Ik Hirrhofl Press-Journal NEBRASKA. The name of the Emprt!f of Korea hi Ili-Li. For the neit few month hi kigbnea hod better lie lor. He old faidiioiied financier will con tinue to believe that the chief danger ia handling money it the danger of los ing It As an example of the law of compen sation, it mar be net forth that the man who ia troubled by Indigestion has no time to worry over the weather. A German scientist has evolved a implicated plan for the prevention of Th first step in the pro gram is to keep away from the water. Never having had an opportunity In !bst President Smith, of the Mor mon Church, probably does not know how be would act if he should receive revelation from the prosecuting attor ney of Salt Lake. A man who was arrested in New York the other day admitted that he had lieen married "about forty -seven times." Vet we keep bearing every little while of some fellow who shot himwlf becaune the girl wouldn't have blm. A UKiii, made unexpectedly wealthy by a legacy of a million dollars frorj bis grandfather, was so overcome by the m s Unit he went out of his in hid sod had to bo taken to the lunatic axjlurn. Thus Is a now incentive fur nished the rich to leave their money to an institution rather than to relatives. There is no fear of a cororatlou goln 'batty" over a bequest, whether r peered or otherwise. Locomotive firemen are not regarded s good risks by life insurance compan ies. Vet the man who fired 'Tufflns: Billy," the engine which George Ste phenson built, and which was the first locomotive that ever hauled a train of passenger cars on rails, has Just died In England. Moreover, he was a well-grown youth when he fired ft.r Stephenson in 1823. In Liverpool transportation by street railways has so Increased that the aver age citizen had a hundred rides in the twelve months of last year. During ihe same time the trade In shoe leather as fallen off. Local statisticians have regarded the two facts as cause and effect They are asking what shall be ione to restore the shoe trade without Interfering with the business of the electric street railways. One inquirer wishes to know if the electric roads have also affected the sale of um brellas. In the "good old days" of long ago it was regarded as a gentlemnn's priv ilege to swear, and if his oaths were nicely chosen no offense was felt. It is not so now. Not that profanity Is ob solete, but it Is pretty nearly so In po lite society. It Is principally indulged In by uncultured persons or by the tipsy. Occasionally the gentleman may let slip an oath, under provoca tion, but in such instances he is careful to note that there is no woman within earshot The "d " at the dinner table or In the drawing-room Is un known In these modern and better lays. Men have a higher and finer re Hct for women, for themselves awl for the language than in former times. It is predicted that If our present tendency Is followed we will reach the fffortless age. Looks like It. We do dot do things for ourselves as our fathers did. We press a button and machinery does the rest. Every day ldds to the inventions for the simpli tcatlon of life. Man has dominion. He la using less and less of his physical force and that of animals. He is for rver harnessing new forces or old forces to a new way. And the end of It? The any ileal powers, by disuse, will finally become practically useless. The body win become a mere brain pan. Man will become like Mr. Wells' Martians imply a directing will power. The Sect on character? Character Is moral Iber built np by resistance. Obstacle are a means of grace. And upon bap sinews? Satisfaction cornea through accomplishment To overcome Is Joy. A dull, machine-made existence would be Joyless. There can be no happiness without stimulus. All of which is pes simistic. And overdrawn. Man will never give up bodily exercise. He dare ot He can bare a sound mind only m a aottnd body. If there la no physi cal work to band he muat invent some, aides, having overcome material thing to that drudgery la no longer aaeeawary he can turn to the real prob lems of human existence. He has learned that mere things will not make duraeter or bring happiness. And (feat machinery will not banian poverty sr avieide or murder or war. They see lessen It That's all The Alex aier of the future having conquered Uteris! thing will find two other to conquer the world of the and the world of the Spirit lean hare dominion over Himself. the effortless age comes there VCt; toe no men. asred all ever out land, from ttrSMtf take to the Rocky moun ts ever-lacreaaing number, tr tCM camps, where dwellers la feci it etty radMftfe tke complex 17 wtetar H for extreme aim- iri Oe eases, its meal of flat and Crzlcxl esCee, Ha taMe bar ef tinea and iJver, lis windows aitbout dra eries. Its bedrooms furnitJied with bed ! waxbsiaiid and mirror, it wardrol o ; uitiiiiig suit :;d use tvit g"" 1 the muft give way to the thounant devices of modern society its tablet and chairs and curtains and brie-a brae and gowns and hats and glove and veils. Every article adds some thing to the cares of the owner. Th long, lflsurely mornings of the camp w hen the sky and lake and mounlaij and book yielded their treasures ti the mind, are succeeded by busy fore noons with the duster and the needle or by wearisome sessions with dre maker and upholsterer. One asks ai the end of a day of this artificial lift whether civilization has really bene Cted the race. The savage woman 01 tiie tropical Island, whose housekeep ing consists in cooking a fish and sbak ing a bread fruit tree, is she not to in envied by the slave of gowns and bsts tables and chairs? A woman may r emancipated from the tyranny of "be longings" only by setting her fan steadfastly against the theory that be life consists In the abundance of thi things she possesses. Whether he ta rich or poor, she must steadily keej the number of her "things" withli her ability to care for them, and tha without fatigue. As soon as they in crease so as to deprive her of lelnure they are evidences not of advancement but of decay. The town house ma; take a lesson of tha cabin in the su periorlty of "I myself to the chal. In which I sit and the gown In wbicl I clothe myself. Rich men In office. Here Is a topi which provokes discussion each yea in the season of political activities Anecdotes will soon tie current of th( doings of millionaire Senators ii Washington, Just as stories are no told of the expenditures of opulent can dldate for office, State and municipal Many persons fancy that the govern ment Is falling Into the hands of tin rich. Our Presidents, It should be re membered, have rarely been rich men George Washington probably was th wealthiest in the long list, not in tin actual numlier of his dollars, bu measured by the scale of wealth In th eighteenth century certainly mor conspicuous In this respect In bis tin than has been any successor. Tb. I'nited States Senate, wblle It contain some millionaires, also has In its mem bersbip not a few men who have ti watch all outlays closely In order t keep within their Income. Purprisini and often amusing stories are told li Washington of the "short rations" many a public man, but such tales an naturally of the kind that do not ge into the newspapers. In giving pref erence to a candidate for office, neither wealth nor poverty in itself should r decisive. The practice, by no mean, uncommon in many communities, o picking out for the State Vgislatun a man "because he needs It" is as un fortunate as to give preference to i candidate for some larger office be cause he is rich. Wealth and povert; each brings to the individual its owl temptations, in public as in prlvat life. Each may also give to those whi are not broad enough to look beyon their own personal circumstances I point of view which. If too closely ad bored to in either direction, may bi prejudicial to the general welfare. Tin country needs in office men who are as Wlnthrop said of Franklin, n "dir.zied by elevation" nor "soured bj disappointment" REAL MOTHER GOOSE. Charles Perrault of Paris, Member 0 French Academy, Wrote Bhymea. The myth of Mother Goose and bei gravestone In the Granary burying ground persist! so obstinately that i. was a pious and a needed service thai Mrs. Arabella Stuart Austin perforin ed fnr the tmo nnffini r,f (mmn,.. nursery rhymes on the two hundredtl : I anniversary of bis death, in her papei for the club of Brooke House. As thi lecturer said, "People do not know al that they don't know, hence not reallz Ing that it takes a rare genius to wrlti fairy tales they have been wont to at tribute 'Mother Goose' stories to at old housewife, whereas the real author scholar of classic learning and re nown, Is Charles rerrauit, of Faria one of the first members of the Frencr Academy." There is no estimating the amount of One moral culture conveyed to aim pie minds through his tales In thi course of two centuries. The trlumpr. of docility over tyranny, for instance is nowhere more forcibly illustrated than in "Cinderella," that marveloui maid who, with her kinsfolk, has ai many adopted countries as there an nations in the universe. Lot all this tM granted, then the question la. What Ii there of high art to be found In "Cln derella"? There ia the flowing style the naivete of expression, and the In terestlng lesson that, with its pointed moral, lingers about it like the frag ranee of a choice pressed flower. It perusing "Rlquet With the Tuft" ont j is fascinated by the wit, logic ane , harmony of contrasts in this story of 1 ! beauty and monster. "Cinderella," tb feminine, and "Rlquet With the Tuft,' the masculine type of the class of uu fortunates. are only two out of a serlei of eleven of the seventeenth century Dublicatlons of the Perraulfs fairy" tales, and they still live, although theli author died In 1708, just 200 years ago May the fairies ever protect the nam of Charles Perrault! Boston Tran script. ' 1 It Is easier to bur things on tlm.1 than H ia to be Johnny-on-the-epo ' when the time comes to pay for them Many a man who starts at the foo of the ladder la down at the heal at tb finish. tv-UI 1H HS 1 t 1 I J H4 ' I IDt 41 HOlSEwlHS. iHllilllHlllfHI H-H-t Iiorwtbea von Schickel, the clevei wife of a great buxbaiid and tu daughter of a great man, was o't- urtied to lay down her knitting ueedi and take up her -n. She replied "There are far too many books in th world and far too few stockings." Mrs Ixuise J. Miin. in "Wooings and Wed dings of Many (."lime." Bays that tbii remark illustrate the poiut of liew w many German wouieu. With moist German women houe keeping is loth a science and an art 'ihe woman who 1 daily ami hourly engaged in science and art Is not woman of stagnant mentality. Hei kitchen is her laUiratory. Her linei room is her studio. The average German housewife doe as much work as any, but she niakei far less funs about it than most Sin doe no dirty work. There Is nevei any dirty work for her to do. for dir Is only matter out of place. The goo erman ijmiw-Hc-p-r never displace; anything, never allows anything tt misplace itself, it is a fine lesson ii j good breeding to see a German woinai make a cake or brew a cup. In the early seventies. In Chicago, ! knew a German family. From tin baking of their bread to the seeing o' their bread baked, from the diniuf riMiin to the kite lien was an easv Met r the child st ranger within thox simple German gates. And I bad mi first ami groate.t lesson in fleganct and the grand manner when I vratcln-t Fran von kilter pickle poaches. It was a sermon on high tlilnklnj and right living. She was so cool. s dainty, so tuiflushed. so golf jiosscsscd so cheery, but so dignified, so every liing that I bad supposed It imixissi llo to l)o in a kitchen. Although I wm only a little girl, I realized that Oil: simple German housewife bad In Imtl her mind and her manner many fun and high traits, which wore often mid ly lacking in the mothers of othen of my playmates. .Most of them wen women of lavish wealth, but not one o' thorn could ever bojie to wear her dla luouds with half the distinction will which this Gorman woman wore lie) vpotlcss cooking apron. HELD AN EXCELLENT HAND. Bat the Old Card I'layrr ThnuKlit I ouldn't Count in the Osme, Things had progressed to a poln where the young man had been practl cully received Into the family circle While he hadn't yet mustered up suf ficlent courage to ask the old mnn'i 'ousont, It was evident thnt he wouh in time. Thus it happened that the old man who liked nothing bettor than a gmx game of whist or euchre or hearts. In vited him to a little game one evening and, of course, he didn't feel that 1' would be policy to refuse. "You and mother," said the old man referring to his wife, "can play again) Gladys and me. That will bc fair. I you and Gladys sat opposite carl other you would prol.ably jerslKt looking Into each other's eyes, to tin p-ent detriment of the game." Naturally the young woman and tin young man blushed, but they suh nothing, and the game began. It wasu't much of a game. Wbili the young woman wasn't sitting rppo site the young man, she was sittinj next to blm, and every few miiiutet one or the other of them forgot t play when It whi his or her turn Then, too, there were frequent In qulrles as to who took the last trlcl and what was trumps and, altogether 1 the old man felt a good deal like swear tng on one or two occasions. Finally he made tip bis mind thai patience had ceased to be a virtue The game had come to a tandstil ? "KP1'1 ''"changed con . liilenees in a wliisner. It was notice able that each had one hand under tin table. "Young man," said the old man sharply, "I should Infer from the waj yon are playing that you baven'i much of a band." "On the contrary, sir," protested tin young man, "I think I have as good 1 hand as I ever held." "Well, suppose you drop it Tor n few minutes and try to play the cards thai are on the table," suggested the gen tlenian dryly. He did. His missing hand appeared above the table almost Instantly, an so did hers, and they both blushed. New York Press. After Wars, Male Children. Statistics of population seem t how that after long and severe wars in which many men are killed and thi male part of a country's population L greatly decreased, there is for severs years a preponderating birth of mail children until the normal proportioi between the sexes is restored. Thk seems to have been noted after thi thirty years war in Germany, afte the Napoleonic war in France an times after Uv even in more recent nicge of Paris. Absent. "Your new minister Is quite tire oine, Isn't he? Doesn't his preschlni bother your "Well, not at Wednesday nigh' prayer meeting." Gracious! Yon must be pious. J )nly go to cburcb on Sunday." "That's all I do." Pblladelphli Press. Tb" Way of It. "Judging from the price of eggs, ev T ben must think she Is laying gold tn ones," ssld Snooper. "And I am one of the geese that boy the golden eggs," answered Bwaybsci Detroit Free Press. I A brilliant pom season bas beet planned ai one of the world's fall ittractioos. The leading polo ttauii 1 of England and America will parti clpate. The poio contest ail occur oa the Stadium, the pro gramme to be arranged by the Nat lonal Polo Association of Americ These contests wil. give lb public an opportunity tc see many million aires of two continents mounted on bobtalled ponies, sportingly chasing polo balls with the lively enthusiasm of school boys lo the spirited old tame of'shinoy." A Heart Story. Kolsom, 8. I). In theee days when so cany sudden deaths are reported from Heart Failure and various forms of Heart Disease, it will be good news to ma ny to learn that there is a never failing remedy for every form of Heart Trouble. Mrs. H. D. Hyde, of this place, was troubled for years with a pain in her heart which distressed her a great deal. She bad tried many remedies, but had not succeeded la find.ng any thing that would help her until at last siie I wean a treatment of iHxld's Kid ney rill and this very soon relieved her and she has not had a single pain or any distress in the region of the heart since. She says: "l cannot say too much in praise of Dodd'a Kidney Fills. Tliey are the greatest heart medicine I have ever used. I was troubled for over three years with a severe pain In my heart which entirely disappeared after a abort treatment of Uodd s Kidney Pills." Railroad travel in Frazil Is dls rontloued on SuDdayi. Jo Indiana consumptives are not permitted to teach school. Only one-twentieth ot tbe popu lation of India can read or write. Silence I, a pbool' safety, and a wize man's strength. We all ptaie koDteDtmi.t, but none uv us praktUs it. It iz allwus safe (or a man to akt pcifektly nalral. Ingraltude iz but one ie move Id meanness from treachery. Children oever kuo how happy or unhappy they kan make a parent's heart. Sum t people never sho their tru karakters unless tber are drunk or Id a mad HL Tbare Iz nut b Ing to eazy to satisfy az our necessity, nor nothing so dlffikult to sitlsfy az our desires. Little Willie Willie "Mr. Oldboy, why do they say you are in youi second childhood?" Mother-" Willie 1" Willie "Ob, I know; Its becaust you are haldbeaded, Just like baby Dick." Boston Trai ns :rlpt. ' "Five special detectives from Scot land Yurd have been detailed at tbe world's fair to guard Queen Vic toria's Jubilee gifts which are on exhibition la tbe Hall of Congresses, w. C Foster, an attache of tbe Imperial institute of England, has charge of tbe presents. ( Seventeen stations, io of them being large terminal pavllllons with offices on the sceond floor, arc being constructed along tbe line of tbe Intramural railway which makes a sceoic circle of tbe world's fair grounds. The tracks and tolling stock are already for operation. The frequency of the stations enables persons to reach any part of tbe grounds by tbe Intramural. 1 Tbare is no theory that will work 'on the Jumping tootbake like the dentists forceps. HAS A SAY, The Srhl Principal Talk About Food. The Principal of a High School in a flourishing California city says: "For 23 years I worked In the achool with only short summer vacations. 1 formed the habit of eating rapidly, masticated poorly, which coupled with my sedentary work led to indigestion, liver trouble, lame back aud rheuma tism. "Upon consulting physician some doped me with drug, wblle other pre scribed dieting snd sometimes I got temporary relief, other times not For VI years I struggled along with this handicap to my work, seldom laid up, but often a burden lo myself with lameness and rheumatic pain. "Two years ago I met an old friend, a physician who noticed at once uiy out-of-bealth condition and who pre scribed for me an exclusl diet ol Grape-Nuts, milk snd .fruit "I followed bis instructions and iq two months I felt like a new man, .with no more headaches, rheumatls n or liver trouble and from that time ta this Grape-Nuts bas been my inai food for morning and evening meals, am stronger and htaltbler than I bavt 'been for years without s trace of thi old troubles. "Judging from my present vlgoroui '.physical and mental state, I tell my 'people Methuselah may yet have U take second place among the old men, for I feel like I wilt live a great many more years. "To all this remarkable change la health I am Indebted to my wise friend and Grape-Nuts snd I hope tbe Postnm Co. will continue to manufacture thli life and health giving food for several centuries yet, until I move to. a world where Indigestion Is unknown." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Ask any physician what be knows bout Grape-Nats. Those who bars tried It know thing. ' ; There's a reason." - Look in each pkf. (or the famont little book. "The Bead t Weflsflle." OZONE FOR THE LAUNDRY. tlrmrnt of tbe Atmwphrre that Has Proven it Valuable l'ifeiafettitut. An every one know s, ozone U an in l;speiiJtiiie part ot the itiQfiSphere irts.tue. It has recently been fnun! u lie of groat value as a disinfectant 11 Mime laundries of Paris. It h.n e.-ii introduced under tbe auspices of iio city government. A location in tbr" it. iluuore market was given for tbe un and the entire plant w ill revel the coriHiratnm at the expiration .' !wenty live years, during which period lie entire works are to le oen to in qiecliitn by delegates add students of hygienic methods of laundering. Tin wniie in tbi Institution Is used for tb iiiritose of disinfecting tbe bundles of flotblng immediately upon their arrival it the laundry. The method is such that article pass rapidly through the various proc Ke from the first reception to tb" dual delivery. The electric current destined for lighting the establishment luij for the "ozoneis." which are adu lt od by eight motors. Is developed by wo vrtieal engines of tifiy-flve-hors.-iiwer rsih, c;;!;j.-!ed directly to two i.vnamoH of thirty-seven kilowatt acb, a total of seventy-four kilowatt The "oiouers" are located In a specia iin evpre.ly guarded against pos. I'le intrusion, beesuM of the daugo from the high potentials utilized f"! the work. .V package of soiled apparel on arrlv Ing is at oui-e marked with a designat ing tag which remains attached through the various processes up to d livery. The first move after tagging Is to throw the bundles Into one 01 -veral huge tanks. This ling com (iloted, the cover is hermetically sealed and the ozone-saturated steam l turned on. At the expiration of about twenty-five minutes the tank or eylin 'lor Is discharged from the bottom mul Ihe contents are now freed from all possible chance of infection from tin- lulcrolies of smallpox, scarlitina. tuber :-ulimis. etc., ho that the employes nf the laundry can manipulate the art! rlcs frit" from all fear of contagion. PIC IN NORIHIRN INDIA. ? Tie, sir." said Henry Ward Ileoeh- er, "goes with civilisation; where there is no civilization there Is no pie." SIlis E. H. Keldinore, ihe author of "Win ter India," gives proof that Peshawar, lu northern Iudla, Is at least making an effort towurd civilization. it was bitterly cold that night in Hip government house of rest for trav elers; and as the two opposite doors of our grand salon of a room opened di rectly upon garden and court, we had sweeps of Icy air through It whenever a servant entered, and such currents across the floor from two-Inch crnok below each door that we soon retreat ed to Uie high slring-lieds, and wrap ped In our rugs, longed for steam heated and furnace-cheered America. The small pocket of n fireplace shel tered some hlsning green twigs that smoldered and filled the room with smoke which refused to escape by a transom window sixteen foot up in the absurdly high windward wall. It was a north window without cords, and wedged open to encourage further icy drafts that encircled us. The servant, bearing the courses of the dinner, was swept in with a small gale each time, but we dined well on the usual Indian menu. The servant made a final entry on the wings of the 1 ...l.1 I I ........It.. .1.. t ,.!. i'r". u"". m- isn tart. "Hut, missus " he pleaded in in J 11 red tones when I, too, had said, "No, thanks!" I had too often suffered In argu ments with Krltixh pastry to hazard It in far places, but 1 relented to this courteous old soul, and gave the heavy serving spoon the swing and force of a golfer's club, when potiff ! pou-s-sh! wont a fountain spray of minute flakes of true puff-paste up Into the air 11 ml down in showers all over the table. Wc gathered Lbein up, every flimsy flake- let, and with praises consumed the servant's masterpiece, the very npotlie oxis of covered apple pie, the most su premely perfect tart the Hrltish Hag ever floated over, away off there In the shadow of the Hindu Knsli, on the bor der hind of the "heart of the world,", close to the old Aryan home of tho pie people's first ancestors. The Yankee Scored. A Loudon paper, speaking "American invasion," relates of the that an enterprising Yankee came over to En! gland and decided to open a shop Iq Birmingham. He obtained premises next door to a man who also kept a shop of the same description, but wai not very pushing In his business meth ods. The methods of the Yankee, bow ever, caused the older trader to wukii up, and, with the spirit of originality strong upon blm, he affixed a notice ovci his shop with the words, "Established fifty years," painted in large letters Next day tbe Yankee replied to this with a notice over his store to this ef fect: "Established yesterday; no olij stock." New York Tribune. Where Training Coenta. "There," said the roan with the retj sideburns, "I a man who Is known far and wide for tbe pen-pictures be hsf made." "That sor said the chap with the prominent Adams apple, twisting about to get a look; "some noted author or war correspondent, I suppose?" "No," replied the first man; "official photographer at a state prison." Cln. elnnati Times-Star. Any man can easily make a fool of himself; all be bas to do Is to act kittenish. One of tbe most unique pictorial souvenirs displayed at tbe world'a fair is portraiture lo butterfly wings, tbe work of Fred Kempel. a Milwau kee arlUt. There is ixc &f Kve, tbe tac; and body painted In pigments while our Orst motbei's lui irlant locks are farmed ol beautflully haded bits of butterfly wings. Tbe body of the serpent is of tbe scaiiet winis of tte milkweed butterfly.' in tbe manipulation tbe greatest care is necessary, as tbe dellcito fabric tears easily. Mr. Kempel' will exhibit the portrait of tbe Pope, President Koosevelt and other nota bles. WtTMir W offar On Hundred Dollar tor raa of I starrb tual UtU't Catarrh I lire. esaaul ka aaraS ay V. J. t llh.NKY ft CO Props Toteoa.0. We, U uinJpMiiiiMMl. have known f .J.CheMf for the lai m )m. uid tx-lieTs htm rfeU hoDorabU) lo all butliiiw tnuimoUon aixl ri idle lu carry out any obugauuu aiaiia k tlieir Brin. Wit & Truai. WboleMle I)rut'i;iu. Toted. O. Aalijiu;. kujruiD ai iianlli, wltolauJa true i.u. io.f.l(i, Ohio. Haifa t surra t'urc If taken Internally, artlu Jlrec'tlr utu Mi bi'iod ami itiiH-HU MirYacea ai the kjstniu. Crit-e ?'.-. -r buttla. buU Sf ) Uri.ifi.ii. Tcaliiuotiiiia !r?s. Hail's Fimnr I'll. - iae bctt. Free to Twenty-Five Ladies. Ihe HetJance Starcb Co. will giro 25 ladies a round trip ticket to tbe 6L Louis hipi'Sltltn, to five ladles In each of tbe fuliowing slates: Illioius, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas aud Missouri ho will send lu the largest number of trade marks cut from ten cent, 10 ounce package f Do Uance cold water laundry starch. This means from your own home, anywhere ia tbe above named slates. These trade marks must be mailed to and received by the DetJancO .Starch Co., Omaha, 'ehr., before September 1st, I!K4. October aud November will be tbe best months to visit the Exposition. Remember that Defiance Is tbe only starch put up IQ oz. (a lull pound) to tbe pack age. You get one-third mote s latch fcr the same money than of uoyj other kind, and Defiance never stick' to the Iron. The tickets to tbe1 Exposition will he sent by registered mall September 5tb. Starch or sale by all dealers. ! The phonograph figures In tha teaching of the French language.. bonograpb cylinaers enable icaroera to get tbe exact pronunciation ot difficult woids. Mn. Window'! BOOTH ISO SYRUP lor tall dru Uwlbiiifr, totln the mini, rexlmne tntls Btallou, lUyipalu turn colic. Pilcei.'Hi boiua A feature of Egypts anthropolog ical exhibit at tbe world's fair Is a port!or of a tomb erected 4000 yea 1 si ego at Skakara, Egypt. Tbe tomb was taken apait and shipped to tho wotld's fair wbete It was erected. The painted chamber is 15 feet square, the- sides being built up t f alls of soft limestone. On tbe Inner surface of each, carved In lowj relief, are figures of men and animals.' Tbe identical color put on 40.K) ycats ago still remains. The name of tbe Egyptian for whom the tt.rnb wa built was Kakapu as Is shown byj the hieroglyphics. Tbe more a man knows the less he doubts; wnen reazon falls be lets faltb lead blm. Tbe printing ink used on the liable, of England notes gets Its deep blade tint from naptba smoke. Idabc apples kept during tbe winter lo cold storage, are the star products of that state's fruit offer ings In tbe Palace of Horticulture at the wolrd's fair. Idaho fruit grow ers claim that they have Ben Davis apphs as t)rni as winesaps and pos sessing a flavor tha v. Is unknown to ' the same variety raised in the east. I do luv a live man, Tbe only thing lo the devil's karakter tbat sives him from supreme disgust Iz, tbat be iz allwuss red-hot streouaui ails' ready for action. "I (MOW HAIR in ONE IIIGIIT." Famoas DoctorCbemist lias Discovered a Secret Composed That Grows Hair oa Aoy Bald Head. CMtcowar of ThU M(io Compound That Orowt Hair In a Slnjla Night , He sends a trial packaga of h)a new as4 wonderful trmnif free by mall to convinre people It artuailjr (ruwa hair, it up hair fail. fill out, removes dandruff and uulekly nt tores luiurtent growth to shlafuf Stain, eyrbrows slid eyelashes and reatore tM blr to Its natural color. Head four tat aud address to tha Altenhelm Medical Dla, i naarr, 1901 tnto Building, CI art ana tk Ohio, for free trial package, rnrkjaaaf a 'east stane ta aorir postaae. Writ todaje DEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIED wtJKSea CMgtrnl af tlM 1 N.N. U Ml- It. TOMt Sff ."'V