S Tl i. rv; J.-L. If; CHAPTER XIII. With evident suspicion aud mistrust, Bernikoff viewed the growing iutiniaey between bis prisoner Iran and the Scot tish captain; and though be neither rec ommended that it should cease or inter dicted it, he made many mental notes thereof. Though Balgonie sympathized with Iran to the fulled extent, he knew too well the danger of doing more; and he felt that he had hi own share of secret sorrow and anxiety, and might yet hare greater to endure. The sir! he loved was already a political fugitive; her father and cousin were prisoners, and perhaps In chains; her brother and Lis kinsman Uaakoff. already viewed as criminals; and with the terrors of despotism hang- lug over them all. Natalie a fugitive aud where? In the wild forests, pern a us. where wolves and outlaws lurked, what perils and pri vations might she not be suffering! Na talie, so delicate, so pure, so gently nur tured, and so highly bred. Balgonie was aware, also, that inti macy with the family of Mierowiu, and the deep interest be bad in their fate, was fraught with personal peril to him aelr In such a laud of tyranny as Russia. Full of such thoughts as these oue fore noon, he was leaning on a canuou in one of those deep embrasures of the fortress which faced the drawbridge communicat ing with the land. The guard was In the act of lowering the bridge to permit man to pass out. This person was just parting from Beruikoff, with whom he had been for some time in close and earn est conversation, and from whom he was evidently receiving money an unusual circumstance, as that distinguished field officer generally lavished more kicks and cuffs than thanks or coins. On beholding thia man, as he bowed humbly, cap iu band, era the bridge and disappear among the houses of the town beyond, Balgonie experienced a species of nervous shock. lie could not doubt that this fellow, so gigantic in stature and powerful in muscular devel opment, in the coarse coat and leathern girdle, with the long lock of grizzled hair dangling behind his right ear, was Nich olas Paulovitch, the murderer of Po datchkine, the gypsy woodman, and the swindling mendicant of the barrier at the Neva. . "This man here in SehhiRselburg," thought Balgonie, with indiguation and alarm; '"here in earnest conversation with Bernikoff. The spirit of mischief seems to pervade the air again 1" A few minutes afterward a Cossack named Jagouski, who had bceu severely knouted by Bernikoff for pilfering a pipe ful of tobacco, came forward with tot tering steps, and looking painfully thin and feeble from recent suffering, and with the crouching bearing of the Mus covite toward a superior, said that his Excellency the Governor wished to speak with him in his quarters, whither Bal gonie at once repaired. "Carl Ivanovitch." said Bernikoff, who certainly had rather a perturbed air, "some auspicious characters are in our vicinity, and have actually been hovering tn boats about the fortress. What think you of that?" "Suspicious characters, excellency bow?" "In the town one dropped this coin a silver rouble of the prisoner Ivan Ivan the Unknown Person. To possess one, unless as I do this, for proof of treason, it to court death or Siberia." "And from whom had you this?" I "A spy," replied the colonel curtly. ! "The man who has just left you?" ' "The same." I "Nicholas Paulovitch," continued Bal gonie, with increasing astonishment at the other's coolness; "the assassin of the corporal the wretch of whom I told you when I first arrived here!" 1 "All that may or may not be," replied Bernikoff, with a stern air, almost amounting to rudeness; "when I require this fellow no more, you may impale him, if you please; but molest him not at present." "I do not see, excellency, that all 'v a In any wav concerns me," said Bs.kw- j nie, haughtily. i "It does concern yon thns far. I shall anticipate any attempt that may be made by those Itirkers, whoever they may . You must remember," he added, lowering his voice, "the tenor of the dispatch you brought me." "Perfectly," replied Charlie, in a some what faint voice, ns he knew not how terrible or rpr!Kntint might be the duty assigned him by this military despot "Well, jou shall pass forth into the own to-night with a patrol of twenty men, armed with sabers and carbines. Surround and search the main street, and compel till therein who seem suspi cious, to produce their papers; and, if they are without such, bring them to me, and I shall question them in a fashion of my own." ; "And I am to take twenty men with me?" said Balgonie, after an unpleasant pause. "Yes! the bridge will be lowered for yon after sunset Whoever these lurk era are, they have been seen and overheard- and this coin is proof sufficient to warrant the transportation of a whole province. Be they who they may, Dy ev ery dome In sacred Mother Moscow, they ball 6nd me ready for them!" Ralconie had no resource bnt to obey la silence; and an angry 'ten escaped him as be stack his loaded pistols in bis girdle when the ana sank behind the nan ualnted roofs of the wooden town snd the evening gun boomed from the raniMrts. Defiling ha the twilight through the streets of grhlusselbnrg. he marched straight to where he knew that the prin cipal tea house was situated; and while hit heart sank within hiss in fear of wIkmb he Might arrest perhapa Natalie llsarilf he at once snrroanded the feaCSag as nrerent on stress, and to the wCan alarai aatd pertarbetioa of all sjejM wttnfam, Vfca taw eiwokoo' rdMM of tne ala rrzzzi Ooaosttts wets aeea ashing la t T- mi fffcew bUgaalt eaftered U ;UUd taw s tlMf n By JAMES GRANT S narrow war between the numerous ta bles, at which the croups were seated, amid an oppressive odor of otroug tea, coarse tobacco and Ituiuuan leather from boots, caps and girdles many a peasant iu bis canvas coat and many a stout merchant in his fur cloak felt bis heart quail with apprehension, be knew not of what; aud every saucer the ta is not drunk from cups was set down untasted, while one or two nieu nearly choked tiiemseives with liieir iuuipa of sugar, for usually it is not put into the tea, but U retained in the mouth of the drinker, so that, in a spirit of economy, the poor Muscovite may indulge in two, perhaps turee, cups of his favorite bever age, and use thereto but one piece of sugar. For his intrusion Balgonie apologized; this, though a very unusual proceeding La 1 country so deiqtotic, failed to reas sa.e the tea driukers, who were all bush ed in silence and expectation; and a girl who had lieen singing for their amuse ment crouched dowu in a corner for con cealment. Balgonie counted the nnuiber of per sons, aud noted the exact hour by bis watch; he then proceeded, with a heart full of anxiety and dread, to examine each person in succession, in reality look ing for those he had no wish to fiud. All who possessed the requisite papers showed them; others proved, all in suc cession, to be soldiers and drivers, sail ors and serfs; thus, after a time, a load seemed to be lifted from the mind of the young oificer. As he turned to leave the apartment without a prisoner, the Cossack Jagouski rather roughly drag ged the singing girl from the nook where she had sought concealment, and theu Balgonie recognized the fine dark face, the black eyes and the large glittering earrings of Olga Paulowna. the gypsy girl whom he had lefriended at Ixtiga fche who saved him from a terrible fate in the forest. "Let the girl go free, J.igouski," said Balgonie; "1 hall answer for her if re quired." Olga drew a paper from her bosom and showed that it was her passport from the commandant of Krcjko. permit ting her to travel to and from Hchluxi-el-burg. Jagonskl saluted and withdrew a few paces; and now, as if the cloud of doubt and dread Balgonie's arrival had cast over all was dispersed, a?aiu the noisy bum of voices pervaded the long rem of the tea house, aud laughter even broke forth ot intervals. "Olga," said Balgonie, "you here so far from home?" "Yes, IIoHpodeen. for my home is any where, or wherever night finds uie; but I have news for yon." "News and for me?" 'Yes," said she, sinking her voice to a whisper; "I have news of Natalie Mierowna. She U here. In the neigh borhood of Scblusselliurg." Charlie felt his heart die within him nt this intelligence, for such a vicinity was full of peril. 'Be' to-morrow at noon on the road that lends to Tosna. and you shall learn more. Till then, adieu; and God be with you." CHAPTER XIV. The noon of the following day saw Charlie Balgonie after an anxious and almost sleepless night proceeding on foot along the road that leads southward to Tosna, a little tows, which stands on a stream of the same name, a tributary of the Neva, but some ten miles distant from Schlusselburg. Before him rose the tall fir trees of the forest where he was to meet Olga the "wood of the honey tree," an it was named. There, as Balgonie approached", all was still save the voice of the wood cock, and the hum of insects; he lingered" for a few minutes on the outskirts, just where the highway to Tosna dipped down into the deep and gloomy dingle of intertwisted branches, which formed a species of leafy tunnel overhead. To the northward be could see the place he had left, the gloomy Castle of Schlusseiburg. moated round by the Neva 1 -1- t x1a- in; i n o Hie latler on its rock, its towers wearing a somlier brown tint even iu the noonday sunshine, ss if no light could brighten them; and the white Hag of Russia was fluttering on the summit of the teep, where Ivan was pining away the years of youth iu , silence and seclusion. Balgonie heard a voice waking the ; echoes of the dingle; three notes were struck on a tambourine, as a signal to him, and Olga approached Ringing. "I have kept my appointment, Olga. "And 1 mine." she replied gayly, while tripping toward him in n playful man ner; "now follow me. Hospodeen, aud I shall take you to those who will be right glad to see yea." "First let ns be sure that we are un wstehed." "Right," said she; and stooping in her earnestness, her keen, dark and glit tering eyes swept the whole landscape that lay between the wood and Schlussel bnrg, and glanced keenly beyoud the stems of the trees Into the dingles and vista; but save the birds on the branches and the gnats revolving in the sunshine, no living thing was visible, "Follow me, Hospodeen," said the gyp sy; "we have not far to go." They descended into the dark dingle, or hollow, and then quitted the highway; Olga gathering np her skirts that she might tread with greater facility among the thick gorse and long rank grass. She explained to Balgonie that, as there was no path to guide them, her chief clews were a set of notches, cut to all appear ances carelessly, as if with a woodman's as, on the hark of the great pine trees. "These marks seem fresh, aud recently cut who made them?" ssked Balgonie. The Hospodeen, Baail Mierowiu," she whispered. 'Poor Basil!" responded Charlie, is a law tana After tailing throagh the dense forest for more than half an hoar, they arrived at the feat of a. gray granite cliff, the face of which waa scrsened, or nearly ar nasi of ispeodlog try, creepers and rreea lichens, forming ' j Lackgrouud which, at a little distance blrudeJ with the greenery of the womla. "We have arrived." said she, turning, with a usfa on her dark face which made it radiantly beautiful. She struck three strokes on her tambourine and shook its bells. Charlie thought of her kinsman, Nich olas Paulovitch, and instinctively grasp ed one of the pistols at bis girdle, oa see ing the dark and bearded face of a man appear among the try leaves some twenty feet above him. A rope ladder was low ered, and whatever doubts or misgivings were in bis mind, he felt himself con strained now to go through the adventure to its end. lie clambered np, and on the great screen of ivy being lifted aside, found himself face to face with Lis old friend Basil Mierowitz, the subaltern of his company, who, grasping both bis hands with kindly warmth of manner, led him into a cavern or grotto, one of a series of many, into which the granite rocks had there Itecn hollowed by some long past convulsion of nature. Another hand was instantly laid on his, a smaller and softer one aud two beautiful dark eyes were bending tenderly on his face. Natalie, be exclaimed, in a tremu lous voi-e, and would have pressed her to bis breast but for the presence of Basil and several other men. Amid the twilight of the cavern, he could perceive its rough natural walls and arch, with hazy but sunny rays that streamed faintly in the background, athwart the obscurity, as if the vault communicated with other galleries in the rock, through which the upper light of day stole in by the crannies and chasms. ile was also enabled to see that with Natalie, ber brother Basil, and her cousin L'sakoff, who had been a lieutenant in the Valikolutx Grenadiers, there were about twenty men in the place, all clad in sheepskin coats, the invariable dress of the Russian peasant, and uearly all had red serge breeches, rough boots and girdles of rope or untauned leather. Though attired like woodmen or labor ing serfs, all these men had unmistakably the bearing of well-trained soldiers; all were stroug. active, and resolute in as pect; and Balgonie had no doubt that they were those natives of the L'karine, the deserters from the Livonian frontier, of whom Bernikoff had spoken; for against the walls of the cavern were ranged a number of muskets and bayo nets, with sets of accoutermcnls, sabers and pistols. There, too, stood a regi mental drum, decorated with the impe rial arms, and the forbidden name of the Emperor Ivan! Every moment seem ed to increase the perils that surrounded the luckless Balgonie, for now he was in the very den of the conspirators. "Oh! Basil Usakoff my friends, if indeed I may yet dare to call you so, and live," said Balgonie, in a voice that win broken by emotion, "for what rash and dreadful purpose do I find yon and these utifortutiate fellows here?" "You and all Russia, too, shall learn ere long." replied Mierowitx calmly nd sternly; yet with a grave and iioble air, with w hich his coarse canvas coat assort ed oddly. "And poor Natalie!" exclaimed Bal gonie, in a tone of grief and reproach "have you no love for her?" "Until Natalie informed me, I knew not, my friend, Carl Ivanovitch, that you were the bearer of tftat secret dispatch, which might have cost you limb or life, when It was too late to arrest those I had set upon your track." "Well, certainly, I was not much In debted to the good offices of your rogue, Podatcbkine." "The corporal's orders were simply to abstract the document and bring it to me; not to slay its bearer, unless such a catastrophe became unavoidable." "He fell into his own snare a dark and deadly one." "Happily you escaped it, and I have saved two hnndred silver roubles for the service of the emperor." "Who do you mean?" asked Balgonie, in a whisper. "Ivan the prisoner of Scolussclburg!" exclaimed UshkoII. with enthusiasm. "Alas!" added Balgonie, "you court but yonr own destruction." "Think not so; but join ua, and share our perils and our glory," replied the other. "I nm bound by allegiance to the em press." "You are bat a tool in her hands, Carl Balgonie." "Per-5f o; bnt one with a sharp edge, I hope," replied Balgoi.ie, who felt ' oul? genuine- sorrow; and a silence of nearly a minute ensued. (To be continued.) AROUND NEW YORK BY SMELL. Blindfolded One Could Tell Localities oy 1 heir odors. If you were to set me down In N"W York blindfolded 1 could give a pretty close gue as to my whereabouts by the smell ot tbat particular locality," said a salesman. "If my nose seemed stuffed witli hides and tallow I should j Philippines, Cochin China. Klam and know that I was In tbe immediate j Lao8 straill Ktlenients, Bur vicinity of Gold, Cliff or Frankfort mahi indlai Svrla aM(J i-niestine, I street. A pronounced odor of spice found every where a deep interest In would Indicate Fulton street, la tbe fbe cban(ng economiu conditions. The neighborhood of the East river-, but common people In Asia care little for If tea and coffee predominated tho' bllt (ne nr,ce. of food and ..... chances would be Btrongly In favor of Front, Pearl or Water street A saccharine quality la the air woulg suggest the sugar and molasses neigh- I . I UMIH.n, TX'-tl L--..,. uviuuuu 11 vi . el railways, telegraphs, newspapers, streets. Perfumes would plaee me at ,abor MTng machinery, and the Intr once on Leonard or Chambers, or Pmb1 i daction of Western Idess are slowly bly Grand street while a strong odor ( but iUrer revolutnlnir.log tbe Orient of soap would let me know that Pearl . ghantung wheat, which formerly had or Murray street, or perhaps Green- no market beyond a radius of a few wlch or Hudson waa not far off. If tha draen ,! from the wheat field, can atmosphere were fairly reuking wit I now t)e dipped by railway and stew ra the scent of drugs I would figure out gnlp t0 tny p,rt of tne worM Md ln that I had wound np somewhere near , conse,,Uence every Chinese buyer has Fulton, William or Cliff street," tha)to pay mor for ,t In ,lke manner salesman continued, according to tha new facnitlw! for export have doubled. New York Times. j trebled, and ln some places quadrupled "Tobacco would give me a wlda tbe prW of rice qUra, Siaro and range, out 1 wouia proimoiy ot, near Pearl, I me or uroaa street. 1 ue snieu of hops would be a sure Indication of Whitehall street. West and Bouth streets have tbeir distinctive odors of shipping and seamen's supplies." Bora tot China. Hot, Barnes, too prima donna, ipm tbe first Ova years of ber life at Bhang. tel. where bar father waa la practiM a a lawrar. ij Mortimer Menpcs' new book oa Whistler. which will tc called "Whistler as I Knew Ilim," will make a volume of almut tlOO pages, includ ing lot) full-page plates in color and tint '"Highways aud Byways in Sussex," by E. V. Lucas, Is the latest addition to the Macmlllan Company's "High ways and Byways" series. The vol ume contains numerous Illustrations by Frederick L. Griggs. Guy Wetinore Carrji's new humor ous story, "Far from the Maddening Girla." will apiear In the Ladies' Home Journal, with Illustrations by Peter Newell. It tells of the experi- encei of a young bachelor whose aim Is to keep "one mile from a woman," and miles away from the girls. O. Henry, who Is Sydney Porter In real life, has gone to "The Walrus snd the Carpenter" for the title of bis novel of Central America, which he calls "Cabbages and Kings." This is Mr. Porter's first long story, although bis stories have won for him one of the meteoric successes of the past year. Americans wbo contributed several hundred thousand dollars to the suf ferers from the India famine of IWf.t 1U00 can learn how this money was distributed in the relief work by read ing "In Famine Ijind," a work written by an American missionary. Rev. J. E. Scott. William Dana Orcutt, whose book for children, "The Princess Kalllsto," was publishes! last year, has written a novel which A. C. McClurg &. Co. will bring out. It Is entitled "Robert Cavelier." It la the romance of the explorer Robert Cavelier Do La Salle's life. Charles M. rikluneT, author of "Myths aud legends of Our Own Land," bus made arrangement with I. Appleton A Co. to brlug out a new volume, dealing with "Yards and (Jar dens." The author will show through text, photographs and diagrams bow the small city plot or the buck yard may be beautified. Or. William Bauer, the German eth nologist, who has lieeri studying the southern tritws In Hip interior of .Mex ico for the Royal Museum of Ktlmolo gy of Berlin, Ixhh compiled an Inter esting and remarkably complete vo cabulary of the languages spoken by the different tribes. The Znpotecan vo cabulary Is 3,'XIO words, tne fullest yet obtained. A love story, written almost wholly In dialogue, entitled "A Woman's Will," Is among Little, Brown A Co.'s announcements. The author Is Anne Warner, a frequent contributor to the periodical press during the past few years. It Is a story of an unhappy American widow's sumruer on the con tinent The scenes of the story Include Munich, Zurich and Lucerne. The readers of "Tbe Letters of a Self-Made Merchant to Ills Son," and those readers were many, will welcome the announcement that George II. Lor- iiner has another liook ready for pub lication. It Is to be called "Old Gor gon Graham," and Is, like its prede cessor,- In tbe form of letters; but the new letters tell the self-made mer chant's own story and do not concern themselves with tbe son. 'Children of the Tenements" is one of tbe few books of short .;torles pub lished last year that reached real pop ularity. Its genuine human Interest and its strong human appeal were no doubt tbe cause of the demand for four editions; but It Is also true that these stories by Mr. Rlis derive from their simple truthfulness a strange power to touch the emotions to smiles nd tears. Wholesome and genuine they are above all things; and so is their author,, whose autobiography, "The Mt!s of as American." hs given more real pleasure to Its readers than almost any other biography of re cent years. Princes in Aula. Ouring a recent tour In Asia of nearly sixteen mouth (from Febru ary, 1101, to January, VAK), In wbicli I visited Jatmn. Korea. China, the inent touches every man, woman and child at a sensitive point. Almost everywhere the old days of cbjMp ivlDg are parsing away. Steam . . ; jipftn .Century. Home Good tn lb "Did dat last job o' yours do you any good?" asked the first burglar. "Well, It'll Improve my education, I guess. The man of the house was a book agent and before I got away he made roe buy a cyclopedia." Phlla- 1 delpula Press A wldow MJI .t a bosb,nd 0B aorta is worts two la tat otaor plaot. WHERE LIFE IS ENJOYABLE. Drlishtfal Habits and Customs of Cr tula Plscn and People. I ten mark claims that there is not a single iierson in her lomaiu wbo can not read and write. On tt.e northeast coast of New Guinea, tbe itiaiul of Kutulia. surrounded by a wall of coral :sihi feet high ou one side and from fifty 10 Its) feel ou tbe other, maintains thir teen villages of natives, to whom war, crime aud poverty have Ix-en unknown since tbe beginning of tbeir traditions. Tbe most -aceful and comfortable community in Europe Is tbe commune of tbe Cautou Yaud, in Switzerland. Nearly everyone Is well off and there art- no paupers. Finland is a realm whose inhabitants are remarkable for their Inviolate In tegrity. There are no banks and no safe deposits, for no such security Is esKentiul. You may leave your luggage anywhere for any length of time and be quite sure of rinding -it untouched on your return, and your purse full of money would be Just as secure under similar circumstances. The Finns pla.-r tbeir money acd valuables in boles iu the ground and cover them with a big leaf. Such treasure Is ss credly repeated by all who pass It but In the rare event of a man wishing to borrow of bis neighbor during bis absence, he will take only the smallest sum he requires and place a mesHage In the hole telling of his urgent need, promising to repay the amount on a specified date. And he will Invariably keep bis word, for the Finn Is Invinci ble In his independence. Agneta Park, near Delft, in Holland, Is another I'toplan example. A tract of ten acres has upon It 150 houses, each with its little garden and with certain common buildings and common grounds. Tbe bouse are occupied by the employe of a groat company, who form a corporation which owns the park. Each member owns shares In the corporation and pays rent for bis house. The snrplus, after all expenses have lieen paid, comes back to him as dividend. If he wishes to go away or If he dies bis shares are bought up by the corpora t Ion and sold to tbe man who takes his place. THOUGHT HAM HAUNTED. Why Southern Nrgro Would Not .Move the Meat. "It is often curious to observe the piny of superstition in the nature of the black man," said a writer in the New Orleans Times-Democrat; "and it is really astounding at times to note the total Ignorance of the law of cause and effect wbicli Is to be found among members of the black race. Recently I bad occasion to observe a rather striking Instance of tbe point I have In mind. It was during bog killing time out In my country home. Part of a hog had been left out on a platform aud the thing I have in mind happened aleng late iu the evening, Just as the day was merging into darkness. "Now, it Is a well known fact that the negro, lit coinmiui with other peo ples who believe in ghosts, associate tbee uncanny menilwr with darkness. One of the negroes of the place was engaged In taking the meat from the platform into the smokehouse, where It was being salted down. Now note what happened. It Is dunk. Tbe shadowy part of the day had set In. it was bordering on ghost time. ' When the negro was ou bis way to the piat fonn to get the last piece of meat which bad been left be noticed that It was moving restlessly on the? pint form. Did he get It? Not much. He u.d not get close enough to touch it lie not only remained religiously away from the piece of hnuiited meat but he refused positively to leave his wulte friends, and when tbey pressed him for an explanation of his con duct he told them just what the mutter was. 'Ross,' he said, seriously, 'dat hum suttenly Is ba'nted.' cf course, tbe trouble was soon straightened out. There was a cat un der the platform, and the feline mem ber was pulling away at the meat with vigor. The white men explained to tbe uegro that there-was no ghoRt, that it was nothing but a t-ai ii.nl had Inreii banging around ull day. But note the darky's skepticism: 'Mebbe so, boss,' he said, 'but I hasn't seed dc cat' " Keep a Hcrap-llook. Yoa may make for yourself an In teresting book by constructing a scrap-book devoted to one subject One young girl with a strong Interest In the life of Mary Queen of Scots has collected from magazines and other sources articles, lllustra tied or not, as it happens, verses, pictures of buildings and localities, and portraits relating to this heroine, aud bas put them Into a single scrap-book, making a volume ln which she takes much pride. When she cannot obtain a printed copy of an extract she wishes to add, she does not hesitate to copy It out neatly upon the pages of her book which is merely a large "com position book." The educational value of such work Is by 110 means slight since to know one thing well done must needs learn much of many others. Indeed, It has been said more than once Uiat to know one thing completely we should have to know all things. There Is a good suggestion bere. You will be surprised. If you legln to gather material upon some topic, to see bow much is printed about your favorite subject One word of caution. Do not choose too wide a subject Make your limits narrow enough to be within your scope. Your scrap book need not be upon history or lit erature, but It should be concerned with something worth tbe time yoa mean to spend upon It St Nicholas. It la cheaper to buy furniture now than It la to carry oq a prolong coartaolB. REMNANT OF COXEY'S ARMY. fore or More Mill Employed M Mai Whacker. ' Provided one had te time and facili ties. It would have been an interesting Mt of sociological study to lind out sbat became of the army of tramps, uo'.o.-s and ne'er-do-wells who follow d tbe redoubtable Coxey Into Wah , ;:igtou in 1MI. nays the Washington ' Mar. It was known that for a time a j .oiiKiderable body of them "squatted" ver in Jackson City, but this did not last long, aud no doubt the great body of them returned to tbeir old haunts ln the West and North. It is, therefore, a matter of no small interest to know that something in tb neighliorhood of twenty of Coxey'a soldiers settled along the Chesapeake nd Ohio canal, working as canal boat men and fishermen up even to the present day. Speaking of this little known fact, an old canal boat man, a veteran, of thirty five years" service, said: "When Coxey' army came through Maryland en route for tbe capital In tbey engaged IxiaU at Cumber land, making a part of the trip by canal. While tbe great !ody of this army was made up of tramps who were not socking work under any cir cumstance. Mill there were a few men who were fairly honet In this mutter, and who bad Joined the army in tbe hoH of finding something to do. Many of his soldiers were from the H'wt, and bad never secu a canal be fore Iu their lives, and for some reason nr other the canal life appealed strong ly to the Im.Iic mlaii proH"iiMltles f not H few of them. "Consequently by the time the army arrived In Washington there were some twenty of them who bad hired out as laborers on the canal boats. Tbey remained with us for several years, and as late as 19"2 there were Mill throe or four on the canal, though these, I think, have since left It. "One member of Coxey's Ijodygtisrd, a Western tramp, got tired of inarch ing and dropped out at Cumlicrland. There he took up quarters in an aban doned shack on the banks of the canal, where be bns since lived, earning a liv ing by odd Jobs and catching 0h, which be sells iu the town. Everybody In Cumberland knows him ns 'Coxey,' such being the nickname given him by tlso resident of that town. "Another venerable hobo belonging to this motley IiomI- dropped 'tit In Montgomery County. Maryland, at no great distance from tbli city, lie U known to every one ns Teg l eg.' bo being a cripple. Leaving the army, he built a hut by the towpnth out of old crosstics, rooting it over with such boards ami other material hh he could pick up nliout the noigbiMirliood. This but Is one of the slsbts along the canal, being a remarkable piece of ingenuity. "I am not certain, but I think thera r,re some more of these trumps now lending honest lives along the canal, but at any rate these few have re mained, preferring life on or by the cHiinl to their former uotnad exist ence." Itarewt of Known Fruit. The island of Jolo covers fully 320 square miles. It Is of coral formation and offers a most excellent hnrlsir to tbe west. In topography It Is gently undulating and covered throughout its entire length by the rankest tnsjiical vcgotatloir, valuable teakwood being found extensively throughout the en tire district. Nowhere In the world are more luscious fruits produced. Amonff those peculiar to thin Im-U is the durlan, which is about the size of a muskmelon. Its exterior presents somewhat tbe appearance of a chest nut burr, being prickly and tough; within the fruit Is white and cheese like, and owing to this peculiarity the American soldiers dubbed It the "vege table limburger." Tbe mangosteen is another of th rare fruits. It Is the size of an aver age orange, chocolate colored and lias a very brittle skin. Inside four white sections conUiln a colorless liquid. This Is the raret fruit known, and tbe only one. so It is claimed, that Qucn Vic toria bad never tasted, there being 110 way of preserving the fruit for a suffi cient period after plucking to permit of shipping to any distance. Scientific American. ynllo Right. Little Marlon's music-teacher, while endeavoring to make plain to ber the different note-values, used an apple as an illustration. Cutting it In two. Ma rlon announced, "Those pieces are halves." On bisecting the halves, she replied, "Quarters," but when It cam to dividing one quarter, to bring out the idea of eighths, ers was the wis response, "That's a bite." Woman's Home Companion. (Justified. "We want a man for our informa tion bureau," said the manager, "but be must be one who can answer all sorts of questions and not lose hit bead." 'That's me." replied the applicant "I'm the father of eight children." Philadelphia Ledger. Might Be Improved. ' Harold What mixture is that you're smoking? Oerold Ob, It contains several, kinds. I get It down at Harold Put a little breakfast food In U; It would help it some. Cleve land Leader, Caffe) Inside ol an Aqaarlam. A novel restaurant at the World's Far will be one with tbe walls of tha uildlng made of glass tanks In which Isbea will swim. We are ln favor of a Heal Reform: ingaglng paid pall bearers. Friends do tot Ilka to serve, and If tbey cooaaot II la MwUUoglr .