a a 0 i ''Jnfrii jVLbJ Vesuvius, the famous Italian vol ;ano, is 3.1MS feet hiiib. An Innkeeper of Willielwberg, wui turns the ncale at ""'- imtmds, in Ihi tteavlest umii in IJeniituiy. There are now twenty-nine woruei f title in England wlio were Arnerl can girls, including four ducheKwe ant tWO COUIltllKeH. It In not generally known tbat,th Jackal is a grrnter detitroyrr of hti inanity in India than tin- tiger. Sla listics imblWIied by the goverumen f India allow that while ill's per tons werf killed ly tiger, more that 1.000 children were carried away b; Jackals. . The chief uVire of the iiiuulcipallt; 9f Baro, in Chile, la to have thel town known as a second Ixjiulon, am within the last decade much monej bas been spent to muke It an exac repllca of the British capital. Tin itxeets have been laid down and limner after thoae In Ixudon. No other creature on earth can un flergo such tremendous fatigue ove long period an man. In speed ove abort distaiii-ea there are, of course docena of uiiIhihIh such an the borne dog and hare with which man canno compete. Hut In Ion;,' distance race, man, well trained, can wear out 1h Utt of them. The enamel of the teeth cootuim aver 15 per cent calcareous matter Straight hairs are nearly cylindrical curly hair are elliptical or flat. Tin weight of the average man is 14 pounds; of a woman, 115 pounds. Tht brain la supposed to contain over 200, 000,000 cella, in which thought worki out problems. Do geese "iiack?" ".No," says th obaervaut critic, "geette do not quack but they aqunek." It la the dueki that quack, and the atory of the goosi going about from day to day with I "quack, quack, quack," la declared t 1e without good foundation. There Is Indeed, quite a difference In the vo pabulary of tliexe feathered creatures Hut It require n sharp ear to dlstln (tulsh the difference. Although man Is not well lifted In nature to he a swimmer, and la one o' the few bind creatures who canno iwlui without being taught, yet ll longdistance swimming he can glvi point to any other bind animal. Mori tllgiie Holbein, In September, 1HW iwam forty-six miles In twelve hours Kven in .the matter of fasting then ire few warm-blooded creature win "tin emulate such n performance as till forty days' fust of Tanner. Man's memory la one of the mo wonderful attribute. What I possl tile In this direction was proved a yea! r two ago at Naples, when u professoi f rhetoric Arlllll by name repeated !rom memory 15,3."o lines of Dante Lie begun to recite at 8 o'clock In tht veiling and went on till 2:15 the tier afternoon. Ho was thus at work foi 1,005 minutes, hi rate being 8.'!0 llnei n hour. He only slopped for a mln lite or two at long Interval to Ip little brandy and water. HINT8 FROM JAPAN AND INDIA How a Urawlnic-Koom Con Be Fur tinned bimiily, Vet Artistically. Few American housekeepers woulC ;are to carry the art of ellmluatlot In household decoration so far ng tin Japanese, who have nothing In manj f their rooms except a couple oi :ushlons and a chrysanthemum In bamboo pot, but It is none the lent '.rue that simplicity I the greatest charm of any room, If It be allied to I ense of beauty. This happy combination Is usually btnlned In the houses of the whlti resident In the tropica, and still mori o In the homes of the Japanese. Il t house 1 to be comfortable in a tropl al climate, It must be furnished slm ?ly and sparingly. (Jut of this neco- llty there arise some beautiful ef teets in furnishing und ilecoratiot which ought to be studied and copied y American women. In India and Ceylon the bungalow! ire noted for comfort and charm, Thej llways attract the enthusiastic ndmir Hon of the tourist, and yet the womet who create them go to work In tin most simple fashion. Take the drawing-room of an Eng tfsh or an American woman living It India. It i a large, airy room, witt teveral big windows, which are elthei indrnped or only hung with small (auze curtains. The floors are un ;arjeted, but their dark mahogany oi edar cane lounge, with many cush ns. Is placed near a window. A imall tea table or two and a few easj sicker chairs complete the furnltun if the room, the entire cost of whlcl less than a tenth of the sum ua tally paid for the drawing-room equip fient of a mlddle-clnss American home Kansas City Star. Perfect Propositions. A perfectly proportioned man shoulc weigh twenty-eight pounds for everj toot of his height. If he i Ave feet let inches In height his weight should Is ane hundred and sixty-three pounds; 1: itz feet In height be should weigh oni mndred and sixty-eight pounda. Value or Oil Hatha. Any one can add strength an weight to bla body by rubbing wel With olive oil after a warm bath. OI Mtba are particularly beneficial to dell ate children. Can't Tell tha llDrenoa. There are people In tho world wb fall to discover tbe difference betweei saving ati-oni convictions and belni Vlalo obstinate. Ni.oik's icmi-ccuita ui. To the Pet pie or the hiate oi Nebiaska: On Maj 30, IsW, tiie j prtsidctit of the United States ap 'proved what is kuon as the Fan-is-Nebraska bill, the most impor j la tit legislative and executive action In tbe history cf the country west .f tbe Missouri river since tbe Louisiana purchase ai made under Hbe directoin of Thomas Jefferson. The fifty years that have since elapsed have been prolific In great events, but none are more worthy If note tbao tbe develupeuient that 'has corao during tbe half century to the Trans-Missouri section of the republic and especially to the states of Kansas and Nebraska. ; Tbe undersigned, a committee of citizens, have been charted witb the duty of arranging for a semi centennial celebration of this event. By both federal and state law the Sntli day cf May cf each year is de nted t memorial observations of the gallant spirits who in their lives seived their country during the great war of 1S01-65. That diy lielng thus devoted to holy pur poses, it has been thought best to hold the exercises properly Incident to the semi-centennial on Tuesday, r.be 31st day of May. Thus will conie a proper lescjgnitloo of Memorial day, and also of the Im portant fact that the state of Ne braska received after the great war a greater porportlon of ex-soldiers than any other state In the west, and these soldiers citizens bave aaded greatly to its developement, . The Grand Army of the Republic, which has bud direction of tbe memorial observances, has been In the habit for years of detailing mem bers of the organlztlou to address the scholars of all schools through out tbe state on the last school day prior to the 30th of May, and It has requested that on the Sunday preceding that d?te, In all tbe churches of the state, the clergy should make fitting reference to the Incidents of note proper to tbe day and Inculcate patrotlsm and rioting sacrifice for the republic. The committee suggest to tte Grand Army arid to the clergy that It would tie more tilting, in the schools and In tho churches, to call attention to the fifty years of growth and prosperity that have come, not only to the part of it in which our 1 t has b(eo cast, and on Memorial clay It certainly will be appropriate that all who address the people, while giving fitting tribute to those who served the country and have passed away, should make like re ferences to the progress that has been made during the half century that will close upon that day On the 31st day of May, In the city of Omaha, there will be proper observance of the signing of tbe Kansas-Nebraska bill by the presi dent of the United States. The detail of the exercise will be pub lished and the city of Omaha tn vltes all citizens of the state to Join In this celebration by local cere monial if they wish, but preferably within the limits of the metropolis of the state. The committee takes pleasure In announcing that a son of Nebraska, who has achieved great distinction aud prominence by reason of bis ability titid eloquence lion. Henry D. Eastbrook, now of New York will deliver the oration of the day befitting tbe occasion. It is ex pected that other speakers of worth and prominence will recount the intereslng events of (he Hlty years that have passed since the birthday uf the state of Nebraska. Military and civic parades will also re an Incident, and the latcbstrlng of Omaha will be out in hearty wel coming to all who wlh to glorify the event or May 30, isst. The press of Nenraska Is re quested to public this address, and so soon as the details of the ohser vaoces can be decided upon further communication will be made to tbe pulbic. GEORGE L. MILLER, CHARLES F. M ANDERSON CHARLES W. DOANE, GUY C. BARTON, J. E. 110 YD, ST. A. D. HA LOOM BE, J. N. II. PaTICK, H. E. R. KENNEDY, EDWARD ROSEWATER. JOHN I. REDDICK, J. M. WOOLWOUTH, K. W. YATES, Killed by Fall of Scaffold. LAWRENCE, Kas.-A scaffold on the Fraternal Aid building broke today and precipitated a dozen work men to the, ground. John Stelnet was instantly killed and Lou Mc Laughlin and C. E. Clawson were badly Injured. In Enemy's Land. LIAO, Yang. Between last right and tbls morning tbe Ja Danes forced a passage of tbe Yslu. two rcmniinlea rrntslnir twtMin .ha t djlou and Slatiousslkhe. flea vy firing. whs uearo near a stung nau, in which It la believed tbe J a Danes made a feint I n order to detract at- tentlon f r m the rail point ol passage. So far no bridge snam me river, it is believed tbe Uu 'n Are lucceeded in destroying the! preclude the possibility of premedl &d!2" PeM(tation with regard to It. MVtK CONIINUtS 10 RISE Mississippi near UNE AT ST THE DANGER LOUIS I'it of Pl I'ndrr Watrr ! eiglitxriiif Tiwui ftubuierg-ed Turnmloea lauM Loh Of JLlft: In Territory. ST. LOUIS.-The Mississippi rlyer is rising rapidly here and prepara tions to resist a possible flood are hastily being made. The govern went weather bureau today issued a flood warning, advising that pre cautions be taken to guard against a probable stage of thirty-five le t by Thursday. The danger line here is thirty feet and tbe river tonight registered over twenty-eight feet . The high water mark in the great' floid of last year was thirty-eight' feet. In East St. Louis, III., which suffered so severely front th3 II iod last year. Mayor Silas Coik today secured a large force of men aud th" building of d,ki was at once begun. As fast as dikes are built fences of men will be statlord to protect them and keep theiu in oroer. Sa far no damage has been done by the rising tide. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.-Durlng tbe past forty-eight hours fourteen Inches of rain has fallen here, the greatest amount In that space of time recorded In many years. All the bottom lands are flooded, doing much damage to wheat and other growing crops. The Misiourl river bas risen six feet, and Is coutiouli g to rise at the rate of one Inch an hour. Late tonight the Missouri river reached a stage of 21.0, more than two feet above the danger line. ; Cedar City, across the river from hete is partly submerged and tbe people are moving from their homes, as it is expected that the entire city will bo lloided before tomorrow. Decides For the Military DENVER, Col. The slate su preme court this afternoon denied lui lilt; jciuano in uuiica jj iityjii( president of the western federation1 of miners, on bail pending a decision in the habeas corpus proceeding In his behalf. The bearing on the merits of the case were set for May o.i Meantime Moyer will bo held as prisoner in the military bull pen at Telluride. The supreme court also graDtca the application of Adjutant General Bell and Capt Buckley Welles for a writ of supcrsedas to stay tbe exe cution of the Judgment of District Judge Stevens of Ouray declaring ( Hell and Welles in contempt of court 'and fining them each 8500 for failing to produce the person of Moyer lb court in answer to the writ of habeas corpus Issued by Judge Stevens. I TRINIDAD, Col.-Mai. Zeph T.! Hill commraander ot the troops In t b e coal Helds, today lirtcd the press censorship which was establish d after Governor l'cahody declartd Las Animas county to be in a state 'if insurrection and (erel!l'n, Enters a Plea of Guiity. NEW YuRk'. Frank McNamara who shot and killed Captain George R. Jennings, president ot the Jen nings Anjustable Shade company of Brooklyn on February 18. pleaded guilty to murder in the liTst degree when arranged for trijl today. He will be sentenced to Sing Sing inr life. The plea of guilty was ei.tered on the advice of counsel because of evi dence obtained In Chicago. One of the witnesses brought back by tbe assistant district attorney was Heniy V. Cook, secretary and treasurer of the F'ahys Watch cuse company, where McNamara stole S5.000 worth of gold from the factory during the last thrc? years of hH employment. He gathered the sweepings from the floor and sold them to a Chlago jewelry firm. For his last theft Mc Namara received a draft for $2,000. He was then in Brooklyn and In duced Captain Jennnlgs, who knew of nothing wrong in the matter, to allow tbe draft to be deposi cd to his account In the Borough bank. It was then agreed that McNamiira should withdraw tbe money in sums of tfiOO. Later Jennings discovered bow McNamara obtained the money, and refused to let blm have any more ot it until be had obtained a release from the Fahys company. McNamara then made up bis mind to kill Jennings and did so shortly 'after. Gets Life Sentence. OMAHA, Neb.-Cbatnbers was summoned to listen to tbe finding i f tbe court on tbe argument recently made b' h, counselor a new trial on tbe ground that tbe court hud erred In Its instruction to tbe Jury that drunkenness at tbe time of the commission of crime Is not justi fication of tbat crime nor docs it GRAVE CRISIS NEAR SITUATION IN HUNGARY REGARD ED ALARMING- MARTIAL LAW PREDICTED ATTITUDE OF WORKINGNEN MAY MAKE IT NECESSARY. ffular Excitement RMchet Dangrouft faint ro'lowiug- Kiot at Klr. lUulu of Striker Grow. " VIENNA. The Hungarian situa, ,tlon Is regarded here as alarming. The socialists threaten to proclaim a general strike throughout trie country and in such an event It H stated in political circles that Counl jTUza, the Hungarian premier, will put tbe whole kingdum under martial law. Popular excitement appears to be reaching a dangerous point and the critical condition ol affairs is further intensified qy the near approach of labor day. Following tbe tragic event at tbe imarket town of Elesa, Dear Gross ardeln. yesterday In wblcb a so cialist killed tbe commander of tbe gendarmerie followed by the killng of twenty-three rioters and the 'wounding cf forty by the jendar (iues, a general strike has broken out at Grosswardein. Today tbe (shops cafes and restaurants tbere and even the schools are closed, and 'ihe business life of the town Is entirely suspended. Five thousand teamsters at Buda pest, 16,000 workmen at Debrleczln, 'the chief town ol tbe Ilaiduck dis trict, and a large numbers at Sge kin, the capital of tbe county ol Scongrad, are now on strike. 1 Troubles are also feared in other towns. Tragedy Follows Ho'dup. SAN JOSE, Cal. A masked man, armed with two revolvers, entered Ihe ro'ins of the Del Monte socl.il club and after lining up against the wall blx men who were in the rooms to ik a diamond ring, valued at i00, from one of the men, grabbed 'V0 or H0 from the table and then liHckcd out of the room. Alter pur suit oy citizens lasting over an hour during which over thirty shots were exchanged, the robber wai finally killed. Upon investigation the dead maj was found to be Rert Thorndyke, a prominent young man. Thorndyke was one of the btsl; known young men in this city. His iu(ither-in-law is Mrs. G. M. Uruce, a wealthy widow, with whom Thorndyke his wife and little child lived. Thnrndyk'es mother is a wralthy widow of Stocktoo, Destroy Marble Statutes. .v ' LOUIS. It was discoverod tod iy that vandals had entered tha French pavilion at the world's fa; and destroyed two of the most btau tl'ul marble statues in the sculpture exhibit. The stautcs were "T Etull du Iletger, the Shepherd's Star," by Roussel, and "St. Jean," bj Dubcrs, and had been thrown tc the floor and broken luto bit. Si rose trees from the French garden! were stolco. The French commis sioners say their Kiss in the de stine! Ion of the statues is Irrecov stable Ice Passes into the Lake. ESCANAHA, Mich Driven by t iimth-wciterly gale, with a velocity of foily inilis an hour, the ice rich! that has covered upper Green baj for nearly six months passed oul Into the lake today. Carried by tin ice Held as It was driven south, thi steamer Dulutb of the Escanaba Tratispoitation company's line wtij t'tro from its m ;orii. s and carried to within ten feet if the shore. One of the Stephenson company'! lumber docks is buried under t mound of broken ice nearly thirtj feet high. Mrs. Bennett Files Appeal. NEW HAVEN, Conn. An appeaj was taken today by Mrs. Grace Im gene Rennett and tbe othei relduary legatees under the will ol I'htlo S. Hennett from the decision of Judge Cleveland of the probate court by which tbe application fur tbe removal of William J. Rryan as executor and trustee was dis missed. The mittcr now goes to tbe superior court. Securities Company Wins. NEWARK, N. J. VlceChancelloi Bergen today denied tbe application of tbe Continental Trust company fur an Injunction restraining the .Northern Securities company from distributing Its assets In accordance with tbe plan formulated by order of the directors wltbin a week after tbe United States supreme court rendered Its decision declaring tthe formation of tbe corporation unconstitutional. 'Kansas has a flood FORT SCO IT HEMMED IN BY RAPID RISE OF WATER. riiaaaeU Buna Through Street. Illvid iS the CM j Mock LtMt and Property Dauircd Tor nado ac Mcl'bereoa. FORT SCOTT, Kas-Fort Scott Is experiencing the most serious flood In its history Marmaton river and Mill creek, which runs into tbe former stream here, have risen ten feet In tbe past twenty-four hours, the result of heavy rains. Several hundred persons have been rescued in boats. As far as known tonight no lives have been lost. Tbe esti mated loss to livestock drowned and property damaged is 1100,000. The two streams began to rise at 10 o'clock last night and today the city was divided into tnree sections and almost completely isolated. Normally Mill creek runs into tbe Marmaton river northeast of the city, tut because of tbe rapid rise they formed a new channel that rut across one end of the city. To right tbe entire northern part of the city Is cut off, and part of the city Is inundated. Ten feet of water is rushing through the streets in that part of tbe city and several hundred persons In what Is known as Hell town have been forced to leave their homes. Many were taken in boats. There were several narrow secapes fiom drowning. Many who refused to leave Belltown today will still have to be taken away in boats, as ll avenues of escape have now been cut off. McPHERSON, Kas. A severe toinado struck McPberson this after noon, demolishing six residences and causing damage to other property Three persons were injured, one seriously. Much damage was done In the country north of here. Beyoud Mcl'herson the tornado followed the ground, taking the path of an old water course. The tornado passed four miles east of Salina, wrecking telephone and telegraph poles and farm property. Efforts were made to follow the course of the storm by teltpnone, but all tbe wires were down. Graves Is Found Guilty. DES MOINES, la. -Charles Oi raves, a furniture dealer, cbarg-J with murdering his wife and burn ing tbe body, was found guilty in the district court today, a Jury rec ommending life Imprisonment. Graves Is said to have choked bis wl to death in a fit of rage and then to have saturated the body with kerosene, setting It on tire. His stories relative to firing the body and his visits to tbe home on the morning of the crime were con flicting. This, coupled with pre vious theats to kill her, led to his arrest and prosecution. A daughter, Winnie Reader, a member of the Grau Opera company, then playing in Chicago, arrived home to spend tbe holidays, and three days after the crime, was committed. She burled her mother, accused her step father ot the ctime and secured bis conviction. Church Pules Elections. WASHINGTON. -When the inves tigation of the Smoot case opened today Judge O. Powers was again called to tbe stand. He real a petition prepared by supporters of Moses Thatcher for senator, ad dressed to the senate of the United States, alleging that church In fluence bad been used in the elec tion, and asking for an investiga tion. Another instance of etiureb interference had been shown, said he in a mayoralty contest at Provo when Reed Smout favored the can tiidacy of George Sutherland. The Altuess said Smout was held in dis favor with the church and charged with going to the liberal party. Senator Overman askid if women were elected to the legislature In Utah. The witness answered in thai affirmative and said a omaa was chairman of the judiciary committee pf the bouse in the legislature wblcb elected Mr. Smoot as senator. Half A Million Fire Loss. CAMDEN, N. J. -The Interior of the large four story building of thi Victor Talking Machine companj of this city was totally destroyed by fire this afternoon, causing a lost estimated by an official of tbe com. pany at nearly Sb00,000. The con cern carried an Insurance of $250,000. Upwards of a half million phono ii rapine disc records and25,0(K) talking 'machines. Cannot Use the Mails' WASHINGTON.-In deciding I case of a western turf Investment concern Assistant Attorney General Robb of tbe postofflce department holds tbat tbe business of recelvlni of bets to place on the races Is a vio lation of the law prohibiting lotteries and games of cbance. Tbe concern therefore U prohibited from uaim tbe malls. hIHH TES I NEBRASKA NOTES A newspaper for Beilevue is being talked of. It Is to be called the I.cllevue Gazette and will be three columns eight pages. Tbe fiev. W. II. Morrow of Table Rock will leave for Washington county.. New York, where be bas accepted a Methodist pastorate. Bishop Williams of Omaha bas been engaged to deliver tbe commence ment addiess be re tbis year at tb graduating exercises at Beatrice. The general merchandise store at Leigh tbat was recently purchased from Al Willeriog by Rosenthal & K i arise, bas been (hipped to Norfolk. Mrs. Eliaxbetb Wright died at tbe borne of ber son, Z. T. Wrlgbt in Nebraska City. Sbe was a pioneer citizen of Nebraska, having come to tbe state in 1856. Judge Harrington of tbe district court at Ainswortb bas postponed all jury cases until tba fall term, and after disposing of a few equltj cases will adjourn court. The Rev. A. Bert after twenty five years as pastor of tbe St, John's Lutheran cburcb and teacbei of tbe German school at Harper, bas re signed to accept a call to Waco. Tbere will be a large class graduate from tbe agricultural department of tbe university on Friday evening. President Albert B. Storms will de liver an address on "By-Products." The Spencer young people who re cently organized a sbow troupe, bare been making tbe different towns in Holt county and closed a "starring" season witb the play, "The York shire Lassie." Tbe opera bouse al at O'Neil failed to accommodate tbe crowd. Wayne Garrow and Miss Maud Davis sprung a surprise on their re latives and friends byanuouncng tha fact that tbey had been married at the Methodist parsonage in Nebraska City the Rev. J. W. Scott officiating. Both young people are highly re spected in tbls city. Professor John Jacob Fossler, who has been superintendent of the Hartlngtoc schools for tbe past two years, bas decided to take a course in medicine aud not apply for tba schools ag-ain tbis year. Jobn L. Stlne Of Gretna has been selected by the board of education to succeed Professor Fossler. f Every saloon at Columbus was closed all day Sunday and Dot a drink could be purchased at any price. Mayor Boettclier has instructed the saloon men to close and tbe police were emphatically notified to arrest the first saloonkeeper who failed to comply witb tbe request. Aaron Steuvers, a young man living about ten miles north of Hooper was accidentally shot by a neighbor, Emil Subr, while th latter as explaining the mechanclsnr of nis gun. Tbe charge took effect In Steuver's right side and maj cripple blm fcr life. Physicians do not think the accident will result fatally. Miss Nettle Keehn, who disap.' peared so suddenly and somewhat mysteriously at Falls, S. D,, a daj or so ago, is well known to Ilartiog ton people, Hartingtou having been her home for some years, and until about a year ago, when sbe went to Sioux Falls. Her brother of Hart, ington seeing tbe account concern ing ber in the Bee, at once tele- pi oned ber employer at Sioux Falls, and was told that she bad left late the evening before ostensibly for Omaha with a strange man. Her folks seem to have no satisfactory explanation for ter peculiar disap-! pcarance ana appear to be very much concerned for her welfare. Last week West Point furnished a number of weddings. Theodore Luedke and Mins Helen Fernbolx were married by the Rev. M. E.i Sudtrock, pastor of the German Methodist church. The contracting parties were born and raised In Cuming county. John Horan and Miss Anna Gallagher were united In marriage at St. Mary's Catholic church, the Rev. E. A. Clement officiating. The bride Is a daughter of one of Cuming county's heaviest land owners, The groom is a Kear ney county farmer. Miss Mary' Scharfen and Casper Meier were mar-i rled at St. Mary's Catholic church,' the Rev. E. A. Clementz preforming the ceremony. Both young peopl will reside in tbis county. Miss Maragret Ryan and Joseph Flemming were married by the Rev. Fitzgerald at the Catholic church. The youn people have been residents of tbal county for some time. C. Vincent, state organizer of tb Farmers Co-Operatlve Shipping Association, was In Paplllion con ferring with a number of farmers re garding tbe advisability of building an elevator. Mr. Vincent Is member of tbe Omaba Grain 'change and Is well posted on tb grain and shipping business. It la aid the proposltlou was looked upoa witb favor and a farmers' elevator will In all probability be erected tbfct fcaion. A