Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 26, 1904, Image 1

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    Harrison Press -Journal.
Official Papr
Btoul County.
ZMZY 26. 1904. IS) 0. 48
Screen doors yet at LaCT Bbos.
Sam LtelinK was io the city,Tueday
lr. T.H.Soiudlo the Crawford dentist
Nad Vastier liar been oat to tbe Clarke
rancb Uii week.
A large crowd attended the Holliogworh
ale last Saturday.
4 Miu Mabel Bigelow returned from
Chadroo last Saturday.
Decoration lay will soon be here. Will
it be observed in liar num.
' C. B. Hollingsworth moved out to the
Hester ranch this week.
C. B. Brown the Fort Robinson photo
grapher was in Harrisoo last Saturday ,
Sunday and Monday.
4 Ernest Lyon came up from the Lower
33 ranch Sunday evening and has been in
town mot of the week.
(Jeo. Burke has commenced to
learn the printer trade in this office. We
predict for bim success.
Mrs. James Connolly and daughter
Bnm, of Canton, Neb., were in Uarri
son latter part of lust week.
I will hold service at Glen Sunday
morning at U clock a. in. all are
cordially in vile J. J. li. Bukkb.
Mrs. A. Lowry nnd her son John, left
Monday night for Iowa where they will
Visit friends and relative for a month.
I Mrs. Zerlmt went to Chadroo laatSnl-
urday uight to see lier Don Dick who is
there in the hospital. She returned
Monday morning.
J. H. Newlin moved from the Basset
pi nee to Harrison this week, and Oscar
Ward moved from the Marateller ranch
to the Basset place.
John Bieser left for Chadron again last
week where he will take treatment lor
rheumatism. We trust that he will re
turn fully recovered.
Robert Lux, w ho lias been attending
school In Harrison this winter, went out
to his father's ranch in Cottonwood pre
cinct this werk where he will remain
during vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, accompan
ied by their daughter Edaa, left last
Thurwlny night for i two months visit
at different points in this state, Iowa
and South Dakota.
About 25 of the young people of Har
rison enjoyed themselves at a party
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Lyon Tuesday evening. KefreshmenU
were served and a general good time was
John A. Anderson moved his family
last week to his ranch in Warbonnet
precinct where his many friends will
find him ready to receive them, John is
one of trie County'i substantial citizens
and has a warm spot In his heart for
his fellow man.
Theo Sagert was in the city Monday.
He will go into business here la a short
time and will move his family from
Chadron to this city. The writer has
known Uiis geotleman for several years
and w can say that the citizens of Mar.
rison will find him to be an honest and
upright business man.
The republicans last weak Dominated
the following ticket: J, H. Mickey, for
Governor; E. M. ftearle, Auditor; Norris
Brown, Attorney General; Peter Morten
sen, Treasurer; J. L. McBrien, State
Superintendent. If Mr. McBneo is elect
ed our schools will have a capable and
efficient officer.
Chas. E. Schilt, ex-county Judge of
this county, writes us from Oleander,
California, and says he would like to
see some of hi old 8ioux county friends
come down his way and he will agree to
give them all the fruit they can eat and
all the wine tbey can drink. We think
this l quite a liberal offer and don't be
surprised Charley if some of u drop
down on you some day.
Misses Verm Qriewold. Ida and Lucy
Moravek, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wright
pent last Sunday at the Dunn ranch 4
mile north of Harrison. These people
were royally entertained by music, both
instrumental and vocal, rendered by
Mrs. (Hinn and her brother Mr. Fin ley.
The bountiful dinner was heartily
erjoyed, when evening came the
(jest departed for their home io Harri-
The Crawford deotiatUDr.T.U.Spiodlo
George Gerlach had a busr day at tle
PhotOAraph gallery Sunday.
The best range stoves on the market
for the price at LaCY BROS.
4 P. B. Bigelow and W-H. Davis return
ed iroin Lincolu Uk Friday.
i Mrs. J. H. Wilhermadorfer has been
quite ill for the past two weeks.
Coniiiderabla rain has fell the past
week and everything looks good.
Will Bar tell is working at Jaodta
ranch io the south part of the County.
Plymouth Rock
R. L. Keel. iu2
eggs. Price, 11 for $1.
Sheriff Lowrv went down the road
Monday night returning Wednesday
Dr. Davis has his office now located
in southeast room of the Ranch Supply
Several improvement are being made in
the north room of the Andrews block
this week.
Fred Clarke is staying out to the
ranch where he intends to spend most of
his vacation.
E. F. Pontius has moved into the pro
perty he recently purchased from C. B.
Mrs.Con verse went to Douglas Monday
morning. Her two daughters miss
Myrila and Miss Oertrudo will go the
latter part of this week.
Mrs. J. H. Bieser relieved word Tues
day tb;it lte huslwnd who is at the hospi
tal at Chadron, was seriously ill. She
Went to Chadron that night.
A cord from Glen Zerbe at San Fran
cises to his mother here, states that he
arrived there on the 18th jnd sailed for
the Philippines on the 19th.
John Plunkett was in the city Satur
day nnd was a pleasant caller at this
office. Mr. Plunkett was very sick a fe
month ago bur we are glad to state that
be isnow nearly recovered.
Miss Vera Gnswoldand Master Dw'gbt
cam" up irom wcratm, neo , i
Frid.iy morning and visited with friends
n Harrison until Monday night when
they returned to their home at Gordon.
Notwithstanding the disagreeble
weather last Friday morning, nearly all
he school children went to the Plvmpton
grove in Hat creek; cunyon where iney
enjoyed a good time and a IsiiiiUifui
unch, not returniog home until late in
the afternoon.
We learn that Fred Blomberg has been
appointed Roadinaster on the North
western on the division between Chad
ron and I lead wood, Mr. Blomberg was
for several years section foreman at Glen
nd his many friends here will lie pleased
to hear of his rapid advancement.
Ashtsl Orton writes us from North
East. Erie county. Pa. He was one of
Sioux county's early, and respected
itizens but some years ago moved to
the east where he enjoys many privileges
that we do not have in the west, al
though we have plenty of room and
good fresh air in old Sioux county.
J Ed Outhrie expects; to leave either
Saturday or Monday night for Anna
polis, Mary land, where he enters the Uni
ted States Naval Academy for period of
six years. Ed is another Sioux county boy
that has made his mark. He is only 17
years of age and th position ha now ac
cepts pays him foOO a year and he has
a chance to advance which we predict he
will. His many friends here wish for him
Herman Hibbaln, of the valley, hod a
close call toward leaving this world by
the lightening route during the storm
last Friday evening. He went to the
door to see how bad the storm was when
a bolt of lightening came so uncomfort
ably close to him that ha was knocked
several feet and he did not fully recover
for nearly half an hour. He was in Har
rison the next day and was considered
a lucky man,
J. A. Kor and Geo. William have secur
ed position with the College National
bank. They began work last Monday
and are sura of a four weeks' job.
Geo. F. Williams is trying his hand at
banking with bright prospects of suc
cess. Lincoln Business Manager.
The George Williams refered to in the
above article is the oldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. T. O. Williams of this city and
hi many friend will b pleased to learn
of his success which he richly deserves.
From the Boflarc Record Pub
lished Feb. 25, 1887.
1 Mr. J. B. Burke lias been devoting
some time this winter getting out house
logs, and expects soon to have his house
up ready for occupancy.
J Mr. Waroeke, the new grocer at
Bo wen, has already received a good
quantity of Mock, and expects to have
every thing on the shelves in a few days.
a-i i - i - . i
v mere was a goou atienoance at trie
dance at Mr. Burret's lust Tuesday
evening, and with good nisic by Tlios.
Murphy and Billy Fenway, and tooth
some supper by the ladv of the house,
the hours glided swiftly by and day
light came 11 ore the fuu stopped.
4 Frank Nutto, a brother in luw of John
Hunt, t.f Antelope ireck, will be here
Saturday. He look a claim last full and
is bringing his family with him to Kettle
on anj improve his land. He comes from
Cass county, Iowa.
That printers' oath may sound a little
strong, but it is nothing compared to
the one ripped out when a stick of type
is "pied." Ex.
All parties indebeted to Chas. Newman
by note, or otherwise will find all bills,
and notes at the Commercial Bank for
collection. Please cull and settle all
oen accounts by note bankable or cash
in hand and save costs.
Cms. Newman
School Teachers Invited
To attend the Western Normal College
Summer School, Shenandoah, loiva, open
ing June?. Approved by Stale Board.
All branches of study and teachers' spec
laities. Expenses the lowest. Reduc
tiou in railroad fare. v rite lor any
Information desired.
J.M. Huskey, Prei-ident,
Shenandoah, Iowa .
The New Homestead Law
provides: (a) That the homestead rights
shall embrace 640 ncres of land; (!) that
those who had taken a homestead may
take another to complete said area; ()
that those now holding and residing up
on a homettead have first right to their
share of -vacant land joining. ' . '
Geo. Grimm moved his family last
week to the upper 33 where he will reside
and look af'er the interests of Brewster
and Co. for the next year. We did our
first days work in Nebraska on this old
ranch over IS years ago when women
were a scarce article in th.it part of the
country, but things have changed since
then. We remember ono day of Otto
Tietze coming to the ranch with a young
lady and the young men were peeping
around the cornera of thn buildings as if
they h.id never seen a woman before.
But these young men are all lienedicts
now, even Otto, that the boys seemed so
envious of.
We would like to say to our school
board in selecting our te:u:hers for thn
next year, why not consider our home
talent. We have advocated our people
patronizing home industries, &c. and we
think it just as reasonable to recognize
our home girls and bov where they la
bor for an education, and are as compe
tent in every way as teachers that are
imported and we know what they are.
It would seem unreasonable to our
school board were one of our own home
graduates without any experience to ap
ply for a position in eur school, but
strange to say we have had strangers
that hare had no experience tench in our
school, and why not treat our own as
you would strangers. Recommendations
don't oount for anything these days for
anything can get a recommendation as
our board full well knows from past ex
perience, and why not help s m of our
own teachers get started in of ur graded
schools as well as strangers. What say
you to this, gentlemen?
It is interesting to note that fortunes
are frequently made by the invention of
articlesjof minor importance. Many of
the roost popular devices are those de
signed to benefit the people and meet
popular conditions, and one of the most
interesting of these (hat has ever been
invented is the Dr. White Electric Comb,
patented Jan. 1, '99. These wonderful
Combs positively cure dandruff, hair
falling out, sick and nervous headaches,
and when used with Dr. WhiteVF.Iectric
Hair Brush are positively guaranteed to
make straight hair curly in 25 days' time
Thousand of the electric combs have
been sold in various cities of the Umou,
and th demand is constantly increasing.
Our agents are rapidly becoming rich
selling these combs. They positively sell
on sight. Sand for sample. Men s size
85c. ladies' 60c.-half price while wears
introducing them.) The Dr. White Elec
tric Cora Co. , Decslur, 111.
Tlit Truth Grade Commence
ment. The exercises of the Tenth Grade
which uas held at the M. . Church last
Friday night eclipsed anything tliat has
ever taken place in Harrison. By 6
o'clock there was not a vacant chair in
the church. The program was carried
out except the open air concert which
had to be left eut on account of the
heavy rain at that time. We were all
somewhat disappointed for we were
anxious to hear the baud boys give their
first concert to the public. At 8:15 the
class marched into the church while the
orchestra played an overture after which
praver was offered by J. B Bu.-ke. Af
ter a song by the ihoir, 51 iss Virginia C.
Parsons rendered the Salutatory, "Life
is Real," and we niut say she acquiled
herself with credit.
Class Prophesy"
by Mi is Gertrude Converse was well
rendered and we hope that her many
prophesy may come true. The Class
address, "Hammer and Nails," given by
Rev. J. H. Andrews of Chadron, was a
masterful talk, anil was highly apprecia
ted by all. Mr. Andress spoke for one
hour and fifteen minutes nnd many said
they could have listened to him all night.
If the claxs will only remember one half
the good things that he said and will put
them into practice they will be much
benefited. We have heard Mr. Andress
speak several limes, and we are glad to
say that there was no disappointment,
and those that nursed hearing tins address
missed the best lecture that has ever
been given in Harrison. We feel sure
that the class made a lucky hit when
they got the services of tiiis gentleman,
and should e ever come to Harrison
ngain he will lie greeted by a full house.
Archio Davis gave t!:e Valedictory,
"Napoleon." Rev. V, C. Daniels, after a
few well chosen remarks presented the
Diplomas to the class after which the
Flower Fairies; Lucy Gerlach. Helen
Cl irke. Edna Davis and Ollie Morris pre
sented the oaxs with beautiful flowers.
Principal Morris with a few very appro
priate remarks presented Otte Paie with
a scholarship certificate, he standing the
highest In the class. This young man
deserves a great deal of credit for his
manly bearing and studious habits since
fie has been a.nong us. Some yeurs ago
God saw best to cull this voung man's
mother from this world leaving him
without h home, and the dearest friend a
young man can have, a mother, ilut
while these- have been tflken from him,
he oy his manliness has had a home giv
en him by A McGinley who tin given him
the advantages of our school for the psst
three years, snd Morris, his teacner,
in piesi-nl inn him with his scholarship,
said that he hud never given him one
moments worry, and that his attitude
toward turn us a pupil was nlwujs
manly and obedient. May he, when his
lifes work is ended here be ueh that j
when the. great record above is read it
may be the same as given by his teacher
as on the night of his graduation.
Archie Davis stood next in his class
nnJ ho has by his earnest efforts and de
votion to his work, brought him the
honors that were bestowed upon him on
this eventful evening and we hope that
he may ever remember the m-my sacri
fices that have been made by those inter
ested in him, that he might attain the
honor that was bestowed upon him by
his teacher, and the clnihs by choosing
hunas Valedictorian.
Misses Virginia 0. Parsons, Edna Roh
wer and Elsie Rohwer have been reared
in Hioux county and are estimable voting
ladies, and have by their earnest efforts
and liidv Ilk? nmnnrs won th honors
bestowed them Friday night, by their
teachers, classmates and school board,
and we hope that the lives of these young
ladies may be brightened from day to
day by the remembrance of this epoch of
their life. Miss Gertrude Converse came
to Harrison atiout two years ago and by
her diligent and careful work, she earned
the honors bestowed and as she goes out
from this school we hope, that the many
excellent things that she has learned
may be used to make the world brighter
and better. We wish the class as did
their ninny friends on the evening of
their graduation. Success, anil may
their lives be spent in helping others for
there has been many a sacrifice made by
father and mother that these children
could I what they are today
The sinifine was very good considering
that two voices, that of Mrs. Wilherms-
dorfer and Mrs. V. C. Daniels were on
account of sickness unable to be present.
We will look forward to next year for
such another memorable event hoping
that there may be as many or more to
receive the honors for their many vears
work, for we know the patrons appreciat
ed the exercises of the evening as well as
the honors bestowed upon these young
people, and there were many visitors
Irom the country present notwithstand
ing the down pour of rain at the hour the
excercieea began,
. $
Selling More
A complete line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE,
DRYGOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, and a complete
Ruilding material of all kinds : Flour, Feed, Grain,
Wind mills, Pumps, Tanks, Wagons, Buggies, Faim
Implements, Hardware, Harness, Saddles & etc.
iYou Are
t t
That's what it's here for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Gooda, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give ua a trial. Yours for Business,
carry the largest and most
I'oinplt-te stock of (icncrnl
Merchandise in Sioux Couo
KAi i 2, All our prices are in
keenini' with the quality of I
'goods we sell. We do nt keepi
i lieap John goods and therefore
wo do not sell at t heap John
prices. We sell first class goods
it. lair prices.
FA 1 3, We endeavor to cater;
to the wants and needs of our
customers and our ixls j,re;
selected with this intent.
successor to C. H.NEWMAN
Lumler, Doors, Sank, Lime,
Coal, Wagons, Buggies and
Machinery of all Kinds.
also carry a line of Wind
MilU, Pumps, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc. etc. etc.
A large stock of feed, both
ground and ungrouud al
ways on hand.
mail orders given prompt
Give me a Call.
Manhood Restored
This great vegotnblo vitalljtor, the pre
scription of n famous French phyalclnn, will
qtiloklv cure vou of all or nervous dlsesses
of the generative organs such ss lost Man-
hood. Insomnia, pnine in the Rack, Semi mil
i . i v.- I ...... i . .. ni i T-..
emissions, Nervous Debility, Pimples, Vn
fitness Io marry, Kihaustlng Drains, Varico
cele amlConslipntlon. It stops nil losses by
dsy or night. Prniiiatsrlty, which if not
chocked, lesdito spermatorrhoea and all the
horrors of Impotonoy. CUPIDENE clonuses
tho llvermul kldnovs. CUPIDENE strength
ens and restores. The reason sufferers aro
not cured by doctors is because, ninety per
cent are troubled with I'rostaltW. UUI'I
DKNE Is the only known remedy to cure
without nn operation. rA,0OT tlstiinouials.
A written guarantee given and money re
turned If six boxes do not effect a perma
nent cure. 01100 a box; six for Ave by mail
fend for frneelrrnlar and 'natlnioiilala. Ad
(ireas DAVOL MEDICINE CO., RsnFi anclaoo
California. Tor sale by Rienaxn JtJonH.
Goods Than Ever.
All Ordlira VlVeil Hmmnt Htt,nt1r,n X
c2 Ttiisi
TlfATS SiiiHT;
FACT 4, We have iust re
oeived our Spring nnd Summui
invoice or white waista 4, dres
joorts, India Limons, Cambrics
Percales, Ginghams, Sateens
Jhirtintrs Henriettas, Ac. &c
FA'JT 5, Our line of Boots &l
."sliiies and blippers is compose!
of the latest styles from th
most reliable hoon
FACT 6, Everything usual l
(kept in a General Store can b
jfound at our place.
Special Reprksentativk in this county
ami adjoining territories, to 'represent
and advertise an old established Wealthy
business house of solid financial standing.
Salary $21 weekly, with 3 per day foff
expenses,paid each Monday by chec.kr.
direotjfrom headquarters. Expenses rid-,
vanced, and horseihd bugjjy furnished
when necessary; position permanent.
Address Blew Bios., 640 llouon Building
Chicago, 111. 6-40
Notice of Aplication for Liquor License. s,
Notice t hereby Riven that tho under-,
slvnetl liHsfllvrl his nppiicnt.ion hh1 pntit.lon
for license to sell mult, sprltuous and vinona,
liquors In the village of Harrison, during
the year ending- .May 4, 1SHW. TUut ald ap--pllcHtlcn
will b heard by the Hoard of
Trustees of ssid Village on the 21st day of
May 1904 or thereafter at the first meeting .
of said board. Any protest, abjection or
remonstrance to the granting of said license
should be filed with the Clerk of said Vlllum ,
on or before May 21, I'MH.
TllKO. SOER-, Applicant.
Sheriff Sale.
I5y virtue of an order o sale issued by
the Work of the District ( ourt of Sioux
county, Nebraska, upon u degree rcndortal
in sulci couiiiy in favor of .Mabel G. Mouther,
plaintiff, and n gainst John II. Ilarron, Mary
Harion, his wife, and Wlllia n (-outlier, de
fendants I will oa the 81st dny of Slay 1004 at oue
o'clock in the sf toruoon of said day nt Urn
east front door of thn court house of tin
said county at Harrison, Nebraska, sell at
public suction to the higiiOHl biddertnr cash
in hand the lellowlng described real estate
situated In Sioux county, towit,
Southwest ouarter of northwest quarter
and lot two, (2) hi section twenty Are Vi)
and tbe southenst quarter of northeast
quarter (HK4 NEM) and lot one (II in seotlon
twenty ilt (Ml in township thirty-one (31)
north ol Range Hfty tbrej (13) weat of eth
Principal Meridian'
To satisfy aald order of sale In tbe euro Of
seven hundred and sixty rive dollars and
twelve rents end intsrett and coats and
set-ruing coat.
K ret publication April, , im
Atix Iiwar,
Sheriff of aatd Miiag