Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 09, 1904, Image 1

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    Harrison Press -J ournal.
A'lrerf 1-
with us
(elebnttioo'lite Fourth.
The Crawford dentist is Dr.T.H.Spiadlo
Maps of Sioux county at 10c each at
tins office.
Oscar Story was a business visitor to
this city on Monday.
Dr. T.H. Spiodlo the Crawford dentist
rresh crackers and
this week at Lowry's.
cookies received
Z. O. Deuel wan in this city oo business
Considerate work ha been done
the street this week.
E. Erdman and family
were io town
Lick Richards, of Crawford, was in
! Harrison last Thursday.
Barney Jordan was UDfrom the valle
w. r.anepneru was id irom uis vaney last Fr,j a)d gurda,,.
ranch Saturday. I
Rev. Y. U. Daniels returned from Alii
J. If. Bieser, of Runningwater, was in ance last Saturday morning,
this citv Monday.
ii. o. truest was in the city a few
days latter part of last week
Thos. Hines wan aaioog the visitors at
Harrison Monday.
John Mack of ISodarc was in the city a
few hours Tuesday.
C. II, Smith was up
Tuesday of this week.
from Hewitt en
Ben More, from near Marsland, wan i
this city a few nours Monday,
Mrs. Chas. Ihoinas, of Northview,
wyo., wan in this city Tuesday,
John kberspecher was transacting
business in Una city a few hours Mondav.
C.F. Coffee and son came up from Chad
roo Tuesday morning.
Cider, pop, lemonade, milk-shake, all
kinds of aolt drinks and ice cream at
C, Chris tain wan down
Ridge la.it Thursday.
from Pleasant
R. C. Madsen, of Glen, was in Harri
son a couple of days latter part of last CJames
, week.
Goo. O'Connor, who is working at the
Erdraan ranch on Hat creek, Wyo., was
in Harrison over Sunday.
Several covered wagons have passed
through Harrison headed west the past
Connolly's wife and family
w iiarrison mis weeic and are
occupying the Holly house.
County Commissioner Dan Jordan was
up from the valley on business last Saturday.
Another heavy rain accompanied with
plenty of tevere lightening, passed over
this sectiou Tuesday evening.
Miss Qertruda Converse is assisting Mrs.
Wilhermsdorfer with her housework! at
The bod weather last Saturday marie
Harrison nnusally quiet for that day as
very few were in from the country.
-JJenry VVarneke returned from Colora
do last week and will remain liere until
Tuesday evening about 9 o'clock it
commenced to rain and kept it up at a
pretty fair rate until late last night.
VI ... AAJ,- 11.. ..... . : 1 t r
w" 7 V; . 1 ' " '.m SWffi Sale.
' a morning and v.it- By virtue of an order of sale issaeJ by ,e
'"'""'j uiiui oiiuruaj morn-1 cw in me district court of Sioux eounty,
ing wnen sue departed Tor Northview, I """w,iiiwv(ir ot earau Jordan, plamitr
Wyo., where she will visit with her sis- T1 Nf,"k "-rity. Comply, a corpora
ter Lillian for a while.
The steady rain for several days since
our last issue is a grand thing for the
country. So far as moisture is now con
cerned no one can complain, and if the
dreaded hail does not strike we will have
bountiful crop of hay and grain in
Northwest Neb. this year. Farmers au
ranchmen are all felling good over the
"i cmmey i.anmiij.-, i.oan , Trust
loinpany.a corporation, defendants, I will
on u Mil day of July, l'.w.at one o'clock li
mo wi Tiioira oi said day at the east front
door of tlie coun house In Harrison Kioui
county. .Wbrm-ka, w-tl t.t p-.nlic auction to
Uie highest bidder for easli in band Hie fol
' inif ui-srnoeo. real estate situated in said
county, to-wilt. The east half ot the mutl.
quarter in section eighteen and tin- east
half of the northeast quarter ot mi-lion
utntvcii in towiiHliip thirty-three r.Si) north
ot range llfty (lve (M) west of the (ith Princi-
ial Meridian. To satisfy eaid order of sale
In the sum of oncliniidred and wvrntv nnf
We expect to give the program of the M"""'" and ninety Ave cents (SI71.05) au4
interest and securing costs.
Hrxt pub). cation June iith 1!K14.
Sheriff of said county.
oi uie fourth in our next issue and ask
our readers to watch for it. A consider
able of funds has been ra.iset fur ft itc
purpose and we trust that the people of
Harrison and surrounding vicinity will
take an interest and heln make tins n
elehration that will be one to be remem
A wreck occured to the east bound
passenger train on the Northwestern
iuesday evening near Douglas. The
engine struck a hunch of cattle and went
own an embankment of about fifteen
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale issued by the
Clerk of the district court of Sioux county,
Ncbnikka, Ukii a decree rendered in said
court in favor of M.W. Shea o and Charles
liarinoti, plaintiff, and Jacob teickard et al
defendants, I will on the nth day of July, j(H
at one o'clock In the. al tcrnoon of said day at
tbe east front door of the court house of said
eouutyat Harrison, Nebraska, sell at public
Bul lion to the fullest bidder for cash in
hand the following deserved real estate ait.
uaied in said county to wit: The south half
The finest line of wines, liquors and best brands of cigars.
THEO. SAGER , Proprietor..
feet. The baevaife and mail car was n lirt I it t h. v... iw.... ..
"'"-"-'M'i-inii ici , iiiw uorinweht quar-
u;t or the southeast . quarter and the south
east quarter of the southwest quarter of sec
l.on three (3) in township thirty-four CM)
M. J. Oayhart camo up from Montrose
yesterday and remained in the citv over
Lightening struck A. Mo Oinley's fence last night, lie reports everything flour-
Tuesday evening and badly splintered isbing in his neighborhood,
several pasts.
Mrs. Sam Tebbet, of Denver arrived
Mrs. J. E. Marsteller left for Valentine here last Thursday morning and will
Monday evening where she will romaio for I spend a few days visiting with her
short time.
erailed but the passengers coach did not
eave the rails. Tlie only one injured
was the fireman and he escaped with only
uiuaeu ief?, i ne wrecKiug train was
sent out from ( hadron and in a few
lours things were in running order again.
fA meeting was held at'Gerlach's store
last Wednesday night to make arrange
ments for the celebration to lie held at
Harrison tlw Fourth. A goodly number
'a present and much interest was tak
en. Ij. Oerlach wni elected
Iavis, secretary and W. U. Wright
treasurer. Fxl O'Connor, James Bourret
and Floyd Jones were placed on the com-
itee for arrarigo'iients and program,
wre is no question but what Harrison
ill have a celebration 1 1 t W:li ..ivu
cry body a good time, and everyone is
invited to help make it a grand success.
noun oi range nity (our A4J west of the (ith
principal meridian,
To satliig said order of sale m the sum o
one thousand and twenty dellurs and eighty
ins ti.uju.su ) aiKt interest and costs and
accruing- cots.
f irst publication Juueilth I!04.
Slicrlf! of said ronniy,
daughter, M.n. Geo. (rlach.
Dan Davis, after spending a week at
thh Hour ret ranch n Runningwater re
turned to his home at Harrison last Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Langworthy and children re
turned last Saturday morning from a
months visit with friends and relatives at
Seward. Neb.
U. IL Wasserburger was in the city
Monday and was a pleasant caller at this
office, He remembered us with Several
dollars on subscription.
Those who will attend the Junior Nor
mal at Alliance from this vicinity that
we know of are Misses Katie and Luaie
Parsons, Nellie and Amy Christian.
Rev. V. C. Daniels left on last Satur
day night for Lincoln where he goes toj
anena uie Centennial Celebration of Neb
raska Methodism, ne expects to
gone for a week at least.
Vernon Hanson, of Crawford.
care of the drug store in this city a few
days this week while Floyd Jones was
doing business in Crawford.
Miss Alice Slattery, who has been at
Lead City, 8. D.. for several months past
returned to Harrison Tuesday niornin'ir
took aml went home with her brother where
she will remain for a few weeks.
Geo. Swanson, of Fort Robinson, was
wiiks f.rnest, a former resident of
8ioux county, but now of Scotts Bluff
was in this city visiting old friends last
: .. L : t t . I . vx , . .
h.i iavy un uiismes.i a lew nours lasi rnuay and Saturday. John Gaddes, also
ihursoay. lie was a pleasant caller at of Sootts Bluff, was here with him.
this office and remembered us in a finan-
a gentleman irom the east by the
ni""e of King nrrived here and has gone
ineo.sageri s wne and daughters ar- out to look over the country. We un
-! 1 t tfll . W 1 I . i . . . "
nveo ner irom winoron on Monaay uerstand that he also expects to locate
morning s train. Mr. Sagert and his es- several of his friends from the east here.
ucOt famiiy are
of tUrrison.
weiCOUiu ijba ilienn I
Rev, Ward, of Chadron, conducted ser
vices at the Methodist church in Harrison
Sunday morning and evening the place of Po(ltnla!iters! Convention, etc
nev. J-suiieis who wwiii w uiiituiii uie
'evening liefore.
Excursion Tickets to Lincoln
Via the North-Western Line, will be sold
June 13. 14. 15 and 16, limited to return
until June 18, inclusive, on account of
Apply to
agents Chicago & North-Western R'y.
Monday was a busy day for the business
men of Harrison as those who usually
come to town on Saturday did not come
until on Monday on account of the bad
weather Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jamison, from near
Alliance, were visiting with friends nnd
relatives in Harrison a few days the past
week. Mr. Jamison was at one time a
resident of this citv and Mrs. Jamison is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
V,.. UU,.kll Tn.lnv Ihnt fl
B f I r. rli a I v i. n.l 1 1 m fa I hap iinua mil.
.h-H .h. ItanU nf Hav.r.1 Th MLr. J' ' Qar
Clark, above mentioned are brother and terrived r from Boone. lows, yes
father of our banker. F. W. Clarke, of and .f pleased with this
... country they expect to remain here.
j lt n-J ,.:. ... c ,
' . -I.. . i.i .v. m n sinwr ui nim. Damn
C. II. Ussher shinned a load of horses Jordttn- A nephew of Mrs. Jordan came
from M,,rrill. II stnts that in the With them.
southwest when he left Arizona two
weeks ago eras had not started and
many cattle were dying on the ranges.
Mitchell Index.
V-Mrs. Williams, (laughter of Mrs. S. It.
Thomas, died at the home of her mother
in this city, last Saturday, after a long
illness with consumption. The remains
were interred in Greenwood camelry on
Monday after funeral services at the
Lily, fourth daughter of B. F. and S.
R. Thomas, was torn at Trenton, Grundy
county, Mo July 9, 1870. United with
the Christian church at Fxira. Iowa, un
der the preaching of Elder J. A. Walters
and was b-tptixed by her father at the nr.
01 eleven. Married C. 8. Willim
Dec. 1892 at Harrison, Neb , died
ureenlleld, Mo., May 7, 1904. She leaves
a husband, four children, father, mothe
four brothers and live sisters.
Greenfield, (Mo.,) Vedetta.
Sheriff's Hale.
Hy virtue oi an order of sale issued liv the
( link of the district court of
Nebraska, ui on a decree rendered in said
court in favor of the Michigan Savings liank
a corporation, Is iilaintiir and Mrs. William
HauuiK.trd, whose true christian name Is un
known to plaintiff, et nl, defendant I will
on ths '.da day of July I'.HM atone o'clock In
the, afternoon of said day at the east fiont
door of tho court house of said county at
lt.irriMiu, Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest klddtr for ca,h in hand the
loilowiiiKdescriled real estate situated in
said cou nty, to w it; The southwest quarter
of Hortion twenty six (26) in township thirty
four(W; north of ranx" Mty-llvo (U) west
of the Cth principal inerld ian.
To satisfy aald orrfcr of sale in tho sum of
five hundred and ninety lour dollars and
ninety cents (IWH.'jO) and interest and costs
and accruing cot.
Mrst publication June'JIh VMl.
aj.ex uiwnr,
fcheritr of said countv.
A comicte line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE
DRYGOODS, ROOTS & SHOES, and a complete
Kmlfliiiff material of all kinds: Flour, Feed, Grain, I
Vmd-milln, Pumps, Tanks, .Wagons, Buggies, Farm
Imiilements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles & etc.
f,j.,u.,i,jL,5..ti.i..i.tj ....-. .... . . . - onlars Riven prompt attention. A
-Mri i- l"S--i-4- 4-r i .-H ' .
You Are Reading i:
"""bW IA1K COACH c-X
curslons Vitttho North- Wcsicn
Very low rales to St. Louis will he in
effect on two dates. June 11 and June 2.r
iortouc.il excursion to Ht. Louis via the
Chicago & North-Western R'y.Onlv 81.65
round trip from Harrison return limit
llfteen njdays. A great opportunity
l..:..:.ii..Tir ii.
o v.Mi uie woriusiairata niininiumof
exence. Other favorable ronta
trip rates are in effect daily, with liben
.oiuin inims, s;op-over privileges, ect.
run iniormation as to train schedules.
i : ,
larciKing oi oagiaKe and other matters
of interest to the intending traveler on
application to Ticket Ajrents of the
Chicago & North-Western R'y.
r ii i i
rrom me Mies ot I ho Journa
Fourteen Years Ago.
yt. w. Hester has his windmill and
pump running in good shape and says he
would rather havo it than to have a run
ning stream on his place.
J. P. C'arran, one of tho substantial
farmers of the south part of the county
was in the county seat on Monday and
called at these headquarters.
Joe Stnstney was up from the south
part of the county the first of the week.
His reported that Judge Kinkaid hasde-
cided the case of school districtNo. 1,
vs. KL. Lock wood, et al, in favor of the
plaintiff. The docket entry has not vet
been made up.
Notice to Stockmen.
AU herds of cattle in which the di
sease itch, mange, scab or lice exists,
shall lie dipped. All cattle so diseased
We are pleased state that Mrs. Tom to be kept as stock cattle shall the sec-
Dredge, who wnt to Omaha a few weeks ond time within 8 to 14 days after the
ago, for medical treatment, is rapidly im- first dipping. All cattle must be dipped
proving and will he able to come home by July 1st 1904. By order of W. A.
in alK)t two weeks. Her many friends Thomas, State Veterinarian,
here will be pleased to learn of this. ALKX LO WRY, Sheriff.
VB? irwdii brmr it uul avarr lima.
Billion DollarOraaa.
ilmuil fwrrTor tha
yjf hkmh of terpMn. ri
riy :
-Vbat It It?
mm mm m
f Uo. tTAMPt
ilhUSOTICI null
k in4 HUlot, 10 UpKia
smwu i
m mm
lMn. HQ
Sheri.T's Kiilo.
lly virtue of on ord-r of ai.lc is-iiied i-y tlie
Clerk of tho itintrict court ot Sioux counly,
Nebraska, upon a dec-rue rendered in said
court In favor of M. W, ttimife and Charles
lliinnon, plaintiff and Otto MunSon Kt n.T,
di-fmiat. Cwtll on tbe tli day of July
1WM at one o'clock in the afternoon of said
day at the onst front door of tlie court liouso
of Bald county at Harrison sell at puthc hug
Hon to the hlKheat bidder f ireftsli In Imiid
the followini? t'escrilwd real estate situated
tn said county to-wit; 1 h northes.t nunr
t;r of section 111 teen in township tlilrtv four
(M) north of rmine (11 ty-slx (Ml west ot the
fitu principal meridian.
luwuimy shio orucr oi sain in the itini of
one thonsotid and ten dollars ?! ,010 00J and
inieresi and costs anil seeming costs,
first publication Jane !th
Mir: ilf of said county.
Tliat'vS what it's liere for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a firt class Grocery Store.
Civouri a trial. Yours for Business, f :
A. LOWRY. ii
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale issued by tin.
riet kofthe district court of Sioux eousty,
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered In said
court in favor of M. W. Shcife anil harlot
Harmon, plaintiff, and Jacob It. .Swli kavd.
etux, defendants. I til on tho fltli day of
Julv I'M ut one o'clock in thu afternoon of
Said day at the east front door nf the court
house of said county at Harrison, fccbrasKa.
sell at pupiic auction to the highest bidder
for cash In hand llm fullowliiK described
real rstntn sit li u ted in said county, to wilt,:
The south half of tliu northwi-st uuurtcr
and tl.o i,iiu imif f the soutnwest nuarter
of section three (3J tow nship thirty-four :14
lortli oi ranvfl titty tour (.'!) west of the (ith
principal meridian In Bald county and state
of Nebrsska to satisfy said order of sale in
the sum of one thousand anil eleven dollars
snd seventy eiKlitccits. (H.0I1.78) and Inter,
est and costs ami aoci tiluif costs.
First publication June Oth 1901.
(iheritr of said county.
It is interesting to note that fortunes
are frequently made by the invention o
articles-'of minor importance. Many of
the most popular devices are those de
signed to benefit the people and meet
pular conditions, and one of the niosti
nteresting of these that has ever been
nvented is the Dr. White Electric Comb,
patented Jan. 1, '99. These wonderful
Combs positively cure dandruff, hair
' 1 1 : ..... -i. . , . . i .
lining out,, sick ana nervous Headaches,
nd when used with Or. White'sjKlectric
Hair Brush ore positively guaranteed to
make straight hair curly in 25 days' time
Thousands of these electric combs have
been sold in various cities of the Union
nnd the demand is constantly increasing.
Our agents are rapidly becoming rich
selling these combs. They positively sell
on sight. Send for sample. Men's size
IVic, ladies' 50c--(half price wluls wears
introducing them.) The Dr. White Elec
tricCoine Co., Uecatur.UI.
curry the largest and most
complete stock of ticncral
Merchandise in Sioux Uoun
FAO' 2, All our prices are in
keeping with the quality of
goods we sell. We do nut keep
t;iieiip John (roods and therefore
we do not sell at Cheap John
prices. We sell first class goods
at fair prices.
FACT 4, We have iust re
reived our Spring and Summer
invoice of white waists & dress
itoods, India Limons, Cambrics,
Percales, Ginghams. Sateens.
Shirtings Henriettas. &c. &c.
rACT5,-Ourlineof Boots &
Shoes and Slippers is compose
of the latest styles from tin
most, reliable house
FAi ' f H, We endeavor to eaten
to the wants and needs of our
customers and our goods urel
selected with this intent.
FACT 6, Everything usnanv
kept in a General Store can be
found at our place.
succewjor to C. U.NEWMAN
Lumbcr, Doors, Sath Lime,
Coal, Wagons, Buggies and
Machinery of all Kinds.
I also carry a line of Wind
Mills, Pumps, I'iping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc. etc. etc.
A large stock of feed, both
ground and ungrouud al
ways on hand.
mail orders given prompt
: Manhood Restored
Give me a Call.
This great vegctable'vltaliscr, tlie pre
scription of a I anions French physician, will
quickly euro von or all or nervous disci.ses ,
of the generative organs such as lost Man-
noou. insomnia, pains in thu JlackSeniinul .
Km issions, Nervous Debility, Pimples, ITn-'
fitness to marry, Exhausting Drains, Vniieo
celc.and Constipation. It stops all losses by
day or night. Pro-maturity, which if not
checked, lend to spermatorrhoea and aU the
horrors of lnipotrncy. CIJI'IDKNK cleans...
thellvcraud kkliiKVs. CUPUUiNK streuKth
ens and restores -..The reason sufferer,, are
not cured by doctors is because ninety per
cent are troubled with Prostatic. Cl'pl
OKSK is the only known remedy u euro,
without an operation. y0,m tistimonittis
A written h-u,iranteo given and money ro
turned if six boxes do not effect a pennii
ne.nt cure..l1.00ttbox;Xfornve l,v ,n
end for free circular and 'estlnumlals. Ad
dress DAVOI. MKDtCINK CO.. SK,.,I.,
California. ForsiUohv kiciom,
WANTEO Agents, Hustlers, Salesm
Clerks and everybody who wants to en,
joy a good hearty laugh to send 50c for
"Tips to Agents." Worth .r)0 to any
person who sells goods for a living. If
not satisfactory your money back, Cir
cular for stamp. The Dr. White Elee
trie Comb Co. Decatur, 111. ,
All parties indebeted to Chas. Newman ,
by note, or otherwise will find all bills,
nnd notes at the Commercial Bank for
collection, Please call and settle all.
open accounts by note bankable or ctdk
in hand and save costs.