Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 02, 1904, Image 3

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Jaaea a ad Jokeleta tkat Arc aBoaa4
I Hac Brca Kecentlj Born Kyi.
4 Ioia thai Arc Old, Carious mm
Laacaablr-Tac Wetk'a Bnaur.
Khe My uew gown 1 Jut hvely;
It's a ixrfwt tit.
He-Hstlsned on that point, eh?
" rbe Yn, 1 know lt' a gxd lit be
411 liar It plucbea iue
He Well. It doesn't piiicli you half
much a It doe my ixx-ketbouk.
Philadelphia !'re.
feamc Thing.
He' a employed by tbe railroad com
pany now. I understand."
"Vt, be ban ctiH rji of the luir.zlc de
,iirtinent." 'The what?"
"He make out the time tiililea."
Philadelphia l'reiw.
Ju.t lirfnre tbc liattlr.
"Thla bread Isn't fit for a dog to
tai." growled the litlMlmnd.
'Very well, my dear." replied
wife, "don't ent It. then."
Mr. KnM.v -Wliat H ail tliHt iioIm'
Mr. Kriisty- Kaly In practicing
'The First Step In .Music."
Mr. Kruty Tell her to take the
llepa in her storking feet.
"We never iret nreciHelv what we
waul In this life." wit 11 (he philosopher.
"T!l;:!'ii right." niihwered th" rj tile.
a lot of Iiiu'iim through 1lo- country
Ire getting Winnie when 1 1 icy would
father have the i-Hh." - Washington
A lira loo k.
IloiiM-ki-ep llellii, I don I want
foil P
he entertaining thill pollet n in u
in the kitchen any more.
Delia -Hill Miss Killth is In the pur
mr iiiost of I lie toiini' uin'iini. iin i
loii't think Mr. oTIyiiu would enj'y
tier wielety. her lieiu' Htrimg'- to him
riiii.iih-ipiiiM i'iiks.
Well Timed.
"Thai whs a great to-nnmi you
fireachisl llns iiio'ninif." mill tbu old
fleaciii, "it li I II was well timed, too."
"Yes." rejoined the parson, with
deep sigh; "I noticed that."
"Noticed wliiit?" nsked the puzzled
"Tbat several of the congregation
looked lit Iheir wnlehea frequently
tnswercd the good man. with another
deep sigh.
Nut True to l.lfc.
Mifkiim -hid you rend that thrilling
detective stoiv In the current iiumlier
if l.hink magazine?
IJIfkliiH-Yes; but II isn't feallstle.
Mifklns - Why Isn't II?
Hlfklu-- I'.i-ciiUHe the detective f
Iowa a clew anil actually eatchc the
real criminal.
Still Free.
Miss (iiiusslp I understand that you
ire as good an married to Minn Hox
.Mr. Hiichelor Just an good and even
Mter. I'm not going to he married to
iiiybody. rbiladclphla 1'resn.
He'd liecn There.
"Whiit'n the beat thing you can get
in Russia?"
"A ticket for the United States."
Why He Rejoiced.
"You evidently enjoyed tbe sermon
flila morning," said Mrs. Knpeek to the
sther third of the combine, uinm bin
return from church with a self-aalls-Oed
smile on his countenance.
"You Just bet I did," replied Enpeek.
The minister's remarks were exceed
ingly edifying."
"What were tbey about?" she asked.
"About there being no marrying or
g-lvlng In marriage In heaven," on
iwored tho meek and lowly man wltli
s large-slued chuckle.
Real Katata Item.
"Did It ever occur to you?" asked the
man who begins his questions at the
wrong end.
"Did what ever occur to me?"
queried the party of tbe other pah.
"That a front foot of Chicago real
Mtstu Is worth mors than a back
yard?" continued the originator of the
No Aapaai.
"If your wife treats you so shame
fully," said Henpeck's friend, "wby
lon't you get divorce from her?"
"I did want to," replied lienpeck,
'but she said Do,' and, of coarse, that
isttlod It" PhlladelphU Pratt.
Fore of Habit.
Khe' what 1 mil a bargain i-oufcter
arcjuulnUuie." kaui the floorwalker a
be tlpiM-l liia bat gravely to the girl
that went by.
"Wby'a that?" queried bla t-om-ju
i) ion.
"Well, IjecaUM-. At tlrst, J'ou are.
we were great friend. Went every,
where together note and flower all
the tltur. aud ail tkat you know. Hut
after a while thing begau to change.
We didn't see niiHQ of e-h oilier, and
the noU-a were fewer and the flower
le. Now I dou't even get a plea Mint
look h hen I m by nothing but an
ld nod. Ho you ee there In only
a remnant left of tue old -qulntauce
aud that la wby 1 have relegated it
to the bargain counter." Detroit Free
A Indicated.
Fond Mother 1 think little Harold
a going to lie a poet.
Aunt May Why. baa be written
anything .'
Fond Mother No. but be sometime
goe for two or lliree iay eating
wan-ely anything.
Komewbat Otlfereat.
Jack So she gave you the marble.
heart, did she?
Toui 'o, she didn't happen to hav
heart of that kind.
Jack What kind Is It?
Tom - Asphalt. I think; hard In win
ter ami toft lu summer.
It All Depend..
F.ggliert-I e Katitcr Is
fane called "Hamlet
" one of Hhak
speare'a, you know.
Hiiuiand-Mc dear boy, sucli ignor
auce is unpardoiialile. llamlet Isn
a farce.
Kggbert 111. yea. II la -the way lie
Hauler piny. It.
Keul l.nkind.
"My words don't sis-m to have much
weight," protested the young wife dur
lug an argument at the breakfast ta
"Never mind, my dear," rejoined tin
brutal other half, "your biscuit mori)
I lui n imike up for the shortage."
Rather lerorial.
"Cln-e," remarked the boarder who
hud been delving In ancient mythology
"turned men Into hogs."
"She must have oivrnted a street
cur line," said the typewriter maid
who luii been hanging to a strap a!
the way home.
Wouldn't Take It Twice.
"l can draw that tooth without any
pain. I'll give you gaa."
"So, you won't. I took gas at ther
hotel last night, young feller, an' It
took two doclora an' three bell boys
ter bring me to."
Then He Went.
"No. Mr. Horein, 1 can
your wife," said the girl
never be
with the
square, chin. "Your habits are not cal
culated to make an Ideal husband of
"My habits!" he exclaimed in sur
prise. "Yes," she replied, after vainly try
ing to strangle a yawn as the clock
chimed the midnight hour. "For ln;
stance, vou stay away from home too
late at night."
Ill Health, for Instance.
Don't he forever wishing,
Don't grumble at your lot.
Some things that r-ake us happy
Are the things we haven't got.
-Philadelphia Press.
Too Hold.
The purchaser of the horse rushed
hack to the denier In anything but a
peaceful mood.
"Take back this beast," he demand
ed, nt the same time brushing the mud
from his hslr.
'What i the matter?" said the sur
prised dealer. "Didn't I tell you this
horse was not afraid of automobiles?"
"That's Just the trouble. He wasn't
afraid of them and ran right into every
one be met."
Richard Revlaed.
King Klchard had Just offered
kingdom for a horse.
"You are behind the times'." shouted
the wit In the gallery. "Why don't you
offer your kingdom for an outomo
Hut Richard was not to bo caught
"What do I want with an automo
bile?" he sneered. "I have a saw and
want a horse to saw wood upon."
Old, Old Story.
"Men are queer animals," remarked
the married woman.
"For Instance?" queried tho young
"Well," explained the married worn
an, "a rnon takes sufficient Interest In
his wife's letters to open them, but not
enough to mall them."
A Cloao Friend.
Tlngftllug Suy, Is Orasnlt a close
friend of yours?
Bobalong That's what. When 1
tried to touch hlin for $10 the other
(lav I found hlin as close as a combl
nation lock,
The Worat of It.
"Life Is full of trials," said the mel
ancholy cltlsen.
"Yes," answered Mr. Grafton drabb,
"and the worst of It Is that a whole lot
of tbe trials are resulting In convic
tions." Washington Star.
rum. rMiHiLn ii.
tawrt ta Abolish Kaatiaaay a
aea lar AH TIM A ll-l !!
tiaraaaat Hiny Prr
H( U Cat
PA RIS.-Tbe counsel of miDlsteri
las rooaklered tbe tikicAU cootro
ier, and lo an official note, uyt:-
"Tin government is utiatied witb
tbe autbenclcUy of the repotiea
irotett tent by tbe vaticao to tbe
xer and therefore decided lo re-
all M. Nlsard, leiog routine, bual-
ies In tbe bod of the third secre-
arjr of tbe vaticin embassy. Tbe
zoneroineot baa decided to tuny pre
sent the Vatican controversy, culmi
nating" tba recall of M. Nisard. to
tbe chamber of deputies Friday. A
violent debate is espected and the
government is pieparlntf Itsen tor
mote radical action than that here
tofore, taken, since It is anticipated
that an effort will be made to atadlsh
the French ebniassy lo the holy sea
Foreign Minister Dclcasse will pre-,
sent tbe diplomatic netfotuuoni
wilh the Vatican, aod Premier
Combs will set, forth tho attitude and
Intentions of tbe government. The
utttclals emress tbe belief that I be
embassy will not be suppressed, but
thev say the present feeling may lead
to that result when the propriatloo
for sustaining the embassy comes
before the chamber a month hence
at hlcb time the budget for foreign
affairs will lie considered. But. some
parliamentary elements are seekinu
the immediate consideiaton of tin
matter, with the view of :il. iiishinn
the embassy.
Tbe (ifliclals here do not credit the
rerant circulated by the Tiibunant
ll'ime that King Alfonso has Inde
nitcly postponed his pn posed visit
to I'lesldent Lnubctin order to avoid
friction with the pope.
Members of the diplomatic roips
say it Is definitely settled ihat th
piotrst to which France took excep
tion was addressed by the vntlcan to
Spain. This was the only prowsi
containing the clause ini i.natinn
thai, tbe papal would be withdrawn
if .,ihr and lmlUr visits weie
made, to King Victor Kmmaniie
Agree To Divide Estate
UES MOINES. Three women,
each claiming to he the le.gunj
wedded wife of Contractor Du Molse,
who died last week, met in a ics
taurant today, talkod the situatioi
over and mutually agieeu upon i
division, of tbe estate. Simon Cas
sady, a prominent hanker, is agreed
upon as administrator of the estate,
which Is valued at til. 000. Mrs
Du Boise, No. 1. as she is dlstln
gulshed from the ethers was living
with Du Holse at the time of hi
death. Mrs. Du Holse No. 2 comci
from New Orleans and Mrs. Du Hoist
No. 3 comes from Denver. Tbey incl
here to attend the funeral of the!
" husband. "
Threatens Police Captain
NEW YORK. Threats of bodily
barm to a police captain who tool
part In the general pool room raldi
yesterday In th; event of continue!)
surveillance in the manner in which
It has been conducted, were made bj
an attorney in open court lodaj
when some of the raid prisoners
were arraigned. Lawyer Stephen
O'Hara, who represented three mei
attest In the raid on an alleged p'OI
roome don East, Thirty-second st.iee
attacked Police Captain Shire when
his clients were arranged in tin
Yorkshire police court. He charged
that the captlan has unlawful
raided the place at various lin es.
"I warn the captain now" said
Lawver OMIara. "that If he ever
goes there again he will be shot.'1
Captain Shire then made a formal
comnlalnt against the men, and the
hoirlntr was adiourned until to-
Drowned in Tank of Oil
PORT ARTHUR. Tex. llllam
Richard of New York city, and Kred
Trahm of Guerdan, La., were, acci
dentally drowned In a tank of oil at
the Gulf Redoing company's plant
Richard who was working on one
of the altators, became dlwy anq
toppled over. He succeeded in
clutching a small pipe Hnrt swinging
to It. Trahim witnessed mo acoi
dent and went to Richard's assist
anee but the gas overcome him an
i,o rdl Into the tank. Richard was
soon rendered unconscious and drop
ned in.
Sends Him Into Exile
Pasbi the sultan son-in-law, ana
other higher officials nave necn ar
rested and sent into exile in conse-
ijuenceof the discovery of secret cotre
SDondencs rctweeo Kemai rasna xnnet or roaa oea was wasnea oui.
' ... . all a i . j r- l
and Princess KbaOldie, daugnter oi
th. imnrUoned ex-sultan. Murad.
w,,v . r- -
Kemai rasna, wu . ' "!
late Osman Ghaxl Paaba, la a general
in the Turkish army aod aioe-ae
lallBf rare (tela to B
Kepulaad I Ilk Laaa Uf Plftaaa
Ibaaaaad la Paar Th
aaad Kaaalaaa.
id that Foreign Minister Lamsdor
has received a message from tbe;
(lusslan consul at Cbe Foo saying
that the Japanese made a lanJ at-.
tick on Port Arthur and that Iff
(ioing so tbey lost fifteen thousand
killed aod wounded. The Bussiarij
I ss is placed at tbiee thousand mm.
Toe estimate outcome of the light
ing Is not stated.
According to reports which hare
re., died the Russians beadnuarters
at Llao Yang, from Chlnrse sources,
tbe J panes,; have made a land at
tack on Port Arthur, hot have been
repulsed with heavy lOiSes. Tbe
.t.tutli of the ;cports U quest! ,ned
The report that test Admiral
.lessen, fii,dii It Impossible to save
(he protected cruiser toi':ityr, which
went aslioiu r, ct-utiy in a fog on the
rocks off Vladivostok caused her to
l.e bio n up, U confirmed.
The guns of the Uogatyr were re
moved before she was destroyed.
No lois of life attended ber destruc
ST. PETESRBUllff. Altb mgh
the removal of duties on goods Im
ported at all the Asiatic ports ol
Russia has been ad pied as a war
measure, to attract the importation
of food stuffs and leave the Siberian
railroad free during the war, n
sprcilic date or limit Is placed upoo
its operation. .
The following dispatch, dated May
22, from General Kuropatkln, bus
been received by Emperor Nicholas:
"All is quiet In tbe direction ot
the Fin Chou Ling mountains,
'it is reported from Slu Ven thai
on May 21 a Japanese force, con
sisting altogether of about ooe regi
ment of infantry and two reglmcnti
of cavalry of tbe guard of tbe line
were observed moving on tbe broae
front ftom Habalin towards Salilzai
'During tbe nlgbt of May 20-21
one of our sotnias, returning iron
Taku Shan to Loua Mlao and,
KboDdou Kan, discovered a detach
merit ot Japanese Infantry bivouac-
ing at Sltkhoutcbiudza, ten mllti
north west of Taku Shan. Tin
Japanese opened fire on our troops.
"There Is no change la tbeir situ
atloo along the shores of tbe Llai
Tung peqlnsula.
One Bishop Short
LOS ANGELES. Cal.-Tbe Metho
dist general conference at tbe open
ing of Its fouilh and last week
labor found itself confronted witb i
duty almost unprecedented in tlif
history of the Methodist church
tbat of acting upon tbe resignatiot
of one of its bishops elect, Rev.
Tames R. Day, chancellor of tb
Syracuse university, who on las
Saturday was chosen as tbe last ol
the eight bishops elected by tbi
present conference, resigned bli
place in tbe episcopal board and wa
'excused at bis request, from furthei
attendance upon tbe conference
Detectives Shadow Burt
OMAHA, Nebr. Uorace G. Burt,
former president of tbe Union Paci
fic railway, who has been travellni)
n tbe orient has written a friend
in tWs city tbat he was followed bj
Japanese detectives until It becamt
so Irksome that be was forced t
appeal to a United States consul foi
relief. Shortly after bis arrival li
Japan tbe newspapers all over thi
empire published an article to the
effect that Mr. Burt was about U
be placed In control of tbe Trans-
Siberian railway. He was at 3nc
placed under espionage, and detec
lives followed blm from place ta
place until he was forced to appeal
to an American consul. Tbe consul
secured a retraction by tbe press ol
I ha atnra that. had -JlHfid th
I n. . V . , I
riooa L.oas in Wyoming
CHEYENNE, Wyo.-Losses result
1 log from tbe floods of Friday ami
1 o ail i f-1 i ill
i osiuroay win reaou uau a mnnoo
- i uuuats. inuturii auu iiunwui wen
the heaviest losers, although tb
loss on city property Is heavy. Fout
pna six oriagei overcrow oree ia
tblt city ware carried away. The
1 LnJiu tk.ikua.klU... Atf
ci,yton who lost their Uvea In thf
, D recoT,reo.
seven people killed
Aeelaaat at flaUjr, Okie, Ratalta la
Laaa of LUt, Iajary to
Star a ad f raaany
FINDLAT, O.-As a result of to
explosion in tbe two drying room of
tbe Lake Shore novelty company's
plaot bere today, seven persons are
known tone dead; five are so ser
iously hurt tbat recovery it believed
to be Impossible and twelve or tifteea
art. Injured badly. From reports of
tbe physicians ten of tbe less ter
loualy Injured may die as a result
of blood .ooisloning from tbe potash
tbat was driven Into tbeir bodies.
Tbe Lake Shore owelty works
plant covered nearly ten acres of
ground in tbe southwest part of
tbe city and employed nearly two
hundred men, women and children.
Railroad torpedoes aod Fourth of
July explosives were auacufastured.
Owing' to tbe large rush of orders
tbe officials of tbe plant requested
tbe employes to report for duty today.
About thirty complied witb tbe re
This morning the residents of
Flodlay were startled by two ex
poslons tbat shattered windows
throughout tbetlty. The coocussior.
was felt for miles around, two
magazines In separate rooms at tbe
novelty works let go simultaneously
witb terrible repots. Tbe exact
cause of tbe explosion is not,
definitely known.
Tbe explosion iccurred shortly be
fore tbe employes assembled for duty.
At least twenty persons were on
tbeir way to tbe factory when tbe
explosion occurred.
Human forms wera strewn con
siderable distances apart on the
factory site. Tbe remains of tbe
Sherwood brothers were found In
drying room No. 1. mangled and
almost unrecognizable.
Tbe body of Editb Dillon was
picked up 200 yards from where tb
explosion occurred. '
. Tbe news of tbe catastrophe spread
like wild-fire tbrougbgout tbe coun
try. Every train and lnterurban cai
tbat has arrived in tbe city, for the
past ten hours was crowded. Tbe
large plant is shattered Into frag
ments, not one single wall remain-.
Ing. Bricks and timbers can be
found for a great distance around.
One Taak Finished
ANGELES, Cal.-When tht
Methodist general conference finished
its third week's labors at neon today
and adjourned until next Mondaj.
It bad elected eight blsbops, tbe
number recommended by tbe episco
pacy committee, and dlsprsed of the
majority of tbe subjects tbat bava
come up for consideration. Ten days
more remain in wbicb to complete
its business. Subjects yet to ba
passed upon are the election of fout
additional missionary blsbops, tbe
election of general conference officers
for tbe next qnadriennium and
action upon Important problems ol
denominational and general interst
as follows: Amusement, divorce,
consolidation of tbebook concerns,
termperance, relation of capital aud
labor, and polygamy.
Hit By a Shell
LONDON. A dispatch from Sc.
Petersburg to Reuters Telegram com
nany says that the report of a sortie
by tbe Port Arthur garrison ba
Vior. been confirmed.
It appears, says tbe dispatch, ta
have originated in tbe receipts o
Lieutenant General Stoessel's report
of tbe fight at Kin Cbau, this, to,
getber witb tbe fact that General
Stoessel commands at Port Arthur,
giving rise to tbe rumor tbat thi,
garrison bas made a sortie.
TOKIO. A supplemental report
was received bere today covering
tbe opposition encountered by tbq
Japanese force wbicb landed at Taki
uhshal, about fifty miles west of tba
Yalu, on May 20.
Tbe Russians consisted of a squad
ron of the independent trans-llaika)
Cossacks. Tbey vigorously resisted
tbe Japanese advance at a brldgi
and only retreated after one officei
aod nine men were killed and a num
ber of men were wounded One Ru
Ian officer and four men weie cap
tured. Tbe Japanese lost one nw
killed. Tbe Russians retired lo tin
direction of Hslu Yen and -ballchal
Flood toss Mounts High.
CnEYENNE Wyo. Only tw
lives were lost In the flood wtalcl
wept thru gb West and South Chey.
one last night, tbe victims being
the Clayton boys, 'our and two yean
of age respectively Others who wert
missing weie round toaa;. mncr
men living along Craw creek repot
tbot nr.D e of their famlllia waa lost
but tbeir property was damaged t
the extent of thousands of dollar
The amount of damage dune la eati
Bated it 160.000.
Tekamab waa visited by frost, kkt
no baim is done to fruit.
Mis. Mont Strelgbt died at
Plattsououtb. She lea vet a buswan4
and a 3 weeks old aaa.
Charles Ernie and Mist CtatK
Clincbonse were BiarrM at Liaootet
Tbey will live In Beatrice
William Claua, aged 76 yean, dl
at Plaitamoutb. He leaves a wlfa
four tons and one daughter.
Tbe Sheldon farm, located w
tween Liberty and Barneaton, wat
sold at referee's sale for 40 per acra
Dr. McCoouell left for Pennayl
vanls, where ba goes to accept i
position as pbyiaciaa for a nfoini
Tbe Nortb-weatern Business collegi
cadeta of Beatrice held an eocamp
ment at DeWItt in conjunction witl
tba Crete High School cadeta.
G. E. Malm is in Jail at Beatrlci
charged witb tbe tbeft Df a pocket
book from Black Bros.' mill, com
talnlng a small amount of money.
Mrs. Anna Kroebler died at Piatt
mouth having just returned frora
Oklahoma, where abe bad beeo fat
some time in tbe bope of improving
ber health.
Contrary to trat expectation
Jack Monroe of North Platte wbt
attempted suicide, at reported,
improving aod tbe physicians not
express tbe oplonion tbat. Je wil
In police court Judge Weber Hoes
Hattle Markings 130 an costs fat
selling liquor wltbout a license,
Ida Giltner and Margaret Saofor4
were each fined 12 and coats for betB
inmates of tbe bouse.
A week's mission is now being
held at Holy Rosary cnurcb Id Alli
ance, tbe Right Rev. Bishop Keen
of tbe Cheyenne diocese conductina,
tbe meeting. He is being assisted
by four prominent prests (
While cutting meat Carl Falk, I
butcher at Columbus, accldeotl
struck bis band, &'nuost severing tb
thumb and ball of the light baodj
He tried to catch a knife wblcb was,
iaiiing irom me diock. i
Tbe library board of Falls Cit
appointed committee to coiifer witl
the city council regarding a direct
tax for the support of tbe library,
The card receipts amount to 1201
iper year, it la tnougni toe counci
will take favorable action.
Tbe town board of Springfield baj
granted saloon licenses to the saloons
of that place. A writ of mac damn
has been secured from Judge Suttee
of tbe district court ordering thi
Tillage of Sprlnfield to appear be for,
tbe court and show cause wby tat
licenses have not been revoked.
James Jensen, a well known mens
ber of tbe Danish colony at Weal
Point, died at the age of 59 yeara
An Inquest waa held on account a
Jeasen nsvlng bad a fig bt, with i
fellow workman several weeks aga
Tbe coroner's Jury decided that ttM
deceased came to his death fraa
causes unknown to the Jury. 1
Luella Brown of Omaha bat Me4
a petition for a divorce from ho
busband, Robert 1). Brown, on thi
ground of cruelty, In wblcb tbe spa
clfically alleges tbat on one occaaiot
Mr. Brown attacked her with I
knife aud cut her ear. Tbe peti
tioner asks tbat ber maiden navi
of Laird be restored to ber.
Tbe new High school building at
Tecumseh is to be completed bj
October 15. Tbe contractor, B. M
Attreberry, according to tbe agree
ment if to pay tbe school board tV
for each day be is delayed after thi
specified time, aud he is to reclev
110 extra foi eacb day be saves of thi
specified time In completing tht
Lysle Gregory, tbe Denver office)
who was murdered was formerly I
resident of Saunders county am
quite well known in Fremoot. Hi
bad many friends and stood excep
tionally well In tbe community
His parents visited friends bere I
few weeks ago, and on account a
the condition of affairs In Cfloraoi
i-;t very anxious about tbeir son
Frank Rowe, a man of 35 yeara o
ige, was arraigned before Counoj
fudge Lr.uis Dewald on tbe charge of
itatutory assault on tbe person ot
Ibe 13-ycar-old daughter of Fret
tggert, a farmer living tbree mlla
last of tbe city. Tbe defendant
i fie red no defense and wat bount
iver to te district oourt. Bona
was placed at 11,000, wblcb tnt
prisoner was unable to furnish.
Tbe Jury In the caae against Carl
imitn oi uoiumous returned a ver
Hot of guilty after being out lata
.ban an hour. Smith waa convicted
if stealing a team and buggy belong
ng to F. J. 8elnee on March It
He was arretted about a moDlfe
ater at Exeter, Nebr. Had be beta
icqultted be would bare bean il '
mce arrested by tbe therlff of Gray
Iry county, tieutb Dakota, wbt
yanted Snltb on a taora terlMt
barge. '
camp to tba sultan. . .