Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 16, 1904, Image 1

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    Harrison Press - j ournal.
with u
Celebratiou the Fourth.
Dr. T.ll.Spmdlo the Crawford dentist
Good weather for gra the past week
Mm. Ed Lyon ban been on the silc list
tins week.
Sam Thomas was doing business in the
city Monday.
The county commissioners are in ses
Dion this week.
y Z. F. Antrim was transacting business
in th city Tuesday.
Matt Hall and family were up from
the valley last Friday.
Go in and see those fly-nets and lap
dusters at Lacv linos.
Ned Ussher wan up from Hewitt a
couple of days this week.
Ilial Church was dowo from Fleasant
Ridge on business Tuesday.
iThos. and John limes was up Irom the
valley on business Tuesday.
Read the Fourth of Jnly program in
tlie supplement thi week.
John Sntlon, of I'lensant Ridge, was
the city a lew hours Tuesday.
John Burke was down from Hat Creek,
So. , Monday and Tuesday.
John Hanson was down from his ram i
near the state line last Saturday.
We learn that Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Scott are the proud ,arents of a new baby
trs. J. E. Marstellt-r and children re
turned from Valentine lust Thursday
Hessie anil Jesse Ne lin are visiting
friends an relatives ul Pleasant Kulge
this week.
Lost In HiiiriH.ui. a pocket look con
taining $-1 .f0 in silver. Finder leave at
th s oil ice,
Miss M i' e Hunter is assisting Mrs. J.
H Wilherrusdorfi;r with her housework
at ..' nt.
,'(i'ih; k -etlorf went out of the butcher
t.i.sir.ii I Ins week closing his market.
( i .'.,!r.-.i 'i'.ines,
Mr., k'eiia Willscanie down from Lusk
Mi. ii.l iv eveiiimf and remained in Ihiscily
in.- a lew diiva.
4 Johnnie and Bernard Connoliy went to
the ranch yesterday where they will re
main for a few days.
We learn that Dr. Davis has been ap
pointed camp physician for the Royal
Neighbors in Harrison.
Miss Josie Kherill came down from
Douglas last Friday evening and will re
main at her home in Harrison for a few
Dean Dudly who has been assisting
Theo. Kagert in the Palace for the past
few weeks, left for the east Monday
T. O. William's brother, who has been
here for several weeks past, left for the
east Monday evening where he expects to
Gerlachs had some lettering done on the
front of their store this week that looks
first class and attracts a great deal of
C. E. Burns, a representative of the
Oliver Typewriter, was in this city in the
interests of that firm a couple of days
this Week.
HillSbatto, one of the prosperous farm
ers and ranchmen of Pleasant Ridge.
Wyo., was doing business in the city
last Friday.
On account of the Fourth of July pro
gram we had to odd a supplement to our
heet this week, He sure and read every
thing in it.
Notice to Stockmen.
All herds of cattle in which the di
sease itch, mange, scah or lice exists,
shall be dipped. All cnttle so diseased
to be kept as stock cattle shall Ihe sec
ond time within 8 to 14 days after the
first dipping. All faille must be dipped
by July 1st 1904. By order of W, A.
Thomas, State Veterinarian.
ALEX LOWR, Sheriff.
The Craw ford dent ist is Dr.T. ILSpindlo
Maps of Sioux county at 10a each at
this oilier.
Fresh crackers and cookies received
this week at Lowry's.
James McCann was up from the valley
on business last Saturday,
Wm. (Say hart was up from tlie valley
on business last Saturday.
F. E. Jandt was at Crawford a few
lavs on business this week.
Jeir Hewit was shaking hands with
Iriendsin Harrison yesterday.
A representative of the Omaha Daily
News was in the city yesterday.
Miss Maggie Rcheafer came home from
Hot Springs yesterday morning.
L. L, Wilson was transacting business
in the city a few hours Tuesday.
Take notice of John Johnson's stock
brand that is advertised in this issue.
County Clerk rontms spent a few days
in Omaha on business the past week.
fE. Ramsey has resigned Ins position as
chief engineer at the Baldwin saw mill.
Ed Hollingswoith and son of Klorv
were in the city over night Monday night.
Cider, op, lemonade, milk-shake, all
kinds of soft drinks and ice cream at
Archie Davis left Monday evening for
Alliance w here I le will attend the Junior
Normal for a few weeks.
VA couple of foot racescanie off in Har
rison last Saturday, Martin Carroll tak
ing the money in both races.
Miss Gertrude Converse left Tuesday
morning for Douglas, Wyo., where she
remain during, the vacation.
BoitN To Mr.and Mrs. F.rnesi Phinnev
on last Saturday morning, a girl. All
parties concerned doing well.
.(Considerable amount of gt.ivli) has hen
hauled in the Htrct-fs this week which
makes them in much lietter shape.
The bus are prat ting up for Ihe fool
nice the Fourth and we predict that the
Isjvs race will be a want) contest.
('. II. Grnwell nnd wife were up
from the south pirt of Ihe county a
couple of days on business this week.
The engine t h it, was in the wreck up
ll... 1 1. I .. l I.
inn io.iu i.isi. ,vt?fK jtitsseo iiiroiigu nere
last. Saturday for the shops for repairs.
John Hines made us a pleasar.t call
while in town Tuesday ard ordered Ibis
paper writ, to his friend, Bernard Giuin at
Highland, Wis.
Theo. Sagert went to Chadron Insr, Sat
urday evening where he remained on
business until Monday morning when he
returned to Harrison.
Rev. Daniels, of Harrison, preached
two very line sermons in the Methodist
church lust Hahlmth morning und even
ing. Gordon Journal.
"Vpostmaster Priddy is making music on
the anvil at the blacksmith shop while
Chai. Hibhlen is looking after his inter
ests in South Dakota,
Mr. and Mrs. True Miller, who visited
in Alliance during the Stockmen conven
tion, returned Sunday to their ranch in
Sioux county. Alliance Grip.
Mrs. Sam Teblret who has been visit
ing her daughter Mrs. Geo. Gerlaeh in
this city for ibe past week, left Tuesday
evening far her home at Denver.
Mr. Walter R. Roddy and Miss Kather-
ine L. Walker (colored.) both of Crawford
were married in this city Wednesday
morning by Judge Wilhermsdorfer
Miss Blanche Ooffee arrived home Fri
day morning from Lincoln where she en
joyed the past year as a student at the
Wesleyan university. Children Journal,
Mrs. Emma I Rice expects to spend
Sunday, 'June IB, in Glen in the interest
of Ihe Woman's Missionery Society. All
are invited to be present at the church
that day.
This olflce printed cards last Saturday
announcing the marriage of Mr. Geo. M.
Pritt to Miss Rose T. Borky. The wed
ding took place at the home of the bride's
parents near Ardmore on Tuesday of this
week. The bride Is the accomplished
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Borky
and is a sister of our county superintend
nt. We are not acquainted with the
Tlie ceremony that united Mr. Elmus
Corkiin and Mis f'alhrine (Srrliich in
marriage was performed bv Judge Wil
hermsdorfer at the home of the bride's
parents in Harrison yesterday eveninir,
only the relatives and nearest friends of
the contracting parties being present.
These oimg people ha ye lieen raised
in this vicinity anil are wall an.; favor
ably knosn throughout the county.
The bride i the accomplished daughter
of Harrison's well known merchant,
Lew is (jerl.c h. For the past fe years
she has leen Isiok kecier for the firm of
Oerlai h & Sons. The groom is one of
Sioux county's proserotis ranchmen nnd
has a well stocked ranch a few miles
south of Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Corbin
are people that are highly re--ted by
all. Thev will commence house keeping
at once at the ranch where they will tie
at home to their many friends.
A large circle ol friends extend con
gratulations and wish tiiem a Ion;, and
prosperous life.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland, brother-in-law
and sister of Mrs. Sarah Jordan, who
have Iteen visiting here fur the past week
left. Tuesday evening for their home at
Boone, Iowa.
Mrs. S. B. ColW and children came up
from Chadron last Saliirday morning
and we understand that they will spend
the summer months nt their ranch on
Geo. Rooks, who has leen working nt
Raldwin'ssaw mill for some time past,
has resigned his position there and we
learn that he intends to move to the eas
tern pari of th state.
New subscribers to our bst since our
last issue lire; Frank O'Connor, of Clear
uiorit, Wyo., J. Johnson, of H-witl,
Neh., L. C. Davis of Harrison, Bernard
Gunn, Highland, Wisconsin,
We publish the program the Fourth
this week. Remember thai this will be
a celebration Unit will tsj worth your
while to attend. We invite your atten
tion to read the progr.nn closely.
We would kindly ask those who have
subscribed funds for the celebration to
hand the amount to Treasurer W. B.
Wright by tlie2"uh of this month.
V Lact.
Those who sir" attending the Junior
Normal that know of from this coun
ty lire; Vlis-ey Mabel Bigelovv, Nellie nnd
An ev Christian, Katie and Lizzie Par
sons, Archie Davis, P'-ter and John
Gen. Rnlhford was up mm the valley
Tuesday, Mr. Riithford recently came
here from Colorado, lie was a resident
of this county liefore having left here
about 10 vears ago. We learn that he
intends to remain here.
Mrs. Chn.. Wright, of Fort Robinsor,
mother ot Mrs. ftrnest j'liinney, arrived
here Monday morning and visited this
week with her daughter and other friends
ami relatives in Harrison. She was
accompanied by her youngest daughter.
Jack Rice loff. a former resident of
this vicinty, but for the past several
years of I fawns county, was in this vicinty
last Tuesday shaking hands wit h his many
old frindnAnd acquaintances here. He
returned to Chadron that pigl-d,
AmVr McKmley, brother of the late
president, was found dead in a chair nt
his home nt Somerset, Pa., lit 8 o'clock
last Saturday morning. His death came
without any warning to his family and
his wife was the first to find him cold
and dead.
Rev. D. J. Clark left Monday morning
for Lincoln to attend the exercises held in
celebration of the bi centennial anniver
sary of Methodism in Nebraska. Ho will
be accompanied home by his son, Floyd,
who for the past year has leen a student
at the Wisconsin State University at
Madison. Chadron Jonrnal.
--Isaac Kendall, a former resilient of this
county, was here a few days ln ler part of
last week. In the early flays .fir, jven.ian
run ft saw mill in the canyons north of
here. He left here nbout fifteen yearn
ago, and has since Wn living in South
Dakota. He is now enroute further west
where he exnects to locate. While here
he met several old timers that he used to
knew several years ago.
The M. W. A. Rand toys are prepar
ing to give a bowery dance in the after
noon and night or the rourui. iney
wilt huild a lartre platform and have
ordered a large canvass cover. The best
nf mud., has been engaged for this occa
sion and all lovers of dancing are invited
to attend and have a good time which Is
Sheriffs Kale.
My virtue of rh order of sale iue.i by tlie
clerk of the di-tri.-t court of Sioux county.
NVt.r ka, In tavor of San li Jordan, iilniuilf.
uimI Nebraska security, Coinp.iiiy, a corpora
tion, Mckinley i-itiiniiu', t-oun Mid Trust
Company, a corHriitionf def.-iidiuits, I will
on tile Ma day ol July, I'Ait.ut one o'clock in
the af t -riionn ol feiM lav st tlie east front
door of tlie court lioune In Harrison Sioux
coiit.ty. Nct'iusfca, sell nt p '.bli" auction to
tlie lilvrlx t bidder for titoli in hand 1 lie fol
lowing i. scribed real estiile Httuuted iu said
county, lo-ttitt. The east lialf of the aoiilli
euM (lUartei in nectlon eiKlitat'li and tlie east
lull) of tlie liortheut uuarter ol section
iiiiitci-n in township thirty-three (.!) north
of rui lire fifty -live (r,6) west of Uh-mIi I'rim i
pal M.-rliliaii. To witt-fy said order of sale
in the sum of oiiclmii(lrcd and wveuty-one
ilolliu a and ninety five cents ( f 1 71-S.j ) all H
interest and S'-curinir costs.
KirM publication JuneHtli '.m.
Sheriff of :iid cwunty.
She rill's Sale.
Tiy virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
Clerk of tlie district court of Sioux county,
Nebra-ka, upon a decree rendered la said
court In favor of M,w. Shea e and Charles
Harmon, pluintiff, ami Jaeoh sickard et al.
defendants, I will on tlie Vtli day of July,
Hi one o'l lwk iu the afternoon of Uividdavat
tbe e:t-i fnmt dour of tlie court house ol Maid
eounty at Harrio, Xebraskit, sell at public
iiuctiioi to the highest bidder for cash in
hand the lollowlni; described real ct.ite sit.
Haled iu .-aid county lo-wit : Tliesoufh half
ot tbe noutht'UMt ipiiirtcr, Ihw northwest quar
ter of the southeast quarter and the south
eait quarter ol the sniHhwct quarter of sec
tion lhrcc Ci) in township thirty -four
north of range fifty four .'4j west of the Bth
principal meridian,
To uti?.ig said order of .ale in the mini o
one liiou-ait'l and twtiuty dollars and eitrhly
rentM il,(i;i)Xi) and istere-t and cosU and
accruing ciwt.
Hist publication Juuc'.itli Pint.
Sheriff ofN.dd conniy.
Shenlf's Sale.
My virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
Clerk ot the district court of Sioux county
Ncbra.-ks, ui on a decree rendered iu said
court in lavor of the MicliigansavingH Hank
k corporation, i plalniiii anil Mr. William
Ibiumg.ird, u Ito-ic true chrNtlan mum: is un
known to plaintilf, ct Hi, defendants, 1 will
on the Vtli day of July I'.MU at one o'clock in
the afternoon ot said day at the east tiout
door of tin; court house of suld county lit.
llarrNou, Nebraska, sell at public auction
to tile highest Milder for ea-.li In hand the
following descrll ed real estate situated in
said county, tow it; 'i'ne southwest qu.utci
of section twenty six ('U) lit township thirty
fotir(M) north of raiigo fifty five (W) west
of the t;th prim-ipstl nu rldiiiu.
'I o satisfy Haid orer of sale In the sum of
five hundred and ninety four dollars ami
ninety cents (sM. Ml) ami Interest and costs
and accruing costs,
hirst publication JunuUth I'.UI.
J-lieriff or hiiid couutv
Mieriir's Sale.
Ily iriue of on order of h;i1c issued by the
Clerk i l tno disti iel court ol Sioux county,
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered In said
court iu favor of M. N , Mieufe. 1(nd Charles
llariiiou, plaintiff and (Hto Muns .n Kt ux,
ilefenda .,t. t will mii tin; lull day of July
1'. CI al one o'clock In the afternoon of saitl
day nt the east frontdoor of tlie court house
f said coiluly nt Harrison sell at pill iu- ailc
lion to the highest bidder f ir easli in hand
the loilowiug ('escribed rejil estate situated
tu said eouiii y to-Hit ; 'ihe northeast quar
ter of section Itftren iu totvitshi p t h rt y f our
(.'(4) north of range fllty-slx (.Vi west ot the
f'tli princiiial nteriiliaii.
To satisf y said older of sale in the mini of
one tlioiisoml ami ten doilitrs 111.01(1 and
interest and costs and accruing costs,.
Hrst publication June Ulh l'.KM.
Al.KX l.( WHY,
Miet llf of saitl county.
SherifT's Sale.
I!j virtue of an order of sale Issued by tlie
Clerk of the district com t of Moiix county,
Nebtiisliii, upon a decree rendered In saitl
court in lavor of M W. Slu-afe und Cliarles
llaruion, plaintiff., and Jacub K. swic.kartl,
clux, defendants. I w ill on the !ith day of
July PHI at one o'clock hi the afternoon of
Haiti day at the east front door af 'lie court
house of said county at Harrison, Nebraska,
sell at puplic miction to tho liluliest bidder
lor cash In hand thu following descrlla'd
real estate situated in Haul county, to-witt;
Tin: south half of the northwest quarter
ami the mil Ui hall of the southwest quarter
of section three HJ township thirty-four :4
north of ranee fifty tour (M) west of the. litli
priticipitl riierltlluii in mild county nnd state
of Nebraska t' satisfy said order of sale in
the sum of one thousand and eleven dollars
anil seventy eight emits, (f l.Oll.TH) and inter
est and costs anil iicemltig costs.
First publication June 9th 1(1(14.
Sheriff of said county.
,lt is interesting to note that fortunes
are frequently made by Ihe invention ol
articles of minor importance. Many of
the most popular devices are those de
signed to benefit the people and meet
popular conditions, and one of the most
interesting of these that has ever been
invented is the 1 r. While Klectric Comb, ;
patented Jan. 1, 9U. J hese vvonderlul
Combs positively cure dandruff, hair
falling out, sick and nervous headaches,
ond when used with Dr. White's Kleclric
Hair Brush nre positively guaranteed to
make straight hair curly in 25 days' lime
Thousands of these electric combs have
been sold in various cities of the Uniou
and the demand is constantly increasing.
Our agents are rapidly becoming rich
selling these combs, They positively sell
on sight,. Send for sample. Men's size
85c, ladies' 50c.- (half price while weare
introducing them,) The Dr, White Elec
tiitnkC'o, .Decatur JIL
Tlie finert line of wines, liquors and heat brands of cigars
THEO. SAGE It , Proprietor,
1S e 1 ling M ore G oociF T E verT
I A complete line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE,
DRYGOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, and a complete
$ line of SPRING GOODS.
J'uildinp; material of all kinds; PI our, Feed, Grain,
Wind-mills, Pumps, Tanks, Wagons, Buggies, Farm
Implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles & etc.
I You Are Reading;
That's what it's here for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give us a trial. Yours for Business,
rarrv the largest aim most
inuupleie stoi;U of (General
Mcrcliandisc in Sioux Coun-
FAi.'T 2, Alt our prices are 111
keeping wilh tbe quali'y of
Koods we sell. We do nt-t keep;
Cheap John goods and therefore1
we do not sell at Cheap John
prices. We sell first class goods:
at, fair prices. !
FA' 1' 3, We endeavor to cater
to tlie wanls and needs of our
ciistonicrs and our goods are
selected with this intent.
successor to C. U.NEWMAN
Lvmber, Boors, Sank, Iime,
Coal, Wagons, Buggies and
Machinery of all Kinds.
I also carry a line of Wind
Mills, Pumps, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc. etc. etc.
A large stock of feed, both
ground and ungrouud al
ways on hand.
mail orders givca prompt
Give me a Call.
WANTED Agents, Hustlers, Salesm
Clerks and everybody who wants to en,
joy a (food hearty laugh to send 50c for
"Tips to Agents." Worth f50 to any
person who sells goods for a living. If
not satisfactory your money back. Cir
cular for stamp. The Dr. White Llee
trie Comb Co. Decatur, 111.
All ortlors given prompt attention,
KACl'4, We have just re
ceived our Spring and Stimm.
Invoice of white waists & dres
.'oods, India Linions, Cambrics,
IVrcales, Ginghams, Sateens,
Shirtings Henriettas, &c. &cJ
FACT 5. Our line of Hunts
Shoes and Slippers is composed
ot tlie latt-st styles Irom th
most, reluilile house
FACT 0, hA'ervti.ing umiuili
lce(;t in a Oeneral Store can l
found at our pi ace.
.Manhood Restored
j This irireat vegetable ' vltnliair, the pre
I scription of a iainoiiH French physician, will
quickly ctin- von ol' all or norvoiiH (Unease
I ol' tlie tiiuTittive oi'Kiuis such ss lost Man
linoil, liiHcninia, piiins in tlie hnck.'Sciiiuuilt
Kininsions, Nervtius liebllity, Pinipies, Cn--11
tn cms to marry, ExluuiMtliii; Drains, Vai'io.o
celejanrt l.'oiistipatlon. )t stops nil losses by
duy or nifflit. Prciiirtturilyi wlilch If not
checked, lend to HprrimilorrnueaHiid all the"
liorrorsof 1 111 potency. (yt'l'II)IONK cleiinsos1
the liTerunti kitlnuvs. CUIMUKHK strength'
ens mid restores . The reaaun suffori-rs ure1
not cnreil by doctors is bemuse ninety pel"
cttnt lira tronliietl with Prostutlts. CITI'I
DKN'10 Is the only; known renauly to cure
without 1111 o)ieriitloii.; ri.iKX tistlnioniaiH.
A written Kimrantee given und money re'
turned If six boxes do not effect a perma
nent cure. ull 'W alM)X;slx for llvo by nialli
nil for free circular slid 'n.ulnmiials. Ad
dress liAVOLr MKUICINK ( ()., HniiKi amiiseo'
Oaltloriiia. For sale by Hh:hiio AJosKS
All parties indebeted to Chas. Newman
bv note, or otherwise will find all bills,.
and notes at the Commercial Bank fof
collection. Please call and nettle all
open accounts by note bankable or cantn
In htmil and avn routs.