Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 02, 1904, Image 1
Harrison Press -j ournal. Kstallishtl IS. Willi u OIPXOXJTj JPAJFJ&Zj OTP SIOUX COTJ7SF TlrT. VOL. XVI. HIA-KTISOlSr, ISTE BRASK CTTJ2STE 2. 1SG4. N O. -LB LOCAL NKWS OF THE WEEK CdehrHlioo lit Fourth. lr. T.H. Spuidlo the Crawford dentist Mr. Sarah Juri.ui has been io town this week. Maps of Sioux county at 10c each at this iillico. Geo. Grimm ami wife waaia Harrison yesterday. H. Wickersiiaiu i up from tha valley Tuesday, J. H. Rieser and wife returned froui Chadrvn Momlay. Clans Clristensei was in town latter part of last week. Hairy lJaugherty was in the city a few days this week. Senator II. S. Quay, of Pennsylvania, died last Saturday. James Brown, ol liodarc, was in this city Sunday and Monday. H.A. Henry adds Ins name to our sub- cription list this week. vi". E. Jandt was in the city latter part of last week and look a piano home with liim. "ft'e learn t hat Ed O'Connor has been appointed city niarsltull for the coming year. fidwr, pop, lemonade, milk shake, all Lm. Is of stilt drinks and ice cream ut LowhY's. V Patrick Lncy, Jr., went to Si.ridan, Wyo , last week where he will work vNs aummor. Vi-n Hanson, rw-tilly of Harrison lint now ot Crawfoid, was' in this city last Thursday. Our snick of harness is complete. Come in and look it over. Price right, quality considered, , LaCY flit. E McCain, who went east a few weeks a;o, returned to Harrison yesterday 111001114;. J Ernest Lyon has moved from the lower 3:) hack to Hamsun, lie has rented the Maine property. J, H. Burke nccoinp tnied hy his Ron Charles left Tuesday for the PI. tie river in which vicinity they will spend several days. Mm. James Anderson came up from Whitney yesterday morning it 1 1 it will visit with friends and relatives 111 the valley. .JMig Ida Moravck and Miss Maggie S: lieafer went to Hot Springs, S. 1). Tue sday niht win-re thev have emplov 11 tun I. I, Chas. Hanson moved his family to the ftlato Line section house last week w here they will remain until school starts again. Mrs. C. fl. Unitt and children left Mon day night for Seward, Neb., where they will spend a mouth visiting friends and relatives. A.McOinley went to Chadron Tuesday evening. We learn that he went to at tend the wedding of one of Ed Satterlee's daughters. The infant Kin of Mr. and Mrs. Fred LiethofT died on Tuesday and was buried ut the Crawford cemetery, having lived seventeen hours after birth. Crawford Dulletm. The bnd hoys nave their first out door concert to the public last Silurdiy evening. The music was highly appre ciated hy all and we will look for this treat often in the future. The children as well as the school board are enjoying the vacation of three months. We can't say how hard the children worked but we know the school board had a hard years work. A deal was completed larrt. week be tween Oeo Baldwin and Jesse Crawford in which Mr. Baldwin becomes owner of Mr. Crawford's sawmill. W did not learn unv particulars other than the deal wi.s made. i Ed Guthrie started Monday night for Annapolis, Maryland, where he will en ter the Military Academy, A large number of bis friends were at the depot to see him start and send their best wishes with him. The Crawford dent ist is Dr.T. I '.Spindlo June Cook was in Uie citv Tuesday. Mrs. Joe Ilunn returned to Laboute, Wyo., Monday morning. Mr. aud Mrs. K.mford Hill w-re up from the valley Monday. Jack Mettlen was from the south part of tlm county Tuesdav. lan Slatlery's name is listed among our new subscrilwrs this week. Kzra Tucker and his mother, of Glen, were in Harrisoo hist Saturday. A soaking rain visited this section of the country yesterday evening. Herliert H. Lacy becomes a reader of the 1'KESS JofR.NAL with this issue. Geo. Strahl, Cor win Lewis and Rons were up from the valley Monday. Mike Jordan was a passenger on the west bound train yesterday morning. A good-sized jack rabbit took a spin through tha streets yesterday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhermsdorfer went to Uie valley Tuesday returning yesteida). FOR SALE-Kurd Plymouth Jtotk eggs. Price, t"i for 1. K L. K KKI,. ju2 ins Myrtle Converse left Tuesday evening for Edgmonl where she w ill re main this summer. Then. S.igeit arrived here with his fix tures Monday and will have his saloon opened in a viry short time. Someone broke into W. H. I)avis" house out on his claim and stole a con siderable amount of betiding. (ierlach & Sons hud their store painted last week which adds much to the appearance of Main street. J. K. Hinder and wife of Andiews were in this city last Saturday. Both were pleasant callers at thisollice. Two pianos nrnvatl here yesterday morning. One for L. C. Uivis and the other was billed to Mrs. Belle Dunn. j. H. U ether arrived here from Ari zona Saturday morning nnd will look after his interests here for a few days. Mrs. Tom DiWge went to Omaha Wed nesday iiuht for medic il treatment. She expects to le gone alxwt a mouth. Thomas Hints ami Oeo. Fitzgerald were up Irom the valley last Friday. Both gent It-man were pleasant callers at this office. I C. H. Smith nod family, who have residing in Harrison for Ihe past few months, moved hack to their ranch at, Hewitt last week. A !a.-gw crowd was in attendance at 1 atholic t 'hint h w Inch w as hels at l.!-t residence of Mrs. Sarah Joidali III Harri son last Saturday. A cousin of t has. , 'ainnit'iizind arrived here from Omaha latter part of lust week. We uiide.-stand that he intends to remain here this summer. We forgot to mention last week that Alva Snyder returned with a bride. Alva kays hatching is to slow and life is to short to be without a woman. MUs Katie Pretty orders- the Phkkh Joi'RNAL sent to her at Orlanner, Neb. MissBretty closed a 0 months term of school in tiist. No. 22 last Friday. Emmet Burke, wlm has been working forC. B. Holhngsworth this spring has accepted A position on the Cook ranch at Agate where he will slay this summer. . Xotlcp. All stockmen are required to dip this year or the authorities will do the work and it will be charged up to them. Al.KX Lowry, Sheriff. Mrs. V. C. Daniels and children left Monday night for Bloomfleld, Neb., where they will ssnd a few weeks visit big at trs. Daniel's home. Mr. Daniels accompanied them as far as Alliance Oeo, Strahl, Ham Thomas, Corwin Lewis and bis brother killed seven young grey wolves in the valley near the Wyoming line last week. This is a Rood thing for the country as they would have been large enough lo destroy stock. A subscription paper was circulated among the business men and citizens of Harrison this week to raise funds for a celebration it Harrison the Fourth. We learn that the amount rained Is over If'.'OO and that a celebration is certain. The "tyjw ie aroused the curiosity of some ft Harrison's young ladies Hhm week and several f tlieiu were in to we the little insects, ami they saw tliem. To titose that have 1.0 1 yet a them, come in when we are not too busy ani we will see that tliev are found. Miss Emma Starhe and tier lather, of ten, were in Harrison last Saturday and we acknowledge a pleasant call from tliem. Miss Stacbe hs tust closed a successful term of scliool at leii and will go to Hot Springs this week w ith her fattier where they will remain lor a few days before returning to their home. She leaves titan v friends that regret her departure. We regret that this is the last, week that we shall hear from our Glen cirreb ponderit, "Cutherina" as she is going to leave that viemty. We wish to thank her very much for tlie bright newsy cor respondence she has sent us for publica tiou during the many past issues. We would be pleased if some one else would take up tlie work. The democratic county convention of Sioux bounty, Neb., was belt! ut the court house last Saturday. Uule a numlwr of delegates were prest nt. J.R Hunter, of Andrews, and Carl Lux of this city were elected as delegates to the state convention and were instructed to vote for W.J. Bryan as delegate ut large to the National Convention. The con vention was very harmonious through out all of it deliberations. A goodly mi-iber of our people gath ered at the cemetery Monday afternoon, and decorated the graves. There was a lack id inteit-st lor some rei.son, nnd therefore we did not have a program, and as large a crowd as we ha.I last year There was a gr-at ileal of fault found in the one that got up the wograin hy critics last year but the critics failed to dounvthing this year, therefore there was not much interest taken 111 the day of the dead. We learn that. Miss May Lewis has Iswi engaged as one of I he teachers III Crawford scliool. Mis Lewis was one the graduates t.f that school this rear sisl it surely speaks well for her to be re tained ns a teacher in the school idle graduated from. We can sat'. lv :ay the school hoard of Crawford made a wi.-e choic in selecting her for she proved herself a c ipil. le teacher h'fore she left this county some t wo years ago. Seve-al of or xoinv people are going to attend ihe Junior Normal w hich lo gins at Alliance on June F!:h. This shows that Ihe interest is growing, ami if the leading educators of the North west will only work together our young people will liecoiiiH more interested from year to year. We are sorry that Sheri dan coiin'y has drawn her influence from these Junior Normals for 11. not only weakens her own educational interests but helps to break down the only thing that has Iwen given to the Northwest. The spirit of Malf! -ilmess is the worst thing that confronts mankind. Alliance is the most available point and more cenlral'y located than any town in tl) Northwest, and why t.ot all stand united on this as nil can't, have it and the rising generation will thank us for tlu unity. IShKEZES F110M CESTHAL CITY I have not forgotten our old honman.1 friends if I have been silent for some ti..ie. Both Harrison papers make then weekly visits and none are read with more interest. We read of the storms, cioud bu is! hail but .is yet w mv had no more rain than M needed. Crops are doing line and farmers began plowing com Inst week. We had some late frosts that probably damaged fruit some. It would have cooked our l;ans but they were too tempting to loose so we saved them by covering them. The first crop of alfalfa is about ready to harvest. We are counting on strawberries next Sun day. Most makes my back ache to watch the blossoms coming out, they are so thick. A goodly number of people here are talking of going west to take homesteads. Six-hundred and forty acres of land looks like u big thing to a man that has rented here for years, or only has an eighty. Hope there will be enough to go around. Tho yalleyit.es have considered James Wilson a stand by for so long, they will miss him very much. Howard and Mont Burke have a long trip this time and we are much interested in their letter, Hope Howard will write ofteu. Perhaps we may meet them some time, unless they get home sick, for old Sioux and return before we (?et started. F. W, went lo North Loup to attend Quarterly meeting and was so pleased to meet, an old friend tlmre. Oiaiidm.'i Davis is there visiting rel.-.tives anil she has promised us u visit before she returns home, Wo have, bean anxious to know whether Mrs. Kite is going lo accept the position offered her or not. We liojed slie wmild. and cerae around this way lietore we leave. We received acortHal invitation from Mr. Hester Vj look over th.-.t country lefore we locate aiaui. We find we have several old frieials at Paonia. and bear it is in the best, fruit county in the state. We were much inte ested in the report of Cwm-meis-ement exercises at Harrison, and hope the gooc! work will go on. Central City High School turned out seven graduates Friday night and live wiil graduateat the College m xtweek unless ttie measles get wor-e they have Iwen a regular epidemic, "three day-" or "German measles, but Phebe nnnaged to have the genuine article tins time and was in lied rune days. I beard Rev. ('arrahao preach the memorial sermon to-day. The address is to lie given by Mrs. Condon of Pawnee fjity to-morrow with other appropriate exercises. For fear of the basket I will leave the rest till next time. ('IJO. ABOUT TJ IE JAPS AND RUSSIANS. WJiuttJie ,TaiM Ilavc Done. The Japanese have sunk or disabled fully two tlcrds of the Russian fleet. They have beaten the Russians back from the Y tin almost to tluir interior base, Mukden. Thev have cut t he Russian line behind Port Arthur and driven in the first tie fenses. Port Arthur now seems doomed, with its fall will come the end of Rus sia's power in Manchuria. Win t Russians! lluvo Done. They have sunk or disabled several torpedo boa's, destroyed the battleship Haisuse, sunk a transport or so and ut terly fuihd to cripple the mikado's navy. Thev have won several trilling detach ed (I) hts oi) land, due principally to the pfiwerets of the Cossacks. They have made the Japanese pay dearly in human life for their victories. Si nd.iy World-Herald. Tf-rorn the Files of The Jourm Fcu.rf.een Years Ago. B. B. Smith has recently got up n map of Box Butte County similar to those of Sioux nd Dawes county only n a smaller scale. He lias orders for tpute a large numlierof the copies to he fur- n'jshed to buisness rren of that count y. ""On last. Mi inday Katie, the ten-year old daughter of (Hans ChristPiisen of .Montrose, fell from the roof of the 1 hicki'H house at her father's farm and broke her i 'l. hi anil, jusl above the el how. Siie was brought to Harrison that evening ii rid on Tuesday Dr. Shafer set tho hone and at last reports the patient was doing well. Nels Kugliiet, having got, his crop in lias gone to the UlacK Hills where lie will remain until harvest. ti. tuiini'ie iirriveu oome iroru ,reie on liies,iav, accompanied uy 111s lamer and mot her w ho will vi-it here a few lays before returning to their home at Washington D. C. TI10 15iitl Jioy ami tlic School This item is for the II I teen-yea r old hoy who thinks that it is a smart thine to act up so mean ut school that, he wears out the life of his teacher anil de s troys the j;nod work which the schoo was intended to accomplish. This sort of bov is found in country as well as in city schools. Liiey are too i)i; 101 i lit tle woman to thrash and seem to have no moral sense which may be appealed to Now , boys, you nrt; the architects of your own fortunes. You can improve Ihu educational advantages triven you anil become useful and worthy citi zens or you can raise Cain, as you do in scliool, graduate from there into a brake beam tramp and die 11 dirty bum. You can make jour choice. The sure way to net into plenty of trouble w lr:n Brown lo niunhood is to make lotsol" trouble in the public schools. Y'ou oiii,'lit to have the meanness well licked out of von, but the teacher can't do it, your father won't and the school board had rather fire you than tick you. Fun and plenty of it is a bin bright of the American boy, but your type of man ners is not fun; it is the outcropping of the heathen in you. and you belong with the Moroa or Tapils of the Philip pines rather than with the people of civilized North America. Turn over a ) new leal, Lusk Herald. Electric Lampi on Horses. Electric latnpa on the bridles 0 carriage horses are now quite com mon In Berlin. The cur-em Is sup plied by a storage battery under tha carriage aeat. Child Labor In Saxony. In Saxouy, of G04,6u0 school chil dren, 137,831, or 23 per cent, are cm plnyel is trade. More than half these tlilldreu are employed la the te.-.Ule tudualry. THE -?fSALOON"9 "-IX ANDREWS BLOCK The JimkI line of wines, I'ujyors and bent brands of ci'jars TIIEO. SAGERTy Proprietor BEBLACH SON e ? V e ' 4 Selling More A -omj.lcte line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, J)RY(i()OI)S, HOOTS & SHOES, and a co:nplete line of SPRING GOODS. T .:'-KK'K-H' LACY -DKALKRS IN- I Puildin material of all kinds . Flour, Feed, Grain, Wind-mills, Pumps, Tanks, Wagons, Pup-gies, Faim. A Implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles & etc. $ 2 All orilars ittven prompt attention, J, n"i"n"ri"i"rrrTTVTTTTyvi" 'i'vi'tt You Are Reading S&W3 This, THAT'S RltiHT; That's what it' liere for: . To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store. Give us a trial. Yours for Bwsinesp, T A l1 lb 1 O TO BEMBMBEB. IWOr l.-ltoURRET& UAVlSl carry tilt) largest arm most. 'iiuiplete stock of General Jlcnliaiidisc in Sioux Coun- IV. 1- Ai l 2, All mir prices are 111 iliccniug with the quah y ol goods we sell. We do nt kecpj I heap Johngoodsand t herd ore 1 we do not sell ilt, Cheap Jnllll ipi ices. Wnsull lirst class goods jat. fair price. FA' ' I' 11, We endeavor to cater, ito the wants nnd needs of our customers and our goods me selected wilh this intent. n TT TTATT'l vn; u. n. uiNi 1 1 Huccew-or to G. U.NEWMAN DEALER IN Lmnher, Doors, Sank, lime, Coal, Wajom, Bnggie and Machinery of all Kinds. I aUo carru a line of Wind MilU, Pumps, Piping, Towers, Wind Mill re pairs, etc. etc. etc. A large stock of feed, both ground and un ground al ways on hand. mail orders given, pro rapt ettcatioa, Give me a Call. " WANTED Agents, Hustlers, Salesin Clerks and everybody who wants to en, joy a pood hearty laugh to send flOo for "Tips to Agents," Worth $50 to any person who sells goods for a living. If not satisfactory your money back, Cir cular for stamp- The Dr. White Kite trie Comb Co. Decatur, 111. -J" 4" Goods Than Ever. BROS. t 3 - ttyvti 1 'rn''i"mT'n'rr'l tv't'tr A. LOWRY. FACT 4, We have just 1: ceived our Spring and rjummei Invoice of white waists & tins uoods. India l.imons. Cambrics, I'erciles, Ginghams, Sateens, Shirtings Henriettas, &c. &c. FACT ",(W hue of U:Kts & Shoes and Slippers is composed of the latest styles from the most reliable liotise. FACT (i, livery thing usually kept, in a General Store can lie I found at our place. BOURRET & DAVIS. rVJ nn hnnri WAnrpA "(lUPIHENK.1 "( ri'IPKSK." I Till srreal veffcMble vltiillzer, the pro- seripMon of a ruinous Frnncli physician, wilt quickly curi von of all or lit't'Vons (HseHst'it of the fencr.itivo tn-aiis such as lost Mun: hood, iiiMoiiinlit, piiins in tlm riiiclt, ,si:i-,iiiml Kinlsiions, Nervous I't'liility, I'liuplvs, t.:n Iltncs lo marry, ExlhiusUiv; Drains, Vai'io.O' rt;Uian(l Constipation. It stopi all losses by ,l,iv eir ,,ir!il l'romullJi-ltv u hli-li if H.vt flit't-kcd, lend. to speriimtorrltncii and all tbrf horrorh of linpoteiicy. CT'I'IDENK clciuisc Ihe UviTtuid hidnuvs. et'I'IDKNK strtMitflli' ens iiiiit restores. I'luM-ettsini sntferers srd not cured by doctors is berause ninety per cent, are troubled with Piostatits. Cl'l'l IH;NK is tlm only known remedy to euro without sn operation. 1 !,IKI( llstliuonlais. A written RiiarBntee (fiven and money re turned If six boxes do not effect a perma nent cure. rjgl.OO s box; six for live by iiiHll Send for freeclrcnlar and testimonials. Att rirfs? DAVOl, It I K.liKIN K U)., SanFruiiclMfl California. Korsnloby UiviiaRii JtJoNKS. NOTICE. All parties indebeted to Chas. Newman by note, or otherwise will llnd all b(lls nnd notes ut the Commercial Hank fo collection. Please call and settle Mil, open actiotints by note bankable or ciis't in band and save costs, CUA8, NEWA