Harrison Press - J ourn al. .AtftrrtUr with i OJj'-b'XOIAXi PAPER OUT SloUX CQ"CJ"NI TY. VOL. XVII. HARBISON, KEBRASKA, THUBSDAY, JTJiTE 30. 1904. IS CL1 LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Monday is the Fourth. Did you file oo a piece of land? The land rush is over, get ready tor the Fourth. District Court convenes in this county July 12th. "'Mrs. Will Lacy has been quite ill (or the past few days. Joe Dunn returned to Lahonte, Wvo. Wednesday morning. Miss Bessie Cam is bow working at the Commercial liotel. J. H. Montgomery was in the city on business Saturday. J Rev. Daniels returned home from Lin coln last Friday. Tom Bannon came west Monday evening. down from the Mrs. Johnson and I if r son Iowa Tuesday evening. returned to A heavy shower accompanied hy some hail visited this section last Friday after noon. Jens Jensen, of Oouglas, was transact ing business in this city a few clays this week. Fred Piper was in the city on business Saturday. H was a pleasant caller lit this office. J. L. Kay, of Murslnnd. was among those who transacted business Monday and Tuesday. Andrew Johnson, of Indian creek, re newed his subscription to the I'KB-H Jour Dai this week. If von wish to have vour contet notice published in this pnper, notify the land coiimisHioner. i n. lirown, ot fort iiotnnson, was in the i it v lading photographs a few days the past e. Tom lverson went to Iowa Tuesday evening where he will remain for a few days on business. Do you want a good ptal Hon? St-eT. (). Williams at tholGtol ranch just nortli of Ihirriisou. Will sell or tradf. The republir-ans at the national conven tion held at Chicago nominated Roose velt for president and Fnlrbinks for vice president. M. Boiler, of Adelin, was in the city Inst Friday. He was a pleasant caller at this office and remembered us in a finan cial way. We neglected to state last we-k thU John Johnson's mother arrived here on the same train that his brothers came on from Iowa. J. H. Denslow, of Glen, was transact ing business in this city last Fndav. He did not forget to make us his usual pleas ant rail. Theo. Bugert's family and household goods arrived her from Chadron last Thursday. They preoccupying the John Hanson residence in the east part of town. Mrs. Hall returned yesterday morning from Hermosa, 8. 1)., where she had lieen called on account of her husband's sick ness. She reports Mr, Hull as being much better. James Nolan received a telegram Monday telling of the death of his mstor in the southern part of the State. Mr. Nolan left the same evening that he might be present at the funeral. Vernle Marsteller was agreeably sur prised last Saturday evening by a number of hi voudk coming. In to spend the vening with him and lo have a good time. Refreshments were Rerved und general good time was had. Xfleo eorge A. Phipps, formerly owner and triitor of the PrtftiS JouiinaL, writes us from Otookston, Minn., asking about Uncle Sam's domain, stating that he Mould like to have 610 acres, but we are amjfa'tUI h Is loo slow for he don't Intend to emu. out until some time in the summer. t seud greeting to his .ld frient's. Celebration the Fourth. Dr. T.H. WpmJIo the Crawford dentist William Belden has been in Harrison on tlie sick list this week. Phillip Dunn returned from Boulder, Colo., last Friday evening. D. M. Sutton and Geo. Davis Alliance a few days this week. Bourret & Davis have had their store building painted the past week. James Nolan and Walter Woodruff were in the city on lust Friday. Dr. Davis returned Monday from east where he had been on business. the Miss Lizzie Dunn returned from Bould er, Colorado., on Monday morning. Phillip MnOann came down from Belle Fourche, H. D., on business this week. Clans Ohristensen was transacting business in the city fore part of the week M. J. OVonnell returned 'ast. Saturday morning from a business trip to Alliance. II. Wickersham went to Crawford last Wednesday evening and returned the fol lowing morning. Miss Lizzie Parsons came Alliance last Saturday and Tuesdav night. up from returned Patrick Dunn, of Arvado, Wyo., and Fred Detschen, of Harrison, are new sub scribers to our list this week. Geo. Fitzgerald's son arrived here from Wisconsin lust Friday and we learn that he will remain here for a year. Unless something unlooked for now happens to the wild fruit there will be an abundant supply for all this year. Andrew Christian, of Kirtley, went to Alliance last Wednesday evening where he remained a few days on business. Theo. Wagoner was in the city last, Snt tirday and while here he called and his name placed on our subscription hook. In a letter from Mont Burke this week he says that Howard will start for Sioux county soon and will likely he here lor the Fourth. Mr. Mc y, a brother of Mrs. S.irnh Jordan, who has been looking over this count 'V for several Weeks, left for Iowa Tuesday evening. LOST Between Matt Hall's place and the S E ranch on June 17, a watch, Finder wiii he rewarded hy leaving the same at this office. Mr Eirl a brother-in-law of I). M. Sut ton, arrived here troni I ireerilielil lowii, last Thursday morning to 1 ot over this country with a view of locating. M.S. Hinesono of the leaJing attor neys of Wisconsin and a brother ofjthe Hines lioys of this country arrived here last Thursday morning and will spend a few days visiting here. It has lieen lr) years since he saw his brothers Tom and John. We lielieve the boys will show him a good time d'iring his stay here. .gOeorge Dieckman and Miss Minnie Witt were united in marriage hy Judge Wil hermsdorrer in this city Tuesday. Those young jople are well known to the cit izens of this vicinity as they have been raised hero. They are people that have the respect of every one. The Prkss- Joi'RNAL is among the many friends that extend congratulations. With this issue we launch out upon our seventeenth year, and we desire to thank our patrons for their unbounded conlldence in the Punas Jochnai.; we also desire to thank our corresponding for their untiring efforts in giving our rend - ers the news as well as helping us many other ways to make the PliH-SS Joi'IlMAL what is to-day, hoping hv I heir help to make the paper more interesting during the coming year. Monday and Tuesday is what would be considered a rush for Harrison. The ho tels were crowded to such an extent that it whs necessary for thetn to get all the rooms in private houses that they could and then they were unable to fur nish sleeping room enough and some of the peopleeven went to the county jail where the jailor made them as comfort as he could. Over 150 entries were miide at the county clerks office on Tuesday and long tiefore the office opened a crowd had assembled so as to he. ready when 8 o'clock came The clerk was obliged to get several deputy to ladp him through , the rush. Wa hope all the homeseekers will luoet with the best of auccesa. At tlie annual school meeting Ifre last Monday J. II. Lacy was elected modertor for a term of 3 vears aiuf a levy f 13 m'lls was made for all fcr oses. A good feeling and interest was shown throughout tlw meeting and we ho) it may continue through the entire year. Of late years tiiere has leeu too much interference in the school by the patrons but we hope that this year there will lie no such interference. If you have a grievance go to the board of di rectors, for we are sure they will give you all a hearing, and by doing this not oniv your own children will be benefited but the w hole 'school. The writer and w ife enjoyed a pleasant time at Bodarc last Sunday. Alter ho in teresting Sunday school conducted by Mrs Minnie Miller one of the Lords faith ful ones; we listened to an interesting talk from Mrs. Emma L. Rice afler which we had dinner which the people of that place know so well how to prepare, we again listened loan interesting Missionary talk in the afternoon from Mrs. Rice. There was a crowded house, and all were glad to greet Mrs. Kica once again. We are sure from the attention given all en joyed the services from begmiiig to the end. MlFF.FS FROM CKSTItAL CIT) We have been so busy picking and eat ing strawberries for the past two weeks we have not had tiwie to write How often we have wished our Suiux county friends could enjoy them wilh us, and we have been glad that our pitch of berries was a small one, for I assure you there is plenty of back in a small lierry patch to satisfy me. We have up to this lime picked. 312 quarts and shall have plenty to eat this week yel. We have got filled up now so it does not take quite a gallon a meal for us now. We know the 'ottonwood and Bodarc friends are enjoying having Mrs Rice with them ngain, and we think it possible she may c me to C. C. some tune in the near future. W are enjoying a visit with Grandma Davis, and e have sure put in the time visiting two rows at once. She ra.ne Friday and the gu ls are taking her to Lou Boosts this morning, where die will take the traiiwit Aurora, for home Tuesday inornini:. We think she cut. !cr time with us all to short. The Stale S S. Convention whs well represented from C C. and a grand tune is reMU led. (!ropx are looting fine, we have had plenty of rain hut the cut alf il fa and st ra wherries. We have plenty of eas, beans and new potatoes so we shall not miss the berries so much for peaches will soon be plent v. It is almost I ime to celebrate the 4th, but I took my holhdav a couple of weeks ago and went wilh 70 others to Fiilerton to a picnic, where I saw the llrst genuine hills for nearly four vears, but I have wrilten enough for this tune and will leave the tale of "Lovers I,eap" and account of our trip for the next time. C'UO. COTTONWOOD ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. Walpolew.re callers at A. Meckems on the 27. Chas. Nortnass was a pleasant caller at the Carey post efllce Sunday, We understand Fritz Piier has moved wilh his family on his homestead Mr. and Mrs. Pete Henry, of Ardmore, relumed after a visit on the divide. John Meeckem and family were visi tors at the home of his brother last Sunday. jjohii Mecke.m and Orin Tally were ttie olllcers elected at the school meeting Monday. Chas. Groves lias the contract to deliv er 8 cords of wood for dist. No. 4 at f 1 75 per cord Ralph Kratz wus thrown from his horse one day last Week but escaped with slight bruises. Land talk and contest seems to iie tin order of the day but we think some will have to stand a hard fight. M. D. Worthington and Frank Carlson 1 returned homo from Montana and weex in 1 L rjil them a S Mrs. Feller them a hearty welcome. s und son F. I made n trip to Harrison last week h rut on return home were accompanied by Mrs. Lux and daughter. Hayseed was mistaken about, the pic nic at Beamau's saw mill the Fourth as there will be no picr.ii; on the creek. Everyone intends to celebrate in Craw ford. Rome of them who made a trip to Crawford the 27th were; O. C. Tally R. C. Tally, Antone Meckem and father, Ernest Carlson, M. 1). Warthingtoii auJ An tone Knits. VMr. and Mrs. Herman Bassie, of Hem mingford, fe.ve moved to the home of Herman Miller on Soldier creek as Mr, Bassie has resigned his position as section foreman. We presume that he will lake a section of land, . Hay Skw, Hunter Happenings. Land t ilk is all you can hear these oar ti. Tom Jones was Tuesday. Mr. Procter was a Harrison visitor re-elected treasurer of List. No. 30. Richard Hunter came home from Oma ha last Friday. Mrs. t'liristenseu visited friends in Harrison Monday. John Tucker, Ezras brother came home Monday for a few jays visit. Mrs. J. R. Hunter and son Richard were Harrison visitors Saturday. Mrs. Bassett came home Monday but went down the road the same evening. Mr. Rice went to Crawford on business Monday evening returning next morning. Mrs. Melusli mother of Mrs. Frank Lewis came up from Seward thli state to visit a while. Mr. Clarke and son Floyd also a geiitle niau from Whitney wer in these purls Monday looking over the country. Mr. and Mis. E. M. Helming came up from Lincoln Weunesday ol last week tnd went out to Mr, Cook S r.vncli where they have employment. M'Sheis Jim and Jack I ook collie over from Agatu Monday evening. J. 11. we it lo i rainoid tiie sa i e evening. Jack went to Harrison on luesday. The dipping plant will be linislied this Wednesday, and will be ready for business to-morrow some of us will b) alter the Hist of July dipping, but as long as they hurried as fast us possible they could no no more. U No. Sheriffs Sale. Hy virtue ol an order of sale issued hy the clerk of Hie di-irli t court of Sioux county, Sehi-MSk--, In favor of Sarah Jordan, plan Itr, and Nebraska security, ( ompaiiy, a corpora tion, McKllllcy liuiiiillr, I.oiill and Trust Company, a corporation, defendants, I will on the '.tllilnyol July, I'.lll.ut one o'clie-k in the nft mown ol Kit lit day Ml the east front iloor of I he cmirl liouie in Harrison Moils county, Nebiuska, sell at public auction to the l-tiii'M tddder lor cash In hand the fol low Inn di scrlhed real estate l!uiitcd In said county, ton itt. The cast halt of the soul li east iUal tel ill section i lHlltecu unit the enst 1 1 n II of the northeast quarter ol wctlon nhilecii In township thirty -three (IH) north of range fifty five ;:!) wet of thi-iilh Princi pal Meridian. To witt.-fy snhl order of sale in Ihe sum of imehiiiiiired and seventy-one dollars ami ninety five cents i 171 X,) an -I liiten-sl and aci-iirtnrosiM. Mrst puhl cation June nth IW1I. Al.K.V I.DWItV. Sheriff of said enmity. Sheriffs Sale. Hy vii tiie of mi order of sale Issued hy t he ("i rk of the district court of Sioux county, Si hniskn, upon a decree rendered In said court ln tavor of M,W. Shea e siul Charles ll.irinoll, pl-.iintiir, und JncoU S.icknld el. ill. defendants, I will on the vth day of July, IWM nl one o'clock In Ihe uricrnoon of until rtifv at the cunt front dour of the, court house ol siild enmity t Hurrl-on, Nebraska, sell at public suction to Hi" highest bidder for eiii.li tn hand the following described real est. ite sit. anted In said county to wit: The s mill half ol the inthrt quarter, the tmrthwe-t rnc.ir-tei- ot the i-oiillMMut .quarter and the hoiiIIi-,-n-.t quarter of tin southwest quarter of sec t.on three ;:'.) tn township thirty Tour (:4) liurlh ot range lit ty four Mj west of the dill principal meridian. To satlslu said order of sale m the sum o' one thousand mid twenty dollars and eluhty wiits 1 1 ,0.1) u ) and !nte.ret unit costs and Hccruinj? costs. Klrst publication Jiiue'.llli YMt. AI.KX 1.0WKV. Sherilt of said rnunly, Sheriff's Sale, l'.y vlrtue.ofnn opler of wile. Issued by the rierk ot the district court of Sioux county Nelirn.-ka, in on a decree rendered ill said eoui t In lavor of Hie Mii-liliratifttvhiK Hank s corporation, la pialnlUT mid Mrs. Wllllinn llaiiiiitfunl, nlio.ie true christian name Is un knot n to plaintiff, et ul, defendants, 1 will onthelltli day of July WO I Rt one o clock in the nf ternnon of said ilsy at ibe east tiout dour of the court house of said county at Harrison, NcbruNks, sell lit public auction to the highest Wilder for ciinli in hand the iollowliiK desciil ed real estate situated in mild county, to wit: The southwest quai ter ot section twenty hIx (2) In township thirty four ;M) north of I unit" tllly-live (M) west of llii'i'.th principal meridian. lo satisfy Hit lit oriel of sale In the sum of five hundred and ninety lour dollars huiI ninety rents (JV.sH'0) and Interest and cosl.s anil i.cciuing costs, t Irst publication June 8th HOI. .M.KX I.OWUY, f-heriir ol Hnid countv. Sheriffs Sale. Tly virtue of on order of sale Issued by IliO Clerk i f tho dial i let court ot .Moil county, Nebraska, upon a decree vnnlered in said com tin favor of Af. W, sbeiife and Charles Harmon, plaintiff and Otto Mnnsan Ktux, ilcfi nda iU. I will on Iho (Uh day or July mi at one o'clock in the afternoon of sa d day at the eiwt trout door of the court house of said county at Harrison sell at put he sue Hon to the highest bidder fir cash hi hand Hie follow Inif (.'escribed real estate situstod in said oouniy to-w If, ThP northeast quar ter of section fifteen In townslitpth.ity four (114) north of rnimc tllty-slx (Nt) west ot the nth )irinclpnl nicrldlsn. To satisfy said order of sslo In the sum of onn thousond slid ten dollars l,0000 mid interest and costs and Hccrultiir costs. li st publication June Otli 1WH. AI.KX I.UWKY, Hiorlffof snlil county. THE PALACE SALOON :IX ANDREWS BLOCK-3 The fined line of wines, liquors and best brands of cigars.- THEO. SAGERT Proprietor.- A GERLAGH f t 1 Selling More Goods Than Ever. A complete line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRYGOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, and a complete line of SPRING GOODS. I LACY BROS. DK.ALF.RS IX- HuiMinj? material of all kinds. Flour, Feed, Grain, Wind-mills, Pumpri, Tanks, Wagons, Buggies, Faira t Implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles & etc. X (You Are Reading That's what it' here for: To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store. (Jive us a trial. Yours for Bwsiness, A. LOWRY. FACTS TO REMEMBER. FACT 1. B0UKUET& HA VIS currv the largest and most; I'onoilete stOCh of (ieiieial Men liaiiillsB in v. S oux Conn I FA ' 1' , All our prices are in ikeepiiig wilh the quail' V ol igoisls we sell. We do mt keeii: i -lieap John goodssud therefore 'wo ito not sell lit t 'lieaii John iprires. We sell drat class gotsle jilt fair prices. Y, l :j, We endeavor to cuter to the wants and needs of out customers and our goods are selected with tills intent. C. H. UNIT A A 1 A ', successor to C. U. NEWMAN DlALlH in- Lumber, Doors, Sash 7- . JjI llll Coal, Wagons, Buggies and Lfachiiicni of all Kinds. I also carry a Hue of Wind Mill, Pumps, Piping, Toners, Wind Mill re pairs, etc. etc. etc. A large stock of feed, both ground and vu ground al ways on hand. ms.il criers given prompt ettcrdioa, Give me a Call. WANTED Agents, Hustlers, Salesm Plerks and everybody who wants to en, joy a good hearty Inugh to send 50c for "Tips to Agents." Worth r0 to any person who sells goods for ft living. If not satisfactory your money hack. Cir cular for stamp. The Dr. White Elec tric Comb Co. Decatur, III. , & SON All onl.irs Riven prompt attention, - - x: This,! THAT'S RIGHT 4 iPAOf 4, Ve nave just r Iceived our Spring ami Siiiiimd Invoice of wlnt.e wai.sls & 1 re 's:o.ids. India Limonx, Canibrics I Percales, Cughams, Sat"ns IShirtiugs Henriettas, &c &C . (FACT 5,-Our line of Boots & Shoes and Slippers is coinpoFei of Hie latest styles from He most, rell-.itile I, i, us. jFACl' 6, Kverytl.mg usually Ikept in a General Store can be jfound at our place BOURRET & DA VIS: Manhood Restored. "CUPIDKNE." Thisgrent vefrctiible. vltaliser, the pre-- 1 scriptton of a lamous French physician, will , I unic.klv cure vim of nil or nervous discuses- of the generative ori?iiiis sunn ss losi Man hood. Insomnia, pains in the Puck, Seminal Emissions, Nervous licbillty, I'tmples, ln Illness to marry, Exbnusltng Drains, Vai'ie.O' cele huiI ( .'oust ipst Ion. It stoiis all losses by day or nidi I. Prematurity, which if not checked, lead to sperinnton hoep and all the horrors of impoteiicy. Ct.'PIUESE cleanses). the llverand k dnevs. ITPIDENE strength ens and restores The reason sufferers lire not cured by doctors is because ninety per cent ani tioutiled with Piostutlts. HUNK is Ihn only known leinudy to euro without an operation. . VKH tlstlmonials. X written guarantee given mid money re turned r six boxes do not tided a perms' nent cure. :f1.(Kl sbox; sin for five by mail send for froecirculnr and 'enlnionials. Ad dress DAVOI, M EDICINK t;() , S.111K1 aneiso California. Forsnlcby KmiURU JosK.s NOTICE. All parties indebeted to Chas. Newman , by note, or otherwise will And all bills,. ... 1 11.. -1. (inn noies in vow imiucii."" collection. Please call and aettl all open account by note bankable or caalit , in hand and save costs. CHAS. NCWHJJ