Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 26, 1904, Image 4

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E of tie leading banks if
an order that boil of "
receiving a salary of leaa
4 aha! marry wlthouj Drat eonuirng the back
Iafflci! aad grticg their
spirited employe of the
tola order aa in
lo encroach upon their personal liberties. Tbe average mi
consider It hla right to get H-arr.ed when in (o w a,-,rn
be pleases, regardless of poIb consrqueacp to tumr:f
and hi bride or of rhe wishes of fcia "boa." But. while
the order may twin id infringement of personal r'gsts, its
enforcement ma nevertbeles promote the jond of tboe
whose liberties It restrict
Hard aa It mi; een to person enjoy -.ng mo.-h Urg-r
incomea, there la do question that it is posslbre for a young
couple to live happily a&d L& urf ab evsitorx eves ia a
large city on leaa than I1.T0 a year. Oa a a lifojre. say.
of ITS a month, whether ttey board or "keep bouse.'- ibv
can hare sufficient to eat, fairly agreeable surround.!.,
decent cloth and socn diversions as good boot, a few
friends and occasional visit to the parka and the theater
afford. It la troe. of coarse, that to hare these thing they
moat economize ckwely; and even though they practice the
roost rigorous economy there la not much probability tiat
Ibelr savings will accumulate o fist a soon to mske
them bloated plutocrats.
The trouble U not that a couple cannot lire fcooxt'y.
decently and happily on lew than f 1,'" a year in a try,
end even raise a family on it fairly we!!. Th- trouble ;
tiiat too many of the young men and women cf American
cities, and especially the young men. form habit Ix-fore
I bey thick of marrying which ocflt them later to uuu
it burden of the state of matrimony on so small an in
tme. Extravagance la one of our national vi-rs. It is
specially prevalent among the young bachelors of cities
ItSa probably no exaggeration to y that a majority ef
t'tem habitually spend all that they make. Now. whj on
person can lire easily and hare some luxuries In a city .n
a smal salary of from 170 to $! per month, two people,
we have already Indicated, cannot set alone d-eni'y
on It without "scrimping" Hut the matt or woman who
baa not practiced "scrimping" lefore marring wlli not
probably form a liking for doing so after marriage. The
too frequent result, therefore, of marriages on small sal
aries in cities Is that the married pair live beyond their
means and accumulate debts and misery Instead of a com
petency and happiness; and debts and misery, as everv
body knows, lead men daily into different form of i-riui '
and deeper misery.
No doubt it is for the purpose of saving their employe
from these unfortunate result of improvident marriages
and its own cash from the fingers of persons suffering from
tbera. that the Chicago bank lias posted its unique notice.
If the order Is effective It is likely to benefit rather than
injure those whose freedom of action it ha mper. Kan
sas City Journal.
I has made a valiant attempt to Ktenn the tble of
I I Indiana boys flowing in greater ntunbers every
I . . : . t ,i , . v. . - - . . .
,t-i uiiv LiutBjt'j. iv ua iuej a circular ier
ter to all the teachers in the State, calling
attention to the alarming extent of su'-h emi
gration and urging them to exert all their
influence against it
"It will be a sad day for our national life," says the
toard and it is right "when all the young farmers move
to town and the small, well-cultivated homesteads give way
to big landed estates."
The rush of population to the cities is truly one of
the most serious menaces to our national life, but thus far
no way has been found to check It It bad no existence
until after the war. In 18 only about 12 per cent of the
inhabitants of the United States lived in the cities. The
war unsettled the minds of men who theretofore had iieet
contented to remain in their homes, and accordingly the
census of 1870 showed that fewer people continued satis
fied with farm life, for the percentage of urban population
bad risen to nearly 21 per cent Since then It bas stead Iy
Crown until, in 1900, more than 33 of every 100 Ameri.-an
were living in cities.
The tendency u even stronger than it seerns, for Id I
the past few years much has been done to remove or mitt J
gate many of the causes of complaint against tbe farmer's i
life. Railway building has brought tbe most remote dis- j
iH ll u 1 1 1 1 1 n n -m i
Country life and city life to-day are
made delightful by countless conven
ience and luxuries of which the
did not dream. These conveniences
are, nevertheless, purchased at the
prtae of more or les of that sturdy
independence which distinguished the
pioneers, and of which George Carjr
Kggleston bas given an attractive pic
ture in "The First of the Uoosiers,"
which is in a sense the story of tbe
life of his brother, Edward Egglenton.
In the days of Edward Ecu les ton's
boyhood the foremost citizen of Vevay,
Ind., was Captain William Lowry. He
had conquered hi worst enemy when
he bad cleared the forest from such
lands as be wished to till, and from
tbe first he relied upon himself for tbe
satisfaction of his needs and the needs
of his family.
The family grew np'si'.f ea famlliee
usually did in thai ti' nd country;
bat under tbe prim!ti ,ray of living
the multiplication at cli'dren was a
kelp rather than a tt&rance to pros
perity. To tbe end of his days Cap
tain I o wry and bis boys and girls pro
duced for themselves everything they
aeeded to eat drink and wear, with
tbe exception of salt, coffee, tea, and,
aa prosperity increased, a calico gown
bow and then as a bit of finery for the
women folks.
On tbe farm Itself the cotton and
wool needed for clothing were grown,
carded, pun, woven and fashioned
garoenta. Tbe blanket on the
a wall aa tbe quilts, and the
gkaata aai tbe pillow-cases, which
tm asaat f ban grown line, were
' paea4 t Uka ataaaer.
R tsar-oa, grora of
t JMC traaa, fteUad all tbewagar
" J trt taai a tfta plaea, Fraaa
-c:M cuaa, gactia a cmt
4 1LUL
Chicago Lit p-ied
ernp:o e wb is
ep-"!tl. Tbe
than a yr
fanner a daily ma'I
Be a en rapport
approval. Tfee -e
bask ?e Hkiy to
now prosperous beyond all precedent.
imperTinent a'terapt
Nevertheless, alt
ftnn where be was
be made hi way to
ik. unsanitary and
and adulterated
in onaertisujnea
work, he managed
and aif-repe?t of
icg And foe what
Let the tbouani
e-aylng streets
stuffy flats occupied
as they get
' these answer.
tenant chained to
Up and obscurity
wanted to do. But
u bis own farm
change bia lot for
impressing their
the eountry is much
a good effect In
the mot serious
zens, Chicago Journal.
"' "
Rfttircu vfToinu inegrapuisis on Doaru.
Ashore tbe army will run their field telegraphs, at which
they are adepts, and afloat the navy will use dispatch boats,
flag and flashing signals. The Japanese flashing lamp I
peculiarly powerful In fact better than anything we have
In the British nary. London Telegraph.
store of apples, an abundance of cider
and vinegar, apple butter, peach but
ter, dried fruits and cider moiasses.
lue dairy yielded milk, cream, cbeese
and butter In lavish abundance.
Tbe poultry-yards produced more
than tbe borne demand called for. but
tbe surplus was never sold. Much of
t - .. . . . ,
" ao Juru ttwM . KM .U 1A l
folk. Beef, pork, bacon and mutton
were all products of fhe farm. Tbe
grain was ground In near-by water
mills, and the miller was paid bis
"toll,' not In coin, but in a portion of
tbe grain.
In all bis life this sturdy pioneer
never had a servant or hired helper of
any kind in his bouse. All the work
of the household was done by the
members of tbe family working to
gether in willing co-operation, making
something of a frolic out of much of
the work; and not one of them ever
had work enough to bring more than
a healthy and pleasant weariness.
Tbe house was a generously hospit
able one. Rarely came a time when
there were not some of tbe numerous
relatives staying there, as all of them
loved to do. The place was a kind of
Mecca tit them all. grangers were
entertalted. too, whenever their paths
led Into that region: but no presence,
whether Jt visiting kinsfolk or of pass
ing strat,prs, was ever suffered to
make tbe smallest difference In tbe
family llfs
Whethet there were many guest or
none in ttu bouse, there was always
an abundantly laden table, and there
were bed !y plenty. There was sing
ing In the aening, and If tbe weather
was cold tbue was always a gathering
of children, gnd often of young men
and maiden round tbe great wood
Ore, wberw nut were cracked and
applea roaa:d, while one or more of
the girl plajpd a merrily bamming ac
companiment on her spinning wheel.
Some of tbe glrla liked spinning
aooM did not Those who liked it did
It: tboa wka did not let It alone. That
irw-t ;bio tooch with the national renter of trad. Trol
-ey hoea have grSdirtmed alt the Middle West, and Ind am
rural free delivery system ha given th
service, and by means of the telepbon
w;th all the world. Besides aU this. w
hve had a socression of fat year, ao that the fanner I
this has not kept the yontg inaa on tha
born. As soon as be was old enu;h
the nearest large city, whers. sleeping
cramped quarters, eating unwholesome"
food ia cheap restaurants, and working
way harder than any farmer has to
at the sacrifice of all the lndepend-nc
bis manhood to nwke a precarioua 1!t-
of toyies boardlnr boue that Una
and the other thooanda of Aimer and
by people who are getting their eilst
their furniture, on the installment plan
What is the fascination that keep their
the heel of nrt.au poverty, toil, hard
in an ug y and depressing environment
Benjamin Franklin said that it was a hard cae lnd-d
when you could not find a reaon for doing what toe
who that might be bis own master
can give a reason for wanting to ex
degrading slavery" In a large city?
lU-t oe or no ream. such are the fscts. and there seem
To be no chance of altering them at present It Is posajble.
however, that the Indiana !oard' lda of informing tha
fanner' children of the drawback of life In the Htv an.i
yonr:g minds with the idea that life In
more to tie desired may N time have
any case, tbis is a matter that deserve
thought on the part of all patriotic rltl.
UK present war Is likelv to be a tun it. t.ir,i
"V I in history. Many times before bas tbe in
1 I memorial tight between the East and the West
may feel that they associated with Ibi
great defenders of hinry. They fight to-day
as the Wrecks fought tie I'en!aD. the I'rjnki
ibe Moors, the Magyars the Turks Since tha Turks w. rs
topped at the Kanube the larger itstory of tbe world ba
written the slow conquest of the fast by tbe West T!i
process bas known no stay. It t-as been r-bject to n
u b checks as for a thousand yea earlier the great inva
sions from the Kast had invariably met. But the agg-es-lon
of Euroie was all the more formidable that it wai
largely leaeeful. Manchester pfnts and Brummagen,
ware, articles made in Germany, and American cotton
.,, K t.. t I . . i : . t
- n - i ..nn it- man i ne Korean ot
the sword. And gradually most of Ania bag come to live
eubject to the will of Euroe and on condition of buying
European goods. All of Asia today, except China "and
Japan, is pretty definitely marked out for ultimate ooctj.
pation by some Kurfpean jwer. If Japan Is humiliated
and China partitioned, tbe pro. -ess will be completed; the
East as a political entity will have been destroyed.' tbe
East as a peculiar civilization will have been profoundly
impaired. New York Post
Jwpanefre Progressiveaess.
mHE Japanese alway want the litest -tip" ot
science; they are all for progre. It ia Inter
esting to note that they have established com
munication across the Rsr of
telegraphy, sending message from Chemulpo
to Chefoo, a distance of 270 miles.
Of course the m eu tr, a r. rt i
. ... . . u . , t-) j nauiir-
ate. and we can Imagine some simple signals being arranged
beforehand, and the Japanese wouid know for certain that
there was no danger of their news being Intercepted in any
way by the Russians.
For the rough purpose of war it can quite be believed
that the Japanese, with their extreme curiosity as to what
is new, have rigged up In a few ships instruments capable
of taking In signal with the assistance of some of their
was the spirit in which all these thing
were done in the bouse and on tbe
How Animals Travel.
American railroads have almost a
many different kind of car for carry
ing animals as they have car for pas
senirerM One kind of car that Is used for ship
ping horses is known techtXcally as a
palace borne car, and, excepting for
fine woodwork and brasswork, it la a
palace car, giving horses fine accommo
dations. Kach horse ha hU own stateroom,
so to speak, for the car Is fitted with
independent stalls. Each stall bas
manger and water trough, and over-)
head are racks for holding extra feedJ
Sheep and hogs are often carried hi
car with two stories. These are known
as double-decker, and the animals ar
shipped In both stories. They have
room to lie down In and water Is sup
plied to them from pipes.
Horses and cattle are sidetracked at
Intervals if the cars are making a long
run, and tbe beasts are led out and al
lowed to run around for exercise Then
they are driven back to their cars and
resume their Journey,
Hbeep are often unloaded within a
few milea of their destination and
turned loose to rest and feed until they
are In good flesh. Tbis 1 not don
merely from motives of humanity. It
ha been found that tbe sheep are so
much Improved by It that tbey bring
higher prices when tbey reach the mar
ket LcBBnantda from Sea Water.
Citric acid added to sea water pn
clpitatea the salt, making a harm lest
mineral water. Beven ounces of citric
add will supply a shipwrecked man
with thl marine lemonade for a week.
Aa Atchison woman discharged her
girl aa her Ienten sacrifice, and hej
husband find that everything h4
pat before bin la a burnt offerla--
;rei will shrink eight per cent;
jruve) and sand, nine per cent; riay
ind clay earths, ten per cent; loam and
igbt sandy earths, twelve pe cent
These figure are asefui in making
timate for such work.
Among the Innumerable ei peri
Dents with liquid air two are partk-u
r!y curious. A ball of India rubber
mmer-d in it become a brittle a
;!. but a ball of lead, in the mm
ir-umtance. acquire e!aticity. and
rill rebound like rubber.
French tarttle show that a total
f 23.7j8 horse-power from tbe fall
.f tbe Alp i now used for generating
lo-tricitT. Tbe electric power serve
be following: Aluminum works. ZL-horse-power,
other metallurgical
a-torie 3J.4S5; chlorate of potaixlum
orks, 8.X; calcium carbide works,
.4'W. jdlum chlorate work. 13,
); transmission of power and llgbt
ng. 2S.7"i7; various Industries, 19,'jtO.
It I reported from Johannesburg
bat a new and unexpected source of
rea!th bas been div-over.-d In the ter
1tory of tbe late Boer republic. Near
he esn'era border of tbe Trnvaal. on
be edge of the lofty South African
ilateau, three valuable lode of tin ore
lave leen found, and the deposits are
ipparetitly so extensive tht predle
ions are beard that tbe new colony
nay prove to be a rlcb In tin and
topper as It Is already known to I in
Tbe human body changes it tern
wrature very slightly under any con
iitionx of heat or cold, but a Hus!an
laturalist finds that the body tempera
ure of insect is pra. rl -ally that of the
itnxesphere. It usually rise more
ilowly than the air. though more rnp
d!y when the air is very mo at When
Jie Insect leg!n to move, the temper
itnre ries rapidly, and may reach
I bout 3H degrees C. (KC.2 degree K.
Below 0.5 degrees C. Insect remalu
motionless, and the wing are not
sioved until the temperature res'-bes
bmt 12 degrees C.
The latest new form of dirigible bal-
V-on, Invented by L. J. Andersen, of
'ondon, has two elongated gasbags
f tbe same shape and size placed sid
y side, like tbe two bulls of a cgta
naran boat. Tbe car is suspended
eneath, being equally supported by
ith balloons, and the driving t ro-
M-ller is placed behind tbeir rear ends,
ind half-way between them. In expe
rimenting with a model baring bal-
oons seven feet long, the inventor
inds that this form of airship pov
lesses advantages in steering and In
iiaintaiulng a straight course. He Is
instructing a fu'l-sized apparatus
rith balloon 70 feet long, to be driven
a & horse-power eleetrict motor.
After forty years of agitation, led
sy Liverpool merchants, the British
tovernment has just sanctioned the
ase of a weight of fifty pound in
place of the standard 'hundredweight"
,112 poundsi, and "half -hundredweight"
flfty-ix pounds). Tbe re
form was demanded because the Im
mense quantities of cotton, corn, to
bacco and other American product
anded at Liverpool were calculated by
the sellers in pounds, while the buyers
sere compelled to reckon In "hundreds-eights,"
which did not represent the
3 umber of pounds that the name 1m
jlles. It is claimed that tbe reform
will save a great amount of time ana
mbor and prevent many error. It Is
!so regarded as an entering wedge
for the introduction of . the decimal
fvxteni In England.
A House Divided.
Most persons have bad the expert-
?nce of walking wKh a friend out of
jtep and trying to shift jut at the
uoment when tbe friend also makes
the attempt Tbis Is an Instance of
thwarted harmony much like that
which appears in a story, told by V. C,
ef an elderly couple. They were cblld-
Iess, and bad never been uimei by ib
x,nd of other lives linked with their
own. So they were always lu a state
of well -bred disagreement
On tbe subject of meals tbey dis
agreed thoroughly, and each usually
lutrgested a dlh for the Sunday dinner
which the other did not approve. One
turday the man came home from
market with a basket
"You needn't worry about to-mor-ow'
dinner any more, Maria. I've
ot it"
"And so have I, George. You were
so undecided "
"Undecided? I told you want I
"Well, I mean you didn't decide as
I did. Ho I lwught a goose."
"Why, so have I. I told you I'd like
a goose."
"Weil, now we are agrevd for once,
"Yes, and I suppose we'li have cold
s.-oose ,nd stewed goose for tbe next
two weeks."
Tbey relapsed Into their usual si
;nce. Sunday forenoon the wife asked, "Iw
fou want a little quince in tbe apple
wuce with jour goose?"
"Your goose, you mean."
"No ,1 don't It seemed so absurd
to have two geese in tbe bouse that I
ent mine to Aunt June."
"What! I sent mine to Uncle JoeP'
Dressed ftor a Vouk alk.
Mrs. Malaprop 1 walked twenty
ive mile yesterday.
Mr. Parlormop Did you wear a ped
meterl Mia Malaprop Oh, bo, indeed Just
a abort akirt Harvard Lampoo.
Mew Have KpIoKt Them a bU-
tate for tv ting Hank.
Some time !n-e a Liverpool gentle
man d ed. a It ws thought, intestate.
No will could be found, and the iext
of kin had already entered Into -
I session when the dei-orator. In wb.e
! bands the de-eed' oid boue bad
beei placed for renovation, itffl
1 across tbe long -sought for document.
msted on the library celling, where it
been hidden from view by a layer
of pdper. which had been placed there
by tbe eccentric testator hlmtwJ
The celebrated Beau Brummei. dur
iug the first yer of bi exile, while
yet bis fame a a dandy ws pre
eminent, bad tbe ceiling of bi I1
rn.m covered with mirror. o that
even w bile at rest be could tudy ele
gance and assume a graceful poee. For
such a purpose a glass celling is, how
e'er, not unique, and tbe notorious
duchess of Cleveland bad u u anoth
er constructed to gratify her vanitj .
For a far different reason did a cer
tain Yorkshire gentleman of the last
ccuturv. mentioned by Mrs. Gsskell in
l.er "Ufe of Charlotte Bronte." have
hit ceiling paneled with mirrors. Ar
dently devoted to the sfort of cock-
fighting, be continued to the lst to
enjoy bis favorite pastime, and even
when on his deatblied hi room wss
the in-ene of many an exciting fiitbt.
which, lying on bis back, he saw re
fleeted In the glass overhead.
Another invalid whose tate were
eertaiulv more aesthetic mi a geiit!i-
mio who died lately at Munich. 'on
fined for many months to bis bed. be
gratified bis love for art by having bis
ceiling par-d and covered with bis
most treasured pictures, which be lu
his younger day bad acquired. These
were chanced from time to time for
others in hi collection, which in tbeir
turn were contemplated with delight
by the crippled connoisseur as be lay
stretched on bis couch of pain.
During a poln-e case heard a year
back at Tottenham tbe proecutrix told
the magistrate that she had taken the
prisoner In out of charity and bad per
mitted her to renmin. This the pris
oner denied, sayitig that she paid 2
ld a week. "You only pitM 2" re
torted the other, "and that is marked
ou the ceiling." Thi novel idea of
converting a ceiling Into a rent book
evoked a roar of laughter In court.
Ah eccentric Brighton -diigogue
was wont to ue the ceiling of his
schoolroom a a blackboard. It was
covered with a casing of blackened
and polished woI on wblcb the domi
nie, by means of a long, chalk -pointed
rod. used to draw geometrical figures
and diagram while discoursing on the
stibtleties of Eui lid. This unusual pro-
feeding was but the practical appli
cation of a quaint theory of his that
the elevation of the pupils' eyes in
duced harpnew of Intellect.
Much annoyed at the barefaced man
ner in which the photo of his friend
and acquaintance that were scattered
In profusion alwnit tu r'ti!, were ap
propriated by bis many visitors, a gen
tleinan well known In Parisian society
hit upon tbe ingenious device of hav
ing them affixed to the ceilings of his
flat. Three large rooms are thus deco
rated, and that callers, should they
deire, may obtain a clear view of the
portraits, opera glasses of special con
struction are supplied.
When in 18!3 Mile. Forrester gave a
dance at her house in Pari the celling
of the ballroom was so constructed
that at given intervals It discharged
upon the dancers a fine rain of white
rose, cherry blossom, Jockey club and
other scents. This pleasing surprise
was likewise prepared for bis guest
by a wealt!dJft'.uKlnn nobleman, who,
however, beijiiteried tbe effect by hav
ing tbe ceiling exquisitely painted with
tbe flowers whose essences descended
upon those lieneath. London Tit Hit
Fishhook Cacin.
Many a traveler In desert In mis,
when in danger of dying from thirst
bas been saved by the iliitit known a
the water or fishhook cactus, says the
New York Commercial. During the
moist season it stores up a large quan
tity of water for the suhwuuent dry
one. when all tbe ground Is parched
with beat and only channels fjlied with
stone mark tbe course of former rivu
lets. 8o well bas this cactus provkb-d
for the safety of Us precious liquid
that It 1 uo easy task to obtain It
The exterior skin Is more Impenetra
ble than the toughest leather, and. te
sides. It i protected with king, wiry
spines curved into hooks at the end,
yet so strong and springy that if a
large rock .be thrown against them
they remain uninjured. If tlx- spinet
be burned off one may, by long and
tedious effort, cut through the rind
wi... a stout knife; otherwise nothing
but an axe will enable them to get at
the Interior of this well-armored plant
When tbe top hi removed and a hol
low made by scooping out some of the
soft Inner pnrt It immediately tills with
water, cool and refreshing, though
Mistering sun may have l-en beating
upon the tough skin above It all day.
The water, w hen first obtained, bas a
whitifh or smoky tint, but when set
tled Is as clear as crystal.
Temporary Opinion.
The Fianie The Id -a of his think
ing that be Is unworthy of me.
The Confidante Yes, but you need
n't argue tbe matter with him. He n
discover bi error in time. Brooklyn
A Qmrrf Answered.
Laura We have no Infallible for
mula for removing a double chin. Con
suit ouie man who say he can shara
himself In the dark. Baltimore New.
Home women have no tnoch nowder
on them that kissing them mast laate
uk ia Brat Mta la a biscuit
Joel Chandler Harris Is arranging
or publi.tion In book form some new
ncle liemu stories which be wrote
luring Ut yesr.
Margaret Norton Totter ha named
er new novel "Tbe Flame-flatber-r
" It is a tale of India during the
arly yesr of the thirteenth cen'ury.
Hildegarde Hawthorne, whose first
vel, "A Country Interlude," Is being
yjbli-bed by Houghton, Mifflin A Co..
a granddaughter of Nathaniel llaw
horne. Miss Lillian Bell bas written a story
thowlng the heroine of "Abroad Willi
be Jimmies." a ' boneymoouer. a
at dweller, a bouvkeeper. and a
lostess, ,
Marie Corelll has completed tbe
nutiscriit of a new romance much In
be manner of "Thelma." Dodd. Mead
V Co. will publish the txiok in thl
on ti try.
st It. Crockett's next novel. "Strong
Mac." Is to be a story of Scottish life
n the early part of the last century,
the heroine will !ear the mellifluous
is me of A dor.
A new novel by Lucas Mslet I an
lomiced by Dod.l, Mead A Co. for ptlb
i.stlon this fill. Its title will I "The
I'iirsdlse of Dominic," and It Is under
!.! to deal with modern I'.ngilsii
"How to I Self Supporting at Col
"ege," by Jiinies Melvln Lee, Is a well-
written and suggestive essay by a re
ent i:r;iliijite of Wesleyan University,
It i of pHrticiihir Interest to young
men preparing for college.
Kinlyard Kipling's new volume of
stories will Is- published the coming
fall. At the same time will appear a
new novel by Henry James. The lat
ter Is preparing to mnke a visit to
America after an absence of many
yea rs.
A. C, McClurg A Co. will shortly
1-iie In one volume a reprint of Pat-
tick (loss' Journal of the Lewi and
Clark expedition, edited by Dr. Jame
K. Hosmer. It will 1-e uniform la
style with the publishers' library edi
tion of Ienls n in Clark.
Mrs. Cynthia Westover Allien, pres
ident general of the International Sun
shine Society, bas just finished her
oiiipri'bcnsive Iss.k upon ways In
which women can earn money. Her
issik is based uan actun-ronal ex
tierleiiee In a variety if? occupation.
urn also uixiti tne eM'riences poiea
fiom thousands of letters and personal
tstervlew .
The Missouri town that forms the
Mckgrotiml of Mis Rose K. Young'
Henderson, which Houghton, Mlttiln
V Co. publish. Is Just such a one a the
nithor's native village. At eighteen,
lowever. Mis Young left Missouri 4nd
sent to Texas, where she taught
vhool and dabbled a little in Journal
in. I-ater she took up editorial work
'it Chicago, all'! finally went to New
York. Her first novel. "Sally of Mls
vnirl," appears! Inst autumn.
Mrs. Theodore Thomas has written
1 tssik W'hli-b is said to 1-e soiuethtng la
the vein of "Ellzulx'tli and Her (Jer
aian Carden." It Is to I entitled
Our Mountain," anil Is the narrative
3f several season tcnt by the emi
nent Impresario and his wife at their
summer borne, Felseugarten, near
Bethlehem. N. II. The garden is de-
-rilsd in tbe text and through photo
graphs, and there Is also the story of
how we built It with our own tour
hands." The Isaik will lsfar the Ira
irlnt of the Macmillan Company.
Senator Cockrrll Thus Mark Ilia Hub-
be r at the white I Inline.
The veteran Senator from MlssourL
Mr. Cockrell, U nothing If not re-
wurceful, says tbe Washington Post
This was demonstrated tbe other even
ing on tbe occasion or the Inst putiiia
reception st the White House.
.Mr. (.ockrell utniroAchcd that iuinort
ant function through tbe iong tunnel
which has It entrance lust onnoslta
the west side of the treasury. But a
he shed his outer garments at the en
trance be forgot alout the hesvv over
shoes that Incased bis patent leather
nd protected his extremities from tha
severe cold. Not till be bud nro. oediHl.
by easy and prolonged stages, past the
portrait and waving palms ml began
to climb the stone staircase, where tba
wound of the spirited music burst iion
his ear, did the Missouri n heroin
ware that he was unnecessarily en-
Of course, the press was ereat It
Tilway is In the processions Into the
winie house on such public occasions.
lo turn buck ami deposit bis simcrfiu-
ou footgear with the polite attendant
where the crowds surge In mlht have
been well enough but for loimr one'
place In the line. An hour' time would
"Jiive l?en dissipated.
Therefore, Mr. Cockrell removed lbs
overshoes and, leaning over the stout
rope, placed them close up against the
.wall on the side of tbe stuircsuA not
j. vupled by arriving guests. Int.. one
r tnem be gracefully dropped hi call
;ig card. Then be resumed bis stead
inarch slong the sinuous route lo th
Mt room. XUnr CUrlnns aneel.tn
looked Into tbe cavernous orifice at the
tiny bit of pasteboard, but tbe over
shoe were undltnr)si .iU u ... .
Cockrell found them there an hour
Nothing worries somn men Ilka ik.
ipected trouble that never happen.
1 V,