VJ. l4. Burke, Prop. -3itHi.K 15 XHfc 0:1 uUCKAT Hit f.,-.JSBR. A? itCOSl' CLAS MATTtB OFFICIAL PAPER SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Ytar. -'JJLJ . I ILIJ ADVERTISING K.STKS ( a-r inch, single column, per month .0 j frf folumu, -r mixilh UO j fr desstoiml cards per year, one tncii 5.00 lineal per line encti twtte .1)3 , Vl percent (tf on t early contracts. (OUR CORRESPONDENTS GLEN" ROUNDUPS. "Mr. and MpC Heonesy Went to C'ruw ti.nl Stinduy, Geor Lark.n and wife spent Sloot'a j ft r r""'l- . Jinj Jnwo was a pleasant caller at 0i- Sunday. We are g;lad !u ,' tl No back into he miik of duty. Kir Tucker visited at the count Seat hi Tnwslay of rli, , Mr.. Emery Gilmore i visiting; hr ier. Mm. Jnso this week. Thhojdat. , Jk) Jenwli mj Chrm Morpan tnok ilm 9er Kt 'he home of S. S. Btjeklv Surniav. Jlr. Wyhart atnl Mrs. Ha.'en were 'raafonl visitora on TuewtaT of list 1 fvppv liodife.ii departed for Scott Biulf i TuhwIbv of last week aod relumed ".-.turday. Mri. Cuton nnd Mr. Blornhnrjr pent , rrrv pleii.int Sunday afternoon at Mr. Hid Mrs. I.irkinn' .Mr. and Mrs. . Will , Phillip, , Ezra r rM. ker :md Miw St.-u lie ate a lienrty din ' ' at tl honie of Mr. and. Mrs. Corder junday. ilrs. (ia:;lon hat been enjovinff a vere i euwiDt visit with her dauchter. Mr. ' J"Un Blomburg and w ill leave lor Luk 'VtdDesday. itr. and Mr. Dan Wyhart passed hronjth our vil lair d Snturday afternoon -rfoute for Belmont to look after the nierests of their ranch. -' u ' ifisses Mae Garner and Irene Murphy ' c'-ompanied by their prandmother, Mrs. .'''rancia Tucker, took the morninif train for Glenrock, Wyo., Huturday. j Mr. and Mm. John Kalstrom departed f? for Wahoo, Seb., lat Monday. We are orry to lose this rep-ted family bt ' wisriUiem every aucces lu their new 'iortie. The Hillwde school had severn.1 photo-.t-if'ris taken last Tuesday by William Jenen. We have wen some of his work """"n'd wish lo nay they are Hue for ania- ".ir work. Mrs, Mary Jones, from Saline county, his state, who has lwn visiting with " ler mother, Mrs. Francis Tucker, dfpurt 'J d"on the evening tram at Oawford 'kturday. She exjiects to visit relatives " it'Muller on her way home. , Everyone is invited to trin their sup per and join us in genuine, oid tune. en. ' jovahle sociable given at the Glen church ' r'riduy evening May 27th. Supfwr for lw-o,25:. The proceeds to go toward an orjtan fund. Come one and all. ,As we were returning from Sunday chool last Sunday we saw a young r coitplt sitting on the mail platform ,Ve r'llnklha't they had forgot ten that the '"rralns don't run on Suitdav. .We also notice that some Sunday school r teed a body guard in the form mounted horsemen. liner of a Mrs. Hans Peterson, aged. 36 years, iietf Tuesday morning May 10;h, and was UiiJ" to rest in the Danish cemetery .vest of Glen Wednesday, t the Rev, Jen- conducting the services. Shie leaves i.'liiwttahd and seven children to mourn u tTia i loss ef a loving wife and mother. ' Vile oldest is a child of twelve year and ''He youngest a babe of six months. We ''tlos'y 8intrely extend our sympathy to ' 'J,e bereaved husband and motberless 1-. . i. ' " 'iik.re,i. Catharine. tHAT 'CREEK Tom Itmen visited at J. Eberspechers 'iinday.' Georg ,i) tin homestead". w, - ' Jim Brown is looking after h:s cattle ii.d improving his' ranch on 'the divide. Mike Ruffing borrowed one of Ton HiM'a ' Mora' to' woik. Who he took bib) Dome ' the lidrs kicked Mike eliodj (u of th barri: Thar is man over here on Ilat rreek tAat Wt 43 eggs at on meal aiid the way fit had keeping tfira down is no troublu U hira. Vm my if tMre is anything he HlmbatUr than eggs, it 13 more eggs. WAiHXD Ageata, Hustlers, Salesman (rks'aod everybody who wanU to en, ' J"y hearty laugh to send uOc for "Tlpt to iaMa," Worth to any ' panioa wW aalls goo4t for a living. 'li I MMMtory yor mm back. Cir-'-- far Mant. TbaUr. WbiU Clao- ClHSmk C OmMmt, m. Bodarc Gleanings. Wjare rr t lrn that Albert' J Riirui is ay:;a on the ck list. SZ- F. Antrim . jifeririK fmrn a -Tersr ! - Mack of rbiuiDiotni and not aide tti I el aliotf t , I t'leve Z'iimerma ha Wo enraged1 to ! orU for Joho ('lfe on Hie horn roHi j tin summer V H. Zimmerman and uns moved their utile on Mondtt of last wwk to lltew nui:e on Old Wjcnan creek. Several owners in this locality have been henng: tiile m Dumber of their year-ting, m tlie putt two weeks from black le A round dozen o Rxlarcs young, peo ple ate dinner last Sunday lth Arthur Miller uml I ronr an onsersers point of ik lliev IImtv thoroughly enjoy ed themiel Vs. (lien Z-rb is home visiting for sltort t luie w illt lit imrents before leavinir far Philippine IsUnds where he ha. b-eu jeiiKed by the government to teach for ! couple of years. "Liist Sunday Mr. Wickentham deliver ed a short discourse at ttie rioe of Sun day k-Ikhi). A It had been announced the preceeilina; Sunday, quit a large number was present. Ou Saturduy and Sunday nifhts of lat week ttwre was Iwavy white frokts in the valley, Ajmih on SIooHmv night f this weell anotlier frot, the ground tieinif white at suurise Tuesday ruoruinti. W had Nn puzeleinn our brain as to I he reason why the editor was obliged to KO Utck fifteen vers in search of items to All out the sheet, but the last iue explains it all. "Pettfy" has severed her couuectioo with the paoer. MAC Carey Items. Mr. C. P. Lyon is in Craw ford visiting friends for a few days. v John Merk-tm and Charlie Stewart dipid cuttle Monday. i Arners, Suxtons, (iirey and (Jiove ei- pect to dip cuttle this week. On May 7lit the Carey tost mistress wa called to Omaha on oOicial business. She relumed the 16'.h. Jlri. Conlev. who has lfn winteHnu her cattle on the -John Hixon"' place, moved to Soldier creek this week." Henry Tnckie visited on CottoDwood Sunday and informs us that bis st-r, Mri. Herman Milier, Is seriouslv ill. j Since our last items apiared Curt Mete has bought the place foruerlv owned by Fred Procunler and Ims moved his family thereon. Mrs, Andrew Procunier went to Mrrl man, Neb., a few weeks ago anil has since bought a store there. Mr Procun ier will Join her in a short time. K Last week there was repented heavy frosts and as plums, june berries and wild currants were io full bloom it is likely that those kinds of fruits were killed. A few days ago A. Procunier nr.d Mr. and Mrs. S, W. Carey were called to the heiKide of Mrs. Wm. Stull of Soldier creek who is very sick, Mrs. Stuli Is sister of Mrs. rrocunier and Mrs. Onrej-, n nuui, nine niu I el rj rnxiu v wou his pluce on Sand creek t- Abe Green Kd and Mr. Greenwood rented his ranch to James Everson. Mr. and Mrs. Everson are now living in the Moody house and we are glad to welcome them b.,ck to our midst and to Sunday school. THIMOTHY. f ; Hunter Happenings. The sick folks are nearly well sgnin, J. R Hunter came home Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis were Harri son visitors Saturday. Mr." and Mrs. Elmer Hughes were visi tors at Poet Hill Sunday evening. ''Mrs. A. L. Hageroan visited friends at East Andrews over night Sunday. Dick Hovey came over from Saw Dust Sunday returning Monday morning. Roy H.igeman visit1 his little friends at East Andrews the flrst of the week. . tv... U 1.. - 1.1 Mr. Hilton, of Runningwater, pwssed through here Saturday on his way from th north ranch. ''Jack CVok came over from Agate with the mail carrier Monday and went to Hurriaon Tuesday. f Delbert Rice visited friends in Harrison Friday and Saturday. He attended the Eighth Grade program. y Y Walter Smoke took eamjur-tion for mail Clerk and passed, m he is a new mail clerk too. Pretty pood for this neighborhood to furnish two mail cleiks. j We wudi you success Walter in getting a job soon. "Peggy" why did you quit writing for the pFEfJtHTRNIX. We will miss your items very much. We looked for them each week aoi) were sorry when they did not npfear. If you are going to move iook lur you aga.n (roro your new - M. Wrm Mm tnnu Mill i m.ht nn Im Wa hop soma will taka op tba work at "WarboaMt. U Do. i THF PIONF.FR Drus, Wall raptT DruKuit' Sundries, S F-airitH, Oils, Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY. The finest Line of pipesand j best cigar in the city. RICHARDS & JOXES, Successors, J. E. Phinney. j J. H. WILIIEUDOOFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done Kings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. iJhe Commercial Bank. HARRISON. DIRECTORS. C. F. CorrEE, President. , V. W.Clarke, Cannier Chas. C. Jamesox. if. S. Clakke, A. McGinley Stockmen having use for a hank at this point may rely 01 us to handle their entire liankinp; bui:ief. lWe are prepared to take rare of our trade at all tiine.ij. Will make the season at my plaoe on Monroe Creek 7 miles north-west of Harrison. PEDIGREE. WISDOM J., Sired by imported clyde, Dam Feven-eiRhta shire, weight 1,500 pounds. r Price-tC.W) to insure living colt. The money for service of stallion will be due and payable at once in case mares R I are sold or removed from the ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION. The above stallion willetand at our bam' in Harrison this season. Feeawillbe due and payable at once in cane mares are diepowd of or removed from the county. Call and see us if you desire the service of a horse this season. TJIiMS8. 00 to insure colt to sta nd and suck. Lacy & Son. ' THE TWO STALLIONS T02v SCOTT and SOLIIDE. Will stand for the season at ny place 5 miles eat of Harrison, 3 miles wedt of Andrews four da Y8 in tho worl- ; Mondays and Tuesdays at my 4JJ,UMa'lt ttUOTT $12 Aa M . iu. jees win be payable at or ditpoeed of. Hare can PITARMAP.Y 1 NEBRASKA. STALLION. county, ROBERT KEICL. place in the valley. to insure living COlt, SOLIDK ' J J once if mares are taken away be left a faw day in pasture .... 'SlSlSTfjS wm"- J. E. PHINNEY, Physician Surgeon. OFFICE: AHIHIEWS Uujck. L C. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. HARRIHO.V, NEBKA.-KA. C E- A- ESTLER, G:r.lrL:;;r If 3-ilaer. Fine Work a Sjeikiil. Jots Taken F.ither by Cootra-t or Day. HARRISON, NEBRSKA. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. OPPOSITE DEPOT. EVEV -""" eiKl' Ll,.. S, AND ALL TOKATIiD WITH Clt'HTf5jV. Hoard IJy Day or Week. W. R. WRIGHT, Pkop. i7 oslv fCsllroad katwaarv ,Miiourl River rd Chicago. Direct line lo St. Paul Mlnnepolis Direct Line to Black Mills. Apply to nearest a.gent for rstes, mftps and time r&rds. TIME TAHLF. West P...und. E.st Round. Morning. Evening. No 13, Due 9:11 No. S3, lo. frt. 9:33 No. 14, Due T:2 No. N loo. frt. 6:41 Both trains carry pnssengers. STOCK BRANDS. Yhx Joi-hhai. will e'lhllsh your brunrt. like the followtnif, for tl 1Q, jwr ver. Kucli nd (tltic I brand 75 renin. r.vi-ry farmer or ranchmen In SUnix nnd sdjointr.ir rounites should advertise tl.rlr hrsmls in Tuk.IoI K wLn It clreiihitcs a!l over llm stut. It mny tie tlie tueutui of vuvliig moiiev lor yon S500 REWARD. For the arrivt sud conviction ot any psrty or parties stealing or dlflgnrliur any lirmid. n stock belonging to tlm undersigiie.l jian les: Csttie lirimrted .'ones brndit 111 left ( tin Rdt shou dor, niiiire on eldli-r rreek. Auy. stock branded as above b''.ni esirsy. "1 from my r'ige, dtscuvernd ty any bxly oil giving me InfortimtlMii will tx- rewarde.l. Addiess, II. liobliiMin, Nebrsska KRANK sl'TTO. t'Rtlte lirande'l side iinil siiiiic on til! lelt left sllonl- der 'if tiorfici,. V -B Also soii'e or th llorei la 11 AifJ undent. tie Hie lirnndi'd on side b3SCl and tli siiunidcr wuiii! us di;crtl- -7-5 cd (t,r tlm km v- Duma. AdrlreM. Hi, rrlMkit . Vel.r..lr UKKI'l Hl.t K ' .IVk. !sH;K iu Itraiided en left hip of Cattlt and 011 left rheelr 01 dorses Kiingeon Keep frees. Acdn-M, leep ( reek l.lve stock Co,. J. II. IUlskxt, Koremun, (ilen, Itebrsskk. SAMUEL KMOKI. t'iiltlo branded my wlieie on left Blile of lh lOiiriird I'rtritr on Pril- 1? .oid Muii um 1 os 1 n kt Add reel, l(.;r: ,ou. r-'.l rsska fcfcWAlU). will yy 5.0frewiird for e.uh lonl of lrive ' Vilviliu's hordes hruixlfd tn eil'i.'r j.iw or 1 1,'i; !t lurneii vcr !' olin Itieser on Iiiiini,i wsior, ulwi f 100.00 for pr.w,f ?'f rorivxd llnv li r.i,ii unl .ur,illu ( ....! - I J .ii.iui.,iK DV of said horsed. W. J A Hsr u KORKIIT f. Kf.KCi;. Cs tt'.e nrsnded llhngo os on left (Idn Also cuius branded It 11 on left hip .v..ii VI ut. kaaa-eon ! 'if mm I A Ss lr 1 j 11 Kanntng Water. P. o. Address Af t, sl,i s s aiue ttint b rai. etthef .eft hip or im left licjdrr. as llor-. brss led with s-.r V sbove Ur-iid Addre-t. J . ff's. Cstilf brs" 1 ed snuiu ss tt-i on rut 011 eiii'. er side of ani mal And followlnn on it-ft tide of rslllr. 1 nd tills And this 011 left side and kip. ItHiiireon Itiinnlnif Wtter. Post Orlli-e Address, Harrison, Kebrsska. J. K. IICMTKK. est t le tirnnd as slioun In cut, on right tide. blp. or tJI shoulder. .lb ''-dSjQJ Al"0 s on left td. ltlitlil e. clipped SI00 REWARD will be paid forevid. iice ronvittjng Buy one fur running tr or in sny wuy tatnS'rliig Willi ttork Lsvlug Any of the sbove brsnd or brands, liuuek si Anilifs.. Ncbr, A-idie.., lurrisoii .islir. J. 14. I'KNSLOW. t'sttl- l.rnnd.d on .-Igni side ss.ne si eut A-.d also 011 iKht Mp. Horses bran "n right sliomdsr ur'Jhw. U i;,(fe or, M .liu? Itiver, on tbe oid Ua toisill" rr.ncb, 1 P.O. Addre.s; OIn, Nebr. ANUItbW frt 1IHTI AM ( title Wrsnd ed on U ft side turns as tnt and horses branded 00 left should dip 3 tante ts cut are the prterty of Andtevr ( lirlstian snC rsiiKc tributary lo Vitii lrl hprmgi. Add rest, KirtlT, MTyo. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the f.il'ow- locliru rid unelih- W-i HQ !- i-m. nil I, on If rt-.lde horfi on IfeU .. m shotiidf r. Range on Silrer r-prlioc und stst nf i.M Hn ?o.uifr, nn Hurrlton S;,, OCTAVE HAltKIS. (utile brsuded ss shown on left Sldtt with over bit on left ear. Ititnirs on Run ning Wster, P. (). Addre.t, MsrsUnd, Snbr. KBir, JoRliAN. Dorset and cat- tie brsuded on either sldf, tame sson cut. PUP And Cattle brsnded Addr"S. prelarv, Sehrssks. l NUT W Aii SKKK, ChttiM iirsr.d ,'t'i don left sld". tt' ( r:eok. "TP. O. Address Kaitts ,,, .SVI mks A. K. KKSNKDV. SvaI (Htl Brsnded kJ1 ou Klfht Hi I I Miouldet f (V ' 1 l-es. i i.wf.;, Ksnrtsss. on left side of site stock. I. jTi" riL " r:rra rfS on lft side, am! llotBos leltgj Jaw. mtT?' H. T, Zwwr.