Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 26, 1904, Image 2
Ik Harri oa Fress-Journai C.C. BCBKF., I'sunusTua. Harrison, nei;i:aska. An unbridled tongue goes with an pnburdened brain. A principle hung up on the wall may be worse than none at all. If Arirona aspires to statehood tt ought to raise less cactus and more citizens. It is not sympathy the sons of rich men need so much as it is a reduction of allowance. Colombia has reduced Its army from 11,000 to 5,0i0. Probably the privates were all discharged. Kissing is a custom unknown in Ja pan, and yet there are people who say that Japan is the next thing to a Christian nation. Wooloomooloo liny, Australia, Is the scene of a recent athletic triumph. Paraphrasing an historic Baying, what a name for to yell! The preachers urge us not to put our trust iu riches, and the Supreme Court supplements that by advising us not to put our riches in trusts. President Roosevelt has given the Indians to understand that they must work for a living. If this Is the case what's the use being an Indian, any way? Bunau-Vaillla sr.ys the building of tue cann! will take seven years; but I'ncle Sam and Jean Crnpaud are eomewlmt different when It comes to doing business. In Grajevo, Kussla. the whole Jew ish community crowded the synagogue on a recent Saturday to pray for the success of Russia in the war with Japan. Surely that was "heaping cwils of fire." The 10-year-old boy of a Harvard professor has made such progress In science that he is ready to enter col lege. But think of the boyhood he has missed and which he can never have now! A correspondent wants to know the origin of the saying, "Cheer up; the worst Is yet to come." We are not eertain, but believe, it was first used as a motto by the editors of the comic supplements of the Sunday papers. Taking an inventory of ourselves once in a wbiie is a great aid to ad vancement. Slop and add yourself up it the close of the day and see If you hare anything to carry over. If yon have nothing but ciphers to carry over something Is wrong somewhere. Trie State chemist of Nebraska be came suddenly and surprisingly curi ous about the Quality of the straw berry Jam that was being sold In that State. In fact, the scoundrel analyzed It. He says that be found It was made dilefly of pumpkin, colored with coal ir dyes, preserved with benzoin and ," seeded" with grass seed. Much bad temper arises like that widen the humorist of the Chicago Journal makes a man describe to a friend who commented on his wife's III humor. "In the first place," said the husband, "she got angry at the servant-girl, then she got angry at me ecause I didn't get angry at the ser-ant-girl, and now she is angry at her self because l got angry at her be cause she got angry at the servant flrl." It cost France over $2,000,000 a day to keep an army of 600,000 men in the ield against the Germans. The Aus trian economist. Snaffle, eight years ago declared that a war Involving the continental powers of Europe would tost France over 15,000,000 a day; Boasla, 15,600,000; Germany, $5,000, 00, and Austria, $6,000,000. The fig area would probably be larger to-day, aad if made to Include Great Britain, Be United States and China the ex penditure for waste, destruction and death would aggregate nearly $40,000, 000 every twenty-four hours, or more has a million and a half an hour. The efforts of the managers of the glorified New York boarding-houses, otherwise known as apartment hotels, to make their establishments seem Uke home are pathetic, because they how that the home Instinct survives Ten in adverse circumstances. One of these men has lately announced that he will mark with their initials or monogram the silver, glassware and other dishes used by all those who en gage quarters for a month or more, ao that they may not only bare their own dishes, bat that It may seem as if they were dining at their own table. But for all that, a dinner of herbs In one's own home Is better than stalled ox In any boarding-house, however gorgeously adorned. "Certain sure" knowledge is hard to cam by in this world. Even the ex act science of mathematics loses its feature character as it enters the t!jar regions, and acknowledges MM of Its results as but approximate. Cat wooes art still reluctant to say, 1 tmt know," or eren -I don't know fxta." Tboy outgrew slowly the l Xa foaling that confessed lgnor f U BonfiasH failure Instead of a X Trt ka auger nsm of knowl-i- Ri lataOoa which to ' hih is far above ordinary reasoning processes in the realm of personal ad spiritual conditions, p'ays q'seer tricks ska it i appl.ed to practical affairs cf every-day life. "Where is your fcusband, Mrs. Johnson':" asked a frieiid. '"If the ice is as thick as lie ttutiks it is. be is skating; if it is as thin as I know it is, he is swimming." replied the logical lady. The coining woman tuut learn the limited value of the verb "to know." and must ap preciate that it worth Is often en hanced by the useful negative. Knowl edge, positive and accurate, is desira ble; but "the honorable points of ig norance" are also not to be despised, and wise men. from Shaksoeare to ! josn Biliine. have told us. each in his own way, that it is "better not to know so many things than to know so many things that ain't so:" Martha Washington could not have asked ber husband to stop at the store on his way home and get six spools of sewing cotton for her, as there was no sewing cotton made in the days of the Revolution. It was another and later war that brought about the revolution In the manufacture of thread. How it happened was recently described at a political meeting In Paisley, Scotland, by Mr. Clark, former provost of the town. He said that when Napoleon occupied north Cerniany in l.mxj, the upply of silk from Hamburg, which was used in making heddles, or the loom harness In Paisley, was cut off. Unless some substitute could le found, Paisley's weaving industry would be ruined, refer Clark experimented with cotton warp yarn, and succeeded In making thread like the six cord sewing thread 111 to-day. It took the place of silk in the heddles, and the weaving business went on, unin terrupted by the war. Then it occur red to another man to use the cotton thread In place of linen for sewing, and he recommended it to the women of the town. It was so much smoother than the linen that the women liked It. The thread was sold In hanks and wound by the purchaser info little balls, but the merchant soon decided to wind the hank on a Isibbln or spool for his customers as an added Induce ment to purchase It instead of the linen. From this beginning the cotton thread trade has'grown. and now silk and linen are used only for special work. In a recent discussion of public schools In the United States m.rl thi.ii. relation to religion, a clergyman said, We are bringing up all over this land a lusty set of young pagan, who, sooner or later, they or their children, will make havoc of our Institutions." It Is a broad statement. If it Is true the fact is of the greatest Importance, for the public schools s treiy fall to justify themselves if they do not build character as well as Impart knowledge. The charge was made as an argument in favor of the introduction of dis tinctly religious Instruction in the pub lic schools. But is It true? The Out look of New York City has attempted to answer the question, not arbitrarily, but by asking the opinion of nineteen college presidents, the heads of Institu tions of learning In the North and In the South, the Fast and the West. Their replies are based upon a sti, of the students In their own oollei: part of whom are graduates of public' schools, part graduates of private or sectarian schools where relig'on if taught Not one of the nineteen col lege presidents finds that the moral in fluence of the public school Is Inferior to that of the best private schools. All say, on the contrary', that the public school pupils enter life with as high moral conceptions and as much te llgion as their companions from the private schools; but several of ihfl presidents do notice a decided differ" ence between the product of different public schools and different private schools a difference which Is always traceable to the character and personal Influence of the teacher. The revolt of the Interesting inquiry Is a splendid, tribute to the public schools. The pop ular faith in them Is not without Jus tification. But two other conclusions' should not be overlooked; the tremen dous Influence of good teachers, that Is, teachers of strong and beautiful personal character, and the influence. In morals and religion, of the home. If there are no religious influences In the home, nothing which the schools can teach will supply the lack; nnd if there is religion there, the pupils In the public schools will do very well without special religious intruct'on. A He Sees It. "The paper bag, the kind the groceri use. you know, is the best barornetet for registering the rise and fall of gen eral prosperity," said the city sales man the other morning. "I hare beet selling paper bags for twenty-six years, and I can refer to my old order book! and tell you Just about bow much mon. ey there was In general circulation at any time since I have been toting tha.' old paper case about the city. "In twenty-six years I have closelj watched the sales, and I want to saj that I am selling bigger paper bags U grocers now than ever before. Aloni about 18M, and for three or four yean afterward, one pound and two poun sizes were the most used. I now sell ten times as many eight-pound bags ai I did even six or seven years ago. "You see, It stands to reason thai when people have little money thej will buy their groceries In sinal' amounts. When there is rdenty ol money people buy more at a time. Ot course, when the larger paper bags an sold it means that I won't aeil so manj of them, for people don't trot to th groceries so often." A mas is aerer satisfied antU be at teotte Ms own fmnoral. M 'mean. A)! When tleJ ; ardently Some one once made the bright re- mark, very often quoted: "I-et me make the songs of a people and I care not who makes their laws." that man. whoever he was. must ume ueen a ery presumptuous per- Km, ir he fancied that he could make tue songs or a people of any people. ! sti miner of ly so far up as the Ab h Because national airs, popular pitrl- j B fa lava country in I-ouisiana that il otic songs, are never mad to oid r. ! took three weeks to get news from tL rney grow out Of the stress of great Army of the Potomac to us. public enthusiasm, out of st.rr n The tune of .Maryland, My Man events and large crises. They are bor i I land." is an adaptation of an oh! col of inspiration; they must have not only the genius of the poet and the musical composer behind them, but there must be excitement and n hu slasrn "in the air" to stimulate tlelr efforts. The occasion that prompted th' composition of both the "Star Span gled Banner" and "Hail Columbia" are proof of this assertion. The for mer fitted to a new air. and the latter to an old one. were l,oth born In ex citing days of the republic; one. while the author was actually prisoner on a British frigate bomhard-ng Fort Me Henry during the war of Lslil; the other some years before, when this then small country was largely stirred up over the question us to whether she could proffer her allegiance to France In her gathering Kuropc.m war. In a musical way, these were the airs that made the stock in trade of the 1'nlon at the beginning of the war. I must utterly cast out of the account the frivolous and empty "Vankee Hoo die." It was often played by military bands during the conflict, but there was never any enthusiasm in It; it never excited anything but mirth. It was and Is now merely respectable from age; there ts certainly nothing In It to recommend it to anv people. Y.. .1. , iul me spienoiu measures am t'1(,"I"'PH "f air. as well as the lofty patriotism of the words of the "Star Spangled Banner" seized Arm hold of the I'nion people in the stirlti-j of lsj;i and have never lost tfielr grip to this day. Before the firin,' mi Fort Sumter this nlr was not w-II known to the American peo;.le. Jt had rarely ,een played and sung in public; thousands of grown poop e at the .North had never heard it Iwfor,' the national uprising. Then it was heard everywhere. If was sutv; and played at all war tiieetln;:. find up ui tne neparture of all Union n glim-ms for the front. It speedily came to ". as it Is now, the American ii-iiIoomI air. f-ome others were resutTH-'ed at that time and obtained a certain i"..oni ii.i . viikch uiev snii Kee;, as "Columbia, tne Can of the Ocean ami tne solemn and dirge-like "Amer ica." but the hold of the "Star Span gled Banner" upon the people who love the Union has never yielded ( any othfr air. Later In the conflict came Ihe stir ring "Rally Round the Flag." wli ch became an Instant and general favor ite, both in the army nnd at house A !t,.,r,vf t.A- .....I ..11.. ""'v'i'K-i, in'Miiioiy, no mm dial air was more played and sung wherever the I nion cause was dominant than this. I am speaking now of the music of patriotism, not that of koii'Ih e it. The list of the former kind ! not large; many attempts were made In this di rection, but few succeeded. It s. fact, so hard to make a patrio'Ic air, with words to match: There was, however, one other notable success In this Hue, which still holds its place In the hearts of the people, and Is likely to do so. 1 have read some prime 1 controversies as to who wrote the words and the music of the glorious martial hymn. "John Brown's Body," and I cannot, as nobody else can. tell to-day who wrote them. I am Inclined to think, like Topsy, they "growed." Mrs. Julia Ward Howe wrote a re sounding poem to the air, whjeh was never sung at all certainly not by the soldiers; but the trivial words of the original song, beginning: "John Brown's body lies a-inoldering In the grave," with Its endless repetitions, were caught up and sung by those at home and those In the field alike; and the stanzas were so added to and ampli fied, to suit every incident of camp life, that the orig'nal whs quite lost The air was grand, was Inspiring, and when played in corr-ct time by a full band it was calculated to stir the sou! Of the dullest soldier of the Union! But the way the soldiers parodied Hie words was shocking, while It was laughable. Turning to the Confederate side, 1 wish to make some corrections as to present popular notions aliout their war tunes which will be corroborated by thousands of veterans of (lie gray still living. It Is supposed by people who are now reading up on the war that Urn words and tune of "Dixie" were off shoots of the war spirit, and were never heard before the day of Fort Sumter and Major Anderson, On the contrary, the precise air and words, as they are sung and play now, bad been known for several yean prior to 1801. I cannot undertake to say bow many. But I well remember searing them song by a minstrel troupe, and also by a lady at a puna, in the summer of 1H; and 1 recall the curious dls-sen-loas ari-Ing ovr th word "Dixie" what it could posMbli the war came this song waj tly seized upon by the Southern people. Uke the words of "John Brown's Body," the word of this wor mere doggerel, containing hardly an idea; but there was a ''taking" quality in the air, and It was beard all over the South, as well as in some pla"ei not in the South. The "Bonnie Blue Flag" may have len known tielow Mason and IMxon't line before the outbreak of hostilities . i, wa4 Df.VPr i, o( at the ort h j ,),;! after hostilities were well begun, j ju wiI, exciting strain made it a popular favorite all over the South. - though there was little in the words t exalt enthusiasm. I remember bear- ; ing it sung by girls at the piano in :h I lege air; slow, statelv. vet made verv impressive to Southern people during the first year of the war. The words of this song, though Intensely bitter, had fl reil poetical quality about them; Is.lb words and music appealed strong ly to undecided M .try landers, and I have no doubt Influenced many of the:u to join the Confederacy. It Is beyond doubt Ihat the music I have nnu ed bad a large Influence on the opinions and acts of the combat ants. Why should It not? That influ. ems? is part of the story of the war, very little told, it is true, but a do rided one for ail that. And now (hat the conflict is over, and all its bitter ness Is, or oiujlit to lie, past will) it, what more agreeable to the veterans of both sides than to hear these airs played by all sections? The 1'nlon Is paramount and supreme; hut who would like to destroy or suppress any of the musje growing out of t! . -' nr' American Tr Initio. Stampeded Union tiers, h. Old Fort Oibsori, Just across the Ar kansas river fiom Muskogee, was a frontier jsist during the war, and around it cluster many quaint ro mances of Indian iifjend, romance and war. says the Ardiuore (I. T.) Ard morlte. will e the fort was known as the cbainel house of the frontier, be cause of the 'epidemics of cholera, smallpox and other (ii-eases. It was also the sc-cne of many deeds of dar ing, of one of the hitter, Khoda Ilees, n full-blood Cherokee, was the hero. Bees came of a family of fighters. HW father was a soldier under General Jackson and fought with bl:n at the battle of Horseshoe Bend, where tha power of the ('recks was broken, nnd fin uncle of the famous Stan Waitie, the leader of the Southern Cherokeei In the war of the rebellion, which ha rassed the I'nion for. es more than any other band. He tells the following story of a daring exploit when the Fed -ral .troops v.e;e siUlioued at Fort Gibsou. old Fort Gibson, locate! on Garrison hill, overlooking Grand river, was always well guarded with men and guns, so that the Confederates never ventured an attack, although they fought and skirmished nil around It. One lino day in the summer of lsiu the horses and mules belonging to the gatrls in. io the nun. ber of about II.V), were quiet ly grazing in the valley about half n mile cast of the fort, being attended j by two or tli"ee herd-men. who were reclining near by. It was after parad duty, inn nil was at test nt the gar rison on the hill, when Stan Waltis and about 1,100 troops on horseback sneaked up the valley, coining in lH!. low, where new Fort Gibson Is now lo cated, end, with whoops, yells and war like antics, surrounded the herd of ani mals, which they soon stampeded and started down Ihe valley. Fire from the herders aroused the garrison, which bred the artillery to no purpose, for the horses were soon out of range nnd sight behind the hills and depressions, and all crossed the Arkansas river, near the bluff at the foot of Greenllef mountain. The horses were taken to Camp Jeff Iwvis, then located near where Kacona College Is now lor-ated, almost In plain sight of the fort on Garrison hill, and scarcely five miles distant, but tJire were no guns In those days that would shoot that far. He Foricot Himself. A veteran In a G. A. II. uniform was entertaining a crowd by relating hU war experiences, says Die Washington rost, but refrained from explaining how he got (he bullet scar whb-h marked his cheek. At last his hearers grew curious. 'Where did you receive the wound In your face?" asked one, at last "At Bull Bun." said the veteran. The questioner grin n d. "Bull Hun!" he exclaimed. "How could you have been lilt in the face at Bull Hun?" 'Well, sir," said the veteran, apolo getically, "after I had run a mile nnd a half or two miles, I got careless, and looked back." The beaver's dam Is constructed In exnet accordance with the best prinii pies of engineering, and Is always In width, both at top and bottom, exactly proportioned to the weight of water It Is Intended to support The Graeae were demons of fear. They were greatly reverenced by Greek women, for It was generally lie lleved that they did not like to see a woman too beautiful and sometimes changed a beauty Into a fright. The infinitely little bare a pride in finitely treat Voltaire. RAILROAD TO THE ARCTIC. Land of the Midnight Sua la Pene I rated bjr !irdi.h I.ptcrprie. Americans can uo longer tiaiiu IU distinction of being the pioneers ol railway enterprise that penetrate th( trai kies wastes of the world. A !' dish company has surpassed the rail way builders of all the rct of tbt worid by constructing a line that reaches farther north than the whist i of the locomotive has eer Iweu heai before. Some writers who speak ol the White Bass and Yukon nad, wbM runs from Skagllay, Alaska, to Wliitt Horse, gemi.iiiy refer to it as thi most northern railroad Iu (be world The Wiid Goose road, wlilch iuaintaitJ a precarious existence throughout i't entire five miles, inland from CaiK Nome, leing quite devoid of ballast or grading, frozen solid during tbf long winter months and thawed t death iu the summer, is also referred fo as the northernmost bit of track II existence. But there is a regular rail road in regular operation. )Uile weC ordered in construction and equipment which lands passengers, freight an mail many miles nearer the north M.lt than do either the White Pass im ltjloii or the Wild Goose lines, hot! of which terminate well south of tb arctic circle. At the hem! of the G-ilf of Bothnia In northern Sweden, is the m:t o I.uiea, a town of almost .".'mi inhabit n tit k, distinguished as the southern ler minus of a railroad which runs to I J'int fifty-two miles Inside of the arc tic circle. Nome Is almost ''o inilei south of this; White Horse over -U miles, 'i bis Swedish railroad is a well kept, well-built line of the stainlarr Swedish gauge, which is the same fli our own, and It carried Iron ore to th gulf from the mines at Ma!mlerget . Swedish I.apland. I rom I.uiea to Miiliuhcrgct the ills tance by rail is about hvt miles, thf line running slightly west of liortt through a country very sparsely Iu habited, with almost continuous wooib of light green, stunted evergreen frc with their limbs slanting down instead of upward I ause of the long binder of snow they bear. Malml-ergof is fai enough north so that It has the mid night sun In June, and even in Angus! fhe sun Just barely dips under tin hlils at 11 p. in., and then the crimson sunset travels through a short ellips and becomes sunrise In the cast at 1 In the morning, without losing a truci of Its Isiiuty in between. There are two through trains dallv In each direction between I.uiea am! the northern termini at Geliivare and ,MaImberget nnd the running time h hot far from seven hours, InclniliiiB Ftop. Jhe trains are made up of see Jnd and third class cars, the second lass being quip, clean and comfort jable and very exclusive, since travel as luxurious as this is seldom indulged in in Swedish I,aplnd. Besides tin through trafiie, there is some little lo cal business between I.uleu and fl,f farming tow ns along the line, thirty o. forty miles north. The country ail along is pretty and green, ami it . hard to realize In" fhe summer time that the same parallel In which Malm berget is located, continued east Hllt west, leaves Iceland and the Klondikf to Ihe southward nnd cuts across thf White Sea lir, miles north of Ar.-h angel. DIVORCE MILL IN CANADA. Publicity of the Proceed inUi, I a Guar ii n tec Aicuiimt Any Fraud. The divorce mill does not grind It? grist so rapidly or so easily in Canadi as it does in the United States, ii,. rr nre no star chamber proceedings wherein the details may be smothered; on the contrary, from the first lo the' last there Is absolute publicity of nil the matters which lead to the 'applica tion for divorce. The notice of tin. ,ip. fdleiint must he published for six months in two newspapers in the ter ritory wherein the defendant reddes, which notice must give the name of (he applicant and tun defendant and (he ground upon which the application Is based, and a like notice must be printed In the Canadian official news paper. The ir.atier does not then go to a court, for no Cunndlnn court has the power to annul a marralge tie. It (toes to the Dominion Parliament. The Parliament has a commit lee known as the divorce committee, and to this committee the mutter Is re ferred, and before its nine members all the facts In relation to the case are brought. This committee has no set rules and the matter of precedent Eoes not control Its actions. It may dmit such evidence as It sees fit, and iuny exclude such as, in Its Judgment, pugtit not. to lie ndmltled. ! Before the matter Is referred to Ihii ommltleo, however, It must undergo i first rending In the Senate, w here the lallent facts in the case nre set forth. Then It goes to the committee, and fiom the committee It Is return; d to fhe Senate. The Senate reviews the action of the committee, and that lsidy basses on it In committee of the w hoi -. ff the action of the committee 1 con firmed by the Senate, the bill Is then lefcrred to the lower house of Pnrlln inent, which reviews both action of the Senate nnd th divorce (cnmi'tee. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Coincidence. "What -ire you rending, Charley, lenr?" ns .t d young Mrs. Torklns. "Why it I wns looking up ths racing news so as to see bow a new betting system would work. What were you reading?" "An article on how to live comfort- tbly on a small Income." Washington tar. Nothing makes a quarrelsome man bo mad as the refusal of his wlfo p talk tack. NOT INSUBED Mr De Stjle-"Mrte! Is tbr 0 g chained? .serfaDt-"VeUi" "And thi at put cut?" "Vrt'ui" "And the cbldren tied to Ihe bed pft in the nursery?'' "Vis'ui" "Vm e!l Then tou may 1111 the piauo lamp'' All Right Agsla. opal. Wyo.. May It. After suffer ing terribly for fojr or five years. Mr. A. J. Kohner of this place has be a completely restored to good health. His case and its cure is another prKf of the wonderful work Iid's Kid;;ey Pills can do. Mr. Kohner says; "For four or live years I have been a sufferer with Kidney trouble and a pain over my Kidneys. I thought I would give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial and I am glad I d.d so. for they bine done me giss! work and I feel ull right ag iln." Many cases are Ue.ng reported every week in which Dodd's Kidney Pliis have effected cures of the most seri ous cases. i ji.i sfronj? testimonies from earn et men and women are splendid (rib ntes to the curative properties of Dodd's Kidney Pills and judging f thise letters, there Is no case of Kid ney trouble or Backache that Dodd's Kidney i'ilis will not cure promptly B;l oeriineiitly. A World-Wide Itcpuiatlon. Wherever men are there will be Ill ness, and wherever people are HI. Disld's Kidney Pills will be found a blessing. Solely on their merits have the) pushed their way into almost ev ery part of the civilized world. Their reputation as an Ih.ijc,i medicine that (an always be relied uti has Is-en built up by the grateful praise of those who have been cured. The two fol lowing letters Indicate Just how the reputation of this remedy ktnnvs no geographical hoi, Nils. Ihe sick and sulTering all over the worid are asking lor Dodd's Kidney Pills Dear Sirs I have Is-eii suffering for some months from a Kidney com plaint. The doctor who attended uiOi has recommended me to take your pilis, "Dodd's Kidney Pills." After two boxes I got some r ef. But 1111 forlunateiy 1 have not been able to go on with the treatment, being uuuble to find nny pills In Cairo. The chemist who sold tne the two boxes has Informed me that he had sent an order for some, nnd has ls-en keeping tne waiting for more than one month. This is the reason why I am writing to yon to request you to Imve the goodness to send me by return of post sit lioxes for which 1 will pay as, soon as I receive them from the post! Kindly let me know nt the wime time where your branch agency la Kg.ipt can Is- found. Thanking you In anticipation. MOIIAMKD ItACHKD. "Iliimelibles I.lbres d. l'!:tli t. Otlice of the Minister of Finn nee CAIRO. KGYPT. Dear Sirs I want to purchase six boxes of Dodd's Kidney PHI, hut I don't know exactly where to apply, at ItufTr.li. x. I ... ..I..., f .1...- can be sent by express nr registered 1 1 1 n 1 1 from either place. Please ndviss me of how to proceed in order to net the pills without delay. j ours truly. J. P. SIM OX SON. Vlborg. V. Mark, DKXM A UK. The Empire Statu Exptcss 11 a feature of the New Yotlc Central and Hudsm railroad exhibit In tha Transportation Palace tit the world's fair. The train consists of foir cars, combination baggage and itnoker, two day caches and an o; solvation car. It is the snie train that made, tbe record run from "Sew York to Buffalo. I cum ak rost l-ts ov bumble and resmntd pjttvs In this world, oul, let thctu bat their way In, all tliinas Could Yon I-e Any Kind ofa Scwlna Machine mt Any Prion? If there Is any price so low, any offer so liberal that you would think of ac cepting on trial a new high grade, droa cabinet or upright Minnesota. Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. Standard. White of T " ."""'"K Machine, cut oul ana rctara iula uutice, and you will re ceive by return mall, postpaid, free of cost, the handsomest sewing machine catalogue ever published. It will name you prices on the Minnesota, Singer. Wheeler & Wilson, White, Standard and New Home sewing machines thai will surprise you; we will make you a new and attractive proposition, a sew. lug machine offer that will astonish you. If you can make nny use of any sew ng machine at any price. If any kind of an offer would interest you. don t fall to write us at once (be sure to cut out and return this special no tice) and get our latest book, our latest ffers our new and most surprlsina proposition. Address " SEAUH, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago. fm -- All n m auui .! viwuvinirtt ritua rnUiAvjritefotiilu wwetrkCiiammAn LeatrgrUt ttfi-tatflVe. t 4 itl"-bbsssssss BsBaBBaaBBBBBaaiaaeli MLjre. 1 i'r-sv v av I mi