Opinions off Great Papers on Important Subjects. 1 1 mi 1 1 in ni ii at i m 1 1 1 1 c :gjffivention Ike Methodists mmd Amusements. kill.- - u wuai amusements may be I Iperinltted to tie members of tie Metoo4it Epis I I copal Church is one that has caused more dU- lltlluLtn In . . V. i I . ... v u- in ruunu tirvm man possibly any oth er. 'Times change, and men's manners and customs change with them.- Is an old and a true proverb. It Is also true that this change in manuera and customs and the Inevitable change as to bow they are viewed Is as active In the churches as any where else. It Is to this steady shlfrrtfg of Ideals and iplnloua that the question remain perennial with the liethodlsta. In the early Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church In America, the whole matter was dismissed lu a prohibition to members against "taking such diversions Is caunot be used In the name of the Ixird Jesus." Hut llong In the decwdes about the middle of the last century the Inevitable broadening of Ideas due to the rapid Increase In population, the chain: from solitary rural life to the hurry and bustle of tin- city oil were liberalizing ten Icncies. Imperially In the cities, Methodists In g.sxl stand !ng Indulged In amusements, etc., which were looked upon tlth horror by the more conservative, and hence more triet members In the country, especially the elder genera tion. Hut the liberals argued that they were well within the prohibition of the Discipline, and that there was no loss f true religion to themselves. It became evident that the clause III the Discipline Deeded amendment; that the church must authoritatively peelfy what things could not be permitted to the Meth dist laity. The change was made by the General Coti ference of 172. The paragraph which has sbod since then leais with conduct, and expressly forbids among other tilings, "the buying, selling or using Intoxicating liquors s a Is-verage," and "dancing, playing at games of chance. (tending (heaters, horse races. H reuses, dancing parties r patronizing dancing schools, or taking such other amuse ments as are obviously of misleading or iuestioiiable moral tendency," etc. Hut this did not end the controversy. In very many Churches. thi regulation has become a dead letter. Meth odist members attend theaters, visit circuses, send their children to darning schools and play card games In their homes: and they do not feel that they thereby commit any lin. That is to say. they do not admit that the church has a right to prohibit any line of conduct that Is not sin ful; and feeling that these things are not. they Ignore the precept The matter was all threshed over again at the Tecent ticneral Conference in Dps Angeles. Toledo Itlade. BE m The- Question of the Battleship. KRKTOFuRK, when the public spoke of bat tleships, the breath was bated and there was i gleam In the eye that boded the kindling of destructive pride. Some spirited souls even went so fur as to lift the hat when one of our navy's ornaments was mimed, but something has happened. It has become dangerons to refer to America as sailing the sens like a battleship. We bate to think of the ship of state as armored and carrying 12 Inch guns. Wp cannot even remember that famous line, "She seems to feel the thrill of life along her keel," without sympathetic shudders. The reason Is as follows. Cesarevltch, 13,110 tons, dis abled by torpedo and beached, Feb. 8, at Port Arthur; Retvizun. 12.7ml tons, disabled by torpedo and benched at I'ort Arthur, Feb. K; Poltava. 10,900 tons, disabled at Port Arthur; Sevastapol, lO.'.HI tons, disabled Feb. 9; Pobleda. 12.074 tons, damagcr by mine at Port Arthur, April 13; Petropavlovsk. ln.'JUO tons, blown up by mine at Port Arthur, April 13. Six first-class battleships, four of them indoubtedly destroyed by submarine engines of warfare, lot to speak of the dangers within the ship Itself, as we Have learned In the cases of the Missouri and the Iowa. It Is told that the unfortunate Admiral Makaroft dls tpproved of battleships on the ancient ground of "all your ggj In one basket." The admiral Is dead and a battleship olds his body, a battleship which sank within two mlii otes after a submarine was exploded under It. There are iihers along the shnre of the bay at Port Arthur, all for mer prides of the Russian taivy, pointed at by the experts f otbr nations as perils to peace and warnings for war, now squatting drunkenly In the mud, their huge guns raking the affrighted stars. Tbey have felt a shudder along tbelr keels, and their glory ha dwindled like a leak ing balloon. The American people are prone to ask question! when things happen. Something has happened. The colored pictures of our nary are singularly uninspiring just at present, and we desire to know why. If we cannot find out why, we, at least, wish to be sura that something was really wrong. So there Is the question In the air. How much is a $0,000,000 battleship worth? If a Japanese cor poral's guard (or the naval equivalent of the tssiy) can take a row boat, a cap pistol, and a torpedo and sink bat tleships, we desire to be allowed to bok on, and possibly make a small bet on our own prospects. Further, some would like to know Just bow we are going to keep the upper hand If our battleships won't battle against the enemy's torpedoes. We are in a state of doubt. San Francisco Argonaut. Chinese Exclusion. - T Is expected that the new treaty regulating the admission of Chinese into the United States, now in preparation, will permit certain China men, not of the coolb. hiss, who are now ex cluded, to enter the co ry. Under the exist ing exclusion law, Chinese laborers are pro hibited from coming to or remaining in the United States. Registered Chinese laborers may leave the country and return to it, under certain conditions, and Chinese otticUls, teachers, students, merchants and travel ers may come Into the country when properly certified. The law has been strictly construed by the Attorney-den-oral, who ruled that not all Chinese persons might enter the country who were not specifically forbidden, but that only those who are entitled to enter who are expressly permitted to do so. The ruling excluded traders, salesine.f, buyers, lMsjkkoepers, accountants, malingers, storekeepers, Interpreters, physicians and agents. Persons falling within these designations are not manual laborers, against whom the exclusion law was particularly directed. The classes excluded by the rulings are numerous, and the new treaty may provide for the admission of some of them. Our expanding trade with the Fust would doubtless be stimulated by a more hospitable treatment of what may be termed the Chinese mercantile and professional element. A discreet extension of the privilege of entry could be per mitted. It Is believed, without Injuriously affecting the wages of labor. It is understood that the contemplated regula tions apply to the admission of Chinese of the higher class es and that there is no Intention to admit coolies. Whether provisions shall be made for use of Chinese laborers In the construction of the Panama ('anal Is under consideration, and the more extended use of Chinese labor In the Philippines Is urged by certain Interests concerned In the development of the possessions. Philadelphia Ledger. mm. The Price of Tame. illKN one considers how much t lie neonle love Alto be humbugged, it Is surprising that there ff I 'ire not more people engaged professionally In 1,1.,,, I,. .ul. ....... .,,., ,,. .. ........ 1.-II11 .. ... I IH7 lfU.tllirnn. I 111.111 n 11JJ 11 V fl J OlIlliailL 1MIIMI may make a brilliant address before a brilliant audience, and there the brilliancy stops; but a man with a mind alwut the size of a shriveled walnut, may talk n lot of nonsense to an au dience of no or of average or unusual Intelligence, and immediately be becomes famous. An educator in a recent religious meeting told a fairly Intelligent audience thut dancing was the closest approach to Paradise, and to-day his name and theory Is known from Maine to California. A University of Chicago professor tells wherein Rockefeller is superior to Shakspeare, and while the oil magnate mod estly protests, the professor's mall Is overwhelmed with re quests for photographs and locks of his hair. A Harvard professor, who teaches Slavic literature, and who is a native of Russia, expresses the hope that his fatherland will be defeated In the Eastern war, and he gets half a column of attention, where his sensible utterances hud never won him more than very moderate attention. And so, If a man must simply be foolish to become famous, is it any wonder that almost everybody to-day Is famous: Haltlmore Herald. .... 1 5T 1 SOLDIERS Of THE CZAR. The uniform of the Russian soldier Is the simplest uniform In Kurope. In winter a sheepskin coat goes on be neath the gray one. In summer, or lurlug campaigns in hot climates, the Russians, like the Japanese, fight In white dress. To critics who say that this renders them ueedlessly conspicu ous, they reply that It Is better than khaki; for a limn dressed In earth col or Imagines himself Invisible, and be haves accordingly. He Kcrs shot, whereas the man who knows he can be seen keps under C(y-r and comes off with a whole skin. C writer in the Kostiin Transcript deserllies the sol diers of the Czar as follows: The Russian campaigner marches somewhat heavily laden. He has his kit-bag with clothing siting over one shoulder, his haversack with two days' ration of bread and salt slung over tt.e other, his greatcoat strapped under one arm. Including his water liottlo. nn and ammunition, a section of tent til (he uniform he stnnds In, lie car ries something- over sixty-six pounds. The advantage which offsets the bur den Is that at n pinch the Russian foot-soldier Is practically independent of a baggage train. lie can transport his modest necessities upon bis own back. The Russian cavalryman rides so Widen with cornsacks and blankets ud greatcoats and wallets and saddle bags and things that he puts one In odud of the much Incumbered White Knight In "Alice In Wonderland." AI 'ogether his Impedimenta weigh 110 unds. . Fortunately what would op tress another soldier Is no burden to lie Russian. He Is sturdlness Itself. u!a n soldiers Imve been known to onrcb thirty miles without rest, and en go directly Into an engagement. Heverlty Is accounted the prlurn fae v of Russian military discipline. Hut something better than severity goes to make soldiers of Russian peasants, and that something Is a powerful spir it of camaraderie. A high Russian officer does not hesitate to Joke with his men. When the commanding officer meets his troops for the first time In the morning, he calls out cordially, "(JismI morning!" The men reply with a pe culiar, long, rattling shout, "Your good health, your excellency!" When a maneuver Is executed to the commander's satisfaction, he shouts congratulations to the men, and they respond all together, "We ure glad you like It." IS THE 8UN HOT OR COLD? Hun and a Hot Htove Have the Hume Kind of Knerny. So far us 1 know, no reasons at all for doubting the high temperature of the central body of the solar system have ever been found. There are lu general three distinct ways In which heat can be transferred from one body to another conduction, convection and radiation. The first two are depend ent upon the presence of matter, the hitler will take place across a perfect vacuum. We may receive heat from a stove by till three methods. If wo place our hands upon It we receive heat by conduction; If wt hold them above It they lire wnrme.l by conven tion, the heat being brought to them by tlie rising current of hot, air. If now we stand In front of the stove we will feel Its warmth, the sensation In thla case being produced by the heat waves which It emits. These wave are similar to the electric waves used In wireless telegraphy, differing from them only In their length. They bear the same relation to them which the ripples on a mill pond bear to the Atlantic rollers. With the lntru incuts at our disposal at the present time we can measure the length of these waves as accurately as we can measure the length of a Uibls with a foot rule, and we can prove that they will pass through a vuciiuni, a plate of glass or a tank full of liquid air, without losing their ability to warm our hands. We find, however, th.it if we puss this radiant heat through cer tain substances, water vapor, for ex ample. Its Intensity Is diminished, ow ing to the fact that some of the waves have been absorbed. It Is possible to determine the exact length of the waves of heat which have been re moved by absorption In the vapor, and If we test the radiation which comes to us from the sun we find that waves of this same length are absent, the water vapor In the earth's atmosphere having refused to transmit them. This fact, taken alone, Is pretty good evi dence that the sun and the hot stove are pouring out the same kind of en 'rgy. Harper's Weekly. Wanted a Demonstration. "John," said Mrs. Maaopeaep, com ing out on the back porch, where her husband sat tilted back In his chair, his feet oil the railing, "didn't I hear you tell the minister when he was hero that you were deeply Interested In terns pern nee movements?" "Yes," Mr. Makepeace replied, rath er stiffly. "I wild so, and you know that I am." "Well," said Mrs. Makepeace, "sup pose you go and make a few of them on the pump-handle. I want a pall of water." What Made Him Ask. Paying Teller What Is your name anyway? Indignant Presenter of Check Don't you seo my signature? Paying Tidier Yes. That's what aroused my curiosity. Rulliinoru American. Dully (Julde to Table Manners. Never kick on the food except on thti cook's day out. iHhorwIso you might lose her. It doemi't matter about youi wife. She'll stay. Baltimore Auierl' cau. From so account of large fungi imnd In Fmuce In JS2, It appears hat lycoperdons twenty to twenty our Inches In circumference were not Incommon. Three were much larger nen than this, and one from Imfra tllle Is reiorted by M. Maurice Touze o have been twenty six inches high ind nearly eight feet around, the reight being twenty-two pounds. The climate summary of the IMtish Cmpire for 1902 presents some inter esting facts. The highest mean an nul temperature was 83.2 degrees at Madras, the lowest being 37.6 degrees it Winnipeg; the greatest mean dally unge wan 25.5 degrees at Coolgardle AVest Australia I, and the least was 1.6 degrees at Hongkong. The hlgh ist shade temperature was 111.4 de frees at Adelaide in February, and he lowest was 30.1 degrees below zero tt Winnipeg In January. '-The highest emperature In the sun was 177 de frees at Trinidad. Colombo hud 117 nches of rain, and Coolgardie only 14.7. It Is said that Creat Rritaln Is now indeuvoring to overtake France In the levelopment of the submarine brunch if her navy. The admiralty has de rided upon a submersible torpedo lout, which can travel for long (Us ances on the surface at a high speed, ,nd can, at need, dive en! 'rely below n about six seconds, and can reach, f desired, a depth of 1MI feet. These (oats are to be of U"0 tons displace ment. The French are about to eon itruct two new submarines, each of Im) tons displacement. During the iresent year the French navy will have to submarine boats in commission, and Ureat Hrltiiiu expects within a short :ime to complete nineteen. A discussion Is now going on of the Disability of teaching hildrcn to lse both hands equally. In some art icbools ambidexterity is taught os far is possible, but William llawley .Smith piestlons the value of such teaching, mil says that In most cases "we shall Tail to secure real skill with either land if we strive to train both to do he same work." He thinks It wiser :o follow nature's lead In this resp'i t. r. D. A. Cockcrell suggests that there s an advantage in specialization with lie hands. He himself, while "right landed." always draws with his left land, having done so from earliest iilldhood. The question Is also raised ivhether the extra muscular activity lei'essary to train two hands Instead )f one Involves a similar increase In aiental activity. In his presidential address at the American Association meeting In St. Louis Prof. Ira Retnsen discussed, tmong other things, the question of :he artificial production of foodstuffs by chemical processes. Notwithstand ng the brilliant pictures of the future :hat hud been based on the recent ad vances of chemistry In this direction, t'rof. Retnsen did not think that the :eal outlook Is promising. The great st advance has been with regard to Uigurs; but, said the speaker, "the '.ask of building up a sugar from the aw material furnished by nature, that s to say, from carbonic acid and s-ater, presents such difficulties that It may be said to be practically lmpos dble." As to the other chief constltu nts of foodstuffs, "there Is not a sug ?itlon of the possibility of making itarch artificially, and the same is true f the protelds." eovite he found on the field, more often than otherwise paid friendly attention to theui, and among the officers this generosit.' sometimes went so far that they took tetter care of the enemy's wounded than they did of their own. Trusting their officers implicitly, a command from them means to the sol diers that they obey without question. They are as stubborn as ttiey are pa j tieut, and never Imagine that anything is impossible. Asked if they think that they can take a position, they alwsy I answer: "We don't know, but we can i try;" and under the most harassing conditions they alwajs maintain that steadiness which has been their prom inent characteristics as soldiers for ten centuries. This is why they have never bad a serious panic in the army. Napoleon gave testimony to their stubbornness and their steady behavior. The Turks found In them the same qualities that the French did. two generations before, and It is reasonable to believe that these great factors of effectiveness will be. If anything, more valuable now than ever. THE RUSSIAN SOLDIER. le Is Brave, Uncomplaining, obedient and Bymnulhetic, r-. . Writing of the Russian soldiers, Trunk D. Mlllett, former war eorre lKiiideiit of the Imdon Times, says: ! have marched with them In the heat ind dust of the waterless region of the Hobrudschu; have wallowed with them In the mud for weeks during the disas trous campnlgn on the Limi; have suf fered with them in the, depressing days ifter the Plevna defeats; have slept with them In the trenches during the lull siege of that stronghold; have d aded through the snow and blvouack id with tliem through the long white. arnpalgn; and finally have rejoiced nith them when tho treaty of peaco was signed at San Stefnno and 1 Viiow what rare and unsuspected qual ities these simple peasants develop when the exigencies of active service lemand of them that they should be aien. The first popular reproach against :he Russian Is that he Is cruel nnd Im placable as an enemy. The catch jihraso, "Scratch a Russian and you hill find a Tartar,"' while true In a fertaln way, is by no means deserip Ye of his nature. He Is perhaps some what Indifferent to what we should tall suffering; but he Is as Indifferent So his own woes its he Is to those of nhers. What we should call hardships are lo him familiar and not trying experl Inces. IIli! notable lack of Imagination ;eep hlni from ready sympathy; but Ids heart Is ns tender as a child's, and In' his ordinary capacity as a soldier lo Is In as little danger of committing utroclHos ns any man In the world. . In the entire Turko-Rnssian cam paign not a single case of unwarranted bloodshed came to my notice, except lu the Instances where the Circassian Cossacks became blood-mad In certain 1,'lds and slaughtered right and left, s indeed even our own soldlurs have done. Fur from treating the wounded Turks with Indifference nnd cruelty, Ihe Russian soldiers, even while they me m tiered the fact that the Ottoman fonernlly killed every wounded Mus- THOSE ATHLETIC WOMEN. Muscular Members of the Rex In New York to Be Well Provided For. Strenuous Indeed Is the modern woman. She has added alsjut a foot to her height, if the illustrators are to be trusted; she "goes in" for outdcsir exercise In large quantities, wears man's shoes and has her own man's outfit, without having to borrow her brother's collars and ties. He does not lsirrow hers because they are too big for him. She must have room to exercise In. when she cannot tramp the roads and the golf links, or row or paddle or ride or shoot; and so she, with some friends, lias started a wom an's athletic club. It was only a few weeks ago that the club was started. Very soon it will be incorporated as the York Club, and in no long time it will own a club house. It has already bought a site for Its house not on any side street, nilnd you, but on Madison avenue; and It is going to erect a six-story building, with gymnasium, running track, bowling alleys, squash courts, batns, all of the latest nnd best styles. Every man's club In the city, with one exception, has had to grow from small beginnings; but the York Club, like Adam though it will be an Adam less Eden Is to be full grown ut the start. Possibly Minerva, the result of the first recorded mind-cure on Jupi ter's next morning headache, would be a titter subject of comparison than Eve's husband. Hut let that go; at all events, the woman's athletic club Is to be grown up when it Is isirii, and will have the liest social sponsors at Its baptism. How long it will last Is another ques tion. There is little doubt that it will help a small section of New York's women Its membership is to be lim ited to TK), including nonresidents; but most of those now Interested w'ill not need Its facilities, and will cense to make use of them after the first flush of excitement has worn off. Still, let them enjoy the club as long as they choose; it will do them no harm, and they and their husbands and fathers are able to "put up" for what pleases them. In fact, we think that a great deal more than dumb-hells and weights will be put up in the new clubhouse. And when sloping shoulders and slen der waists come Imck the house can be made over Into bachelor apart ments. New York Mall. TATTOOED WITH SYMBOLS. Filipino's Cuticle an Incriminating; Document. A man was taken to constabulary headquarters the other day whose body was an art gallery. Ills breast, back and arms had been rendered complete ly antlngantlng by tattooers, working under the skillful guidance of antlng antlng priests. He was visiting his querida in Manila when arrested. lie was not an unprepossessing na tive, but he had too many Incriminat ing documents worked Into his cuticle to be allowed to roam around In a wild state, so he was arrested us a sus picious character. He gave his name as Sylvester Gomez. Ills antingant lngs were above suspicion, as well as above price, nnd had they been worked on a garment, as Is customary, he would have been despoiled of it for a curio. Over his heart he had worked a conventional figure of nn altar, with a cross superimposed. This he said was an antingunting. Ou his right breast was a human heart, inverted, sur mounted by a cross, with three letters above it. When a.sked what particular brand of anting this was he only grinned the wider. It is believed that tills fantastic design is the re minder of some vow that ho took dur ing the Insurrection. Three more let ters and a cross were tattooed In the h'ollow of his back. He sa!d that these wore never known to full to keep off diseases, nnd, Indeed, it must be con fessed thut he seemed to be nn ex traorjimirily hrulthy turimal. Then thrre were long disarrange ments of the alphabet across his breast and all down his arms. They looked ns If somebody had attempted to write n lot of seditious newspaper headlines In Tagalog anil had run short of copy paper, and so hnd to use Gomez for a writing tablet. He explained that these would keep off bullets, nnd they looked ns If they would. Memory. "It's a marvelous memory that Elder Willing possesses," remarked one Utah woman. "Simply stupendous." nnswered the other. "Why, he can call any member of his fimilly by name the minute ho sets eyes on him," Washington Stnr. MEAL FOR 8IX COST l.28. Vtacoverj of How to Live Well on 64 Cents a Iar. How to live well on 00 cents a day has been made an easy matter by th department of domestic science, at Teachers' College, Columbia t'niver sity, says the New York Times. Meals at 2'i cents apiece have been prepared by that department, and what is mora to the point, eaten with apparent retlan by unbiased parties. In addition to all this, the chemical constituents In the food have been carefully weighed and measured, and it has been dis covered that enough protolds, fats, carbo-hydrates and calories exist lit the 22-cent meal to supjiort men work ing with the customary expenditure of force. At least the text books say that that amount Is enough. The manner lu which this discov ery was made Is somewhat as follows: Dean Russell of the college planned a luncheon to several friends, and thought It would be a clever Idea to have the meal prepared by the depart ment of domestic science of the instl tutlon. The teachers laid out the plan of battle, so to speak, and the stu dents completed the work, by cooking the victuals. The luncheons was serv ed to six persons. The total cost ol material was $2.02, from which wat deducted the food not actually con sumed, which, of course, could bo made use of by a careful householder. This brought the total cost down to $1.28 for the six persons. This was the menu: firniicfrnlt $ .yj linked knddiM'k r.8 HollHMil.tlse sauce 10 Ovsiers on the half shell 13 Holls 17 H utter .Ofl VirLles 4 Tea 02 Lettuce salad H Wafers ol Cheese 10 Pineapple sherbet 24 Aiiki'1 cuke 19 Total $2.03 The food value of the things con sumed amounted to 0.941 calories. This made the average amount con sumed 1 ,os 1 .3 calories. According to the textbook prepared by Mrs. I'ien K Richards, of the lioston SKein a School, only 050.3 calories lire neces sary to sustain men and women work ing moderately hard. Miss M. B. Vail, instructor in domestic science at Teachers' College, who had charge of the luncheon, suys that 22 cents would be a fair average for nil meals, so that persons who pay more than .2-n.r(' this year, which is a leap year, or more than $2 40.90 in ordinary years, are doing a vast injustice to them selves and their pocket books. THE CYCLONE SAIL To a landlubber it looks like a gi gantlc bifurcated Japanese paper um brella, rigged up to the mast of pleasure boat to protect fishermen froa sunstroke, but when professional yachtsmen looked at it and said "Hei4 it is at last!" they meant: Here is the cyclone or umbrella which we all kno some one would invent Yachtsmen have long believed thaj if such a sail could be invented smef sailing boats could safely carry mud more canvas than they had formetil AX ENGLISHMAN S INVENTION. done, and a great increase of speed ti secured, says Popular Mechanics. JT an Englishman has contrived this 16 genlous arrangement and has equipped a seventeen-foot boat, which he w exhibit at Cowes, on the English ChaB nel, this summer. The American Shipbuilder is auther ity for the statement that the sail pra tlcally does away with the danger 4 capsizing, since the wind pressure lis no effect to Incline the boat. Pressufif is lateral or at right angles to t surface. Properly adjusted the sail would no have to be furled In a storm, but thi Increased wind pressure would b utilized to make a landing or to avo!4 grounding. "Just Folks." "My boy," said a Texas man to b' son, who was starting out for as Knstern city, "let me tell you som thing which may be of help to you. His advice, as given la Forest anil Stream, was homely, but good. You get up there and you'll see heap of people who have got mor( money than you have a heap of peo ple who have got more brains than you have, nnd more success- Some of then may even be better looking than yoo are. Don't you werny about that an don't you bo scared of anybody. Vhenovor you meet a man who al lows he's your superior, you just look at him nnd say to yourself, "After nil, you're Just, folks." You want to remember for yourself too, that you're Just folks. After yon have lived ns long ns I have, and hnve knocked round the world, you'll learn that that's all any one of o is just folks. Iteason for It. Reggy And you really believe h tells the truth? Peggy Oh, no doubt about It. He's taken it up ns a fad. Detroit Free Press. A man may smile when he sees hU wife's new bonnet, but the smile comet off when he sees the bill.