: ; c : v v;!.' -:-y v-: A prominent Southern larlv. Mrs' a J f w Blanchard, of Nashville, Term., tells how 6he was cured of backache, dizziness, pain ful and irregular periods by the use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Dear Mrs. Pixkiiam: Gratitude compel me to acknowledge the peat merit of your V eatable Compound. I have suffered for four years writh irregular and painful menstruation, also dizineH, pains in the back Hid lower limlm, and fitful uleep. I dreaded the time to come which fcrould only mean Buffering to me. u IVtter health is ail I wanted, and cure if possible. Lydia E. Pink barn's VepeUMe Compound brought me health and happiness in a lew short months I feel like another jierson now. My aches and pains tave left me. Jjfe seems new and sweet to me, and everything seems pleasant and easy. " Six bottles brought me health, and was worth more than months onder the doctor s care, which really did not benefit me at all. I am Bat tened there is no medicine so good for sick women as your Vegetable Compound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical help. Mas. Ii. A. Blanchard, 422 Uroad St., Nashville, Tenn. When women are troubled with Irregular, suppressed or painful menatrna on, weaknesa, leucorrho-a, displacement or ulceration of the womb that Jearin down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloatinir (or btttlence), general debility, iodifrestion, and nervous prostration. or are beset r rtfc mi w't uch situde, " want - to t rn iuui vruuuies. r J wis t vinir mi . t , fjux boucrht six more bottles, and am now never be without it. 1 hope that Inr i u 1 1 i n fT rf f Vm niAmK rr r xx i i MM iuuik oi tuiiu any uiun iClilillU W1U UiilUJUi. .OIKS Codt, 26(10 Birch St, Ihiladelphia, Pa. Remember, every woman Is rtnkham if there Is anything about her symptoms she does n T V "r " uynn, .tiuns., ner an vice is irco Ml vuooniuiy gireu 10 every auing CREAMED II AM ON TOAST Chop the remnants of cfiid boiled bam veiy fine; make t thin white it iicc with one U-nlespounful ol fcutier, tone tibletipoonful ff H"'" md ne cupful of milk, salt ind pepper fnr srastnifng; add the hnni to this and pour it ever buttered toast. Uruiled fish, like beefsteak, should top be salted until nearly cooked; la i t hardens tlic fiber and draws oui the Juices. ; The frigate bird can feed, culled material for its nest, and even sleep on the wing. The spread of the frigate bird's wings Is ver great, tDd It can fly tt a speed of ninety tlx miles to hour without seeminK lo moe its wires to any great de gree. Mr. J. Lancaster, an Ameri can caturnllst, asserts that be has ?en a frlgatJ bird on the wing foi a whole week, night and day, with out rest. t Thoze people who go Into solitude to eskape the deceits ov the world, would do well to remember that they btv got tc keep strlkt company with themselvesa party that needs more tluis watching than enny one else. The Bray wolf Is very destructive to cattle In Motana, and sometimes Iverpowers and devours the strongest Iteeis. No trap yet made has bco able to capture one; the animal Seems to shun ill tarps instinctively. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. Til FMa-tLrS FAVMITV ItMIM A V CANDY CATHAF T' BEST FOR symptoms as dizziness, faintness, laa- eirltability bilitv. irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, trholv "klt.iwiM m A - he - left - slnn " fo.ltnir. V.I.... 4 hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried aud true remedy. I.jdia K. I'irikham irA4..i.i i uiiipiMinu at once removes uuv 1 a 1 7 J J wvn,iu, ueiuM lo tun unv t hr . n , jyu uccu i. tic ut8U, A Severe Cae of Womb Trouble Ci I til. !!.. f. i. m , in iiiiu'ifiia, "Dear Mrs. T'ikkiiam- T hav cun-d of severe female troubles the use of I.jdla E. IMnkba VrL'etiililA f ' m n n ii n H f neany reany 10 give up. DUt seeil von imimr Tiiir.noLr.i kii v. a IIV A 1 iMlrtU UUl Jiu:uit;nt( aiiu it uiu me so mui ft liner liL-p a rmwu-nman T J my testimonial will convince woij . . . l i cordially invited to wHin i TWi woruau wno asks for it. The enaloeers In the Hrltisb N have a very euVetive way of kill! sharks. They seal up a dToam rnrtriduo in ao ea,pty cao, and the can Inside a lump of prrk. T poik is thrown orerboard on a wlr. which has been connected with at electric battery. When the sharl takes the bait the engineer presses i button, which explodes thecartrlgdt and kills the fish. Japanese and Germans have th sume average Drain weight. economy is the road lo wealth. PUT NAM FADELESS DTE Is tht road b economy. All the blood In a man's b3d passet through bit heart once t every two minutes. Mrs. Wlnilow'i SOOTHING BYRUP (or.eU drrn tellitnf ,Mftena the reduce ulti Dialiaii, tilayipalo euroi colic. Pile iiu bolt People who are excessively food sugar and confectionery are calle "saccbaromaniacs." Prof. Ooatoi lirltlsh chemist, declares that kH ney and liver complaints are causa by too much Indulgence In sugai A Mexican who dwells In Actoi Cab, has been chopping and baulln wood for the past fifty years, an now thinks of retiring from buslnei and giving the young fellows chance. Ills age Is 112, and thinks he Is entitled to a rest. Starch table linen slightly, t linen not at all. THE BOWELS t Short g tor ies ! An M d'a-irtl. a nain-tlrlel-likl'i-4 M fellow, who livl ill a roiiiitrr un Mild ofi nsionally visited tht -ity 'oil tuisinesx." found "hui-kliiK the igi-r" in a St. Iiuis p;injliliiiK ImiiH ilh uu elierKT of purjiose llint wa idmlraltle. "What," exclaimed b. iniiiis mnn uiut found him, si.'iriinr tnekward, "deneon. in it ixmsihle yini ire hereT' yen," ealnily rejoined lie old Kimier; "1 am lxiuud to tireat iip thin evil liiHtltution." Miss Hdeii Could H rwently en tertaining one of the (firls' rlulix. in wild li Kbe in Interedtcd, nt her lionit in the HiiiIhoii. After the girl had walked liltout the roundu mid mil-M-rvaiorie for a time, lie invited them to wander over the luwue nn 1 ie tile picture and olijwtH of art. While they were thus engaged nhe jverlioiid one of the j;irlx remark, eon tliliiiKly. to a I'ouiiMiiiioii: "Say, Ma mie, even henveu won't feiize Misn lioiild after thin plnee." lavld Belawo and Henry de Mille olhilx.raleil oiii e on a piny In whd-h hey UKi-d the line from the I'sniiiiH of 'avid, "lyord. how long hliall the kicked, liow long chilli the wicked '.riuniph?" The actor to wlmin thin .in fell expressed hix dissatisfaction tver It, and conlided his feeling to lie Mille. "Are you Htuck on it';'' the jctor asked hfm. "Yen," Hiild IK' Mille, "1 must coiifes- I urn. You 'he line Isn't mine. It's Ilnvid's." "I 'liought so." said the actor; "nny one oiild tell that was some of Have II" tasco's had I'.nglish." When President Hoosevelt was in Oiaroii Springs, Mo., u countryiiian Is :idl to have slepped up and said to i uieinlier of the presidential party. 'Wlnir's the president '!" Mr. ltoose velt, sceutliiK siniethllig gn'xl. said: "lo you wish to nee Mill particular j ';" "I never seen hut one prenhlent n my life, an', of course. 1 would like !o nee him on gln'rcl prinelplen." re plied the countryniaii, "hut what I wants to we this one fur mot' part.l--ular Is to see If lie's got them sipilr :el teeth the pii Tf say he has." And '.hen and there the president displayed his "Mipiirrel" teeth in the hrondcsf jf grins. "Cosh ter lila.es, you're the feller," said the mall as he hurried wny. iMiriug Kthel Itairymore's last en iiKeiiie'", In Chicago she was Invited the assistance of the army or navy:" "That's exactly what I said, sir,'' re plied the young man; "by myself, and without any loss of hhssl. It hnp ;eiied at Hirnton. Here Is my card. ( am Kiimllsnilth, the photographer. Now, If you will allow me to pose you, (etierul " Hut the general had fled. INFLUENCED THE CZAR. riie One Man Who I Mainly Respon sible for the War. The Kun)-Japanese war is the work of one man, M. Hezohra.oH, who began life an an insignificant member of a yirps of imperial pages, became an illleer In the regiment of guards, went lo the Far East where he made a for .iine and eventually became a royal tavorlte possessed of unscrupulous jrlnclples. With the fortune which 'avors a very daring and energetic man BezobrazofT became manager of the private milieu of the Czar and Iow lger Empress, which he made to remit Immense aitms to the Imperial proper ties, anil he wm rewarded with the ap pointment as Secretary of State for the l-'ar East Hezobnizoff obtained the appoint ment of his friend and business aswo Mate, Admiral Alexleff, as viceroy of the Far Kast and they began to scheme !o close Manchuria and northern Korea lo the world outside of their own "llque. Hezobrazoff dangled before the yes of the various grand dukes prizes f great wealth, landing the will of the princes through suggested rnther than promised bribes and he deluded the Czar Into the policy which has had a disastrous ending. M. ltezobrnzolT secured a largo inter est In the timber concession on the Yalu, which began in 1K!M when M. Hrnnncr, a Kusslan merchant of Vlad ivostok, oblalniMl from the Korean gov ernment the right of felling timber on Iho banks of the Yalu. The concession Was to be forfeited unless the work be gan in Ave years, and as the close of the period approached the Ilusslan igent In Seoul applied for an extension of three years. GOOD Au agreement was tlien drawn tip whereby the district of Yoiighainpo. at ' the mouth of the Yaltl liiver, was rent- i ed to the Hussiaii company hich uu- ( dertsk to pay iand tax to the Korean government. The territory became Itussian in so f ir that all ICiisniaii offender could only he dealt with by . Uus-ian civil otlirer. The agreement was signed last July, but previous to , the day of siuin it forty Kiissian sol diers Itelmigiiig to a force which had t Un-ii concentraiiNl at An Tunt on the opHsiie and Manchuria bank of the Yalu. crossed the river, halting on an island mid stream to discard their uni forms so they iiii'ht enter Yoii.iinphr. in private dollies. Fromii Yonauipho they moved to Yftiiiri-liyong, furtlier in Korea, where 1 they founded a timber settlement. A few weeks later thev were reinforced j by a furtlier 1hi soldier, notwithstand ing the objections of the Korean gov ernment. A further lsxlv of seventy I soldiers crossed the Yalu higher up and established a nominal timber camp. A telegraph line was next constructiil be tween these camps. I'nder the plea that the settlement of the lius.-ial) timber company at Yongampho re quired protect ion, .'00 soldiers were openly moved there within n few weeks of the signing of the agreement. Japan realized that if this aggression was noi definitely stopped, sooner or later Ilusian occupation of Korea would inevitably take place under the guise of protecting commercial Inter ests. Th war which has resulted has been engineered for the sake of the private interests of M. Kezohrazoff and his fiicnils. The official advisers ot the C.ar. who were on the side of peace, have been quietly shelved and the Czar himself is a victim of thr, cupidity of M. liczobrazofr. Hozobra zoff. however, made n fatal mistake, for lie underestimated the Japaiiesi character and the Japanese lightim; strength. WHEAT SUPERSEDING RICE. Wlien China lUuins to i:e Kloui World Supply Will lie Short. A strong point made by the liour mill magnates of Hie West is that, when any considerable number of the millions of China shall call for (lour, the entire wheat-growing area of the world will not be sufficient to supply the demand, says the ItnokloveiV Magazine. "Kven If all Japan shouM become a ftoiir-catlng iieople." h" said, "the whole available supply of il.i Pacific coast would provide this com modity for only - per cent of the ptp illation of Unit kingdom. There Is likelihood, too. that a great n portion of the inhabitants of Jap'in 1 TrTTITTiHlic liinjiMMiii inr iuii'iii iir.ni- uefs, the people being alert to k""p abreast of w hatever Is decided to be progress along modern lines. When MoiiarchM Are Hick. "Emperor William, of (iermany, is an excellent patient," says a French writer, "and his only fault Is that whenever his physician attends hiin he insists on airing the superficial knowl edge of medicine which he has ac cpiired through reading a few popular works o- the subject. "King Edward VII. is an admirable patient. Whatever the doctor tells him to do be does without a murmur, "The young Queen of Holland, on the other hand, gives her physicians a good deal of trouble, for she hates tc have one of them come near her, even for the purpose of feeling her pulse. "Of all rulers, however, the Czar and the Sultan are the most difficult to treat when they are 111. The Czar Is extremely sensitive and has an in stinctive dread of even the most harm less remedy, and the Sultan is very suspicious and Is constantly afraid thai some one is going to poison him. II does not even trust his own physl clan, and he employs a chemist to ana lyze any medicine which is proscribe for him." A Heven Found Key. One of the oldest and most curious specimens of the locksmith's art Is at tnched to the door of the Temple Church, London. The key weighs sev en pounds, Is eighteen Inches long and. unlike other keys. It was not mad tor the lock. On the contrary, the lock was made for the key. Problem in Millinery. "Why, oh, why," remarked the ol server of events and things, "will t woman smile with delight when slu sees a hat In a milliner's window and frown when she sees the same hat on her neighbor's head?" Y'onkeii f-'tates-man. When we see a woman who look, white and cold, we don't know If it Ii pride or sick headache.. DOCTOR ADVOCATED FE-RU-NA MADE MUS. EVA P.AItTITO, 133 East 10th St., New York City, X. Y.. writes "I suffered for three jrara with lrw-orrhea and ulceration of the womb. The doctor advxntei an operation which I dreaded very much, and strongly ob jected to go under it. Now 1 am a ciiHuged woman. 1'eruua eared me; it tool, nine bottles, hut 1 felt ao innch im proved I kept taking it, as I dreaded an operation so much. I am to-day in per fect health and have not felt so well for fifteen years." Mrs. Era Bartho. Mrs. Senator Roach, ot Lari more, N. Dak.; Mrs. Senator War ren, of Cheyenne, Wyo.; Belva Lock wood and Mrs. General Long street, ot Washington, D. C, are among the prominent ladies who indorse Peruna. Miss Helen Kolof, Kaukauna, Wis., w riles - "Several times during the past two years or more my system has been greatly in need of a tonic, ami at those times J'eruua has been of great help in building up the system, restoring my appetite and securing restful sleep." HHen itolof. Miss Muriel A mutate. 36 Green wood Ave.. Iietroit, Mich.. District Organizer of the Koyal Templars of Temperance, wrnes as follows: "1 suffered for five years with uterine irregularities, which brought on hys teria and made me a physical wreck. 1 tried doctors from the different schools of medicine, but without any nerceulihle change in my condition. In my despair 1 called on an old nurse, who advised me to try Peruna, and promised good results if I would persist aud take it regularly. I kept this up for six months. and steadily gained strength and henlth. ml when 1 bad used hfleen bottles 1 considered myself entirely cured. I nm a grateful, happy woman to-day." Miss Muriel Armituge. Miss l.ucy M. Riley. 33 Daveiiuort St Cleveland, Ohio, writes: "1 wish to add my indorsement to thousands of other women, who have la-en cured through the use of I'erinia. 1 suuered for hve years with severe backache, and when weary or worried He'glum has four schools for the nsl ruction of lisherrnen. The pi Is are taught buw to read rather charts, ho to make the est use ot the varying currents, rbat the bottom of the sea Is like, ow to make their own nets, how o manage a boat in a storm, how o use the latest inventions in the ne of fishing apparatus, ete. At iresent there are about two bun red and fifty pupils In these chrmls. The British Museum contains rc ords and books written on bricks, ysters shells, bones and Oat stones, nd niariusctlpts on bark. Ivory, eather, lead, Iron, copper and wood. OU 8AI.K Oroi-i-rlffB. Flour. Ket-d. (Ipnersl Mrrhan dlae 1W. Win. Auuu. Hill thy, South liakola. A Fteuch scientist has devised a uspended camera, with which pho ographs may be taken on a ship vlen the sea is running high. I find Piso'l Curt for Consumption thr real ujciiii iud on iiumg luiiiuin. Callahan, 114 Hall street, I'arktrs- urg, . va., April 10. lyui. It Is a remarkable fct that the Fight hand, which Is more sensitive o I ouch than the left, is less sensi ilve than the latter to the effect of Meat or cold. Kt Tonr Denier fnr Allen's Font Kaet i powder to stinke Into your shoes. It rests :he feet, ftiros Corni, Bullions, Swollen, Sore, lint, Callous, Arhlns;. Sweating Feet inrt Ingrowing NallH. Allen's Knot-Ease makes new or tight shoos easy. Sold hy all Inigglvts and shoe stores, 2."c. Sample Dialled FIU01-:. Address Allen S. Olmsted, x Koy. N. Y. The Egyptian government is said io have an exceptionally tine display it St. Louis, soin" of the exhibits tielng o,000 years old, or, in other words, about as ancient as our up-to-date audeville jokes. Rochester Post-Express. The synopta is 5 peculiar water inimal. Nature has given it an inchor similar to those used by ships, and by it the animal holds itself firmly on aDy desired spot A floating electric crane Is used for 'he loading and unloading of ships lo the harbor of Kiel, Prussia. It an easily lift fifty tons at a time. Free to Twenty-Five Ladies. The Defiance Starch Co. will give !5 ladies a round trip ticket to the St. Louis Exposition, to five ladies In each of the following states: Illlnlos, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri who will send iu tbe largest number of trade marks cut from i ten cent, 10 ounce package 3f De fiance cold water laundry starch. This means from your own home, anywhere In the above Darned states. These trade marks must be mailed o and received by the Deliance Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr., before September 1st, 1004. October and November will be the best months ',o visit the Exposition. Remember '.hat Defiance is the only starch put up 10 oz. (a full pound) to the pack ige. You get one-third more starch cr the same money than of any Other kind, andlDefJat.ee never sticks o the Iron. The tickets to the Exposition will ho sent by registered mall September 5th. Starch or sale by 11 dealers. To make a first class kid gleve. from four to six months a e required f r the various opcaUoui essential in preparing the skin .T'e" d -iSThompson's Eye Water OPERATION KNIFE UNNECESSARY. MRS. tVA BAR I MO. in the least I had prolonged headache. I am now in perfect health, enjoy lite and have neither un ache or pain, thanks to I'ermia." Lucy M. Kiley. , It is no longer a question as to wheth er reruns can he relied on to cure all such caseK. During the many years in which I'i-runa has been put lo test in all forms and stages of acute and chronic catarrh no one year has put this remedy to greater test than the past year. If all the women who are suffering' with any form of female weakness would, write to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, niol give him a complete description of! Iheir symptoms and the peculiarities of; their troubles, he will immediately reply with complete directions for treatment, free of charge. Address I)r. II art man. President of, The llartmau Sanitarium, Columbus.' Ohio. An alligator farm, stocked with! young animals from the Unitedi States, Is to be established in the) South of France. Alligator skin: has become sa highly prized that,! the animal dealers believe it will' pay well to raise lhe alligators on this, tbe first rarm of its kind in tbe world. The skin is said to be becoming scarcer each year, and there is always a great demand for it boots, shoes, hand bags, writing' padd, portfolio and toilet artlcles.l FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineToilet Antiseptic Psxtlne is In powder- form to dissolve in water non-poisonous and Sarsuperiorto liquid antiseptics contniningj alcohol which Irritates I Inflamed surfaces, and have no clesnsir.-g prop-i ertles. The contents, ol every box makes more Antiseptic Solu-, tion ls-ta longer jroes further has more, U5es in the family and, doe morrgood than any antiseptic preparation, you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, forLeucorrhaa, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. Inlocaltroatmentof female ills Paxtine-1 invaluable. Used as a Vapiual Wash w challenge the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. It is a revolution in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cauBe inflammation anil discharges. A II leading drucciits keep Paitiiie; price, We, abox; it Tmiradoesnot, "end to UBfor It. Don's tak e a u!islitute there is nothing like Pax tins. Write for the Free Box of Paxtlne to-day, E. F AXIOM CO., 6 Fops Bldg., Bostoi, Has. A SKIN OP BEAUTY IS A JOY VOttRVER. YR. T. FKL1X GOCBAITD'S ORIEMAL CREAM, OK MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES RmoTPfi Tan, Pimples, Freckle Aioui i iicnes, Mann, na onm aueatei, ana erery biemtm von beauty, ana lhaa Hood the tlt- U of 66 years, and 1 'o hartnleBi wa taite it to be turt Ulg properly mad a Accept no counter felt of ilinlUr name. Jr. L. A Say re aatd to a i taay 01 tne ua ton (a patient) r. J 'As you ladlf fwlU dm them, L rtcomminl 'Gturaud'i Zmm as the least harmful of all the ittln preparation. Tor sale hy all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealt rf in the U. 8., Tanadas. and Europe. FERO. T. HOPKINS, Prsp r, 37 Great Jons St, It 1 Visitors at tbe World's Fair this summer will miss the time signs ou the lawns to "keep oil tbe Grass.' For once these signs will be lacking and the slgbtseer may roam whera he will on the rcen lawns. Some strawberry lam was analy zed by a Nebraska chcmls, and ha found that it consisted chiefly of pumpkin pulp tinted with coal dyes with grass "eed to carry out th deception. If cork is sunk to a depth of two hundred feet In the sea it will not rise atrain to the surface, owing to the gteat pressure of the water. At any less depth it will rise to the sur face. I don't suppose that an anpell haz enny vanity, but tbe man who haa'n't enny Iz a weak poultlss. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of tbe tomacb. II fKIKI IKMt Oon jrui- lint sod n. n. n. 827 24 YORK NK1 z T V e O y rj oi 1 Tattw u.i ia r dratsVl. f I.