CHAPTER IV (Continued.) Minimi," she began, "he will never be able to bear the smell of a tallow eandle. Suppose that we buy a wax eandle?" She fled, lightly as a bird, to find her purse, and drew thence the five franca whu-h she had receiTed for the month's expenses. "Here. Xanon, be quick." "But what will your father say?" ' This dreadful objection m-a raised by Mine. Grandet when she saw her daugh ter with pn old Sevres efcina sugar basin huh Grandet had brought back with aim from the chateau at Froidfond. "And where is ths sugar to come from?" she went on. '"Are you mad?" "Xanou can easily buy it when she goes for the candle, mamma. Is it a right thing tbat his nephew should not hare sugar if he happens to want it? BesiJes, he will not notice it" "Yonr father always notices things," laid Mme. Grandet, shaking her head. While Eugenie and her mother were doing their beat to adorn the room which U. Grandet had allotted to his nephew, Mme. des Grassim was bestowing her attention on Charles, and making abun dant use of her eyes as she did no. "You are. very brave," she said, "to leave the pleasures of the capital in winter in order to come to stay in Sau mur. But if you are not frightened away at first sight of us, you shall see that even here we can amuse ourselves." And he gave him a languishing glance, in true provincial style. Women in the provinces are wont to affect a demure and staid demeanor, which give a furtive and eager elogjien e to their eyes. Charles was so thorough ly out of his element in this room, it was all so far removed from the great cha teau and the splendid surroundings in which he had thought to find his uncle, ths.t, on paying closer attention to Mine, des Grassins, she almost reminded him of Parisian faces half obliterate' al.f ady by these strange, new impressions. He responded graciously to the advunres which had been made to him. and nut urnlly they fell into conversation. Mme. des Grassins gradually lowered her voice to tones suited to the nature of her confidences. Both she and Charles Grandet felt a need of mutual confi dence, of explanations and an under standing, so after a few minutes spent in coquettish chatter and jests that covered a serious purpose, the wily provincial dame felt free to converse without fear of being overheard, under cover of a conversation on the sale of the vintage, the one all-absorbing topic at that mo ment in Saumnr. ''If you will honor us with a visit," ahe said, "you will certainly do us a pleasure; my husband and I shall be very glad to see you. Our salon is the only one in Saumur, where you will meet both the wealthv merchant society and the noblesse. We ourselves belong in a man ner to both. My husband, I am proud to ia very highly thought of in both circles. So w will do our best to be guile the tedium of your stay. If you are going to remain with the Grandets. what will become of you! Your uncle is a miser, his mind runs on nothing but his vine cuttings', your aunt is a saint who cannot put two ideas together; aud your cousin is a silly little thing, a com mon sort of girl, who spends her life in Bending dishcloths." "It seema to me that you mean to monopolize ths gentleman." said the big banker, laughing, to his wife, an unlucky observation, followed by remarks more or less spiteful from the notary and the president; but the Abbe gave tbem shrewd glance, while he gave expression to their thoughts, "Where could the gen tleman have found any one better quali fied to do the honors of Saumur?" be aaid. Adolphe des Grassins spoke at last, with what was meant to be an offhand manner. "I do not know," he said, ad dressing Charles, "whether yon have any recollection of me; I once had the pleas- are of dancing Id the same quadrille at a ball given by M. le Baron de Xuvigen. "I remember it perfectly," answered Charles, surprised to find himself the ob ject of general attention. "Is this gen tlenian your son?" he asked of Mme. des Grassins. "Yes, I am his mother," she answered. "You must have been very young when 70a came to Paris?" Charles went on, peaking to Adolphe. "We cannot help ourselves, sir," said the Abbe. "Our babes are scarcely, wean ed before we send tbem to Babylon. Yon must go into the country if you want to find women not much ou the other side of thirty, with a grown-up son a licen tlate of law, who look as fresh and youthful as Mme. des Grassins. It only seems like the other day when the young men and the ladies stood on chairs to see you dance, madame," the Abbe added turning toward bis fair antagonist; your triumphs are as fresh in my memory as If they had happened yesterday. "It looks as though I should have a great success in Saumur," thought Charles. He unbuttoned his overcoat and stood with bis Lund in his waistcoat pocket, gazing into space, striking the attitude which Chantrey thought fit to give to Byron in his statue of that poet. Meanwhile Grandets preoccupation daring the reading of his letter had es caped neither the notary nor the magis trate. B,.th of them tried to guess at the contents by watching the trimost im perceptible changes ia the worthy man's face. The vine grower was hard put to it to preserve his wonted composure. His expression must be left to the imagina tlon, but here is the fatal letter: "My Brother It M nearly twenty three years now since we saw each other. The last time we met it was to make ar rangements lor my marriage, and we parted in high spirits. Little did I then think, when you were congratulating. . rowrself on our prosperity, that one day yoa woM be the sole hope and stay of ay family. By the time that this letter reaches your hinds, I shall be no more la my position, I could not survive the disgrace of bankruptcy; I have held op nay fcaai shave the surface rill the last aaoaaawt, hoping ta weather the atom; it la aa of a asa, I moat etna now. J aflar the fa Dart of my stock ' broker Mat Ik faJtare of my notary; nxy last namamaa hare been sweat away, aad I By HON RE OE BALZAC 5 have nothing left. It is my heavy mis fortune to owe nearly four millions. I hold heavy stocks of wine, and owing to the abundance and good quality of jour vintages, they have fallen ruinously in value. In three days' time all Paris will say, 'M. Grandet was a rogue" and I. honest though I am, shall lie wrapped in a minding sheet of infamy. I have disjioiled my own son of his mother's fortunes and of the spotless name on which I bsye brought disgrace. He kbows nothing of all this the unhappy child whom I have idolized. Happily for him, he did not know when we bade each other good by, and my heart overflowed with tenderness for bim, how soon it should cease to beat. You. therefore, are Charles' father, now! He has no relations ou his mother's side. He is slone in the world. Oh. my unhappy boy, my son! Listen, Grandet, I am ask ing nothing for myself, and you could scarcely satisfy my creditors if you would; it is for my son's sake that I write. You must know, my brother, that as I think of you my petition is made with clasped hands; tbat this my dying prayer to you. Grandet, I kuow that you wili be a father to him; I know that I shall not ask in vain, sud the sight of my pistols does not cause me a pang. To go back to my misfortunes and Charles share in them. 1 have sent him to you so that you mny break the news of my leath and explain to lum what his fu ture must be. Be a father to him; ah, more than that, be an indulgent father! Do not expect him to give up his idle way all at once; it would kill bun. Aud vou must lay everything before him. irsndet the struggle and the hardships that be will have to face in the life that 1 have spoiied for bim. Work, which wns our salvation, can restore the for tune which I have lost; and If be will iMen to his father's voice, let bim leave this country and go to the Indies'. And, urother, Charles is honest and energetic; you will help him with his first trading venture, I know you will; he would soon er die than not repay you. Kven while Charles is on his way I am compelled to file my sche-kile. My affairs are all In order; I am endeavoring so to arrange everything that it will be evident that my failure is due neither to carelessness nor to dishonesty, but simply to disasters which I could not help. Is it not for Charles' sake that I take these pains Farewell, my brother. May heaven bless , you in every way for the generosity w ith ' which you will accept and fulnll tins trust. V I C T O R A X G E-GUILLALME GUAXbET." "So you are having a chat?" said old Grandet, folding up the letter carefully in the original creases and putting it into bis waistcoat pocket lie looueo at his nephew in a shy and embarrassed way, seeking to dissemble his feelings and his calculations. "Do Tou feel warmer?" 'I am very comfortable, my dear un cle." "Well, whatever are the women af ter?" his uncle went on. tugenie ana Mme. Grandet came into' the room as he spoke. "Is everything ready upstairs?" "Yes, father." "Very well, then, nephew, if you are feeling tired Nanon will show yon to your room. There is notnmg very smart in It, but you will overlook that here among poor vine growers, who never have a penny to bless themselves with. The taxes swallow up everything we have." "We don't want to be intrusive. Gran det," said the banker. "You aud your nephew may have some things to talk over; we will wish you good evening. Good-by till to-morrow." Every one rose at this and took leave after their several fashions. Early rising is the rule in the country, so, like most other girls, Eugenie was up betimes in the morning; this morning she rose earlier than usual, her toilette was henceforth to possess an interest un known before. She began by brushing her chestnut hair, and wound the heavy plaits about ber bead, careful that no loose ends should escape from the braid ed coronet which made an appropriate setting for a face both frank and shy. As she washed her bands again and again iu the cold spring water tbat roughened and reddened the skin, she looked down at her pretty rounded arms and wondered what ber cousin did to have hands so soft and so white, and nails so shapely. She put on a pair of new stockings, and her best shoes, aud laced herself carefully, without passing over a single eyelet hole. For the first time In her life, in fact, ahe wished to look her best, and felt that it was pleas ant to have a pretty new dress to wear, a becoming dress, which was nicely made. She opened her door, went out on to the landing, and bent over the stair case to hear the sounds in the house. "He is not getting np yet," she thought She heard Xanon's morning cough as the good woman went to and fro, swept out the dining room, lit the kitchen fire, chained up the dog, and talk ed to her friends the brutes in the stable. Eugenie fled down the staircase, and ran over to Xanon, who was milking the cow. "Xsnoa," she cried, "do let us have some cream for my cousin's coffee, there's a dear." "But. mademoiselle, you can't have cream off this morning's milk," said Xa non, as she burst out laughing. "I can't make cream for you. Your cousin is as charming as charming can be, that he Is. You haven't seen him in that silk night rail of his, all flowers and gold! I did, though! The linen he wears is every bit as fine as M. le Cure's surplice." "Xanon, make some cake for us." "And who la to find the wood to heat tha oven and the flour and the butter?" asked Xanon, who in her capacity of Grandefa prima minister waa a person of immense Importance In Eagenls's eyes, and even la Eugenie's mother's. "Ia he to be robbed to make a feast for your cousin? Ask for tha butter and tha flour and tha firewood; ha Is your father, go and aak him. ha may give than ta you. There! there ha to, Just coming down atalra to aaa after tha provisions " Bat Bugs asa had sac's pod iato tha tar dea; tha aavad of hat father's faotata 1 on the creaking stairrete terrified hr. Hhe was eonsrtau f a bapttiBeee that shrank from the observation of others, s happiuea which, as we are apt to think, and perhaps not without reason, shines from our eyes, and Is writteu at large upon our foreheads. For the first time in her life the sight of her father struck a sort of terror Into her heart; she felt that he waa the mas ter of her fate, sod that she was guiltily hiding sow of her thoughts from him. She began to walk hurriedly up and down, wondering how it was that the air was so fresh; there was a reviving force in the sunlight, it was as if a new life had begun. While she was still thinking how to gain her end concerning the cake, a quarrel came to pass between Xsnon snd Grandet, a thing rare as a winter swallow. The good man had just taken his keys, and was about to dole out tha provisions required for the day. "la there suy bread left over from yes terday?" be ssked Xsnon. "Xot a crumb, sir." Grandet took up a large loaf, round In form and close In consistence, shaped in one of the flat baskets which they use for making in Anjou, and was about to cut it, when Xanon broke iu upon bim with: "There are five of us to day, sir." "True." answered Grandet: "but these loaves of yours weigh six pounds apiece; there will be some left over. Besides, these young fellows from Paris never touch bread, as you will soon see." Having cut down the day's rations to the lowest possible point, the miser was about to go to bis fruit loft, first care fully locking up the cuptiosrds of bis storeroom, when Xanon stopped bim. "Just give me some flour and butter, sir," she said, "aud 1 will make a cake for the children." "Are you going to turn the bouse up side down because my uephew is here?" "Your nephew was no more in my mind than your dog. no more than he waa in yours. There, now! you have only put out six lumps of sugar, and I want eight." "Come, come. Xanou; I have nevei seen you like this before. What has come over you? Are you mistress here? You will have six lumps of sugar and no more." In spite of the low price of sugar, it was, in Grandet's eyes, the most precious of all colonial produces. But every worn an, no matter how simple she may be, can devise some shift to gain ber ends; and Xanon allowed the question of the sugar to drop, in order to have ber way shout the cake. "Mademoiselle," she called through th; window, "wouldn't yon like some cake? "Xo. no," answered Eugenie. "Star. Xanon." said Grandet as be heard his daughter's voice: "there!" He opened the flour bin, measured out some flour and added a few ounces of butter to the piece which he bad el ready cut. "And firewood; I shall want firewood to heat the oven." said the luexorabls Xsnon. "Ah! well, you can take what you want," he auswered ruefully; "but you will make a fruit tart at the same time, and you must have the dinner in the oven, that will save lighting another fire." Grandet got the fruit and set a plate ful on the kitchen table. Then, having no further order to give, he drew out his watch, and finding that there was yet half au hour to spare before breakfast. took up his hat, gave his daughter a kiss and said, "Would you like to take a walk along the Loire? I have .something to see after in the meadows down there. Eugenie put on her straw hat lined with rose-colored silk; and then fsthet and daughter went down the crooked street toward the market place. "Where are you off to so early this morning?" said the notary Crucuot, at he met the Grandets. "We are going to take a look at some- thuig." responded bis friend, in nowise deceived by this early move on the no tary's part. Whenever Grandet waa about to "take a look at something" the notsry knew by experience tbat there was something to be gained by going with bim. V 1th him therefore, he went fTo be continued.) MOTHER PAWNED HER SON Method Kmnlored br a Woman of Mexico to Baiee Funds. Tbat human beings can be pawned the same as a pair of shoes baa been demonstrated by a woman namel El ena Davalos, who, whenever she waa abort of funds and this happened very frequently pawned her 8-year- old son, Francisco, for sums ranging between $5 and $8. For a time abe used to pawn ber off spring wltb some neighbors, who used the little boy aa a servant until ba waa redeemed. Tbey paid nothing for bis services, but exacted a high Inter est for their money invested In tha operation. Mora recently she found Spanish pawnbroker wbo lent ber money on ber son and also used bim aa a clerk In bis shop. A few days ago the woman redeem ed ber son from the pawnbroker, but subsequently found herself without money again, and pawned the boy wltb a woman named Dolores Garcia, wbo loaned the mother $10. With thla Elena went to visit a number of pulque shops and taverns, and when she bad spent one-naif of the money she called upon Dolores and urged tbat ber son be given back to ber. A quarrel en sued, a gendarme Intervened, and tba whole affair was disclosed at the po lice station. Xow the two women are In Belem and the boy baa been sent to an or Dhan aarlum. At this offense la not foreseen In any code, It Is not known wbat penalty will be applied to tba method of tbe boy and to the woman wbo loaned money on him Mexican Herald. Mean Xaau Ernie Poor Miaa Olde. She la near ly heartbroken. Ida Why eo? Ernie George asked ber to come In the dark parlor while be told ber tbe sweet eat atory ever told. Ernie And ba told ber a story of lore Ernla No, ba told bar a atory about BOMt THE DAY THE DAY AFTER. for a cra'leriess Fourth "f July. For s moment of shoot lessncss. When millions of Urs Would shut off the Uolse And silence sould follow to Mess nation hl h In oilier wars I not st all delected; ii fact. Is doing quite as well As could hve Ixfii eicieu. ?. for some soundh-ss powder to bum. And for voiceless boys lo rneer. To show to the world That our tlxg Is unfurled And our count ry still Is here, nd Just ss good aa It ever was. Ami lust ss nairtotic. lltbougb Its en-.l'ti may not be fo bangle and tiHnnic ana snoii.-. ). f"T s hangbnnmflsitlessness Tut would bring s glad release To iiiumie and lung And nerven unstrung. And cover the ilsy with peace; K.. I r.Ar in t m laml Mli'ht pause in cnteiiipialloo Jt that wbl'-h, on the quiet. Is The worhl a supremest naiioui X fur a noni'Tploslve r mirth. Just one for s clmnirc or met. When millions of toys, lnst'-sd of noise. Would rolse a tremendous quiet. Fourth like that would show the lleyond all dul.ltatlou. he really truly greatness of This country as a nation. rurld, Afterword. But yon can't make tbe spirit of the glort cms fourth la1.rli. th nnflon's dsv n s strhj like that, to ssve your life, Because It Bin t nuiit insi wst. New York Sun. 1 T waa the morning of Independ ence Day may years ago so many, Indeed, that an old man can just remember what happened when be waa a boy. Thla la the story of a celebration that happened In a little Ohio village that was small then, and is still Just a speck on the map. On the edge of the town there was n old bouse hidden behind great trees, s If trvlne to avoid the pubic eye. It was, and Is, tbe oldest house in town. nd In It lived George Bell, or uo- erty" Bell, as some of the villagers ailed htm, alone with bis aog anu Memory. He was very old. Everything about the place betokened age. There was moss on tbe roof of his home, and the burden of years fairly made bis bones reak. He bothered no one, and he una 1 cheerful "good morning" for every body. He was a good cltUen, but queer." according to those wbo didn't mderstand him. Thla Independence Day he came out bf his bouse wltb an old musket on bis shoulder. The sun shone on his scanty white icks and face seamed with ago. Ilia ands trembled as he fumbled with bis iowder horn, loaded, rested tbe weap- 11 on tbe fence and pulled the trigger, "here was a mighty report The ro ti ns took wing, and a flock of black birds swept out of the great poplar iee liv the gate and gave voice to their uirprl at the tumult near their home. Thirteen times that old gun lioomeu. nd then a ipwverlng voice Rounded, Hip: Hip! Hurrah!" and a boy who as peering with saucer eyes through ie fence puzzled, charnied, half r-lchlened asked. "Why do you do iiat. Mr. Hell. If you please?" "(.'owe in. Hilly, lnd," suld the old isu. "Come In and help an old fel low celebrate. I won't hurt you. Just ,f vour little bunch of fireworks on lie chopping block, and I'll tell you a rue atory about times way back be- fnre vour dalhlv was bom." Children rend hearts quickly, and a inoment later the beginning and .the tnd of a century were together yel low locks against white mane, a boy tin an old man's knee; the one earnost. the other eager. "Why do I do it, my boy? Why do I celebrate? You want to know all iihout It "It Is because I love my country, and k want everybody for miles around to remember that tbla la the day dadl rutMl to llhertr. I "Year ago there was a young man arho bad more money than waa good Cor him, Billy. - Ha waa plum worth "Uberty" Bell, j I BY A. M. HOPKINS. OF DAYS THROUGHOUT THE LAND. less. He didn't care for a soul on earth except himself. Hp wns scllish. He wore g'X"! clothes anil KlruCcd about like a turkey gobbliT. He was puffed up. He put In all his time hav ing fun. "There was a war on In his coun try. The people were figlillni; a bad King who wanted to take away their liberty, and there were some terrible battles. Men went without food. They walked without hIxh-h till tbelr feet tiled. They froze becmiHe tlicy did not have clothes enough to keep thorn warm. lint tbey wouldn't give up. Thev said that all men should be free end e.iial. Hilly; that God meant that It should be so, and they were willing to die rather than go back to the old way of doing the things a selfish King wanted done. "The Idle young ninii didn't c to the war. He thought men were fouls fur flilhtlHg. He said be had nil the lib erty be wanted. Perhaps, Hilly, If he had had a mother he wouldn't have been such a foul. "His brothers, three of tbem, lnd. went to tbe war, and two were killed. Jacob was shot down in ,iit of Gen eral Washington, God bles him, and Kolwrt came home with both legs gone. "What do you suppose he told tbe 'stay-at-home,' wbo carel most for the ruffles iu his shirt and the coins that lngled In his pockets? The crippled brother said he wished he could light for his country on his stumps of legs, because he loved It. "Aud then, one day, tbey carried the father Into the old home. It would have made you cry, boy, to have sevn him. He was ragged, scarred, and In his breast there waa a great wound tbat made those who saw It shudder, and Just before he died he called bis worthless son to him and whispered. 'Ion't be a coward! Xo man can ever pay the debt be owes to bis country. It should be more to bim than father or mother. Hoist your colors, my boy! Don't shed a tear for me. Take my old musket and fight for the cause. "Hilly, that young man promised. He got dowu on his knees and burled his face iu the bedclothes, and as he cried the life went out of a brave, gentle man, and there was a smile on a dead face, and a cold band rested on the head of one who had been a coward and was trying to be a man. "He fought, Hilly, and be learned to love the flag. He got a bullet In the hip at Monmouth and a bayonet wound at Guildford Courthouse. He found out what hunger meant He spent his lit tle fortune to help better men, and In his heart grew a great love for bis flag, and be wondered bow any uuin could ever forget bis duty. "One day It was oil over. "The enemy marched away, and the sun shone on a broken but happy peo ple, and the young man praised God because he had found himself and been allowed to live to know the glory of freedom. "Every year after that he celebrated Independence Day. He took that old musket given to him by bis father and fired a salute to the 13 original States and cheered the President of the United Stntes. "And when this man moved away to a fat" place, and kept ou celebrating, the people called him 'liberty' Hell. "Why, that ia you, Mr. Hell," said the boy. "Yes, Hilly, that Is me. Xow get your firecrackers off the borse block; I'll load tbe old musket, and we'll fire an extra salute to let the world know that the canse Is as great'to-day as It was in the beginning.'' And they dfiL And they cheered the President of the United Htntes and the flag, in the cracked voice of an old man and the piping treble of tbe yel-low-balred boy. And It waa all on Independence Day. Cincinnati Poat THE FOURTH ON THE FARM. Arrangement Should Ha Made for the Holiday's Observance. Once each year the question coiuea to all of ua bow we are to spend the Fourth of July. Tba farmer and fam ily are unlike the business man wbo can lock the door of his office or atore and hie away on soma excursion to tha mountains or some other place. In stead, a holiday brings more work. The hired man must lie excused from one or two tuilkliigs. or there Is a declaration of war. To the wife cornea the question of caring for the poultry for chickens must eat and drink July 4 tbe same as otlnr days. There are too many who feel that they cannot get away. These Include the men wbo become so absorlied In the pursuit of wealth that they oftrn forget the object of their pursuit and become more machines, grinding away at tbe duties of life, so ahsortted in tbe work of the day that tbey forget tbr blessings and privileges we claim as peculiar to our nation. Xot alone upon the farm Is this to lie seen, but Instead of making our nation's birth day a time of glorious memories, no ble thoughts and Joyous demonstration, our city brother hires a speaker to think Htid speak the words of patriot ism and be spends the day In dealing out b's wares to his fellows at exorbit ant prices. In the morning the average bulncM man is tisi busy to think of patriotism and Rt n';:h' b ! tr-o tired. He. looks tiiin this day as tbe opxrtunlty t get back two, three or four times the amount domit d to the celebration com mlttee. The clink of dimes and tha thmni of silver doHa's wear out what little patriotism he bad at the rising sun and by ten o'clock he Is so nl sorbed in the business of the hour tbat It is liMrd for him to live that one day and not adulterate his lemonade or cheat In making cIhiik as It Is for tha camel to pass through the needle's eye. Sometimes we also find farmers so engrossed by the prosperous crops and the dilre for gold that they for get the Importance of the day and only remember It at alt by the request of the boys or hired man for a day off. How 111111I1 more pleasing Is It to have a picnic In some shady grove, spread a long table and all dine to gi'tlier? Most any community can find material for a good program, being sure to mix In plenty of music, tha material for which can tie found la the neighborhood and we can celebrate the Fourth wltli ns much enjoyment; as If we hHd Imported speakers and music. Of eoursii we will want the Declaration of Independence read by the best reader in the locality. The minister can lie orator of the day. Go In together and buy fireworks and crackers, for they will be essential to the sum II boys and we can have a first class celebration In the country, It Ik taken fur granted that Old Giory will be In evidence, while bunting caq decorate the stand, horses and bug gies. Aimrlcan Cultivator. Morning of the Fourth. Uncle Itustiis comes lo town early to be on hand for the celebration. Tbe celebration begins. The family of a dea'd Japanese sol dier gets aa a pension about one-third of a pay of bla rank, This would ir the widow of a private fl.23 a month of a Orst lieutenant, M.25; of a cant tain, 18.33, and to tba widow of a colonel, S20 a month. Tbe earth's population doubles arery two hundred and alxty years.