelter was up from Glen
last Saturday and was a caller at our
olfire enncbitiK us by two years sub
scription. LOST Between Matt Hall's place and
the 8 K ranch on June 17, a watch.
Finder will lie rewarded by leaving the
same at this ollice.
A. Lowry nnd son John, after
several weeks vlit in Iowa and Kansas,
returned to their liome in this city last
Saturday morning.
Robert Uieser and F. J. Miller, of Ard- j
more, was in tbistity on business Tue--
dav. lioth gentlemen were pleasant anJ ;
linancial callers at this ollice.
Tiie little child of W. C. Red which j
has been iil for ome lime is reported as !
being no lietter, and lliere is little hope
for its lewvery. Mitchell Index.
John and Bernerd Connolly, who have
at the ranch In the south part of i.t.
county for -.be past werks. returneu lo
their home in Harrison last Saturday.
Mil". Peterson, who recently came out
from Omaha to visit her daughter, Mrs.
August Meyer, was in Harrison last
Weduehduy to file an a section of land.
We enjoyed eating some fruit this
week that Howard Burke brought from
California and if he has ben eating such
fruit for the past three months we
certainly envy him.
The people in Harrison that made
out the papers for the homesteaders did
not propose to rob them as the price they
charged was only 1, w hile at some other
places they charged as biKh as f i.
Anton Khein of Wolf crerk Montana,
remembered the Pill 8 1 JM'HSAL asishis
yearly custom with a dollar on subscrip
tion. This sels Mr, Khein up to 10l).r) and
we only wish we had many such subscrib
ers as he.
Howard Burke, who went to California
about three months ato. returned to bis
home here last Friday nijthl, having
concluded tbat this place is ns trocil as
Calilorma. His many friends here aie
pleased to learu of his return.
S. W. Uicedorir arrived here from
Chadrom the latter part of last week and
oned up butcher shop which be now
bus runiuni; in full blast. Tins is a bus
iness that Harrison is badly in need of
and we predict a jrood business for Mr.
RicedorH. He is occupying the north
east rooms in the Andrews block.
Tin? Fourtli.
The Fourt h is over. The small boy w ith
the cup pistol and firecracker made things
livv in Harrison from early in the
riKiriiiiitT ii'i'il late that nifrht. F.vi vone
that c-dehr.iled here bad ft irood titne.
Tin tn.isic l.y the KM in the m.rninr
was pxcll'.-iit find 1 ijllil V appn-cniieil ly
all and the bn l lhys b-erve much cr ,
After the land co Certiill we' t ro the
church w h. r I!i v , 1 .unit Is delivered the
address that w:is interesting If nil, 'n
the afternoon the rac-s aiul Ijall framo
ahs the a'tr.K lion. Tllfe was si-v. r I
horse races alter which li e foot races
came oil-. MarunCarroll Inokl'f money
in the free (or ail footrace aial Kluicr
Hmfhes 2nd inonev. Foot ra e under ID
vears 1st. Fred Larson, 2nd. John Scott.
Under 11 years, John Connolly 1st,
Ben Scott 2nd. Under IS year-. Will
(Iriniin 1st, Clarence Leelin 2nd. The
ball nines were made tip of the bel plat
ers south of track atf iinst the Is'st playeis
north of the truck. The jrame was a
irood one. The south started mil in the
lead and kept in the lead until the last
innintf when the north commenced to
play bull in earnest and won the came hy
one w ore. The players were as follows:
North Siiith
l.n Jordan P. Johnson
J H Wilhermsdorfer F. Lantiwortliy
K. Lvon K. lluKhes
G. Wohlhetor J. (ts
J, Henry O. Pape
( Wickersham II. Henry
A. Wasserburirer W. Bieser
H. WasserbnrKer H .'offee
W. H. Iavis 1). L Con'ee
v.,,.1,. n t 1 s 9 n 1 2 ft it?
Score: J.. . n n a i n 1 n nm
In the eveninh' the display of fireworks
was prard. The people that attended
this celebration w'ill look forward to next
year whet) Harrison will celebrate aain.
Andrews was well attended in Harrison
on the Fourth,
Several came down from Lusk on t tie
evening of the Fourtli.
J. Metllen and family, from Marsland,
celebrated tiere Monday.
Banker Clarke took 1st money in the
shooting contest the Fourth.
J. H. Denslow and family, of (Hen, eel
eorated the Fourth in Harrison.
Honas Will and I). M. Sutton were
special city marshals in Harrison the
Nearly everyone from Pleasant Ridye
and the valley celebrated in Harrison
the Fourth.
Read Dr, Rpindlo's locals elsewhere in
this issue and if you have any dental
work lo lie done lie sure nnd consult him
for he will treat you right. We aro per
sonally acquainted with lh? doctor and
have met manv that haye had work done
by h'm, and thny have expressed then
selves as fully satisfied, so don't forgtt
his date for Harrison.
lHunter Happenings.
PL.nl v sif rj iH utt.t uilliH liM.lt.
Tlie 4'.h is pawd and all report a (rood
I time
Mrs. Tom J mes and Panzy vis t d at
Harrison Wednesday.
Frank Ibestei was down Thiusday to
ke a'loul dippii K bis cattle
ft Rohwer and son Fidie, of Harribon,
visited lrien.ls at this place Sur.dxy.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lew is aiel Mrs.
Melosh were pleasant callers at nt hill
Jack Cook crime over from A Kate M in
day evening and was a Harrison visitor
Harold Cook and Mrs. (i.-aham, of
A;ate, went to Crawford S.iturday and
remained until alter the 4th.
Those who diM-d cattle last week at
East Andrews were; Messrs Jones. F.ne
bret, Bullae, Tin ker, Mack and Hnbsi n
('has. Proctor, a brother of John Proc
tor, arrived here last Thursday to visit
his brother and family and look over Hie
The little animal with the striied back
that has been helping ils"lf to Mrs. Jones
chickens for some time past, stepped into
a trap Thursday night and stayed there.
Nearly everyone from here took in the
Fourth at Harrison. It, was pretty lone
some here, no evidence of the Fourth ex
cept the fla(,'s Hint waved in various
Mrs. I an Wvkert rcturmd home from
Omaha the 4'h. She has lieen there for
some time past taking treatment. We
are irla-i to siv lb it whit was supposed
to be a cancer on her face will soon b
( '(iMMISSToNKtsS PitiX KI'.IUN'fS.
(continued from last week.)
Harrison, Neb. Juno 31.
Board of equalization met pursuant to
ad journment Present ; Biifelow, Jordan.
Cullers and Pontius, clerk. Board re
slimed work of eoiiali Hion until ft m.
On motion board re'j nirm d to 8 a. m.
June 2i. . E. F. roxTlfs, clerk.
Harrison, Neb, June 2i
Board of equalization met pursuant to
ad j 'iirmii'-tit . Pre-ent : Bureiow, Jordan.
Cull-rs a id P.-ntius cteik. Board re
siiniel work of equalization until 6 p. m.
On motion board adjourned until Kn. n
June 27 K. F. Pontius, clerk
Harrison, Neb June 27.
Board of equa liz it ion met pursuant lo
adjiiiiinmeut.. Present : Bitfelow, .'ordan,
l 'oilers ami Pontius clerk. I'.oard 'n
sinned work of i qnaliz -ition un'il fl p. in
On motion boa d a'jmirned to June 2H.
K, F. Pontius, clerk.
Harrison, Neb. June-;'.
Board of euoabzati'in met pursuant to
adjournment. Present; Bie'ow, Jordan,
' 'oilers nr d Pontius clerk. Ho.inl n
siimed work of eipi.iliz itiou until G. p. rn
On motion hoard adjourned to H a. m.
June 20. K F. Pontius, clerk
Harrison, Neb. June 29
Bonn! of equalization met pursiiat.t to
adjournment. Present ; Hirelow, Jordar,
Cullers, asse.sor Story anil Pontius,
clerk. Board resumed work of equali
zation until 6 p. m. On motion hoard
adjourned to June 80.
E. F. Pontius, clerk.
Harrison, Neb. June 30
Board of equalization met pursuant to
adjournment Present; Bijjelow, Junlar,
Cullers nssessor Story and lYntius clerk.
Board resumed work of fqnalization un
til 6 p. m. On motion board adjourned to
July 1, K. F. Pontius, clerk.
Harrison, Neb. July 1.
Board of equalization met pursuant to
adjournment. Present; Bielow, Jordan,
Cullers, assessor Story and Pontius clerk.
Board resumed work of equalization till
6 p. m. On motion lmard adjourned to
July 2 to meet as board of county com
missioners to view road petitioned for by
P. Lacy and others.
E. F. Pontius, clerk.
Harrison. Neb. July 2
Board of county commissioners con
vened and from 7 a. tn. until 12 m. view
ed road petitioned for by P. Lacy and
others accompanied by board appraisers
appointed to upraise damntres sustained
by the establishment of said road to
mirties who own land along line of said
road. Atone p. m. July 2nd commission
ers convened as board of equalization
present Bigelow, Jordan, Cullers nnd
Pontius clerk. Absent assessor . K.
Htorv. Hoard resumed duties of equal
ization until 0 p. in. On motion board
udjournod to July flth. E. F. Pontius.
(continued next week.)
Siiends Sale.
I!y virtue of an oph-r if sale i-sue.l by the
clerk j1 li'e dUtriel court ol sioux county,
Nenr.k,1u tavor ot S;iraU Jordan, pUioin.
uml St tintfku swtinty. ( oaiitn, a corpora
tion, N-kiu:f l.aionii;'. l,o,oi unit Trut
Coaipuliy, a col liri.tiou, ileleliijmit-. i will
on tti Vtii 1uyot July, I-xil.ut oneo'clo--k in
tin- ufl -.-iii'Mii ..1 A-i lav el tiie ruvt trout
Uisirtjf Ilie niiiri lioun- tu Harrison sioux
county, Ni I n.-W i, M il m i :l,lie i.iu l on to
Hie liiK)et lii'1'ler lorea...li In tntnii tlie il
Ins in it -f'itn it rent ctute siliu-.tiii lit said
county, U i ill. east iiulf ol ttieoallc
t-ast (jiurtet in s. elion etjliI,-eTi ami tUec:tt
tiult ol tl.e nortlie-it lU:iltcr ot si-' lioii
itnt4-eii In tou us?, ;, thirty three north
al raiiire fifty (hi ,:."i ui--i ol liiet.in priuci
pal Meriiiiiin. Tl -Hll-I s::i'i ol'Jer of sale
in (lie sum ol inieiiii!c!reil oi-i !.e,-iiiy ouc
itotlars alHt ninety tl- t-i-i.t-. ( f!71 M.'i; an i
interest Kiel :i"i uri a ;r eot.
Jr'irsl puliiieat ion June in ii r.M.
AI.KX 1,'iW i;V.
sheriff ot sani cwunty.
Sheriffs Sale,
l'.y vii tiie of an or-l'-r ol sale isj-ueil hy the
ChiW of tlie 'li-triit conrt of sioiit county,
Sctiraskrt, uMn a ileen-e rearh re'l In sai'l
court in hiMir of M. V . slu-a c ami ( liarles
11 irmou, pt-iitilllT, nml Jut'oh Mi kul't ct al.
deteniliiuls, t will on tin- '.'tii iluy 0 July, l'l
at one o'clis'k in t In- afternoon of si til ilav a I
ttie ctnt front Moor of tie- court house ol sulil
(Miiinty lit llaiTl-os, elirnsiot, sell at putilie ;
Ittli-tion to Mil' llilicsl. hi'tder f r cash in j
tut 11 1 1 the folios ins? itewriljeil real c-t it-- sit
llaleil in sunt i-ouut V to wit: 'liiesiuitll Icilf !
of t lie southeast ipi.trt-r, ttm northv. e-I ipiar
t-r ot Itic sou tlieiist i-uiiti-r nml the south
east quarter of III'- southwest ipinrler of see
1,011 tliree (.1) lii to.n-nii thirty -lour !2I
nortliol riiuj?" ill ty (our .W west ot tlm i;tli
princtpul iiu-rellau,
1 o sMtlsil -iliil or-ler of mile in the hiltil o'
one thousaii'l nml twenty ilolhirs ami eighty
Cents ( l.d.'U.sIt ) ;m 1 illleri'-t UU't co.ts ulnl
nccriii ii co-s.
fc';rst iiil!.illi- .tion Juue'.ith l-II.
AI.I-.X I.llWHy.
sheriu of sai'l eoiiniv,
Sh -riff's Saie.
I'.y vlrtMeolioi or-tei of sale isu.-!l ny tlie
l lelkol tin- U:sti ict court of sj,,u county
Nebraska, II- on It ileciee 1- Inlele'l ill saiil
coHrt in lavnr lit tlie M li-lliiroi Savings Hock
acorpori.tiou, Is plnliiiilT ami Mis. w llllaui
It-ill li'Kard , n hose true christian mime is uu
know ii to plaintitl , i t ul, Mi fi'liiliints, I will
outlie'.ltlt Oiiy of .In y 1'Hii i t one o'eloi-k in
Die 111 teruoon ol salit iluy lit tlie cast fioiit
(loor of the court house of saiil county al
Ihirrlso.l, Nchra-kil, sell lit liulllie liuct.oii
to 1 he hin'icst ! i-liler for cash iii Irui'l Hie
tollovvinii ilcsi-l II e'l re.-.l estate sllai;ti"l in
sahl con at y, to v it ; The southwest ipi ti ler
ol seel Ion twenty six r.Bi In tounsliip lliir'y
four iH ; north of runic' llfty tlve i :..') west
of t In- ci h priucipul no rlilliin
in sitlsly snlil or -i-r ol 'sale In the sum of
llveliuuilr. it jind ninety lour dollais nun
ninety cents .;.y,4.ui aiul mteicst uini costs
i-nit iiecriiiu cost-,
Khst j.itljl l-Mt ion JuncOtli
. Mierilf o: sahl countv
Sheriffs Sale.
l;y virtue of on order of s ic Issiicil l y the
Clerii ol ti,o ilistilct court ot Sioux county,
Nebraska, upon a decree r-iniercil in sai'l
com t in l ivor ol M. W,lieiife nnd Charles
Illinium, iiluintill' and Otto Minis u Ki ll);,
.lereiula .t.. t will o.i (lie th day of July
I'.'i I ai one o'clock In the afternoon of sad
d.(y ni the i ast trout door of the court house
of said county at Harrison sell at put he nut
Hon lo the highest bidder f ir cash In hand
the (ollou ln I'cscrlls-il real estate situate, I
In said count y to-w it; The northeast, quar
ter oi e Ho, i til teen in tow nsliip Hoi ly four
H i north of runjre tifty-si (,"ij West ot the
i. Hi principal meridian.
To sallsty s:itd order of side In tlie sum of
one thousoud and ten dollars ,fl,ni(Mi and
Interest and costs ami iicitii'.uk costs,
r list puhlk-iillon June flth i'MH.
s-hm tti' of said county.
Rnllroad Kiwee rT M 1 a o 1 1 1 1 Klver and
Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis
Direct Line to Black Hilts.
Apply to nearest RCont for rates, map
rvnd tlmo ccrds.
West Bound. East Bound.
Morning. Eveninc
No. 13, Uue 9:11 No. 11, Uue 7:25
No. H3, lo. frt. 0 A No. f4 loc. fft. 5:lo
Both trains carry passengers.
It. is interesting to note that I' mines
are frequently made by the invention ol
articles of minor importance, Many of
the most popular devices are those de
siti"(l to bene'llt the people ami meet
popular conditions, and one of the most
interesting of these thst has pver been
invented is th'J l'r. White Electric Comb,
patented Jan. 1, '1)9. These wonderful
Combs tostlively cure dandruff, hair
fulling out, sick and nervous headaches,
and when used with Dr. VhileVEIectrie
Hair Brush nre positively guaranteed to
n.iks straight liair curly in 2.1 days' time
Thousands of these electric, combs have
been sold in various cities oT the UnioH
and the demand is constantly increasing.
Our agents are rapidly becoming rich
selling these combs. They positively sell
on sight. Send for sample. Men's size
3.V-. ladies' 50c,.- (half price while we are
introducing them ) The Dr. White Elec
ric Com Co.,Iccatur, 111.
The .fined line of rinC'H, liquor and bet brawl of ciiar.
TIIEO. SAGEHrl Proiiiietor.
Selling More Goods Than Ever.
A roniiilclt line of (JROCIIHIKS, JIAKDWAKE,
I)IlY(iOOl)S, BOOTS & SHOES, and a complete
line (if SPKIXd GOODS.
I iuiMiiifj: malei'ial of all kinds. Flour, Feed, Orain,
Wind-mill--, Pumps, Tanks, Wa.t-ons, Iniiries, Paini
Inipleinents, Hardware, llarneris, Saddles ete.
C- v5MJ '-3-i' .Ji"C"i"i,'vs
I You Are Reading I
Th.-it'sS what it' liere for:
To let you know that we handle, a line line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give us a trial. Yours for Business,
carry the largest and niostj
oinplele stock of (il'IICI'lll'
"rferclinmlisK in Sioux C'oun-;
FA' T 2, All our pi-u-es hpj inj
jkecpine; with the qnali V olj
(joists we sell. We do let ke-p
ji heiip John eooilsaiid tbereforc
jwt-ilo not. sell nt, Cheap .Jolll
:,rii-es. We sell lirst class jromls!
jilt, filir prices !
FA 1' :i, We endeavor to cillei'i
to the w ant s and needs of oinj
ciistomers and our trooils are
selected with this intent. I
successor to (J. Jf.NEWMAN
Lumber, Doom, .SWt. Lime,
Coal, Wagon, Jhiaaie and
Machinery of all Kind.
aUo carry a Hue of Wind
Mill, Pump, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc. etc. etc.
A large toek of feed, both
(round and nngrouud al
ways on hand.
mail orders given, prompl
Give me a Call.
WANTED Agents, Hustlers, Salesin
Hlerk-H and everybody who wnnts to en,
joy a pood hearty laugh to send .'lOc. for
"Tips to Agents." Worth fr'if) to tiny
person who BelU noods for a living. If
not satisfactory your money buck. Cir
cular for Ump. The Dr. White Elee
triCombOo. Decutur, 111.
All ord-irs srlven lu'oinpl ntteiiiion, , ,
fill-3- lhis,f
I K t ' I" 4 , Ve have just, i
Iceiveil our SpriMj; anil Snmine
'Invoice of white waists '
Lo his. Iiuh'i (pinions, tv,i i n 'irii h
jl'e'ciles, Giny h tins, 8.ite is
-ill i-timrs Henriettas, &,' &.C
iFAi1' 3, Our line of Boots &
IShoes arid Slippers is composed
'of the latest styles from the
mot reliable house
! FAU I' I!, tiveri tl.niK usnnily -!le,t,
in a (re.neral Sior can be ,
ifotind a I, our pla 'e.
Manhood Restored
"IT 1'inKNK."
This grent vi'Kctnhlo vltiilUer, tlie pre-
siTijitioii of ii tainoiis Krencli physlciiiu, will
quickly cure von of nil or nervous discuses
of tlie generative origins such as lost Man.
hood, insomnia, pains in the. I'iack,' Seminal
l-anissions, Nervous liebllity, Pluiplus, t'n-(Hues-
to marry, KxliHiisthijr Drains, Varleo
crle tinil I 'oiistiiiation. It stoiis till losneit by
iluy or nlitlit. Pieiiialiii ity, which If not
clieckeil, lead to sperinntoiThon-" and all the.
horrors of in-potcnc". (TI'IHKNK cleiinseij
tlie llvermid h iluevs. (T I'l I'l'-N K siiciiKlh
ensand restores The reason sufferers are
not cu red by doctor is because ninety per.
cent iiru troubled wit li 1'iostntits. IT I'l
DUNK Is the only known remedy to cure
without mi operation. .1,iKK Ustlnionlals.
A written piiiirniitee given nnd money ru
turued if six boNcsdo not ertect a perma
nent, cure. Jl.no ii box ; six for ti vo by niiill,
send for freeelrciilar and 'mtiiiionlals. Ad
(tress I) .4 VOL MK.DP'INK (.0.,H,uiKninclC'i
Calilornirt. Kornnlnby Uicnmo & JoM
All parties Indebeted to VMM. Newman,
by note, or otherwise will find nil bills,
nnd notes at the Commercial Hunk for
collectioiv. Please call nnd settle all:
open nc.oolliits by note bankable or cunb.
in band and nvo costs.
CtlAH. NKWMAlf '
tew ft. '.
'SiJ ii., , m" - s. y.
-. s''ki
giis9 i
. i-V- th