Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 19, 1904, Image 7

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    Mi n
Promoted by
Shampoos of
And light dressings
great Skin Cure and
sweetest of emollients.
This treatment at once
tops falling hair, removes
crusts, scales, and dandruff,
destroys hair parasites,
soothes irritated, itching sur
faces, stimulates the hair fol
licles, loosens the scalp skin,
supplies the root with energy
and nourishment and makes
the hair grow upon a sweet,
wholesome, healthy scalp,
when all else fails.
N. B. Complete Eitrrnal tnd Internal
Treatment fur every Humor from Pimplei to
Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, contitring of
CUTICURA Soap, Ointment, end Pilli, may
vw be had of til Dmgjiiti fur One Dollar.
old thrwifHmrt the world Cuilrur flnp. tfta,, Otnt.
aaaot. fiOe H.nit. fdte. (in lorn ol Ofio-olat. C.id
Ptll., 24. pt tit! at n. I-,(: IrtnAun, V, Chmnn-
mm H i rn. a Ku la l.o ; Buxton, is; Coinmbiae
a Pnrr Iimj Cti.m I irp , &.: l'roprttfn.
ae-tWod tor " H to f-r, Purity and B.utlfy
Via Seta, fc-a-p, Ilajr etwi Mauoa."
Remarkably pretty negllees are of
thin wool In aecordlan plaits, with
I larne cape collar and (lowing
Io Tour Ke-et Ache nod MtirnT
hak Into your kIiom Allen's Knot Kase,
powder for the feet. It makes tight or
tew rhin-M feel eauy. Cure Corns, Hun
ins, Hwoiien, Hot and Hwentinr FiM-t. At
II Imit'tata and Shoe Store. aSe. Sample
twnt FlU C. Address Allen H. Olmsted, Le
oy, K. Y.
Fall hat models received id the
bolesale trade show high crowns,
long pinnies, and velvet.
Any one- can dye wltb PUTNAM
TAIX-II.fclSS DYE, no experience re
quired. Tan color, gun metal and prauy
astoil shades of blue an 1 pink aie
nost fashionable tints in ollets.
Hare nsed riao'a Cure for Consump
Jon nearly two yearn, and find nothing
to compare with It, Mra. Morgan, Berk
6y, Cal., Sept 2, 1901.
Friendship formed lor mere
jllry's sake will fall when the
rucial test comes. . .
Mow to ( lean I.m-ca.
To clean delicate laces, take a large
(lata Jnr. cover with old cotton aud
spread the lace care-fully on it. Hot the
buttle In a rm Ivory aoap euda and leave
tor an hour. If stains are difilcult to re
aova, place in the atin dud they will dia
appesr. Uinae by dipping the bottle iu
The society woman is a person who
pnsseses no tremendous opinions or
jre.Wtnlow's SOOTHING SYRUP for thtl
Irrn tetrilii, softens Hie atom, redurwe iiitta
action, allaya pain eurea colic. Pile ' bolUe
Mother "Johnny 1 Oo your way
borne from school, stop at the store
sod get me n stick of candy and a
bar of soap."
Father "What do you want of a
Stick of candy?"
Mother "That's so he'll remem
ber the soap."
Slams at the world's fair Is mak
Ing an exhibit In the department
af llbral arts that will prove In
teresting and entertaining.
In the Physical!) and Surgeon for
December theie appeared paper by
Dr. Charles B. Nancrede, professor
of turnery lo tbe University of
Michigan, on Gastroenterostomy by
means of tbe elastic (McUraw)
ligature. Fifteen case, were re
ported up to tbe date of tbe paper.
Tblalaatafer method of operating
for tbe cure of several itomacb con
tjltooi, among them aatrlc oloer,
Umd baa '-mi eutlonsrlly empoyed.
A prominent club woman.
Mrs. Dan forth, of St Joseph,
Mich., tells how she w as cured
of falling of tbe womb and its
accompanying pains and misery
byLydia E. Piokham's Vegetable
" Diab Mrs. Pixkham: Life looks
dark Indeed when a woman feels that
her strength Is fading- away and she has
no hopes of ever being restored. Such
was my feeling a few months ajro when
I was advised that my poor health was
caused by prolapsus or fulling of the
Womb. The words sounded like a
knell to me, I felt that my sun bad set ;
but Lydla U. I'fnk ham's Vege
table Compound came to me as an
elixir of life ; it restored the lost forces
anil built me tip until my good health
returned to me. Tor four mouths I
took the medicine dutly, and each dos
added health and strength. I am so
thankful forthehelp Iobtained through
Its use." Mrs. Florence IJAsroBTU,
1007 Miles Ave., St. Joseph, Mich.
tWOO forfeit If original of about Ittttr provlnf
genutntnest cannot 04 productd.
Women would save time and
much sick nens if they would
write to Mrs. Pink ham for ad vice
ns soon as any distressing- symp
toms appear. It Is free, and has
put thousands of women on, Uie
ritfbt road to recovery.
Remorea Tan, rintptea.Fnicklrq
Mnin raauaea. hmh, ami na-tl
dlaeua. triil .eery lileoilsl
beauty, and
Uefl defection. II
haa atoed lh tr-M
ot M y. am, awl U
' ao harmleas wi
tajie It to be ear
It l properly made
Accrj-t ao uowit
tell of Initial
name. Dr. L. A
Sayre aajd to t
laity ot Ik baut
too (a t'leiO
I 'Aa yoa ladlel
will uh than, I
' fiouraud'a Cnara
aa tlie teaat haemf nj of all tbe atln prapavrstlone.'
for aale ty all IimntlHa and Fancy Ooaall Ieaier
In the T. S.. Canailaa. anil Knrope.
KRO. T. HOPKINS, Prep r, 97 Grail Jenee It, N. I
Were Welcomed to
during lat Year
Tticr at tttiM an1 Mituliiar on th
flrlp mnti (.rust'tf lAiHla.luid 4vr prvav
parous avnd atloft.
HirWilfr! Uuiier wntly salrt,
!) liar ha rtMit ntn lh hortarm,
aixi I toward It tliat eerr imm.frn
who Itattn that land of bin ancfsiin Us
come auid mm-Ii a noma for himself no
lur&a hla ffM"-Vammdm. Tbata la
FRBiai HoaNratrnit. Iwea
awajr, SfSftola, t'hnrehee, Hull
watye, aarkrie.'-iBMKtc, every
tklaa la be deelreaU
For a d.aci-lptly Atlaji and other la
forma tti'n.aptily to Si. t-eKiKTeNDENT ta
MKiRATlolf, Ottawa, t'a.oatla: or atitaa
rtr.nl t'anadt.n OoyrrAtnont AuanU.
W. V. tlaaaeu. Oil K.w York Llfa Hide., Omaba. Na4
Free to Twenty-Five Ladies.
Ibe Defiance Starch Co. will Rive
25 ladles a round trip ticket to the
.Sc. Louis Imposition, to five ladles
In each of the following stales:
IlllnH'S, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri who will send lu tbe largest
number of trade marks cut from
a ten cent, IB ounce package af De
fiance cold water laundry Btarcb.
Tills means from your own home,
anywhere In the above named states.
The.se trade marks must be mailed
to and received by the Defiance
Starch Co., Omana, Hebr., before
September 1st, 1904. October and
Nevctuber w ill be tbe best months
to visit the Exposition. Remember
that Defiance Is the only starch put
up 10 01, (a lull pound) to the pack
age. You get one-third nioie starch
fcr the same money than of any
other kind, andDeSance never sticks
to the Iron. The tickets to the
Exposition will be stnfc by registered
mall September 5tb. Starch or sale
by all dealers.
False teitb made of paper are In
use in Germany, and are reputed to
be highly satisfactory. These paper
teeth have several advantages over
the ordinary ones of porcelain or
mineral composition. They are very
cheap, do not, bieak-or chip, are not
sensitive to heat or cold, nor has the
moisture of tbe mouth any Injurious
effect upon them.
A log cahln and a camp outfit
from Old Forge N. Y., Is Included
In the Emlpre State's foisetry ci
hlblt at the world's fair.
Olven Away
Writ aa or aah aa
H AlataeatJeie) aaalet JW
II aarMnlera aai f tew aaaaaie amat at
TaaSaaltarf Wall deeatTaf
T)amreia'reaad renata. Wayar
rehear a-alea. Voeeae anply llJla
eM eater. BeaeUral e9Wu ta while aae
elioatetiet. lleSadlaaaee wreaal , eat.
e4U kat-emarjlee ereaarwliae Bay
mm M ma, i,
J a
Aa liiluula Farmer la Weatern Can-J
A recent Issue of the SheH-yvIlie, I!U
r.o. Democrat contains a If:; attJ la-t'-resting
letter from Mr. K!:as Uot.
f'jrmeriy a prosperous farmer of lbut
Fta!, who recently emigrat' d to We-st-ern
Canada, taking up a claim for luui
i,:if and for e.t' h of his three sons.
From Mr. Host's letter, w-hich -was
written Feb. 3, JlRH, we riubli.--ii tbe"
following, believing it will prove of
great Interest to those who have oon
teuiplitted settling In the Canadian
"I liMd In Aosust, 1302, secured a
claim for myself, and filed on three
quarter sections for iny Rons. My claim
is one-half mile south of the Edmon
ton and Lake Sr. Anne trail.
"Coming so late In the season, we
had. little opportunity break and to
prepare ground for a first year's crop,
till we raised over l'Xt bushels of very
Hue potatoes, and sowed a few acres
of barley, but the wason was too far
advanced for the barley. However, we
secured good feed from It, and on rent
ed gro ind IS miles east of us, raised a
flue crop of oats, so that we will have
plenty of fel for horses, We tit
about GO tons of hay and thus will
have an abundance. We have, all told,
about 24U acres of hay meadow, which
would yield the past year over three
tons to tbe acre, and In an ordinary
season the meadow would furnish t0
tons of hay. The grass Is very nutri
tious, and cattle on the ranges become
very fat without being fed a pouud of
"On the upland the grass grows from
eight to ten Inches tall. This Is co'led
renge grass, and Is suitable for slock
at any time, even In the winter when
tbe ground is not covered too deep with
riiow. Horses subsist on K alone, at
all times, provided they are native
"lock. The grass in the hay meadows
here is called red-top, and grows from
live to six feet In length, and when cut
at the proper time yields an abundant
nop of nutritious bay.
"Our cattle have not cost us a cent
since we came on our homestead, only
the small outlay for stilt and labor In
putting up hay and shelter. All cattla
have been doing well this winter, antl
feeding up to the first of Janimry w)
unnecessary, as there was good rangl
up to that time.
"All the snows up to that date vert
followed by winds from the Northwest
that melt It very rapidly; these winds
are called Chinook winds, and are al
ways warm. In one night a Chinook
wind may take away three or foui
inches of fcnow.
"We have built on our claim a com
fortable honse of hewn logs, 202l
feet, ods and one-half stories In height
with a good cellar. During the lattel
part of June we rafted logs down tin
Sturgeon to a sawmill, about eight
miles away, and thus secured 5,000 feel
of good lumber which was needed for
the house. Later In the season a shin
glo mill located six. miles away. Tc
this we hauled logs and bad shlnglei
cut for the roof.
"We had an abundance of wild fruit
t ho past season, consisting of gooseber
ries, strawberries, raspberries, eyeber
ries, blueberries, cherries and so ska
toons. The latter are a fine looking
berry, red, and quite pleasant to the
taste, but not much to be desired In
cookery. The strawberries are tin
same as those that grow wild In 1111
nols. Raspberries are red In color
large and equal to any of the tami
varieties, and so are the gooseberries
The cranberries consist of the high and
trailing varieties. The latter are most
sought and contiguous to the swamps
The ground Is literally covered wltl
them as with a red carpet, but the besi
and most sought Is the blueberry, s
called by the Indians. This Is tin
famous 'huckleberry' (whortleberry) o'
the Blue Ridge Mountains In I'cnnsyl
vanla, and cannot be excelled for ex
cellence by any fruit cultivated. It It
found here both on the prairie and if
'lie timber in Immense quantities.
"Ciauia Is very plentiful so far a
prairie chickens, pheasants, ducks o
all kinds and geese are concerned. i
have taken nearly 500 chickens an
pheasants, also a great many ducks.
"An occasional deer is seen, but art
not plentiful, only one having heel
taken during the season In this settle
"Fish are very plentiful at all sea
sons of the year. Fish wagons snl
sleds are passing almost daily aloni
tbe trail with heavy loads of fish, des
lined, for St Albert and Edmonton
From the latter point they are ship
ped south on the Calgary and Kdinon
ton Railroad to points along the line
and also to Assinlbola, on tbe Canadiai
Pacific Railroad."
For further Information apply to enj
authorized Canadian Governmen
Agent whose address appears els
The famous Astor battery wi!
have a reunion at the world's fal
August 13. The association has ma
annually In Sew York since mm
tered out of service, after tbe wa
with Spain, In February, 1899.
Janus II. B. Kaye, who will be a
the bead of the Northern Mlcblga
State Normal School, at Marquetti
next year, Is a graduate of tt
University of M Ichlgan, in tbe clai
or '92. Since 1896 he has bee
superintendent of schools at Cad I Hat
Our minister never reads the Dibit
He expounds it.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
. He u. sas - ao oaa aaai
IT-A'I W k
I . 4' - -
1'rt-r.i-t-ii t hicken,
t'se the nieitt from half a boiled
hlcken: chop very tine ami mis it with
four skinned sausages; this should be
hooped to a paste. Orate enough
bread crumbs to make equal bulk w iih
he chit-ken meat and have the sausage
tlsiut equal also; that is, a thin! of
ach. Mix well anil add pepper, salt
tad lemon juice to taste, with a pinch,
if grated nutmeg. Cover the chicken
bones with boiling water, add three
cloves, half a down allspice ami a bit
jf garlic; imil about half an hour, take
oine of it to moisten the paste, then
idd three well-beaten eggs. A square
lilt mold with straight Hides should be
used; "line lite sides ami bottom with
strips of salt pork, covering every inch;
pour in the paste, put more pork slices
ii top, tie a buttered paper on top and
bake about an hour in a moderate
oven. Set aside to cool, turn out, re
move the slices of pork antl serve the
loaf on a bed of jelly. It may also,
Rfter cooked anil cool, be molded in
jelly and turned out, or it may be
served plain.
Cream Caramels or Candy.
To a pint of granulated sugar add
Just enough milk to dissolve It, stir In
a quarter teaspoonful of cream of tar
tar and put over a slow tire. Stir
steadily while boiling, until when a
little is dropped into cold water it is
ol the consistency of putty. Pour into
a pan and let It stand until cool
enough to handle, or until your finger
leaves a dent upon the stiffening mass.
Heat until like dough, turn upon a
hoard sprinkled with powdered sugar
and knead for a minute before roll
ing Into a sheet of the desired thick
ness, then cut into squnres or strips.
If you wish to flavor with vanilla add
this before taking the candy from the
Pork Cuke.
Cut all the rind and lean part from
salt pork. Of the fat pa.t chop a
pound so fine that It Is like lard or
as nearly like that as it can be made.
Into this stir a cup of boiling water,
two cups of dark-brown sugar, a cup
of tlark molasses, into which a tea
spoonful of baking soda has been
stirred; a pound each of raisins and
dates, chopped; a quarter pound of
citron, shaved fine. Stir in enough
sifted flour to make It of the con
sistency of ordinary cake batter, sea
son with a teaspoonful each of cinna
mon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg.
Unlit; in a loaf tin in a steady oven.
Chicago News.
Moca ronl.
fiootl macaroni should be cream col
ored and when broken should not split
After boiling in water equal to eight
times its bulk, turn into colander nnd
run cold water over it to prevent the
pieces sticking together. In scallop
ing put a layer of macaroni in the
buttered pudding dish, then one o
grated cheese and one of white sauce,
salting and peppering each layer o
macaroni and cheese. Repent until the
dish Is full, then cover with a tea
spoonful of bread crumbs stirred In a
teaspoonful of melted butter. Allow
half the amount of grated cheese that
you have of macaroni.
Prune Jelly.
One pound of prunes, one-half cup
of sugar, one-half box of gelatin, one
half pint of cold water, one-half pint
of boiling water. Wash the prunes,
cover them with water and soak them
over night. Next morning bring to a
boiling point. Cover the gelatin with
rold water, soak for half an hour and
jhdd it with the sugar to the prunes.
With a spoon carefully break open the
Jinnies and take out the seeds or press
through n colander. Turn the gelatin
mixture Into n mold nnd stand nslda
jor three or four hours to harden.
Herve with plain or whipped cream.
Khuborh Puddinic.
Cut Into Inch lengths four impeded
stalks of rhubarb. Stew very gently
with two tablespoonfuls of sugar and
D little grated ginger. Cut a thick sllca
bf bread Into strips, put a layer In the
liottom of a dish anil another layer
crosswise on top, pour In some of the
fruit and Juice, then put In another
layer of bread and more fruit until the
dish is nearly full. Set aside to soak.
Prepare a custard of a half-pint of
milk, a tablespoonful of cornstarch,
sugar and a lemon rind to taste and
when thick pour over tbe pudding,
Serve cold.
Citron Chccne Cokea.
Roll near a quart of cream; when
cold, add the yolks of four eggs well
beaten; boll this to a curd;' blanch and
boat two ounces of almonds, about half
a dozen bitter; beat them with a little
rose water; put nil together, with
throe or four Naples biscuits, some cit
ron shredded fine; sugar to biste; puff
Pliort KiiKgcstlone.
For removing stains nnd spots from
lavatory basin and bathtub kerosene
cannot be equaled.
In making bread or rolls put a sauce
pan of boiling water into tbe oven.
The stenm will keep the crust smooth
and tender.
First hang up clothes by the thickest
part, waist or neckbands, etc., because
If hung by the thinner part the water
would run Into tbe thick part, lodge
there and take longer to dry.
rSs,; - , 'X
Most of the Ailments Pecsliar to the yiL . , . -.. (Jry
female Sex are Due to Catarrh , , y-jM Vji f j I L(
of the Pelvic Organs. . J1' 'FlP:rHiwlL
Rachael J. Kemhall, M. D., 334
' Virginia St., Ruffulo, N. Y., is a
J graduate of the University of Buffalo,
class 3HH4, and has been in the prae-
ti. e of medicine in that city since
-then. She writes as follows:
I "My conviction, supported by!
experience, is that Pentna is a valu- j
I able preparation for all catarrhal
J affections, I have taken one bottle
J of Pcrnna myself and just feel fine.
I shall continue to take it. "-Rachel
J, Kemball, M. D.
Peruna has cured thousands of cases
of female weakness. As a rule, how
ever, before I'ernna is resorted to several
other remedies have been tried in vain.
A grent ninny of the patients have taken
local treatment, submitted themselves
to surgical operations, nnd taken nil
aorta of doctor's stuff, without any
The reason of so many failures Is the
fact tluit ilim-iises peculiar to the femule
Kemule Trouble
Not ftccotftiized
as Catnrrh.
sex are not common
ly recognized as be
ing caused by ca
tarrh. These organs
tire lined oy mucous iiicmtiranes. Anv
mucous membrane is subject to catan-h.
Catarrh of one organ is exactly the
same as catarrh of any other organ.
What will cure catarrh of the bend will
also cure cntarrh of the pelvic organs.
Peruna cures these cases simply because
it cures the catarrh.
Most of the women afflicted with pel
A funny walking match was re
cently witnessed In Heytvo'id, Eng
land, by an immerse croud of
spectatms. The ci ntr slants were a
man with one leg; and a crutch, and
a man with a cork leg. The dis
tance was one mile, and the wager
10 a side. The coik leg easily won.
Solid Measure "Grace can you tell
me what is meant by a cubic yard?"
"I don't know, exactly, hut I
guess It's a yard that the Cuban
children play in" Boston Christian
AtU-e of medicine in that city since BW tcirllErrt
jj, Kemball, M. D. J Y
Pfir rtalntv I If nrhPfttm There la nothing somptln and Batla
rill Utlimy L.UI1CI1CU11S fyin jjhby'e Luncheon meate.
There are manv delicious waya Libby'a Peerlesa Dried Beef, Potted and Deviled Ham
cc.hochk,e.erfeai Mn?SJaS! Libby's (N.tr.i Fisvor) Food Products
Send for our book, "How to Make Good Things to Eat."
Libby'a Atlas ol the World sent postpaid for five ac stamps.
Llbby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, U.S.A.
Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear.
-W W"
Signet hatpins are new favorites.
Tbe smallest coin lo tbe world
having genuine circulation Is prob
ably tbe Maltese "grain," a tiny
fragment ot bronta about as big as
the top of s slat pencil and wortb
ons-twalftb of s peony.
- Z'-' o
vic diseases have no Idea that their
trouble is due to catarrh. The majority
of the people think that catarrh is a dis
ease confined to the head alone.
This is not true. Catarrh is liable te
attack nny organ of the body; throat,
bronchial tubes, lungs, stomach, kidneya
and especially the pelvic organs.
Many a woman has made this dis
covery efter a long Riege of useless treat
ment. She has made the discovery that
her disease is catarrh, and that Peruna
can be relied upon to cure catarrh
wherever located.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your ense, and he will
he pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus.
A coffee Dlanter in Madras, India,
recently Decade a father for the first
time. lie w.s particulatly over
joyed, especially as the prtgeny
was twins. The happy father g:"j
loped to tbe nearest telegraph offlci
and wired to his wire's sister in
Calcutta: "Twins today more tu
Cigarettes made of the leaves ol
the tobacco plant a-ebco iming popu
lar in Paris. Those who bavi
smoked them prefer them to tobacco
Rlpans Tahmea are tbe bast
dye f pa la medicine ever made
A hundred million! of Un m hats
been aold In the United Hlatea is
single year. Onnsilne'luei
beertlmrn, stok bead arte', dl'i
eeaa. bad breath, sore Ihrmit and
vwry otaer Ulneaa erlalng Iron a ula,inlri
uaaob an relieved ot -tued by Ripen Tabulae,
One will
If anv relief wllaln I arrets
Tbe flvfeaeal jsttisea k) eaMsal
el U a' , Vrv -I ITTrl