1 'r i 1 1 i ; I ; t.N i ., t. v; 1 :t i'i "r- m.i (.'Xl'MClAL I'ArKK otJX COI.'NTV. r Pi-r Y,ar. j, , , I . ; -'ii ...till, Jwr tlll'-.l 'l f1-' " - , . -, i, p.-r ni'i:ii: I' ?. .,.! :.! : :; J' ::T, or:- icu. '.( : , Is I r i.n" evrll -' H'p.rifi!' oiT t r. i -srlv c n! ra-' of s.- r :!- y i.r .--i ;.s a:' t t ti-. ar.-l t S t s . n :t r a . . ;;;;! ei i J : for in.? o .opiTi-M.t - - to it 1 J lL. n 1. hand- 2 i THE PIONEER PHARMACY. 1 jriiiiisit'K Sundries, 1-aints, Oils. VarnislieS, HOOlcS niul STATKNAKY. RICHARDS a- -JUNKS. Successo-s, J. E. hinney. STOCK BR'HDS. TBI Jofmit will wnMlrfh yiror tmm. Ilk. the f.t;o-tiiK, for ti rr vpur. '-'" iitu- al trud ?5 cents. t'"" "r ranrntnen 1 Uloui BJ adjoining counties riwnM ad vert lee their tirntirtii Hi 1rM' It rttwIntN all ener tie stale. II may the means of ..avli.g mwnrT' for y.iu Jolts; T vvow . llors.a hrw .elf FIX $500 REWARD. For Hip arrps and roarletlon ol nr P1'1? or prtlm ti-uMuK (ir li-fliniriB(siiiy lirHiulp o tx k brknigiiiy U the uuJrrtKinl par i ir i (1 r-l-1 ! 0 1 til, rhutr,. nll.-.y.c. ; liniBil. on left hi. ; r if i ll;:it J"";y La " ic a' (It-: -ill l ' ui. il;f Vtftl. ;TitE. 11. St 1 1 w ( )!-!;.-n-t irs'rrtfl an 1 ;!- r-ittli- t:. liH-ivm a.- -I ,, US an I 1 ! i K-ctions I.. I. liV.Ut n r.iUi i r-.tiN en- ' 2;5 ait'i i-t .i! ', lit: rv -f : :i mt t'Vt I. ! ;md 1:0 cattle n:uy ! shtj-.x-u out vn:v':ii nriiiLrj dij j ii. vii ! rh'- t.x i j lion hoi i in Knl, L l rv, how- j ii r, n j un of t!i' .-!-.--kynrt HOC.iiUi I -Hi :.!: 'i t-i (. l.vlr.'-k Im.- ;i:t -:-r,c (-ti.urt? at a l"ut cm tlif s.,i.I r i jf?,lx'i- I! -' : .u;.!,n !-f.-i! t:- '. c-n-.n-r flWflftt .;: It. SSiH-'l ' T. I. i. .-, i ' ' .v. i-:. ' ,!.. - , ' ;i ii . l--!.i-r )! ". !. ! 'ii a i' t' ' ' ii;. i'1 i-'h ( ti;ir; ? : :r v. :i ,iui ' i ' r ... : -oic i, . v i 1" :i:-tl .4 ln :n ... . ,"-. ,', ...h i i.ii! !tl h , tttit.tlrt'! :,r I m'j ' lh- 'UYl W ) I : Ol 1 1 ( i J, ij I1LT. If, -.." :.' M II M. tea k;o -ui.i.s , j , CI i.'l I M'1'. a il ;'i-t"U rat! ! a TC :U,:il -ii, nd eighty ,uth ' ti! ; , , , i. ..,...,., i p-pt. l!iry shall ! immi'iliatt" 1 iviiiuvvi! 1 1nT!-fi(in and tin 'liiil-s. alleys, anil ust'il i,an,ta,i;B0URRET& DAVIS, General Merchants. (Snrn-sMorK to MAliSTKLL UK 15KOS.) 6o. n7. - m rSl "" J" S I"ot iJlflco, HfWItt, a l... rt i'ui 1 i : ' ion o ; UiiO.f- .:-! th an 1 1:. i-alti" i' -! ! : : : n n't J of c-'lt- it 1'ivt of ,!i""ast, tf !-lili.iHi from , iiveeo ictifni IS srul ?4 : frtuii tlit-tu e eunt on quai ur ." "i 'i -f it- ' ' -' - ! ?it;lity n!.-. Sfntii ol Hit BttlK n -.rmn wfctuio tSaixl 24 to th t. , ii:t ( ine ltwn Ranees W Rr.'l I .!:! ( ' riii.iiiii'.r c:i't arri' b !" t !()!! ill ' - ' " i'J l"oi'.l,l;i Invile your inspection of our G(Kkir for quality and Pri.-es for fairne.-iH. Our tck a? complete aj any and ve t xjH- t to keep it so. lien in the lint- u"f DRY GOODS, SHIRTS, HATS, BOOTS SI101.S, vie, you will find everything in the latet-t up-to-date stylet and patterns. GkOCKKlKS. fri'i-li atid of the bent quality. FLOUR, GRAIN, CTKKI) M 10 ATS. HARDWAUi:, TIN W ARC (iive u? a trial. We will try to treat you right at all tinx h. BOURRET & DAVIS. ; Is- in 1'.. I" Hi M-y then: th'srou-ldy cleaned ; i:;iid diiisi"eet-d. Xo rattle! i , . , . . i Jti:ay 1-e rhipji-.l for Ii '"ii n.' or. rknic Ironi anv rlockvardr- V. lu-rt' :i !! ill-;-' -tor ..f t I;.' Jp.J- ':iai Industry ii !..n "'I 't ! rea u of 1 .-1 i 1 Si i; d v. ithor.t a ' "i't !i -ate other eh'- I'..! v : " 'I1'1 , t..l l. -' !. I jntUlk III till, M--U..U i:it !wt . -'! ' .ii:tl t'.): Ir .MI U.ITU' l'..t 1:1 -' . t:(l Towi.fiip :m i J;.ni;:, 'ii Wt MM-tii'i: I". '; hun.1 : hi i rJii tHS i.f .K I .i'Jll iilK- lil l1. kf'.l -' 1 ;9 ar.il 20 ami niity rfKii - nth 1.1 v-!;l' i 1 1 S j i'' 1 SOU OT' ( 1 .Mun lint- Irt-tKt-i-r. t i.ti .n 1 linn 'jd: lri.ni ( ,y hijn. JiHKi'S,!:!!, h,M l.iiip : -.i-j j., C;,,., ;t!(j imn Imp niiii.ii i; n.:i!i :r.! -nulii Hi M-ui .(!.... !...-.,' inn r,..!-, wmMi i (''-'i yaifls, ieli. r-h 'IS. fl.Ut i . i. ..i, ir .,,.,1 'ii.,' .. . f. JI x-t I 1 1 ill line ir. i" ci i n-. . iv. ii. ,.....-, t , I i i ,i I J u. I ' . I I II 1 . I 1 1 mill theinu MViUi nn anl luill . , f 1..... I i...,n .....ii ill ...I Ml .i. Tcwnst,, r,:,nh,Z,:,th ch 'a lied " J ' I; fei It d '!'.' feclii.n Im Wlitfui sii-imm '0 ai 1 : li la t e! v fjl tile calt 1c are l'e- i also bet fen s-liMi Ul ami nn'il , HlO'.'ed t Li '.. i'oni. i conncfis mith i-ounty HvoJ Ntmi'r '. renurts in favnr (.f locatint: faid n.a-i. All objection tb'fti or i-i,.inm for lOIl shall l,e done l)V fio-t l'e-! damage must l liiwi in ti 1 Vtin'y j ip.ovili '' a ! I i 1 1 1 a lid ma'Hile Clerk,fiU-.onorM.J,,., ' ' :,u,Uhi.u f 1 j j , . ;,. f ... i sui-fi rnail will be tillowod i!):cut r-!' ' . c-rn- thereto. j ior M.rfa ct-s .i th.-cars.-.nd the' HarriM.u, Neb.. Af HI, l'.l, l'J4. woodwork, lloori iU". aiii liie ' E.F. Povnrs yr(1,;;1(if thl. ,.1,,,,,... .;,..,, J. iecn. or eiH -pi; c:,tt !.'?, aiun.-'a.'Ki disinfect- WILHERiSBORFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kindK of Gold and Silver work done RinK made to order. All work guaranteed. KilRNLS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harnem made to order. Saddles re-covered. 'JHi'l pen- i -in f ! mi:,! f ftnit ,.'!: f ifntP. i.Ki:i.ATONS Til I'Ul.VKNT -r;ir.-Uihm!t--nW raii oiira id I n 3C L errr.i e,K M'Mll E i ,j ' M-a'., IS ( VI Ii i: "r i Ml Water, With fVU, UV i :ll! r. . - f ''AKT.ifKNT A(RK'l'I.TtKK S );': !;!" of the SC'IiKTAUV. :to;i;ow he n- il has liei-u ap- Commercial Bank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. ;en 14. Violation of thir order! DIRECTORS. vahi?i'ton, 1). C. March h. ' i-punisiiaoie by a Hue of not C. F. Cokkkk, 1'rehident. The. dipping must l)e done th'.u'oui-dily; thecattle must he less k;. n sli:(j nor more than -?'i,!!i.,o. or ly iiiii risomiii nt! F. W. Clarke, Caflner Cmas. C. Jamkhox. H. 8. Clakkk, A. MeGlKLKY .. il ..V .'...,; 1 l .V 1... . ...... .... ept iuthedi) botween two1 ... ; soirknien havinjr use lor a l)ank at thn point may rely oe and three minnbs and bej A j r;(t r No n'4 nMo handle their entire Ranking buwinea. i?'tVHy " ?R :1K . ; J S is Lerc-by revoked. i -Ve are prepared to take care of our trade at all time. (i lie tup muri oe ji.aiuiauie'i nearly a possible at a. tew iH'ralnre of 10.) 1 while cat-'ear- in it. U v.nt be rliaiiK pi. as toon as it Li.'coines hit hy .i" I'm n i mil itil' if t - i.n.-i i ARuKH-i-JamMwi-AH ,....,! ifKirt f tlw f f..ih !rtkM.a, pro- Cail.- .jt ';.K'HMi HI IT. lil UOj(;J. )iie , -i,;,.,,, 4 Nnrlb-W eli-rn K'v. 'i'i''t oi.e liiiiii i,f the gold found in the fase it be U : 1 when !Ti,n-e fiiw cK,.vd ir,pH. a.-.h lUM, t-'oiUd Ktuit-K, and are Mid U be tlie rifle . . . i. - .. .. ' .. !...:. . niw.iiimiir'i nt ilu. e. 1 11 ft III I l.s I .-i I iiH'iinii m cm frrnHnL lorrn mr reiereri.Te. 1 w - ' '--i..--. hereby revoked. J.II.RlMOHAM. Acting Secretaay RusslivJap(i.n Atlnn, Ten Canta Th, Kortli woistern Line THE BLACK HILLS. Hie Richest Hundrod Miles Square In the world. The Hlai tf Hills, in the s.nilliwestf rn m ore r.trrj one wee; oifl vrnpiy the vat Ih Ti l- .-i.-r., wt. .!.. i.. ! world. A new booklet n the lllai k (nlire: ,. .,.,.,,, ,..i; . IJilU. has liwn iKSiiud bvth Xnrth-Wrst- ontc';t:; .:i-.u?-tb. . - ... .mi n: -:'.'? or tit her loreimi niat. with tabJu lllWlllX ri-lativ militarv luOVed. in- ami naval trvi:Ktb '"id Cuun'aal rtvmr-' r" I'ln''' wllh '" b'tailwJ map of thin all sediiiie.nfs am l?:.Jlhv Department assumes iu i-e.-; o.-ibility for loss or damage resulting from the dipping, Suitable dripping and dry ing pens shall be provided. In ioli weather rattle shall not be dipped unless they can be kept in a warm pen until dry. Gattl shall not be loaded un- they have become dry. ,9 . Where large numbers of cattle in a district are ready fir transportation, inspectors of the Bureau of Animal In dustry will make inspections and give certificates for cattle found f re 4 from disease and not to have exposed to the con tagion and for cattle dipped under their supervision. Cer tificates will alw) be given at V;-: .'. . . , " 'i.-s i.f Kuia and Jinan. : wonui-riui rjfio. rwiul lour cetiU in Copy mailed lo any addr.-ns on r.ipt ' "'-'""I f,,r ' "py or th booklet to J. A. of tn (10) ii-tit.- in postal by J. A. K""r. AshH (h-n. Frt. and Fas. Agt.. Kubn. A't Go. Vrt. & IW Agt., c. 1 :l Norlli-VVVsUrn R'y., Omaha & X. W. U'v. O.'.M.i. i. Vh. Very Low Excursion Rates to Sr HherifT Sale. Frrvclsco .idLosAr.les. i ny Tlrtop of an ordi-r I sale mmiyj. by via the irtb-Wii:eru Line will lie III I tb clerk of the ntstrlct Court ol Mom elTect It Of ii all Ktations April 23 to Jfav ! county, Npt.ranka, nixm a (lp(rr readercd 1, in. Jilsive. mi account of National lU-inKlM homily in favor of Msbal .HontUpf. , ,,, , , , .,' jilntiitllT, and uftiitnst Jolin II. IlitrTon, Mary tail (jroit is Convention and the hi . K ,, , . . . Burron, his vlw, and William routlicr, rte- General t.onfert-ni;e. Two solid fat I fendants trains through to California daily. "The I M on the 3lt day of May i'M at one Overland Ltrntied"' (elu;triu jK,,ed J oVlork In tb aftprnoon of nald day at Hip ,, , , .. , ' pant front door of tin! rourt house of the throughout.) lem than thrpedayneiiroule. ; . ... , ... ,, . ' jn ... SH, pounty Rt HarrlHon, PbraHka, ladl at Anol hre fa..st tram i "The California public auetion to the lnnet bidder lor cm.li Kxpres-i" with drawinjr riMinm and sleep- J in hand the lellowlng dewrttip.t real fotate in car. Applv to AtferjU Cbknao & mit-J in aion county, towiu ,. - , TJ. Siuthwet ouarter of nortliweit ciiart'r North- Western R v .... , , . n aim iih inn. . in pvii.jii .ni iiia mi. I the aoutheat quaru-r of northewKt quarter (SK4 Mi') and lot one (I I In section twenty hi ',16 In township thlrty one (;il) norlh oi Kansrc flfty thres (W) west of nil Principal iM pridian' To satiny,ll onler of sain In toe sum of seven hnnrtrt t unit sixty Ave dollars snd twelve cents and nt rt and costs and aerriilug eont. rirst publication April, , IVM AVKX IIWBT, . KhentT is? said county. A . I WANTED Aentx, H UHtlerx, Salesman Clerks and everybody who wants to en, joy a K"d hearty lau'h to nend 50c for "Tip to Ah-'IH.s." Wortb .r,0 lo any person who Sells goods for a living. If not satisfactory your money bar k. Cir cular for stamp. Tin iJr. While) Elec tric Comb Co., Decatur, III. C. H. UNITT successor to C. H.NEWMAN -DEALER IN- F. E. J -iSDT. eft htpol Cattle. Sioux txrnntv. Nebraska, ' OKOKGK SWAN) tattle branded ior branded in Irft side oss left shea der, ran-e in Seldler Crei-k. Any (.lin k branded ai'!x-,ve tjelng pstrav id from my ra iite, dlpM-overet by any body n glviuR lue liilonualWn w 111 ! tewarad Artdren, H. Uobliixm, Nebruaka FRANK SCTTO. Cattle braaded anil aaine on der if bors. A!o some of the Hor--s tie are branded on l'le Mum Ider Koine as deserib above tnutbd. un the left left shout and Cat ami the eii lor me Address, Harrison, Nebraska. SAMl Kl. KNOHI. Cattle Urasited any m here on left side of the animal 11 un K'' on l'ral le 1'i'K And iluii roe Crs-kn. Address, Harrlaon. NVbrnska WT7 .jy lit HEW AKI. will -ii y 5.00 reward for each head of 1HVeCol viIIm' tihorw branded jn either jaw or thih turned 3 ver ' Tohu Biener on Kunniiu ater, also f 100.00 for proof to convk-t Bny p rson unlawfully lianuiiiig iny of said horses. W. J. A. Rai m IdiUKHT V. N KI'XK. on left side Cnitle llrumli"! KaiiKO on Aleocaltlp. brandiwt ilin.ililer or ship. Uniitfe on lliiunlng Water. P. . Aildiess Anntij. Neliniska. Oil left hip ou tef t ssifMft .it .rand.t il sliuul-ler ainlCattir hi I on let I "hie fall --k. I aramie CO. "i'yo. '( KIM KY.Y" I .IVk -T K Co Brniit.-! an left blp of CtU and on left ilep of Horses lia'iKe nil ll-ep Crept. ACdIPpa. Krpl reek l.I.e s-fn k o,. J. II. IUlmikt. tofpiiiai.. .h-li. NeliraaSa. IIIltWtl KK o- rattle tiruml d '.auie as that a eal, either .eft hip or on left sliolllill-r. mm mm llorws branded Hh any of above brands. Address. J. A. Asnrasoa. llarr:on, Nebraska. lUH HUtT UIS. tattle brand ed satnw as that un cut on eith er side of animal And tollowhiK on left side of cattle. 2si mmm .ud thl. And this on left side of she stuck. on lef t tide and kip. Hanireon ituuiilne: Wster. Post nuke A'l lresp, Harrison, lelrk. J, H. HCNTF.lt. cstlle brniid as stioa'fi V" ' t . v , y i3 put, on rlKht t '-, .'V ?-: f tiiffl side, blp. or V i !''' v."??"! .ho.iider. v rt:'&X.tii:i Also -a-on left sldu. Itlitlit'ea. rilpied $100 REWARD 111 la- paid foreviil-nce omvletlnK anv one lor rimtili if nff r In any sy luu. peril (j with stiak Uavlng say uf the above brand or briuirt. Ifanak si Andrews, Ncbr, A't'irisn. Ilorrlsoi Nsor, J. t. KVr.lt. ,'nttln bran IN l.t.YT .sun-: I'o-t'M-- e A 'dress. Chad ron Nebraska. j If. IIKNUT WARNtKE. Cattle brand ed on left side, HanRC on Itiinnlng Water Creeek. -p. o. Address HnrrlSon, Neliraska. A. P.. KENNEDY. Cuttle Ilriiiidud on HiRlit llin Khouliter P. 0- Address, Crawford, Nebraatts. Lumber, Doors, Sah, Lime, Coal, Wagon, Buggies awl Machinery of all Kinds. I aim carry a line of Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping, Towers, Wind Mill re pairs, etc. etc. etc. A large stock of feed, both ground and ungrouud al ways on hand. mail ericrs givea prompt attention," Give me a Call. Hoy lilnM Sulpher Dip Reedy Made Safer and better. Endorsed by Govern aient. Used by largest ranchmen f tin country. Doesn't burn th ayes. Haves boiling vaU. Roiling of lime eats them out quickly. 48 (HI bbl. fl2 00. Alan have 2 horse steam boiler f: 00 8 horse horse 40.00 for heating water. Write to Re Sfcask Food Company, Dept. A.. Oaiabtv, Me. OCTAVE II A K HIS. C'nttlo brsuded as shown on left Side with over bit on left ear. Range on Hun- 3 nlng Water, P. O. Address, Marsland, Nelir. And Cattle branded side, sad liorsea on let l NEIL JORDAN. HoTSPS and cat- 'al tie hr.nHMl either sldf, same at on cut. tin left jaw. I J -"aac-aii I 1721 Address. Bod arc. Nebraska. JOHN A. HANSON I w-i J Owns the follow Inibrsnd ob el th en Also HQ on Rat tle and horses cattle on leftside horses on left shoulesr. Kanfaoii liver Hprtnss sad east of state llae eatesloa-'Harrleesi Nelk Cattlj brsndist on .-iKni li1s "h.iis as cut A-.d also p oa Itflit lilp. 'St llor'is tirsn.te. " flkht SllOMidar or.'Jaw. Kiiniri-on W.ittu lliver, on' the old Have Coiville lijiih. P.O. Address; Vlen, Nehr. A S it 11 1-; tV ,t?A l I h'l'i A S" Cattle krand ed on left side sums as cut and horses branded on ..I i ,.ww.w. r '.i, luu'" sanio as rat ro the prsjieriy of Andiew hrlstisn an raiiKe tributary lo Van Tassel Springs. Addres.i, KlrtlCT, VTye. T2 WANTEIJ. Hprc.At Tlrrr.rsnrrrATrrE !r. th'.ft county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing, Salarv f21 weekly, with 3 per dav for expenses, paid each Monday by check dire:t;from headquarters. Expenses ad vanced, and horse and buggy furnished when oecesaarv; position permanent. Address Blew Bios., 640 Motion Building, Chicago, 111. t40 A WONDERFUL INVENTION. It is interesting to note at hat fortune are frequently made by thn invention of arlicles'of minor importance. Many of the most popular devices are those de signedto benellt the people and meet popular conditions, and one of the moat interesting of these that has ever been invented is the Or. White Electric Comb, patented Jan. 1, '90. These wonderful Comb positively cure dandruff, hair fulling out, sick and nervous headaches, and when used with Dr. While's Electric Hair Brush sre positively guaranteed to make straight tmir curly in 23 days' time Tle-iusands of thee elfsctrio combe have been sold in vinous cities of the Unioe, and the demand is constantly increasing, Our agent are rapidly becoming rich selling those combs. They poaitiraly sell on sight. Send for sample. Men's sue 35c. ladies' 50c - (half price while wuare introducing tham ) The Pr, Wmte I trie) Conik Co,, lA-cilur, 111. 1 jf Ith the juue .. if vt 4 ... , . - i 'V. -- .'.. -sv,.' .; mat a