Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 19, 1904, Image 3

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    i GOOD
Ill 1 !.rence. lati'lr. out- of Ki-vcrul
iluhuu ladic who were ent-rtaiiiin;;
Mark Twain, asked what was the
American national game. "Poker," he
r-i.Hiinl.-(l. When lie laughingly pro
tected that hp wan facetious, he grave
ly reiterated hi Matement. ami added:
''Madame, to the nuio of ixiker the
American j-oplc "p the mo;t valua
ble Ii-mmii) a nation can h-arn: Never
ive uji, even after you have lost jour
luH cl;.nn e"
A well linrH ii artor wan telling his
J'iypMr-oM win, whom he -iiimlilcrn
very immature end young for hi age.
that hi' ought to ! doing winictliiiig
fur his glory and Itix country. "'Why.
when George Wiihlugtiin wa your
ge, my MMi, hp was Mirveying t lie es
tate of Ird lairfax." TIip Imy
thought a moment, then ht replied,
ijuii-ily: "WpII, k Iipii lie was as old
as you, jm wa Pnldeiit of the
United States."
"Sanloii rppri'M-niK a distinct lype of
thp drama which he originated." mi id a
pupil In P.nmder Matthew' dramatic
literature clai-H at Cohtinliia Univers
ity. "What doix-rlptioii of that typo
do yon offer?" aked Professor Mat
thew. "Theatrical plays cloudy pack
ed with Interest iniirk the Sardine
drama." replied the young man.
promptly uinl earnestly. "Young man,"
laughed the profeswtr, "with a cim
t'pener you may yet evolve the great
Umerlcan play."
"I am disgruntled," tuid Senator
I'oalcr recently; "I'll never give money
to n (street beggar again as long as I
live. There was a very pitif ul looking
begun r In the n venue, a few minutes
ago. and. my heart going out to him,
J Mc;'pcd to liaud him n few email
coin I had some difficulty, I admit,
lu finding my change, hut was that
liny reason for the beggar to frowu at
tne, ami say, Impatiently: "Hurry up.
ir. I've lost several customers while
you've heeii muddling over them pen
tiles' "
Professor K. i. Dexter, of the I'nl
Veihity of Illinois, who has devoted
much time lo proving thut footliall Is
harmless game. Is very popular
feinting the Hltidi-uts. Me was cuter
tainiug a group of them at his resi
dence one night, and during a space
of hileiici', he took down and bran
dished a magi:i;!i cut sword Unit Inmg
over the (iieiilace. "Never will 1 for
got," he exclaimed, "the day I drew
this blade for the first time" "Where
did you draw it, sir"" H freshinan ask
ed, respectfully. "At a rallle," said
J'rofessor Iiexter.
hen I rlu, now admiral of the
JapatieKp navy, entered the academy at
Annapolis, he got a good "Id fashioned
jiazlng, like all the other fellows, and
itood It likp a major. When hi? hecame
on upper class man and privileged to
haze the Incoming fledglings, he also
lived tip to the academy traditions. He
weighed only about 115 pounds, and
was one of the miiaMest fellows In the
academy. "I remeinlM-r," nay h one of
illB classmates, "seeing him get hold
of big George Ferguxon, now an as
tistant engineer of the Hrooklyn
Itrfdge 'What'a your name?' dpninnd
td I'rlu. 'Kerpuson, air.' 'Sxll It.'
F-c-r-g-u-H-o-ti, air.' 'Spell It over
IKain, and remember that you're ad
SrcKsIng your superior.' 'V, sir; e, air;
t, air; g, air; n, air; a, sir; o, sir; n, air.
Kergiison, sir. "
tup otitic Oleander la Huii to Produce
The I (read id Maludy.
When I whs a child a neighbor rode
lo our door on horaebark. While he
Iras talking with my father big horse
crowded close to the porch and at
tempted to hlto some twigs of an olean
der. The man was greatly alarmed
When he aaw that the animal had
rokeu a ulalk, and asked for water
and washed the horse's mouth thor
oughly. My father asked the reason for his
(nxlety. He aaid u mouthful of the
wigs would kill the horse almost In-
(taiitly, and told of a horse that died
!i Revere tremors a few minutes after
tatiug a few shoots of (he plant; also
f a neighbor who pruned her oleninler
(ilants and threw Ihe branches Into a
Jttle pond lu the barnyard. The cattle
Irank the waler and died.
Some years later a playmate was
tinder medical treatment for un en
largement of the throat which seemed
lo threaten goiter. Her house was an
leauder bower and the blossoms were
ker favorite decoration. She sometimes
bit the stems off If thpy were too long.
After months of the most thorough
treatment the swelling disappeared.
A young woman who was extremely
fond of oleander plants kept a very
large tree In her room. One day In
midwinter she dug out a portion of the
lurth and filled in the apace with fresh
loll from the florist's In order that her
(favorite might throw out a new crop
If blossoms. That night she complained
if serious Irritation of her throat A
few days later the glands below the
Mr enlarged until they were on a line
with her cheek. For nearly a year
ivery remedy known to medical sci
ence was tried. The swelling at last
fielded to treatment and she perma
nently recovered.
Another woman transplanted and re
lotted large number of oleanders, be
waring much wearied wltb her talk.
Uia complained that night of curious
Irritation In her throat A swelling
lam In the glands below her ear. All
tmedtes failed. It became malignant
bar nVjili ;ilxul mi month!
aftcrw :i!'l.
Within :!;: ; .ist je.tr a death fr.mi
i-ai t-r of tin- f.ne or ni.iolh has oc
curred ill a hoiiM-hoid where are tin"
laryiM ami ni"t be.iutiful oleanders 1
hae ever mcii. Vet another c,ie i"
:Lai of a woman of middle ase whose
favorite flower was tiie oleander. She
kept ail varieties, collecting them from
various places as she found new ones.
She had a clearly developed cainf-r.
took treatment for years, and was.
the doctors assured her, entirely cured.
Whether any symptoms of the di-easi
have developed wlihiii the last eight of
ten ye.irs I mil unable to Kay.
I "ght give other Instances, but
the? are to my iui'.i" sutli' iciit ground
for belief that there is s.'i:e connection
between the oleauder and idandular
affections of a more or less malignant
character. Xe..- York Sun.
Human Klcli Kiitt ii in Ililfcrt-nt I'arta
of Ihe World.
Then' are many places in the world
today where cannibalism nourishes
Scattered about the Pacific Ocean arc
many cannibal Islands, where the na
tlve est bntuan Hesh Is-cause thev likw
it for food. In others cannlbalis;n H
pr.ictlc(?d as a sort of religious rite.
The natives of New Guinea are con
firmed cannibals, and not long ago they
killed and ate the members of an ex
ploring party led by the well-known
missionary mid explorer, Ir. Chalmers
Or. Chalmers was one of the found
ers'of Port .Moresby, the principal town
in the Hrltlsh part of the Island, and
had done more In the way of exploring
New Guinea than any other man. 'On
his last cxjMililion up lift; Ply Hiver,
the largest In New liulnea, he was at
first received with all the old-time re'
spect which Ihe natives were 'wont to
show him, but one night they klllej
the whole party and ate their bodies,
Including that of their friend, the doe
tor. Seven Spanish sailors who wcnl
wrecked near the mouth of the Mnrl
Hiver, In West Africa, were captured
and eaten by the natives recently.
To-day there are cannibal tribes liv
ing In many parts of South America.
Such tribes Inhabit that region of wil
derness belonging to Colombia known
as the Caca'pieta, and the brother ol
General ltaf.iel Keyes, the special en
voy of Colombia to this country in t ho
Panama mailer, was killed and eaten
by some of them while attempting to
cross to the head wafers of the Ama
zon. Some of the tribes of northern Luzon
are suspected of being addicted to can
nibalism. Grew some tales of canni
balistic practlcim are told of the voodoo
worshipers of the Inferior of llaytl.
Now York Sun.
No Man Should Spend the Whole o.
II is Income.
Is any one too poor to save Is an
Important problem which the readers
of a Iondon dally are at present at
tempting to solve. The (juestion Is not
by any means a new one; It Is one
which has troubled past generations,
Just as, In nil probability, It will af
fect the generations yet to come. We
cannot say that this latest discussion
of the subject Is throwing much, if
any, fresh light upon It. In the first
place, there Is a diversity of opinion
regarding the term "poor." One man,
who derives an Income of 1,350 a
year from private property, fancies he
comes under the category, while an
other does not consider any one poor
who has an Income of $.".00 a year,
says a writer lu Ix-hUc's Weekly. It
Is manifestly Impossible to fix any
limit In a matter like this. Very much
depenus uion the locality and the con
ditions and surroundings of the indi
vidual. An Income that would be am
ply sufficient to Insure a family a com
fortable home, excellent social advan
tages and a good living in a country
village would mean many privations
and sore discomforts In any large city.
On the whole, however, we are In
clined to believe that Max O'ltell'g
views on the point under discussion
come nearer the safe and common
sense rule than anything we have
seen. "I do not care," he says, "bow
small the Income of a man Is, he
should never spend the whole of It,
especially If he has a wife and chil
dren. He should at least save enough
to pay every year the premium on a
good life policy. No man Is worthy
of the name who does not do this, at
least, at the price of whatever priva
tions he has to submit to. Some
pleasure may be derived from high
living, but certainly no happiness."
The Klecirlo Pilot.
Hiver and harbor pilots will be put;
out of business entirely if the Invent
tlon of Professor It. 11. Owens should
come into general use. Professor
Owens Is now professor of electrical
engineering at McUIlt University nj
Montreal, and the device referred td
uuove is an electrical apparatus by
which a boat may be taken through!
n narrow channel, without the leas
danger of grounding, by an officer of
the boat entirely unacquainted wllh
the water through which he may 14
passing. " A properly insulated and
protected cable Is laid In the channel
to ho followed by the craft An alter
nating current Is passed through th
cable, and two telephones on board
the vessel are acted upon by the mng'
netlc influences of the cable, so thai
It Is possible to detect the deflection
of the boat wltb regard to the posltloi
of the cables by listening at the re
(elvers of the Instruments. Sclcutlfli
Income or the Knailah t'hnrch.
The church of England enjoys an Irl
come of about $1,000,000 a week.
and caasi
ilAYll IN A 11KM0IL
Humor 1 hat Hiving II u Alrtly
Occur-fl llld Hut I'wudl
tioii Kucfti to Make
It i'robabl..
ST. THOMAS, Danish ;Vest In
dies The German cruisers Vineta,
Gd.el!e, Faike and Panther, which
were lo have sailed today foi New
port .News will leave Instead foi
Port Au Prince, lbtl. It Is re
ported that a levolutioti has broketi
out there.
I'OUTAU PIUNCE, Ilayti.-U'-ports
that a levolutlon bus biokec-
out In Hijtl are falsj. The repub
lic is quiet.
tumor that a revolution has broken
out in llayti is faKe, there Is yen
eral discontent In tnc republic an I
a revolution U momentarily looked
Gen. Albert Salnave, notwith
standing the warning given him by
the Dominican government, has not
withdrawn and continues togatlnl
many followers on the frontier,
where the llaytlen government, hai
ordered a heavy concentration il
forces. Many partisans of Gen. An
tenor Klrmlri, the bead of tne last
revolution, who Is now In Paris,
have crossed the frontier and coin
bincd their foices with h"se ol
A violent tumult among the sol
diers at Port Au Prince resulted lu
a general panic, and the rumor vim
then circulated that a levolutiun
had begun.
There Is a panic In general busi
ness ciiclcs and several la ig;e houses
are likely to suspend. .Silver has
Ixro ne very scarce and has resulted
in a "5 per cent premium over paper
money The premium on gOid is 4Zi
per cent.
Tbe Church Growing
LOS ANGKLE.S, Cal. The alxtt
day's session uf the general confer
ence ol f liti Methoilist church was
iimsvly taken up by addresses bv
Iraiernal delegates, and tbe pre
sentation of a few resolutions.
lii-v. Charles II. Crookshank ot
Ireland spoke for the Methodist
church In Ireland. Ia contradiction
Lo the claim that all otbtr depleting
'diet of emigration, he assuited
'hat the Methodist church has
gained numerically.
The colored delegates, through
Rev. Mr. Hammond of Tennessee,
put i lieuiS'.'lvt-s on record in a string
protest against the action of certa n
Los Angeles hotels and rest uurants in
refusing to entertain c 1 ied guests.
Rev. Mr. llammon I presented a re
s ikition condemning the attitude ot
these pbices, which was adopted by
the conference. The punip; school
.question was attain brought up lu a
jesiiution by Rev. W. P. llayicttof
Mississippi, asking that the general
conference petition enngresj and that
all other protestant denominations
be asked to join In the movement to
secure the enactment of an amend
limit to the conititotlon "forever
p oliibitrjg the use of the public
sch iol fund for sectarian pur posts. "
At"tor a brief discussion, the matter
was referred to the committee on tbe
state of the churches.
No Hope for Entombed Miners
KIIAMOKIN, Pa.-AII hope that
Ihe live men who were ln:pristone1
on Thursday last In the burning
Locust Gap mine are alive has been
abandoned and the mine will now
b (loadel to extinguish the flames.
A tierce lire Is still raging In the
lower levels.
Deputy Sheriff is Killed
Elliot, a deputy slnrltT, was
fatally shot today at Tbomappla
river dim by J. F. LMeU. Dlaiz
with his family, aimed with Win
chesters, had been hoi ling up a loit
drive for two weeks. Ju giParrlsh
granted an Jnlunclluu rest raining
Dlelz from Interfering with the
logs, but Dletz refus d to lec pmza
it. The slier I tl thin uiganized a
poss'i to arnst Dleiz. Dcpiiflci
Giblln and El iot went to IHeU'i
huUH alone., believing they con d
elf-ct his arrest without the aid of
the posse. When the dam i as
reached however, Dlctz is said to
have rushed from audi ish and to
have shot Elliot, lie then lV:d to the
Ton of Gold Melted Up
PHILADELPHIA. -I welvu torn
of vlinln gold were tod y reduced lo
a molten state at the United Hates
mint heie. At the same lime the
coinage department began the w ik
uf converting the miss Into golden
eagles. Tomorrow twelve more torn
will be melted and within tne next
few dayi about 912,000.000 will ba
coined. Mosr of the gold rame from
New York In bullion. The nvltli g
jof twelve tona of gold In one day is
s Id to bieik all records fur mint
CMi1pI,,i,i. Divine l.radi AllU
Itut Miitirr I Kquflched
HeMurri of Importance
tailed In.
ANGELES, Cal. The at
of the Roman Catholic
toward the public school
of the CDited States fur
bished the subject of a sensational
rle.bate in the Mpthodlst general
conference today. While there was
a itong disposition on tbe part of
certain delegates to have the con
ference adopt resolutions coniruittl ng
it to extreme utterances upon the
iubject there was an overwhelming
sentiment, as it developes, against
any sucn action, and the 'nine
matter was finally disposed of bv
referring It to a committee from
which it Is unlikely ever to t-.e re
(Several other'" resolutions bearing
opnn the subjects of divorce, the ter
rninatioc of membership of nnglpef.
fill members, Sunday closing of fb
Lewis and Clark exposition, tin
endonnint or the American ;rl
versity at Washington, the channel
In the wordirg of various parargapN
In the discipline and other mattfrf
if Importance In Methols were sub
mitted and debated by several enru
mil tees.
Rev. J. R, King, secretary of tin
fbirch extension society of Phila
rleiph'a, having secured the (lo'ir,
p isrntrd a resolution strongly rrl'i
rising the Roman Catholic church,
declaring that "Its efTorts to control
the secu'ar press, Its Influence ir.
politics and Its assaults on the pulv
lie schools svsfem demand Ihe vigl
lence Of protsetar ts and patriots.'
Dr. klrg marl extracts from j
letter written bv Vlcr (ieneral IVtif
Harnett of the Roman Cat hoi t
diocese of Monterey" and L"S Arg
les. In which the latter s'Tglit tc
refute the statement made In tli
atnve quotations from the eplscopi;
address. Dr. King then spokn al
length in support of the resolution
When Dr. King had flnishel there
was commotion among the deirgitos
Mflny sought to gain recgnltioi
f'Otn the chair in order to reply
Charles II. Lnre, chief justice of t'l
Maryland supreme court, lay de
Rite, was recognized. After t gr e
l'g with Di. King regarding th
schools. Justice Lore con
"Rut are we to gain anything bj
any ptmse of denunciation agalns1
.bdv other Christian body? (Cries o.
'No.' 'no.' The Romnn Catholli
church has done a magnificent worl
In this country. It has taken hol
of a cl ss of people whom perhaps ri
ofhr f. a of religion could bavi
mmried so wtli for the well beipj
of o ir common lane. Feel like putt ii
jmy hands under every evangellzir)
i g ncy In his world that he p t
uplift men and not pull them down.,;
Fxndus From New Chwang.
NEW CHWANG. There is ever;
fnl'cHlon that the Russians havi
decided to evacuate New Chwang
Troops have been leaving here al
day lorg. Forts have been dlsman
fed and all artillery have beer
placed or. b'ard trains. All thl
local transportation has been com
manderrd by tbe Russian authorities
There Is current here a natlvi
rumor that Japanese troops are II
Foo Chan bay (on the west side o
the Liado Tung peninsula and aboir
sixty miles north of Tort Arthur,
lint this report lacks confirmation
The frar is held here that II th
,Riislans leave and the Japanese dl
not at once take possession of Nei
Chwang at tho br'gands, who an
now acr s the river near Ylng ICow
will plilagu the place. The lorclgi
r sklents sre prepared to resist tin
.brigands should they come over.
;Tho Hrltlsh consul has request
that a gunboat be sent to Ne
The Russians probably will destroy
t'e g inboat SIvoutch before leaving.
The vessel Is at. New Chwai g.
May Pcssib'y Still Live.
HUAMOKIN, Pa.-It is barelj
possible that the five miners whi
were impilsonrd In tbe Locust Ga
flope on Thursday may be alive
The smoke and black damp hat
kufflclently cleared today to enablt
t'te recnlr g party to penetrate tt
the bottom of tbe slope, but ni
trace of the men could he found,
It la belelved that the miners havi
fone Into an abandoned slope an
bit they may be found alive. I
Hraibn Im-lade Kcelealastte and
LlymeB of the Various Churches
lulerested In the llivorca
church confeience on marriage and
divorce, a body representing oflic-
hlly fourteen denominations, bas
Issued through its secretary, Rev.
William H. Roberts.D. D-, an appeal
to tbe public, cilling attention 10
several aspects upon the divorce
The paper is the beginning of a
national campaign of education upon
the subject, to be followed by effort!
to secure the enactment ol laws in
the state legislatures, and ultimately
it is tho ight of an amendment to
the constitution of tbe United
States. Already artlon has been
taken by tbe confeience looking
toward the reventlon of tbe reniar
rlges by ministers of other com
munions of divorces whom clergy
men of their own faith have refused
to many.
This movement Is the first occasion
of any sort upon which the repre
sentatives of the great dent mlnations
have officially come together. The
members of tbe conference Include
many of the most eminent eccle
siastics and laymen in the churches.
The denoruinatkns which subscribe
to the appeal are :
Protestant Eplsctipal Cbuieh in the
United States, Presbyterian Church
lo the United States, Methodist
Episcopal church, Methodist Episco
pal church south, Reformed Church
of America, Reformed Church in
the United States, United Presbw
terlan church, Evangelical Lutheran
church, the llaptist churches, tin
Congregational chutches, the Re
formed Presbyterian church, the
Cumberland Presbyterian church,
the Alliance of the Reformed
Churches holding the Presbyterian
Law Is Unconstitutional.
TOREK A, Kan. The suprerm
court yesterday declared void th
statute which makes It unlawful to
discharge an employe because he
belongs to a lahor organization and
which provides for the recovery o(
d images for the discharge. This 14
a decision of great Importance to
labor unions. I. R. Perry, an emi
pluye of a brick and tile company
was discharged from Its service and
he brought action to recover dam
ages, alleging that be was dls
charged because he was a member of
a labor union. He recovered judg
ment in the lower court and the
brick company appeared, attacking
tbe constitlonality of tbe law.
Kearney Leads Highwaymea.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo-Rooert S,
Kearney, a nrnmlnent and well-to-do
liveryman, of grandson of tbe famuj
Phil Kearney, is lo jail bore tsnlght
under arrest on a charge of leading
a gang of highwaymen. Franlt
Johnson, a wealthy horseman of
Hemple, Mo., while out driving,'
was held up and robbed of $200 here
last night. James Troutman, an
other horseman, was arrested today,
and made a full confession. Implica
ting Kearney and David II. Mason.
Peru Prepares To Fight
LIMA, Feru. The general star
has ordered two line batalllons and
one battery of machine guns to pro
ceed to Altojurua by way of tbe
river Araucpa to repulse any Brazil
ian troops that may be In that ter
ritory, and one batalllon, with two
ma:hine guns, bas been ordered to
Chandlcss. on tbe river Purius, to
sustain Peruvian sovereignty there.
The general staff has also ordered
that Iqultos be placed in a state of
defense, that the harbor be mined
and that a division be formed there
of three thousand men, which shall
under certain circumstances occupy
lahatlnga and Maoos, Brazilian
towns on the Amazon.
Doused With Chloroform.
WABASH, Ind. While Christian
holiness people were In the midst
of an enthusiastic revival meeting
at their tabernacle here today an
(Unknown person dashed a tig hoi tie
of chloroform over the congregation.
Numerous persons were so overcome
that they had to be drauued to tbe
doors before they were revhed.
Family Feud Ends Fatally.
KANSAS CITY.-A special to thi
Star from Austin. Texas., says:
A sensational killing occurred to
day at Lulling, eighty miles south
east of Austin. S. L. Nioxan, a
member of tbe state democratic
executive committee and a ilibj
rlHoter, shot and killed U. W.
Malone and Colonel Veasr two
prominent citizens of Luling. Tbs
boot'ng It laid to have grown out
of an old family feud.
Mrs. Clyde W. Day, a Lride of
three months died at ber Lome la
Veenlng- Water.
Mr. Frederck Weitzel and Mis,
Oua Jane Jewell, both of Tekama,
were married. '
The Fleming hardware store al
Stella has changed hands, Sid Tim
merman taking charge.
Stella is to have a ball team.
n,e organization will be under tbe
tuangeuent of James Cozard.
The funeral of Miss Maggie Mulli
gan, aged 20, was held at Schuyler.
Death was caused by blood poisoning
from an ulcerated tooth.
Ed Wilcox of ShelUin who was ar
itsud in Omaha fjr horse stealing
u Dodge county, was bound over to
the district court at Fremont.
A Sure Protection.
Unrton, N. D., May 9. Many casee
are being published of how diseases
have been cured and lives saved bj
Dodd'a Kidney Pills, but there is a
family in this place who use tliia rem
edy as a protection against the coning
on of diseases and with excellent re
sults. Mr. W. A. Moffet says: "We have ne
very serious Illness or complaint, foi
we always use Dodd'i Kidney Pills
(lie very moment we feel tbe least
symptom of sickness and they soon
put us right. If we have n touch ol
lame back or think tbe kidneys are not
right, we take a few Dodd's Kidney
Pills and tbe symptoms are soon aj
"My brother had Diabetes and the
doctor told him be could not live until
rprlng. I got some Dodd's Kidney
Pills for him, and although that wae
seeral years ago, be bas lived through,
nil the winters and springs since rind
Is still living. Dodd's Kidney Pills are
t wonderful medicine."
The degree of the Orient, which
was once in favor with lodge men
Jf Linci.ln, will be revived. A meet
log will be held at Odd Fellows
Lightning struck the home of Don
Mertes, near Table Rock, aDd badly
Jamaged the building. Two horses
belonging to G. K. Ueda were killed
during the storm.
Miss Kltt of Denver and Miss
Sullivan ot F'alls City have been at
tending the Ursullne convent at
Falls City and have been received
is novices in the Order of tbe
Usullue Sisters. j
Angered and Jealous at his former,
Dousekeeper, because she wculd not
return to his house, George Ilarrf,
a former Lincoln policeman shot
and killed tbe woman, Miss Maft
Young and then killed himself, ,
Kellner & Woreth of Scribner have
secured the contract for the new
high school building at Bloom Held
for $14,153. It is expected to have
the building completed in time for
the opening of tbe fall term of
school. (
By throwing tbeir bby from
buggy wltb wblcb tbe team was
running away, Mr. and Mrs. Miles'
W. Knapp of Stella probably saved
tbe life of tbe little one. They bad
been to visit their daughter, Mrs.'
L. P. Shellenbargei, who lives five
miles west of that place. Tbe team
became frightened and started to
Kin. Tbe two-year old baby was
thrown out and escaped with only
a slight bruise. Mrs. Knapp was
thrown out and her collar bone was
broken, besides being Injured intern
ally. Knapp received an ugly gash
In the bead. .
W. S. Fowler died at his home
oear Tekamah after a long and paln-
ul sickness of Bright's disease, aged
33 yaars and two months. He leaves
wife and elgbt children, four soni
nd four daughters, all married but
two boys who are still at hnruq.
Mr. Fowler bas teen a resident; of
liuit. county for about twenty-seven
fears. He was a member of the
Methodist churcb, and a highlj
respected citizen. The Interment
will be made in tbe Tekauma ceme
Baby Finds a Bottle of Carbolic
and Drinks It.
While the mother was unpacking an
old trunk a little 18-montbs-old baby
tot bold of a bottle of carbolic acid
while playing on the floor, and hli
stomach was so badly burned it wai
feared be would not live, for he could
not eat ordinary foods. The mother
says In telling of the case:
"It was nil two doctors could do te
pave him, as It burnt his throat an(
stomach so bad that for two months
lifter lie look tbe poison nothing would
lay on his stomach. Finally I took hhs
Into (lie country and tried new milk,
rind that was no better for him. Hit
grandma Anally suggested Grape-Nutl
und I am thankful I adopted the food.
for he commenced to get better right
away and would not eat anything elua
Ho commenced to get fleshy and lilt
cheeks like red roses and now he tl
entirely well.
"I took him to Matamoras on a visit
and every place we went to stay to eai
lie called for Grape-Nuts and I woulf
have to explain how he came to caff
for it, as it was his main food.
"Tbe names of the physicians wht
attended the baby are Dr. Eddy, ot
this town, and Dr. Geo. Gale, of New
port, Ohio, and anyone can write tl
me or to them and learn what Grapw
Nuts food will do for children ant
grown-ups, too." Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
' Look in each pkg. for the fassesB)
lltili book. "The ftyg to WfUTlUt,j