H GOOD 1 SbortQtories f Aa English lawyer, vebo had trK -xaailiilnjf ttn f.r Siii". mi J h had sorely the pa- Shik of the Judge. Jury, and every Hie In the iurl, was Busily asked by the court to conclude hi croS4-ei a lu nation. Before" telling the witness to Hand down, he accosted Iiim with i. I parting sanasui. "Ah, jou're a ;lever fellow a very clever fellow e can all ee that." The wltueM eaned over from the lox. and quietly totted: 'I would nturti the compil jieiit If I were not on oath." Browning had a maid in Lit service a ho had a gift for Maying iiuaiut v!ii ntrw. When the jioet wn Ruing to ny the last mark of respect to (it-urge t'enry Lewe-.'she said she "didn't see the kimkI of catching cold at other pin tle's funetnK" And mice, when he as away on a holiday and a Journal ist ranie to the door to Inquire if it a ax true that the net dead, fcln ,lnligimntljr mi-wen-d: "I have not tuiird ho, and 1 am mire iny mailer not the kind of a man to do audi I thing without let ti nit u know." Whistler' uiliUHiiig personal conceit . :i cliririnlnurlv d:snlHVed oil one Hf-ion when A. '. I'iowdeii, a Imdon ,Hi!le iiiiigitite. attended a private tiew at tlie Urivenor Hallery. "At- st the Itril friend 1 met." he fay. 1 ,ia WhlHtl. r, ninl he very guud nn tn redly look me up to a full -length .nitrtiit which he was exhibiting of Lady An-hUmld Catnplell. After I find done my hen! to c press my hitin lle appreciation of a beautiful pietuiv, '. axked liliu if I her- were any other pictures which lie would ndvl" me to look at. Other picture-.,' iiid W histler, a tone of horror; 'otlier picture! I li-re are no oilier picture: You are through:' " The lint of silent great men Is a long Mie. Especially is thia true of no'-d warriors. WnlleiiHtcIn, Wellington, .hi Mnltke. Cnuit. Marllioniujtli. riiiirlemiinne. Hannibal. Caesar, nil He their orders In n few wonN in possible, mid demanded like brevity from their subordinates. It I mild that Mnrlboroi-gh never allowed more than i minute fur a verbal report, and it in old of Yon Moltke Unit when nu aide fli-etunp brought a written message ;hat France Itnd declared war. the ireat ireuernl inipl.v ordered it liled 'm the "second plgnnhole on the riu'iit, fiiHl tier." In that plg.ii h 'le were complete plum for the successful Mnipalgn that followed. Here is an anecdote which Wllllim Ilea n Howell tells of his tirt personal recognition lis a writer: "Year ago, Hie evenlnit alter n day of lonely sight seeing 1 Montreal, 1 returned to the hotel where I was Htopplim, and con sulted the register In the hope of find ing the mime of some ac.ualntauce. 1 was disappointed, n,1,l- turning away, 1 met two well dressed young "'en, who embraced the register eagerly, nnd, presently, one of them said, to my treat surprise and Joy: 'Hello, Tom! Here's How ells.1 -oh!' I exclaimed, turning toward them. 'I was Just look ing for some one I Knew. I'm glad to see you. I hope you're some fellows m ho know me?' "Only through your k.ntribullotiH to the Saturday Press,' they replied. It was the tlrst personal recognition of my work aa an author that I had ever received from a Ktr.-iu-jrer, nnd the words were golden." THEATERS OF OLD COUNTRY. In Man CI tie They Are Controlled by the Government. The recent theater horror In Chicago jus turned the attention of the country t nvard theaters in general and nuuier oils cities are hurrying to "get their louses in order" that such a cataatro- he may not occur to them, nays the Municipal Journal and Ktiglneer. It K-oiilil sneak licttcr for these cities it n,..v Hid not need such prompting. In .iianv citle on the continent tlie opera ;!;:;: of th'-H'ers is not left to private but the municipalities have erected the playhouses or auhsldized them, and this Idea Is gradually spreading. in Vienna the court theaters were erected by the atate ou state hinds and .otiuit of two buildings for different phase of the drama. The opera house for operas, bullets and concert, coat in t'le iielghlioihood of -18.075. whlhj the Burg Theater, for the drama itaelf, . .-i tc.s r.'tn. These theaters are the tiroperty of the Luiperora treasury r - . md ure liiiilnUtlnwt by uie loru cuam erlalti's department, and whenever lie revenue does not cover the ex cuses the Kmperor's civil list makes ip the difference. The chamberlain's l.epartnieut: assumes no respousiiuiiiy extending the grant, which Is looked t iter by the Hungarian government. Jtesides the state grants, the Royal lipeni House and oLher theater hi jtudapest receive different grants from ihestate nnd other Hmaller grants from the cliy. The provincial towns of Hun gary assist theater managers by al lowing free use of buildings and help ing to defray cost of heating nnd light ing. Relgluui grant subsidies to com posers, whose works are produce In a Helglum Iheater, and. in addition, subsidies are given to compeisers pro Juelnir their works In French, Flemish or Walloon. Most of the cities atib fidlie or own several theaters, somo are given rent free, and In most of (Iipiii thi ncenery and furniture belong n the town. , At HnpUls, Bulgaria, the city la to erect a theater aa wwn m enougb won j In accumulated frotu th state lot- i teiy. I:i Frame, the f.nir national thea ters u eujiy tlie buildings r-m free, but tiny mu-t piy the i.nes, pimi.le for maintenance and allow larger repair to lie mnde by liie elate without ciaiiu for damages through lniermptiou. An ' annual nubsaly is graniNl to each the liei'U I H,''r by the national parliament, ware aom ! lionses are provided for storing fcceuery. 1 lie inrve iai)tei uirairn ! muiit submit to regulation of the I choice of pieces jiroijuced, price of ea!i. numlier of performances, as wen as the numU-r of new piecii per year, the minimum number of artist of each class In the company, the auditing of accounts by the Minister of Finance. In the ease of the company called tue Comedie Frain-aise. It manage Its in teret under state aupervlslon, but some (tritit work must he put ou every month, or two smaller work newly written or revisisl, Including me pieces by living authors. All the other theaters are free from stale control, although otJier towns grant subsidies. A large number of musical societies receive encouragement from the cities b.i grants and nndals for good work. in Berlin tlie royal Prussian opera house and playhouse receive together the Bum of tJTiMeiO and the land on wlilch they aland belongs to the state. Only one theater in Home, Italy, be longs to the city, but in Florence, the municipal band receives ?.!") a year and further small sums for tlie music stand and maintenance. Milan owns part of one of her theater and sub sidies are given others. Lisbon has two theaters owned by the state, one having been erected in IT'.iM by private subscriptions. There are three state theaters at St. Petersburg and throe at Moscow main tained at e expense ot tlie l.mperor. In the principal towns are theaters es tablished by the state and In which art) prisluced dramas for the education of the people. The price ar- very low t St. Petersburg. Warsaw and Kled lie temperance societies maintain these popular theaters, but are granted subsidies, the amounts in the tlrst- named city totaling over $l.iii),iMi dur Ing the last five years. hair Play Inning the reform riots in Ilydu irk, London, in .S".;, the mob, ou u ell remcllllicreil lllglll. negail icaiiMK dor ii the fences of Hyde Park for tlrerf ud barricades. Colonel Thomas Went worth Iliggitisou tells in the Atlantic Monthly of au Kngllsh olllcer who wnj dining with u friend, all unconscious of the impending danger. Presently he received a summons from the Wat I ii'partiiieiit, telling him that his rcgl nient was ordered out to deal with thil mob. He hastened back to his own housej but when he called for his horse I14 loiiud that his servant hud receivei permission to go out for the eveninui and had the key of the alnble In hi pocket. The olllcer hastily donned hii uniform, and then had to pruceiKl on foot to the Cuards' Armory, which lay on ihe other side of Hyde Park. Walk liu; hiistllv lu that direction, he camu mil imexpii tedly at the very headiuar tcrs of the mob, where they ready piling tip the fences. were al His uniform was recognized, and an grv shouts arose. It must have seemed for the moment lo the mob that ihi Lord hud dellveied their worst enemy Into their hands 'I here was but one thing to be (Unp He made his way straight toward tho center of action, and called to a mail who was 111011111111 on the pile, and wal evidently the leader : the tumult: "I say, my gisid man, my regiment has been called out by her Majesty's orders. Will you give me a hand over tills pile?" The ninn hesllated a minute, ami then aaid with decision. "Boys, the gentleman Is right. He Is doing hl duty, and we have no quarrel with him. Ixmd a hand and help him over." This was promptly done with entir respect, and the olllcer In his brllllanl uniform went hastily on his way amid three cheers from the mob. Then tin mob relurned to Its work, to eoinpleK It If possible before he whom they had Ht.le! should come back at the head of his regiment, and perhaps order them to be Khot down. When Mandy Htarts to Wash. When Mandy sets the b'iler on, An' hustles up Hi' tire, An starts a-stirrln' up of starch An' h'ists 'er xlceves up higher, "y, then you know th' war is on, It nin't no time to Josh. Th' on'y tiling to do is git, When Mandy starts to wash. (', beans an bread an' coffee all I'll git to ent that day. An' '(nin't no use to stay eroiiud An' git in Mamly's way. l-'er then she'll set me hard at work A -rinsln' out kersplosh! Ye can't stay round th' hoiis an' shirk When Mandy starts to wash. An' I kinder hem erouiid 'At my terhaccer's out, Ker down at Job's (th corner store) Th' hoys nil set nhont A-lookin' Jfst as sheepish-like ' An' chnwin' crackers Gosh! I ain't the only shirtless one When Mnmiy starts to wash. Nen I go ninblin' down th' rond, A-feelin' sneaky-like. To Jine lu with th' other Iwya 'At's sorter out on strike; A feller onn't help feelln' mean 'S long ' lie can't josh, Th' on'y thing to do Is git. When Mnndy starts to wash. Lippincott'a Magazine. Ijand for Oplnm. The Indian government now liaa about OOO.OUO acrea of land deyotetl td opium raising. Moat of tn product its ahlpped to China. IX DIRE STRAITS I OklU'f I1JX AT niKT AKTHLH I I A K t It ll- -! It 4 1 K UK FOOD SUPPLY RUNS LOW FAMINK I'KK KS KXIT A Mi CON I I n t H u r I ed I y ! rtr d by K n 1 n , lem v in if t (i It fur J a anne LONDON. The Dally Mall's correspondent at ew Ihwang says: Some Chinese fugitives from Toil Atlliut arrived liere, describes the situation of tlie inhabitants there desperate. Famine prices exist. Tim cost d provisions Inciease weekly. Many persons are reduced to eating Chinese food, and even tint is dear. Millet tl lur costs U bag. Whole streets and several public buildings have been wrecked by Japini se shell lire. The hospi tals are packed with sick and wnuuded " The Tokio corriporident of tlie fhroiicile telegraphs: 'Russian strategy has undergone another change. ing k'iw is 10 be again fortified. Four guns have been brought from New Chwatig the garrison Increased, and the harljnr mined." NKW CIIWANG. -Refugees who continue to anive from the southern part of the Llao Tung peninsula report dally righting there and overe losses fur both armies, bu. tlie re ports are not contlrmable otllcially. The Itussians here are deperulini? dd the press bulletins for new? from that vicinity. The very highest Russian authority here wlrle not believing that Port Arthur will fall idmlts that Us loss would be a ter rible blow to the Russians arms. The same authority says Russia may send a large army to the si'iith of New Chwang in the event of Gen ftal Stocsel being able to held his own at Port Arthur. This, how ever, is not possible at pteent, owing lo the pi gltions occupied by Ihe Japanese armies oppcratlrg from tin) Yalu river and Uaku Shan The Russians are not san guine as to the outlook for Pott Arthur. More contraband of war 11 arriving lire. Two cargoes of Jour tinned meats and some specie wete rushed to Mukden as soon as Ibey were unloaded. Heavy rains are dally making the oads almost Impassable. The Cbln se h tgands are becoming active. Worat of FTood ia Over TOl'EKA, Kas TUe high water in the Kansas river Is receding ilowly tonight and all danger is past. Two bad washouts on the Sinta Fe between Topeka and Emporia h ive not yet been repaired, but trains will be running tomorrow. The heaviest rains of yesterday fell in parts of Kansas other than the Kaw valley, or there wuuia nave neen mucn higher water here. Much datnajfl has been done to crops. The Kaw rlfer was eighteen feet above 1 w water mark at this point at 8'oclock and apparently at a stand- it.ill. The run of driftwood has been heavy, and tho Reck Island railroad people were busy the greater por tion of the night dislodging the accumulation at their bridge with dynamite. Notwithstanding these efforts tbc greater portion of the falsework of this bridge, which Is being reconstructed, went out. mak ing tha bridge unsafe for traffic. rite street railway bridge also was knocked out of alignment, making the passage of cats impossible. The waters extend fat up In the city park and out on the north side to some Of the dwellings, but the washing away of chicken coops and sdiewalks Is reported. In "Little Russia" a number of families are moving out, as the waters are backing up to their door fards. Many North Topeka citizens :ama across the bridge to Topeka proper. West of here, at Abilene and Manhattan, the Smoky aod Kaw rivers are falling. At Vassar the flood is tlie most .erlous since 1S44. Ihe river reaches from bluff to bluff, crops ate nractically ruined In the bottoms and nearly all the brldgis on the Dragon and "11)1" creek have been washed out. Several farms arc from two to three feet under' water, and much Uvo stock has been drowned Thrown Into Arkanaaa River SALIDA, Col. Twelve persons were plunged Into the Arkansas liver here today by the breaking of a foot bridge on which a crowd had gathered to witness the ceremony ot cutting flowers upon the waters Id memory of the country's naval heroes, and the wife of Rev. Warren Thompson was drowned. Some ul the ethers were unconscious when rescued and wero revived with dim culty. RUSSIAN FIRE NOT HEEDED HIKIIIC TKNAIIIT IIF A-SAIUMS V.tl.MIl VICTOKir llaraeat Fought Kittle of War Opeo f (iateway to t'ort A r-Ihur-China Aked to Govern. TOKIO. The details of the fight ing at Kin Chou ernphasl7.es the nerolc tenacity of tlie Japanese In '.heir conducts at Nan Shan hill. Nine snccessive time the Japanes :htrged the fortified heights In the 'ace of a storm of death dealing mis siles and in their last effort they ;atrled the forts and trenches only. fter a bayonet connect with the Russians, who made a desperate des- airing struggle to beat back the incoming nordes. The fin 1 assault of the Japanese n which tliev at last suceeled in aklng possession, was marked by the most desperate hand to band 'nciunter that has thus far charac terized the war. The Japanese left, throughout the eritira action until night, was ex posed to an enfilading fire fn rn the Russian Infantry, a gunboat on Talienwan bay and four nine centi meter gun posted at Tafengchen. At a critical moment, the the am munition of the artillery ran low, and It was decided to c.ist the re maining ammunition Into one final d'sporate assault. Fortunately however, at the mo ment this decision was readied the Japanese squadron In Kin Chou bay which had ceased bombarding when the infantry had li'st moved for ward suddenly resumed the shelling of Nan Shan hill. ; The Japanese paid for their vic tory in 3. MO killed and wounded. To the Russians, the humiliation of defeat was intenslli' d by the loss of slxt'-clght cannon and ten machine gur.s, while lying dead in the forts and trenches were 500 men, the vic tims of tne accuracy of Japanese Vipl' distance marksmanship and ot close range righting. Close of the Conference LOS ANOELES, Cal.-It was aftei midught, when the general conrer- ence or uie .Memnuisu r.piscupui church finished the final roll ca'i last night which brought ti a close tha must, memorable gathering in the story of the church. Today, memor al services were held during the afternoon and in the evening a Jub llee service at the pavilion closed the sciles of meetings. The coference just clcsed has ac comndshed much for the interest ef the Metohdlst church and will go down in cnurcn mseory as one of the most Important In the point) of legislative action. The aclon of the general confer ence in retiring rive bishops and electing eleven other propably at tracted the widest attention of any other single happening but mere were many other subjects that affac ted the great memoership of the Methodist church and which were watched with aeep interest. Among these were the decision to stand by the present attltudo of the church on the subject of prohibited amsements; The refusal to return to the time limit of pastoral servl ces the exonerating 01 certain meo logical schools of the charge of here tlcal teachings; the unllicatlon of (the Methodist publishing houses 'the consolidation of the boards ot iciiurch benevolence; providing means to support for superannuated minis ters; fixing the status of superannua te:! bishops; creating a commission to revise the ritual of the church bioti-julng the commission appoint ed four years ago to bring the var ious branches of Methodism closer together In 'the use of common prayer book, hymnal and catechism; referendum of the much discussed (jncHtlon of a colored tlshob and many other matters of smaller ini. rortance. Collapse of Old Building WASHINGTON. Mr. Gummere, the Uulted States consul at Tangier, in a cablegram received at the state department over night, says that Jreais against the lives of Ualsull's, 'captives, Perrlicaris and V alley, have been made unless the bandit's de mand ate granted. A dispatch from admiral Jewel, commanding the .Kuropean squadron, announces the departure for Tangier of the crulser9 Olyuipla, Baltimore and Cleveland. Ilig Flood in Kansas TOl'EKA, Kas.-Ileavy rains throughout the Kansas riverallcy has caused higher water than at any time since the flood of a year ago. It Is expected that the Kansas river will be very high by tomorrow, though no dangerous rise is looked for. The rain has been general ver tne state for tblrty-slx hours, and bas extended to the Colorado line. All rallrcads are having I trouble. KIN CHOU IS TAKEN jAt-ANKsK CAPTIKKTHK CITT, AT HK.4VV 1 0T. LOSS TWELVE THOUSAND roKCKD IO FALL BACK ATTKK STRONG KKMSTAM'K. ('radically an Artillery Uual BrKouing Tliurmdaj and CoutiJiuiK tor Houra Warships Aid Japanese. LONDON. A dispatch to the Cen tral News from Harbin says tha Japanese losses during the righting at Kin-Chou are said to be twelve thousand men killed. It is said these figures have continued by an odlcial dipatch. Fighting, it is added, is still going on in the vici nity of Kin Chou. Jbe Japanese legation have re ceived the following ctlicial dispatch from Tokio: Kin-Chou and all the heights in Its vicinity have been taken and our truops are pushing the Russians towards Port Arthur." A dispatch from Toklo to the Cen tra) News, dated today: says: "The fighting which culminated In the Japanese occupation of Kin Chou was practically conHned to an artillery duel, which, beginning at dawn of May 20, continued without intermission for live Lours. "Three Japanese warships in Kin Chou nay co-opera tea, firing with heavy guns on tlie Russian positions. A Russian gunboat in Talienwan bay also joined in the light, bum bardlng te left flank of the Japanese army. Kin Chou castle was occupied by Japanese twenty minutes past four o'clock this morning. Liter the Russians were driven from their positions on the southern height. The Japanese are no win pursuit of the retreating Russians." Ilaron Ilayashi, the Japanese min ister, discussing the recent fighting north of Port Atthur, said today: Kin Chou will be occupied as a first base. The neighboring hills will be strongly furtlried In order that they can be held indefinitely. For food supplies and amunition Port Dalny bill be second base. "The possessions of Kin Chou will be invaluable aid in the campaign against Port A tthur. Tbe hills com mand positions of the country for several miles in the direction of Port Arthur. I preusme from the ac tion at R1d Chou that the Russians Intend to make another stand at Port Danly. Their justification for defending Kin Chou must have been the belief that their numbers were able to cope with ours, so 1 ex pect that practically all the available Ruislan troops have been moved out from Port Arthur In the attempt .0 head off tbe investment. San Domingo Rebels Win. CAPE IIAYTIEN.-A seiiousbat tie was fought today between the Dominican troops and tbe revolu tionists at Esperanza, on tbc road from Monte Crist! to Santiago, near Mao. Th revolutionists were victor ious. Many were killed or wounded on both sides. - Gen. Raoul Cabrera, minister of war, who commanded the govern ment troops, was killed and bis body was taken to Navarette. The revolutionists are before Nav arette, where another battle will be fought. Tbe government troops are wait in for re-lnforcemenU The United States crnisdr Detroit aud the gunboat Newp-trt arc c Monte CrLstl. Iowa Issues Requisition. DES MOINES, Ia. -Governor Cuto mlns today Issued a requisition for Thomas Dennison of Omaha, who was recently Indicted at Logan, la for alleged complicity In the Pollock diamond robbery. The requisition was granted on an affidavit made by Frank Shcrclie, woo is serving a term at the Fort Madison peui tentlary for robbing Pollock, traveling salesman, of $17,(XI0 worth of diamonds, and who implicates Dennison. Attorneys for Dennison strongly resisted tbe Issuelng of the requisition, and say they will also ask Governor Mickey of Nebraska to refuse ta grant extradition papers. State's Attorney Fallon todya furnished an aQidavit from Shcr cliffe In which ho boldly Implicates Dennison In the robbery. Wreck on Great Northern. EVERETT, Wash. The west bound overland train on the Great Noitliern ran into two freight trains The Shingle Mill siding at Monroe, fifteen miles east of Everett, tonight The engine and baggage car were wrecked, and Brakeman Tom Down ing was killed. The express mes senger on tbn passenger and a mill band wbo was on the ptssenger art missing. Tbe engineer of the pas senger train was probtbly fatally In. Jured. I NEBRASKA NOTES ai a a a a a. A. J--gtli aV sta SaLaaW sfc ataaafcaaatafc' Graduation exercises were held alt Douglas six students receiving di plomas. The I9o4 class of the Seward High School listened to tbe baccalaureate address by the Rev. F. Levitt. The remains of Grandma Hollen-i baugt, who died In Omaha were io-J tcrred at Falls City last Sunday. Tbe Fremont Commercial club 10 having a little boom as the rest lt ofl the good work done fur tbe past year.. A. C Walswortb, formerly of Cam bridge, died at Los Angeles, CaL, where he had gone for his health. The Rev. J. D. Murphey preached the baccalaureate sermon to tbe graduates of tbe Table Rock High School. Tbe funeral of J. J. Bishop who had resided In Sarpy couuty for thirty years, occurred at Springfield last Sunday. An old stable was destroyed by fire 10 Beatrice. Everything was saved except a valuable pacing horse be longing to a Mr. Scutt. Farmers in the locality of Peatrlce expect to finish planting corn this week. Early planted corn is corning up, and the stand is good. On Thuisday evening of this week the Weeping Water High school exer cises were held. Seven students comprise the class this ear. Charles Carpenter, a track walker, was held up by four tramps near Sbelton, Sunday morning and r jbbed of $1.40 at tbe point of a pistol. The tramps escaped. Dennis O'tirien died at Columbus Sunday morning, aged 51 years. Mr. O'Brieu had lived in Columbus fur twenty-two years and was a membea of several secret societies. Professor W. II. Simons has been elected principal of the Table Rock, schools for the school year of 1004-5. Professor Simons was last year prin cipal of the Elmwood schools. The funeral of Mrs. Harry Cine who died at her home in Albion was held from the residence, r rlendi and relatives from Valley, Neb., and from Newman Grove and Seward were present. Old soldiers aud their wivet assembled at the home of Henry, 'Turner in Harvard. The home waa crowded and old war stories were told and camp songs sung, after which a luncheon was served. Oue of the Falls City real estate men offered prizes this spring for the "best-kept lawn" in that town, the contest to close on September 1.1 The idea is growing In favor and every lawn in town is in prime con dition Mrs. C. A. Lyons of Fullertoo, who mysteriously disappeared from her home some time ago. has been located In South Dakota where sba claims to have gone to take up gov ernment land. She started for Walla Walla, Wash., when she ;ieft home. Reatrice lodge No. 26, Ancient Free and Accepted MasoDS, met and elected the following officers: Clar ence A. Spellman, worshipful master; J. Ed C. Fisher, senior warden; Edgar C. Price, junior warden; Gil bert L. Cole, treasurer: Burt L. Spellman, secretary. Thomas Mortimer, manager of the Stanton County Breeding company's ranch, located eight miles northwest of Leigh and George Hoetel, a local stockman left for Chicago with jspeicial train load of fourteen 'cars of fat cattle. This stock was excep tionally tine, it being raised by the shippers. Rev. R. T. Campbell, who bas been principal of the Pawnee academy for the last ten years, at a meeting of the board last week tendered bis resignation. He plans to spend some time In study and then resuini work in the ministry. It is repotted that all tbej rest of tbe faculty ex. cept one, also resigned their posi tions. The schlesslnger saloon case which was set for Rearing before tbe dis trict court, as anticipated, was nol tried before Judge Grimes, but wai heard and adludlcated with Judgs Hosteller on the bench. In accor dance with the specal provisions Id such cases the court must decide such cases on the evidence given before the city council, hence tb lawyers on each side reviewed th evidence, aired ttiler opinions, after which the judge rendered a decision In favor of tbe saloon, which wai open for business a short time after ward, and the case may now be con sidered closed incident. Captain Mack of Company M, Ke oraska National Guard, bas Issued an nrder for the members to be a the armoty tor the purpose of march ing to St. Edward, a distance of twelve miles, to take part In tba Memorial exercises of that day. 1 Tncy will then march back to Al ibloo aod participate lo tbe Deco ration day exercises In Albion Mot iday, May 30. Tbls will give tbs ;boys a sample of real army life and will also prove ft good outing.