Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 09, 1904, Image 7

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    Friar' Houi.
hi u; vt-ry nut-iy any rresli vege
table surb a carrut, turnip, an onion,
Iwo lHg. wme (fiery and the. heart of
I small cabbage. Put lh.Mii into a
lauivpaii. wiiii lour oum-in or butter
r BnJ liwf dripping, unci one oun
r brown xugar. Sprinkle them with
jx-pper mnl salt, anil cuolc them Kently
for alMiut twenty minute. Then aM
t pint and a half, or rather more, of
jveak Mock or water, ami let all boil
yeiitly for an hour. Fry wine bread.
ml serve an rroutom of dire with the
up. which ban been placed lu a hot
Work Into a iiiart of flour a table-
. . i . . . . , . . ...
ipootuuj 01 KEiorieiiiil:. Wet Wltll a
juart of warm water, add a lable-
iH)nrui or tuiar ami a half yeast
i-ake disKolve.1 in warm water. Heat
hard for ten minute, then cover and
et aside all niht. In the morning
work In two piiirti of malted Hour,
jneadiiij; f.ir ten minute. tViver and
et to rise for four or x hour, or
intll li:lif. Make Into luave. kne.id-
jik eau or tiiese r..r five minutes,
rover with a cloth and when very
tight bake.
I-'iu 'lidding.
Tut Into a ImiwI a cup each of flne
briiid cruinl ami milk and xtiinil for
lin hour. Add a quarter cupful of
powdered Hint, a half cup of uniim-
ated nuif.-ir.- three cj.'i;. beaten lichl.
i ml ciiiuiHiioji and nutmeg to ta-
I.ant or all. tir In a cupful of minced
Si: well dnsled with Hour. Turn
into a irreaied pudding mold with a
lowly llttlnjr top and boll for about
Uiree hours. Turn out and eat with
a hard sauce.
riuln hponge Cakr.
Into the beaten yolks of five ecjrs
Ulr a cupful of smfar and a teacup-
f ul of (lour that hat bi-en slftetl three
times with a tuifp onful of baklnx pow-
(li-r. lti-at for at h-ast fifteen minutes.
before adding n teaspoouf ill of lemon
Jmep, and then fold in lightly the
ltlfTenel whites of the eggs. Hake im-
nediate!- Iti n loaf tin in a good oven
for about threMniarters of an hour.
Htriiwtwrrry let t'reum.
I ltice a pint of cream In a wtiicepnn
with half a potinil of sugar and set
pver Hie tire to beat; when the snar Is
ilissolveil Ktand nsi'le to cool; mid an
htlier pint of cream. Mash a quart and
pint of ripe straw berries with half a
cupful of sugar and let stand an hour;
then utrain the Juice off. pour into the
cream, mix well ami turn into th
To Krmovt a Tight (lluss ttoiwr.
Wrap round very hot nigs or Hat.
net, wrung out ot boiling water; or
pour a llttlp salad oil on the top nud
let it remain a week, then pour more
I'll and let it remain; when the oil
Ins soaked between liie bottle and
stopper it will come out so easiiv that
i the bottle be turned up. the stopper
Siay be shaken out.
Almond Nonunt.
Holl together it pound of sugar and a
aalf gll! of water until the k v rni Is
brittle w lien dropped in cold water.
'over the bottom of a well-buttered tin
with shelled and blanched almonds
t-plit in half. When the candy is done
mid to it ii teaspiHiiiful of lemon Juice
find pour It upon the nuts iu the p.m.
IV ben it cools cut into squares.
llatiornl llrt-ad. T
N't n sponge overnight, as for win e
ltead. and in ihe morning work Into
't two cups of oatmeal, with a ten-
Utoonftil of moliisses. Knead long and
jard and set to rise. When very light
tnake Into loaves and set In a warm
(dace for an hour or until light. Hake
In a sternly oven. Cover with paper
the Drst half hour.
Hhort Suggestions.
Ammonia painted over woodwork
nill deepen its color.
I'on't allow grease to burn on tho
tuUIde of your frylngpnn.
. Kettle may be thoroughly denned
by boiling potato peelings lu them.
Never put u table linen that ha
fruit stains Into hot soapsuds. It sets
Uie statu.
Ion't throw or drain vegetables in
Ihe sink. It w ill necessitate your call
ing a plumber, as pieces will get into
tile pipes.
. To have a custard pie of an even,
(ilea brown when baked sprinkle a
little sugar over (he top Just before
butting Into the oven.
When cooking green vegetables a
imall particle of soda added to t'm
oiling water Just before putting in the
egetaliles will keep them In fresh
One-fourth of an Inch la (he cor
rect width for the hem on a tahlo
rloth unless the cloth Is woven wlih
I bonier on four sides, when Ihe hem
Ihotild then be turned to make the dls
buice between the border and edge
Hie isame its on the selvage edges.
There will be no disagreeable odor
During the cooking of cabling" or caull
Bower If put on In cold water to which
bn been ndd ml a good pinch of bak
ing soda. They must bo cooked alKiut
twenty minutes after the water
nche a boll and the saucepan should
e left uncovered during the entire
Uayiou r. Tttuei, of Vltio,
111 have ctiarjftf of tbe courses lno
o physics! tialiiDin in the auiutuer
ieiooof the University uf Michigan
'Jt 1904. Mi. TeeUel w-is graduated
'muj the law departujebt of tbe Uui-
rersuy in; m. 'I he three aueceed-n-
yeatg be had charge of the work
0 athletic! at tbe Michliian State
v'ormal College. During tne suw
ucrs of iswi,li02 aod 19U3 he con
lucted the courses iu phssical traln
J In the summer sessions of the
Sniversity of Michitfau. lie is now
1 lawyer id Chicago.
A Suburb of hades-A lively aod
xeezy Individual from tbe Windy
-Uy drifted into one of tbe uptown
lotels yisterday and used the publio
.(lepnone to talk to a fileod lo
Brooklyn. Hbeobe was through be
Cered tbe young woman at tbe'OrsCr, Of Boston, Mass., is ill'
iwltcbbiard ten tents.
l'wenty cents, please'' she said,
i'wenty cents!" he shouted In-
lluantly; "twenty cents: Why In
ha'0 we can telephone ti Hades
cr ten rents."
Yes" responded the operator
uectly, "but you know, that Is In
he city llilts." Xew Yoik Mall.
Tne forestry department of the
university of Mlcliliiau has received
i;id placed lo its laboratory a gift
'rorii tbe Marble .Safety Aie Com
auy, of Gladstone, Mich., of a set
if sau pies of the comparjT's manu-
actuus for woodsmen. The set
ne'udes safety ares, aie sheathes,
I ailing knives with sheaves, com
, pedometer, iun cleaners, and
strawberry Sandwiches. Cut me-
lium slr.rl strawberries iu two.
wrinkle with siik'.ir and let stand for
in hour or two. flutter thin slices
if bread very iferierouslv with net-
ly freh sweet butter and add the
Heed berries.
Tbe Vienna school of artists as
S. cesslonlsts" has Installed an ex-
libit In the Australian navllion at
be H ot Id's Fair. The work of thrse
rtlsts, wlille being severely ciltlcUed
iy orthodox artists, pieseuts many
)oluts of interest and Is sure to at
iiact much curious attention.
Hairy Lehr will not visit the St.
'.iouIs Kxposltion this summer until
In s savage I tioirot.es are cured of
-heir taste for laptlogs and like
IclbMcies. W ishlntou I'ost.
ure lor l Wmi he.
ilidoliili. Neb.. M.iv .'HI. (Vilar C-o.
seldom heard of a more wonderful
than that of Mrs. Lucy Nicoils.
f lh:s place 1'or a long time Mrs
Meolis sutTi red with very severe pains
l -i the back and almost Instantly these
I'.iiiis left her. She lias tried doctors
slid cvcr thliej. but nothing had heltiisl
till she used hisld's Kidney I'illa.
lie savs:
'liodd's Kidney Pills did me so
rnu'-n goisi i can t umi, lr was so won-
b-rrul. My back hurt me all the time.
1 d-icioted and trirsl everything, but
il,d ii"t fee! any better. I thought mv
i :fe was shorl on earth, but now 1 feel
I I." n new person. I ussl a Ikix of
I'sld's Kidney Tills, and I do not feel
the slightest ache or pain. I can turn
nud twist any way without feeling It,
mid 1 feel so proud of it I cannot hard
ly express my gratitude to Dodd's Kid-
l I'liis ror w tiar tuey nave oone lor
r-ycarnote is a very durable woid,
statute from it now In tbe Museum
I (Jieli, Kgypt, Is reported soiinJ
rid natural In appcarnace, although
icarly b,(KK) years old.
) llghtfully suggestive of the
'Is'lo ' period Is barege at thin,
ipen incsh fabric thai may be had In
i variety or coiurings ana novelty
In Tour Kcet Ache and Barn?
Hist Into your ihiwi Allan's Foot-Kim,
owlrr for the fert. It maki's tight or
0w shot's ffel rny Ciire. Corns, Kmc
lens, Swi.IIph, llm audi KnentliiK Kfi-t. At
II l'nicrhit aul Shie Klorps. 2V. Hsmpla
wait KRKK. Ailflniw Allen S. Olmsted, L
(jeuice lioigot a young French en
infer, now completing nis term or
allltary service at Toul, is said to
lave Invented an appliance that ren
Icrs the discharge of cannon smoke-
iss, datncless and noiseless.
era Wrksaned to
ft;" Western
Jurlnf Iut Year
TLev i ioUIM nd Mttllnir on Ui
rfli ml Utnnir lAndi.autl r pro
itroui and sfttioftfd.
HlrWUfrtid lnrir rprcnlly Jdi 4
new MUnr ha rri umn tl iiorlion,
) lt lowtrrl It that vprr lmititirrn
fcA tht I.IMlof hie lirp U
oi m4 mk a tim for lilirMir now
lorn bin (uaVi aimHi, 'Ifist la
myu, M
rli -), llaiaic ,itlrp
be arlrr4.
rr a rtwrlrUva) AIU nd othr tfr
foruiktmn, kitlv lo Ri.'rrHiMTKKtiKMT 1
KrfuTloM. iiuawt, I'snavltk, vr
riaMt ( JiailMua (ovrnumnt Atml-
tinn- Md Nw York Uf lllt.. f )mK. !fM
Sale Ten Million
m ait: Z l r.nH
Tie case of Miss Frankte
teresting to all women.
"Deab Mrs. Pijkbam: I suffered
misery forneveral years. My back- ached
and I had bearing-down pains, and fre-1
quest headaches. I would often wake I
from a restful sleep in such pain and
misery that it would be hours before
I could close my eyes again. I dreaded
the long nights and weary days. I
could do no work. I consulted differ
ent physicians hopinir to get relief,
but, findings that their medicines did
not cure me, 1 tried JyIia E. Iink-
auuin teg-eiauie compound, as
it was highly recommended to me. I am
glad that I did so, for I soon found
that it was the medicine for mvcase.
Very soon I was rid of every ache and
paia and restored to perfect health.
I feel splendid, have a fine appetite,
ana nave gained in weight a lot.
Miss FBA.HKIC Orser, 14 Warrenton
St., Boston, Mass. f000 forftlt Ifarhlnal
t sIiom letttr proving ftnuinentu cannot to pn-
Surely you cannot wish to re
main wcalc,sickand discouraged,
and exhausted with each day'
work. Some derangement of the
feminine organs is responsible
for this exhaustion, following
any kind of work or effort,
lodia 11. IMnkliam's Vegetable
Compound will bolp you just as
It has thousands of other woiueu
Automobiles are used in collecting
the mail from the eighty-four mall
and package boxes oo the World's
Fair grounds.
A verv installation idea 't the
North Dakota section of the Palace
of Agriculture at tbe World's Kalr Is
the exhibition of wheat and other
grains behind the plate-glass exterior
of the posts In the fence surround
ing the Roosevelt tancb cabin. The
grain is poured into open spaces
back of the glass.
Free to Twenty-Five Ladies.
Ihe Ijtiance Starch Co. will lvt
25 ladies a round trip ticket to tbe
St. Lools Kxposltion, to five ladles.
In each of the following states:,'
Illlnios, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and.J
Missmri who will seud Iu the largest,
number of trade mar ks cut from
a ten cent, 18 ounce package Df De
fiance cold water laundry starch.
This means from your own home
anywhere In the above named states.!
These trade marks roust be in a I led'
to and lecelved by the Deliancei
Starch Co., Omaha, Nehr., befonj
September 1st, 1904. October aruil
November will be the best months
to visit the Kxposltion. Remember
that Defiance is the only starch put
up 10 oz. (a full pound) to the pack
age. You get one-third mote starch
fcr the saute money than of any
other kind, aud.Defiance never st icks
to the iron. The tickets o the
Kxposltion will he sent by registered
mail September 5th. Starch or sale
by all dealers.
Israel C. Russell, professor of geo
logy lo the University of Michigan.
was recently elected as associate
fellow of tbe American Academy
of Arts and Sciences.
Klpnni TftbuiM are tbfl host
dyB"pi Dxniicintj etr made.
A handled miilinasof Um hit
been ioid in the Unitt'l Sum lo
ft Inn I yvmx. OnnitlpftUun.
nvartburn. tide bnadtv.h, lixt
nei. bd brrath. ors Uinmt and
?rry txhAr Uln aniinn from ft dlwrU rHl
toi2-cb r.rc reiicred or rurrd Lr Ulpftiii TlWi.
One will gfRWAlty fftv relirf within Iwt-oty
lor ordinary ooc.on. All dronrteU mU
During the summer session of tbe
University of Michigan, the Univer
sity School of Musio will also offer
simmer instruction.
ft ' WAWtll ML r
I 2T
I Reffvtinbtr this whan ywi lur Wfet
i neamer .ioirana ono MO For UVt
f name T0WFD m tk kiittm
------ va sav . h aw arw iim
I I Thii iidn and this nunc have stood
a M - i m cl m -r . .
jrm lor me bl ji aunng sixty-seven
e&rs of inrreaiinrt
if yvx dealer will not suppr u write fbr
free atfnlojue of Waclv or yellow water
proof oiltd coats, slickers, suits, tats, and
horse ooodj for fill kinds of wet work.
A.J.TOWtaCO. THE nwn.
Boxes a Year.
.'rouble of a To" t-yoiuutlit tic Woman
iu New JcrM-)-.
"i never i.o to theaters" said a New-
Irk te.upcraiice woman. 'I'm too syiu
jiihetic. 'Ihe last time I Went to a
ic.itei was twenty years ago. I'attl
ii-d in one ai t. and I d have died with
i'-r if my husband hadn't carri.-d me
"Vou'd get over your sympathetic
,'eelings if you went often nowadays,"
ler friend said.
"No, I wouldn't," she replied,
.r.cd to get over it at sclssd. but
flew. I ussl to lie i-onsidered good in
im itations and ilitlogues. and one time
ur class gave 'Ten Nights iu a Har-
""iii. i ns riioi rtoioe s wiie. aim
I so hated that man I couldn't eat I
Cot as thin as a rail. And when the
my came i (f. and the glass struck the
ittle girl's head, I was so overcome
with the horror of it that I screaiuei
lutil the people iu the audience
'bought the little girl had l-en really
'Was tluit your last appearance?"
'.No; I tried it again. 'The I.ady of
I.joiis.' I think it was. although I'm
lot sure. Anyway, I was the wife of
rich man. and lie died, and his part
nor b-'at me and the children out of all
mir money, and we went from bad to
use. and tlie children were ragged
ind starving, and I had no bread to
five them - Mior little wretches, how
hungry they were: so I made up my
mind to kill myself with charcoal, tine
night I sent them away and lighted
r-nnrmai stove anil lav down beside il
and died. Truly, as I stand here
lied. 1 can remember a couole of men
limbing over the footlights, and tin
lililioiico standing up all excited. Whet
I came to I was at home in lied, wheif
I had been for neaiiv a week."
"Was there real charcoal in thf
'f course not; only a lighted can
He. I'.nt that didn't make anv differ
me: I died. Newark Kvening News.
Yi-vrrlHTiitioii cif Sim Kiilvmbir t'himei
In llrnnl Through the I'uiivuh.
I'lii'tii'incnii at sin, liotli orular mid
itiral. ari" by no mentis uiicniiitiiiui, ns
IIidsi' know win) lnivo (nivi'li'd fur Ij.v
Ruti r. I if late some curlotiK fiu ts have
U en niiteil w ith ri-curd lo the siiunil-r-outlui'tliiK
'lU.'illtles of slilns' sails.
iVlien rendered ((uicnve by n gentle
lirii'w the wiili'sprciul sails of n sliii
ere said to lie excel ent conductors (,f
A ship was oivc sailing along ihe
i-oast nf Ili-ii7.il. far out of sight of
laud. Suddenly several of the crew
while walking along the deck noticed
Unit when passing und repassing, a
particular spot they always heaid with
Teat distinctness the sound of bells
chiming sweet music, as though I'fiiu'
rung but a short distance awav.
Iiiinifounded by tills phenomena.
hey quickly communicated the diHcor-
r.y to their shipmates, but rmne of
lliem was utile to solve the enigma as
to the origin of these seeming'y mys
terious sounds which came to Uicui
toss the water.
Months afterward, upon r ttiniin
lo Itrii7.il. the crew determined to s.it-
l-fy their curiosity. Accordingly they
Tientloncd the circumstances to their
hiends nud were informed that at the
Mine when the sounds were heard the
(ells in the cathedral of San Sdlvador.
-n the (oast,' had been ringing to -"le-nrate
a feast held In honor of one of
ihe saints.
Their sound, wonderful to relate,
favored by a gentle, steady breeze,
liad traveled n distance of upward of
loo miles over the smooth water and
hud lii-oii brought to a focus I y 'he
Tills at the particular locality In which
(he sweet sounds were first heard.
This is but one of the several In-
Mhiicch of a similar kind, trustworthy
luthoritics claiming Hint this same
nusic Is often heard under somewhat
(lenlical circumstances, and especially
n n moisture-laden atmosphere.
V I'eciiliiir Met hod of llargainiiiK for
the I'rcrioliH Stones,
The peculiar business methods of
li'iontiil merchants are illustrated by
he manner of buying rubles in lturina.
,n the examination of rubies iirtilldal
light Is not used, the merchants hold
ing that, full sunlight alone can bring
out the color and brilliancy of Hip
reins. Sales must therefore take place
he t ween 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., and the
sky must be clear.
The purchaser, placed near n win
low, has before him a large copper
lute. The sellers come to him one
Uy one, auu eacu empties upon tins
late his litlle bag of rubles. The
urchnser proceeds to arrange them
r valuation lu a number of small
heaps. The first division Is into three
grades, according to si7.e; each of these
groups Is divided lulu three piles, ae
r'nrdlng to color, and each of these
piles, in turn, Is again divide into
llirec groups, according lo shape. The
bright copper plafe has n curious use,
(the sunlight reflected from it through
Hie stones brings out, with true rubles,
'i color effect different froiu Hint Willi
led spinels and tourmalines, which are
thus easily separated.
The buyer and seller then go throngl,
tt very peculiar method of bargaining
iy signs, or, rather, grips, In per fee
Ulence, After agreeing upon the fair
tiess of Hie cliisslllcation, they Jolt
their light hands, covered wlt't i.
liaiidkerchlef or the flap of a garment
nud by grips and pressures mutually
understood among all these dealers,
ihey make, modify and accept propos
als of purchase and sale. The hnnds
ire then uncovered and the prices nit
(corded. Jewelers' Weekly.
Borne men lose their hair hy butting
In at the wrong time.
! Recommends Pe-ru-na
For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble.
1 ?m z
If you lo not deriTf prompt rnl satis
factory results from tiic use of tVi-nna,
rite at once to Dr. Hartmuii. giving a
full statement of your nse. ami he will
he pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice grutis.
AiidreHM Dr. Hartmau, President of
The Hartmau Sanitarium, Coiuuilius, O.
Icland Is to bave a display at tbe
St. Louis fair, and il it could make
Its climate a part of the exhibit Its
coirer would be a popular resort
along in August. Glens Falls Times,
N. Y.
Aaron Burr's indictment will be
fxhihliel at the St. Louis Woild's
Fiiir. And tbe Courlei-Journal hopes
tint ample precaution will be taken
prevent the Missouri supreme
ourt getting a whack at it.
Albuoueruue (N. Mex. ) Journal.
('oiild You Vfi Any Kind oft Sewing
Machine at Any Price?
If there Is any price go low, any offer
so liberal that you would think of ac-
'I'tmg on trial a new higli grade, drop
cabinet or upright Minnesota. Singer.
Wheeler & Wilson. Standard, White or
New Home Sewing Machine, cut- nut
md return this notice, and you will re
ceive hy return mail, postpaid, free of
cost, the handsomest sewing machine
catalogue ever published. It will name
you prices on the Minnesota. Singer.
Wheeler & Wilson. White, Standard
md New Home sewing machines that
'will surprise you; we will make you a
iIiimv and attractive proposition, a sew
'ing machine offer that will astonish
If you can make any use of any
sewing machine at any price, if any
kind of an offer would interest you,
don't fail to write us at once (he sure
to cut out and return this special no
tice) and get our latest book, our latest
otTerR. our new and most surprising
proposition. Address
SEAllS, ItOEBUCK & CO., Chicago.
Shallow nien speak of tbe past,
wise nun of tbe present and fouls
of the future. Mire Du DeffaDd.
No muss or failures made with PUT
How lie Won Her "You ser;enti"
hissed the lair, but angry daughter
of Eve.
"You snake channel!" retorted
the wise son of Adam.
Then she smiled, aod, wotuanilke,
forgave birn. Chicago News
Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best
medicine I have ever found for coughs
and colds. Mrs. Oscar Tripp, liig Kuck,
ill., March 20. 1901.
Silk traveling gowns have become
popular for many reasons, and they
are unllned, wltb a drop silk petti
coat bentatli.
For Infants and Children.
Nib Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
If It waz against the law to guess
at things, we wouldn't know uiutcb
Mm. Wlimlow'a SOOTHING SYRUP for ohll
dri-n OsHhiiiK, BOlteriK tlie uuinn, reduces 'una
nation, allayn palu ouren colic. I'nce 2'x boilla
Tangles it all up Towne " It's a
fact that a peison ltb u strong
Imagination has absolutely no bead
for ligurcs"
Ittowne "Don't you believe it
When my wife gets her Imagination
to work upon her age she can rnaka
r-irithnietlc look sick," Philadel
phia Press.
CUIICS catarrh of the atomach.
' 14 I'V.CPVITOD U r- DIITI rn i
Catarrh of tbe Stonacb Is Geaerally
Called Dyspepsia SooKthiag to
Produce Artificial Dijeslioa
Is Generally Takea.
Heoce, Pepsin, Paocreatia aod a Hoat
of Other Digestive Remedies
Has Been Invented.
These Remedies Do Not Reach
Seat of the Difficulty, Which
U Really Catarrh.
U. S. Senator SI. C. Butler from
South Carolina, wa Senator from
mat state ror two terms. Id a re
cent letter to Tbe Peruna Mediriue Co,
from WutibiugtoD, D. C, says:
" emu recommend Perunm tor dy
pep&la and stomach trouble. I bay a
been using your medicine for a abort
period and I eel very much relieved.
It Is Indeed a wonderful medicine be
sides a good tonic "---At. C. Butler.
The only rational way to cure dyspep
sia is to remove the catarrh. I'eruua
cures catarrh. I'eruna does not product
artiticiul digestion. It cures catarrh and
leaves the stomach to perform digestion
in a natural way. This is vastly better
and safer than resorting to artificial
methods or narcotics.
I'eruna has cured more cases of dya.
Iiepsia than all other remedies com
bined, simply because it cures catarrh
wherever located. If catarrh is located
in the head. I'ernna cures it. If catarrh
has fastened itself in the throat or
bronchial tubes. I'eruna cures it. Whea
catarrh becomes settled iu the stomach.
I'eruna cures it. as well in this location
as in any oilier.
I'ernna is not simrilr a remeriv foe
dyspepsia. I'eriina is a catarrh reinedv.
Peruna cures dyspepsia because it La
generally dependent upon catarrh.
The fo-estry department of the
University of Michigan has received
a gift of about nloety species of for
est trees, in value about $200, from
Robert Douglas' Suns, forest tre
uurserymeo, of Waukegan, 111. Tbe
material selected at tbe invitation
of tbe donors, hy Professor Rotb aod
Mr. Divis of tbe forestry department
and will at once be set out on tbe
Saginaw Forest Farm.
Tbe human barte taaz sekrets tbat
it never reveals even to Its possessor
In Warm Baths with
And gentle anointings
Ointment, the great Skin
Cure, and purest and
sweetest of emollients.
It means instant relief and
refreshing sleep for tor
tured, disfigured, itching,
and burning babies, and
rest for tired, fretted
mothers, when all else
Bnlfi thronrrifttji tVii worH, CnHcnra Roup, ton., Olnl
tn)Ht, Vic., Hctt'lvcm, 44c. (In fcr m of Cii..ooiHf ( 'oal4
Pili, SUM?, iirr viil ol (!;. iJfpoti; Jnttwn, ti 'hrlt
kouM V). ; f'ftrti, A Kmc tit la ii , Hrnirm, 1X7 ( nluiAbM
Art. PoHar liru it (. hum. Cot p., beta J'nirltn.
mrUni for " Uow t Cui )Ut Humori."
for Sod Tortured
Dabies id fof ;
for Tired Note
I f tnuai IIIBII
:rS.w.Thompson's Eya W2tr
N. N. V. 826 23 YORK NEB