Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 19, 1904, Image 1

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Harrison Press - Journal.
19. 1904. Is) O. 4H
x.$$4, -W-4--I-
School closes tomorrow.
Tb Crawford dmtist ii Dr.T.H.Splodlo
James lle"-niijD
in the city
A. J. Bogart ban gut moved into his
Haw house.
I Mii Anna Walker i now working at
Harrison Huumi.
Mr. W. T. Joaes. of Andrews, wait in
Harrisoo yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jame Johnson
tli city last Friday.
vera la
Attorney W. H. Fanning, o( Crawford
wti in Harrison Tuesday.
P. B. Billow hai been in Lincoln
greater part of thin week.
Valentine Wohlheter and roo Gene
wirt in the city Saturday,
County Treasurer Lux has been Buffer
ing with tore eyes for the past week,
FOU SALE Bard Plymouth Rock
egg. Price, 11 for $1. K. L. Km., iu2
Rv, D. J. Clarke, of Cbadroo, deliv
er an adsress to the pupils at the school
exercises last Friday uight.
Bork To Mr. ami Mm J. B. Burke o
Wednesday, May 1U, 1904, a girl. All
parties concerned doing well.
John Lowry met with an accident in a
ball game .Saturday which remlted him
ufTenog the ton of three teeth.
Earnest Phinnev came down from his
Bouth Dakota ranch Tuesday and will
remain iu Harrison for a few days.
Goo. Turner left last evening for
Missouri where he will remain for a few
weeks for the benefit of his health.
The 8th Ornd.i exercises at the church
last Friday evening were largely attend
ed and ugood program was reudered.
Th Woodman hand boys have been
doing much practicing of litte and they
will soon 1 iu shape to uppear iu public.
Cba. Webster's father arrived in this
city from Kansas Saturday morning.
We understand that he may locate here.
Dr. Merrideth, of Crawford, was in
thiscitj Ssturday and went out lo pre
scribe for Patrick Dunn, who has been
quite ill for some tune.
Billv Ineger, the prominent confection
ery dealer of Chndrnn, was a passenger
on the west bound train Monday morn
ing returning that evening.
We had a liirht fall of snow, Sunday
night or Monday morning, but only the
early risers got to see it and the FltBSS
JuCSAL' man was one of them.
(ieorge (erlacl) has made preparations
to open his photograph gallery at the
com t house S indav morning. Wait till
then to have vour picture taken.
Will Pontius came down from Orin
Junction Saturday evening and visited
with relatives in this citv until Monday
niorning when he returned again.
II, J. Welter, of Glen, started for
Rochester, N, Y., last Monday. Mr.
Weber will attend the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian church and visit ids
old home and friends while gone.
Thru who will graduate from the
Harrison schools this year are: Otto
Tape, Archie Davis, Virginia Cathryn
Parson, Edna H, Rohwer, Gertrude
Blanche Converse and Elsie Maria Roh
wer. The school board elected only three
teachers last Saturday night, viz; Miss
Susie Tupper, Miss Kate Tupper and
Lou Brewer. In our opinion the choice
so far has been very wise. Gordon
Hey. J. 11. Andress of Chadron will de
liver the class address tomorrow even-
ni?. Don't fail to be there not to hear
Rev. Andress In (articular but to show
our interest nnd appreciation in our
young people that graduate at that
A brother of John ChrMitain. with hi
wife and lo children arrived here from
Teias Sat unlu v morninff and went out
to Mr, Christain's ranch in the soutn
part of the county that dav. If , he is
pleased with this country he iutende to
re-mam litre.
Dr. T.H. Spiodlo tbe Crawford dentist.
Mr. kud Hit. J. A. Tlmjer were
from the valley Monday.
f Carl Estler fainted tt fence around
the court bouse thts week.
Bus Smith was up from the Hewitt
ranch latter part of laat week.
J Miss Dolly Priddy in visiting 'tb Mr
(liaa. Thomas in the country.
August Baunigard was among tUoae
who visited this city Tuesday.
1.m.. McCaon and wife were trans
acting business in Harrisoo Tuesday.
Remember the graduating exercises at
the church Friday evening, May 20th.
Geo. Adams, of Crawford, wai in thit
city a few hours on business Monday.
j W. H. Davis attended the Republicau
state convention at Lincoln this week.
Ed Hollingsworth and family were
visiting in Harrison fore part of tbe
E. F. Pontius returned from his busin
ess trip to the Black Hills Saturday
Brows, the photographer, will ha at
the Court House io Harrison ou May 21
and 22.
Htnry Covey and Edwin
Highland precinct, were in
Case, of
this citv
U John burke came down from Hat
creak, Wvo., Tuesday and returned
U Ifslly Lindsey, after a few days visit
at tier home in the country, is again at
the Commercial hotel.
Chus. Webster moved this week to the
Kennedv ranch weet of town where he
will work this summer.
James Wilson, who recently sold his
ranch near Montrose, has been staving in
Harrison the past week,
The last reports this momitrg concern
ing the illness of Patrick Dunn is that
his condition is unchanged. t
i Miss Olivette Dunn, who him been
staying at the Harrison House this win
ter. went to her home north ol town
this week.
1 Miss Josie Sherill, who has been visit
ing friends and relatives in Harrison for
the past week, returned to Douglas Hon
day morning.
Henry Rose was up from Hewitt Tues
day and made us a pleasant call. He
says everything is going ulong nicely
down his way.
C, E. A. Estler had a Contractor nnd
Builder's card placed in these columns
this week. Mr, Estler is a workman that
will give satisfaction.
Mrs. W. C, O'Conner's brother, Mr.
Brant, w ho has been visiting here for the
past week, left with his children Tuesday
evening for Rapid City, S. D., where
they expect to remain.
Louie Andreani, of Crawford, was in
this citv last Friday. He called and sub
scribed for the rp.E8-JouRNAL as he
wanted to keep postd on the happen
ings in this portion of Nebraska.
William Colfee, who came here about
a year ago, and has siace been running
the Coffee ranch on Runningwater, left
with his family Monday night for Louis
iana where they expect to make their
future home.
All parties indebeted to Chas. Newman
bv note, or otherwise will find all bills,
and notes at the Commercial Bank for
collection. Please call and settle all
open accounts by note bankable or cash
in band and save costs.
Chas. Niwmah
Q Nick Scheafer purchased the August
Baumeard dace near Aramore Tuesday
and intends to move there about June 1.
We learn that Mr. Scheafer has sold his
nlace north of town to his mother. Mr.
Scheafer has many friends tn this vicinity
that regret to see him leave.
Rev. V, C. Daniel prtached an inter
esting aod instructive sermon last Sun
day night to the graduating class from
the Harrison High School. We hope the
manv rood words spoken will be re
membered throughout the lives of these
students and that their live may w
made grander, and nobler by listening
to the words spoken by thi rvrend
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction at his resi
dence in Harrison on May '21,
1904, at 1 o'clock p. m. the fol
lowing described property.
5 young saddle horses.
1 Estey organ.
1 sewing machine.
1 washing machine.
1 lounge.
2 bedroom suites.
Carpets, rockers, ' dishes,
stoves, cupboards and every
thing else needed in house
TERMS All sums under
125.00 cash. Over $25.00 a
credit of six months will be
given with bankable note.
Good weather the past week for grass
and crops.
The school children intend to enjoy a
picnic in the canyons tomorrow.
Call in and tret our prices on job work.
You will receive prompt .attention and
J We understand that Mrs, Converse and
her two daughters expect to move to
Doutrlas in the near future. They have
many friends here that will regret their
('iirnrette smoking is invading the
high schoels to an alarming extent in
this state. Educator are aware that
cigarette fiends do not make the favor
able process of those not addicted to the
habit. The game warden is raising par
ticutnr hell in this state trying to save
t rouse and quail, but it seems that the
W. C, T. U. is about all who are left
that are trying to save the bovs from
the cigarette degradation. Are the law
makers and people of this great state
willing to sit down and let about half of
the boys be stunted in sucking poisonvia
of the cigarette. Gordon Journal.
We are sorry that some of our snbscri
lirr liuve felt home what hurt bv us
sending them a statement. We are sure
we hatf d to send out these statements
alxiut as bad as the ones that have re
ceived them, but we feel sure if some of
our delinq"enta could see our statements
from the people we get our ready prints
from, thev miuht leel that they were
not treated so bad after all. We must
pay our bills every 30 days or go out ol
business; while we carry people on our
books from one to six years; although
some of our patrons don't like it when
we allow their accounts to run so long
without sending them a bill, so there you
are. The poor printer gets it oom ways
J Glen Zerbe, who has bean visit ing hi"
pirents for a few days, left Monday for
the Philippines, He goes there to teach
the young Philippino, and is paid $1000 a
year for his services by Uncle Ram. This
is quite a recognition for Glen and to
make it more welcome by him and his
many friends is the fact that by his own
perseverance and studious habits has
gained him this recognition Some have
a pull but what we liketo see is every
young man fully recognised for being
and making men out of themselves. We
said soma time ago that with the inter
est that Glen had showed in educational
work that he would yet rank with the
leading educators of our Nation, and we
are sure that this trip will be of lasting
benellt to him and will teach him a les
son that cannot bo gotten from books.
There is a lesson here for our young
men that think there Is nothing in an
education and being a clean young man.
Cigarette smokers and broncho hunters
never reach a very lofty pinnacle but
they get just what they aim at. Hioux
county can well feel proud of two of her
young men, Glen Zerbe and Emery Zim
merman, and we wish we had more or
such, for we would then have less use
for our prisons and lunatic asylums.
Success to these young men and to all
others that are trying to make some
thing out of themselves. Mr, Zerbe will
remain in the Philippines for the next
two year. '
Expert Ptrret Cyelltt.
In Berlin a parrot cyclUt U draw
ing great crowd of admirer. The
bird couducts ltelf like an experi
enced rider, working with IU foet the
pedtli of a diminutive machine whose
grooved tire run along a tight-rope.
With Ita beak It manage the handle
bar. It carrlea along another parrot
banging o a trapeze beneath, and thus
maintains. perfect equilibrium. '
From the Files of The Journal
Fc-rteeo Years Ago, .
An addition is being built on the rear
of the Harrison House, the increasing
business in the hotel line makes mote
room necessary.
J. H. Cook is expected home on Satur
day, accompanied by Mrs. Cook, who lias
been quite sick for some time.
Landlord Rohwer, of the Harrsson
House, has len suf mg with rheuma
tism for tiie past week.
T.O. Williams and family visited their
farm in the valley the first of the week.
Atchison Globe Sights.
There is a man in Atchison who
backs" his letters.
No woman over sixteen ought to try
to "move her relatives bv tears.
To be absolutely loyal, a wife should
hate those her husband dislikes.
No wonder women don't KO on sprees.
Their heads begin to ache when they get
ready to go to a church picnic.
How we all dislike the child that has
its own way, and is impudent! Al! of us
need a grealdeal of training.
lluy Lime k Sulpln r Dip Ready Made
Safer and better. Endorsed by Govern
ment. Used by largest ranchmen af this
country. Doesn't burn tbe eyes. Saves
boiling vats. Boiling of lime eats them
out quickly. 48 Gal. bbl. $12 00. Also
have 2 horse steam boiler '') 00 3 horse
horse $4.0.00 for heating water. Write to
Rx SUck Food Company, Dept. A ,
O nana, Neb. a-21
Thltyeur's Taxes
If you are interested in kowing how
the fjrniers, nierchantr, manufactures
nnd rtutroadsare being assessed this year
send 25 cents for a months trial subscrip
tion to the Lincoln Evening News. Tins
will give you the reports of the stute
convention and an'all round live news
paper. One month's trial will probably
make a regular subscriber out of you.
Special Rephksent tive in this county
and adjoining territories, to represent
and advertise an old stablished wealthy
business house cf solid financial standing.
Salary $21 weekly, with $3 per duv for
expenses, paid each Monday by check
djrect fom headquarters. Expenses ad
vanced, and hoise,;and buggy furnished
when' necessary; position permanent.
Address Blew Bios., 040 Mouon Building,
Chi.sigu, 111. 6-40
It is interesting to note.tliat fcilunea
are frequently made by the invention ol
arliclesjof minor importance. Many of
the most popular devices are those tie
siL'ned to benelit the people and meet
popular conditions, and one of the most
interesting of these that has ever been
invented is the Dr. White Electric Comb,
patented Jan. 1, '99. These wonderf il
Combs positively cure dandruff, hair
falling out, sick and nervous lieu(l:i-hs,
and when used with Dr. White'sHilectric
flair Bruh nre positively guaranteed to
make straight hair curly in 23 days' time
Thousands of these electric combs have
been sold in various cities of the Union,
and the demand is constantly increasing.
flnr airents are ranidlv becoming rich
selling these combs, They positively .
on sight. Send for sample. Mens sirs
3.ric. ladies' 50c.- (half price while we are
introducing them.) Thepr, White Elec
tric Comb Co., Decatur, 111.
Mottco of Aplication for Liquor License.
Notice l hereby given that tho nudr-r-iuni'd
1 li . nlert his iimutcation and petition
for license to sell malt, sprltuou snd vinous
liquors In the vllliiffe of Harrison, uiirinn
tho ymir ending May 4, 1804. That bM sp
pllcaticn will henrrt by the Board of
Trustees of ald Village on the 21sl dy or
May l!)04ur thereafter nt the tlrst tr.retirg
of said boiird. Any protest, nhjectlon or
remonstrance to the granting of said license
should be Died with tlic Clerk of said Village
on or before msv l, 1M4.
THM.81GH", Applicant.
HherilT Sale.
By virtue of sn order ol sale issued by
the Ulerk of tho Kistrlct ourt ol Monx
conntv, Nebraska, upon a degree rendered
In said ronniv in favor ol Mabel (i. souther,
nlnlntlir, slid against John It. Barron, Mary
Marron. his wife, snil William souther, de
fendants 1 will on the Slst day of May 19W st one
o'clock in the afternoon of said day st the
U IW:k 111 un iiiwiiiwii"! --.7
east f 'out door of tbe court boute of the
.. t v-i...uw.. uall el
ft W1 ffn IV HI foul""""!
mihiin i.ncLion to the highest blddnrlor cash
In hand tho lellon ing described veal estate
situated in floux county, tow it.
southwest ouarter of northwest qiisrler
and lot two, (2) in section twenty live to)
and the southeast quarter of northeast
anj me soumeasi qusrier i n m- ;
Quarter (KKt NKkl and lot one (11 In section I
.. . ..... .mil
twentv ,it fi iii towmhln thtrty ono (31)
north ot Kangn nfty-threi (53) west of 6th
Principal Meridian'
To satisfy ald order of sale in the sum of
teveu hundred nnd sixty Ave dollars nnd
twelve mill and intireit and costs and
arcning rosU.
P Ml pabllcation April, IS, VWH
At-V.X t.OWRT,
SherlBTof al(i eeunly.
i ,
Selling More Goods Than Ever.
A complete line of GROCERIES, HARDWARE
Ruilding material of all kinds , Flour, Feed, Grain,
IO' .1 : 1 1 I Tn.,!.., tTr UnriliC? Vl TTrt
Implements, Hardware,
j You Are Reading
tr f
That's wliat it' here for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give us a trial. Yours for Business,
a: lowry..
FACT 1.- BOU RRET & DA vis
Carry Hie largest ami inusi
.ornpU'te stock of General;
MerchandisB in Sioux Coun
!FAC1 a, Ail our prices are nij
Ikeeping with the quality l
(goods we sell. We do nwt keep!
Cheap John goods and thereforei
i.. tll ni Chejn John!
e hi . i'"i -prices.
We sell llrst class goods!
at. fn i r prices, I
p "i- 3Wb endeavor to caler;
'to the wants and needs of our
Irustomers arid our goods lire;
sei.vt-d with this intent .
r T T T T AT
J L 1 t Vy X N JL J- J-
, sy it jt -rrt -iTT Tir a v
her. Doors. Sash Lime,
Coal, Wagons, Buggies and
Machinery of all Kinds.
I also carry a line of Wind
Mills, Pumps, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc etc. etc.
A large stock of feed, both
ground and ungrouud al
ways on hand.
mail orders given, prem.pt '
Give me a Call.
Manhood Restored!
This greet vegetable vitaller, thn pre
scription of a iiimous French physician, wilt
quickly cuvc vou of all or nervous disease
..,.na allCh n lOSt Mttll
Ol IIIC (i!lli:itiiio uifi-". -
1 nood. Insomnia, pnms In the Back, Setmmil
. ,,nKm,,. Plitmlnn. ITn-
Km a, miN. .ei vuui- nr.uin-.' i .
tltncsito marry, Kxhausting Drains, varico
cele sud Constipation. It stops sll lossen by
day or night. Prematurity, which If not
checked, lead to spermatorrhoea and all the
horronnf lmpotency. CUl'IDENE cleanses
i,no avcrnitu
ensand rostoros.The reason sunYierj are
. j. laviiiH ninety oer
thillversndkidn.vs. CU I'lUfcMi. sirengva
not cured by doctors is because ninety per
cent are troubled with Piostntlts. Ct.'I'I
news- i n... nniv Wnnwn remedy lo cure
without an operation, fi.tw tlstinu nisU.
A written guarantee given and money re
turned If six boxes do not effect s pi ruia
nent c.urs.Dll.oo a box; lx for five l y mall
fend fnrfreeclroiilnr and '-J'.lnionlals. Art
rtron OA vol, KEOIdNK .. RsnFraneisfO
OaUlovaas. iotsslo by. Kicufui Jom.
SHOES, and a complete
Harness, Saddles & etc.
All ord.irt Riven prompt attention. ,.
i"F ACT 4, We have just re
jceived our Spring and Summer
jlnvoice of white waists 4. dress,
Ijooiis, India Liinons, Cambrics,
jPerenles, Ginghams, Sateens,
liirtintc Henriettas, &c, &c.
TAi T 6,-
-Our linaof
Boots A
:SIhm and Sliiipersi
lof the. latest styles from the
inioxt reliable hou-e.
'FACT ti, "Everything; usually,
lopt in a General St.ore can be!
! Tim commissioner amxiinted tu locate
cerium road petitioned for by Pft'ii
Lacv and others commencing at a point
; t-,w ,,,,1,1,,. nia,l nu.ulH.i- 41 where th
same touches bet Ween the section corner
h.'Hveen sections 11, 12, 13 and 14 Town
!hiia''. Km.?' ST from thence riirinini'
Koulll on the section line bwtween section
IShmiI 14 to the section corner hatwatin
sections 13, 14. 23 and 24 suil townslnp
and range from thence in a direction
about south east hi east toa poinleiirhty
rods east, of t.ha line between siiii section
23 nnd 54 nr.d twenty rods south of the
line between said sections 13 and 24 fro n
thonce running in a ilirwi.inn about south
east toa point onu hundred and sixlv
reds enst. nf His line between stio secli -v
23 find 24, nnd Hitrhiy rols south o' ti
licLWt-f tl iuIi iv (.mi , i , .... i ...
east on quarter section hue in section 24
ciuhly rods south of the section line be
tween sections 13 anil 24 to the townhtp
line between Ratiffos 56 aud 57, -o..i
thence running east across seotin 19 to
Hie section lines helween sections 19 and
20 Township 33. ranpe 56 on quarter Mo
tion line in sniil section 19 eighty red.
south of the section line between sections!
m and 19; fr.m thence east in section 20,.
said Township and Range, on said quar
ter section line oie hunjred and thirty
rods east of section line between sections
19 and 20 and eiKht.y rods south of sec
tion line between sections 17 and 20; ronv
thence south east to a point on half sc
tion line running north nnd south in said' -section
20 ona hundred and ten rodi soirn
of section line between section 17 and 21!
from thence south on said half lection
hue bet vvi en sections 20 and 29 in sad
Township ft mi ranuej from l hence east
section line botw. en section 20 and 29,,
also between sections 21 and 28 until it
connects with county Kiad Number lj
reports in favor of locating said road.
All objections thereto or claim for
diimanes.niUHt be tiled in the (..omity
Olerlis olllce on or before June 17 1904 or
such road will be allowed without refer
ence thereto,
Harrison, Neb., April, 19, 1904.
E F. Pwrnpa, County Clei
v 'li'
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