Science The curious theory of M. Boyn Is ; tut N-rsys keep marine animals In ' tielr mU habitat The rays enter ' ialt water readily, but are completely topped by fresh water, and they bav lie remarkable property of increasing rlsual power, other effwts Mug prob ble. A baker's oven boated by electricity a uovelty at Moutautian, l'rauce. The beating elements numbering weuty are placed at the side of the Ulterior, and beat Is quickly applied lud cut off at once, with a consider Ilile saving lo time. No heat in lost ip the chimney, as the only opening the door through which the bread passed. Calculation confirmed by experiment las shown that, weight for weight, line wood Is stronger tbttn steel In Kith transverse and tensile strength. It is regarded as doubtful If stiy metal !ould 1 made Into a hollow rxl equal iig a baiultoo rod In stiffness without jxceedlng It In weight. In structures f wood the weak points are always at the joints. A recent German Invention to pre reut suffocation of tlrenien in smoke filed rooms, of rescuers entering min ing shafts containing uoxiotix gases, ud of workmen denning cliumlH-rs here the ulr Is dangerous to breathe, fouslsts of a leather helmet, with glass ryes and a pliable neck collar, iittach Kl to i rubber hone, through which. IS In the case of a diver's outlit, fresh air can le continually forceil, while Hie explratcd air escapes through a valve at the top of the helmet. There is also a speaking tute, through which the operator can converse with his as sistant outside the room, building or shaft In which the work Ik being lone. Bishop's Ring Is h slightly rwl. Hub Colored circle about the sun, which Is Believed to be caused, by line volcanic lust floating at a great altitude In the llr. It was llrst seen, and named from Its discoverer, after the great erup ijon of Krakutoa In IKS.-. It nnide Its tppearam-e ugnln after the eruption ff Mont Tele and other West Indian oleanocs two years ago. Kecciitly II. H. Clayton bus observed that It Is llminlshlng in diameter, owing, as bo lupposes, to the slow willing of the Just toward the earth. In iN'ccmber, !s2, Its mean distance from the sun was i degrees, but In IiecemlsT, ltsi.'t. he distiince was only degrees. The ring Is faint and not euslly seen by an inpracticcd observer, but within It jbere Is a fairly conspicuous whitish (Ui re. A new process of zinc production as recently the subject of a demon tratlon by Kir William Ramsay at (lie Hafna Mines, North Wales. The lew process Installed at the Hafna Mines will make It ossllile to extract he zinc direct from the ore. At pres ent the ore Is treated lo make spelter, mil from this white zinc Is produced, tlore lmportunt still, the vast heaps f refuse locally called "tailing" vhich cumber the North Wales hlll ildes can be worked at a high profit. The cost of production will be 50 per rent cheaper than the current rates. The discovery of this new process will fuahle number of mines now closed io resume work on a paying basis, and Is expected that the white tine Tade, which Is now In the bauds of the foreigner, will return to that coun 37. WHITE HOUSE CHINA. Mra.Hooacvclt Is Trying- to Oct To gether a Complete Collection. Mrs. Roosevelt has started a move nient which, If successful, will result In the Installation In the White House of at least a part of the china used by every President of the United states from Washington' time. The task which Mrs. Roosevelt has under taken is no Lilian one, for there are no funds with which to make the col lection, and she Is dependent lurgcly upon those who hold rare pieces us re i ics. Only since the days of Abraham Lincoln has the White House china been preserved after the term of the lucumlx'tit had expired. Hefore that time the china was the property of the President and went out of the execu tive mansion with him. Much of the most valuable of all the relics Is scat tered over the land, In the hands olv It- t ...... - .tlUfMl A,ln,,. .. .... V r"HC IIUIIU in UI ill lunimii urmciiuillILn Of former Presidents. To assist her In the work of collec tion Mrs. Risisevelt has asked the aid of Mrs. Abby O. Raker, an nulhorlty on While House china. Recently the nucleus of the collec tion was Installed In cabinets on the basement Ibsir of the While House, where It may Iks viewed by visitors as they pass through the hallways leading to the east room, now the only rcHini open to the reception of the pub lic at the usual hours. Two cabinets have been filled and appropriately lab eled with specimens of the china of each administration from Unroll) down. Soon the entire sets are to be placed In glass cases where they may be seen. The two cabinets already ar ranged contain the following pieces: Lincoln China Fish platters, two plates, large fruit dish, one small com pote. Grant Chlnti Larue openwork fruit dish, smaller compote, two platen, long flab platter, small butter plate. Hayes China (from the Theodore Davis decorated set) Turkey plutter, '"bear and boney;" naiad dish, gravy boat. Ice cream plate, cup and aaucer, 'dinner plate, plat with painting- of bouse In which Mr. Iirl made the designs for the dishes Arthur Chins Sis plates from tbe ';.ipy wet." two -ups and saucer. Cleveland China 1'otir plates, tea ciim. gravy boat Harrison China "ut glass, two plates, cup and sau-er. cut glass ice cream plate, goblet, flnger ImjwI. McKlnley China Three plates, two cups and saucers, a small bonbon dish, lu shape of the national flag. lu addition to tbia collection there Is in the Smithsonian Institution some of the china used by Washington, and this may be transferred to the White House collection at an early day. In MaMiicbosetta there Is a considerable quantity of the Adams china lu the bauds of lineal dew e miauls and in the collections of various historical socie ties. Chicago Inter Ocean. BENEFITS OF CURFEW LAW. U bra Enforced la New l urk Ht sultn Have Hera Ootid. There have reitutly lieen Here from fifteen cities and village in 'he State where a curfew ordinance has lieeu adopted answers to ques tions as to how the plan works In these communities. It is noticeable that in the few places where the plan has not worked well the result Is due to the failure of the authorities to en force the law. Where it has been en forced the results are Invariably good. The city clerk of Oleau. for Instance, a city of ll.iNK) Inhabitants, writes: "It is noticeable that there are fewer chil dren on the streets, which in our city are considered the very hotbeds of crime. " Addison, in Stculien County, with li.iiu population, udopted the ordinance ten years ago. Two mouths ago the Hoard of Trustees voted to do away with It. Apparently the law was not enforced, became a dead letter, and of course was worse than useless. Cuti Isteo, another village of S.IXJO people in Steulien County, has had the law for four yeurs, but It, too, Is letting it go by default. I-e Roy, with 3..J people, "found great trouble" lu en forcing the law, but the city clerk thinks It would be u good thing if en forced. Hut iii those places like Ilomelixville. where the first curfew ordinance In the State went Into effect; Wellsvllle, iMiudee, Salamanca, Geneva, Coming and Elmlrn, where the law is enforced, tlie resulU are all that advocates of the law claim. Dundee finds It "easy to enforce the law" and "results are en tirely beneficial. The results arc: "Streets cleared of boys and young sters; less noise, mischief and disturb ance; the making of liettcr citizens; raMug the standard in school." The village clerk of Wellsvllle says: "Would advise the adoption Immedi ately of a curfew ordinance." Geneva finds nothing to object to In the law and reports that It accomplishes the desired results. Corning makes a like report. In Salamanca, where the ordi nance has been In force, It Is several years since there has been "any serious offense committed by youngsters. There Is no disposition to abolish the system." Way land tried the law for three years, then became careless. There was little or no objection to It so long as It was enforced. It was recognized as a good thing, but when it was not enforced It was very properly discon tinued. Hut now the village clerk writes: "I believe that it Is only a matter of a comparatively short time when the curfew ordinance will be re stored here. The people lu general, I believe, are not satisfied with condi tions as they are, and will be glad to return to the old curfew ordinance, provided the authorities will rigidly en force It. A curfew ordinance would not be necessary here or anywhere elan IT parents and guardians would do their duty, but until parents learn that the welfare of their children, as well as the good of society, requires them to keep their children off the public streets and awny from public places fat night) a curfew law will be almost a necessity." The gist of all this testimony Is that the curfew Inw Is a good thing if enforced. It does accomplish what It is intended to accomplish so long as the authorities do their duty. Ithaca Journal. ioll Mine .1,000 Feet Deep. What is believed to be the deepest gold mine lu the world Is being worked at Ilendlgo, Australia. The mine In question, which is called the New Chum Railway mine, has sunk Its main sliiift to a depth of 3,!K)0 feet, or only sixty feet short of three-quarters of a mile. The chief problem Is how to keep the tunnels nnd general workings cool enough for the miners to work at such a depth. It Is usually about 108 degrees, and, to enable the men to work at all, a spray of cold water let down from above has to lie kept con tinually playing on the, bodies naked from the waist upward of the miners. Even then they cannot work hard, or they would faint from exhaustion. King Who Ik a Hotolkeepcr. The King of Wurtemburg Is tup only hotel keeper who Is a king. When Peter tho great was traveling Incognito through Europe lie refused to stay anywhere but at an Inn. To circum vent this whim, the King of Wurtem burg put a tavern sign outside one of the royal palaces, and, dressed as an Innkeeper, himself welcomed the Czar. This monarch's descendants have been in "the trade" ever since. A lover Is glad to sec his girl, but not as glad as the married man Is to see his wife when he has been left with the children. It often occurs to us that the most shiftless looking work In the world Is driving piles. JAPAN'S CHRONOLOGY. Womlerfnl Advaae After bleep OS IT Centuries. The fallowing chronology of Japan's advance during the last two centuries is from the New l'ork Times: ' Beginning of the Tokugawa Hue of I Suoguu. lyeyasu make Yeddo I bis capital Edict agaiuat the CLrixtiaus by ITU Persecution begin 1614 Will Adaois. au Eutiii-li pilot, land t Biiugo, April l'J, 10U0; dies.. 1J0 All foreigner, except Dutch and Ckiuee. banished aud the Jap anese forbidden to leave the omutrr Iti'Jti A several year' massacre of Chris tian begins. The Dutch factory removed from Firaudo to la sliiuia 1I1 Kiting of Sliiuiabara. Christians hurled from Popemberg 1677 Arrival of Commodore Perry lu the buy of Veddu, July 8 1S.VJ Treaty with the I'uited States igued, Man-b 31 1S"4 Townsend Harris conclude a treaty of foreigu residence 1S."8 Yokohama, NagaHaki and Hako date open to trade, July 1 1859 Piit emliuay to the Coiled State, J miunry HiVi The regent, Ti Hamuli uo Kami, askfuoiiuutrd, March .' IMiO Mr. Ileusken, interpreter I'nited State legation, assnKsinaled . . .. 1K1 Attack on the legation, July & Kimt embassy to Europe.... 18i'J KiiKlixh attacked near Yokohama and one killed by the followers of Shiinadzii Saburo, father of the dnimio of Sstsuma; 100.000 paid by the government A a American steamer and French ami Dutch curvet fired upon by two men-of-war of the Prince of Kitmiu lS;.'i The I'uited States corvet Wyoming engages the two meu-of-war, July IWa! Two French war steamers soon af ter destroy a battery 1813 ltoinhiinluif nt of KagoKhlma by the English, August 1 Still American and English legations burned 1H Riinnnoseki bombardment by nine Englixh, three French, four Dutch and one American men of war. Sept. 5 and 0 INiW Jnpnii forced to pay an indemnity the Simonoseki indemnity of e.'i.OOO.IMIO in all, which is after word reduced to one-half 1814 Miijur Baldwin and Lieut. Bird murdered ut Knmakura 1814 Attack ou the guard of Sir H. Parks while going to an audi ence with the Mikado, March 23 1SG Mutsuhito at sixteen years of age succeeds his futher as one hun dred nnd twenty-first (or one hun dred and twenty-third) Mikado, Feb. 3 18i!7 Hiogo, Osaka and Ycddo opened, Jan. 1 1818 The Mikado restored to full power, Jan. 3 1808 An officer and ten French sailors murdured at Sakui, near Osaka, by a detachment of Tosn troops. 181.8 Rattle of Fnshimi, Jan. 2H 18W Rattle of Ueno, July 4 1818 First year of MeiJI (enlightened mlel, Nov. U 1808 The Mikado removes to Yeddo, which changes its name to Toklo and is made capital of the em pire, Nov. 'Ji 1808 Hakodate taken; war ended June 8 18!9 Abolition of the feudal system; the diilmios relegated to private life and retired on pensions of oue tenth of their former reveuue, July 5 10 First appearance of newspapers... 1870 Embassy representing the national government makes the circuit of the world 1871-72 First railway in Japan opened Oct. 13 1872 Attempted assassination of Iwa kura Jan. 14 1873 Adoption of the Gregorian calen dar 1873 OiHclals obliged to wear European dress when on duty 1873 War against Formosa, May 1874 Exchange of Saghallen for Kurile (Chishlma) islands 1873 Revocation of the edicts against Christianity 1870 Treaty between Japan and Korea, Feb. 27 1876 Beginning of the southern rebellion at Kumamoto, Oct. 24 187C End of the southern rebellion aud dentil of Saigo Tagamori 1877 Okubo assassinated May 14 1878 National exhibition In Tokio opened March 11 1881 Rescript promising the opening of a parliament in 18!K), Oct. 14. . . . 1881 The United States returns the Slii monosekl. indemnity 1883 Rehabilitation of old notiiiity July 9 1884 Official priesthood abolished Aug. 11 1884 Japanese troops in Seoul attacked by Chinese and Koreans 1884 The constitutions granted by the Emperor promulgated Feb. 11... 1889 First imperial diet meets November 18!K) International exhibition in Tokio... 181K) Attempt on the life pf the Czar when traveling in Japan 1894 Jiinan declares war on Chins, Feb. Vi 1805 Surrender of Chinese navy and sui cide of admiral 1895 Surrender of Wei Hai-Wcl 1895 Treaty of peace of Simonoseki be tween Japanese and Chinese; ac quisition of Formosa 1895 Adoption of cold standard in Japan 1897 Treaty revision; end of ex-territo-riality 1899 Japan Joins the powers in war against China 1900 Alliance with Great Britain 1901 Force of llublt. Gunner That man must be used to trod I tig horses. Guyer Why so? Gunner 'tVhen he asked how old the automobile was be looked inside for Its teeth. A woman corn hunker Is all right enough to admire nt a distance, but somehow we would hate to be on fa miliar enough terms with a woman corn busker for her to smooth our brow In time of pain. A wouiun tells her children fairy stories to quiet them, and her husband tells fairy stories to ber with the same purpose. Opinions off Great Papers on Important Subjects. 4 X4 4414 4 I I 1 1 1 1 1 II Ml 8 1 8 0 8 8 0 C 0 0 ItoraxM of Peace. HB nrcaent war tn th ICaat lik all of hr M "V I which have preceded It will I I its Individual heroes. Deed dS I l ,1 mAa r.? amIIm, .link . . between Husla and Japan have a spectacular effect and attract attention and admiration en tirely natural under the circumstances. But let us not forget the heroes of peace who are always with us. There have been some notable cases of heroism lately outside of the wsr cone, and the Philadelphia Ledger ap propriately alludes to some of them: "To charge up to the cannon's mouth with thousand of comrades Is a small thing compared with going alone into a burning building, groping through the smoke up stairs thst cannot be seen snd may be on Are, and search ing an upper room for a person threatened with an awful ileaih. Five fireiuru stayed on the roof of a building In Baltimore till the roof was about to fall In, and then hung to the eavesgntter. swung themselves to a telephone pole and slipped dowu to the earth. The engineer who atands by his engine with a collision Impending; the Qreman who crawls into an engine room where a steam pipe has burst and shuts off the steam that parboils him, snd from which he does not always escape; the man who steps out nlto the Btreet in front of a run away team, catches the bridle, is dragged for a block, but stops the horses these and other heroes of everyday life have not the support of numbers and discipline, they can rarely look forward to promotion and still more rarely to monuments for their rewards; but the men who wear the Victoria Cross or the Irou Cross are not greater heroes. A beginning has been made in Txmdon of the erection of tablets not to the memory of dead heroes of civil life, but to record their names and acts while they are alive, and while the respect and admiration of their fellow men may be of some comfort to them. Every city ought to com memorate upon tha walls or its public buildings the heroic acts of Its citizcuts who, not being soldiers, are in danger of getting no more substantial recognition of their daring aud their sense of duty than a few lines in the news papers." There is nothing grander or nobler than doing one's duty and risking one's life under such conditions as these. The honor and applause won by military heroes constitute their Just due, but save something of approval for the quiet fellows who do equally daring deeds wholly because It is part of their calling to Jeopardize their lives for others. Troy Times. The Cost of Living. mHERE is food for thought for all classes of society In the published results of an Investi gation at nine of the leading cities of the coun try bv the International Mercantile Aienev into the recent course and the tendency of In dustrial wages, of rental values, of prices for many essential articles of food and of clothing. The showing Is mude and thut at all but one of the ceuters covered the average rate of wages remains practically sta tionary, with a weakening tendency in some instances, the significance of which Is driven in by statements that at almost all the cities reported rents have shown a tendency to advance, and that many of the more important food products and staple fabrics are higher In price than a few months ago or than a year ago. A further increase in the cost of living seems to be fore shadowed by the results of the inquiry as to bouse rents, and food and clothing prices, when contrasted with what seems to be a sharp check to further Increases In wages, and In some Instances a tendency to moderate reaction. One may hardly Infer that rents, food and clothing are to cost more because of the average gain within a year of perhaps 10 per cent In wages in many lines. The argument for the latter was based upon an Increased cost of living that had already taken place. That the existing wage level may not be long maintained In Its entirety seems a natural Inference from late refusals of railways to heed further MAGAZINES OLD AND NEW. Contrast Between Those of Fifty Year Ago and Now, The contrast between the American magazines of fifty years ago and those of to-day is so marked that It will Im press the most careless reader. Take a bound volume of Putnam's Magazine from the shelves of a public library, free it from Its layers of dust, turning Its yellow pages, and, lo! you are con fronted with some of the most famous names In the literature of the nine teenth century. Contrast this treasury of wit, humor, pathos and sentiment emlsidied in the clearest of English prose, in the most musical English verse with the current numlxr of a magazine of to-day, and the unfavora ble gulf between the two periods will at once be apparent. The great names of literature have given place to those of men and women who have gained a passing notoriety through Rood or bad fortune., A successful Wall street broker is traveling for henlth and pleasure and In tt mountainous country of Eastern Europe Is captured by bandits. The bandits, In n businesslike manner, de mand 1(150,000 as a ransom; otherwise the American traveler will return to his sorrowing family and friends minus his ears. Negotiations are en tered into with the outlaws and after long delays, during which tlie bro ker's precious cars are constantly threatened, the money Is paid, nnd ho returns In an unmuttlatod condition to his otllce in Wall street. But Ills ad veutures have made him a famous man and magazine editors are clamorous In their demands that he shall tell the story of his capture and retention by the bandits In his own way. Their or dinary rates of payment shall not stand In the wny of this much desired contri bution; the manuscript, if accompanied by photographs of his eminent ears, will be paid for at his own valuation. The Wall street broker, being a man of business, If not a man of letters, writes tlie desired article or series of articles, and receives In return a check thut satisfies even his own conception of the value of bis work. Ills eminent ears are photo-engraved for the public edification, and all that can possibly doubtless develop of speal bravery , k -1 nAM, H be made known of bis perilous adven tures is given to the waiting public. The result Is double-distilled dullness, presented In the most unattractive form and without the slightest natural or acquired literary aptitude. But "the editor believes that he has satisfied the curiosity of the readers of the mag azine of which he has control; from his point of view, the lastiug value of the article for which he paid so high a price does not enter Into the question. And when the eminent ears of the Wall street broker have ceased to in terest a fickle public the frost-bitten nose of an arctic explorer may be used as a substitute. There can be no doubt that a famous or notorious name odds a seeming im portance and weight to a magazine article, however lacking it may be in Interest or attractiveness of treat ment; ond a contribution which on Its intrinsic merits would be rejected is published if it bears the name of some celebrity of the hour. Of course, readers are primarily to blame for this state of things. They yearn for names with which they are familiar, and the editors of regular magazines endeavor to satisfy them as a mere matter of busliiPRS. The question of literary culture Is not considered either in the editorial rooms or by the purchasers of the periodicals of to-day. And it must be admitted that the voice of a foghorn carries farther than the most dulcet notes of Pan's pipes. INDIAN LEGEND, How the Ciller Hquaw Found a New Diiih. "One morning the mighty hunter, Woksis, bode his wife cook for his din ner a choice bit of niooso meat, and have It ready when the tall stick which he stuck In tlie snowdrift should throw Us shadow to a certain point. Moqua was a meek wife, so she promised to obey, and well did she know her fate In case of failure. After her lord de parted she hewed off tlie meat with her sharpest slone knife, and filling an earthen pot. or kokh, with snow for melting, she hung It over the fire. "Then she sat down to her em broidery. It was her pride that Woksis, her lordly husband, tUiould sport the appeals for advances; from many Industrial ahut-dewaa as a substitute for wage reductions; from the outcome sf the New York building strikes; from the Brie Railway Company's appeal te its employes to refrain from asking for advances; from the murmurlngs which have been beard In big steel manufacturing districts, and last, but not least, from the merits of the argument of Was tarn bituminous coal miners ia their explanation of trade conditions and why they were impelled to ask for a lower wage rate. Considerations such as these, in a year which is evldeat ly to be one of convalescence after the tnancial shock of 1903, founded upon an exhibit of prevailing tendencies bear ing upon the cost of living, should be well calculated to appeal to the conservatism of employer and employe.-' Newark News. F eadesMiess, Courage, Iravery. T goes without saying that whatever positive moral element there is In courage comes not from the sbsence of fear, but from its pres ence and the self-command exerted to over come its effects. The normally constituted man, except In moments of irresponsible excite ment, is frightened by sny danger that con fronts him. This does not necessarily mean thst be la panic-stricken, but only that be is conscious of the gravity of the situation In which he finds himself. It is then tho part of manhood for hlra to take himself In hand and re press any demonstration of his fear which might react in a demoralizing way upon himself. The courageous man makes up bis mind that, no matter what comes, and no matter what threatens, he will keep cool and do the bes he can. He knows, when he thinks it over cslmly, that bis only hope rests in never letting go of himself, but being constantly in such a state of mind that he can tako advantage of any opening that offers. The frequent ex ertion of this self-control results In gradual hardening or seasoning, so that, although he never overcomes his fears, it is progressively easier for him to avoid being overcome by them. The actually fearless man, if we can imagine one, ia not likely to be very highly organized, for a fine organism, means emotional susceptibility, and substantially all sav ages are brave. He may be a worthy enough person, but more or less wooden. He must be classified in an exclu sive category, since he possesses a trait of distinct value to himself and his fellows, but devoid of any high moral qual ity. As the ancient philosopher explained why the g wiHhed for nothing, by noting the fact that they bad already everything that heart could desire, so we may say that the fearless man deserves no special credit for his good conduct in the face of peril, because he Is under no' temptation to behave badly. Washington Post. Seals in Lake Superior. L'MAN ingenuity Is tireless when a profit is iu sight. Now they propose to maintain the sup ply of seal coats by breeding seals in Lake Superior. As a matter of act, seals have been bred in fresh water, so that this transportation from their natural habitat is not Impossible. But there are other considerations which stand lu the way of Its profit and of Its desirability. One Is the climate. The ice in Lake Superior Is said to be heavier than salt water ice, through which the Arctic seals find their blow holes, and incidentally enable the Eskimos to catch them and secure their own dinners. Then If the seals could live in Lake Superior it Is a question whether any other form of life would long survive them. A colony of seals would be worse than a fleet of fishermen that cov ered the whole surface of that inland sea. They are glut tonous beasts, aud they would respect no close season. The fish of Lake Superior are more valuable than the seals would be, even if seal culture there ia possible. The seal has the broad Pacific for his own now. He is dis appearing there, but his disappearance, with his shiny and luxurious coat, would not be an unmitigated calamity. Brooklyn Eagle. gayest moccasins In the tribe, and many hours did she spend every day in working with bright colored porcu pine quills. For no brave lu ail that country was so warlike as Woksis, no squaw so skilled In embroidery aa Moqua. As she worked on the mocca sins hours passed as minutes. She took no note of time, so busy was she In her labor of love. Suddenly she heard a startling noise, the bark string that held the kokh suspended was burned off, and a quenching, scattering explo sion followed the overthrow of the pot. "What could she do? There wi s no water, the melted snow was gons, and she must boil the moose meat Vforo. ber lord's return. It was growing late, there was no time to melt more snow, so seizing a birch bucket of maple water that was always tapped iri tho spring for its sweet flavor, she filled the kokh anew and bung it over tho mended fire. Into It she popped tho moose meat, and set a cake of pounded corn to bake on the slab before tho tire. Then she resumed her embroi dery. In which tho quills were both needle and thread. She was working the totem of her race, the bear, so dif ferent from the wolves, eagles and tur tles of other tribes. "Dreaming of her husband's futuro success in bunt ond battle, the hours passed by; the shadow crept past tho mark; the fire burned low; the once Juicy meat wns a shriveled morsel in ! mixture of gummy dark liquid. When she saw this the frightened squaw ran Into the bushes and bid herself from the rage of her coming lord. After a long and silent waiting she carefully drew near the camp once more, and what did she see? There was Woksis devouring the morsel of moose meat, and her wonder was great when he de liberately broke tho earthen pot and carefully licked out the last vestige of her spoiled cooking. "She forgot her fears and cried out In surprise. When discovering her" Woksis sold: 'Oh, Moqua, my wisO squnwwho taught thee Mich a marvel of cooking? Was the Great Spirit thj( Instructor?' With great Joy he em braced her, and in his sticky kiss sbJ tested the first maple sugar." Pitta burg Gazette. ,